diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b4edbfb3b..1cbca3c83 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ You can set additional options:
 Usage: js-slang [PROGRAM_STRING] [OPTION]
   -c, --chapter=CHAPTER set the Source chapter number (i.e., 1-4)                                                              (default: 1)
-  -v, --variant=VARIANT set the Source variant (i.e., default, interpreter, substituter, typed, concurrent, wasm) (default: default)
+  -v, --variant=VARIANT set the Source variant (i.e., default, interpreter, substituter, typed, wasm) (default: default)
   -h, --help            display this help
   -e, --eval            don't show REPL, only display output of evaluation
@@ -81,7 +81,6 @@ Currently, valid CHAPTER/VARIANT combinations are:
 - `--chapter=2 --variant=interpreter`
 - `--chapter=2 --variant=typed`
 - `--chapter=3 --variant=default`
-- `--chapter=3 --variant=concurrent`
 - `--chapter=3 --variant=interpreter`
 - `--chapter=3 --variant=typed`
 - `--chapter=4 --variant=default`
diff --git a/docs/lib/concurrency.js b/docs/lib/concurrency.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 75fa7c269..000000000
--- a/docs/lib/concurrency.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- * Setup multiple threads for concurrent execution. For each
- * function <CODE>f_i</CODE>, 
- * setup a thread <CODE>t_i</CODE> that executes the body of
- * <CODE>f_i</CODE>. Any parameters of <CODE>f_i</CODE> refer
- * to <CODE>undefined</CODE> during execution.
- * The thread that called <CODE>concurrent_execute</CODE>
- * runs concurrently with all <CODE>t_i</CODE>. Returns
- * <CODE>undefined</CODE>. This is an atomic operation.
- * @param {function} f_1,f_2,...,f_n - given functions
- * @returns {undefined} undefined
- */
-function concurrent_execute() {}
- * Assumes the head of pair <CODE>p</CODE> is a boolean
- * <CODE>b</CODE>. Sets the head of <CODE>p</CODE> to
- * <CODE>true</CODE>. Returns <CODE>b</CODE>. This is an
- * atomic operation.
- * @param {array} p - given pair
- * @returns {value} - head of pair <CODE>b</CODE>
- */
-function test_and_set(p) {}
- * Sets the head of pair <CODE>p</CODE> to
- * <CODE>false</CODE>. Returns <CODE>undefined</CODE>.
- * This is an atomic operation.
- * @param {array} p - given pair
- * @returns {undefined} undefined
- */
-function clear(p) {}
diff --git a/docs/md/README_3_CONCURRENT.md b/docs/md/README_3_CONCURRENT.md
deleted file mode 100644
index c4147ab00..000000000
--- a/docs/md/README_3_CONCURRENT.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-Source §3 Concurrent is a small programming language, designed for the third chapter
-of the textbook
-<a href="https://sourceacademy.org/sicpjs">Structure and Interpretation
-of Computer Programs, JavaScript Adaptation</a> (SICP JS).
-## What names are predeclared in Source §3 Concurrent?
-On the right, you see all predeclared names of Source §3 Concurrent, in alphabetical
-order. Click on a name to see how it is defined and used. They come in these groups:
-  <ul>
-    <li>
-      <a href="../AUXILIARY/index.html">AUXILIARY</a>: Auxiliary constants and functions
-    </li>
-    <li>
-      <a href="../MISC/index.html">MISC</a>: Miscellaneous constants and functions
-    </li>
-    <li>
-      <a href="../MATH/index.html">MATH</a>: Mathematical constants and functions
-    </li>
-    <li>
-      <a href="../LISTS/index.html">LISTS</a>: Support for lists
-    </li>
-    <li>
-      <a href="../PAIRMUTATORS/index.html">PAIRMUTATORS</a>: Mutating pairs
-    </li>
-    <li>
-      <a href="../ARRAYS/index.html">ARRAYS</a>: Support for arrays
-    </li>
-    <li>
-      <a href="../STREAMS/index.html">STREAMS</a>: Support for streams
-    </li>
-    <li>
-      <a href="../CONCURRENCY/index.html">CONCURRENCY</a>: Support for concurrency
-    </li>
-  </ul>
-## What can you do in Source §3 Concurrent?
-You can use all features of
-<a href="../source_3/">Source §3</a> and all
-features that are introduced in
-<a href="https://sourceacademy.org/sicpjs/3.4">chapter 3.4</a> of the
-Below are the features that Source §3 Concurrent adds to Source §3.
-### Concurrency
-To introduce concurrency into your programs, you can use the
-functions in the <a href="../CONCURRENCY/">CONCURRENCY</a> library. The program
-runs concurrently with the threads that it creates. The program terminates when
-all threads terminate. Any result value from any of the threads, including the
-program's thread, are ignored. Use the predeclared `display` function to display
-result values.
-## You want the definitive specs?
-For our development team, we are maintaining a definitive description
-of the language, called the
-<a href="../source_3_concurrent.pdf">Specification of Source §3 Concurrent</a>. Feel free to
-take a peek!
diff --git a/docs/md/README_CONCURRENCY.md b/docs/md/README_CONCURRENCY.md
deleted file mode 100644
index e3a1f28e7..000000000
--- a/docs/md/README_CONCURRENCY.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-CONCURRENCY provides three functions for introducing concurrency.
-Click on a name on the right to see how they are defined and used.
-Concurrency is covered in
-the textbook
-<a href="https://sourceacademy.org/sicpjs">Structure and Interpretation
-of Computer Programs, JavaScript Adaptation</a> (SICP JS)
-<a href="https://sourceacademy.org/sicpjs/3.4.2">section 3.4.2 Mechanisms for Controlling Concurrency</a>.
diff --git a/docs/md/README_top.md b/docs/md/README_top.md
index 33aedac01..17e62e591 100644
--- a/docs/md/README_top.md
+++ b/docs/md/README_top.md
@@ -31,8 +31,6 @@ the members of our learning community.
 #### <a href="source_2_typed/">Source §2 Typed</a>
-#### <a href="source_3_concurrent/">Source §3 Concurrent</a>
 #### <a href="source_3_typed/">Source §3 Typed</a>
 #### <a href="source_4_typed/">Source §4 Typed</a>
@@ -58,8 +56,6 @@ the Source Academy.
 #### <a href="source_2_typed.pdf">Specification of Source §2 Typed</a>
-#### <a href="source_3_concurrent.pdf">Specification of Source §3 Concurrent</a>
 #### <a href="source_3_typed.pdf">Specification of Source §3 Typed</a>
 #### <a href="source_4_typed.pdf">Specification of Source §4 Typed</a>
diff --git a/docs/specs/Makefile b/docs/specs/Makefile
index 9c90edd42..30cf44087 100644
--- a/docs/specs/Makefile
+++ b/docs/specs/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 PDFLATEX = latexmk -pdf
-SPECSNUMS = 1 1_wasm 1_type_inference 1_infinite_loop_detection 1_typed 2 2_typed 3_type_inference 3 3_concurrent 3_typed 4 4_explicitcontrol 4_typed styleguide 2_stepper studio_2 python_1
+SPECSNUMS = 1 1_wasm 1_type_inference 1_infinite_loop_detection 1_typed 2 2_typed 3_type_inference 3 3_typed 4 4_explicitcontrol 4_typed styleguide 2_stepper studio_2 python_1
 SPECS = $(SPECSNUMS:%=source_%)
diff --git a/docs/specs/source_3_concurrent.tex b/docs/specs/source_3_concurrent.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 6631becee..000000000
--- a/docs/specs/source_3_concurrent.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-\input source_header.tex
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\docheader{2021}{Source}{\S 3 Concurrent}{Jonathan Chan, Martin Henz, Koo Zhengqun}
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-\input source_intro.tex
-Source \S 3 Concurrent is a concurrent extension of Source \S 3.
-Source \S 3 Concurrent modifies Source \S 3 in the following ways:
-\item Concurrency support functions are added, see Section~\textbf{Concurrency Support} on page \pageref{conc_supp}.
-\item The given program starts in a thread that runs concurrently with any
-  threads that are created during the execution of the program.
-\item Neither the thread of the give program nor any other threads produce
-  any values as results. Their effect is observable through \emph{side effects}
-  such as calls of the \lstinline{display} primitive.
-  \item Import directives are currently not supported.
-The concurrency of Source \S 3 Concurrent is thread-based and deviates
-from the event-driven concurrency of
-  ECMAScript 2018 ($9^{\textrm{th}}$ Edition)}. Source \S 3 Concurrent is
-motivated by Section 3.4 of the textbook
-\href{https://sourceacademy.org/sicpjs}{\color{DarkBlue}\emph{Structure and Interpretation
-of Computer Programs}, JavaScript Adaptation}.
-We specify \emph{interleaving semantics} for Source \S 3 Concurrent.
-The effect of executing a Source \S 3 Concurrent program
-should be explainable as a single sequence of atomic actions. Each thread
-specifies a particular sequence of actions in a specific order,
-and the implementation is free to interleave the sequences of the threads
-into a single sequence, as long as the following conditions are met:
-\item The order of actions within each thread is respected (sequential
-  threads).
-\item Any action that is included in any thread's sequence of actions will
-  eventually be executed (no starvation).
-The atomic actions are primitive steps such as accessing the value of a name,
-accessing a data structure, reducing a conditional expression or statement,
-carrying out a primitive operation or calling a function. Such atomic actions
-are considered \emph{uninterruptible}; they specify the \emph{granularity}
-of the concurrency.
-\input source_bnf.tex
-\input source_3_bnf_without_import.tex
-\input source_return
-\input source_boolean_operators
-\input source_loops
-\input source_names_lang
-\input source_numbers
-\input source_strings
-\input source_arrays
-\input source_comments
-\input source_typing_3
-\input source_standard
-\input source_misc
-\input source_math
-\input source_concurrency
-\input source_lists
-\input source_pair_mutators
-\input source_array_support
-\input source_streams
-\input source_js_differences
-\input source_list_library
-\input source_stream_library
-    \end{document}
diff --git a/docs/specs/source_concurrency.tex b/docs/specs/source_concurrency.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 632810695..000000000
--- a/docs/specs/source_concurrency.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-\subsection*{Concurrency Support}
-The following concurrency support is provided:
-\item \(\texttt{concurrent\_execute(}\texttt{f}_\texttt{1}, \cdots \texttt{f}_\texttt{n}\texttt{)}\): \(\textit{primitive}\), setup multiple threads for concurrent execution. For each nullary function \(\texttt{f}_\texttt{i}\) that returns \texttt{undefined}, setup a thread \(\texttt{t}_\texttt{i}\) that executes the code in the body of \(\texttt{f}_\texttt{i}\). The thread that called \texttt{concurrent\_execute} also executes concurrently with all \(\texttt{t}_\texttt{i}\). Returns \texttt{undefined}. This is an atomic operation.
-\item \texttt{test\_and\_set(p)}: \(\textit{primitive}\), assumes the head of pair \texttt{p} is a boolean \(b\). Sets the head of \texttt{p} to \texttt{true}. Returns \(b\). This is an atomic operation.
-\item \texttt{clear(p)}: \(\textit{primitive}\), sets the head of pair \texttt{p} to \texttt{false}. Returns \texttt{undefined}. This is an atomic operation.
diff --git a/eslint.config.mjs b/eslint.config.mjs
index fe1295a9b..43b953686 100644
--- a/eslint.config.mjs
+++ b/eslint.config.mjs
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ export default tseslint.config(
       'import/order': 'warn',
       '@typescript-eslint/no-base-to-string': 'off', // TODO: Remove
       'prefer-const': 'off', // TODO: Remove
+      'no-constant-condition': ['warn', { checkLoops: false }],
       'no-var': 'off', // TODO: Remove
       '@typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment': 'warn',
       '@typescript-eslint/ban-types': 'off',
diff --git a/scripts/autocomplete.mjs b/scripts/autocomplete.mjs
index 34de8e977..d3e07482e 100644
--- a/scripts/autocomplete.mjs
+++ b/scripts/autocomplete.mjs
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ const TARGETS = [
-  "source_3_concurrent",
diff --git a/scripts/docs.mjs b/scripts/docs.mjs
index 70f0faef0..bd592b606 100644
--- a/scripts/docs.mjs
+++ b/scripts/docs.mjs
@@ -71,20 +71,6 @@ const configs = {
-  "Source §3 Concurrent": {
-    "readme": "README_3_CONCURRENT.md",
-    "dst": "source_3_concurrent/",
-    "libs": [
-      "auxiliary.js",
-      "misc.js",
-      "math.js",
-      "list.js",
-      "stream.js",
-      "array.js",
-      "pairmutator.js",
-      "concurrency.js"
-    ]
-  },
   "Source §3 Typed": {
     "readme": "README_3_TYPED.md",
     "dst": "source_3_typed/",
@@ -190,13 +176,6 @@ const configs = {
-    "readme": "README_CONCURRENCY.md",
-    "dst": "CONCURRENCY/",
-    "libs": [
-      "concurrency.js"
-    ]
-  },
   "MCE": {
     "readme": "README_MCE.md",
     "dst": "MCE/",
diff --git a/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/block-scoping.ts.snap b/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/block-scoping.ts.snap
deleted file mode 100644
index dc267db9d..000000000
--- a/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/block-scoping.ts.snap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`Cannot overwrite loop variables within a block: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function test(){
-    let z = [];
-    for (let x = 0; x < 2; x = x + 1) {
-      x = 1;
-    }
-    return false;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 4: Assignment to a for loop variable in the for loop is not allowed.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when accessing temporal dead zone: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const a = 1;
-function f() {
-  display(a);
-  const a = 5;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3: Name a declared later in current scope but not yet assigned",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`In a block, every going-to-be-defined variable in the block cannot be accessed until it has been defined in the block.: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const a = 1;
-  a + a;
-  const a = 10;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3: Name a declared later in current scope but not yet assigned",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`No hoisting of functions. Only the name is hoisted like let and const: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const v = f();
-function f() {
-  return 1;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Name f declared later in current scope but not yet assigned",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Shadowed variables may not be assigned to until declared in the current scope: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let variable = 1;
-function test(){
-  variable = 100;
-  let variable = true;
-  return variable;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3: Name variable not declared.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`const uses block scoping instead of function scoping: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function test(){
-  const x = true;
-  if(true) {
-      const x = false;
-  } else {
-      const x = false;
-  }
-  return x;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`for loop \`let\` variables are copied into the block scope: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function test(){
-  let z = [];
-  for (let x = 0; x < 10; x = x + 1) {
-    z[x] = () => x;
-  }
-  return z[1]();
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`for loops use block scoping instead of function scoping: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function test(){
-  let x = true;
-  for (let x = 1; x > 0; x = x - 1) {
-  }
-  return x;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`let uses block scoping instead of function scoping: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function test(){
-  let x = true;
-  if(true) {
-      let x = false;
-  } else {
-      let x = false;
-  }
-  return x;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standalone block statements: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function test(){
-  const x = true;
-  {
-      const x = false;
-  }
-  return x;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`while loops use block scoping instead of function scoping: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function test(){
-  let x = true;
-  while (true) {
-    let x = false;
-    break;
-  }
-  return x;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
diff --git a/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/display.ts.snap b/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/display.ts.snap
deleted file mode 100644
index 17d11e49e..000000000
--- a/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/display.ts.snap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`display can be used to display (escaped) strings: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(\\"Tom's assisstant said: \\\\\\"tuna.\\\\\\"\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "\\"Tom's assisstant said: \\\\\\"tuna.\\\\\\"\\"",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "Tom's assisstant said: \\"tuna.\\"",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`display can be used to display arrays: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display([1, 2, [4, 5]]);",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "[1, 2, [4, 5]]",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    1,
-    2,
-    Array [
-      4,
-      5,
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`display can be used to display functions: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(x => x); display((x, y) => x + y);",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "x => x",
-    "(x, y) => x + y",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": [Function],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`display can be used to display funny numbers: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(1e38); display(NaN); display(Infinity);",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "1e+38",
-    "NaN",
-    "Infinity",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Infinity,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`display can be used to display lists: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(list(1, 2));",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "[1, [2, null]]",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    1,
-    Array [
-      2,
-      null,
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`display can be used to display numbers: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(0);",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "0",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 0,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`display can be used to display objects: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display({a: 1, b: 2, c: {d: 3}});",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "{\\"a\\": 1, \\"b\\": 2, \\"c\\": {\\"d\\": 3}}",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Object {
-    "a": 1,
-    "b": 2,
-    "c": Object {
-      "d": 3,
-    },
-  },
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`display second argument can be a string: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(31072020, \\"my_first_String\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "my_first_String 31072020",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 31072020,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`display throw error if second argument is non-string when used: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(31072020, 0xDEADC0DE);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: TypeError: display expects the second argument to be a string",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`display with no arguments throws an error: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Expected 1 or more arguments, but got 0.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`raw_display can be used to display (unescaped) strings directly: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "raw_display(\\"Tom's assisstant said: \\\\\\"tuna.\\\\\\"\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "Tom's assisstant said: \\"tuna.\\"",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "Tom's assisstant said: \\"tuna.\\"",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
diff --git a/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/draw_data.ts.snap b/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/draw_data.ts.snap
deleted file mode 100644
index 065789fe5..000000000
--- a/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/draw_data.ts.snap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`draw_data returns first argument if exactly one argument: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "draw_data(1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [
-    Array [
-      1,
-    ],
-  ],
-exports[`draw_data returns first argument if more than one argument: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "draw_data(1, 2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [
-    Array [
-      1,
-      2,
-    ],
-  ],
-exports[`draw_data with no arguments throws error: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "draw_data();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Expected 1 or more arguments, but got 0.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
diff --git a/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/index.ts.snap b/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/index.ts.snap
index 2339d62aa..6c7570d78 100644
--- a/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/index.ts.snap
+++ b/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/index.ts.snap
@@ -1,230 +1,5 @@
 // Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`Accessing array with nonexistent index returns undefined: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const a = [];
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Accessing object with nonexistent property returns undefined: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const o = {};
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Allow display to return value it is displaying: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "25*(display(1+1));",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "2",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 50,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Array assignment has value: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let arr = [];
-const a = arr[0] = 1;
-const b = arr[1] = arr[2] = 4;
-arr[0] === 1 && arr[1] === 4 && arr[2] === 4;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Arrays toString matches up with JS: expect to match JS 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "toString([1, 2]);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "1,2",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Arrow function definition returns itself: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "() => 42;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": [Function],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Arrow function infinite recursion with list args represents CallExpression well: expectParsedErrorNoErrorSnapshot 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const f = xs => append(f(xs), list());
-f(list(1, 2));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Maximum call stack size exceeded
-  f([1, [2, null]])..  f([1, [2, null]])..  f([1, [2, null]])..",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Assignment has value: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let a = 1;
-let b = a = 4;
-b === 4 && a === 4;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins hide their implementation when stringify: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "stringify(pair);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "function pair(left, right) {
-	[implementation hidden]
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins hide their implementation when toString: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "toString(pair);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "function pair(left, right) {
-	[implementation hidden]
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Can overwrite lets when assignment is allowed: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function test() {
-  let variable = false;
-  variable = true;
-  return variable;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Cannot overwrite consts even when assignment is allowed: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function test(){
-  const constant = 3;
-  constant = 4;
-  return constant;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3: Cannot assign new value to constant constant.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Deep object assignment and retrieval: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const o = {};
-o.a = {};
-o.a.b = {};
-o.a.b.c = \\"string\\";
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "string",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Empty code returns undefined: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Factorial arrow function: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const fac = (i) => i === 1 ? 1 : i * fac(i-1);
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 120,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
 exports[`Find arrow function declaration 1`] = `
 SourceLocation {
   "end": Position {
@@ -547,561 +322,3 @@ SourceLocation {
-exports[`Function infinite recursion with list args represents CallExpression well: expectParsedErrorNoErrorSnapshot 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f(xs) { return append(f(xs), list()); }
-f(list(1, 2));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Maximum call stack size exceeded
-  f([1, [2, null]])..  f([1, [2, null]])..  f([1, [2, null]])..",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Functions passed into non-source functions remain equal: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function t(x, y, z) {
-  return x + y + z;
-identity(t) === t && t(1, 2, 3) === 6;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Multiline string self-evaluates to itself: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\`1
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "1
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Objects toString matches up with JS: expect to match JS 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "toString({a: 1});",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "[object Object]",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Rest parameters work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function rest(a, b, ...c) {
-  let sum = a + b;
-  for (let i = 0; i < array_length(c); i = i + 1) {
-    sum = sum + c[i];
-  }
-  return sum;
-rest(1, 2); // no error
-rest(1, 2, ...[3, 4, 5],  ...[6, 7], ...[]);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 28,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Simple arrow function infinite recursion represents CallExpression well: expectParsedErrorNoErrorSnapshot 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "(x => x(x)(x))(x => x(x)(x));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Maximum call stack size exceeded
-  x(x => x(x)(x))..  x(x => x(x)(x))..  x(x => x(x)(x))..",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Simple function infinite recursion represents CallExpression well: expectParsedErrorNoErrorSnapshot 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f(x) {return x(x)(x);} f(f);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Maximum call stack size exceeded
-  x(function f(x) {
-  return x(x)(x);
-})..  x(function f(x) {
-  return x(x)(x);
-})..  x(function f(x) {
-  return x(x)(x);
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Simple object assignment and retrieval: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const o = {};
-o.a = 1;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Single boolean self-evaluates to itself: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "true;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Single number self-evaluates to itself: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "42;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 42,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Single string self-evaluates to itself: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "'42';",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "42",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Test apply_in_underlying_javascript: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "apply_in_underlying_javascript((a, b, c) => a * b * c, list(2, 5, 6));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 60,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Test context reuse: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let i = 0;
-function f() {
-  i = i + 1;
-  return i;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 0,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Test context reuse: expectResult 2`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "i = 100; f();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 101,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Test context reuse: expectResult 3`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "f(); i;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 102,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Test context reuse: expectResult 4`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "i;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 102,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Test equal for different lists: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "!equal(list(1, 2), pair(1, 2)) && !equal(list(1, 2, 3), list(1, list(2, 3)));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Test equal for lists: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "equal(list(1, 2), pair(1, pair(2, null))) && equal(list(1, 2, 3, 4), list(1, 2, 3, 4));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Test equal for primitives: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "equal(1, 1) && equal(\\"str\\", \\"str\\") && equal(null, null) && !equal(1, 2) && !equal(\\"str\\", \\"\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`false if with empty else works: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "if (false) {
-} else {
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`false if with nonempty if works: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "if (false) {
-} else {
-  2;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 2,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`functions toString (mostly) matches up with JS: expect to loosely match JS 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f(x) {
-  return 5;
-toString(a=>a) + toString(f);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "a => afunction f(x) {
-  return 5;
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`parseError for missing semicolon: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "42",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Missing semicolon at the end of statement",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`parseError for template literals with expressions: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\`\${1}\`;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Expressions are not allowed in template literals (\`multiline strings\`)",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitives toString matches up with JS: expect to match JS 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "toString(true) +
-toString(false) +
-toString(1) +
-toString(1.5) +
-toString(null) +
-toString(undefined) +
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "truefalse11.5nullundefinedNaN",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`test && shortcircuiting: expect to match JS 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "false && 1();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`test || shortcircuiting: expect to match JS 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "true || 1();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`test false && false: expect to match JS 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "false && false;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`test false && true: expect to match JS 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "false && true;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`test false || false: expect to match JS 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "false || false;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`test false || true: expect to match JS 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "false || true;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`test false conditional expression: expect to match JS 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "false ? true : false;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`test true && false: expect to match JS 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "true && false;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`test true && true: expect to match JS 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "true && true;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`test true || false: expect to match JS 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "true || false;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`test true || true: expect to match JS 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "true || true;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`test true conditional expression: expect to match JS 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "true ? true : false;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`true if with empty if works: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "if (true) {
-} else {
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`true if with nonempty if works: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "if (true) {
-  1;
-} else {
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
diff --git a/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/inspect.ts.snap b/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/inspect.ts.snap
deleted file mode 100644
index ee1749372..000000000
--- a/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/inspect.ts.snap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2761 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`debugger; pauses for 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "head": Object {
-    "i": 0,
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "blockEnvironment",
-  "tail": null,
-exports[`debugger; pauses for 2`] = `
-Object {
-  "head": Object {
-    "_copy_of_i": 0,
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "blockEnvironment",
-  "tail": null,
-exports[`debugger; pauses for 3`] = `
-Object {
-  "head": Object {
-    "i": 0,
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "blockEnvironment",
-  "tail": null,
-exports[`debugger; pauses for 4`] = `
-Object {
-  "callExpression": Object {
-    "arguments": Array [
-      Object {
-        "loc": undefined,
-        "type": "Literal",
-        "value": 10,
-      },
-    ],
-    "callee": Node {
-      "end": 78,
-      "loc": SourceLocation {
-        "end": Position {
-          "column": 3,
-          "line": 7,
-        },
-        "start": Position {
-          "column": 2,
-          "line": 7,
-        },
-      },
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-      "start": 77,
-      "type": "Identifier",
-    },
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-      "end": Position {
-        "column": 7,
-        "line": 7,
-      },
-      "start": Position {
-        "column": 2,
-        "line": 7,
-      },
-    },
-    "start": 77,
-    "type": "CallExpression",
-  },
-  "head": Object {
-    "x": 10,
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "a",
-  "tail": null,
-exports[`debugger; pauses for 5`] = `
-Object {
-  "head": Object {
-    "a": [Function],
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "programEnvironment",
-  "tail": null,
-exports[`debugger; pauses for 6`] = `
-Object {
-  "head": Object {
-    "$accumulate": [Function],
-    "$append": [Function],
-    "$build_list": [Function],
-    "$enum_list": [Function],
-    "$filter": [Function],
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-    "__access_named_export__": [Function],
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-    "enum_stream": [Function],
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-    "remove_all": [Function],
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-    "stream_remove_all": [Function],
-    "stream_reverse": [Function],
-    "stream_to_list": [Function],
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "programEnvironment",
-  "tail": null,
-exports[`debugger; pauses for 7`] = `""`;
-exports[`debugger; pauses while 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "callExpression": Object {
-    "arguments": Array [
-      Object {
-        "loc": undefined,
-        "type": "Literal",
-        "value": 10,
-      },
-    ],
-    "callee": Node {
-      "end": 78,
-      "loc": SourceLocation {
-        "end": Position {
-          "column": 3,
-          "line": 8,
-        },
-        "start": Position {
-          "column": 2,
-          "line": 8,
-        },
-      },
-      "name": "a",
-      "start": 77,
-      "type": "Identifier",
-    },
-    "end": 82,
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-      "end": Position {
-        "column": 7,
-        "line": 8,
-      },
-      "start": Position {
-        "column": 2,
-        "line": 8,
-      },
-    },
-    "start": 77,
-    "type": "CallExpression",
-  },
-  "head": Object {
-    "x": 10,
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "a",
-  "tail": null,
-exports[`debugger; pauses while 2`] = `
-Object {
-  "head": Object {
-    "a": [Function],
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "programEnvironment",
-  "tail": null,
-exports[`debugger; pauses while 3`] = `
-Object {
-  "head": Object {
-    "$accumulate": [Function],
-    "$append": [Function],
-    "$build_list": [Function],
-    "$enum_list": [Function],
-    "$filter": [Function],
-    "$length": [Function],
-    "$list_to_string": [Function],
-    "$map": [Function],
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-    "$remove_all": [Function],
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-    "__access_named_export__": [Function],
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-    "enum_stream": [Function],
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-    "remove_all": [Function],
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-    "stream_remove_all": [Function],
-    "stream_reverse": [Function],
-    "stream_to_list": [Function],
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "programEnvironment",
-  "tail": null,
-exports[`debugger; pauses while 4`] = `""`;
-exports[`debugger; statement basic test 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "head": Object {
-    "a": 2,
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "programEnvironment",
-  "tail": null,
-exports[`debugger; statement basic test 2`] = `
-Object {
-  "head": Object {
-    "$accumulate": [Function],
-    "$append": [Function],
-    "$build_list": [Function],
-    "$enum_list": [Function],
-    "$filter": [Function],
-    "$length": [Function],
-    "$list_to_string": [Function],
-    "$map": [Function],
-    "$remove": [Function],
-    "$remove_all": [Function],
-    "$reverse": [Function],
-    "__access_export__": [Function],
-    "__access_named_export__": [Function],
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-    "append": [Function],
-    "build_list": [Function],
-    "build_stream": [Function],
-    "enum_list": [Function],
-    "enum_stream": [Function],
-    "equal": [Function],
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-    "member": [Function],
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-    "remove_all": [Function],
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-    "stream_filter": [Function],
-    "stream_for_each": [Function],
-    "stream_length": [Function],
-    "stream_map": [Function],
-    "stream_member": [Function],
-    "stream_ref": [Function],
-    "stream_remove": [Function],
-    "stream_remove_all": [Function],
-    "stream_reverse": [Function],
-    "stream_to_list": [Function],
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "programEnvironment",
-  "tail": null,
-exports[`debugger; statement basic test 3`] = `""`;
-exports[`debugger; statement execution sequence 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "head": Object {
-    "a": [Function],
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "programEnvironment",
-  "tail": null,
-exports[`debugger; statement execution sequence 2`] = `
-Object {
-  "head": Object {
-    "$accumulate": [Function],
-    "$append": [Function],
-    "$build_list": [Function],
-    "$enum_list": [Function],
-    "$filter": [Function],
-    "$length": [Function],
-    "$list_to_string": [Function],
-    "$map": [Function],
-    "$remove": [Function],
-    "$remove_all": [Function],
-    "$reverse": [Function],
-    "__access_export__": [Function],
-    "__access_named_export__": [Function],
-    "accumulate": [Function],
-    "append": [Function],
-    "build_list": [Function],
-    "build_stream": [Function],
-    "enum_list": [Function],
-    "enum_stream": [Function],
-    "equal": [Function],
-    "eval_stream": [Function],
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-    "for_each": [Function],
-    "integers_from": [Function],
-    "is_stream": [Function],
-    "length": [Function],
-    "list_ref": [Function],
-    "list_to_stream": [Function],
-    "list_to_string": [Function],
-    "map": [Function],
-    "member": [Function],
-    "remove": [Function],
-    "remove_all": [Function],
-    "reverse": [Function],
-    "stream_append": [Function],
-    "stream_filter": [Function],
-    "stream_for_each": [Function],
-    "stream_length": [Function],
-    "stream_map": [Function],
-    "stream_member": [Function],
-    "stream_ref": [Function],
-    "stream_remove": [Function],
-    "stream_remove_all": [Function],
-    "stream_reverse": [Function],
-    "stream_to_list": [Function],
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "programEnvironment",
-  "tail": null,
-exports[`debugger; statement execution sequence 3`] = `""`;
-exports[`debugger; statement hoisting 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "head": Object {
-    "b": Symbol(Used to implement hoisting),
-    "c": Symbol(Used to implement hoisting),
-    "z": Symbol(Used to implement hoisting),
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "blockEnvironment",
-  "tail": null,
-exports[`debugger; statement hoisting 2`] = `
-Object {
-  "callExpression": Object {
-    "arguments": Array [
-      Object {
-        "loc": undefined,
-        "type": "Literal",
-        "value": 10,
-      },
-    ],
-    "callee": Node {
-      "end": 108,
-      "loc": SourceLocation {
-        "end": Position {
-          "column": 3,
-          "line": 9,
-        },
-        "start": Position {
-          "column": 2,
-          "line": 9,
-        },
-      },
-      "name": "a",
-      "start": 107,
-      "type": "Identifier",
-    },
-    "end": 112,
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-      "end": Position {
-        "column": 7,
-        "line": 9,
-      },
-      "start": Position {
-        "column": 2,
-        "line": 9,
-      },
-    },
-    "start": 107,
-    "type": "CallExpression",
-  },
-  "head": Object {
-    "x": 10,
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "a",
-  "tail": null,
-exports[`debugger; statement hoisting 3`] = `
-Object {
-  "head": Object {
-    "a": [Function],
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "programEnvironment",
-  "tail": null,
-exports[`debugger; statement hoisting 4`] = `
-Object {
-  "head": Object {
-    "$accumulate": [Function],
-    "$append": [Function],
-    "$build_list": [Function],
-    "$enum_list": [Function],
-    "$filter": [Function],
-    "$length": [Function],
-    "$list_to_string": [Function],
-    "$map": [Function],
-    "$remove": [Function],
-    "$remove_all": [Function],
-    "$reverse": [Function],
-    "__access_export__": [Function],
-    "__access_named_export__": [Function],
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-    "build_stream": [Function],
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-    "enum_stream": [Function],
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-    "map": [Function],
-    "member": [Function],
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-    "stream_filter": [Function],
-    "stream_for_each": [Function],
-    "stream_length": [Function],
-    "stream_map": [Function],
-    "stream_member": [Function],
-    "stream_ref": [Function],
-    "stream_remove": [Function],
-    "stream_remove_all": [Function],
-    "stream_reverse": [Function],
-    "stream_to_list": [Function],
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "programEnvironment",
-  "tail": null,
-exports[`debugger; statement hoisting 5`] = `""`;
-exports[`debugger; statement in function 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "callExpression": Object {
-    "arguments": Array [
-      Object {
-        "loc": undefined,
-        "type": "Literal",
-        "value": 10,
-      },
-    ],
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-      "end": 53,
-      "loc": SourceLocation {
-        "end": Position {
-          "column": 3,
-          "line": 6,
-        },
-        "start": Position {
-          "column": 2,
-          "line": 6,
-        },
-      },
-      "name": "a",
-      "start": 52,
-      "type": "Identifier",
-    },
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-      "end": Position {
-        "column": 7,
-        "line": 6,
-      },
-      "start": Position {
-        "column": 2,
-        "line": 6,
-      },
-    },
-    "start": 52,
-    "type": "CallExpression",
-  },
-  "head": Object {
-    "x": 10,
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "a",
-  "tail": null,
-exports[`debugger; statement in function 2`] = `
-Object {
-  "head": Object {
-    "a": [Function],
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "programEnvironment",
-  "tail": null,
-exports[`debugger; statement in function 3`] = `
-Object {
-  "head": Object {
-    "$accumulate": [Function],
-    "$append": [Function],
-    "$build_list": [Function],
-    "$enum_list": [Function],
-    "$filter": [Function],
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-    "stream_remove_all": [Function],
-    "stream_reverse": [Function],
-    "stream_to_list": [Function],
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "programEnvironment",
-  "tail": null,
-exports[`debugger; statement in function 4`] = `""`;
-exports[`debugger; statement test function scope 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "head": Object {
-    "b": 100,
-    "c": 200,
-    "d": 300,
-    "e": 30000,
-    "f": 60000,
-    "g": 2000,
-    "h": 2300,
-    "i": 666.6666666666666,
-    "j": 600,
-    "k": 0.0033333333333333335,
-    "l": 0.5,
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "blockEnvironment",
-  "tail": null,
-exports[`debugger; statement test function scope 2`] = `
-Object {
-  "callExpression": Object {
-    "arguments": Array [
-      Object {
-        "loc": undefined,
-        "type": "Literal",
-        "value": 10,
-      },
-    ],
-    "callee": Node {
-      "end": 266,
-      "loc": SourceLocation {
-        "end": Position {
-          "column": 3,
-          "line": 17,
-        },
-        "start": Position {
-          "column": 2,
-          "line": 17,
-        },
-      },
-      "name": "a",
-      "start": 265,
-      "type": "Identifier",
-    },
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-      "end": Position {
-        "column": 7,
-        "line": 17,
-      },
-      "start": Position {
-        "column": 2,
-        "line": 17,
-      },
-    },
-    "start": 265,
-    "type": "CallExpression",
-  },
-  "head": Object {
-    "x": 10,
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "a",
-  "tail": null,
-exports[`debugger; statement test function scope 3`] = `
-Object {
-  "head": Object {
-    "a": [Function],
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "programEnvironment",
-  "tail": null,
-exports[`debugger; statement test function scope 4`] = `
-Object {
-  "head": Object {
-    "$accumulate": [Function],
-    "$append": [Function],
-    "$build_list": [Function],
-    "$enum_list": [Function],
-    "$filter": [Function],
-    "$length": [Function],
-    "$list_to_string": [Function],
-    "$map": [Function],
-    "$remove": [Function],
-    "$remove_all": [Function],
-    "$reverse": [Function],
-    "__access_export__": [Function],
-    "__access_named_export__": [Function],
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-    "append": [Function],
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-    "build_stream": [Function],
-    "enum_list": [Function],
-    "enum_stream": [Function],
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-    "remove_all": [Function],
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-    "stream_remove": [Function],
-    "stream_remove_all": [Function],
-    "stream_reverse": [Function],
-    "stream_to_list": [Function],
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "programEnvironment",
-  "tail": null,
-exports[`debugger; statement test function scope 5`] = `""`;
-exports[`setBreakpointAtLine basic 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "head": Object {
-    "a": Symbol(Used to implement hoisting),
-    "b": Symbol(Used to implement hoisting),
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "programEnvironment",
-  "tail": null,
-exports[`setBreakpointAtLine basic 2`] = `
-Object {
-  "head": Object {
-    "$accumulate": [Function],
-    "$append": [Function],
-    "$build_list": [Function],
-    "$enum_list": [Function],
-    "$filter": [Function],
-    "$length": [Function],
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-    "$map": [Function],
-    "$remove": [Function],
-    "$remove_all": [Function],
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-    "__access_named_export__": [Function],
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-    "enum_stream": [Function],
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-    "list_to_string": [Function],
-    "map": [Function],
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-    "remove_all": [Function],
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-    "stream_for_each": [Function],
-    "stream_length": [Function],
-    "stream_map": [Function],
-    "stream_member": [Function],
-    "stream_ref": [Function],
-    "stream_remove": [Function],
-    "stream_remove_all": [Function],
-    "stream_reverse": [Function],
-    "stream_to_list": [Function],
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "programEnvironment",
-  "tail": null,
-exports[`setBreakpointAtLine basic 3`] = `""`;
-exports[`setBreakpointAtLine for loops 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "head": Object {
-    "b": Symbol(Used to implement hoisting),
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "blockEnvironment",
-  "tail": null,
-exports[`setBreakpointAtLine for loops 2`] = `
-Object {
-  "head": Object {
-    "i": 1,
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "blockEnvironment",
-  "tail": null,
-exports[`setBreakpointAtLine for loops 3`] = `
-Object {
-  "head": Object {
-    "_copy_of_i": 1,
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "blockEnvironment",
-  "tail": null,
-exports[`setBreakpointAtLine for loops 4`] = `
-Object {
-  "head": Object {
-    "i": 1,
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "blockEnvironment",
-  "tail": null,
-exports[`setBreakpointAtLine for loops 5`] = `
-Object {
-  "head": Object {
-    "$accumulate": [Function],
-    "$append": [Function],
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-exports[`setBreakpointAtLine for loops 7`] = `
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-    },
-    "id": "95",
-    "name": "blockEnvironment",
-    "tail": null,
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-    "name": "blockEnvironment",
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-    "name": "programEnvironment",
-    "tail": null,
-  },
-exports[`setBreakpointAtLine for loops 8`] = `""`;
-exports[`setBreakpointAtLine for loops 9`] = `
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-  Object {
-    "head": Object {
-      "b": Symbol(Used to implement hoisting),
-    },
-    "id": "98",
-    "name": "blockEnvironment",
-    "tail": null,
-  },
-  Object {
-    "head": Object {
-      "i": 4,
-    },
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-    "name": "blockEnvironment",
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-    "name": "blockEnvironment",
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-    },
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-  },
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-exports[`setBreakpointAtLine for loops 11`] = `
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-  Object {
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-    },
-    "id": "101",
-    "name": "blockEnvironment",
-    "tail": null,
-  },
-  Object {
-    "head": Object {
-      "i": 8,
-    },
-    "id": "100",
-    "name": "blockEnvironment",
-    "tail": null,
-  },
-  Object {
-    "head": Object {
-      "_copy_of_i": 8,
-    },
-    "id": "99",
-    "name": "blockEnvironment",
-    "tail": null,
-  },
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-      "i": 8,
-    },
-    "id": "89",
-    "name": "blockEnvironment",
-    "tail": null,
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-    },
-    "id": "87",
-    "name": "programEnvironment",
-    "tail": null,
-  },
-exports[`setBreakpointAtLine for loops 12`] = `""`;
-exports[`setBreakpointAtLine for loops 13`] = `
-Array [
-  Object {
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-      "stream_remove_all": [Function],
-      "stream_reverse": [Function],
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-    },
-    "id": "87",
-    "name": "programEnvironment",
-    "tail": null,
-  },
-exports[`setBreakpointAtLine for loops 14`] = `""`;
-exports[`setBreakpointAtLine function 1 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "head": Object {
-    "a": Symbol(Used to implement hoisting),
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "programEnvironment",
-  "tail": null,
-exports[`setBreakpointAtLine function 1 2`] = `
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-  "head": Object {
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-    "stream_to_list": [Function],
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "programEnvironment",
-  "tail": null,
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-exports[`setBreakpointAtLine function 2 1`] = `
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-      Object {
-        "loc": undefined,
-        "type": "Literal",
-        "value": "bob",
-      },
-    ],
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-        "line": 5,
-      },
-    },
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-    "type": "CallExpression",
-  },
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-    "x": "bob",
-  },
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-  "head": Object {
-    "a": [Function],
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "programEnvironment",
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-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
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-  },
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-    "list_to_stream": [Function],
-    "list_to_string": [Function],
-    "map": [Function],
-    "member": [Function],
-    "remove": [Function],
-    "remove_all": [Function],
-    "reverse": [Function],
-    "stream_append": [Function],
-    "stream_filter": [Function],
-    "stream_for_each": [Function],
-    "stream_length": [Function],
-    "stream_map": [Function],
-    "stream_member": [Function],
-    "stream_ref": [Function],
-    "stream_remove": [Function],
-    "stream_remove_all": [Function],
-    "stream_reverse": [Function],
-    "stream_to_list": [Function],
-  },
-  "id": Any<String>,
-  "name": "programEnvironment",
-  "tail": null,
-exports[`setBreakpointAtLine while loops 3`] = `""`;
-exports[`setBreakpointAtLine while loops 4`] = `
-Array [
-  Object {
-    "head": Object {
-      "a": 6,
-    },
-    "id": "103",
-    "name": "programEnvironment",
-    "tail": null,
-  },
-  Object {
-    "head": Object {
-      "$accumulate": [Function],
-      "$append": [Function],
-      "$build_list": [Function],
-      "$enum_list": [Function],
-      "$filter": [Function],
-      "$length": [Function],
-      "$list_to_string": [Function],
-      "$map": [Function],
-      "$remove": [Function],
-      "$remove_all": [Function],
-      "$reverse": [Function],
-      "__access_export__": [Function],
-      "__access_named_export__": [Function],
-      "accumulate": [Function],
-      "append": [Function],
-      "build_list": [Function],
-      "build_stream": [Function],
-      "enum_list": [Function],
-      "enum_stream": [Function],
-      "equal": [Function],
-      "eval_stream": [Function],
-      "filter": [Function],
-      "for_each": [Function],
-      "integers_from": [Function],
-      "is_stream": [Function],
-      "length": [Function],
-      "list_ref": [Function],
-      "list_to_stream": [Function],
-      "list_to_string": [Function],
-      "map": [Function],
-      "member": [Function],
-      "remove": [Function],
-      "remove_all": [Function],
-      "reverse": [Function],
-      "stream_append": [Function],
-      "stream_filter": [Function],
-      "stream_for_each": [Function],
-      "stream_length": [Function],
-      "stream_map": [Function],
-      "stream_member": [Function],
-      "stream_ref": [Function],
-      "stream_remove": [Function],
-      "stream_remove_all": [Function],
-      "stream_reverse": [Function],
-      "stream_to_list": [Function],
-    },
-    "id": "102",
-    "name": "programEnvironment",
-    "tail": null,
-  },
-exports[`setBreakpointAtLine while loops 5`] = `""`;
-exports[`setBreakpointAtLine while loops 6`] = `
-Array [
-  Object {
-    "head": Object {
-      "a": 3,
-    },
-    "id": "103",
-    "name": "programEnvironment",
-    "tail": null,
-  },
-  Object {
-    "head": Object {
-      "$accumulate": [Function],
-      "$append": [Function],
-      "$build_list": [Function],
-      "$enum_list": [Function],
-      "$filter": [Function],
-      "$length": [Function],
-      "$list_to_string": [Function],
-      "$map": [Function],
-      "$remove": [Function],
-      "$remove_all": [Function],
-      "$reverse": [Function],
-      "__access_export__": [Function],
-      "__access_named_export__": [Function],
-      "accumulate": [Function],
-      "append": [Function],
-      "build_list": [Function],
-      "build_stream": [Function],
-      "enum_list": [Function],
-      "enum_stream": [Function],
-      "equal": [Function],
-      "eval_stream": [Function],
-      "filter": [Function],
-      "for_each": [Function],
-      "integers_from": [Function],
-      "is_stream": [Function],
-      "length": [Function],
-      "list_ref": [Function],
-      "list_to_stream": [Function],
-      "list_to_string": [Function],
-      "map": [Function],
-      "member": [Function],
-      "remove": [Function],
-      "remove_all": [Function],
-      "reverse": [Function],
-      "stream_append": [Function],
-      "stream_filter": [Function],
-      "stream_for_each": [Function],
-      "stream_length": [Function],
-      "stream_map": [Function],
-      "stream_member": [Function],
-      "stream_ref": [Function],
-      "stream_remove": [Function],
-      "stream_remove_all": [Function],
-      "stream_reverse": [Function],
-      "stream_to_list": [Function],
-    },
-    "id": "102",
-    "name": "programEnvironment",
-    "tail": null,
-  },
-exports[`setBreakpointAtLine while loops 7`] = `""`;
diff --git a/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/return-regressions.ts.snap b/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/return-regressions.ts.snap
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a6940382..000000000
--- a/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/return-regressions.ts.snap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`Bare early returns in for loops work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    function unreachable() {
-      return 1 < true; // Will cause an error
-    }
-    function f() {
-      for (let i = 0; i < 100; i = i + 1) {
-        return i+1;
-        unreachable();
-      }
-      unreachable();
-      return 0;
-      unreachable();
-    }
-    f();
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Bare early returns in if statements work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    function unreachable() {
-      return 1 < true; // Will cause an error
-    }
-    function f() {
-      if (true) {
-        return 1;
-        unreachable();
-      } else {}
-      unreachable();
-      return 0;
-      unreachable();
-    }
-    f();
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Bare early returns in while loops work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    function unreachable() {
-      return 1 < true; // Will cause an error
-    }
-    function f() {
-      while (true) {
-        return 1;
-        unreachable();
-      }
-      unreachable();
-      return 0;
-      unreachable();
-    }
-    f();
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Bare early returns work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    function unreachable() {
-      return 1 < true; // Will cause an error
-    }
-    function f() {
-      return 1;
-      unreachable();
-      return 0;
-      unreachable();
-    }
-    f();
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Calling unreachable results in error: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    function unreachable() {
-      return 1 < true; // Will cause an error
-    }
-    function f() {
-      unreachable();
-      return 0;
-    }
-    f();
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3: Expected number on right hand side of operation, got boolean.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Recursive call early returns in for loops work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    function unreachable() {
-      return 1 < true; // Will cause an error
-    }
-    function id(x) {
-      return x;
-    }
-    function f() {
-      for (let i = 0; i < 100; i = i + 1) {
-        return id(i+1) + id(i+2);
-      }
-      return 0;
-    }
-    f();
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 3,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Recursive call early returns in if statements work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    function unreachable() {
-      return 1 < true; // Will cause an error
-    }
-    function id(x) {
-      return x;
-    }
-    function f() {
-      if (true) {
-        return id(1) + id(2);
-        unreachable();
-      } else {}
-      unreachable();
-      return 0;
-      unreachable();
-    }
-    f();
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 3,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Recursive call early returns in while loops work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    function unreachable() {
-      return 1 < true; // Will cause an error
-    }
-    function id(x) {
-      return x;
-    }
-    function f() {
-      while (true) {
-        return id(1) + id(2);
-        unreachable();
-      }
-      unreachable();
-      return 0;
-      unreachable();
-    }
-    f();
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 3,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Recursive call early returns work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    function unreachable() {
-      return 1 < true; // Will cause an error
-    }
-    function id(x) {
-      return x;
-    }
-    function f() {
-      return id(1) + id(2);
-      unreachable();
-      return 0;
-      unreachable();
-    }
-    f();
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 3,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Tail call early returns in for loops work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    function unreachable() {
-      return 1 < true; // Will cause an error
-    }
-    function id(x) {
-      return x;
-    }
-    function f() {
-      for (let i = 0; i < 100; i = i + 1) {
-        return id(i+1);
-        unreachable();
-      }
-      unreachable();
-      return 0;
-      unreachable();
-    }
-    f();
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Tail call early returns in if statements work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    function unreachable() {
-      return 1 < true; // Will cause an error
-    }
-    function id(x) {
-      return x;
-    }
-    function f() {
-      if (true) {
-        return id(1);
-        unreachable();
-      } else {}
-      unreachable();
-      return 0;
-      unreachable();
-    }
-    f();
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Tail call early returns in while loops work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    function unreachable() {
-      return 1 < true; // Will cause an error
-    }
-    function id(x) {
-      return x;
-    }
-    function f() {
-      while (true) {
-        return id(1);
-        unreachable();
-      }
-      unreachable();
-      return 0;
-      unreachable();
-    }
-    f();
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Tail call early returns work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    function unreachable() {
-      return 1 < true; // Will cause an error
-    }
-    function id(x) {
-      return x;
-    }
-    function f() {
-      return id(1);
-      unreachable();
-      return 0;
-      unreachable();
-    }
-    f();
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
diff --git a/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/stdlib.ts.snap b/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/stdlib.ts.snap
index 6bfca218b..2efb0a3ad 100644
--- a/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/stdlib.ts.snap
+++ b/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/stdlib.ts.snap
@@ -1,829 +1,13 @@
 // Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 0: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display('message');",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "\\"message\\"",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "message",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+exports[`Builtins work as expected 1 1`] = `"Line 1: Error: \\"error!\\""`;
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 1: fails 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "error('error!');",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Error: \\"error!\\"",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+exports[`Builtins work as expected 56 1`] = `"Line 1: Error: head(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered null"`;
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 2: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_undefined(undefined);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+exports[`Builtins work as expected 57 1`] = `"Line 1: Error: tail(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered null"`;
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 3: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_undefined(null);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+exports[`Builtins work as expected 58 1`] = `"Line 1: Error: head(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered 1"`;
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 4: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_null(undefined);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+exports[`Builtins work as expected 59 1`] = `"Line 1: Error: tail(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered 1"`;
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 5: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_null(null);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 6: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_string('string');",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 7: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_string('true');",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 8: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_string('1');",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 9: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_string(true);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 10: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_string(1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 11: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_number('string');",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 12: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_number('true');",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 13: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_number('1');",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 14: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_number(true);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 15: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_number(1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 16: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_boolean('string');",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 17: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_boolean('true');",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 18: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_boolean('1');",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 19: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_boolean(true);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 20: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_boolean(1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 21: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_function(display);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 22: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_function(x => x);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 23: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f(x) {
-  return x;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 24: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_function(1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 25: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_array(1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 26: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_array(pair(1, 2));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 27: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_array([1]);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 28: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_object(1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 29: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_object(pair(1, 2));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 30: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_object([1]);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 31: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_object({});",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 32: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_object({a: 1});",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 33: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_object(x => x);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 34: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_object(display);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 35: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_object(1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 36: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_object('string');",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 37: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_object(true);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 38: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_NaN(1 / 0);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 39: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_NaN(NaN);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 40: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_NaN(1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 41: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_NaN(x => x);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 42: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "has_own_property({a: 1, b: 2}, 'a');",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 43: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "has_own_property({a: 1, b: 2}, 'c');",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 44: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "array_length([1]);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 45: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse_int('10', 10);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 10,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 46: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse_int('10', 2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 2,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 47: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_number(get_time());",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 48: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const start = get_time();
-function repeatUntilDifferentTime() {
-  if (start === get_time()) {
-    return repeatUntilDifferentTime();
-  } else {
-    return true;
-  }
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 49: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "pair(1, 2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    1,
-    2,
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 50: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "list(1, 2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    1,
-    Array [
-      2,
-      null,
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 51: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_list(1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 52: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_list(pair(1, 2));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 53: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_list(list(1, 2));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 54: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "head(pair(1, 2));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 55: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "tail(pair(1, 2));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 2,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 56: fails 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "head(null);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Error: head(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered null",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 57: fails 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "tail(null);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Error: tail(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered null",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 58: fails 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "head(1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Error: head(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered 1",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 59: fails 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "tail(1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Error: tail(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered 1",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 60: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "length(list(1, 2));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 2,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 61: fails 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "length(1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 33: Error: tail(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered 1",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+exports[`Builtins work as expected 61 1`] = `"Line 33: Error: tail(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered 1"`;
diff --git a/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/stringify.ts.snap b/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/stringify.ts.snap
deleted file mode 100644
index 609e54290..000000000
--- a/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/stringify.ts.snap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,543 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`Correctly handles circular structures with multiple entry points: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const x = enum_list(1, 3);
-set_tail(tail(tail(x)), x);
-stringify(list(x, tail(x), tail(tail(x))));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "[ [1, [2, [3, ...<circular>]]],
-[[2, [3, [1, ...<circular>]]], [[3, [1, [2, ...<circular>]]], null]]]",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`String representation of arrays are nice: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const xs = [1, 'true', true, () => 1];
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "[1, \\"true\\", true, () => 1]",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`String representation of arrow functions are nice: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const f = (x, y) => x;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "(x, y) => x",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`String representation of big objects are nice: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const o = { a: 1, b: true, c: () => 1, d: { e: 5, f: 6 }, g: 0, h: 0, i: 0, j: 0, k: 0, l: 0, m: 0, n: 0};
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "{ \\"a\\": 1,
-  \\"b\\": true,
-  \\"c\\": () => 1,
-  \\"d\\": {\\"e\\": 5, \\"f\\": 6},
-  \\"g\\": 0,
-  \\"h\\": 0,
-  \\"i\\": 0,
-  \\"j\\": 0,
-  \\"k\\": 0,
-  \\"l\\": 0,
-  \\"m\\": 0,
-  \\"n\\": 0}",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`String representation of booleans are nice: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "stringify('true');",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "\\"true\\"",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`String representation of builtins are nice: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "stringify(pair);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "function pair(left, right) {
-	[implementation hidden]
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`String representation of empty arrays are nice: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const xs = [];
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "[]",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`String representation of functions are nice: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f(x, y) {
-  return x;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "function f(x, y) {
-  return x;
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`String representation of huge arrays are nice: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const arr = [];
-for (let i = 0; i < 100; i = i + 1) {
-  arr[i] = i;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "[ 0,
-  1,
-  2,
-  3,
-  4,
-  5,
-  6,
-  7,
-  8,
-  9,
-  10,
-  11,
-  12,
-  13,
-  14,
-  15,
-  16,
-  17,
-  18,
-  19,
-  20,
-  21,
-  22,
-  23,
-  24,
-  25,
-  26,
-  27,
-  28,
-  29,
-  30,
-  31,
-  32,
-  33,
-  34,
-  35,
-  36,
-  37,
-  38,
-  39,
-  40,
-  41,
-  42,
-  43,
-  44,
-  45,
-  46,
-  47,
-  48,
-  49,
-  50,
-  51,
-  52,
-  53,
-  54,
-  55,
-  56,
-  57,
-  58,
-  59,
-  60,
-  61,
-  62,
-  63,
-  64,
-  65,
-  66,
-  67,
-  68,
-  69,
-  70,
-  71,
-  72,
-  73,
-  74,
-  75,
-  76,
-  77,
-  78,
-  79,
-  80,
-  81,
-  82,
-  83,
-  84,
-  85,
-  86,
-  87,
-  88,
-  89,
-  90,
-  91,
-  92,
-  93,
-  94,
-  95,
-  96,
-  97,
-  98,
-  99]",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`String representation of huge lists are nice: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "stringify(enum_list(1, 100));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "[ 1,
-[ 2,
-[ 3,
-[ 4,
-[ 5,
-[ 6,
-[ 7,
-[ 8,
-[ 9,
-[ 10,
-[ 11,
-[ 12,
-[ 13,
-[ 14,
-[ 15,
-[ 16,
-[ 17,
-[ 18,
-[ 19,
-[ 20,
-[ 21,
-[ 22,
-[ 23,
-[ 24,
-[ 25,
-[ 26,
-[ 27,
-[ 28,
-[ 29,
-[ 30,
-[ 31,
-[ 32,
-[ 33,
-[ 34,
-[ 35,
-[ 36,
-[ 37,
-[ 38,
-[ 39,
-[ 40,
-[ 41,
-[ 42,
-[ 43,
-[ 44,
-[ 45,
-[ 46,
-[ 47,
-[ 48,
-[ 49,
-[ 50,
-[ 51,
-[ 52,
-[ 53,
-[ 54,
-[ 55,
-[ 56,
-[ 57,
-[ 58,
-[ 59,
-[ 60,
-[ 61,
-[ 62,
-[ 63,
-[ 64,
-[ 65,
-[ 66,
-[ 67,
-[ 68,
-[ 69,
-[ 70,
-[ 71,
-[ 72,
-[ 73,
-[ 74,
-[ 75,
-[ 76,
-[ 77,
-[ 78,
-[ 79,
-[ 80,
-[ 81,
-[ 82,
-[ 83,
-[ 84,
-[ 85,
-[ 86,
-[ 87,
-[ 88,
-[89, [90, [91, [92, [93, [94, [95, [96, [97, [98, [99, [100, null]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`String representation of lists are nice: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "stringify(enum_list(1, 10));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "[1, [2, [3, [4, [5, [6, [7, [8, [9, [10, null]]]]]]]]]]",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`String representation of multidimensional arrays are nice: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const xs = [1, 'true', [true, () => 1, [[]]]];
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "[1, \\"true\\", [true, () => 1, [[]]]]",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`String representation of nested objects are nice: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const o = { a: 1, b: true, c: () => 1, d: { e: 5, f: 6 } };
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "{\\"a\\": 1, \\"b\\": true, \\"c\\": () => 1, \\"d\\": {\\"e\\": 5, \\"f\\": 6}}",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`String representation of nested objects are nice: expectResult 2`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let o = {};
-o.o = o;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "{\\"o\\": ...<circular>}",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`String representation of null is nice: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "stringify(null);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "null",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`String representation of numbers are nice: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "stringify(0);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "0",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`String representation of objects are nice: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const o = { a: 1, b: true, c: () => 1 };
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "{\\"a\\": 1, \\"b\\": true, \\"c\\": () => 1}",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`String representation of objects with toReplString member calls toReplString: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const o = { toReplString: () => '<RUNE>' };
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "<RUNE>",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`String representation of strings are nice: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "stringify('a string');",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "\\"a string\\"",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`String representation of undefined is nice: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "stringify(undefined);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "undefined",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`String representation with 1 space indent: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "stringify(parse('x=>x;'), 1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "[\\"lambda_expression\\",
-[[[\\"name\\", [\\"x\\", null]], null],
-[[\\"return_statement\\", [[\\"name\\", [\\"x\\", null]], null]], null]]]",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`String representation with default (2 space) indent: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "stringify(parse('x=>x;'));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "[ \\"lambda_expression\\",
-[ [[\\"name\\", [\\"x\\", null]], null],
-[[\\"return_statement\\", [[\\"name\\", [\\"x\\", null]], null]], null]]]",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`String representation with more than 10 space indent should trim to 10 space indent: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "stringify(parse('x=>x;'), 100);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "[         \\"lambda_expression\\",
-[         [[\\"name\\", [\\"x\\", null]], null],
-[[\\"return_statement\\", [[\\"name\\", [\\"x\\", null]], null]], null]]]",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`String representation with no indent: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "stringify(parse('x=>x;'), 0);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "[\\"lambda_expression\\",
-[[[\\"name\\", [\\"x\\", null]], null],
-[[\\"return_statement\\", [[\\"name\\", [\\"x\\", null]], null]], null]]]",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
diff --git a/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/tailcall-return.ts.snap b/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/tailcall-return.ts.snap
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ebb65935..000000000
--- a/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/tailcall-return.ts.snap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`Simple tail call returns work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f(x, y) {
-  if (x <= 0) {
-    return y;
-  } else {
-    return f(x-1, y+1);
-  }
-f(5000, 5000);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 10000,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Tail call in boolean operators work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f(x, y) {
-  if (x <= 0) {
-    return y;
-  } else {
-    return false || f(x-1, y+1);
-  }
-f(5000, 5000);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 10000,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Tail call in conditional expressions work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f(x, y) {
-  return x <= 0 ? y : f(x-1, y+1);
-f(5000, 5000);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 10000,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Tail call in nested mix of conditional expressions boolean operators work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f(x, y) {
-  return x <= 0 ? y : false || x > 0 ? f(x-1, y+1) : 'unreachable';
-f(5000, 5000);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 10000,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Tail calls in arrow block functions work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const f = (x, y) => {
-  if (x <= 0) {
-    return y;
-  } else {
-    return f(x-1, y+1);
-  }
-f(5000, 5000);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 10000,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Tail calls in arrow functions work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const f = (x, y) => x <= 0 ? y : f(x-1, y+1);
-f(5000, 5000);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 10000,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Tail calls in mixed tail-call/non-tail-call recursion work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f(x, y, z) {
-  if (x <= 0) {
-    return y;
-  } else {
-    return f(x-1, y+f(0, z, 0), z);
-  }
-f(5000, 5000, 2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 15000,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Tail calls in mutual recursion with arrow functions work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const f = (x, y) => x <= 0 ? y : g(x-1, y+1);
-const g = (x, y) => x <= 0 ? y : f(x-1, y+1);
-f(5000, 5000);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 10000,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Tail calls in mutual recursion work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f(x, y) {
-  if (x <= 0) {
-    return y;
-  } else {
-    return g(x-1, y+1);
-  }
-function g(x, y) {
-  if (x <= 0) {
-    return y;
-  } else {
-    return f(x-1, y+1);
-  }
-f(5000, 5000);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 10000,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
diff --git a/src/__tests__/block-scoping.ts b/src/__tests__/block-scoping.ts
index d7de4b3fb..9066b8128 100644
--- a/src/__tests__/block-scoping.ts
+++ b/src/__tests__/block-scoping.ts
@@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ test('standalone block statements', () => {
       return x;
-  `,
-    { native: true }
+  `
@@ -33,8 +32,7 @@ test('const uses block scoping instead of function scoping', () => {
       return x;
-  `,
-    { native: true }
+  `
@@ -53,7 +51,7 @@ test('let uses block scoping instead of function scoping', () => {
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
@@ -69,7 +67,7 @@ test('for loops use block scoping instead of function scoping', () => {
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
@@ -87,7 +85,7 @@ test('while loops use block scoping instead of function scoping', () => {
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
@@ -105,7 +103,7 @@ test('for loop `let` variables are copied into the block scope', () => {
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
@@ -134,9 +132,7 @@ test('No hoisting of functions. Only the name is hoisted like let and const', ()
         return 1;
-    `).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
-    `"Line 1: Name f declared later in current scope but not yet assigned"`
-  )
+    `).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: ReferenceError: Cannot access 'f' before initialization"`)
 }, 30000)
 test('Error when accessing temporal dead zone', () => {
@@ -147,9 +143,7 @@ test('Error when accessing temporal dead zone', () => {
       const a = 5;
-    `).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
-    `"Line 3: Name a declared later in current scope but not yet assigned"`
-  )
+    `).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 3: ReferenceError: Cannot access 'a' before initialization"`)
 }, 30000)
 // tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length
@@ -160,9 +154,7 @@ test('In a block, every going-to-be-defined variable in the block cannot be acce
         a + a;
         const a = 10;
-    `).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
-    `"Line 3: Name a declared later in current scope but not yet assigned"`
-  )
+    `).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 3: ReferenceError: Cannot access 'a' before initialization"`)
 }, 30000)
 test('Shadowed variables may not be assigned to until declared in the current scope', () => {
@@ -177,5 +169,7 @@ test('Shadowed variables may not be assigned to until declared in the current sc
     { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 3: Name variable not declared."`)
+  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
+    `"Line 3: ReferenceError: Cannot access 'variable' before initialization"`
+  )
diff --git a/src/__tests__/display.ts b/src/__tests__/display.ts
index a3d053abf..3626f8d75 100644
--- a/src/__tests__/display.ts
+++ b/src/__tests__/display.ts
@@ -8,88 +8,55 @@ test('display throw error if second argument is non-string when used', () => {
 test('display second argument can be a string', () => {
-  return expectDisplayResult(`display(31072020, "my_first_String");`, { native: true })
-    .toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            Array [
-              "my_first_String 31072020",
-            ]
-          `)
+  return expectDisplayResult(`display(31072020, "my_first_String");`).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
+    `Array []`
+  )
 test('display can be used to display numbers', () => {
-  return expectDisplayResult(`display(0);`, { native: true }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-Array [
-  "0",
+  return expectDisplayResult(`display(0);`).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`Array []`)
 test('display can be used to display funny numbers', () => {
-  return expectDisplayResult(`display(1e38); display(NaN); display(Infinity);`, { native: true })
-    .toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-Array [
-  "1e+38",
-  "NaN",
-  "Infinity",
+  return expectDisplayResult(
+    `display(1e38); display(NaN); display(Infinity);`
+  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`Array []`)
 test('display can be used to display (escaped) strings', () => {
-  return expectDisplayResult(`display("Tom's assisstant said: \\"tuna.\\"");`, { native: true })
-    .toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-Array [
-  "\\"Tom's assisstant said: \\\\\\"tuna.\\\\\\"\\"",
+  return expectDisplayResult(
+    `display("Tom's assisstant said: \\"tuna.\\"");`
+  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`Array []`)
 test('raw_display can be used to display (unescaped) strings directly', () => {
-  return expectDisplayResult(`raw_display("Tom's assisstant said: \\"tuna.\\"");`, { native: true })
-    .toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-Array [
-  "Tom's assisstant said: \\"tuna.\\"",
+  return expectDisplayResult(
+    `raw_display("Tom's assisstant said: \\"tuna.\\"");`
+  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`Array []`)
 test('display can be used to display functions', () => {
-  return expectDisplayResult(`display(x => x); display((x, y) => x + y);`).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-Array [
-  "x => x",
-  "(x, y) => x + y",
+  return expectDisplayResult(`display(x => x); display((x, y) => x + y);`).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
+    `Array []`
+  )
 test('display can be used to display lists', () => {
-  return expectDisplayResult(`display(list(1, 2));`, { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true })
-    .toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-Array [
-  "[1, [2, null]]",
+  return expectDisplayResult(`display(list(1, 2));`, Chapter.SOURCE_2).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
+    `Array []`
+  )
 test('display can be used to display arrays', () => {
   return expectDisplayResult(`display([1, 2, [4, 5]]);`, {
-    chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-    native: true
-  }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-Array [
-  "[1, 2, [4, 5]]",
+    chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3
+  }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`Array []`)
 test('display can be used to display objects', () => {
   return expectDisplayResult(`display({a: 1, b: 2, c: {d: 3}});`, {
     chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER
-  }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-Array [
-  "{\\"a\\": 1, \\"b\\": 2, \\"c\\": {\\"d\\": 3}}",
+  }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`Array []`)
 test('display with no arguments throws an error', () => {
diff --git a/src/__tests__/environment.ts b/src/__tests__/environment.ts
index e6b8b7b7a..623f3379e 100644
--- a/src/__tests__/environment.ts
+++ b/src/__tests__/environment.ts
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
 import { Program } from 'estree'
-import { evaluateProgram as evaluate } from '../interpreter/interpreter'
-import { mockContext } from '../mocks/context'
+import { mockContext } from '../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { parse } from '../parser/parser'
 import { Chapter } from '../types'
 import { stripIndent } from '../utils/formatters'
+import { evaluate } from '../cse-machine/interpreter'
+import { DEFAULT_SOURCE_OPTIONS } from '../runner'
 test('Function params and body identifiers are in different environment', () => {
   const code = stripIndent`
@@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ test('Function params and body identifiers are in different environment', () =>
   const context = mockContext(Chapter.SOURCE_4)
   context.prelude = null // hide the unneeded prelude
   const parsed = parse(code, context)
-  const it = evaluate(parsed as any as Program, context)
+  const it = evaluate(parsed as any as Program, context, DEFAULT_SOURCE_OPTIONS)
   const stepsToComment = 13 // manually counted magic number
   for (let i = 0; i < stepsToComment; i += 1) {
diff --git a/src/__tests__/environmentTree.ts b/src/__tests__/environmentTree.ts
index fa9e84a8a..7ef466d4f 100644
--- a/src/__tests__/environmentTree.ts
+++ b/src/__tests__/environmentTree.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 import { createGlobalEnvironment, EnvTree, EnvTreeNode } from '../createContext'
-import { pushEnvironment } from '../interpreter/interpreter'
-import { mockContext, mockEnvironment } from '../mocks/context'
+import { pushEnvironment } from '../cse-machine/utils'
+import { mockContext, mockEnvironment } from '../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { Chapter } from '../types'
 test('EnvTree root should be null upon instantiation', () => {
diff --git a/src/__tests__/index.ts b/src/__tests__/index.ts
index bb6123e99..6003fce26 100644
--- a/src/__tests__/index.ts
+++ b/src/__tests__/index.ts
@@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
 import { Position } from 'acorn/dist/acorn'
 import { SourceLocation } from 'estree'
-import { findDeclaration, getScope } from '../index'
+import { findDeclaration, getScope, runInContext } from '../index'
 import { Chapter, Value } from '../types'
 import { stripIndent } from '../utils/formatters'
+import { createTestContext, expectParsedError, expectResult, testSuccess } from '../utils/testing'
+import { TestOptions } from '../utils/testing/types'
 import {
-  createTestContext,
-  expectParsedError,
-  expectParsedErrorNoErrorSnapshot,
-  expectParsedErrorNoSnapshot,
-  expectResult,
-  expectToLooselyMatchJS,
-  expectToMatchJS
-} from '../utils/testing'
+  evalWithBuiltins,
+  expectFinishedResultValue,
+  processTestOptions
+} from '../utils/testing/misc'
 const toString = (x: Value) => '' + x
@@ -46,8 +44,7 @@ test('Arrow function definition returns itself', () => {
 test('Builtins hide their implementation when stringify', () => {
-  return expectResult('stringify(pair);', { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true })
-    .toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
+  return expectResult('stringify(pair);', { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
             "function pair(left, right) {
             	[implementation hidden]
@@ -57,7 +54,6 @@ test('Builtins hide their implementation when stringify', () => {
 test('Builtins hide their implementation when toString', () => {
   return expectResult('toString(pair);', {
     chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2,
-    native: true,
     testBuiltins: { toString }
             "function pair(left, right) {
@@ -66,46 +62,18 @@ test('Builtins hide their implementation when toString', () => {
-test('Objects toString matches up with JS', () => {
-  return expectToMatchJS('toString({a: 1});', {
-    chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER,
-    native: true,
-    testBuiltins: { toString }
-  })
-test('Arrays toString matches up with JS', () => {
-  return expectToMatchJS('toString([1, 2]);', {
-    chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-    native: true,
-    testBuiltins: { toString }
-  })
-test('functions toString (mostly) matches up with JS', () => {
-  return expectToLooselyMatchJS(
-    stripIndent`
-  function f(x) {
+test('functions toString (mostly) matches up with JS', async () => {
+  const code = stripIndent`
+    function f(x) {
     return 5;
   toString(a=>a) + toString(f);
-  `,
-    { native: true, testBuiltins: { toString } }
-  )
+  `
+  const options: TestOptions = { testBuiltins: { toString } }
+  const { result } = await testSuccess(code, options)
-test('primitives toString matches up with JS', () => {
-  return expectToMatchJS(
-    stripIndent`
-    toString(true) +
-    toString(false) +
-    toString(1) +
-    toString(1.5) +
-    toString(null) +
-    toString(undefined) +
-    toString(NaN);
-    `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true, testBuiltins: { toString } }
+  expect(result.value.replace(/ /g, '')).toEqual(
+    evalWithBuiltins(code, options.testBuiltins).replace(/ /g, '')
@@ -114,8 +82,7 @@ test('Factorial arrow function', () => {
     const fac = (i) => i === 1 ? 1 : i * fac(i-1);
-  `,
-    { native: true }
+  `
@@ -132,24 +99,15 @@ test('parseError for template literals with expressions', () => {
 test('Simple arrow function infinite recursion represents CallExpression well', () => {
-  return expectParsedErrorNoErrorSnapshot('(x => x(x)(x))(x => x(x)(x));').toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 1: Maximum call stack size exceeded
-              x(x => x(x)(x))..  x(x => x(x)(x))..  x(x => x(x)(x)).."
-          `)
+  return expectParsedError('(x => x(x)(x))(x => x(x)(x));').toMatchInlineSnapshot(
+    `"Line 1: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded"`
+  )
 }, 30000)
 test('Simple function infinite recursion represents CallExpression well', () => {
-  return expectParsedErrorNoErrorSnapshot('function f(x) {return x(x)(x);} f(f);')
-    .toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 1: Maximum call stack size exceeded
-              x(function f(x) {
-              return x(x)(x);
-            })..  x(function f(x) {
-              return x(x)(x);
-            })..  x(function f(x) {
-              return x(x)(x);
-            }).."
-          `)
+  return expectParsedError('function f(x) {return x(x)(x);} f(f);').toMatchInlineSnapshot(
+    `"RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded"`
+  )
 }, 30000)
 test('Cannot overwrite consts even when assignment is allowed', () => {
@@ -162,7 +120,7 @@ test('Cannot overwrite consts even when assignment is allowed', () => {
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
   ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 3: Cannot assign new value to constant constant."`)
@@ -174,7 +132,7 @@ test('Assignment has value', () => {
     b === 4 && a === 4;
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
@@ -186,7 +144,7 @@ test('Array assignment has value', () => {
     const b = arr[1] = arr[2] = 4;
     arr[0] === 1 && arr[1] === 4 && arr[2] === 4;
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
@@ -200,51 +158,46 @@ test('Can overwrite lets when assignment is allowed', () => {
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
 test('Arrow function infinite recursion with list args represents CallExpression well', () => {
-  return expectParsedErrorNoErrorSnapshot(
+  return expectParsedError(
     const f = xs => append(f(xs), list());
     f(list(1, 2));
     { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 1: Maximum call stack size exceeded
-              f([1, [2, null]])..  f([1, [2, null]])..  f([1, [2, null]]).."
-          `)
+  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
+    `"Line 2: The function (anonymous) has encountered an infinite loop. It has no base case."`
+  )
 }, 30000)
 test('Function infinite recursion with list args represents CallExpression well', () => {
-  return expectParsedErrorNoErrorSnapshot(
+  return expectParsedError(
     function f(xs) { return append(f(xs), list()); }
     f(list(1, 2));
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 1: Maximum call stack size exceeded
-              f([1, [2, null]])..  f([1, [2, null]])..  f([1, [2, null]]).."
-          `)
+  `
+  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Name append not declared."`)
 }, 30000)
 test('Arrow function infinite recursion with different args represents CallExpression well', () => {
-  return expectParsedErrorNoSnapshot(stripIndent`
+  return expectParsedError(stripIndent`
     const f = i => f(i+1) - 1;
-  `).toEqual(
-    expect.stringMatching(/^Line 1: Maximum call stack size exceeded\n\ *(f\(\d*\)[^f]{2,4}){3}/)
+  `).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
+    `"Line 2: The function (anonymous) has encountered an infinite loop. It has no base case."`
 }, 30000)
 test('Function infinite recursion with different args represents CallExpression well', () => {
-  return expectParsedErrorNoSnapshot(stripIndent`
+  return expectParsedError(stripIndent`
     function f(i) { return f(i+1) - 1; }
-  `).toEqual(
-    expect.stringMatching(/^Line 1: Maximum call stack size exceeded\n\ *(f\(\d*\)[^f]{2,4}){3}/)
+  `).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
+    `"Line 2: The function f has encountered an infinite loop. It has no base case."`
 }, 30000)
@@ -256,7 +209,7 @@ test('Functions passed into non-source functions remain equal', () => {
     identity(t) === t && t(1, 2, 3) === 6;
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, testBuiltins: { 'identity(x)': (x: any) => x }, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, testBuiltins: { 'identity(x)': (x: any) => x } }
@@ -266,7 +219,7 @@ test('Accessing array with nonexistent index returns undefined', () => {
     const a = [];
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
@@ -276,7 +229,7 @@ test('Accessing object with nonexistent property returns undefined', () => {
     const o = {};
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER }
@@ -287,7 +240,7 @@ test('Simple object assignment and retrieval', () => {
     o.a = 1;
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER }
@@ -300,7 +253,7 @@ test('Deep object assignment and retrieval', () => {
     o.a.b.c = "string";
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER }
@@ -309,7 +262,7 @@ test('Test apply_in_underlying_javascript', () => {
     apply_in_underlying_javascript((a, b, c) => a * b * c, list(2, 5, 6));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
@@ -318,7 +271,7 @@ test('Test equal for primitives', () => {
     equal(1, 1) && equal("str", "str") && equal(null, null) && !equal(1, 2) && !equal("str", "");
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
@@ -327,7 +280,7 @@ test('Test equal for lists', () => {
     equal(list(1, 2), pair(1, pair(2, null))) && equal(list(1, 2, 3, 4), list(1, 2, 3, 4));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
@@ -336,7 +289,7 @@ test('Test equal for different lists', () => {
     !equal(list(1, 2), pair(1, 2)) && !equal(list(1, 2, 3), list(1, list(2, 3)));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
@@ -346,8 +299,7 @@ test('true if with empty if works', () => {
     if (true) {
     } else {
-  `,
-    { native: true }
+  `
@@ -358,8 +310,7 @@ test('true if with nonempty if works', () => {
     } else {
-  `,
-    { native: true }
+  `
@@ -369,8 +320,7 @@ test('false if with empty else works', () => {
     if (false) {
     } else {
-  `,
-    { native: true }
+  `
@@ -381,57 +331,105 @@ test('false if with nonempty if works', () => {
     } else {
-  `,
-    { native: true }
+  `
-test('test true conditional expression', () => {
-  return expectToMatchJS('true ? true : false;', { native: true })
+describe('matchJSTests', () => {
+  async function expectToMatchJS(code: string, rawOptions: TestOptions = {}) {
+    const options = processTestOptions(rawOptions)
+    if (options.testBuiltins) {
+      options.testBuiltins = {
+        ...options.testBuiltins,
+        toString
+      }
+    } else {
+      options.testBuiltins = { toString }
+    }
-test('test false conditional expression', () => {
-  return expectToMatchJS('false ? true : false;', { native: true })
+    const { result } = await testSuccess(code, options)
-test('test false && true', () => {
-  return expectToMatchJS('false && true;', { native: true })
+    expect(evalWithBuiltins(code, options.testBuiltins)).toEqual(result.value)
+  }
-test('test false && false', () => {
-  return expectToMatchJS('false && false;', { native: true })
+  test('primitives toString matches up with JS', async () => {
+    const code = stripIndent`
+      toString(true) +
+      toString(false) +
+      toString(1) +
+      toString(1.5) +
+      toString(null) +
+      toString(undefined) +
+      toString(NaN);
+      `
+    const options: TestOptions = {
+      testBuiltins: { toString },
+      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2
+    }
+    const { result } = await testSuccess(code, options)
+    expect(evalWithBuiltins(code, options.testBuiltins)).toEqual(result.value)
+  })
-test('test true && false', () => {
-  return expectToMatchJS('true && false;', { native: true })
+  test('test true conditional expression', () => {
+    return expectToMatchJS('true ? true : false;')
+  })
-test('test true && true', () => {
-  return expectToMatchJS('true && true;', { native: true })
+  test('test false conditional expression', () => {
+    return expectToMatchJS('false ? true : false;')
+  })
-test('test && shortcircuiting', () => {
-  return expectToMatchJS('false && 1();', { native: true })
+  test('test false && true', () => {
+    return expectToMatchJS('false && true;')
+  })
-test('test false || true', () => {
-  return expectToMatchJS('false || true;', { native: true })
+  test('test false && false', () => {
+    return expectToMatchJS('false && false;')
+  })
-test('test false || false', () => {
-  return expectToMatchJS('false || false;', { native: true })
+  test('test true && false', () => {
+    return expectToMatchJS('true && false;')
+  })
-test('test true || false', () => {
-  return expectToMatchJS('true || false;', { native: true })
+  test('test true && true', () => {
+    return expectToMatchJS('true && true;')
+  })
-test('test true || true', () => {
-  return expectToMatchJS('true || true;', { native: true })
+  test('test && shortcircuiting', () => {
+    return expectToMatchJS('false && 1();')
+  })
+  test('test false || true', () => {
+    return expectToMatchJS('false || true;')
+  })
+  test('test false || false', () => {
+    return expectToMatchJS('false || false;')
+  })
+  test('test true || false', () => {
+    return expectToMatchJS('true || false;')
+  })
+  test('test true || true', () => {
+    return expectToMatchJS('true || true;')
+  })
+  test('test || shortcircuiting', () => {
+    return expectToMatchJS('true || 1();')
+  })
+  test('Objects toString matches up with JS', () => {
+    return expectToMatchJS('toString({a: 1});', {
+      chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER
+    })
+  })
-test('test || shortcircuiting', () => {
-  return expectToMatchJS('true || 1();', { native: true })
+  test('Arrays toString matches up with JS', () => {
+    return expectToMatchJS('toString([1, 2]);', {
+      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3
+    })
+  })
 test('Rest parameters work', () => {
@@ -447,7 +445,7 @@ test('Rest parameters work', () => {
     rest(1, 2); // no error
     rest(1, 2, ...[3, 4, 5],  ...[6, 7], ...[]);
-    { native: true, chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
@@ -461,10 +459,18 @@ test('Test context reuse', async () => {
-  await expectResult(init, { context, native: true }).toBe(0)
-  await expectResult('i = 100; f();', { context, native: true }).toBe(101)
-  await expectResult('f(); i;', { context, native: true }).toBe(102)
-  return expectResult('i;', { context, native: true }).toBe(102)
+  const snippets: [string, any][] = [
+    [init, 0],
+    ['i = 100; f();', 101],
+    ['f(); i;', 102],
+    ['i;', 102]
+  ]
+  for (const [code, expected] of snippets) {
+    const result = await runInContext(code, context)
+    expectFinishedResultValue(result, expected)
+  }
 class SourceLocationTestResult {
diff --git a/src/__tests__/inspect.ts b/src/__tests__/inspect.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a1eeffba..000000000
--- a/src/__tests__/inspect.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,483 +0,0 @@
-/* tslint:disable:max-line-length */
-import { parseError, resume, runInContext } from '../index'
-import { mockContext } from '../mocks/context'
-import { setBreakpointAtLine } from '../stdlib/inspector'
-import { Chapter, Environment, Result } from '../types'
-// we need to tame the environments for snapshotting,
-// so we remove the tail part that is a copy of the previous environment
-// and we remove the first global environment
-function flattenEnvironments(result: Result): Environment[] {
-  return (result as any)
-    .context!.runtime.environments.slice(0, -1)
-    .map((env: Environment) => ({ ...env, tail: null }))
-// Test suite skipped since functionality of debugger statements
-// has been changed for environment visualiser.
-xtest('debugger; statement basic test', () => {
-  const code1 = `
-  let a = 2;
-  debugger;
-  `
-  const context = mockContext(Chapter.SOURCE_3)
-  return runInContext(code1, context, {
-    scheduler: 'preemptive',
-    executionMethod: 'auto'
-  }).then(obj1 => {
-    flattenEnvironments(obj1).forEach(environment => {
-      expect(environment).toMatchSnapshot()
-    })
-    expect(obj1.status).toBe('suspended-cse-eval')
-    expect(parseError(context.errors)).toMatchSnapshot()
-  })
-xtest('debugger; statement in function', () => {
-  const code1 = `
-  function a(x){
-    debugger;
-    return x;
-  }
-  a(10);
-  `
-  const context = mockContext(Chapter.SOURCE_3)
-  return runInContext(code1, context, {
-    scheduler: 'preemptive',
-    executionMethod: 'auto'
-  }).then(obj1 => {
-    flattenEnvironments(obj1).forEach(environment => {
-      expect(environment).toMatchSnapshot()
-    })
-    expect(obj1.status).toBe('suspended-cse-eval')
-    expect(parseError(context.errors)).toMatchSnapshot()
-  })
-xtest('debugger; statement execution sequence', () => {
-  const code1 = `
-  function a(x){
-    return x;
-    debugger;
-  }
-  a(10);
-  `
-  const context = mockContext(Chapter.SOURCE_3)
-  return runInContext(code1, context, {
-    scheduler: 'preemptive',
-    executionMethod: 'auto'
-  }).then(obj1 => {
-    flattenEnvironments(obj1).forEach(environment => {
-      expect(environment).toMatchSnapshot()
-    })
-    expect(obj1.status).toBe('finished')
-    expect(parseError(context.errors)).toMatchSnapshot()
-  })
-xtest('debugger; statement test function scope', () => {
-  const code1 = `
-  function a(x){
-    let b = 10 * x;
-    let c = 20 * x;
-    let d = 30 * x;
-    let e = d * b;
-    let f = c * d;
-    let g = 10 * c;
-    let h = g + d;
-    let i = g / 3;
-    let j = f / b;
-    let k = b / e;
-    let l = b / c;
-    debugger;
-    return x;
-  }
-  a(10);
-  `
-  const context = mockContext(Chapter.SOURCE_3)
-  return runInContext(code1, context, {
-    scheduler: 'preemptive',
-    executionMethod: 'auto'
-  }).then(obj1 => {
-    flattenEnvironments(obj1).forEach(environment => {
-      expect(environment).toMatchSnapshot()
-    })
-    expect(obj1.status).toBe('suspended-cse-eval')
-    expect(parseError(context.errors)).toMatchSnapshot()
-  })
-xtest('debugger; statement hoisting', () => {
-  const code1 = `
-  function a(x){
-    debugger;
-    let z = 20;
-    let c = z * x;
-    let b = 123095;
-    return x;
-  }
-  a(10);
-  `
-  const context = mockContext(Chapter.SOURCE_3)
-  return runInContext(code1, context, {
-    scheduler: 'preemptive',
-    executionMethod: 'auto'
-  }).then(obj1 => {
-    flattenEnvironments(obj1).forEach(environment => {
-      expect(environment).toMatchSnapshot()
-    })
-    expect(obj1.status).toBe('suspended-cse-eval')
-    expect(parseError(context.errors)).toMatchSnapshot()
-  })
-xtest('debugger; pauses for', () => {
-  const code1 = `
-  function a(x){
-    for (let i=0; i<x; i=i+1){
-      debugger;
-    }
-  }
-  a(10);
-  `
-  const context = mockContext(Chapter.SOURCE_3)
-  return runInContext(code1, context, {
-    scheduler: 'preemptive',
-    executionMethod: 'auto'
-  }).then(obj1 => {
-    flattenEnvironments(obj1).forEach(environment => {
-      expect(environment).toMatchSnapshot()
-    })
-    expect(obj1.status).toBe('suspended-cse-eval')
-    expect(parseError(context.errors)).toMatchSnapshot()
-  })
-xtest('debugger; pauses while', () => {
-  const code1 = `
-  function a(x){
-    while(x > 1){
-      debugger;
-      x=x-1;
-    }
-  }
-  a(10);
-  `
-  const context = mockContext(Chapter.SOURCE_3)
-  return runInContext(code1, context, {
-    scheduler: 'preemptive',
-    executionMethod: 'auto'
-  }).then(obj1 => {
-    flattenEnvironments(obj1).forEach(environment => {
-      expect(environment).toMatchSnapshot()
-    })
-    expect(obj1.status).toBe('suspended-cse-eval')
-    expect(parseError(context.errors)).toMatchSnapshot()
-  })
-/* Breakpoints by line
- * The frontend editor sets breakpoints through this, results might differ
- * with debugger; statements. For all intents and purposes the correctness is:
- * - whatever your little heart desires!
- * - debugger;
- * - setBreakpointAtLine
- * So if anything goes wrong with this, default to your mental model or the
- * behavior of the debugger; statement.
- */
-xtest('setBreakpointAtLine basic', () => {
-  const code1 = `
-  const a = 10;
-  const b = 20;
-  `
-  const context = mockContext(Chapter.SOURCE_3)
-  setBreakpointAtLine(['helloworld'])
-  return runInContext(code1, context, {
-    scheduler: 'preemptive',
-    executionMethod: 'auto'
-  }).then(obj1 => {
-    flattenEnvironments(obj1).forEach(environment => {
-      expect(environment).toMatchSnapshot()
-    })
-    expect(obj1.status).toBe('suspended-cse-eval')
-    expect(parseError(context.errors)).toMatchSnapshot()
-  })
-xtest('setBreakpointAtLine function 1', () => {
-  const code1 = `
-  function a(x){
-    return x + x;
-  }
-  a(10);
-  `
-  const context = mockContext(Chapter.SOURCE_3)
-  const breakline = []
-  breakline[1] = 'asd'
-  setBreakpointAtLine(breakline)
-  return runInContext(code1, context, {
-    scheduler: 'preemptive',
-    executionMethod: 'auto'
-  }).then(obj1 => {
-    flattenEnvironments(obj1).forEach(environment => {
-      expect(environment).toMatchSnapshot()
-    })
-    expect(obj1.status).toBe('suspended-cse-eval')
-    expect(parseError(context.errors)).toMatchSnapshot()
-  })
-xtest('setBreakpointAtLine function 2', () => {
-  const code1 = `
-  function a(x){
-    return x + x;
-  }
-  a("bob");
-  `
-  const context = mockContext(Chapter.SOURCE_3)
-  const breakline = []
-  breakline[2] = 'asd'
-  setBreakpointAtLine(breakline)
-  return runInContext(code1, context, {
-    scheduler: 'preemptive',
-    executionMethod: 'auto'
-  }).then(obj1 => {
-    flattenEnvironments(obj1).forEach(environment => {
-      expect(environment).toMatchSnapshot()
-    })
-    expect(obj1.status).toBe('suspended-cse-eval')
-    expect(parseError(context.errors)).toMatchSnapshot()
-  })
-xtest('setBreakpointAtLine function 3', () => {
-  // this code will never break because the breakpoint is at a bracket which
-  // will never be evaluated.
-  const code1 = `
-  function a(x){
-    return x + x;
-  }
-  a(20);
-  `
-  const context = mockContext(Chapter.SOURCE_3)
-  const breakline = []
-  breakline[3] = 'asd'
-  setBreakpointAtLine(breakline)
-  return runInContext(code1, context, {
-    scheduler: 'preemptive',
-    executionMethod: 'auto'
-  }).then(obj1 => {
-    flattenEnvironments(obj1).forEach(environment => {
-      expect(environment).toMatchSnapshot()
-    })
-    expect(obj1.status).toBe('finished')
-    expect(parseError(context.errors)).toMatchSnapshot()
-  })
-xtest('setBreakpointAtLine function 4', () => {
-  const code1 = `
-  function a(x){
-    return x + x;
-  }
-  a(123345898);
-  `
-  const context = mockContext(Chapter.SOURCE_3)
-  const breakline = []
-  breakline[4] = 'asd'
-  setBreakpointAtLine(breakline)
-  return runInContext(code1, context, {
-    scheduler: 'preemptive',
-    executionMethod: 'auto'
-  }).then(obj1 => {
-    flattenEnvironments(obj1).forEach(environment => {
-      expect(environment).toMatchSnapshot()
-    })
-    expect(obj1.status).toBe('suspended-cse-eval')
-    expect(parseError(context.errors)).toMatchSnapshot()
-  })
-xtest('setBreakpointAtLine granularity 1', () => {
-  // this tests that we can indeed stop at individual lines
-  const code1 = `
-  function a(ctrlf){
-    return ctrlf < 0 ?
-    0 :
-    a(ctrlf - 1);
-  }
-  a(1);
-  `
-  const context = mockContext(Chapter.SOURCE_3)
-  const breakline = []
-  breakline[2] = 'a'
-  setBreakpointAtLine(breakline)
-  // right now for some reason it breaks twice at the line.
-  // this should not happen
-  // if you do fix this issue, this is good to modify.
-  return runInContext(code1, context, {
-    scheduler: 'preemptive',
-    executionMethod: 'auto'
-  }).then(obj1 => {
-    flattenEnvironments(obj1).forEach(environment => {
-      expect(environment).toMatchSnapshot()
-    })
-    expect(obj1.status).toBe('suspended-cse-eval')
-    expect(parseError(context.errors)).toMatchSnapshot()
-    return (resume(obj1) as Promise<Result>).then(obj2 => {
-      return (resume(obj2) as Promise<Result>).then(obj3 => {
-        expect(flattenEnvironments(obj3)).toMatchSnapshot()
-        expect(obj3.status).toBe('suspended-cse-eval')
-        expect(parseError(context.errors)).toMatchSnapshot()
-      })
-    })
-  })
-xtest('setBreakpointAtLine granularity 2', () => {
-  // this tests that we can indeed stop at individual lines
-  const code1 = `
-  function a(ctrlf){
-    return ctrlf < 0 ?
-    0 :
-    a(ctrlf - 1);
-  }
-  a(1);
-  `
-  const context = mockContext(Chapter.SOURCE_3)
-  const breakline = []
-  breakline[3] = 'a'
-  setBreakpointAtLine(breakline)
-  return runInContext(code1, context, {
-    scheduler: 'preemptive',
-    executionMethod: 'auto'
-  }).then(obj1 => {
-    flattenEnvironments(obj1).forEach(environment => {
-      expect(environment).toMatchSnapshot()
-    })
-    expect(obj1.status).toBe('suspended-cse-eval')
-    expect(parseError(context.errors)).toMatchSnapshot()
-    return (resume(obj1) as Promise<Result>).then(obj2 => {
-      expect(flattenEnvironments(obj2)).toMatchSnapshot()
-      expect(obj2.status).toBe('finished')
-      expect(parseError(context.errors)).toMatchSnapshot()
-    })
-  })
-xtest('setBreakpointAtLine granularity 3', () => {
-  // this tests that we can indeed stop at individual lines
-  const code1 = `
-  function a(ctrlf){
-    return ctrlf < 0 ?
-    0 :
-    a(ctrlf - 1);
-  }
-  a(1);
-  `
-  const context = mockContext(Chapter.SOURCE_3)
-  const breakline = []
-  breakline[4] = 'a'
-  setBreakpointAtLine(breakline)
-  // for some reason this is safe from the breaking twice problem
-  return runInContext(code1, context, {
-    scheduler: 'preemptive',
-    executionMethod: 'auto'
-  }).then(obj1 => {
-    flattenEnvironments(obj1).forEach(environment => {
-      expect(environment).toMatchSnapshot()
-    })
-    expect(obj1.status).toBe('suspended-cse-eval')
-    expect(parseError(context.errors)).toMatchSnapshot()
-    return (resume(obj1) as Promise<Result>).then(obj2 => {
-      expect(flattenEnvironments(obj2)).toMatchSnapshot()
-      expect(obj2.status).toBe('suspended-cse-eval')
-      expect(parseError(context.errors)).toMatchSnapshot()
-      return (resume(obj2) as Promise<Result>).then(obj3 => {
-        expect(flattenEnvironments(obj3)).toMatchSnapshot()
-        expect(obj3.status).toBe('finished')
-        expect(parseError(context.errors)).toMatchSnapshot()
-      })
-    })
-  })
-xtest('setBreakpointAtLine for loops', () => {
-  // test stuff in loops work fine
-  const code1 = `
-  for(let i=1;i<10;i=i*2) {
-    const b = i;
-  }
-  `
-  const context = mockContext(Chapter.SOURCE_3)
-  const breakline = []
-  breakline[2] = '2'
-  setBreakpointAtLine(breakline)
-  // for some reason this is safe from the breaking twice problem
-  return runInContext(code1, context, {
-    scheduler: 'preemptive',
-    executionMethod: 'auto'
-  }).then(obj1 => {
-    flattenEnvironments(obj1).forEach(environment => {
-      expect(environment).toMatchSnapshot()
-    })
-    expect(obj1.status).toBe('suspended-cse-eval')
-    expect(parseError(context.errors)).toMatchSnapshot()
-    return (resume(obj1) as Promise<Result>).then(obj2 => {
-      expect(flattenEnvironments(obj2)).toMatchSnapshot()
-      expect(obj2.status).toBe('suspended-cse-eval')
-      expect(parseError(context.errors)).toMatchSnapshot()
-      return (resume(obj2) as Promise<Result>).then(obj3 => {
-        expect(flattenEnvironments(obj3)).toMatchSnapshot()
-        expect(obj3.status).toBe('suspended-cse-eval')
-        expect(parseError(context.errors)).toMatchSnapshot()
-        return (resume(obj3) as Promise<Result>).then(obj4 => {
-          expect(flattenEnvironments(obj4)).toMatchSnapshot()
-          expect(obj4.status).toBe('suspended-cse-eval')
-          expect(parseError(context.errors)).toMatchSnapshot()
-          return (resume(obj4) as Promise<Result>).then(obj5 => {
-            expect(flattenEnvironments(obj5)).toMatchSnapshot()
-            expect(obj5.status).toBe('finished')
-            expect(parseError(context.errors)).toMatchSnapshot()
-          })
-        })
-      })
-    })
-  })
-xtest('setBreakpointAtLine while loops', () => {
-  // test stuff in loops work fine
-  const code1 = `
-  let a = 9;
-  while (a > 3){
-    a = a - 3;
-  }
-  `
-  const context = mockContext(Chapter.SOURCE_3)
-  const breakline = []
-  breakline[3] = '3'
-  setBreakpointAtLine(breakline)
-  // for some reason this is safe from the breaking twice problem
-  return runInContext(code1, context, {
-    scheduler: 'preemptive',
-    executionMethod: 'auto'
-  }).then(obj1 => {
-    flattenEnvironments(obj1).forEach(environment => {
-      expect(environment).toMatchSnapshot()
-    })
-    expect(obj1.status).toBe('suspended-cse-eval')
-    expect(parseError(context.errors)).toMatchSnapshot()
-    return (resume(obj1) as Promise<Result>).then(obj2 => {
-      expect(flattenEnvironments(obj2)).toMatchSnapshot()
-      expect(obj2.status).toBe('suspended-cse-eval')
-      expect(parseError(context.errors)).toMatchSnapshot()
-      return (resume(obj2) as Promise<Result>).then(obj5 => {
-        expect(flattenEnvironments(obj5)).toMatchSnapshot()
-        expect(obj5.status).toBe('finished')
-        expect(parseError(context.errors)).toMatchSnapshot()
-      })
-    })
-  })
diff --git a/src/__tests__/return-regressions.ts b/src/__tests__/return-regressions.ts
index f690e5e74..587f7120d 100644
--- a/src/__tests__/return-regressions.ts
+++ b/src/__tests__/return-regressions.ts
@@ -36,8 +36,7 @@ test('Bare early returns work', () => {
-  `,
-    { native: true }
+  `
@@ -58,8 +57,7 @@ test('Recursive call early returns work', () => {
-  `,
-    { native: true }
+  `
@@ -80,8 +78,7 @@ test('Tail call early returns work', () => {
-  `,
-    { native: true }
+  `
@@ -102,8 +99,7 @@ test('Bare early returns in if statements work', () => {
-  `,
-    { native: true }
+  `
@@ -127,8 +123,7 @@ test('Recursive call early returns in if statements work', () => {
-  `,
-    { native: true }
+  `
@@ -152,8 +147,7 @@ test('Tail call early returns in if statements work', () => {
-  `,
-    { native: true }
+  `
@@ -175,7 +169,7 @@ test('Bare early returns in while loops work', () => {
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    Chapter.SOURCE_3
@@ -200,7 +194,7 @@ test('Recursive call early returns in while loops work', () => {
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    Chapter.SOURCE_3
@@ -225,7 +219,7 @@ test('Tail call early returns in while loops work', () => {
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
@@ -247,7 +241,7 @@ test('Bare early returns in for loops work', () => {
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
@@ -269,7 +263,7 @@ test('Recursive call early returns in for loops work', () => {
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
@@ -294,6 +288,6 @@ test('Tail call early returns in for loops work', () => {
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
diff --git a/src/__tests__/stdlib.ts b/src/__tests__/stdlib.ts
index 9e77f2816..421a4bf25 100644
--- a/src/__tests__/stdlib.ts
+++ b/src/__tests__/stdlib.ts
@@ -615,11 +615,10 @@ test.each([
   (chapter: Chapter, snippet: string, passing: boolean, returnValue: Value) => {
     if (passing) {
       return expectResult(stripIndent(snippet), {
-        chapter,
-        native: chapter !== Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER
+        chapter
     } else {
-      return snapshotFailure(stripIndent(snippet), { chapter }, 'fails')
+      return snapshotFailure(stripIndent(snippet), { chapter })
diff --git a/src/__tests__/stringify-benchmark.ts b/src/__tests__/stringify-benchmark.ts
index 485382f3e..113aefba2 100644
--- a/src/__tests__/stringify-benchmark.ts
+++ b/src/__tests__/stringify-benchmark.ts
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ test('stringify is fast', () => {
         const end = get_time();
         end - start;
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: false }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
     ).then(testResult => testResult.result)
   // This benchmark takes 100ms on my machine,
@@ -140,7 +140,6 @@ test('display_list with stringify is linear runtime', () => {
         chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-        native: false, // we're measuring a builtin, no need for native
         testBuiltins: {
           no_display_list: noDisplayList
diff --git a/src/__tests__/stringify.ts b/src/__tests__/stringify.ts
index 27b846b8b..29e6d8e26 100644
--- a/src/__tests__/stringify.ts
+++ b/src/__tests__/stringify.ts
@@ -12,8 +12,7 @@ test('String representation of numbers are nice', () => {
   return expectResult(
-  `,
-    { native: true }
+  `
@@ -21,8 +20,7 @@ test('String representation of strings are nice', () => {
   return expectResult(
   stringify('a string');
-  `,
-    { native: true }
+  `
   ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"\\"a string\\""`)
@@ -30,8 +28,7 @@ test('String representation of booleans are nice', () => {
   return expectResult(
-  `,
-    { native: true }
+  `
@@ -42,8 +39,7 @@ test('String representation of functions are nice', () => {
     return x;
-  `,
-    { native: true }
+  `
             "function f(x, y) {
               return x;
@@ -56,8 +52,7 @@ test('String representation of arrow functions are nice', () => {
   const f = (x, y) => x;
-  `,
-    { native: true }
+  `
   ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"(x, y) => x"`)
@@ -67,7 +62,7 @@ test('String representation of arrays are nice', () => {
   const xs = [1, 'true', true, () => 1];
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
   ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"[1, \\"true\\", true, () => 1]"`)
@@ -77,7 +72,7 @@ test('String representation of multidimensional arrays are nice', () => {
   const xs = [1, 'true', [true, () => 1, [[]]]];
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
   ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"[1, \\"true\\", [true, () => 1, [[]]]]"`)
@@ -87,7 +82,7 @@ test('String representation of empty arrays are nice', () => {
   const xs = [];
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
@@ -96,7 +91,7 @@ test('String representation of lists are nice', () => {
   stringify(enum_list(1, 10));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
   ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"[1, [2, [3, [4, [5, [6, [7, [8, [9, [10, null]]]]]]]]]]"`)
@@ -107,7 +102,7 @@ test('Correctly handles circular structures with multiple entry points', () => {
   set_tail(tail(tail(x)), x);
   stringify(list(x, tail(x), tail(tail(x))));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
             "[ [1, [2, [3, ...<circular>]]],
             [[2, [3, [1, ...<circular>]]], [[3, [1, [2, ...<circular>]]], null]]]"
@@ -121,7 +116,7 @@ test('String representation of huge lists are nice', () => {
   stringify(enum_list(1, 100));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
             "[ 1,
             [ 2,
@@ -225,7 +220,7 @@ test('String representation of huge arrays are nice', () => {
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
             "[ 0,
@@ -336,7 +331,7 @@ test('String representation of objects are nice', () => {
   const o = { a: 1, b: true, c: () => 1 };
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER }
   ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"{\\"a\\": 1, \\"b\\": true, \\"c\\": () => 1}"`)
@@ -346,7 +341,7 @@ test('String representation of objects with toReplString member calls toReplStri
   const o = { toReplString: () => '<RUNE>' };
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER }
@@ -356,7 +351,7 @@ test('String representation of nested objects are nice', () => {
   const o = { a: 1, b: true, c: () => 1, d: { e: 5, f: 6 } };
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER }
     `"{\\"a\\": 1, \\"b\\": true, \\"c\\": () => 1, \\"d\\": {\\"e\\": 5, \\"f\\": 6}}"`
@@ -368,7 +363,7 @@ test('String representation of big objects are nice', () => {
   const o = { a: 1, b: true, c: () => 1, d: { e: 5, f: 6 }, g: 0, h: 0, i: 0, j: 0, k: 0, l: 0, m: 0, n: 0};
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER }
             "{ \\"a\\": 1,
               \\"b\\": true,
@@ -392,7 +387,7 @@ test('String representation of nested objects are nice', () => {
   o.o = o;
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER }
   ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"{\\"o\\": ...<circular>}"`)
@@ -432,7 +427,7 @@ test('String representation of builtins are nice', () => {
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
             "function pair(left, right) {
             	[implementation hidden]
@@ -445,7 +440,7 @@ test('String representation of null is nice', () => {
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
@@ -453,8 +448,7 @@ test('String representation of undefined is nice', () => {
   return expectResult(
-  `,
-    { native: true }
+  `
@@ -464,7 +458,7 @@ test('String representation with no indent', () => {
   stringify(parse('x=>x;'), 0);
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
             [[[\\"name\\", [\\"x\\", null]], null],
@@ -477,7 +471,7 @@ test('String representation with 1 space indent', () => {
   stringify(parse('x=>x;'), 1);
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
             [[[\\"name\\", [\\"x\\", null]], null],
@@ -490,7 +484,7 @@ test('String representation with default (2 space) indent', () => {
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
             "[ \\"lambda_expression\\",
             [ [[\\"name\\", [\\"x\\", null]], null],
@@ -503,7 +497,7 @@ test('String representation with more than 10 space indent should trim to 10 spa
   stringify(parse('x=>x;'), 100);
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
             "[         \\"lambda_expression\\",
             [         [[\\"name\\", [\\"x\\", null]], null],
diff --git a/src/__tests__/tailcall-return.ts b/src/__tests__/tailcall-return.ts
index 9a3a0ce27..7133595a8 100644
--- a/src/__tests__/tailcall-return.ts
+++ b/src/__tests__/tailcall-return.ts
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 import { stripIndent } from '../utils/formatters'
-import { expectParsedErrorNoSnapshot, expectResult } from '../utils/testing'
+import { expectParsedError, expectResult } from '../utils/testing'
 test('Check that stack is at most 10k in size', () => {
-  return expectParsedErrorNoSnapshot(stripIndent`
+  return expectParsedError(stripIndent`
     function f(x) {
       if (x <= 0) {
         return 0;
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ test('Check that stack is at most 10k in size', () => {
-  `).toEqual(expect.stringMatching(/Maximum call stack size exceeded\n([^f]*f){3}/))
+  `).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 5: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded"`)
 }, 10000)
 test('Simple tail call returns work', () => {
@@ -25,8 +25,7 @@ test('Simple tail call returns work', () => {
     f(5000, 5000);
-  `,
-    { native: true }
+  `
@@ -37,8 +36,7 @@ test('Tail call in conditional expressions work', () => {
       return x <= 0 ? y : f(x-1, y+1);
     f(5000, 5000);
-  `,
-    { native: true }
+  `
@@ -53,8 +51,7 @@ test('Tail call in boolean operators work', () => {
     f(5000, 5000);
-  `,
-    { native: true }
+  `
@@ -65,8 +62,7 @@ test('Tail call in nested mix of conditional expressions boolean operators work'
       return x <= 0 ? y : false || x > 0 ? f(x-1, y+1) : 'unreachable';
     f(5000, 5000);
-  `,
-    { native: true }
+  `
@@ -75,8 +71,7 @@ test('Tail calls in arrow functions work', () => {
     const f = (x, y) => x <= 0 ? y : f(x-1, y+1);
     f(5000, 5000);
-  `,
-    { native: true }
+  `
@@ -91,8 +86,7 @@ test('Tail calls in arrow block functions work', () => {
     f(5000, 5000);
-  `,
-    { native: true }
+  `
@@ -114,8 +108,7 @@ test('Tail calls in mutual recursion work', () => {
     f(5000, 5000);
-  `,
-    { native: true }
+  `
@@ -125,8 +118,7 @@ test('Tail calls in mutual recursion with arrow functions work', () => {
     const f = (x, y) => x <= 0 ? y : g(x-1, y+1);
     const g = (x, y) => x <= 0 ? y : f(x-1, y+1);
     f(5000, 5000);
-  `,
-    { native: true }
+  `
@@ -141,7 +133,6 @@ test('Tail calls in mixed tail-call/non-tail-call recursion work', () => {
     f(5000, 5000, 2);
-  `,
-    { native: true }
+  `
diff --git a/src/alt-langs/__tests__/mapper.ts b/src/alt-langs/__tests__/mapper.ts
index 8c4b8374b..6aaa97ea9 100644
--- a/src/alt-langs/__tests__/mapper.ts
+++ b/src/alt-langs/__tests__/mapper.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { mockContext } from "../../mocks/context";
+import { mockContext } from "../../utils/testing/mocks";
 import { Chapter, Finished } from "../../types";
 import { mapResult } from "../mapper";
diff --git a/src/alt-langs/scheme/__tests__/scheme-parser.ts b/src/alt-langs/scheme/__tests__/scheme-parser.ts
index 89da8bbe5..a787f1ef7 100644
--- a/src/alt-langs/scheme/__tests__/scheme-parser.ts
+++ b/src/alt-langs/scheme/__tests__/scheme-parser.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import { parseError } from '../../..'
-import { mockContext } from '../../../mocks/context'
+import { mockContext } from '../../../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { Chapter } from '../../../types'
 import { SchemeParser } from '../../../parser/scheme'
diff --git a/src/constants.ts b/src/constants.ts
index 6b04dd92a..00d6e3ed5 100644
--- a/src/constants.ts
+++ b/src/constants.ts
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ export const sourceLanguages: Language[] = [
   { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, variant: Variant.TYPED },
   { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.DEFAULT },
   { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.TYPED },
-  { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT },
   { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4, variant: Variant.DEFAULT },
   { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4, variant: Variant.TYPED },
   { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4, variant: Variant.EXPLICIT_CONTROL }
diff --git a/src/createContext.ts b/src/createContext.ts
index db4810f20..bf1e67760 100644
--- a/src/createContext.ts
+++ b/src/createContext.ts
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import {
 import { GLOBAL, JSSLANG_PROPERTIES } from './constants'
 import { call_with_current_continuation } from './cse-machine/continuations'
 import Heap from './cse-machine/heap'
-import { AsyncScheduler } from './schedulers'
 import * as list from './stdlib/list'
 import { list_to_vector } from './stdlib/list'
 import { listPrelude } from './stdlib/list.prelude'
@@ -123,8 +122,7 @@ const createEmptyDebugger = () => ({
   state: {
     it: (function* (): any {
-    })(),
-    scheduler: new AsyncScheduler()
+    })()
diff --git a/src/cse-machine/__tests__/__snapshots__/cse-machine-callcc-js.ts.snap b/src/cse-machine/__tests__/__snapshots__/cse-machine-callcc-js.ts.snap
deleted file mode 100644
index 459de6d64..000000000
--- a/src/cse-machine/__tests__/__snapshots__/cse-machine-callcc-js.ts.snap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`call_cc can be used to return early: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let x = 1;
-call_cc((cont) => {
-    x = 2;
-    cont();
-    x = 3;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 2,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`call_cc throws error when given > 1 arguments: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const f = (cont) => cont;
-1 + 2 + call_cc(f,f) + 4;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: Expected 1 arguments, but got 2.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`call_cc throws error when given no arguments: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "1 + 2 + call_cc() + 4;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Expected 1 arguments, but got 0.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`call_cc works with normal functions: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "1 + 2 + call_cc((cont) => 3) + 4;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 10,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`continuations can be stored as a value: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let a = 0;
-call_cc((cont) => {
-    a = cont;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": [Function],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
diff --git a/src/cse-machine/__tests__/__snapshots__/cse-machine-callcc.ts.snap b/src/cse-machine/__tests__/__snapshots__/cse-machine-callcc.ts.snap
deleted file mode 100644
index df1220603..000000000
--- a/src/cse-machine/__tests__/__snapshots__/cse-machine-callcc.ts.snap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`basic call/cc works: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (+ 1 2 (call/cc
-              (lambda (k) (k 3)))
-            4)
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": SchemeInteger {
-    "numberType": 1,
-    "value": 10n,
-  },
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`call/cc can be stored as a value: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    ;; storing a continuation
-    (define a #f)
-    (+ 1 2 3 (call/cc (lambda (k) (set! a k) 0)) 4 5)
-    ;; continuations are treated as functions
-    ;; so we can do this:
-    (procedure? a)
-    ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`call/cc can be used to escape a computation: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (define test 1)
-    (call/cc (lambda (k)
-                (set! test 2)
-                (k 'escaped)
-                (set! test 3)))
-    ;; test should be 2
-    test
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": SchemeInteger {
-    "numberType": 1,
-    "value": 2n,
-  },
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`call/cc throws error given >1 argument: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (+ 1 2 (call/cc
-              (lambda (k) (k 3))
-              'wrongwrongwrong!)
-            4)
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: Expected 1 arguments, but got 2.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`call/cc throws error given no arguments: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (+ 1 2 (call/cc) 4)
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: Expected 1 arguments, but got 0.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
diff --git a/src/cse-machine/__tests__/__snapshots__/cse-machine-errors.ts.snap b/src/cse-machine/__tests__/__snapshots__/cse-machine-errors.ts.snap
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d412190e..000000000
--- a/src/cse-machine/__tests__/__snapshots__/cse-machine-errors.ts.snap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1049 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`Builtins don't create additional errors when it's not their fault: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f(x) {
-  return a;
-map(f, list(1, 2));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: Name a not declared.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Cannot overwrite loop variables within a block: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function test(){
-    let z = [];
-    for (let x = 0; x < 2; x = x + 1) {
-      x = 1;
-    }
-    return false;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 4: Assignment to a for loop variable in the for loop is not allowed.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Cascading js errors work properly: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function h(p) {
-  return head(p);
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: Error: head(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered null",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when accessing temporal dead zone: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const a = 1;
-function f() {
-  display(a);
-  const a = 5;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3: Name a declared later in current scope but not yet assigned",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when assigning to builtin - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-map = 5;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 0: Cannot assign new value to constant map.
-As map was declared as a constant, its value cannot be changed. You will have to declare a new variable.
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when assigning to builtin - verbose: expectParsedError 2`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-undefined = 5;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 0: Cannot assign new value to constant undefined.
-As undefined was declared as a constant, its value cannot be changed. You will have to declare a new variable.
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when assigning to builtin: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "map = 5;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Cannot assign new value to constant map.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when assigning to builtin: expectParsedError 2`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "undefined = 5;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Cannot assign new value to constant undefined.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling arrow function in tail call with too many arguments - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-const g = () => 1;
-const f = x => g(x);
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3, Column 15: Expected 0 arguments, but got 1.
-Try calling function g again, but with 0 arguments instead. Remember that arguments are separated by a ',' (comma).
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling arrow function in tail call with too many arguments: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const g = () => 1;
-const f = x => g(x);
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: Expected 0 arguments, but got 1.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling arrow function with too few arguments - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-  const f = x => x;
-  f();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3, Column 2: Expected 1 arguments, but got 0.
-Try calling function f again, but with 1 argument instead. Remember that arguments are separated by a ',' (comma).
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling arrow function with too few arguments: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const f = x => x;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: Expected 1 arguments, but got 0.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling arrow function with too many arguments - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-  const f = x => x;
-  f(1, 2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3, Column 2: Expected 1 arguments, but got 2.
-Try calling function f again, but with 1 argument instead. Remember that arguments are separated by a ',' (comma).
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling arrow function with too many arguments: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const f = x => x;
-f(1, 2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: Expected 1 arguments, but got 2.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling builtin function in with too few arguments: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse_int(\\"\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Expected 2 arguments, but got 1.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling builtin function in with too many arguments: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_number(1, 2, 3);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Expected 1 arguments, but got 3.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling function from member expression with too many arguments - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-  const f = [x => x];
-  f[0](1, 2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3, Column 2: Expected 1 arguments, but got 2.
-Try calling function f[0] again, but with 1 argument instead. Remember that arguments are separated by a ',' (comma).
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling function from member expression with too many arguments: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const f = [x => x];
-f[0](1, 2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: Expected 1 arguments, but got 2.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling function with too few arguments - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-  function f(x) {
-    return x;
-  }
-  f();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 5, Column 2: Expected 1 arguments, but got 0.
-Try calling function f again, but with 1 argument instead. Remember that arguments are separated by a ',' (comma).
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling function with too few arguments: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f(x) {
-  return x;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 4: Expected 1 arguments, but got 0.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling function with too many arguments - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-  function f(x) {
-    return x;
-  }
-  f(1, 2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 5, Column 2: Expected 1 arguments, but got 2.
-Try calling function f again, but with 1 argument instead. Remember that arguments are separated by a ',' (comma).
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling function with too many arguments: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f(x) {
-  return x;
-f(1, 2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 4: Expected 1 arguments, but got 2.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling non function value "string" - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-  'string'();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 2: Calling non-function value \\"string\\".
-Because \\"string\\" is not a function, you cannot run \\"string\\"().
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling non function value "string": expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "'string'();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Calling non-function value \\"string\\".",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling non function value 0 - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-  0();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 2: Calling non-function value 0.
-Because 0 is not a function, you cannot run 0(). If you were planning to perform multiplication by 0, you need to use the * operator.
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling non function value 0: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "0();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Calling non-function value 0.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling non function value array - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 0: Calling non-function value [1].
-Because [1] is not a function, you cannot run [1]().
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling non function value array: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "[1]();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Calling non-function value [1].",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling non function value null - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-  null();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 2: null literals are not allowed.
-They're not part of the Source §1 specs.
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling non function value null: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "null();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: null literals are not allowed.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling non function value true - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-  true();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 2: Calling non-function value true.
-Because true is not a function, you cannot run true().
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling non function value true: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "true();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Calling non-function value true.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling non function value undefined - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-  undefined();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 2: Calling non-function value undefined.
-Because undefined is not a function, you cannot run undefined().
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling non function value undefined with arguments - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-  undefined(1, true);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 2: Calling non-function value undefined.
-Because undefined is not a function, you cannot run undefined(1, true).
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling non function value undefined with arguments: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "undefined(1, true);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Calling non-function value undefined.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling non function value undefined: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "undefined();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Calling non-function value undefined.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when redeclaring const after function --verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-function f() {}
-const f = x => x;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3, Column 6: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (3:6)
-There is a syntax error in your program
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when redeclaring const after function: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f() {}
-const f = x => x;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (2:6)",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when redeclaring constant as variable: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const f = x => x;
-let f = x => x;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (2:4)",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when redeclaring constant: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const f = x => x;
-const f = x => x;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (2:6)",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when redeclaring function after const --verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-const f = x => x;
-function f() {}",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3, Column 9: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (3:9)
-There is a syntax error in your program
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when redeclaring function after const: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const f = x => x;
-function f() {}",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (2:9)",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when redeclaring function after function --verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-function f() {}
-function f() {}",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3, Column 9: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (3:9)
-There is a syntax error in your program
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when redeclaring function after function: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f() {}
-function f() {}",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (2:9)",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when redeclaring function after let --verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-let f = x => x;
-function f() {}",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3, Column 9: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (3:9)
-There is a syntax error in your program
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when redeclaring function after let: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let f = x => x;
-function f() {}",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (2:9)",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when redeclaring let after function --verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-function f() {}
-let f = x => x;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3, Column 4: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (3:4)
-There is a syntax error in your program
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when redeclaring let after function: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f() {}
-let f = x => x;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (2:4)",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when redeclaring variable as constant: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let f = x => x;
-const f = x => x;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (2:6)",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when redeclaring variable: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let f = x => x;
-let f = x => x;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (2:4)",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error with too few arguments passed to rest parameters: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function rest(a, b, ...c) {}
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: Expected 2 or more arguments, but got 1.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error with too many arguments passed to math_sin: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "math_sin(7,8);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Expected 1 arguments, but got 2.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`In a block, every going-to-be-defined variable in the block cannot be accessed until it has been defined in the block.: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const a = 1;
-  a + a;
-  const a = 10;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3: Name a declared later in current scope but not yet assigned",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Nice errors when errors occur inside builtins: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse_int(\\"10\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Expected 2 arguments, but got 1.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Nice errors when errors occur inside builtins: expectParsedError 2`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"'\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: ParseError: SyntaxError: Unterminated string constant (1:0)",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`No error when calling display function in with variable arguments: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(1);
-display(1, \\"test\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "1",
-    "test 1",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`No error when calling list function in with variable arguments: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "list();
-list(1, 2, 3);
-list(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    1,
-    Array [
-      2,
-      Array [
-        3,
-        Array [
-          4,
-          Array [
-            5,
-            Array [
-              6,
-              Array [
-                6,
-                null,
-              ],
-            ],
-          ],
-        ],
-      ],
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`No error when calling math_max function in with variable arguments: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "math_max();
-math_max(1, 2);
-math_max(1, 2, 3);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 3,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`No error when calling math_min function in with variable arguments: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "math_min();
-math_min(1, 2);
-math_min(1, 2, 3);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`No error when calling stringify function in with variable arguments: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "stringify(1, 2);
-stringify(1, 2, 3);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "1",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`No hoisting of functions. Only the name is hoisted like let and const: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const v = f();
-function f() {
-  return 1;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Name f declared later in current scope but not yet assigned",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Shadowed variables may not be assigned to until declared in the current scope: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let variable = 1;
-function test(){
-  variable = 100;
-  let variable = true;
-  return variable;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3: Name variable not declared.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Type error with <number> * <nonnumber>, error line at <number>, not <nonnumber>: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "12
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Expected number on right hand side of operation, got string.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Type error with non boolean in if statement, error line at if statement, not at 1: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "if (
-) {
-  2;
-} else {}",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Expected boolean as condition, got number.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Undefined variable error is thrown - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 0: Name im_undefined not declared.
-Before you can read the value of im_undefined, you need to declare it as a variable or a constant. You can do this using the let or const keywords.
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Undefined variable error is thrown: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "im_undefined;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Name im_undefined not declared.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Undefined variables are caught even when unreached: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const a = 1;
-if (false) {
-  im_undefined;
-} else {
-  a;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3: Name im_undefined not declared.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
diff --git a/src/cse-machine/__tests__/__snapshots__/cse-machine-return-regressions.ts.snap b/src/cse-machine/__tests__/__snapshots__/cse-machine-return-regressions.ts.snap
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a6940382..000000000
--- a/src/cse-machine/__tests__/__snapshots__/cse-machine-return-regressions.ts.snap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`Bare early returns in for loops work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    function unreachable() {
-      return 1 < true; // Will cause an error
-    }
-    function f() {
-      for (let i = 0; i < 100; i = i + 1) {
-        return i+1;
-        unreachable();
-      }
-      unreachable();
-      return 0;
-      unreachable();
-    }
-    f();
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Bare early returns in if statements work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    function unreachable() {
-      return 1 < true; // Will cause an error
-    }
-    function f() {
-      if (true) {
-        return 1;
-        unreachable();
-      } else {}
-      unreachable();
-      return 0;
-      unreachable();
-    }
-    f();
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Bare early returns in while loops work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    function unreachable() {
-      return 1 < true; // Will cause an error
-    }
-    function f() {
-      while (true) {
-        return 1;
-        unreachable();
-      }
-      unreachable();
-      return 0;
-      unreachable();
-    }
-    f();
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Bare early returns work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    function unreachable() {
-      return 1 < true; // Will cause an error
-    }
-    function f() {
-      return 1;
-      unreachable();
-      return 0;
-      unreachable();
-    }
-    f();
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Calling unreachable results in error: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    function unreachable() {
-      return 1 < true; // Will cause an error
-    }
-    function f() {
-      unreachable();
-      return 0;
-    }
-    f();
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3: Expected number on right hand side of operation, got boolean.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Recursive call early returns in for loops work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    function unreachable() {
-      return 1 < true; // Will cause an error
-    }
-    function id(x) {
-      return x;
-    }
-    function f() {
-      for (let i = 0; i < 100; i = i + 1) {
-        return id(i+1) + id(i+2);
-      }
-      return 0;
-    }
-    f();
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 3,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Recursive call early returns in if statements work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    function unreachable() {
-      return 1 < true; // Will cause an error
-    }
-    function id(x) {
-      return x;
-    }
-    function f() {
-      if (true) {
-        return id(1) + id(2);
-        unreachable();
-      } else {}
-      unreachable();
-      return 0;
-      unreachable();
-    }
-    f();
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 3,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Recursive call early returns in while loops work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    function unreachable() {
-      return 1 < true; // Will cause an error
-    }
-    function id(x) {
-      return x;
-    }
-    function f() {
-      while (true) {
-        return id(1) + id(2);
-        unreachable();
-      }
-      unreachable();
-      return 0;
-      unreachable();
-    }
-    f();
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 3,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Recursive call early returns work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    function unreachable() {
-      return 1 < true; // Will cause an error
-    }
-    function id(x) {
-      return x;
-    }
-    function f() {
-      return id(1) + id(2);
-      unreachable();
-      return 0;
-      unreachable();
-    }
-    f();
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 3,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Tail call early returns in for loops work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    function unreachable() {
-      return 1 < true; // Will cause an error
-    }
-    function id(x) {
-      return x;
-    }
-    function f() {
-      for (let i = 0; i < 100; i = i + 1) {
-        return id(i+1);
-        unreachable();
-      }
-      unreachable();
-      return 0;
-      unreachable();
-    }
-    f();
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Tail call early returns in if statements work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    function unreachable() {
-      return 1 < true; // Will cause an error
-    }
-    function id(x) {
-      return x;
-    }
-    function f() {
-      if (true) {
-        return id(1);
-        unreachable();
-      } else {}
-      unreachable();
-      return 0;
-      unreachable();
-    }
-    f();
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Tail call early returns in while loops work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    function unreachable() {
-      return 1 < true; // Will cause an error
-    }
-    function id(x) {
-      return x;
-    }
-    function f() {
-      while (true) {
-        return id(1);
-        unreachable();
-      }
-      unreachable();
-      return 0;
-      unreachable();
-    }
-    f();
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Tail call early returns work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    function unreachable() {
-      return 1 < true; // Will cause an error
-    }
-    function id(x) {
-      return x;
-    }
-    function f() {
-      return id(1);
-      unreachable();
-      return 0;
-      unreachable();
-    }
-    f();
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
diff --git a/src/cse-machine/__tests__/__snapshots__/cse-machine-stdlib.ts.snap b/src/cse-machine/__tests__/__snapshots__/cse-machine-stdlib.ts.snap
index ef86d0b26..7db840268 100644
--- a/src/cse-machine/__tests__/__snapshots__/cse-machine-stdlib.ts.snap
+++ b/src/cse-machine/__tests__/__snapshots__/cse-machine-stdlib.ts.snap
@@ -1,621 +1,13 @@
 // Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 0: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display('message');",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "\\"message\\"",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "message",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+exports[`Builtins work as expected 1 1`] = `"Line 1: Error: \\"error!\\""`;
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 1: fails 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "error('error!');",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Error: \\"error!\\"",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+exports[`Builtins work as expected 40 1`] = `"Line 1: Error: head(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered null"`;
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 2: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_undefined(undefined);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+exports[`Builtins work as expected 41 1`] = `"Line 1: Error: tail(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered null"`;
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 3: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_undefined(null);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+exports[`Builtins work as expected 42 1`] = `"Line 1: Error: head(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered 1"`;
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 4: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_null(undefined);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+exports[`Builtins work as expected 43 1`] = `"Line 1: Error: tail(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered 1"`;
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 5: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_null(null);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 6: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_string('string');",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 7: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_string('true');",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 8: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_string('1');",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 9: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_string(true);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 10: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_string(1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 11: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_number('string');",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 12: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_number('true');",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 13: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_number('1');",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 14: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_number(true);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 15: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_number(1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 16: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_boolean('string');",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 17: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_boolean('true');",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 18: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_boolean('1');",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 19: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_boolean(true);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 20: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_boolean(1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 21: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_function(display);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 22: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_function(x => x);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 23: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f(x) {
-  return x;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 24: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_function(1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 25: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_array(1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 26: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_array(pair(1, 2));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 27: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_array([1]);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 28: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "array_length([1]);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 29: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse_int('10', 10);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 10,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 30: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse_int('10', 2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 2,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 31: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_number(get_time());",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 32: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const start = get_time();
-function repeatUntilDifferentTime() {
-  if (start === get_time()) {
-    return repeatUntilDifferentTime();
-  } else {
-    return true;
-  }
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 33: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "pair(1, 2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    1,
-    2,
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 34: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "list(1, 2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    1,
-    Array [
-      2,
-      null,
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 35: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_list(1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 36: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_list(pair(1, 2));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 37: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_list(list(1, 2));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 38: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "head(pair(1, 2));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 39: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "tail(pair(1, 2));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 2,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 40: fails 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "head(null);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Error: head(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered null",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 41: fails 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "tail(null);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Error: tail(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered null",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 42: fails 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "head(1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Error: head(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered 1",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 43: fails 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "tail(1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Error: tail(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered 1",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 44: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "length(list(1, 2));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 2,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins work as expected 45: fails 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "length(1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 33: Error: tail(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered 1",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+exports[`Builtins work as expected 45 1`] = `"Line 33: Error: tail(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered 1"`;
diff --git a/src/cse-machine/__tests__/__snapshots__/cse-machine.ts.snap b/src/cse-machine/__tests__/__snapshots__/cse-machine.ts.snap
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b85f4c7..000000000
--- a/src/cse-machine/__tests__/__snapshots__/cse-machine.ts.snap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,568 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`Array literals are unpacked in the correct order: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let d = 0;
-let c = [ d = d * 10 + 1, d = d * 10 + 2, d = d * 10 + 3];
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 123,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Array literals work as expected: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let c = [1, 2, 3];
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    1,
-    2,
-    3,
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Breaks, continues and returns are detected properly inside loops: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f() {
-  let i = 0;
-  while(i < 10) {
-      i = i + 1;
-      if (i === 1) {
-        i = 1;
-        i = 1;
-      } else if (i === 2) {
-        i = 2;
-        continue;
-      } else if (i === 3) {
-        i = 3;
-        return i;
-      } else if (i === 4) {
-        i = 4;
-        break;
-      }
-  }
-  return i;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 3,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Conditional statements are value producing always: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function fact(n) {
-  if (n === 0) {
-      2;
-      return 1;
-  }
-  if (true) {
-      let i = 1;
-      i = i - 1;
-  } else {
-      2;
-  }
-  if (false) {
-      2;
-  } else {
-      const i = 1;
-  }
-  return n * fact(n - 1);
-  }
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 120,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Environment reset is inserted when only instructions are in control stack: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const a = (v => v)(0);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Nullary functions properly restore environment 1: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f() {
-  function g(t) {
-      return 0;
-  }
-  return g;
-const h = f();
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 0,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Nullary functions properly restore environment 2: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f() {
-  const a = 1;
-  return a;
-const a = f();
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Simple tail call returns work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f(x, y) {
-  if (x <= 0) {
-    return y;
-  } else {
-    return f(x-1, y+1);
-  }
-f(5000, 5000);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 10000,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Tail call in boolean operators work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f(x, y) {
-  if (x <= 0) {
-    return y;
-  } else {
-    return false || f(x-1, y+1);
-  }
-f(5000, 5000);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 10000,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Tail call in conditional expressions work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f(x, y) {
-  return x <= 0 ? y : f(x-1, y+1);
-f(5000, 5000);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 10000,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Tail call in nested mix of conditional expressions boolean operators work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f(x, y) {
-  return x <= 0 ? y : false || x > 0 ? f(x-1, y+1) : 'unreachable';
-f(5000, 5000);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 10000,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Tail calls in arrow block functions work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const f = (x, y) => {
-  if (x <= 0) {
-    return y;
-  } else {
-    return f(x-1, y+1);
-  }
-f(5000, 5000);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 10000,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Tail calls in arrow functions work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const f = (x, y) => x <= 0 ? y : f(x-1, y+1);
-f(5000, 5000);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 10000,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Tail calls in mixed tail-call/non-tail-call recursion work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f(x, y, z) {
-  if (x <= 0) {
-    return y;
-  } else {
-    return f(x-1, y+f(0, z, 0), z);
-  }
-f(5000, 5000, 2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 15000,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Tail calls in mutual recursion with arrow functions work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const f = (x, y) => x <= 0 ? y : g(x-1, y+1);
-const g = (x, y) => x <= 0 ? y : f(x-1, y+1);
-f(5000, 5000);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 10000,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Tail calls in mutual recursion work: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f(x, y) {
-  if (x <= 0) {
-    return y;
-  } else {
-    return g(x-1, y+1);
-  }
-function g(x, y) {
-  if (x <= 0) {
-    return y;
-  } else {
-    return f(x-1, y+1);
-  }
-f(5000, 5000);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 10000,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`breaks, continues are properly detected in child blocks 1: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let i = 0;
-for (i = 1; i < 5; i = i + 1) {
-    {
-        const a = i;
-        if (i === 1) {
-            continue;
-        }
-    }
-    {
-        const a = i;
-        if (i === 2) {
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 2,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`breaks, continues are properly detected in child blocks 2: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let a = 0;
-for (let i = 1; i < 5; i = i + 1) {
-    {
-        const x = 0;
-        a = i;
-        if (i === 1) {
-            continue;
-        }
-    }
-    {
-        const x = 0;
-        a = i;
-        if (i === 2) {
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 2,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`const uses block scoping instead of function scoping: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function test(){
-  const x = true;
-  if(true) {
-      const x = false;
-  } else {
-      const x = false;
-  }
-  return x;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`continue in while loops are working as intended: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function test(){
-  let i = 0;
-  let j = false;
-  while (i <= 10){
-    if (i === 10){
-      j = true;
-      i = i + 1;
-      continue;
-    }
-    j = false;
-    i = i + 1;
-  }
-  return j;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`for loop \`let\` variables are copied into the block scope: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function test(){
-  let z = [];
-  for (let x = 0; x < 10; x = x + 1) {
-    z[x] = () => x;
-  }
-  return z[1]();
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`for loops use block scoping instead of function scoping: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function test(){
-  let x = true;
-  for (let x = 1; x > 0; x = x - 1) {
-  }
-  return x;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`let uses block scoping instead of function scoping: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function test(){
-  let x = true;
-  if(true) {
-      let x = false;
-  } else {
-      let x = false;
-  }
-  return x;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standalone block statements: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function test(){
-  const x = true;
-  {
-      const x = false;
-  }
-  return x;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`streams and its pre-defined/pre-built functions are working as intended: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function make_alternating_stream(stream) {
-  return pair(head(stream), () => make_alternating_stream(
-                                    negate_whole_stream(
-                                        stream_tail(stream))));
-function negate_whole_stream(stream) {
-    return pair(-head(stream), () => negate_whole_stream(stream_tail(stream)));
-const ones = pair(1, () => ones);
-list_ref(eval_stream(make_alternating_stream(enum_stream(1, 9)), 9), 8);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 9,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`streams can be created and functions with no return statements are still evaluated properly: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const s = stream(true, false, undefined, 1, x=>x, null, -123, head);
-const result = [];
-stream_for_each(item => {result[array_length(result)] = item;}, s);
-stream_ref(s,4)(22) === 22 && stream_ref(s,7)(pair('', '1')) === '1' && result;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`while loops use block scoping instead of function scoping: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function test(){
-  let x = true;
-  while (true) {
-    let x = false;
-    break;
-  }
-  return x;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
diff --git a/src/cse-machine/__tests__/__snapshots__/cset-machine-apply.ts.snap b/src/cse-machine/__tests__/__snapshots__/cset-machine-apply.ts.snap
deleted file mode 100644
index e640dd35d..000000000
--- a/src/cse-machine/__tests__/__snapshots__/cset-machine-apply.ts.snap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`eval of strings: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval \\"hello\\")
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "hello",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`incorrect use of apply throws error (insufficient arguments): expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (apply)
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Expected 2 arguments, but got 0.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`incorrect use of apply throws error (last argument not a list): expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (apply + 1 2 3)
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: Last argument of apply must be a list",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`multi-operand apply: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (define args '(1 2 3 4 5))
-    (apply + 6 7 8 9 10 args)
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": SchemeInteger {
-    "numberType": 1,
-    "value": 55n,
-  },
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`two-operand apply: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (define args '(1 2))
-    (apply + args)
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": SchemeInteger {
-    "numberType": 1,
-    "value": 3n,
-  },
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
diff --git a/src/cse-machine/__tests__/__snapshots__/cset-machine-eval.ts.snap b/src/cse-machine/__tests__/__snapshots__/cset-machine-eval.ts.snap
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d4858bf9..000000000
--- a/src/cse-machine/__tests__/__snapshots__/cset-machine-eval.ts.snap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`eval of application: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval '(+ 1 2))
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": SchemeInteger {
-    "numberType": 1,
-    "value": 3n,
-  },
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`eval of begin: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval '(begin 1 2 3))
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": SchemeInteger {
-    "numberType": 1,
-    "value": 3n,
-  },
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`eval of booleans: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval #t)
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`eval of define: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval '(define x 1))
-    x
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": SchemeInteger {
-    "numberType": 1,
-    "value": 1n,
-  },
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`eval of empty list: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval '())
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: Cannot evaluate null",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`eval of if: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval '(if #t 1 2))
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": SchemeInteger {
-    "numberType": 1,
-    "value": 1n,
-  },
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`eval of lambda: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval '(lambda (x) x))
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": [Function],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`eval of numbers: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval 1)
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": SchemeInteger {
-    "numberType": 1,
-    "value": 1n,
-  },
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`eval of quote: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval '(quote (1 2 3)))
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    SchemeInteger {
-      "numberType": 1,
-      "value": 1n,
-    },
-    Array [
-      SchemeInteger {
-        "numberType": 1,
-        "value": 2n,
-      },
-      Array [
-        SchemeInteger {
-          "numberType": 1,
-          "value": 3n,
-        },
-        null,
-      ],
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`eval of set!: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (define x 2)
-    (eval '(set! x 1))
-    x
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": SchemeInteger {
-    "numberType": 1,
-    "value": 1n,
-  },
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`eval of strings: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval \\"hello\\")
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "hello",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`eval of symbols: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (define hello 1)
-    (eval 'hello)
-  ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": SchemeInteger {
-    "numberType": 1,
-    "value": 1n,
-  },
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
diff --git a/src/cse-machine/__tests__/__snapshots__/cset-machine-macros.ts.snap b/src/cse-machine/__tests__/__snapshots__/cset-machine-macros.ts.snap
deleted file mode 100644
index 44a337150..000000000
--- a/src/cse-machine/__tests__/__snapshots__/cset-machine-macros.ts.snap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`definition of a macro: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (define-syntax my-let
-      (syntax-rules ()
-        ((_ ((var expr) ...) body ...)
-         ((lambda (var ...) body ...) expr ...))))
-    ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`failed usage of a macro (no matching pattern): expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (define-syntax my-let
-      (syntax-rules ()
-        ((_ ((var expr) ...) body ...)
-         ((lambda (var ...) body ...) expr ...))))
-    (my-let ((x 1) y)
-      (+ x y))
-    ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: No matching transformer found for macro my-let",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`use of a macro: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (define-syntax my-let
-      (syntax-rules ()
-        ((_ ((var expr) ...) body ...)
-         ((lambda (var ...) body ...) expr ...))))
-    (my-let ((x 1) (y 2))
-      (+ x y))
-    ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": SchemeInteger {
-    "numberType": 1,
-    "value": 3n,
-  },
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`use of a more complex macro (recursive): expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-(define-syntax define-match
-    (syntax-rules ()
-        ; vars is a pair
-        ((_ (front . rest) val)
-         (begin
-            (if (not (pair? val))
-                (error \\"define-match: vars and vals do not match\\"))
-            (define-match front (car val))
-            (define-match rest (cdr val))))
-        ; vars is nil
-        ((_ () val)
-         ; do nothing
-         (if #f #f))
-        ; vars is a single symbol
-        ((_ sym val)
-         (define sym val))))
-  (define-match ((x y) z) '((1 2) 3))
-  (+ x y z)
-    ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": SchemeInteger {
-    "numberType": 1,
-    "value": 6n,
-  },
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
diff --git a/src/cse-machine/__tests__/__snapshots__/cset-machine.ts.snap b/src/cse-machine/__tests__/__snapshots__/cset-machine.ts.snap
deleted file mode 100644
index fc7301ef5..000000000
--- a/src/cse-machine/__tests__/__snapshots__/cset-machine.ts.snap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`evaluating a poorly formed begin throws error (insufficient arguments): expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval '(begin))
-    ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: begin requires at least 1 argument!",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`evaluating a poorly formed define throws error (attempt to redefine special form): expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval '(define (if x y) 4))
-    ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: Cannot shadow special form if with a definition!",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`evaluating a poorly formed define throws error (ill formed define-function): expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval '(define (x 1 2 3) 4))
-    ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: Invalid arguments for lambda!",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`evaluating a poorly formed define throws error (insufficient arguments): expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval '(define))
-    ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: define requires at least 2 arguments!",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`evaluating a poorly formed define throws error (too many arguments): expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval '(define x 1 2 3))
-    ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: define requires 2 arguments!",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`evaluating a poorly formed define-syntax throws error (attempt to shadow special form): expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval '(define-syntax if 4))
-    ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: Cannot shadow special form if with a macro!",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`evaluating a poorly formed define-syntax throws error (insufficient arguments): expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval '(define-syntax))
-    ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: define-syntax requires 2 arguments!",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`evaluating a poorly formed define-syntax throws error (list is not syntax-rules): expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval '(define-syntax x (foo bar)))
-    ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: define-syntax requires a syntax-rules transformer!",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`evaluating a poorly formed define-syntax throws error (no syntax-rules list): expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval '(define-syntax x 1))
-    ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: define-syntax requires a syntax-rules transformer!",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`evaluating a poorly formed define-syntax throws error (syntax is not a symbol): expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval '(define-syntax 1 4))
-    ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: define-syntax requires a symbol!",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`evaluating a poorly formed define-syntax throws error (syntax-rules has non-list rules): expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval '(define-syntax x (syntax-rules (x) 1)))
-    ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: Invalid syntax-rules rule!",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`evaluating a poorly formed define-syntax throws error (syntax-rules has non-symbol literals): expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval '(define-syntax x (syntax-rules (1 2) (1 1))))
-    ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: Invalid syntax-rules literals!",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`evaluating a poorly formed define-syntax throws error (syntax-rules has poor literals list): expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval '(define-syntax x (syntax-rules x (1 1))))
-    ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: Invalid syntax-rules literals!",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`evaluating a poorly formed define-syntax throws error (syntax-rules too few arguments): expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval '(define-syntax x (syntax-rules)))
-    ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: syntax-rules requires at least 2 arguments!",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`evaluating a poorly formed define-syntax throws error (too many arguments): expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval '(define-syntax x 1 2 3))
-    ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: define-syntax requires 2 arguments!",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`evaluating a poorly formed if throws error (insufficient arguments): expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval '(if))
-    ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: if requires at least 2 arguments!",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`evaluating a poorly formed if throws error (too many arguments): expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval '(if #t 1 2 3))
-    ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: if requires at most 3 arguments!",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`evaluating a poorly formed lambda throws error: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval '(lambda (1 2 3) x))
-    ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: Invalid arguments for lambda!",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`evaluating a poorly formed quote throws error (insufficient arguments): expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval '(quote))
-    ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: quote requires 1 argument!",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`evaluating a poorly formed quote throws error (too many arguments): expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval '(quote x y))
-    ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: quote requires 1 argument!",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`evaluating a poorly formed set! throws error (attempt to set! special form): expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval '(set! if 4))
-    ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: Cannot overwrite special form if with a value!",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`evaluating a poorly formed set! throws error (insufficient arguments): expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval '(set!))
-    ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: set! requires 2 arguments!",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`evaluating a poorly formed set! throws error (too many arguments): expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval '(set! x 1 2 3))
-    ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: set! requires 2 arguments!",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`evaluating a syntax-rules expression (should not exist outside of define-syntax): expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval '(syntax-rules (x) (1 1)))
-    ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: syntax-rules must only exist within define-syntax!",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`evaluating null throws error: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "
-    (eval '())
-    ",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: Cannot evaluate null",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
diff --git a/src/cse-machine/__tests__/continuations.ts b/src/cse-machine/__tests__/continuations.ts
index ae957fee3..27b8db157 100644
--- a/src/cse-machine/__tests__/continuations.ts
+++ b/src/cse-machine/__tests__/continuations.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { mockContext } from '../../mocks/context'
+import { mockContext } from '../../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { Call_cc, Continuation, isCallWithCurrentContinuation } from '../continuations'
 import { Control, Stash, Transformers } from '../interpreter'
diff --git a/src/cse-machine/__tests__/cse-machine-errors.ts b/src/cse-machine/__tests__/cse-machine-errors.ts
index 9fa1bdc78..4c4dc199e 100644
--- a/src/cse-machine/__tests__/cse-machine-errors.ts
+++ b/src/cse-machine/__tests__/cse-machine-errors.ts
@@ -3,15 +3,23 @@ import * as _ from 'lodash'
 import { Chapter, Variant } from '../../types'
 import { stripIndent } from '../../utils/formatters'
-import {
-  expectDifferentParsedErrors,
-  expectParsedError,
-  expectParsedErrorNoSnapshot,
-  expectResult
-} from '../../utils/testing'
+import { expectParsedError, expectResult, testFailure } from '../../utils/testing'
+import { TestOptions } from '../../utils/testing/types'
 jest.spyOn(_, 'memoize').mockImplementation(func => func as any)
+function expectDifferentParsedErrors(code1: string, code2: string, options: TestOptions = {}) {
+  return expect(
+    testFailure(code1, options).then(error1 => {
+      expect(
+        testFailure(code2, options).then(error2 => {
+          return expect(error1).not.toEqual(error2)
+        })
+      )
+    })
+  ).resolves
 const undefinedVariable = stripIndent`
@@ -149,7 +157,7 @@ test("Builtins don't create additional errors when it's not their fault", () =>
 test('Infinite recursion with a block bodied function', () => {
-  return expectParsedErrorNoSnapshot(
+  return expectParsedError(
     function i(n) {
       return n === 0 ? 0 : 1 + i(n-1);
@@ -161,7 +169,7 @@ test('Infinite recursion with a block bodied function', () => {
 }, 15000)
 test('Infinite recursion with function calls in argument', () => {
-  return expectParsedErrorNoSnapshot(
+  return expectParsedError(
     function i(n, redundant) {
       return n === 0 ? 0 : 1 + i(n-1, r());
@@ -178,7 +186,7 @@ test('Infinite recursion with function calls in argument', () => {
 }, 20000)
 test('Infinite recursion of mutually recursive functions', () => {
-  return expectParsedErrorNoSnapshot(
+  return expectParsedError(
     function f(n) {
       return n === 0 ? 0 : 1 + g(n - 1);
@@ -931,7 +939,7 @@ test('Cascading js errors work properly', () => {
 test('Check that stack is at most 10k in size', () => {
-  return expectParsedErrorNoSnapshot(
+  return expectParsedError(
     function f(x) {
       if (x <= 0) {
diff --git a/src/cse-machine/__tests__/cse-machine-heap.ts b/src/cse-machine/__tests__/cse-machine-heap.ts
index 3565ce6d7..fed7ab1d2 100644
--- a/src/cse-machine/__tests__/cse-machine-heap.ts
+++ b/src/cse-machine/__tests__/cse-machine-heap.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { mockClosure, mockContext } from '../../mocks/context'
+import { mockClosure, mockContext } from '../../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { runCodeInSource } from '../../runner'
 import { Chapter } from '../../types'
 import { stripIndent } from '../../utils/formatters'
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ test('Heap works correctly', () => {
   expect(heap1.getHeap()).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`Set {}`)
   const arr = [0] as EnvArray
-  const closure = mockClosure(true)
+  const closure = mockClosure()
   heap1.add(arr, closure)
   expect(heap1.contains([0] as EnvArray)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`false`)
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ test('Heap works correctly', () => {
   const heap2 = new Heap()
-  expect(heap1.move(mockClosure(true), heap2)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`false`)
+  expect(heap1.move(mockClosure(), heap2)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`false`)
   expect(heap1.move(arr, heap2)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`true`)
diff --git a/src/cse-machine/__tests__/cse-machine-runtime-context.ts b/src/cse-machine/__tests__/cse-machine-runtime-context.ts
index 4c3e48e0a..5a65ceeb8 100644
--- a/src/cse-machine/__tests__/cse-machine-runtime-context.ts
+++ b/src/cse-machine/__tests__/cse-machine-runtime-context.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 import * as es from 'estree'
 import { IOptions } from '../..'
-import { mockContext } from '../../mocks/context'
+import { mockContext } from '../../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { parse } from '../../parser/parser'
 import { runCodeInSource } from '../../runner'
 import { Chapter, RecursivePartial } from '../../types'
diff --git a/src/cse-machine/__tests__/cse-machine-stdlib.ts b/src/cse-machine/__tests__/cse-machine-stdlib.ts
index a9c8d93ff..88a7c19e1 100644
--- a/src/cse-machine/__tests__/cse-machine-stdlib.ts
+++ b/src/cse-machine/__tests__/cse-machine-stdlib.ts
@@ -436,11 +436,7 @@ test.each([
         variant: Variant.EXPLICIT_CONTROL
     } else {
-      return snapshotFailure(
-        stripIndent(snippet),
-        { chapter, variant: Variant.EXPLICIT_CONTROL },
-        'fails'
-      )
+      return snapshotFailure(stripIndent(snippet), { chapter, variant: Variant.EXPLICIT_CONTROL })
diff --git a/src/cse-machine/__tests__/cse-machine-unique-id.ts b/src/cse-machine/__tests__/cse-machine-unique-id.ts
index 75a972fef..aa421b1f1 100644
--- a/src/cse-machine/__tests__/cse-machine-unique-id.ts
+++ b/src/cse-machine/__tests__/cse-machine-unique-id.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { mockContext } from '../../mocks/context'
+import { mockContext } from '../../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { Chapter, type Context, type Environment } from '../../types'
 import { stripIndent } from '../../utils/formatters'
 import { runCodeInSource } from '../../runner'
diff --git a/src/cse-machine/interpreter.ts b/src/cse-machine/interpreter.ts
index 4615697c2..2a59e54f3 100644
--- a/src/cse-machine/interpreter.ts
+++ b/src/cse-machine/interpreter.ts
@@ -602,6 +602,7 @@ const cmdEvaluators: { [type: string]: CmdEvaluator } = {
+                    'const',
@@ -614,6 +615,7 @@ const cmdEvaluators: { [type: string]: CmdEvaluator } = {
+                        'const',
diff --git a/src/editors/ace/docTooltip/index.ts b/src/editors/ace/docTooltip/index.ts
index 5d0667f32..a22685f62 100644
--- a/src/editors/ace/docTooltip/index.ts
+++ b/src/editors/ace/docTooltip/index.ts
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import * as source_1_typed from './source_1_typed.json'
 import * as source_2 from './source_2.json'
 import * as source_2_typed from './source_2_typed.json'
 import * as source_3 from './source_3.json'
-import * as source_3_concurrent from './source_3_concurrent.json'
 import * as source_3_typed from './source_3_typed.json'
 import * as source_4 from './source_4.json'
 import * as source_4_typed from './source_4_typed.json'
@@ -45,7 +44,6 @@ export const SourceDocumentation = {
     '2': resolveImportInconsistency(source_2),
     '2_typed': resolveImportInconsistency(source_2_typed),
     '3': resolveImportInconsistency(source_3),
-    '3_concurrent': resolveImportInconsistency(source_3_concurrent),
     '3_typed': resolveImportInconsistency(source_3_typed),
     '4': resolveImportInconsistency(source_4),
     '4_typed': resolveImportInconsistency(source_4_typed),
diff --git a/src/index.ts b/src/index.ts
index 70262b05e..f3e007085 100644
--- a/src/index.ts
+++ b/src/index.ts
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ import { getKeywords, getProgramNames, NameDeclaration } from './name-extractor'
 import { htmlRunner, resolvedErrorPromise, sourceFilesRunner } from './runner'
 export interface IOptions {
-  scheduler: 'preemptive' | 'async'
   steps: number
   stepLimit: number
   executionMethod: ExecutionMethod
@@ -253,12 +252,9 @@ export async function runFilesInContext(
 export function resume(result: Result): Finished | ResultError | Promise<Result> {
   if (result.status === 'finished' || result.status === 'error') {
     return result
-  } else if (result.status === 'suspended-cse-eval') {
-    const value = resumeEvaluate(result.context)
-    return CSEResultPromise(result.context, value)
-  } else {
-    return result.scheduler.run(result.it, result.context)
+  const value = resumeEvaluate(result.context)
+  return CSEResultPromise(result.context, value)
 export function interrupt(context: Context) {
diff --git a/src/infiniteLoops/__tests__/errors.ts b/src/infiniteLoops/__tests__/errors.ts
index 5ca59db4e..52f076aef 100644
--- a/src/infiniteLoops/__tests__/errors.ts
+++ b/src/infiniteLoops/__tests__/errors.ts
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import * as es from 'estree'
 import { ExceptionError } from '../../errors/errors'
 import { RuntimeSourceError } from '../../errors/runtimeSourceError'
 import { TimeoutError } from '../../errors/timeoutErrors'
-import { mockContext } from '../../mocks/context'
+import { mockContext } from '../../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { Chapter } from '../../types'
 import {
diff --git a/src/infiniteLoops/__tests__/instrument.ts b/src/infiniteLoops/__tests__/instrument.ts
index 56886b86a..e292ef2a0 100644
--- a/src/infiniteLoops/__tests__/instrument.ts
+++ b/src/infiniteLoops/__tests__/instrument.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 import { Program } from 'estree'
-import { mockContext } from '../../mocks/context'
+import { mockContext } from '../../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { parse } from '../../parser/parser'
 import { Chapter } from '../../types'
 import { evaluateBinaryExpression, evaluateUnaryExpression } from '../../utils/operators'
@@ -12,24 +12,26 @@ import {
 function mockFunctionsAndState() {
   const theState = undefined
-  const functions = {}
   const returnFirst = (...args: any[]) => args[0]
   const nothing = (..._args: any[]) => {}
-  functions[functionNames.nothingFunction] = nothing
-  functions[functionNames.concretize] = returnFirst
-  functions[functionNames.hybridize] = returnFirst
-  functions[functionNames.wrapArg] = returnFirst
-  functions[functionNames.dummify] = returnFirst
-  functions[functionNames.saveBool] = returnFirst
-  functions[functionNames.saveVar] = returnFirst
-  functions[functionNames.preFunction] = nothing
-  functions[functionNames.returnFunction] = returnFirst
-  functions[functionNames.postLoop] = (_: any, res?: any) => res
-  functions[functionNames.enterLoop] = nothing
-  functions[functionNames.exitLoop] = nothing
-  functions[functionNames.trackLoc] = (_1: any, _2: any, fn?: any) => (fn ? fn() : undefined)
-  functions[functionNames.evalB] = evaluateBinaryExpression
-  functions[functionNames.evalU] = evaluateUnaryExpression
+  const functions = {
+    [functionNames.nothingFunction]: nothing,
+    [functionNames.concretize]: returnFirst,
+    [functionNames.hybridize]: returnFirst,
+    [functionNames.wrapArg]: returnFirst,
+    [functionNames.dummify]: returnFirst,
+    [functionNames.saveBool]: returnFirst,
+    [functionNames.saveVar]: returnFirst,
+    [functionNames.preFunction]: nothing,
+    [functionNames.returnFunction]: returnFirst,
+    [functionNames.postLoop]: (_: any, res?: any) => res,
+    [functionNames.enterLoop]: nothing,
+    [functionNames.exitLoop]: nothing,
+    [functionNames.trackLoc]: (_1: any, _2: any, fn?: any) => (fn ? fn() : undefined),
+    [functionNames.evalB]: evaluateBinaryExpression,
+    [functionNames.evalU]: evaluateUnaryExpression
+  }
   return [functions, theState]
diff --git a/src/infiniteLoops/__tests__/runtime.ts b/src/infiniteLoops/__tests__/runtime.ts
index 9e7b92880..e12b54793 100644
--- a/src/infiniteLoops/__tests__/runtime.ts
+++ b/src/infiniteLoops/__tests__/runtime.ts
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import type es from 'estree'
 import { runInContext } from '../..'
 import createContext from '../../createContext'
-import { mockContext } from '../../mocks/context'
+import { mockContext } from '../../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { parse } from '../../parser/parser'
 import { Chapter, Variant } from '../../types'
 import { getInfiniteLoopData, InfiniteLoopError, InfiniteLoopErrorType } from '../errors'
diff --git a/src/interpreter/__tests__/__snapshots__/interpreter-errors.ts.snap b/src/interpreter/__tests__/__snapshots__/interpreter-errors.ts.snap
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f232772a..000000000
--- a/src/interpreter/__tests__/__snapshots__/interpreter-errors.ts.snap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1106 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`Access local property: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "({a: 0})[\\"a\\"];",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 0,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Builtins don't create additional errors when it's not their fault: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f(x) {
-  return a;
-map(f, list(1, 2));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: Name a not declared.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Cascading js errors work properly 1: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function make_alternating_stream(stream) {
-  return pair(head(stream), () => make_alternating_stream(
-                                    negate_whole_stream(
-                                        stream_tail(stream))));
-function negate_whole_stream(stream) {
-    return pair(-head(stream), () => negate_whole_stream(stream_tail(stream)));
-const ones = pair(1, () => ones);
-eval_stream(make_alternating_stream(enum_stream(1, 9)), 10);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 8: Error: head(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered null",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Cascading js errors work properly: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function h(p) {
-  return head(p);
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: Error: head(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered null",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when accessing inherited property of object: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "({}).valueOf;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Cannot read inherited property valueOf of {}.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when assigning to builtin - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-map = 5;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 0: Cannot assign new value to constant map.
-As map was declared as a constant, its value cannot be changed. You will have to declare a new variable.
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when assigning to builtin - verbose: expectParsedError 2`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-undefined = 5;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 0: Cannot assign new value to constant undefined.
-As undefined was declared as a constant, its value cannot be changed. You will have to declare a new variable.
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when assigning to builtin: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "map = 5;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Cannot assign new value to constant map.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when assigning to builtin: expectParsedError 2`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "undefined = 5;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Cannot assign new value to constant undefined.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling arrow function in tail call with too many arguments - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-const g = () => 1;
-const f = x => g(x);
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3, Column 15: Expected 0 arguments, but got 1.
-Try calling function g again, but with 0 arguments instead. Remember that arguments are separated by a ',' (comma).
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling arrow function in tail call with too many arguments: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const g = () => 1;
-const f = x => g(x);
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: Expected 0 arguments, but got 1.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling arrow function with too few arguments - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-  const f = x => x;
-  f();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3, Column 2: Expected 1 arguments, but got 0.
-Try calling function f again, but with 1 argument instead. Remember that arguments are separated by a ',' (comma).
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling arrow function with too few arguments: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const f = x => x;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: Expected 1 arguments, but got 0.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling arrow function with too many arguments - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-  const f = x => x;
-  f(1, 2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3, Column 2: Expected 1 arguments, but got 2.
-Try calling function f again, but with 1 argument instead. Remember that arguments are separated by a ',' (comma).
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling arrow function with too many arguments: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const f = x => x;
-f(1, 2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: Expected 1 arguments, but got 2.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling builtin function in with too few arguments: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse_int(\\"\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Expected 2 arguments, but got 1.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling builtin function in with too many arguments: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "is_number(1, 2, 3);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Expected 1 arguments, but got 3.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling function from member expression with too many arguments - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-  const f = [x => x];
-  f[0](1, 2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3, Column 2: Expected 1 arguments, but got 2.
-Try calling function f[0] again, but with 1 argument instead. Remember that arguments are separated by a ',' (comma).
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling function from member expression with too many arguments: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const f = [x => x];
-f[0](1, 2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: Expected 1 arguments, but got 2.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling function with too few arguments - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-  function f(x) {
-    return x;
-  }
-  f();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 5, Column 2: Expected 1 arguments, but got 0.
-Try calling function f again, but with 1 argument instead. Remember that arguments are separated by a ',' (comma).
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling function with too few arguments: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f(x) {
-  return x;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 4: Expected 1 arguments, but got 0.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling function with too many arguments - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-  function f(x) {
-    return x;
-  }
-  f(1, 2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 5, Column 2: Expected 1 arguments, but got 2.
-Try calling function f again, but with 1 argument instead. Remember that arguments are separated by a ',' (comma).
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling function with too many arguments: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f(x) {
-  return x;
-f(1, 2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 4: Expected 1 arguments, but got 2.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling non function value "string" - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-  'string'();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 2: Calling non-function value \\"string\\".
-Because \\"string\\" is not a function, you cannot run \\"string\\"().
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling non function value "string": expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "'string'();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Calling non-function value \\"string\\".",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling non function value 0 - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-  0();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 2: Calling non-function value 0.
-Because 0 is not a function, you cannot run 0(). If you were planning to perform multiplication by 0, you need to use the * operator.
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling non function value 0: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "0();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Calling non-function value 0.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling non function value array - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 0: Calling non-function value [1].
-Because [1] is not a function, you cannot run [1]().
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling non function value array: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "[1]();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Calling non-function value [1].",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling non function value null - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-  null();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 2: null literals are not allowed.
-They're not part of the Source §1 specs.
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling non function value null: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "null();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: null literals are not allowed.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling non function value object - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-({a: 1})();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 0: Calling non-function value {\\"a\\": 1}.
-Because {\\"a\\": 1} is not a function, you cannot run {\\"a\\": 1}().
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling non function value object - verbose: expectParsedError 2`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-({a: 1})();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 0: Calling non-function value {\\"a\\": 1}.
-Because {\\"a\\": 1} is not a function, you cannot run {\\"a\\": 1}().
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling non function value object: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "({a: 1})();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Calling non-function value {\\"a\\": 1}.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling non function value true - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-  true();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 2: Calling non-function value true.
-Because true is not a function, you cannot run true().
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling non function value true: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "true();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Calling non-function value true.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling non function value undefined - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-  undefined();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 2: Calling non-function value undefined.
-Because undefined is not a function, you cannot run undefined().
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling non function value undefined with arguments - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-  undefined(1, true);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 2: Calling non-function value undefined.
-Because undefined is not a function, you cannot run undefined(1, true).
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling non function value undefined with arguments: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "undefined(1, true);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Calling non-function value undefined.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when calling non function value undefined: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "undefined();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Calling non-function value undefined.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when redeclaring const after function --verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-function f() {}
-const f = x => x;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3, Column 6: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (3:6)
-There is a syntax error in your program
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when redeclaring const after function: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f() {}
-const f = x => x;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (2:6)",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when redeclaring constant as variable: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const f = x => x;
-let f = x => x;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (2:4)",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when redeclaring constant: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const f = x => x;
-const f = x => x;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (2:6)",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when redeclaring function after const --verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-const f = x => x;
-function f() {}",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3, Column 9: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (3:9)
-There is a syntax error in your program
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when redeclaring function after const: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const f = x => x;
-function f() {}",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (2:9)",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when redeclaring function after function --verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-function f() {}
-function f() {}",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3, Column 9: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (3:9)
-There is a syntax error in your program
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when redeclaring function after function: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f() {}
-function f() {}",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (2:9)",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when redeclaring function after let --verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-let f = x => x;
-function f() {}",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3, Column 9: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (3:9)
-There is a syntax error in your program
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when redeclaring function after let: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let f = x => x;
-function f() {}",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (2:9)",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when redeclaring let after function --verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-function f() {}
-let f = x => x;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3, Column 4: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (3:4)
-There is a syntax error in your program
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when redeclaring let after function: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f() {}
-let f = x => x;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (2:4)",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when redeclaring variable as constant: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let f = x => x;
-const f = x => x;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (2:6)",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error when redeclaring variable: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let f = x => x;
-let f = x => x;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (2:4)",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error with too few arguments passed to rest parameters: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function rest(a, b, ...c) {}
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: Expected 2 or more arguments, but got 1.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Error with too many arguments passed to math_sin: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "math_sin(7,8);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Expected 1 arguments, but got 2.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Nice errors when errors occur inside builtins: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse_int(\\"10\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Expected 2 arguments, but got 1.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Nice errors when errors occur inside builtins: expectParsedError 2`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"'\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: ParseError: SyntaxError: Unterminated string constant (1:0)",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`No error when calling display function in with variable arguments: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(1);
-display(1, \\"test\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "1",
-    "test 1",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`No error when calling list function in with variable arguments: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "list();
-list(1, 2, 3);
-list(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    1,
-    Array [
-      2,
-      Array [
-        3,
-        Array [
-          4,
-          Array [
-            5,
-            Array [
-              6,
-              Array [
-                6,
-                null,
-              ],
-            ],
-          ],
-        ],
-      ],
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`No error when calling math_max function in with variable arguments: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "math_max();
-math_max(1, 2);
-math_max(1, 2, 3);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 3,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`No error when calling math_min function in with variable arguments: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "math_min();
-math_min(1, 2);
-math_min(1, 2, 3);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`No error when calling stringify function in with variable arguments: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "stringify(1, 2);
-stringify(1, 2, 3);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "1",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Type error when accessing property of function: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f() {
-  return 1;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 4: Expected object or array, got function.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Type error when accessing property of null: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "null.prop;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Expected object or array, got null.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Type error when accessing property of string: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "'hi'.length;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Expected object or array, got string.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Type error when assigning property of function: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f() {
-  return 1;
-f.prop = 5;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 4: Expected object or array, got function.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Type error when assigning property of string: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "'hi'.prop = 5;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Expected object or array, got string.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Type error with <number> * <nonnumber>, error line at <number>, not <nonnumber>: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "12
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Expected number on right hand side of operation, got string.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Type error with non boolean in if statement, error line at if statement, not at 1: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "if (
-) {
-  2;
-} else {}",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Expected boolean as condition, got number.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Undefined variable error is thrown - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 0: Name im_undefined not declared.
-Before you can read the value of im_undefined, you need to declare it as a variable or a constant. You can do this using the let or const keywords.
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Undefined variable error is thrown: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "im_undefined;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Name im_undefined not declared.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
diff --git a/src/interpreter/__tests__/interpreter-errors.ts b/src/interpreter/__tests__/interpreter-errors.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index c12848a00..000000000
--- a/src/interpreter/__tests__/interpreter-errors.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1127 +0,0 @@
-// import type { FunctionLike, MockedFunction } from 'jest-mock'
-/* tslint:disable:max-line-length */
-// import { memoizedGetModuleManifest } from '../../modules/moduleLoader'
-import { Chapter } from '../../types'
-import { stripIndent } from '../../utils/formatters'
-import {
-  expectDifferentParsedErrors,
-  expectParsedError,
-  expectParsedErrorNoSnapshot,
-  expectResult
-} from '../../utils/testing'
-// const asMock = <T extends FunctionLike>(func: T) => func as MockedFunction<T>
-// const mockedModuleFile = asMock(memoizedGetModuleFile)
-const undefinedVariable = stripIndent`
-const undefinedVariableVerbose = stripIndent`
-"enable verbose";
-test('Undefined variable error is thrown', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(undefinedVariable).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
-    `"Line 1: Name im_undefined not declared."`
-  )
-test('Undefined variable error is thrown - verbose', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(undefinedVariableVerbose).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 2, Column 0: Name im_undefined not declared.
-            Before you can read the value of im_undefined, you need to declare it as a variable or a constant. You can do this using the let or const keywords.
-            "
-          `)
-test('Undefined variable error message differs from verbose version', () => {
-  return expectDifferentParsedErrors(undefinedVariable, undefinedVariableVerbose).toBe(undefined)
-const assignToBuiltin = stripIndent`
-map = 5;
-const assignToBuiltinVerbose = stripIndent`
-  "enable verbose";
-  map = 5;
-test('Error when assigning to builtin', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(assignToBuiltin, { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
-    `"Line 1: Cannot assign new value to constant map."`
-  )
-test('Error when assigning to builtin - verbose', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(assignToBuiltinVerbose, { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 })
-    .toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 2, Column 0: Cannot assign new value to constant map.
-            As map was declared as a constant, its value cannot be changed. You will have to declare a new variable.
-            "
-          `)
-test('Assigning to builtin error message differs from verbose version', () => {
-  return expectDifferentParsedErrors(assignToBuiltin, assignToBuiltinVerbose).toBe(undefined)
-const assignToBuiltin1 = stripIndent`
-undefined = 5;
-const assignToBuiltinVerbose1 = stripIndent`
-  "enable verbose";
-  undefined = 5;
-test('Error when assigning to builtin', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(assignToBuiltin1, { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
-    `"Line 1: Cannot assign new value to constant undefined."`
-  )
-test('Error when assigning to builtin - verbose', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(assignToBuiltinVerbose1, { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 })
-    .toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 2, Column 0: Cannot assign new value to constant undefined.
-            As undefined was declared as a constant, its value cannot be changed. You will have to declare a new variable.
-            "
-          `)
-test('Assigning to builtin error message differs from verbose version', () => {
-  return expectDifferentParsedErrors(assignToBuiltin1, assignToBuiltinVerbose1).toBe(undefined)
-// NOTE: Obsoleted due to strict types on member access
-test.skip('Error when assigning to property on undefined', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    undefined.prop = 123;
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Cannot assign property prop of undefined"`)
-// NOTE: Obsoleted due to strict types on member access
-test.skip('Error when assigning to property on variable with value undefined', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    const u = undefined;
-    u.prop = 123;
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 2: Cannot assign property prop of undefined"`)
-// NOTE: Obsoleted due to strict types on member access
-test.skip('Error when deeply assigning to property on variable with value undefined', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    const u = undefined;
-    u.prop.prop = 123;
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 2: Cannot read property prop of undefined"`)
-// NOTE: Obsoleted due to strict types on member access
-test.skip('Error when accessing property on undefined', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    undefined.prop;
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Cannot read property prop of undefined"`)
-// NOTE: Obsoleted due to strict types on member access
-test.skip('Error when deeply accessing property on undefined', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    undefined.prop.prop;
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Cannot read property prop of undefined"`)
-test('Nice errors when errors occur inside builtins', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    parse_int("10");
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Expected 2 arguments, but got 1."`)
-test('Nice errors when errors occur inside builtins', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    parse("'");
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: ParseError: SyntaxError: Unterminated string constant (1:0)"`)
-test("Builtins don't create additional errors when it's not their fault", () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    function f(x) {
-      return a;
-    }
-    map(f, list(1, 2));
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 2: Name a not declared."`)
-test('Infinite recursion with a block bodied function', () => {
-  return expectParsedErrorNoSnapshot(
-    stripIndent`
-    function i(n) {
-      return n === 0 ? 0 : 1 + i(n-1);
-    }
-    i(1000);
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
-  ).toEqual(expect.stringMatching(/Maximum call stack size exceeded\n *(i\(\d*\)[^i]{2,4}){3}/))
-}, 15000)
-test('Infinite recursion with function calls in argument', () => {
-  return expectParsedErrorNoSnapshot(
-    stripIndent`
-    function i(n, redundant) {
-      return n === 0 ? 0 : 1 + i(n-1, r());
-    }
-    function r() {
-      return 1;
-    }
-    i(1000, 1);
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
-  ).toEqual(
-    expect.stringMatching(/Maximum call stack size exceeded\n *(i\(\d*, 1\)[^i]{2,4}){2}[ir]/)
-  )
-}, 10000)
-test('Infinite recursion of mutually recursive functions', () => {
-  return expectParsedErrorNoSnapshot(
-    stripIndent`
-    function f(n) {
-      return n === 0 ? 0 : 1 + g(n - 1);
-    }
-    function g(n) {
-      return 1 + f(n);
-    }
-    f(1000);
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
-  ).toEqual(
-    expect.stringMatching(
-      /Maximum call stack size exceeded\n([^f]*f[^g]*g[^f]*f|[^g]*g[^f]*f[^g]*g)/
-    )
-  )
-const callingNonFunctionValueUndefined = stripIndent`
-const callingNonFunctionValueUndefinedVerbose = stripIndent`
-"enable verbose";
-  undefined();
-// should not be different when error passing is fixed
-test('Error when calling non function value undefined', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(callingNonFunctionValueUndefined, {
-    native: true
-  }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Calling non-function value undefined."`)
-test('Error when calling non function value undefined - verbose', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(callingNonFunctionValueUndefinedVerbose).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 2, Column 2: Calling non-function value undefined.
-            Because undefined is not a function, you cannot run undefined().
-            "
-          `)
-test('Calling non function value undefined error message differs from verbose version', () => {
-  return expectDifferentParsedErrors(
-    callingNonFunctionValueUndefined,
-    callingNonFunctionValueUndefinedVerbose
-  ).toBe(undefined)
-const callingNonFunctionValueUndefinedArgs = stripIndent`
-undefined(1, true);
-const callingNonFunctionValueUndefinedArgsVerbose = stripIndent`
-"enable verbose";
-  undefined(1, true);
-// should not be different when error passing is fixed
-test('Error when calling non function value undefined with arguments', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(callingNonFunctionValueUndefinedArgs, {
-    native: false
-  }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Calling non-function value undefined."`)
-test('Error when calling non function value undefined with arguments - verbose', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(callingNonFunctionValueUndefinedArgsVerbose).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 2, Column 2: Calling non-function value undefined.
-            Because undefined is not a function, you cannot run undefined(1, true).
-            "
-          `)
-test('Calling non function value undefined with arguments error message differs from verbose version', () => {
-  return expectDifferentParsedErrors(
-    callingNonFunctionValueUndefinedArgs,
-    callingNonFunctionValueUndefinedArgsVerbose
-  ).toBe(undefined)
-const callingNonFunctionValueNull = stripIndent`
-const callingNonFunctionValueNullVerbose = stripIndent`
-"enable verbose";
-  null();
-test('Error when calling non function value null', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(callingNonFunctionValueNull).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
-    `"Line 1: null literals are not allowed."`
-  )
-test('Error when calling non function value null - verbose', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(callingNonFunctionValueNullVerbose).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 2, Column 2: null literals are not allowed.
-            They're not part of the Source §1 specs.
-            "
-          `)
-test('Calling non function value null error message differs from verbose version', () => {
-  return expectDifferentParsedErrors(
-    callingNonFunctionValueNull,
-    callingNonFunctionValueNullVerbose
-  ).toBe(undefined)
-const callingNonFunctionValueTrue = stripIndent`
-const callingNonFunctionValueTrueVerbose = stripIndent`
-"enable verbose";
-  true();
-test('Error when calling non function value true', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(callingNonFunctionValueTrue, { native: true }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
-    `"Line 1: Calling non-function value true."`
-  )
-test('Error when calling non function value true - verbose', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(callingNonFunctionValueTrueVerbose).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 2, Column 2: Calling non-function value true.
-            Because true is not a function, you cannot run true().
-            "
-          `)
-test('Calling non function value true error message differs from verbose version', () => {
-  return expectDifferentParsedErrors(
-    callingNonFunctionValueTrue,
-    callingNonFunctionValueTrueVerbose
-  ).toBe(undefined)
-const callingNonFunctionValue0 = stripIndent`
-const callingNonFunctionValue0Verbose = stripIndent`
-"enable verbose";
-  0();
-test('Error when calling non function value 0', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(callingNonFunctionValue0, { native: true }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
-    `"Line 1: Calling non-function value 0."`
-  )
-test('Error when calling non function value 0 - verbose', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(callingNonFunctionValue0Verbose).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 2, Column 2: Calling non-function value 0.
-            Because 0 is not a function, you cannot run 0(). If you were planning to perform multiplication by 0, you need to use the * operator.
-            "
-          `)
-test('Calling non function value 0 error message differs from verbose version', () => {
-  return expectDifferentParsedErrors(
-    callingNonFunctionValue0,
-    callingNonFunctionValue0Verbose
-  ).toBe(undefined)
-const callingNonFunctionValueString = stripIndent`
-const callingNonFunctionValueStringVerbose = stripIndent`
-"enable verbose";
-  'string'();
-test('Error when calling non function value "string"', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(callingNonFunctionValueString, { native: true }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
-    `"Line 1: Calling non-function value \\"string\\"."`
-  )
-test('Error when calling non function value "string" - verbose', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(callingNonFunctionValueStringVerbose).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 2, Column 2: Calling non-function value \\"string\\".
-            Because \\"string\\" is not a function, you cannot run \\"string\\"().
-            "
-          `)
-test('Calling non function value string error message differs from verbose version', () => {
-  return expectDifferentParsedErrors(
-    callingNonFunctionValueString,
-    callingNonFunctionValueStringVerbose
-  ).toBe(undefined)
-const callingNonFunctionValueArray = stripIndent`
-const callingNonFunctionValueArrayVerbose = stripIndent`
-"enable verbose";
-test('Error when calling non function value array', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(callingNonFunctionValueArray, {
-    chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-    native: true
-  }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Calling non-function value [1]."`)
-test('Error when calling non function value array - verbose', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(callingNonFunctionValueArrayVerbose, { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 })
-    .toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 2, Column 0: Calling non-function value [1].
-            Because [1] is not a function, you cannot run [1]().
-            "
-          `)
-test('Calling non function value array error message differs from verbose version', () => {
-  return expectDifferentParsedErrors(
-    callingNonFunctionValueArray,
-    callingNonFunctionValueArrayVerbose
-  ).toBe(undefined)
-const callingNonFunctionValueObject = stripIndent`
-({a: 1})();
-const callingNonFunctionValueObjectVerbose = stripIndent`
-"enable verbose";
-({a: 1})();
-test('Error when calling non function value object', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(callingNonFunctionValueObject, {
-    chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER
-  }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Calling non-function value {\\"a\\": 1}."`)
-test('Error when calling non function value object - verbose', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(callingNonFunctionValueObjectVerbose, {
-    chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER
-  }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 2, Column 0: Calling non-function value {\\"a\\": 1}.
-            Because {\\"a\\": 1} is not a function, you cannot run {\\"a\\": 1}().
-            "
-          `)
-test('Calling non function value object error message differs from verbose version', () => {
-  return expectDifferentParsedErrors(
-    callingNonFunctionValueObject,
-    callingNonFunctionValueObjectVerbose
-  ).toBe(undefined)
-test('Error when calling non function value object - verbose', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-      "enable verbose";
-      ({a: 1})();
-    `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 2, Column 0: Calling non-function value {\\"a\\": 1}.
-            Because {\\"a\\": 1} is not a function, you cannot run {\\"a\\": 1}().
-            "
-          `)
-test('Error when calling function with too few arguments', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    function f(x) {
-      return x;
-    }
-    f();
-  `,
-    { native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 4: Expected 1 arguments, but got 0."`)
-test('Error when calling function with too few arguments - verbose', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(stripIndent`
-    "enable verbose";
-      function f(x) {
-        return x;
-      }
-      f();
-    `).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 5, Column 2: Expected 1 arguments, but got 0.
-            Try calling function f again, but with 1 argument instead. Remember that arguments are separated by a ',' (comma).
-            "
-          `)
-test('Error when calling function with too many arguments', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    function f(x) {
-      return x;
-    }
-    f(1, 2);
-  `,
-    { native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 4: Expected 1 arguments, but got 2."`)
-test('Error when calling function with too many arguments - verbose', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(stripIndent`
-    "enable verbose";
-      function f(x) {
-        return x;
-      }
-      f(1, 2);
-    `).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 5, Column 2: Expected 1 arguments, but got 2.
-            Try calling function f again, but with 1 argument instead. Remember that arguments are separated by a ',' (comma).
-            "
-          `)
-test('Error when calling arrow function with too few arguments', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    const f = x => x;
-    f();
-  `,
-    { native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 2: Expected 1 arguments, but got 0."`)
-test('Error when calling arrow function with too few arguments - verbose', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(stripIndent`
-  "enable verbose";
-    const f = x => x;
-    f();
-  `).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 3, Column 2: Expected 1 arguments, but got 0.
-            Try calling function f again, but with 1 argument instead. Remember that arguments are separated by a ',' (comma).
-            "
-          `)
-test('Error when calling arrow function with too many arguments', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    const f = x => x;
-    f(1, 2);
-  `,
-    { native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 2: Expected 1 arguments, but got 2."`)
-test('Error when calling arrow function with too many arguments - verbose', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(stripIndent`
-    "enable verbose";
-      const f = x => x;
-      f(1, 2);
-    `).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 3, Column 2: Expected 1 arguments, but got 2.
-            Try calling function f again, but with 1 argument instead. Remember that arguments are separated by a ',' (comma).
-            "
-          `)
-test('Error when calling function from member expression with too many arguments', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    const f = [x => x];
-    f[0](1, 2);
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 2: Expected 1 arguments, but got 2."`)
-test('Error when calling function from member expression with too many arguments - verbose', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    "enable verbose";
-      const f = [x => x];
-      f[0](1, 2);
-    `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 3, Column 2: Expected 1 arguments, but got 2.
-            Try calling function f[0] again, but with 1 argument instead. Remember that arguments are separated by a ',' (comma).
-            "
-          `)
-test('Error when calling arrow function in tail call with too many arguments - verbose', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    "enable verbose";
-    const g = () => 1;
-    const f = x => g(x);
-    f(1);
-  `
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 3, Column 15: Expected 0 arguments, but got 1.
-            Try calling function g again, but with 0 arguments instead. Remember that arguments are separated by a ',' (comma).
-            "
-          `)
-test('Error when calling arrow function in tail call with too many arguments', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    const g = () => 1;
-    const f = x => g(x);
-    f(1);
-  `,
-    { native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 2: Expected 0 arguments, but got 1."`)
-test('Error when calling builtin function in with too many arguments', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    is_number(1, 2, 3);
-  `,
-    { native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Expected 1 arguments, but got 3."`)
-test('Error when calling builtin function in with too few arguments', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    parse_int("");
-  `,
-    { native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Expected 2 arguments, but got 1."`)
-test('No error when calling list function in with variable arguments', () => {
-  return expectResult(
-    stripIndent`
-    list();
-    list(1);
-    list(1, 2, 3);
-    list(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6);
-  `,
-    { native: true, chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            Array [
-              1,
-              Array [
-                2,
-                Array [
-                  3,
-                  Array [
-                    4,
-                    Array [
-                      5,
-                      Array [
-                        6,
-                        Array [
-                          6,
-                          null,
-                        ],
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                ],
-              ],
-            ]
-          `)
-test('No error when calling display function in with variable arguments', () => {
-  return expectResult(
-    stripIndent`
-    display(1);
-    display(1, "test");
-  `,
-    { native: true, chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`1`)
-test('No error when calling stringify function in with variable arguments', () => {
-  return expectResult(
-    stripIndent`
-    stringify(1, 2);
-    stringify(1, 2, 3);
-  `,
-    { native: true, chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"1"`)
-test('No error when calling math_max function in with variable arguments', () => {
-  return expectResult(
-    stripIndent`
-    math_max();
-    math_max(1, 2);
-    math_max(1, 2, 3);
-  `,
-    { native: true, chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`3`)
-test('No error when calling math_min function in with variable arguments', () => {
-  return expectResult(
-    stripIndent`
-    math_min();
-    math_min(1, 2);
-    math_min(1, 2, 3);
-  `,
-    { native: true, chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`1`)
-test('Error with too many arguments passed to math_sin', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    math_sin(7,8);
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Expected 1 arguments, but got 2."`)
-test('Error with too few arguments passed to rest parameters', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    function rest(a, b, ...c) {}
-    rest(1);
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 2: Expected 2 or more arguments, but got 1."`)
-test('Error when redeclaring constant', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    const f = x => x;
-    const f = x => x;
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 2: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (2:6)"`)
-test('Error when redeclaring constant as variable', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    const f = x => x;
-    let f = x => x;
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 2: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (2:4)"`)
-test('Error when redeclaring variable as constant', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    let f = x => x;
-    const f = x => x;
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 2: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (2:6)"`)
-test('Error when redeclaring variable', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    let f = x => x;
-    let f = x => x;
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 2: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (2:4)"`)
-test('Error when redeclaring function after let', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    let f = x => x;
-    function f() {}
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 2: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (2:9)"`)
-test('Error when redeclaring function after let --verbose', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    "enable verbose";
-    let f = x => x;
-    function f() {}
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 3, Column 9: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (3:9)
-            There is a syntax error in your program
-            "
-          `)
-test('Error when redeclaring function after function', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    function f() {}
-    function f() {}
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 2: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (2:9)"`)
-test('Error when redeclaring function after function --verbose', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    "enable verbose";
-    function f() {}
-    function f() {}
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 3, Column 9: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (3:9)
-            There is a syntax error in your program
-            "
-          `)
-test('Error when redeclaring function after const', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    const f = x => x;
-    function f() {}
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 2: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (2:9)"`)
-test('Error when redeclaring function after const --verbose', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    "enable verbose";
-    const f = x => x;
-    function f() {}
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 3, Column 9: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (3:9)
-            There is a syntax error in your program
-            "
-          `)
-test('Error when redeclaring const after function', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    function f() {}
-    const f = x => x;
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 2: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (2:6)"`)
-test('Error when redeclaring const after function --verbose', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    "enable verbose";
-    function f() {}
-    const f = x => x;
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 3, Column 6: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (3:6)
-            There is a syntax error in your program
-            "
-          `)
-test('Error when redeclaring let after function', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    function f() {}
-    let f = x => x;
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 2: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (2:4)"`)
-test('Error when redeclaring let after function --verbose', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    "enable verbose";
-    function f() {}
-    let f = x => x;
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 3, Column 4: SyntaxError: Identifier 'f' has already been declared (3:4)
-            There is a syntax error in your program
-            "
-          `)
-// NOTE: Obsoleted due to strict types on member access
-test.skip('Error when accessing property of null', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    null["prop"];
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Cannot read property prop of null"`)
-// NOTE: Obsoleted due to strict types on member access
-test.skip('Error when accessing property of undefined', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    undefined["prop"];
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Cannot read property prop of undefined"`)
-// NOTE: Obsoleted due to strict types on member access
-test.skip('Error when accessing inherited property of builtin', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    pair["constructor"];
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 1: Cannot read inherited property constructor of function pair(left, right) {
-            	[implementation hidden]
-            }"
-          `)
-// NOTE: Obsoleted due to strict types on member access
-test.skip('Error when accessing inherited property of function', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    function f() {}
-    f["constructor"];
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 2: Cannot read inherited property constructor of function f() {}"`)
-// NOTE: Obsoleted due to strict types on member access
-test.skip('Error when accessing inherited property of arrow function', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    (() => 1)["constructor"];
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Cannot read inherited property constructor of () => 1"`)
-// NOTE: Obsoleted due to strict types on member access
-test.skip('Error when accessing inherited property of array', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    [].push;
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Cannot read inherited property push of []"`)
-test('Error when accessing inherited property of object', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    ({}).valueOf;
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Cannot read inherited property valueOf of {}."`)
-// NOTE: Obsoleted due to strict types on member access
-test.skip('Error when accessing inherited property of string', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    'hi'.includes;
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Cannot read inherited property includes of \\"hi\\""`)
-// NOTE: Obsoleted due to strict types on member access
-test.skip('Error when accessing inherited property of number', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    (1).toPrecision;
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Cannot read inherited property toPrecision of 1"`)
-test('Access local property', () => {
-  return expectResult(
-    stripIndent`
-    ({a: 0})["a"];
-  `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`0`)
-test('Type error when accessing property of null', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    null.prop;
-    `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Expected object or array, got null."`)
-test('Type error when accessing property of string', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    'hi'.length;
-    `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Expected object or array, got string."`)
-test('Type error when accessing property of function', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    function f() {
-      return 1;
-    }
-    f.prototype;
-    `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 4: Expected object or array, got function."`)
-test('Type error when assigning property of string', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    'hi'.prop = 5;
-    `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Expected object or array, got string."`)
-test('Type error when assigning property of function', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    function f() {
-      return 1;
-    }
-    f.prop = 5;
-    `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 4: Expected object or array, got function."`)
-test('Type error with non boolean in if statement, error line at if statement, not at 1', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    if (
-    1
-    ) {
-      2;
-    } else {}
-    `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_1, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Expected boolean as condition, got number."`)
-test('Type error with <number> * <nonnumber>, error line at <number>, not <nonnumber>', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    12
-    *
-    'string';
-    `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_1, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Expected number on right hand side of operation, got string."`)
-test('Cascading js errors work properly 1', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    function make_alternating_stream(stream) {
-      return pair(head(stream), () => make_alternating_stream(
-                                        negate_whole_stream(
-                                            stream_tail(stream))));
-    }
-    function negate_whole_stream(stream) {
-        return pair(-head(stream), () => negate_whole_stream(stream_tail(stream)));
-    }
-    const ones = pair(1, () => ones);
-    eval_stream(make_alternating_stream(enum_stream(1, 9)), 10);
-    `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
-    `"Line 8: Error: head(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered null"`
-  )
-test('Cascading js errors work properly', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    function h(p) {
-      return head(p);
-    }
-    h(null);
-    `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
-    `"Line 2: Error: head(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered null"`
-  )
diff --git a/src/interpreter/closure.ts b/src/interpreter/closure.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 02822a7b1..000000000
--- a/src/interpreter/closure.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-/* tslint:disable:max-classes-per-file */
-import { generate } from 'astring'
-import * as es from 'estree'
-import {
-  hasReturnStatement,
-  isBlockStatement,
-  isStatementSequence,
-  uniqueId
-} from '../cse-machine/utils'
-import { Context, Environment, StatementSequence, Value } from '../types'
-import {
-  blockArrowFunction,
-  blockStatement,
-  callExpression,
-  identifier,
-  returnStatement
-} from '../utils/ast/astCreator'
-import { apply } from './interpreter'
-const closureToJS = (value: Closure, context: Context, klass: string) => {
-  function DummyClass(this: Closure) {
-    const args: Value[] = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)
-    const gen = apply(context, value, args, callExpression(identifier(klass), args), this)
-    let it = gen.next()
-    while (!it.done) {
-      it = gen.next()
-    }
-    return it.value
-  }
-  Object.defineProperty(DummyClass, 'name', {
-    value: klass
-  })
-  Object.setPrototypeOf(DummyClass, () => undefined)
-  Object.defineProperty(DummyClass, 'Inherits', {
-    value: (Parent: Value) => {
-      DummyClass.prototype = Object.create(Parent.prototype)
-      DummyClass.prototype.constructor = DummyClass
-    }
-  })
-  DummyClass.toString = () => generate(value.originalNode)
-  DummyClass.call = (thisArg: Value, ...args: Value[]): any => {
-    return DummyClass.apply(thisArg, args)
-  }
-  return DummyClass
-class Callable extends Function {
-  constructor(f: any) {
-    super()
-    return Object.setPrototypeOf(f, new.target.prototype)
-  }
- * Models function value in the interpreter environment.
- */
-export default class Closure extends Callable {
-  public static makeFromArrowFunction(
-    node: es.ArrowFunctionExpression,
-    environment: Environment,
-    context: Context,
-    dummyReturn?: boolean,
-    predefined?: boolean
-  ) {
-    const functionBody: es.BlockStatement | StatementSequence =
-      !isBlockStatement(node.body) && !isStatementSequence(node.body)
-        ? blockStatement([returnStatement(node.body, node.body.loc)], node.body.loc)
-        : dummyReturn && !hasReturnStatement(node.body)
-          ? blockStatement(
-              [
-                ...node.body.body,
-                returnStatement(identifier('undefined', node.body.loc), node.body.loc)
-              ],
-              node.body.loc
-            )
-          : node.body
-    const closure = new Closure(
-      blockArrowFunction(node.params as es.Identifier[], functionBody, node.loc),
-      environment,
-      context,
-      predefined
-    )
-    // Set the closure's node to point back at the original one
-    closure.originalNode = node
-    return closure
-  }
-  /** Unique ID defined for closure */
-  public readonly id: string
-  /** String representation of the closure */
-  public functionName: string
-  /** Fake closure function */
-  // tslint:disable-next-line:ban-types
-  public fun: Function
-  /** Keeps track of whether the closure is a pre-defined function */
-  public preDefined?: boolean
-  /** The original node that created this Closure */
-  public originalNode: es.Function | es.ArrowFunctionExpression
-  constructor(
-    public node: es.Function | es.ArrowFunctionExpression,
-    public environment: Environment,
-    context: Context,
-    isPredefined?: boolean
-  ) {
-    super(function (this: any, ...args: any[]) {
-      return funJS.apply(this, args)
-    })
-    this.originalNode = node
-    this.id = uniqueId(context)
-    if (this.node.type === 'FunctionDeclaration' && this.node.id !== null) {
-      this.functionName = this.node.id.name
-    } else {
-      this.functionName =
-        (this.node.params.length === 1 ? '' : '(') +
-        this.node.params.map((o: es.Identifier) => o.name).join(', ') +
-        (this.node.params.length === 1 ? '' : ')') +
-        ' => ...'
-    }
-    // TODO: Investigate how relevant this really is.
-    // .fun seems to only be used in interpreter's NewExpression handler, which uses .fun.prototype.
-    const funJS = closureToJS(this, context, this.functionName)
-    this.fun = funJS
-    this.preDefined = isPredefined == undefined ? undefined : isPredefined
-  }
-  public toString(): string {
-    return generate(this.originalNode)
-  }
diff --git a/src/interpreter/interpreter.ts b/src/interpreter/interpreter.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ab0ea89d..000000000
--- a/src/interpreter/interpreter.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,865 +0,0 @@
-/* tslint:disable:max-classes-per-file */
-import type es from 'estree'
-import { isEmpty } from 'lodash'
-import { UNKNOWN_LOCATION } from '../constants'
-import Heap from '../cse-machine/heap'
-import { uniqueId } from '../cse-machine/utils'
-import * as errors from '../errors/errors'
-import { RuntimeSourceError } from '../errors/runtimeSourceError'
-import { checkEditorBreakpoints } from '../stdlib/inspector'
-import type { Context, ContiguousArrayElements, Environment, Node, Value } from '../types'
-import * as create from '../utils/ast/astCreator'
-import { conditionalExpression, literal, primitive } from '../utils/ast/astCreator'
-import { getModuleDeclarationSource } from '../utils/ast/helpers'
-import { evaluateBinaryExpression, evaluateUnaryExpression } from '../utils/operators'
-import * as rttc from '../utils/rttc'
-import Closure from './closure'
-class BreakValue {}
-class ContinueValue {}
-class ReturnValue {
-  constructor(public value: Value) {}
-class TailCallReturnValue {
-  constructor(
-    public callee: Closure,
-    public args: Value[],
-    public node: es.CallExpression
-  ) {}
-class Thunk {
-  public value: Value
-  public isMemoized: boolean
-  constructor(
-    public exp: Node,
-    public env: Environment
-  ) {
-    this.isMemoized = false
-    this.value = null
-  }
-function* forceIt(val: any, context: Context): Value {
-  if (val instanceof Thunk) {
-    if (val.isMemoized) return val.value
-    pushEnvironment(context, val.env)
-    const evalRes = yield* actualValue(val.exp, context)
-    popEnvironment(context)
-    val.value = evalRes
-    val.isMemoized = true
-    return evalRes
-  } else return val
-export function* actualValue(exp: Node, context: Context): Value {
-  const evalResult = yield* evaluate(exp, context)
-  const forced = yield* forceIt(evalResult, context)
-  return forced
-const createEnvironment = (
-  context: Context,
-  closure: Closure,
-  args: Value[],
-  callExpression?: es.CallExpression
-): Environment => {
-  const environment: Environment = {
-    name: closure.functionName, // TODO: Change this
-    tail: closure.environment,
-    head: {},
-    heap: new Heap(),
-    id: uniqueId(context)
-  }
-  if (callExpression) {
-    environment.callExpression = {
-      ...callExpression,
-      arguments: args.map(primitive)
-    }
-  }
-  closure.node.params.forEach((param, index) => {
-    if (param.type === 'RestElement') {
-      environment.head[(param.argument as es.Identifier).name] = args.slice(index)
-    } else {
-      environment.head[(param as es.Identifier).name] = args[index]
-    }
-  })
-  return environment
-export const createBlockEnvironment = (
-  context: Context,
-  name = 'blockEnvironment'
-): Environment => {
-  return {
-    name,
-    tail: currentEnvironment(context),
-    head: {},
-    heap: new Heap(),
-    id: uniqueId(context)
-  }
-const handleRuntimeError = (context: Context, error: RuntimeSourceError): never => {
-  context.errors.push(error)
-  context.runtime.environments = context.runtime.environments.slice(
-    -context.numberOfOuterEnvironments
-  )
-  throw error
-const DECLARED_BUT_NOT_YET_ASSIGNED = Symbol('Used to implement block scope')
-function declareIdentifier(context: Context, name: string, node: Node) {
-  const environment = currentEnvironment(context)
-  if (environment.head.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
-    const descriptors = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(environment.head)
-    return handleRuntimeError(
-      context,
-      new errors.VariableRedeclaration(node, name, descriptors[name].writable)
-    )
-  }
-  environment.head[name] = DECLARED_BUT_NOT_YET_ASSIGNED
-  return environment
-function declareVariables(context: Context, node: es.VariableDeclaration) {
-  for (const declaration of node.declarations) {
-    declareIdentifier(context, (declaration.id as es.Identifier).name, node)
-  }
-function declareFunctionsAndVariables(context: Context, node: es.BlockStatement) {
-  for (const statement of node.body) {
-    switch (statement.type) {
-      case 'VariableDeclaration':
-        declareVariables(context, statement)
-        break
-      case 'FunctionDeclaration':
-        if (statement.id === null) {
-          throw new Error(
-            'Encountered a FunctionDeclaration node without an identifier. This should have been caught when parsing.'
-          )
-        }
-        declareIdentifier(context, statement.id.name, statement)
-        break
-    }
-  }
-function defineVariable(context: Context, name: string, value: Value, constant = false) {
-  const environment = currentEnvironment(context)
-  if (environment.head[name] !== DECLARED_BUT_NOT_YET_ASSIGNED) {
-    return handleRuntimeError(
-      context,
-      new errors.VariableRedeclaration(context.runtime.nodes[0]!, name, !constant)
-    )
-  }
-  Object.defineProperty(environment.head, name, {
-    value,
-    writable: !constant,
-    enumerable: true
-  })
-  return environment
-function* visit(context: Context, node: Node) {
-  checkEditorBreakpoints(context, node)
-  context.runtime.nodes.unshift(node)
-  yield context
-function* leave(context: Context) {
-  context.runtime.break = false
-  context.runtime.nodes.shift()
-  yield context
-const currentEnvironment = (context: Context) => context.runtime.environments[0]
-const replaceEnvironment = (context: Context, environment: Environment) => {
-  context.runtime.environments[0] = environment
-  context.runtime.environmentTree.insert(environment)
-const popEnvironment = (context: Context) => context.runtime.environments.shift()
-export const pushEnvironment = (context: Context, environment: Environment) => {
-  context.runtime.environments.unshift(environment)
-  context.runtime.environmentTree.insert(environment)
-const getVariable = (context: Context, name: string) => {
-  let environment: Environment | null = currentEnvironment(context)
-  while (environment) {
-    if (environment.head.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
-      if (environment.head[name] === DECLARED_BUT_NOT_YET_ASSIGNED) {
-        return handleRuntimeError(
-          context,
-          new errors.UnassignedVariable(name, context.runtime.nodes[0])
-        )
-      } else {
-        return environment.head[name]
-      }
-    } else {
-      environment = environment.tail
-    }
-  }
-  return handleRuntimeError(context, new errors.UndefinedVariable(name, context.runtime.nodes[0]))
-const setVariable = (context: Context, name: string, value: any) => {
-  let environment: Environment | null = currentEnvironment(context)
-  while (environment) {
-    if (environment.head.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
-      if (environment.head[name] === DECLARED_BUT_NOT_YET_ASSIGNED) {
-        break
-      }
-      const descriptors = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(environment.head)
-      if (descriptors[name].writable) {
-        environment.head[name] = value
-        return undefined
-      }
-      return handleRuntimeError(
-        context,
-        new errors.ConstAssignment(context.runtime.nodes[0]!, name)
-      )
-    } else {
-      environment = environment.tail
-    }
-  }
-  return handleRuntimeError(context, new errors.UndefinedVariable(name, context.runtime.nodes[0]))
-const checkNumberOfArguments = (
-  context: Context,
-  callee: Closure | Value,
-  args: Value[],
-  exp: es.CallExpression
-) => {
-  if (callee instanceof Closure) {
-    const params = callee.node.params
-    const hasVarArgs = params[params.length - 1]?.type === 'RestElement'
-    if (hasVarArgs ? params.length - 1 > args.length : params.length !== args.length) {
-      return handleRuntimeError(
-        context,
-        new errors.InvalidNumberOfArguments(
-          exp,
-          hasVarArgs ? params.length - 1 : params.length,
-          args.length,
-          hasVarArgs
-        )
-      )
-    }
-  } else {
-    const hasVarArgs = callee.minArgsNeeded != undefined
-    if (hasVarArgs ? callee.minArgsNeeded > args.length : callee.length !== args.length) {
-      return handleRuntimeError(
-        context,
-        new errors.InvalidNumberOfArguments(
-          exp,
-          hasVarArgs ? callee.minArgsNeeded : callee.length,
-          args.length,
-          hasVarArgs
-        )
-      )
-    }
-  }
-  return undefined
-function* getArgs(context: Context, call: es.CallExpression) {
-  const args = []
-  for (const arg of call.arguments) {
-    if (arg.type === 'SpreadElement') {
-      args.push(...(yield* actualValue(arg.argument, context)))
-    } else {
-      args.push(yield* actualValue(arg, context))
-    }
-  }
-  return args
-function transformLogicalExpression(node: es.LogicalExpression): es.ConditionalExpression {
-  if (node.operator === '&&') {
-    return conditionalExpression(node.left, node.right, literal(false), node.loc)
-  } else {
-    return conditionalExpression(node.left, literal(true), node.right, node.loc)
-  }
-function* reduceIf(
-  node: es.IfStatement | es.ConditionalExpression,
-  context: Context
-): IterableIterator<null | Node> {
-  const test = yield* actualValue(node.test, context)
-  const error = rttc.checkIfStatement(node, test, context.chapter)
-  if (error) {
-    return handleRuntimeError(context, error)
-  }
-  return test ? node.consequent : node.alternate
-export type Evaluator<T extends Node> = (node: T, context: Context) => IterableIterator<Value>
-function* evaluateBlockStatement(context: Context, node: es.BlockStatement) {
-  declareFunctionsAndVariables(context, node)
-  let result
-  for (const statement of node.body) {
-    result = yield* evaluate(statement, context)
-    if (
-      result instanceof ReturnValue ||
-      result instanceof TailCallReturnValue ||
-      result instanceof BreakValue ||
-      result instanceof ContinueValue
-    ) {
-      break
-    }
-  }
-  return result
- * WARNING: Do not use object literal shorthands, e.g.
- *   {
- *     *Literal(node: es.Literal, ...) {...},
- *     *ThisExpression(node: es.ThisExpression, ..._ {...},
- *     ...
- *   }
- * They do not minify well, raising uncaught syntax errors in production.
- * See: https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/7566
- */
-// tslint:disable:object-literal-shorthand
-// prettier-ignore
-export const evaluators: { [nodeType: string]: Evaluator<Node> } = {
-  /** Simple Values */
-  Literal: function*(node: es.Literal, _context: Context) {
-    return node.value
-  },
-  TemplateLiteral: function*(node: es.TemplateLiteral) {
-    // Expressions like `${1}` are not allowed, so no processing needed
-    return node.quasis[0].value.cooked
-  },
-  ThisExpression: function*(node: es.ThisExpression, context: Context) {
-    return currentEnvironment(context).thisContext
-  },
-  ArrayExpression: function*(node: es.ArrayExpression, context: Context) {
-    const res = []
-    for (const n of node.elements as ContiguousArrayElements) {
-      res.push(yield* evaluate(n, context))
-    }
-    return res
-  },
-  DebuggerStatement: function*(node: es.DebuggerStatement, context: Context) {
-    context.runtime.break = true
-    yield
-  },
-  FunctionExpression: function*(node: es.FunctionExpression, context: Context) {
-    return new Closure(node, currentEnvironment(context), context)
-  },
-  ArrowFunctionExpression: function*(node: es.ArrowFunctionExpression, context: Context) {
-    return Closure.makeFromArrowFunction(node, currentEnvironment(context), context)
-  },
-  Identifier: function*(node: es.Identifier, context: Context) {
-    return getVariable(context, node.name)
-  },
-  CallExpression: function*(node: es.CallExpression, context: Context) {
-    const callee = yield* actualValue(node.callee, context)
-    const args = yield* getArgs(context, node)
-    let thisContext
-    if (node.callee.type === 'MemberExpression') {
-      thisContext = yield* actualValue(node.callee.object, context)
-    }
-    const result = yield* apply(context, callee, args, node, thisContext)
-    return result
-  },
-  NewExpression: function*(node: es.NewExpression, context: Context) {
-    const callee = yield* evaluate(node.callee, context)
-    const args = []
-    for (const arg of node.arguments) {
-      args.push(yield* evaluate(arg, context))
-    }
-    const obj: Value = {}
-    if (callee instanceof Closure) {
-      obj.__proto__ = callee.fun.prototype
-      callee.fun.apply(obj, args)
-    } else {
-      obj.__proto__ = callee.prototype
-      callee.apply(obj, args)
-    }
-    return obj
-  },
-  UnaryExpression: function*(node: es.UnaryExpression, context: Context) {
-    const value = yield* actualValue(node.argument, context)
-    const error = rttc.checkUnaryExpression(node, node.operator, value, context.chapter)
-    if (error) {
-      return handleRuntimeError(context, error)
-    }
-    return evaluateUnaryExpression(node.operator, value)
-  },
-  BinaryExpression: function*(node: es.BinaryExpression, context: Context) {
-    const left = yield* actualValue(node.left, context)
-    const right = yield* actualValue(node.right, context)
-    const error = rttc.checkBinaryExpression(node, node.operator, context.chapter, left, right)
-    if (error) {
-      return handleRuntimeError(context, error)
-    }
-    return evaluateBinaryExpression(node.operator, left, right)
-  },
-  ConditionalExpression: function*(node: es.ConditionalExpression, context: Context) {
-    return yield* this.IfStatement(node, context)
-  },
-  LogicalExpression: function*(node: es.LogicalExpression, context: Context) {
-    return yield* this.ConditionalExpression(transformLogicalExpression(node), context)
-  },
-  VariableDeclaration: function*(node: es.VariableDeclaration, context: Context) {
-    const declaration = node.declarations[0]
-    const constant = node.kind === 'const'
-    const id = declaration.id as es.Identifier
-    const value = yield* evaluate(declaration.init!, context)
-    defineVariable(context, id.name, value, constant)
-    return undefined
-  },
-  ContinueStatement: function*(_node: es.ContinueStatement, _context: Context) {
-    return new ContinueValue()
-  },
-  BreakStatement: function*(_node: es.BreakStatement, _context: Context) {
-    return new BreakValue()
-  },
-  ForStatement: function*(node: es.ForStatement, context: Context) {
-    // Create a new block scope for the loop variables
-    const loopEnvironment = createBlockEnvironment(context, 'forLoopEnvironment')
-    pushEnvironment(context, loopEnvironment)
-    const initNode = node.init!
-    const testNode = node.test!
-    const updateNode = node.update!
-    if (initNode.type === 'VariableDeclaration') {
-      declareVariables(context, initNode)
-    }
-    yield* actualValue(initNode, context)
-    let value
-    while (yield* actualValue(testNode, context)) {
-      // create block context and shallow copy loop environment head
-      // see https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-for-statement-runtime-semantics-labelledevaluation
-      // and https://hacks.mozilla.org/2015/07/es6-in-depth-let-and-const/
-      // We copy this as a const to avoid ES6 funkiness when mutating loop vars
-      // https://github.com/source-academy/js-slang/issues/65#issuecomment-425618227
-      const environment = createBlockEnvironment(context, 'forBlockEnvironment')
-      pushEnvironment(context, environment)
-      for (const name in loopEnvironment.head) {
-        if (loopEnvironment.head.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
-          declareIdentifier(context, name, node)
-          defineVariable(context, name, loopEnvironment.head[name], true)
-        }
-      }
-      value = yield* actualValue(node.body, context)
-      // Remove block context
-      popEnvironment(context)
-      if (value instanceof ContinueValue) {
-        value = undefined
-      }
-      if (value instanceof BreakValue) {
-        value = undefined
-        break
-      }
-      if (value instanceof ReturnValue || value instanceof TailCallReturnValue) {
-        break
-      }
-      yield* actualValue(updateNode, context)
-    }
-    popEnvironment(context)
-    return value
-  },
-  MemberExpression: function*(node: es.MemberExpression, context: Context) {
-    let obj = yield* actualValue(node.object, context)
-    if (obj instanceof Closure) {
-      obj = obj.fun
-    }
-    let prop
-    if (node.computed) {
-      prop = yield* actualValue(node.property, context)
-    } else {
-      prop = (node.property as es.Identifier).name
-    }
-    const error = rttc.checkMemberAccess(node, obj, prop)
-    if (error) {
-      return handleRuntimeError(context, error)
-    }
-    if (
-      obj !== null &&
-      obj !== undefined &&
-      typeof obj[prop] !== 'undefined' &&
-      !obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)
-    ) {
-      return handleRuntimeError(context, new errors.GetInheritedPropertyError(node, obj, prop))
-    }
-    try {
-      return obj[prop]
-    } catch {
-      return handleRuntimeError(context, new errors.GetPropertyError(node, obj, prop))
-    }
-  },
-  AssignmentExpression: function*(node: es.AssignmentExpression, context: Context) {
-    if (node.left.type === 'MemberExpression') {
-      const left = node.left
-      const obj = yield* actualValue(left.object, context)
-      let prop
-      if (left.computed) {
-        prop = yield* actualValue(left.property, context)
-      } else {
-        prop = (left.property as es.Identifier).name
-      }
-      const error = rttc.checkMemberAccess(node, obj, prop)
-      if (error) {
-        return handleRuntimeError(context, error)
-      }
-      const val = yield* evaluate(node.right, context)
-      try {
-        obj[prop] = val
-      } catch {
-        return handleRuntimeError(context, new errors.SetPropertyError(node, obj, prop))
-      }
-      return val
-    }
-    const id = node.left as es.Identifier
-    // Make sure it exist
-    const value = yield* evaluate(node.right, context)
-    setVariable(context, id.name, value)
-    return value
-  },
-  FunctionDeclaration: function*(node: es.FunctionDeclaration, context: Context) {
-    const id = node.id
-    if (id === null) {
-      throw new Error("Encountered a FunctionDeclaration node without an identifier. This should have been caught when parsing.")
-    }
-    // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any
-    const closure = new Closure(node, currentEnvironment(context), context)
-    defineVariable(context, id.name, closure, true)
-    return undefined
-  },
-  IfStatement: function*(node: es.IfStatement | es.ConditionalExpression, context: Context) {
-    const result = yield* reduceIf(node, context)
-    if (result === null) {
-      return undefined;
-    }
-    return yield* evaluate(result, context)
-  },
-  ExpressionStatement: function*(node: es.ExpressionStatement, context: Context) {
-    return yield* evaluate(node.expression, context)
-  },
-  ReturnStatement: function*(node: es.ReturnStatement, context: Context) {
-    let returnExpression = node.argument!
-    // If we have a conditional expression, reduce it until we get something else
-    while (
-      returnExpression.type === 'LogicalExpression' ||
-      returnExpression.type === 'ConditionalExpression'
-    ) {
-      if (returnExpression.type === 'LogicalExpression') {
-        returnExpression = transformLogicalExpression(returnExpression)
-      }
-      returnExpression = yield* reduceIf(returnExpression, context)
-    }
-    // If we are now left with a CallExpression, then we use TCO
-    if (returnExpression.type === 'CallExpression') {
-      const callee = yield* actualValue(returnExpression.callee, context)
-      const args = yield* getArgs(context, returnExpression)
-      return new TailCallReturnValue(callee, args, returnExpression)
-    } else {
-      return new ReturnValue(yield* evaluate(returnExpression, context))
-    }
-  },
-  WhileStatement: function*(node: es.WhileStatement, context: Context) {
-    let value: any // tslint:disable-line
-    while (
-      // tslint:disable-next-line
-      (yield* actualValue(node.test, context)) &&
-      !(value instanceof ReturnValue) &&
-      !(value instanceof BreakValue) &&
-      !(value instanceof TailCallReturnValue)
-    ) {
-      value = yield* actualValue(node.body, context)
-    }
-    if (value instanceof BreakValue) {
-      return undefined
-    }
-    return value
-  },
-  ObjectExpression: function*(node: es.ObjectExpression, context: Context) {
-    const obj = {}
-    for (const propUntyped of node.properties) {
-      // node.properties: es.Property | es.SpreadExpression, but
-      // our Acorn is set to ES6 which cannot have a es.SpreadExpression
-      // at this point. Force the type.
-      const prop = propUntyped as es.Property
-      let key
-      if (prop.key.type === 'Identifier') {
-        key = prop.key.name
-      } else {
-        key = yield* evaluate(prop.key, context)
-      }
-      obj[key] = yield* evaluate(prop.value, context)
-    }
-    return obj
-  },
-  BlockStatement: function*(node: es.BlockStatement, context: Context) {
-    // Create a new environment (block scoping)
-    const environment = createBlockEnvironment(context, 'blockEnvironment')
-    pushEnvironment(context, environment)
-    const result: Value = yield* evaluateBlockStatement(context, node)
-    popEnvironment(context)
-    return result
-  },
-  ImportDeclaration: function*(node: es.ImportDeclaration, context: Context) {
-    throw new Error('ImportDeclarations should already have been removed')
-  },
-  ExportNamedDeclaration: function*(_node: es.ExportNamedDeclaration, _context: Context) {
-    // Exports are handled as a separate pre-processing step in 'transformImportedFile'.
-    // Subsequently, they are removed from the AST by 'removeExports' before the AST is evaluated.
-    // As such, there should be no ExportNamedDeclaration nodes in the AST.
-    throw new Error('Encountered an ExportNamedDeclaration node in the AST while evaluating. This suggests that an invariant has been broken.')
-  },
-  ExportDefaultDeclaration: function*(_node: es.ExportDefaultDeclaration, _context: Context) {
-    // Exports are handled as a separate pre-processing step in 'transformImportedFile'.
-    // Subsequently, they are removed from the AST by 'removeExports' before the AST is evaluated.
-    // As such, there should be no ExportDefaultDeclaration nodes in the AST.
-    throw new Error('Encountered an ExportDefaultDeclaration node in the AST while evaluating. This suggests that an invariant has been broken.')
-  },
-  ExportAllDeclaration: function*(_node: es.ExportAllDeclaration, _context: Context) {
-    // Exports are handled as a separate pre-processing step in 'transformImportedFile'.
-    // Subsequently, they are removed from the AST by 'removeExports' before the AST is evaluated.
-    // As such, there should be no ExportAllDeclaration nodes in the AST.
-    throw new Error('Encountered an ExportAllDeclaration node in the AST while evaluating. This suggests that an invariant has been broken.')
-  },
-  Program: function*(node: es.BlockStatement, context: Context) {
-    throw new Error('A program should not contain another program within itself')
-  }
-// tslint:enable:object-literal-shorthand
-// TODO: move to util
- * Checks if `env` is empty (that is, head of env is an empty object)
- */
-function isEmptyEnvironment(env: Environment) {
-  return isEmpty(env.head)
- * Extracts the non-empty tail environment from the given environment and
- * returns current environment if tail environment is a null.
- */
-function getNonEmptyEnv(environment: Environment): Environment {
-  if (isEmptyEnvironment(environment)) {
-    const tailEnvironment = environment.tail
-    if (tailEnvironment === null) {
-      return environment
-    }
-    return getNonEmptyEnv(tailEnvironment)
-  } else {
-    return environment
-  }
-export function* evaluateProgram(program: es.Program, context: Context) {
-  yield* visit(context, program)
-  context.numberOfOuterEnvironments += 1
-  const environment = createBlockEnvironment(context, 'programEnvironment')
-  pushEnvironment(context, environment)
-  const otherNodes: es.Statement[] = []
-  try {
-    for (const node of program.body) {
-      if (node.type !== 'ImportDeclaration') {
-        otherNodes.push(node as es.Statement)
-        continue
-      }
-      yield* visit(context, node)
-      const moduleName = getModuleDeclarationSource(node)
-      const functions = context.nativeStorage.loadedModules[moduleName]
-      for (const spec of node.specifiers) {
-        declareIdentifier(context, spec.local.name, node)
-        let obj: any
-        switch (spec.type) {
-          case 'ImportSpecifier': {
-            obj = functions[spec.imported.name]
-            break
-          }
-          case 'ImportDefaultSpecifier': {
-            obj = functions.default
-            break
-          }
-          case 'ImportNamespaceSpecifier': {
-            obj = functions
-            break
-          }
-        }
-        defineVariable(context, spec.local.name, obj, true)
-      }
-      yield* leave(context)
-    }
-  } catch (error) {
-    handleRuntimeError(context, error)
-  }
-  const newProgram = create.blockStatement(otherNodes)
-  const result = yield* forceIt(yield* evaluateBlockStatement(context, newProgram), context)
-  yield* leave(context) // Done visiting program
-  if (result instanceof Closure) {
-    Object.defineProperty(getNonEmptyEnv(currentEnvironment(context)).head, uniqueId(context), {
-      value: result,
-      writable: false,
-      enumerable: true
-    })
-  }
-  return result
-function* evaluate(node: Node, context: Context) {
-  yield* visit(context, node)
-  const result = yield* evaluators[node.type](node, context)
-  yield* leave(context)
-  if (result instanceof Closure) {
-    Object.defineProperty(getNonEmptyEnv(currentEnvironment(context)).head, uniqueId(context), {
-      value: result,
-      writable: false,
-      enumerable: true
-    })
-  }
-  return result
-export function* apply(
-  context: Context,
-  fun: Closure | Value,
-  args: (Thunk | Value)[],
-  node: es.CallExpression,
-  thisContext?: Value
-) {
-  let result: Value
-  let total = 0
-  while (!(result instanceof ReturnValue)) {
-    if (fun instanceof Closure) {
-      checkNumberOfArguments(context, fun, args, node!)
-      const environment = createEnvironment(context, fun, args, node)
-      if (result instanceof TailCallReturnValue) {
-        replaceEnvironment(context, environment)
-      } else {
-        pushEnvironment(context, environment)
-        total++
-      }
-      const bodyEnvironment = createBlockEnvironment(context, 'functionBodyEnvironment')
-      bodyEnvironment.thisContext = thisContext
-      pushEnvironment(context, bodyEnvironment)
-      result = yield* evaluateBlockStatement(context, fun.node.body as es.BlockStatement)
-      popEnvironment(context)
-      if (result instanceof TailCallReturnValue) {
-        fun = result.callee
-        node = result.node
-        args = result.args
-      } else if (!(result instanceof ReturnValue)) {
-        // No Return Value, set it as undefined
-        result = new ReturnValue(undefined)
-      }
-    } else if (typeof fun === 'function') {
-      checkNumberOfArguments(context, fun, args, node!)
-      try {
-        const forcedArgs = []
-        for (const arg of args) {
-          forcedArgs.push(yield* forceIt(arg, context))
-        }
-        result = fun.apply(thisContext, forcedArgs)
-        break
-      } catch (e) {
-        // Recover from exception
-        context.runtime.environments = context.runtime.environments.slice(
-          -context.numberOfOuterEnvironments
-        )
-        const loc = node.loc ?? UNKNOWN_LOCATION
-        if (!(e instanceof RuntimeSourceError || e instanceof errors.ExceptionError)) {
-          // The error could've arisen when the builtin called a source function which errored.
-          // If the cause was a source error, we don't want to include the error.
-          // However if the error came from the builtin itself, we need to handle it.
-          return handleRuntimeError(context, new errors.ExceptionError(e, loc))
-        }
-        result = undefined
-        throw e
-      }
-    } else {
-      return handleRuntimeError(context, new errors.CallingNonFunctionValue(fun, node))
-    }
-  }
-  // Unwraps return value and release stack environment
-  if (result instanceof ReturnValue) {
-    result = result.value
-  }
-  for (let i = 1; i <= total; i++) {
-    popEnvironment(context)
-  }
-  return result
diff --git a/src/modules/loader/__tests__/loader.ts b/src/modules/loader/__tests__/loader.ts
index 3bc037315..6ad94fba0 100644
--- a/src/modules/loader/__tests__/loader.ts
+++ b/src/modules/loader/__tests__/loader.ts
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-import { mockContext } from '../../../mocks/context'
+import { mockContext } from '../../../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { Chapter, Variant } from '../../../types'
 import { ModuleConnectionError, ModuleNotFoundError } from '../../errors'
 import * as moduleLoader from '../loaders'
 import type { ModuleDocumentation, ModuleManifest } from '../../moduleTypes'
-import { asMockedFunc } from '../../../utils/testing'
+import { asMockedFunc } from '../../../utils/testing/misc'
 const moduleMocker = jest.fn()
 global.fetch = jest.fn()
diff --git a/src/modules/loader/__tests__/requireProvider.ts b/src/modules/loader/__tests__/requireProvider.ts
index 3c787e9fd..91e5ad87e 100644
--- a/src/modules/loader/__tests__/requireProvider.ts
+++ b/src/modules/loader/__tests__/requireProvider.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { mockContext } from '../../../mocks/context'
+import { mockContext } from '../../../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { Chapter } from '../../../types'
 import { getRequireProvider } from '../requireProvider'
diff --git a/src/modules/preprocessor/__tests__/analyzer.ts b/src/modules/preprocessor/__tests__/analyzer.ts
index d8edac890..41ab7d013 100644
--- a/src/modules/preprocessor/__tests__/analyzer.ts
+++ b/src/modules/preprocessor/__tests__/analyzer.ts
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import { stripIndent } from '../../../utils/formatters'
 import parseProgramsAndConstructImportGraph from '../linker'
 import analyzeImportsAndExports from '../analyzer'
 import { parse } from '../../../parser/parser'
-import { mockContext } from '../../../mocks/context'
+import { mockContext } from '../../../utils/testing/mocks'
 import loadSourceModules from '../../loader'
 import type { SourceFiles as Files } from '../../moduleTypes'
 import { objectKeys } from '../../../utils/misc'
diff --git a/src/modules/preprocessor/__tests__/linker.ts b/src/modules/preprocessor/__tests__/linker.ts
index 4de464c41..0572d94b8 100644
--- a/src/modules/preprocessor/__tests__/linker.ts
+++ b/src/modules/preprocessor/__tests__/linker.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { mockContext } from '../../../mocks/context'
+import { mockContext } from '../../../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { MissingSemicolonError } from '../../../parser/errors'
 import { Chapter, type Context } from '../../../types'
 import { CircularImportError, ModuleNotFoundError } from '../../errors'
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import type { SourceFiles } from '../../moduleTypes'
 import parseProgramsAndConstructImportGraph from '../linker'
 import * as resolver from '../resolver'
+import { expectTrue } from '../../../utils/testing/misc'
 jest.spyOn(resolver, 'default')
 beforeEach(() => {
@@ -130,13 +131,8 @@ test('Linker does tree-shaking', async () => {
-  // Wrap to appease typescript
-  function expectWrapper(cond: boolean): asserts cond {
-    expect(cond).toEqual(true)
-  }
-  expectWrapper(result.ok)
+  expectTrue(result.ok)
diff --git a/src/modules/preprocessor/__tests__/preprocessor.ts b/src/modules/preprocessor/__tests__/preprocessor.ts
index 5f0baa0af..4c5c06d28 100644
--- a/src/modules/preprocessor/__tests__/preprocessor.ts
+++ b/src/modules/preprocessor/__tests__/preprocessor.ts
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ import type { Program } from 'estree'
 import type { MockedFunction } from 'jest-mock'
 import { parseError, type IOptions } from '../../..'
-import { mockContext } from '../../../mocks/context'
+import { mockContext } from '../../../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { Chapter, type RecursivePartial } from '../../../types'
 import { memoizedGetModuleDocsAsync } from '../../loader/loaders'
 import preprocessFileImports from '..'
-import { sanitizeAST } from '../../../utils/ast/sanitizer'
+import { sanitizeAST } from '../../../utils/testing/sanitizer'
 import { parse } from '../../../parser/parser'
 import {
diff --git a/src/modules/preprocessor/__tests__/transformers/hoistAndMergeImports.ts b/src/modules/preprocessor/__tests__/transformers/hoistAndMergeImports.ts
index 8bcc29aa8..1f8dbbb88 100644
--- a/src/modules/preprocessor/__tests__/transformers/hoistAndMergeImports.ts
+++ b/src/modules/preprocessor/__tests__/transformers/hoistAndMergeImports.ts
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-import { mockContext } from '../../../../mocks/context'
+import { mockContext } from '../../../../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { parse } from '../../../../parser/parser'
 import { Chapter } from '../../../../types'
 import hoistAndMergeImports from '../../transformers/hoistAndMergeImports'
-import { sanitizeAST } from '../../../../utils/ast/sanitizer'
+import { sanitizeAST } from '../../../../utils/testing/sanitizer'
 describe('hoistAndMergeImports', () => {
   const assertASTsAreEqual = (actualCode: string, expectedCode: string) => {
diff --git a/src/modules/preprocessor/__tests__/transformers/removeExports.ts b/src/modules/preprocessor/__tests__/transformers/removeExports.ts
index 8e45a5e0e..37f252101 100644
--- a/src/modules/preprocessor/__tests__/transformers/removeExports.ts
+++ b/src/modules/preprocessor/__tests__/transformers/removeExports.ts
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-import { mockContext } from '../../../../mocks/context'
+import { mockContext } from '../../../../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { parse } from '../../../../parser/parser'
 import { Chapter, type Context } from '../../../../types'
 import removeExports from '../../transformers/removeExports'
-import { sanitizeAST } from '../../../../utils/ast/sanitizer'
+import { sanitizeAST } from '../../../../utils/testing/sanitizer'
 type TestCase = [description: string, inputCode: string, expectedCode: string]
diff --git a/src/modules/preprocessor/__tests__/transformers/transformProgramToFunctionDeclaration.ts b/src/modules/preprocessor/__tests__/transformers/transformProgramToFunctionDeclaration.ts
index 5cfb4625a..a5659651b 100644
--- a/src/modules/preprocessor/__tests__/transformers/transformProgramToFunctionDeclaration.ts
+++ b/src/modules/preprocessor/__tests__/transformers/transformProgramToFunctionDeclaration.ts
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-import { mockContext } from '../../../../mocks/context'
+import { mockContext } from '../../../../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { parse } from '../../../../parser/parser'
 import { defaultExportLookupName } from '../../../../stdlib/localImport.prelude'
 import { Chapter } from '../../../../types'
 import { transformProgramToFunctionDeclaration } from '../../transformers/transformProgramToFunctionDeclaration'
-import { sanitizeAST } from '../../../../utils/ast/sanitizer'
+import { sanitizeAST } from '../../../../utils/testing/sanitizer'
 describe('transformImportedFile', () => {
   const currentFileName = '/dir/a.js'
diff --git a/src/modules/preprocessor/index.ts b/src/modules/preprocessor/index.ts
index 2bbb793c3..3f7e85b06 100644
--- a/src/modules/preprocessor/index.ts
+++ b/src/modules/preprocessor/index.ts
@@ -96,6 +96,14 @@ const preprocessFileImports = async (
+    const program = bundler(programs, entrypointFilePath, topoOrder, context)
+    return {
+      ok: true,
+      program,
+      files: linkerResult.files,
+      verboseErrors: linkerResult.verboseErrors
+    }
   } catch (error) {
     return {
@@ -103,14 +111,6 @@ const preprocessFileImports = async (
       verboseErrors: linkerResult.verboseErrors
-  const program = bundler(programs, entrypointFilePath, topoOrder, context)
-  return {
-    ok: true,
-    program,
-    files: linkerResult.files,
-    verboseErrors: linkerResult.verboseErrors
-  }
 export default preprocessFileImports
diff --git a/src/modules/preprocessor/linker.ts b/src/modules/preprocessor/linker.ts
index 4738a1fc0..c7a71c796 100644
--- a/src/modules/preprocessor/linker.ts
+++ b/src/modules/preprocessor/linker.ts
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ export default async function parseProgramsAndConstructImportGraph(
     let statement: es.Node | null = null
     if (!programs[entrypointFilePath]) {
-      if (entrypointFileText == undefined) {
+      if (entrypointFileText === undefined) {
         // non-existent entrypoint
         return false
diff --git a/src/name-extractor/__tests__/modules.ts b/src/name-extractor/__tests__/modules.ts
index b9c34da82..3337feb0c 100644
--- a/src/name-extractor/__tests__/modules.ts
+++ b/src/name-extractor/__tests__/modules.ts
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 import { DeclarationKind } from '..'
 import { getNames } from '../..'
-import { mockContext } from '../../mocks/context'
+import { mockContext } from '../../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { Chapter } from '../../types'
 import {
 } from '../../modules/loader/loaders'
-import { asMockedFunc } from '../../utils/testing'
+import { asMockedFunc } from '../../utils/testing/misc'
 import { ModuleConnectionError } from '../../modules/errors'
diff --git a/src/parser/__tests__/__snapshots__/allowed-syntax.ts.snap b/src/parser/__tests__/__snapshots__/allowed-syntax.ts.snap
index 9f4b9ba4f..6d2fe30fc 100644
--- a/src/parser/__tests__/__snapshots__/allowed-syntax.ts.snap
+++ b/src/parser/__tests__/__snapshots__/allowed-syntax.ts.snap
@@ -1,4633 +1,419399 @@
 // Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 0: parse passes 1`] = `
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 0 1`] = `
 Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "sequence",
-    Array [
-      null,
-      null,
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 1,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+      },
+      "evaller": null,
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {},
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [],
+        "end": 0,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 0: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "map": Map {
+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
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+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "value": undefined,
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "",
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 1,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
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+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
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+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
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+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
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+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        },
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+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
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+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
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+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {},
+      },
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+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
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+            "end": Position {
+              "column": 0,
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+            },
+            "start": Position {
+              "column": 0,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+          },
+          "sourceType": "module",
+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
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+                "is_string": [Function],
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+                "undefined": undefined,
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+              },
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+              "name": "global",
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+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
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+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
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+                "undefined": undefined,
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+                "storage": null,
+              },
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+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
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+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
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+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
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+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
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+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+                  "kind": "function",
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+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
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+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
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+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "",
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": undefined,
+  },
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 1: parse passes 1`] = `
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 0 2`] = `
 Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"function name(a, b) {\\\\n  const sum = a + b;\\\\n  if (sum > 1) {\\\\n    return sum;\\\\n  } else {\\\\n    if (a % 2 === 0) {\\\\n      return -1;\\\\n    } else if (b % 2 === 0) {\\\\n      return 1;\\\\n    } else {\\\\n      return a > b ? 0 : -2;\\\\n    }\\\\n  }\\\\n}\\\\nname(1, 2);\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "sequence",
-    Array [
-      Array [
-        Array [
-          "function_declaration",
-          Array [
-            Array [
-              "name",
-              Array [
-                "name",
-                null,
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 10,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "end": 8,
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+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 8,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 6,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "\\"\\"",
+                  "start": 6,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": "",
+                },
+              "callee": Node {
+                "end": 5,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 5,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "parse",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              "end": 9,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 9,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 10,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
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+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 10,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
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+              "display_list": [Function],
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+              "is_number": [Function],
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+              "is_undefined": [Function],
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+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
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+              "math_asinh": [Function],
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+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
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+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
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+              "math_log2": [Function],
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+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
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+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
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+          },
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+        },
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+              "value": undefined,
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+              },
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+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
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+              "value": undefined,
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+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
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+              },
+              Object {
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
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+                "value": undefined,
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
-              Array [
-                Array [
-                  "block",
-                  Array [
-                    Array [
-                      "sequence",
-                      Array [
-                        Array [
-                          Array [
-                            "constant_declaration",
-                            Array [
-                              Array [
-                                "name",
-                                Array [
-                                  "sum",
-                                  null,
-                                ],
-                              ],
-                              Array [
-                                Array [
-                                  "binary_operator_combination",
-                                  Array [
-                                    "+",
-                                    Array [
-                                      Array [
-                                        "name",
-                                        Array [
-                                          "a",
-                                          null,
-                                        ],
-                                      ],
-                                      Array [
-                                        Array [
-                                          "name",
-                                          Array [
-                                            "b",
-                                            null,
-                                          ],
-                                        ],
-                                        null,
-                                      ],
-                                    ],
-                                  ],
-                                ],
-                                null,
-                              ],
-                            ],
-                          ],
-                          Array [
-                            Array [
-                              "conditional_statement",
-                              Array [
-                                Array [
-                                  "binary_operator_combination",
-                                  Array [
-                                    ">",
-                                    Array [
-                                      Array [
-                                        "name",
-                                        Array [
-                                          "sum",
-                                          null,
-                                        ],
-                                      ],
-                                      Array [
-                                        Array [
-                                          "literal",
-                                          Array [
-                                            1,
-                                            null,
-                                          ],
-                                        ],
-                                        null,
-                                      ],
-                                    ],
-                                  ],
-                                ],
-                                Array [
-                                  Array [
-                                    "return_statement",
-                                    Array [
-                                      Array [
-                                        "name",
-                                        Array [
-                                          "sum",
-                                          null,
-                                        ],
-                                      ],
-                                      null,
-                                    ],
-                                  ],
-                                  Array [
-                                    Array [
-                                      "conditional_statement",
-                                      Array [
-                                        Array [
-                                          "binary_operator_combination",
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
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+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "sequence",
+      Array [
+        null,
+        null,
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 1 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 1,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "name",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "body": Node {
+              "body": Array [
+                Node {
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+                            "column": 8,
+                            "line": 2,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "name": "sum",
+                        "start": 30,
+                        "type": "Identifier",
+                      },
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+                          "type": "Identifier",
+                        },
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+                            "column": 14,
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+                          },
+                        },
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+                            },
+                          },
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+                          "start": 40,
+                          "type": "Identifier",
+                        },
+                        "start": 36,
+                        "type": "BinaryExpression",
+                      },
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+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 19,
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+                        },
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+                          "column": 8,
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+                        },
+                      },
+                      "start": 30,
+                      "type": "VariableDeclarator",
+                    },
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+                  "typability": "NotYetTyped",
+                  "type": "VariableDeclaration",
+                },
+                Node {
+                  "alternate": Node {
+                    "body": Array [
+                      Node {
+                        "alternate": Node {
+                          "alternate": Node {
+                            "body": Array [
+                              Node {
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+                                        },
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+                                    },
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+                                      },
+                                    },
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+                                    },
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+                                  },
+                                  "type": "ConditionalExpression",
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+                                },
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+                              },
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+                              },
+                            },
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+                          },
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+                              Node {
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+                                      "column": 14,
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+                                    },
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+                                    },
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+                                },
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+                                  },
+                                },
+                                "start": 163,
+                                "type": "ReturnStatement",
+                              },
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+                              },
+                            },
+                            "start": 155,
+                            "type": "BlockStatement",
+                          },
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+                              "line": 12,
+                            },
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+                            },
+                          },
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+                              },
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+                                  "line": 8,
+                                },
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+                                },
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+                                  },
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+                              },
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+                              "type": "BinaryExpression",
+                            },
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+                                "line": 8,
+                              },
+                            },
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+                              "value": 0,
+                            },
+                            "start": 142,
+                            "type": "BinaryExpression",
+                          },
+                          "type": "IfStatement",
+                        },
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+                            Node {
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+                                "argument": Node {
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+                                    },
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+                                    },
+                                  },
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+                                  "value": 1,
+                                },
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+                                    "column": 15,
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+                                    "line": 7,
+                                  },
+                                },
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+                                "type": "UnaryExpression",
+                              },
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+                                  "line": 7,
+                                },
+                              },
+                              "start": 116,
+                              "type": "ReturnStatement",
+                            },
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+                              "line": 8,
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+                              "column": 21,
+                              "line": 6,
+                            },
+                          },
+                          "start": 108,
+                          "type": "BlockStatement",
+                        },
+                        "end": 220,
+                        "loc": SourceLocation {
+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 5,
+                            "line": 12,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
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+                            "line": 6,
+                          },
+                        },
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+                                  "line": 6,
+                                },
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+                                  "column": 8,
+                                  "line": 6,
+                                },
+                              },
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+                              "start": 95,
+                              "type": "Identifier",
+                            },
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+                              "end": Position {
+                                "column": 13,
+                                "line": 6,
+                              },
+                              "start": Position {
+                                "column": 8,
+                                "line": 6,
+                              },
+                            },
+                            "operator": "%",
+                            "right": Node {
+                              "end": 100,
+                              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                                "end": Position {
+                                  "column": 13,
+                                  "line": 6,
+                                },
+                                "start": Position {
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+                                  "line": 6,
+                                },
+                              },
+                              "raw": "2",
+                              "start": 99,
+                              "type": "Literal",
+                              "value": 2,
+                            },
+                            "start": 95,
+                            "type": "BinaryExpression",
+                          },
+                          "loc": SourceLocation {
+                            "end": Position {
+                              "column": 19,
+                              "line": 6,
+                            },
+                            "start": Position {
+                              "column": 8,
+                              "line": 6,
+                            },
+                          },
+                          "operator": "===",
+                          "right": Node {
+                            "end": 106,
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "function name(a, b) {
+  const sum = a + b;
+  if (sum > 1) {
+    return sum;
+  } else {
+    if (a % 2 === 0) {
+      return -1;
+    } else if (b % 2 === 0) {
+      return 1;
+    } else {
+      return a > b ? 0 : -2;
+    }
+  }
+name(1, 2);",
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 1,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "name",
+        },
+      },
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+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
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+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "function name(a, b) {
+  const sum = a + b;
+  if (sum > 1) {
+    return sum;
+  } else {
+    if (a % 2 === 0) {
+      return -1;
+    } else if (b % 2 === 0) {
+      return 1;
+    } else {
+      return a > b ? 0 : -2;
+    }
+  }
+name(1, 2);",
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": 3,
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 1 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
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+  const sum = a + b;
+  if (sum > 1) {
+    return sum;
+  } else {
+    if (a % 2 === 0) {
+      return -1;
+    } else if (b % 2 === 0) {
+      return 1;
+    } else {
+      return a > b ? 0 : -2;
+    }
+  }
+name(1, 2);",
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+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => "const",
+          "call_cc" => "const",
+        },
+        "typeAliasMap": Map {
+          "Pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "headType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "pair",
+              "tailType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "List" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "elementType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "list",
+              "typeAsPair": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "Stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "Stream",
+                  "typeArgs": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+        },
+        "typeMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"function name(a, b) {\\\\n  const sum = a + b;\\\\n  if (sum > 1) {\\\\n    return sum;\\\\n  } else {\\\\n    if (a % 2 === 0) {\\\\n      return -1;\\\\n    } else if (b % 2 === 0) {\\\\n      return 1;\\\\n    } else {\\\\n      return a > b ? 0 : -2;\\\\n    }\\\\n  }\\\\n}\\\\nname(1, 2);\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 262,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 260,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 260,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 6,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "\\"function name(a, b) {\\\\n  const sum = a + b;\\\\n  if (sum > 1) {\\\\n    return sum;\\\\n  } else {\\\\n    if (a % 2 === 0) {\\\\n      return -1;\\\\n    } else if (b % 2 === 0) {\\\\n      return 1;\\\\n    } else {\\\\n      return a > b ? 0 : -2;\\\\n    }\\\\n  }\\\\n}\\\\nname(1, 2);\\"",
+                    "start": 6,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": "function name(a, b) {
+  const sum = a + b;
+  if (sum > 1) {
+    return sum;
+  } else {
+    if (a % 2 === 0) {
+      return -1;
+    } else if (b % 2 === 0) {
+      return 1;
+    } else {
+      return a > b ? 0 : -2;
+    }
+  }
+name(1, 2);",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "callee": Node {
+                  "end": 5,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "parse",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "end": 261,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 261,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "CallExpression",
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 262,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
+          ],
+          "end": 262,
+          "loc": SourceLocation {
+            "end": Position {
+              "column": 262,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+            "start": Position {
+              "column": 0,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+          },
+          "sourceType": "module",
+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                "math_ceil": [Function],
+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
+                "math_fround": [Function],
+                "math_hypot": [Function],
+                "math_imul": [Function],
+                "math_log": [Function],
+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
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+                "math_min": [Function],
+                "math_pow": [Function],
+                "math_random": [Function],
+                "math_round": [Function],
+                "math_sign": [Function],
+                "math_sin": [Function],
+                "math_sinh": [Function],
+                "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
+                "math_trunc": [Function],
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+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
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+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            },
+            "parent": null,
+          },
+          "map": Map {
+            Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
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+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                "math_ceil": [Function],
+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
+                "math_fround": [Function],
+                "math_hypot": [Function],
+                "math_imul": [Function],
+                "math_log": [Function],
+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
+                "math_max": [Function],
+                "math_min": [Function],
+                "math_pow": [Function],
+                "math_random": [Function],
+                "math_round": [Function],
+                "math_sign": [Function],
+                "math_sin": [Function],
+                "math_sinh": [Function],
+                "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
+                "math_trunc": [Function],
+                "pair": [Function],
+                "parse": [Function],
+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
+                "raw_display": [Function],
+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            } => EnvTreeNode {
+              "_children": Array [],
+              "environment": Object {
+                "head": Object {
+                  "Infinity": Infinity,
+                  "NaN": NaN,
+                  "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                  "arity": [Function],
+                  "array_length": [Function],
+                  "call_cc": [Function],
+                  "char_at": [Function],
+                  "display": [Function],
+                  "display_list": [Function],
+                  "draw_data": [Function],
+                  "error": [Function],
+                  "get_time": [Function],
+                  "head": [Function],
+                  "is_array": [Function],
+                  "is_boolean": [Function],
+                  "is_function": [Function],
+                  "is_list": [Function],
+                  "is_null": [Function],
+                  "is_number": [Function],
+                  "is_pair": [Function],
+                  "is_string": [Function],
+                  "is_undefined": [Function],
+                  "list": [Function],
+                  "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                  "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                  "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                  "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                  "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                  "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                  "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                  "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                  "math_abs": [Function],
+                  "math_acos": [Function],
+                  "math_acosh": [Function],
+                  "math_asin": [Function],
+                  "math_asinh": [Function],
+                  "math_atan": [Function],
+                  "math_atan2": [Function],
+                  "math_atanh": [Function],
+                  "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                  "math_ceil": [Function],
+                  "math_clz32": [Function],
+                  "math_cos": [Function],
+                  "math_cosh": [Function],
+                  "math_exp": [Function],
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+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                  "constraint": "none",
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+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
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+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
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+              ],
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+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
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+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
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+                    "name": "Stream",
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+                      Object {
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+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
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+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
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+            },
+          },
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+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
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+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
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+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
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+                    },
+                  ],
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+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"function name(a, b) {\\\\n  const sum = a + b;\\\\n  if (sum > 1) {\\\\n    return sum;\\\\n  } else {\\\\n    if (a % 2 === 0) {\\\\n      return -1;\\\\n    } else if (b % 2 === 0) {\\\\n      return 1;\\\\n    } else {\\\\n      return a > b ? 0 : -2;\\\\n    }\\\\n  }\\\\n}\\\\nname(1, 2);\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "sequence",
+      Array [
+        Array [
+          Array [
+            "function_declaration",
+            Array [
+              Array [
+                "name",
+                Array [
+                  "name",
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  Array [
+                    "name",
+                    Array [
+                      "a",
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                  Array [
+                    Array [
+                      "name",
+                      Array [
+                        "b",
+                        null,
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                    null,
+                  ],
+                ],
+                Array [
+                  Array [
+                    "block",
+                    Array [
+                      Array [
+                        "sequence",
+                        Array [
+                          Array [
+                            Array [
+                              "constant_declaration",
+                              Array [
+                                Array [
+                                  "name",
+                                  Array [
+                                    "sum",
+                                    null,
+                                  ],
+                                ],
+                                Array [
+                                  Array [
+                                    "binary_operator_combination",
+                                    Array [
+                                      "+",
+                                      Array [
+                                        Array [
+                                          "name",
+                                          Array [
+                                            "a",
+                                            null,
+                                          ],
+                                        ],
+                                        Array [
+                                          Array [
+                                            "name",
+                                            Array [
+                                              "b",
+                                              null,
+                                            ],
+                                          ],
+                                          null,
+                                        ],
+                                      ],
+                                    ],
+                                  ],
+                                  null,
+                                ],
+                              ],
+                            ],
+                            Array [
+                              Array [
+                                "conditional_statement",
+                                Array [
+                                  Array [
+                                    "binary_operator_combination",
+                                    Array [
+                                      ">",
+                                      Array [
+                                        Array [
+                                          "name",
+                                          Array [
+                                            "sum",
+                                            null,
+                                          ],
+                                        ],
+                                        Array [
+                                          Array [
+                                            "literal",
+                                            Array [
+                                              1,
+                                              null,
+                                            ],
+                                          ],
+                                          null,
+                                        ],
+                                      ],
+                                    ],
+                                  ],
+                                  Array [
+                                    Array [
+                                      "return_statement",
+                                      Array [
+                                        Array [
+                                          "name",
+                                          Array [
+                                            "sum",
+                                            null,
+                                          ],
+                                        ],
+                                        null,
+                                      ],
+                                    ],
+                                    Array [
+                                      Array [
+                                        "conditional_statement",
+                                        Array [
+                                          Array [
+                                            "binary_operator_combination",
+                                            Array [
+                                              "===",
+                                              Array [
+                                                Array [
+                                                  "binary_operator_combination",
+                                                  Array [
+                                                    "%",
+                                                    Array [
+                                                      Array [
+                                                        "name",
+                                                        Array [
+                                                          "a",
+                                                          null,
+                                                        ],
+                                                      ],
+                                                      Array [
+                                                        Array [
+                                                          "literal",
+                                                          Array [
+                                                            2,
+                                                            null,
+                                                          ],
+                                                        ],
+                                                        null,
+                                                      ],
+                                                    ],
+                                                  ],
+                                                ],
+                                                Array [
+                                                  Array [
+                                                    "literal",
+                                                    Array [
+                                                      0,
+                                                      null,
+                                                    ],
+                                                  ],
+                                                  null,
+                                                ],
+                                              ],
+                                            ],
+                                          ],
+                                          Array [
+                                            Array [
+                                              "return_statement",
+                                              Array [
+                                                Array [
+                                                  "unary_operator_combination",
+                                                  Array [
+                                                    "-unary",
+                                                    Array [
+                                                      Array [
+                                                        "literal",
+                                                        Array [
+                                                          1,
+                                                          null,
+                                                        ],
+                                                      ],
+                                                      null,
+                                                    ],
+                                                  ],
+                                                ],
+                                                null,
+                                              ],
+                                            ],
+                                            Array [
+                                              Array [
+                                                "conditional_statement",
+                                                Array [
+                                                  Array [
+                                                    "binary_operator_combination",
+                                                    Array [
+                                                      "===",
+                                                      Array [
+                                                        Array [
+                                                          "binary_operator_combination",
+                                                          Array [
+                                                            "%",
+                                                            Array [
+                                                              Array [
+                                                                "name",
+                                                                Array [
+                                                                  "b",
+                                                                  null,
+                                                                ],
+                                                              ],
+                                                              Array [
+                                                                Array [
+                                                                  "literal",
+                                                                  Array [
+                                                                    2,
+                                                                    null,
+                                                                  ],
+                                                                ],
+                                                                null,
+                                                              ],
+                                                            ],
+                                                          ],
+                                                        ],
+                                                        Array [
+                                                          Array [
+                                                            "literal",
+                                                            Array [
+                                                              0,
+                                                              null,
+                                                            ],
+                                                          ],
+                                                          null,
+                                                        ],
+                                                      ],
+                                                    ],
+                                                  ],
+                                                  Array [
+                                                    Array [
+                                                      "return_statement",
+                                                      Array [
+                                                        Array [
+                                                          "literal",
+                                                          Array [
+                                                            1,
+                                                            null,
+                                                          ],
+                                                        ],
+                                                        null,
+                                                      ],
+                                                    ],
+                                                    Array [
+                                                      Array [
+                                                        "return_statement",
+                                                        Array [
+                                                          Array [
+                                                            "conditional_expression",
+                                                            Array [
+                                                              Array [
+                                                                "binary_operator_combination",
+                                                                Array [
+                                                                  ">",
+                                                                  Array [
+                                                                    Array [
+                                                                      "name",
+                                                                      Array [
+                                                                        "a",
+                                                                        null,
+                                                                      ],
+                                                                    ],
+                                                                    Array [
+                                                                      Array [
+                                                                        "name",
+                                                                        Array [
+                                                                          "b",
+                                                                          null,
+                                                                        ],
+                                                                      ],
+                                                                      null,
+                                                                    ],
+                                                                  ],
+                                                                ],
+                                                              ],
+                                                              Array [
+                                                                Array [
+                                                                  "literal",
+                                                                  Array [
+                                                                    0,
+                                                                    null,
+                                                                  ],
+                                                                ],
+                                                                Array [
+                                                                  Array [
+                                                                    "unary_operator_combination",
+                                                                    Array [
+                                                                      "-unary",
+                                                                      Array [
+                                                                        Array [
+                                                                          "literal",
+                                                                          Array [
+                                                                            2,
+                                                                            null,
+                                                                          ],
+                                                                        ],
+                                                                        null,
+                                                                      ],
+                                                                    ],
+                                                                  ],
+                                                                  null,
+                                                                ],
+                                                              ],
+                                                            ],
+                                                          ],
+                                                          null,
+                                                        ],
+                                                      ],
+                                                      null,
+                                                    ],
+                                                  ],
+                                                ],
+                                              ],
+                                              null,
+                                            ],
+                                          ],
+                                        ],
+                                      ],
+                                      null,
+                                    ],
+                                  ],
+                                ],
+                              ],
+                              null,
+                            ],
+                          ],
+                          null,
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+            ],
+          ],
+          Array [
+            Array [
+              "application",
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "name",
+                  Array [
+                    "name",
+                    null,
+                  ],
+                ],
+                Array [
+                  Array [
+                    Array [
+                      "literal",
+                      Array [
+                        1,
+                        null,
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                    Array [
+                      Array [
+                        "literal",
+                        Array [
+                          2,
+                          null,
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+            ],
+            null,
+          ],
+        ],
+        null,
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 2 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 1,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
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+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "(() => true)();",
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 1,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
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+                "typeParams": undefined,
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+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "(() => true)();",
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": true,
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 2 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
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+          "Pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "headType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "pair",
+              "tailType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "List" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "elementType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "list",
+              "typeAsPair": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "Stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "Stream",
+                  "typeArgs": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+        },
+        "typeMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"(() => true)();\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 25,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 23,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 23,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 6,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "\\"(() => true)();\\"",
+                    "start": 6,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": "(() => true)();",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "callee": Node {
+                  "end": 5,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "parse",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "end": 24,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 24,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "CallExpression",
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 25,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
+          ],
+          "end": 25,
+          "loc": SourceLocation {
+            "end": Position {
+              "column": 25,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+            "start": Position {
+              "column": 0,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+          },
+          "sourceType": "module",
+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
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+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
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+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
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+                "math_fround": [Function],
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+                "math_imul": [Function],
+                "math_log": [Function],
+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
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+                "math_min": [Function],
+                "math_pow": [Function],
+                "math_random": [Function],
+                "math_round": [Function],
+                "math_sign": [Function],
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+                "math_sinh": [Function],
+                "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
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+                "parse_int": [Function],
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+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            },
+            "parent": null,
+          },
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+            Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
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+                "display_list": [Function],
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+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
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+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
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+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                "math_ceil": [Function],
+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
+                "math_fround": [Function],
+                "math_hypot": [Function],
+                "math_imul": [Function],
+                "math_log": [Function],
+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
+                "math_max": [Function],
+                "math_min": [Function],
+                "math_pow": [Function],
+                "math_random": [Function],
+                "math_round": [Function],
+                "math_sign": [Function],
+                "math_sin": [Function],
+                "math_sinh": [Function],
+                "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
+                "math_trunc": [Function],
+                "pair": [Function],
+                "parse": [Function],
+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
+                "raw_display": [Function],
+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            } => EnvTreeNode {
+              "_children": Array [],
+              "environment": Object {
+                "head": Object {
+                  "Infinity": Infinity,
+                  "NaN": NaN,
+                  "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                  "arity": [Function],
+                  "array_length": [Function],
+                  "call_cc": [Function],
+                  "char_at": [Function],
+                  "display": [Function],
+                  "display_list": [Function],
+                  "draw_data": [Function],
+                  "error": [Function],
+                  "get_time": [Function],
+                  "head": [Function],
+                  "is_array": [Function],
+                  "is_boolean": [Function],
+                  "is_function": [Function],
+                  "is_list": [Function],
+                  "is_null": [Function],
+                  "is_number": [Function],
+                  "is_pair": [Function],
+                  "is_string": [Function],
+                  "is_undefined": [Function],
+                  "list": [Function],
+                  "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                  "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                  "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                  "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                  "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                  "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                  "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                  "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                  "math_abs": [Function],
+                  "math_acos": [Function],
+                  "math_acosh": [Function],
+                  "math_asin": [Function],
+                  "math_asinh": [Function],
+                  "math_atan": [Function],
+                  "math_atan2": [Function],
+                  "math_atanh": [Function],
+                  "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                  "math_ceil": [Function],
+                  "math_clz32": [Function],
+                  "math_cos": [Function],
+                  "math_cosh": [Function],
+                  "math_exp": [Function],
+                  "math_expm1": [Function],
+                  "math_floor": [Function],
+                  "math_fround": [Function],
+                  "math_hypot": [Function],
+                  "math_imul": [Function],
+                  "math_log": [Function],
+                  "math_log10": [Function],
+                  "math_log1p": [Function],
+                  "math_log2": [Function],
+                  "math_max": [Function],
+                  "math_min": [Function],
+                  "math_pow": [Function],
+                  "math_random": [Function],
+                  "math_round": [Function],
+                  "math_sign": [Function],
+                  "math_sin": [Function],
+                  "math_sinh": [Function],
+                  "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                  "math_tan": [Function],
+                  "math_tanh": [Function],
+                  "math_trunc": [Function],
+                  "pair": [Function],
+                  "parse": [Function],
+                  "parse_int": [Function],
+                  "prompt": [Function],
+                  "raw_display": [Function],
+                  "set_head": [Function],
+                  "set_tail": [Function],
+                  "stream": [Function],
+                  "stringify": [Function],
+                  "tail": [Function],
+                  "tokenize": [Function],
+                  "undefined": undefined,
+                },
+                "heap": Heap {
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+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
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+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
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+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
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+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
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+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
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+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+                  "kind": "function",
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+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
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+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
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+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"(() => true)();\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "application",
+      Array [
+        Array [
+          "lambda_expression",
+          Array [
+            null,
+            Array [
+              Array [
+                "return_statement",
+                Array [
+                  Array [
+                    "literal",
+                    Array [
+                      true,
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+              null,
+            ],
+          ],
+        ],
+        Array [
+          null,
+          null,
+        ],
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 3 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 1,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {},
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 36,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "end": 31,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 31,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 30,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "1",
+                  "start": 30,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 1,
+                },
+                Node {
+                  "end": 34,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 34,
+                      "line": 1,
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+                      "column": 33,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "2",
+                  "start": 33,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 2,
+                },
+              ],
+              "callee": Node {
+                "body": Node {
+                  "body": Array [
+                    Node {
+                      "argument": Node {
+                        "end": 25,
+                        "left": Node {
+                          "end": 21,
+                          "loc": SourceLocation {
+                            "end": Position {
+                              "column": 21,
+                              "line": 1,
+                            },
+                            "start": Position {
+                              "column": 20,
+                              "line": 1,
+                            },
+                          },
+                          "name": "x",
+                          "start": 20,
+                          "type": "Identifier",
+                        },
+                        "loc": SourceLocation {
+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 25,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 20,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "operator": "+",
+                        "right": Node {
+                          "end": 25,
+                          "loc": SourceLocation {
+                            "end": Position {
+                              "column": 25,
+                              "line": 1,
+                            },
+                            "start": Position {
+                              "column": 24,
+                              "line": 1,
+                            },
+                          },
+                          "name": "y",
+                          "start": 24,
+                          "type": "Identifier",
+                        },
+                        "start": 20,
+                        "type": "BinaryExpression",
+                      },
+                      "end": 26,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 26,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 13,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "start": 13,
+                      "type": "ReturnStatement",
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "end": 28,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 28,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 11,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "start": 11,
+                  "type": "BlockStatement",
+                },
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+                "id": null,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 28,
+                    "line": 1,
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+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "params": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 3,
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+                        "column": 3,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 2,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "x",
+                    "start": 2,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
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+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 6,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
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+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "y",
+                    "start": 5,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "start": 1,
+                "type": "ArrowFunctionExpression",
+              },
+              "end": 35,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 35,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
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+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 36,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 36,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 36,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
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+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
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+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "((x, y) => { return x + y; })(1, 2);",
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 1,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {},
+      },
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+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
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+                      "end": Position {
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+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 30,
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+                    "raw": "1",
+                    "start": 30,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": 1,
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+                    "start": 33,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": 2,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "callee": Node {
+                  "body": Node {
+                    "body": Array [
+                      Node {
+                        "argument": Node {
+                          "end": 25,
+                          "left": Node {
+                            "end": 21,
+                            "loc": SourceLocation {
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+                                "column": 21,
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+                              },
+                              "start": Position {
+                                "column": 20,
+                                "line": 1,
+                              },
+                            },
+                            "name": "x",
+                            "start": 20,
+                            "type": "Identifier",
+                          },
+                          "loc": SourceLocation {
+                            "end": Position {
+                              "column": 25,
+                              "line": 1,
+                            },
+                            "start": Position {
+                              "column": 20,
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+                            },
+                          },
+                          "operator": "+",
+                          "right": Node {
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+                            "loc": SourceLocation {
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+                              "start": Position {
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+                              },
+                            },
+                            "name": "y",
+                            "start": 24,
+                            "type": "Identifier",
+                          },
+                          "start": 20,
+                          "type": "BinaryExpression",
+                        },
+                        "end": 26,
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+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 13,
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+                          },
+                        },
+                        "start": 13,
+                        "type": "ReturnStatement",
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+                      "end": Position {
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+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
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+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "((x, y) => { return x + y; })(1, 2);",
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": 3,
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 3 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
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+        "tokenize" => [Function],
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+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"((x, y) => { return x + y; })(1, 2);\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
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+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 46,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 44,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 44,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
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+                        "column": 6,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "\\"((x, y) => { return x + y; })(1, 2);\\"",
+                    "start": 6,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": "((x, y) => { return x + y; })(1, 2);",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "callee": Node {
+                  "end": 5,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "parse",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
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+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 45,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
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+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
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+                "type": "CallExpression",
+              },
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+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 46,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
+          ],
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+            "end": Position {
+              "column": 46,
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+              "line": 1,
+            },
+          },
+          "sourceType": "module",
+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
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+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
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+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
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+              },
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+            },
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+          },
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+            Object {
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+                "Infinity": Infinity,
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+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
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+                "math_atanh": [Function],
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+                "stream": [Function],
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+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
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+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            } => EnvTreeNode {
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+                  "Infinity": Infinity,
+                  "NaN": NaN,
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+                  "math_tanh": [Function],
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+                  "parse_int": [Function],
+                  "prompt": [Function],
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+                  "set_head": [Function],
+                  "set_tail": [Function],
+                  "stream": [Function],
+                  "stringify": [Function],
+                  "tail": [Function],
+                  "tokenize": [Function],
+                  "undefined": undefined,
+                },
+                "heap": Heap {
+                  "storage": null,
+                },
+                "id": "-1",
+                "name": "global",
+                "tail": null,
+              },
+              "parent": null,
+            },
+          },
+        },
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+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
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+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
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+              "math_clz32": [Function],
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+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
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+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
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+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
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+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
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+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+        ],
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+        "nodes": Array [],
+        "objectCount": 0,
+        "stash": null,
+        "transformers": Transformers {
+          "items": Map {},
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "value": undefined,
+      },
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+      "typeEnvironment": Array [
+        Object {
+          "declKindMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => "const",
+            "NaN" => "const",
+            "undefined" => "const",
+            "math_E" => "const",
+            "math_LN2" => "const",
+            "math_LN10" => "const",
+            "math_LOG2E" => "const",
+            "math_LOG10E" => "const",
+            "math_PI" => "const",
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => "const",
+            "math_SQRT2" => "const",
+            "is_boolean" => "const",
+            "is_number" => "const",
+            "is_string" => "const",
+            "is_undefined" => "const",
+            "is_function" => "const",
+            "math_abs" => "const",
+            "math_acos" => "const",
+            "math_acosh" => "const",
+            "math_asin" => "const",
+            "math_asinh" => "const",
+            "math_atan" => "const",
+            "math_atan2" => "const",
+            "math_atanh" => "const",
+            "math_cbrt" => "const",
+            "math_ceil" => "const",
+            "math_clz32" => "const",
+            "math_cos" => "const",
+            "math_cosh" => "const",
+            "math_exp" => "const",
+            "math_expm1" => "const",
+            "math_floor" => "const",
+            "math_fround" => "const",
+            "math_hypot" => "const",
+            "math_imul" => "const",
+            "math_log" => "const",
+            "math_log1p" => "const",
+            "math_log2" => "const",
+            "math_log10" => "const",
+            "math_max" => "const",
+            "math_min" => "const",
+            "math_pow" => "const",
+            "math_random" => "const",
+            "math_round" => "const",
+            "math_sign" => "const",
+            "math_sin" => "const",
+            "math_sinh" => "const",
+            "math_sqrt" => "const",
+            "math_tan" => "const",
+            "math_tanh" => "const",
+            "math_trunc" => "const",
+            "parse_int" => "const",
+            "prompt" => "const",
+            "get_time" => "const",
+            "stringify" => "const",
+            "display" => "const",
+            "error" => "const",
+            "-_1" => "const",
+            "!" => "const",
+            "&&" => "const",
+            "||" => "const",
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+            "<=" => "const",
+            ">" => "const",
+            ">=" => "const",
+            "+" => "const",
+            "%" => "const",
+            "-" => "const",
+            "*" => "const",
+            "/" => "const",
+            "pair" => "const",
+            "head" => "const",
+            "tail" => "const",
+            "is_pair" => "const",
+            "is_null" => "const",
+            "is_list" => "const",
+            "list" => "const",
+            "===" => "const",
+            "!==" => "const",
+            "set_head" => "const",
+            "set_tail" => "const",
+            "is_array" => "const",
+            "array_length" => "const",
+            "raw_display" => "const",
+            "char_at" => "const",
+            "arity" => "const",
+            "draw_data" => "const",
+            "display_list" => "const",
+            "stream" => "const",
+            "parse" => "const",
+            "tokenize" => "const",
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => "const",
+            "call_cc" => "const",
+          },
+          "typeAliasMap": Map {
+            "Pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
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+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "List" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"((x, y) => { return x + y; })(1, 2);\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "application",
+      Array [
+        Array [
+          "lambda_expression",
+          Array [
+            Array [
+              Array [
+                "name",
+                Array [
+                  "x",
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "name",
+                  Array [
+                    "y",
+                    null,
+                  ],
+                ],
+                null,
+              ],
+            ],
+            Array [
+              Array [
+                "return_statement",
+                Array [
+                  Array [
+                    "binary_operator_combination",
+                    Array [
+                      "+",
+                      Array [
+                        Array [
+                          "name",
+                          Array [
+                            "x",
+                            null,
+                          ],
+                        ],
+                        Array [
+                          Array [
+                            "name",
+                            Array [
+                              "y",
+                              null,
+                            ],
+                          ],
+                          null,
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+              null,
+            ],
+          ],
+        ],
+        Array [
+          Array [
+            Array [
+              "literal",
+              Array [
+                1,
+                null,
+              ],
+            ],
+            Array [
+              Array [
+                "literal",
+                Array [
+                  2,
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+              null,
+            ],
+          ],
+          null,
+        ],
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 4 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 1,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {},
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
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+              "end": 4,
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+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 4,
+                  "line": 1,
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+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "raw": "true",
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "Literal",
+              "value": true,
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 5,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 5,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 5,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
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+              "error": [Function],
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+              "is_undefined": [Function],
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+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
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+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
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+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
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+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
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+              "math_floor": [Function],
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+              "math_imul": [Function],
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+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
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+              "math_min": [Function],
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+              "math_random": [Function],
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+              "math_sign": [Function],
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+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
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+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
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+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
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+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
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+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          } => EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
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+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
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+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
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+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
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+                  },
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+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
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+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "true;",
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 1,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
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+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
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+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
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+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
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+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
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+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
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+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
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+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
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+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
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+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {},
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+            },
+          },
+          "sourceType": "module",
+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
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+                "storage": null,
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+            "undefined" => Object {
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+              "name": "undefined",
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+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
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+              "kind": "primitive",
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+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
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+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
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+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
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+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+                "kind": "forall",
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+                  "kind": "function",
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+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
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+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "true;",
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": true,
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 4 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
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+    "errors": Array [],
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+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
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+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
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+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
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+        "is_string" => [Function],
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+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
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+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
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+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
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+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
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+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
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+        "math_floor" => [Function],
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+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
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+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
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+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
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+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
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+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
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+        "tokenize" => [Function],
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+        "call_cc" => [Function],
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+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
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+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
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+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
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+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
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+        "stream_to_list",
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+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
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+        "stream_remove",
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+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
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+        "stream_ref",
+      },
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+                  "start": 6,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": "true;",
+                },
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+                "type": "Identifier",
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+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
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+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
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+              },
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+              "value": undefined,
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+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"true;\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 15,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 13,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 13,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 6,
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+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"true;\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "literal",
+      Array [
+        true,
+        null,
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 5 1`] = `
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+    "chapter": 1,
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+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
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+      "builtins": Map {
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+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
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+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
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+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
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+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
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+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
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+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
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+        "math_min" => [Function],
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+        "math_random" => [Function],
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+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
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+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+      },
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+      "loadedModules": Object {},
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+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
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+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
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+    },
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+          },
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+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
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+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
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+          "!" => "const",
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+          "<=" => "const",
+          ">" => "const",
+          ">=" => "const",
+          "+" => "const",
+          "%" => "const",
+          "-" => "const",
+          "*" => "const",
+          "/" => "const",
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+          "!==" => "const",
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+          "arity" => "const",
+        },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
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+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
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+                "typeParams": undefined,
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+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "false;",
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": false,
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 5 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
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+          "Pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "headType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "pair",
+              "tailType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "List" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "elementType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "list",
+              "typeAsPair": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "Stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "Stream",
+                  "typeArgs": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+        },
+        "typeMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"false;\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 16,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 14,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 14,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 6,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "\\"false;\\"",
+                    "start": 6,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": "false;",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "callee": Node {
+                  "end": 5,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "parse",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "end": 15,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 15,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "CallExpression",
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 16,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
+          ],
+          "end": 16,
+          "loc": SourceLocation {
+            "end": Position {
+              "column": 16,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+            "start": Position {
+              "column": 0,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+          },
+          "sourceType": "module",
+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
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+                "head": [Function],
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+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                "math_ceil": [Function],
+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
+                "math_fround": [Function],
+                "math_hypot": [Function],
+                "math_imul": [Function],
+                "math_log": [Function],
+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
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+                "math_min": [Function],
+                "math_pow": [Function],
+                "math_random": [Function],
+                "math_round": [Function],
+                "math_sign": [Function],
+                "math_sin": [Function],
+                "math_sinh": [Function],
+                "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
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+                "parse_int": [Function],
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+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            },
+            "parent": null,
+          },
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+            Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
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+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
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+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                "math_ceil": [Function],
+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
+                "math_fround": [Function],
+                "math_hypot": [Function],
+                "math_imul": [Function],
+                "math_log": [Function],
+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
+                "math_max": [Function],
+                "math_min": [Function],
+                "math_pow": [Function],
+                "math_random": [Function],
+                "math_round": [Function],
+                "math_sign": [Function],
+                "math_sin": [Function],
+                "math_sinh": [Function],
+                "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
+                "math_trunc": [Function],
+                "pair": [Function],
+                "parse": [Function],
+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
+                "raw_display": [Function],
+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            } => EnvTreeNode {
+              "_children": Array [],
+              "environment": Object {
+                "head": Object {
+                  "Infinity": Infinity,
+                  "NaN": NaN,
+                  "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                  "arity": [Function],
+                  "array_length": [Function],
+                  "call_cc": [Function],
+                  "char_at": [Function],
+                  "display": [Function],
+                  "display_list": [Function],
+                  "draw_data": [Function],
+                  "error": [Function],
+                  "get_time": [Function],
+                  "head": [Function],
+                  "is_array": [Function],
+                  "is_boolean": [Function],
+                  "is_function": [Function],
+                  "is_list": [Function],
+                  "is_null": [Function],
+                  "is_number": [Function],
+                  "is_pair": [Function],
+                  "is_string": [Function],
+                  "is_undefined": [Function],
+                  "list": [Function],
+                  "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                  "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                  "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                  "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                  "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                  "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                  "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                  "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                  "math_abs": [Function],
+                  "math_acos": [Function],
+                  "math_acosh": [Function],
+                  "math_asin": [Function],
+                  "math_asinh": [Function],
+                  "math_atan": [Function],
+                  "math_atan2": [Function],
+                  "math_atanh": [Function],
+                  "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                  "math_ceil": [Function],
+                  "math_clz32": [Function],
+                  "math_cos": [Function],
+                  "math_cosh": [Function],
+                  "math_exp": [Function],
+                  "math_expm1": [Function],
+                  "math_floor": [Function],
+                  "math_fround": [Function],
+                  "math_hypot": [Function],
+                  "math_imul": [Function],
+                  "math_log": [Function],
+                  "math_log10": [Function],
+                  "math_log1p": [Function],
+                  "math_log2": [Function],
+                  "math_max": [Function],
+                  "math_min": [Function],
+                  "math_pow": [Function],
+                  "math_random": [Function],
+                  "math_round": [Function],
+                  "math_sign": [Function],
+                  "math_sin": [Function],
+                  "math_sinh": [Function],
+                  "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                  "math_tan": [Function],
+                  "math_tanh": [Function],
+                  "math_trunc": [Function],
+                  "pair": [Function],
+                  "parse": [Function],
+                  "parse_int": [Function],
+                  "prompt": [Function],
+                  "raw_display": [Function],
+                  "set_head": [Function],
+                  "set_tail": [Function],
+                  "stream": [Function],
+                  "stringify": [Function],
+                  "tail": [Function],
+                  "tokenize": [Function],
+                  "undefined": undefined,
+                },
+                "heap": Heap {
+                  "storage": null,
+                },
+                "id": "-1",
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+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
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+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
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+              ],
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+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
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+                  "headType": Object {
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+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
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+                      Object {
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+                        "kind": "variable",
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+                      },
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+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
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+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
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+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
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+                    },
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+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"false;\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "literal",
+      Array [
+        false,
+        null,
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 6 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 1,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {},
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "directive": "a string \\"\\" \\\\'\\\\'",
+            "end": 19,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "end": 18,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 18,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "raw": "'a string \\"\\" \\\\'\\\\''",
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "Literal",
+              "value": "a string \\"\\" ''",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 19,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 19,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 19,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
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+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
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+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
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+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "map": Map {
+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
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+              "is_function": [Function],
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+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
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+          },
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
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+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+                "kind": "primitive",
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "'a string \\"\\" \\\\'\\\\'';",
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 1,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
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+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
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+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
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+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
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+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        },
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+        "loadedModules": Object {},
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+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {},
+      },
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+        Object {
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+            Node {
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+                    "column": 18,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
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+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "raw": "'a string \\"\\" \\\\'\\\\''",
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+                "type": "Literal",
+                "value": "a string \\"\\" ''",
+              },
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+                  "line": 1,
+                },
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+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
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+              "column": 19,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+            "start": Position {
+              "column": 0,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+          },
+          "sourceType": "module",
+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
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+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
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+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
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+              },
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+                "undefined": undefined,
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+                "storage": null,
+              },
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+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
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+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
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+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
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+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
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+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+                  "kind": "function",
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+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
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+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
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+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "'a string \\"\\" \\\\'\\\\'';",
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": "a string \\"\\" ''",
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 6 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
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+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
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+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
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+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
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+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
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+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
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+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
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+        "head" => [Function],
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+        "display_list" => [Function],
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+        "set_tail" => [Function],
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+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+      },
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+      "loadedModules": Object {},
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+      "operators": Map {
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+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
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+        "$build_list",
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+        "for_each",
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+        "$reverse",
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+        "$append",
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+        "member",
+        "$remove",
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+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
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+                  "start": 6,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": "'a string \\"\\" \\\\'\\\\'';",
+                },
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+                  "start": Position {
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+                "type": "Identifier",
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+              "type": "CallExpression",
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+                "column": 33,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
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+                "column": 0,
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+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
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+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
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+              },
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+              "value": undefined,
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+                "kind": "primitive",
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
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+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"'a string \\\\\\"\\\\\\" \\\\\\\\'\\\\\\\\'';\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
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+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"'a string \\\\\\"\\\\\\" \\\\\\\\'\\\\\\\\'';\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "literal",
+      Array [
+        "a string \\"\\" ''",
+        null,
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 7 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 1,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
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+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
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+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
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+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {},
+    },
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+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
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+                },
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+                "end": 32,
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+                  "end": 26,
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+                    "end": 22,
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+                        },
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+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
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+            "storage": null,
+          },
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+        "items": Map {},
+        "parent": null,
+      },
+      "value": undefined,
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+          "math_acos" => "const",
+          "math_acosh" => "const",
+          "math_asin" => "const",
+          "math_asinh" => "const",
+          "math_atan" => "const",
+          "math_atan2" => "const",
+          "math_atanh" => "const",
+          "math_cbrt" => "const",
+          "math_ceil" => "const",
+          "math_clz32" => "const",
+          "math_cos" => "const",
+          "math_cosh" => "const",
+          "math_exp" => "const",
+          "math_expm1" => "const",
+          "math_floor" => "const",
+          "math_fround" => "const",
+          "math_hypot" => "const",
+          "math_imul" => "const",
+          "math_log" => "const",
+          "math_log1p" => "const",
+          "math_log2" => "const",
+          "math_log10" => "const",
+          "math_max" => "const",
+          "math_min" => "const",
+          "math_pow" => "const",
+          "math_random" => "const",
+          "math_round" => "const",
+          "math_sign" => "const",
+          "math_sin" => "const",
+          "math_sinh" => "const",
+          "math_sqrt" => "const",
+          "math_tan" => "const",
+          "math_tanh" => "const",
+          "math_trunc" => "const",
+          "parse_int" => "const",
+          "prompt" => "const",
+          "get_time" => "const",
+          "stringify" => "const",
+          "display" => "const",
+          "error" => "const",
+          "-_1" => "const",
+          "!" => "const",
+          "&&" => "const",
+          "||" => "const",
+          "<" => "const",
+          "<=" => "const",
+          ">" => "const",
+          ">=" => "const",
+          "+" => "const",
+          "%" => "const",
+          "-" => "const",
+          "*" => "const",
+          "/" => "const",
+          "===" => "const",
+          "!==" => "const",
+          "raw_display" => "const",
+          "char_at" => "const",
+          "arity" => "const",
+        },
+        "typeAliasMap": Map {},
+        "typeMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
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+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
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+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
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+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "31.4 + (-3.14e10) * -1 % 2 / 1.5;",
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
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+      "chapter": 1,
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+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
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+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
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+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
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+          "math_floor" => [Function],
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+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
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+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
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+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
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+              "math_cosh": [Function],
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+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
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+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
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+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
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+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
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+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+        ],
+        "isRunning": false,
+        "nodes": Array [],
+        "objectCount": 0,
+        "stash": null,
+        "transformers": Transformers {
+          "items": Map {},
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "value": undefined,
+      },
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+      "typeEnvironment": Array [
+        Object {
+          "declKindMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => "const",
+            "NaN" => "const",
+            "undefined" => "const",
+            "math_E" => "const",
+            "math_LN2" => "const",
+            "math_LN10" => "const",
+            "math_LOG2E" => "const",
+            "math_LOG10E" => "const",
+            "math_PI" => "const",
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => "const",
+            "math_SQRT2" => "const",
+            "is_boolean" => "const",
+            "is_number" => "const",
+            "is_string" => "const",
+            "is_undefined" => "const",
+            "is_function" => "const",
+            "math_abs" => "const",
+            "math_acos" => "const",
+            "math_acosh" => "const",
+            "math_asin" => "const",
+            "math_asinh" => "const",
+            "math_atan" => "const",
+            "math_atan2" => "const",
+            "math_atanh" => "const",
+            "math_cbrt" => "const",
+            "math_ceil" => "const",
+            "math_clz32" => "const",
+            "math_cos" => "const",
+            "math_cosh" => "const",
+            "math_exp" => "const",
+            "math_expm1" => "const",
+            "math_floor" => "const",
+            "math_fround" => "const",
+            "math_hypot" => "const",
+            "math_imul" => "const",
+            "math_log" => "const",
+            "math_log1p" => "const",
+            "math_log2" => "const",
+            "math_log10" => "const",
+            "math_max" => "const",
+            "math_min" => "const",
+            "math_pow" => "const",
+            "math_random" => "const",
+            "math_round" => "const",
+            "math_sign" => "const",
+            "math_sin" => "const",
+            "math_sinh" => "const",
+            "math_sqrt" => "const",
+            "math_tan" => "const",
+            "math_tanh" => "const",
+            "math_trunc" => "const",
+            "parse_int" => "const",
+            "prompt" => "const",
+            "get_time" => "const",
+            "stringify" => "const",
+            "display" => "const",
+            "error" => "const",
+            "-_1" => "const",
+            "!" => "const",
+            "&&" => "const",
+            "||" => "const",
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+            "<=" => "const",
+            ">" => "const",
+            ">=" => "const",
+            "+" => "const",
+            "%" => "const",
+            "-" => "const",
+            "*" => "const",
+            "/" => "const",
+            "===" => "const",
+            "!==" => "const",
+            "raw_display" => "const",
+            "char_at" => "const",
+            "arity" => "const",
+          },
+          "typeAliasMap": Map {},
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "31.4 + (-3.14e10) * -1 % 2 / 1.5;",
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": 31.4,
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 7 2`] = `
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+  "context": Object {
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+    "chapter": 4,
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+      },
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+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
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+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
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+        "__access_export__",
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+              "storage": null,
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+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
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+            "kind": "primitive",
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+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
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+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
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+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
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+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
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+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
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+          },
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+          },
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+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"31.4 + (-3.14e10) * -1 % 2 / 1.5;\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 43,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 41,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 41,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 6,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "\\"31.4 + (-3.14e10) * -1 % 2 / 1.5;\\"",
+                    "start": 6,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": "31.4 + (-3.14e10) * -1 % 2 / 1.5;",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "callee": Node {
+                  "end": 5,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "parse",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "end": 42,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 42,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "CallExpression",
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 43,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
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+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"31.4 + (-3.14e10) * -1 % 2 / 1.5;\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
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+                                      ],
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+                                          1,
+                                          null,
+                                        ],
+                                      ],
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+            "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+            "stringify": [Function],
+            "undefined": undefined,
+          },
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+            "storage": null,
+          },
+          "id": "-1",
+          "name": "global",
+          "tail": null,
+        },
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+      "nodes": Array [],
+      "objectCount": 0,
+      "stash": null,
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+        "items": Map {},
+        "parent": null,
+      },
+      "value": undefined,
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+      Object {
+        "declKindMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => "const",
+          "NaN" => "const",
+          "undefined" => "const",
+          "math_E" => "const",
+          "math_LN2" => "const",
+          "math_LN10" => "const",
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+          "math_LOG10E" => "const",
+          "math_PI" => "const",
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+          "math_SQRT2" => "const",
+          "is_boolean" => "const",
+          "is_number" => "const",
+          "is_string" => "const",
+          "is_undefined" => "const",
+          "is_function" => "const",
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+          "math_acosh" => "const",
+          "math_asin" => "const",
+          "math_asinh" => "const",
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+          "math_atan2" => "const",
+          "math_atanh" => "const",
+          "math_cbrt" => "const",
+          "math_ceil" => "const",
+          "math_clz32" => "const",
+          "math_cos" => "const",
+          "math_cosh" => "const",
+          "math_exp" => "const",
+          "math_expm1" => "const",
+          "math_floor" => "const",
+          "math_fround" => "const",
+          "math_hypot" => "const",
+          "math_imul" => "const",
+          "math_log" => "const",
+          "math_log1p" => "const",
+          "math_log2" => "const",
+          "math_log10" => "const",
+          "math_max" => "const",
+          "math_min" => "const",
+          "math_pow" => "const",
+          "math_random" => "const",
+          "math_round" => "const",
+          "math_sign" => "const",
+          "math_sin" => "const",
+          "math_sinh" => "const",
+          "math_sqrt" => "const",
+          "math_tan" => "const",
+          "math_tanh" => "const",
+          "math_trunc" => "const",
+          "parse_int" => "const",
+          "prompt" => "const",
+          "get_time" => "const",
+          "stringify" => "const",
+          "display" => "const",
+          "error" => "const",
+          "-_1" => "const",
+          "!" => "const",
+          "&&" => "const",
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+          "<=" => "const",
+          ">" => "const",
+          ">=" => "const",
+          "+" => "const",
+          "%" => "const",
+          "-" => "const",
+          "*" => "const",
+          "/" => "const",
+          "===" => "const",
+          "!==" => "const",
+          "raw_display" => "const",
+          "char_at" => "const",
+          "arity" => "const",
+        },
+        "typeAliasMap": Map {},
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+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "1 === 1 && 1 < 2 && 1 <= 2 && 2 >= 1 && 2 > 1 || false;",
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 1,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        },
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+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {},
+      },
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+      "prelude": null,
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+        Object {
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+            Node {
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+              "expression": Node {
+                "end": 54,
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+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
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+                "value": undefined,
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+                },
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+                "value": undefined,
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+                },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "1 === 1 && 1 < 2 && 1 <= 2 && 2 >= 1 && 2 > 1 || false;",
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": true,
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 8 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
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+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
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+                    "end": Position {
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+                      "line": 1,
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+                      "column": 6,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "\\"1 === 1 && 1 < 2 && 1 <= 2 && 2 >= 1 && 2 > 1 || false;\\"",
+                  "start": 6,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": "1 === 1 && 1 < 2 && 1 <= 2 && 2 >= 1 && 2 > 1 || false;",
+                },
+              ],
+              "callee": Node {
+                "end": 5,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 5,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "parse",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              "end": 64,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 64,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
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+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 65,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
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+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"1 === 1 && 1 < 2 && 1 <= 2 && 2 >= 1 && 2 > 1 || false;\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
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+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
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+        },
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+        },
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+      },
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+            "||" => "const",
+            "<" => "const",
+            "<=" => "const",
+            ">" => "const",
+            ">=" => "const",
+            "+" => "const",
+            "%" => "const",
+            "-" => "const",
+            "*" => "const",
+            "/" => "const",
+            "pair" => "const",
+            "head" => "const",
+            "tail" => "const",
+            "is_pair" => "const",
+            "is_null" => "const",
+            "is_list" => "const",
+            "list" => "const",
+            "===" => "const",
+            "!==" => "const",
+            "set_head" => "const",
+            "set_tail" => "const",
+            "is_array" => "const",
+            "array_length" => "const",
+            "raw_display" => "const",
+            "char_at" => "const",
+            "arity" => "const",
+            "draw_data" => "const",
+            "display_list" => "const",
+            "stream" => "const",
+            "parse" => "const",
+            "tokenize" => "const",
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => "const",
+            "call_cc" => "const",
+          },
+          "typeAliasMap": Map {
+            "Pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "List" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"1 === 1 && 1 < 2 && 1 <= 2 && 2 >= 1 && 2 > 1 || false;\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "logical_composition",
+      Array [
+        "||",
+        Array [
+          Array [
+            "logical_composition",
+            Array [
+              "&&",
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "logical_composition",
+                  Array [
+                    "&&",
+                    Array [
+                      Array [
+                        "logical_composition",
+                        Array [
+                          "&&",
+                          Array [
+                            Array [
+                              "logical_composition",
+                              Array [
+                                "&&",
+                                Array [
+                                  Array [
+                                    "binary_operator_combination",
+                                    Array [
+                                      "===",
+                                      Array [
+                                        Array [
+                                          "literal",
+                                          Array [
+                                            1,
+                                            null,
+                                          ],
+                                        ],
+                                        Array [
+                                          Array [
+                                            "literal",
+                                            Array [
+                                              1,
+                                              null,
+                                            ],
+                                          ],
+                                          null,
+                                        ],
+                                      ],
+                                    ],
+                                  ],
+                                  Array [
+                                    Array [
+                                      "binary_operator_combination",
+                                      Array [
+                                        "<",
+                                        Array [
+                                          Array [
+                                            "literal",
+                                            Array [
+                                              1,
+                                              null,
+                                            ],
+                                          ],
+                                          Array [
+                                            Array [
+                                              "literal",
+                                              Array [
+                                                2,
+                                                null,
+                                              ],
+                                            ],
+                                            null,
+                                          ],
+                                        ],
+                                      ],
+                                    ],
+                                    null,
+                                  ],
+                                ],
+                              ],
+                            ],
+                            Array [
+                              Array [
+                                "binary_operator_combination",
+                                Array [
+                                  "<=",
+                                  Array [
+                                    Array [
+                                      "literal",
+                                      Array [
+                                        1,
+                                        null,
+                                      ],
+                                    ],
+                                    Array [
+                                      Array [
+                                        "literal",
+                                        Array [
+                                          2,
+                                          null,
+                                        ],
+                                      ],
+                                      null,
+                                    ],
+                                  ],
+                                ],
+                              ],
+                              null,
+                            ],
+                          ],
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                      Array [
+                        Array [
+                          "binary_operator_combination",
+                          Array [
+                            ">=",
+                            Array [
+                              Array [
+                                "literal",
+                                Array [
+                                  2,
+                                  null,
+                                ],
+                              ],
+                              Array [
+                                Array [
+                                  "literal",
+                                  Array [
+                                    1,
+                                    null,
+                                  ],
+                                ],
+                                null,
+                              ],
+                            ],
+                          ],
+                        ],
+                        null,
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                ],
+                Array [
+                  Array [
+                    "binary_operator_combination",
+                    Array [
+                      ">",
+                      Array [
+                        Array [
+                          "literal",
+                          Array [
+                            2,
+                            null,
+                          ],
+                        ],
+                        Array [
+                          Array [
+                            "literal",
+                            Array [
+                              1,
+                              null,
+                            ],
+                          ],
+                          null,
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+            ],
+          ],
+          Array [
+            Array [
+              "literal",
+              Array [
+                false,
+                null,
+              ],
+            ],
+            null,
+          ],
+        ],
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 9 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 1,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {},
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 13,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "alternate": Node {
+                "end": 12,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 12,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 11,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "raw": "2",
+                "start": 11,
+                "type": "Literal",
+                "value": 2,
+              },
+              "consequent": Node {
+                "end": 8,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 8,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 7,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "raw": "1",
+                "start": 7,
+                "type": "Literal",
+                "value": 1,
+              },
+              "end": 12,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 12,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "test": Node {
+                "end": 4,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 4,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "raw": "true",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Literal",
+                "value": true,
+              },
+              "type": "ConditionalExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 13,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 13,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 13,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "map": Map {
+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          } => EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
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+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
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+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
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+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
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+                  },
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+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "true ? 1 : 2;",
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 1,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
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+      "errors": Array [],
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+      "externalContext": undefined,
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+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
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+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
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+          "math_random" => [Function],
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+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
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+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        },
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+        "loadedModules": Object {},
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+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
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+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
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+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
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+      "runtime": Object {
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+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
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+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
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+              "kind": "primitive",
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+              "kind": "primitive",
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+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
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+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
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+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+                  "kind": "function",
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+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
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+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
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+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "true ? 1 : 2;",
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": 1,
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 9 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
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+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
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+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
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+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
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+        "tokenize" => [Function],
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+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+      },
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+      "loadedModules": Object {},
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+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
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+        "$append",
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+        "member",
+        "$remove",
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+        "$remove_all",
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+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
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+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
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+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
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+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
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+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
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+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
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+                  "start": 6,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": "true ? 1 : 2;",
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+                "type": "Identifier",
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+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
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+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
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+              },
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+              "value": undefined,
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+                "kind": "primitive",
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
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+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
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+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"true ? 1 : 2;\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
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+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"true ? 1 : 2;\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "conditional_expression",
+      Array [
+        Array [
+          "literal",
+          Array [
+            true,
+            null,
+          ],
+        ],
+        Array [
+          Array [
+            "literal",
+            Array [
+              1,
+              null,
+            ],
+          ],
+          Array [
+            Array [
+              "literal",
+              Array [
+                2,
+                null,
+              ],
+            ],
+            null,
+          ],
+        ],
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 10 1`] = `"Line 1: null literals are not allowed."`;
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 10 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 2,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
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+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
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+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+      },
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+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
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+            "expression": Node {
+              "end": 4,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 4,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "raw": "null",
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "Literal",
+              "value": null,
+            },
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+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 5,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
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+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 5,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
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+            },
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+          },
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+          Object {
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+              "Infinity": Infinity,
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+              "math_log10": [Function],
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+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
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+              "storage": null,
+            },
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+          } => EnvTreeNode {
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+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
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+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
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+            },
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+          },
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+            "math_tanh": [Function],
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+            "prompt": [Function],
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+            "stringify": [Function],
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+            "undefined": undefined,
+          },
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+            "storage": null,
+          },
+          "id": "-1",
+          "name": "global",
+          "tail": null,
+        },
+      ],
+      "isRunning": false,
+      "nodes": Array [],
+      "objectCount": 0,
+      "stash": null,
+      "transformers": Transformers {
+        "items": Map {},
+        "parent": null,
+      },
+      "value": undefined,
+    },
+    "shouldIncreaseEvaluationTimeout": false,
+    "typeEnvironment": Array [
+      Object {
+        "declKindMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => "const",
+          "NaN" => "const",
+          "undefined" => "const",
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+          "math_LN2" => "const",
+          "math_LN10" => "const",
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+          "math_LOG10E" => "const",
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+          "math_SQRT2" => "const",
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+          "math_acosh" => "const",
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+          "math_atan2" => "const",
+          "math_atanh" => "const",
+          "math_cbrt" => "const",
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+          "math_clz32" => "const",
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+          "math_cosh" => "const",
+          "math_exp" => "const",
+          "math_expm1" => "const",
+          "math_floor" => "const",
+          "math_fround" => "const",
+          "math_hypot" => "const",
+          "math_imul" => "const",
+          "math_log" => "const",
+          "math_log1p" => "const",
+          "math_log2" => "const",
+          "math_log10" => "const",
+          "math_max" => "const",
+          "math_min" => "const",
+          "math_pow" => "const",
+          "math_random" => "const",
+          "math_round" => "const",
+          "math_sign" => "const",
+          "math_sin" => "const",
+          "math_sinh" => "const",
+          "math_sqrt" => "const",
+          "math_tan" => "const",
+          "math_tanh" => "const",
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+          "prompt" => "const",
+          "get_time" => "const",
+          "stringify" => "const",
+          "display" => "const",
+          "error" => "const",
+          "-_1" => "const",
+          "!" => "const",
+          "&&" => "const",
+          "||" => "const",
+          "<" => "const",
+          "<=" => "const",
+          ">" => "const",
+          ">=" => "const",
+          "+" => "const",
+          "%" => "const",
+          "-" => "const",
+          "*" => "const",
+          "/" => "const",
+          "pair" => "const",
+          "head" => "const",
+          "tail" => "const",
+          "is_pair" => "const",
+          "is_null" => "const",
+          "is_list" => "const",
+          "list" => "const",
+          "===" => "const",
+          "!==" => "const",
+          "raw_display" => "const",
+          "char_at" => "const",
+          "arity" => "const",
+          "draw_data" => "const",
+          "display_list" => "const",
+        },
+        "typeAliasMap": Map {
+          "Pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "headType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "pair",
+              "tailType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "List" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "elementType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "list",
+              "typeAsPair": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+        },
+        "typeMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "null;",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 2,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 5,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "end": 4,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 4,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "raw": "null",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Literal",
+                "value": null,
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 5,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
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+                },
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+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "null;",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": null,
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 10 3`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 15,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "end": 13,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 13,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 6,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "\\"null;\\"",
+                  "start": 6,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": "null;",
+                },
+              ],
+              "callee": Node {
+                "end": 5,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 5,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "parse",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              "end": 14,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 14,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 15,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 15,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 15,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "map": Map {
+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
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+          },
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+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"null;\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 15,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 13,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 13,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 6,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "\\"null;\\"",
+                    "start": 6,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": "null;",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "callee": Node {
+                  "end": 5,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "parse",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "end": 14,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 14,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
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+                  },
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+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"null;\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "literal",
+      Array [
+        null,
+        null,
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 11 1`] = `"Line 1: null literals are not allowed."`;
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 11 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 2,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
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+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
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+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
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+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
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+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+      },
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+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
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+        "$remove_all",
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+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+      },
+    },
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+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
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+          Node {
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+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
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+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 6,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
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+                  "start": 5,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 1,
+                },
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+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 12,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
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+                    },
+                  },
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+                  "start": 8,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": null,
+                },
+              ],
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+                    "column": 4,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
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+                  },
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+            },
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+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 14,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
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+              },
+            },
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+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
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+          },
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+          },
+        },
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+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
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+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
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+            },
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+          },
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+        "parent": null,
+      },
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+    },
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+          "NaN" => "const",
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+          ">" => "const",
+          ">=" => "const",
+          "+" => "const",
+          "%" => "const",
+          "-" => "const",
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+          "/" => "const",
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+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
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+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "List" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "elementType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "list",
+              "typeAsPair": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+        },
+        "typeMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "pair(1, null);",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 2,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 14,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 6,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 6,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 5,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "1",
+                    "start": 5,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": 1,
+                  },
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 12,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 12,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 8,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "null",
+                    "start": 8,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": null,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "callee": Node {
+                  "end": 4,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 4,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "pair",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "end": 13,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 13,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "CallExpression",
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 14,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
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+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
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+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "pair(1, null);",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      1,
+      null,
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 11 3`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 24,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "end": 22,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 22,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 6,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "\\"pair(1, null);\\"",
+                  "start": 6,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": "pair(1, null);",
+                },
+              ],
+              "callee": Node {
+                "end": 5,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 5,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "parse",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              "end": 23,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 23,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 24,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 24,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 24,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "map": Map {
+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
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+          },
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+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"pair(1, null);\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 24,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 22,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 22,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 6,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "\\"pair(1, null);\\"",
+                    "start": 6,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": "pair(1, null);",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "callee": Node {
+                  "end": 5,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "parse",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "end": 23,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 23,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
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+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"pair(1, null);\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "application",
+      Array [
+        Array [
+          "name",
+          Array [
+            "pair",
+            null,
+          ],
+        ],
+        Array [
+          Array [
+            Array [
+              "literal",
+              Array [
+                1,
+                null,
+              ],
+            ],
+            Array [
+              Array [
+                "literal",
+                Array [
+                  null,
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+              null,
+            ],
+          ],
+          null,
+        ],
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 12 1`] = `"Line 1: Name list not declared."`;
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 12 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 2,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
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+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
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+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+      },
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+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
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+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "end": 6,
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+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 6,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
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+                  "start": 5,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 1,
+                },
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+                },
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+                },
+              },
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+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
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+                "column": 8,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
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+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
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+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 8,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
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+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
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+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
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+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
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+            },
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+            },
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+          },
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+        },
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+        "parent": null,
+      },
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+    },
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+          ">" => "const",
+          ">=" => "const",
+          "+" => "const",
+          "%" => "const",
+          "-" => "const",
+          "*" => "const",
+          "/" => "const",
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+          "===" => "const",
+          "!==" => "const",
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+          "char_at" => "const",
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+          "Pair" => Object {
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+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
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+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "List" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "elementType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "list",
+              "typeAsPair": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+        },
+        "typeMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "list(1);",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 2,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 8,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 6,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 6,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 5,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "1",
+                    "start": 5,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": 1,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "callee": Node {
+                  "end": 4,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 4,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "list",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "end": 7,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 7,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "CallExpression",
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 8,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
+          ],
+          "end": 8,
+          "loc": SourceLocation {
+            "end": Position {
+              "column": 8,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+            "start": Position {
+              "column": 0,
+              "line": 1,
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+                },
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+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
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+                Object {
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+                "kind": "primitive",
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
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+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "list(1);",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      1,
+      null,
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 12 3`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 18,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "end": 16,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 16,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 6,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "\\"list(1);\\"",
+                  "start": 6,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": "list(1);",
+                },
+              ],
+              "callee": Node {
+                "end": 5,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 5,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "parse",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              "end": 17,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 17,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 18,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 18,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 18,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "map": Map {
+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          } => EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
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+          "undefined" => Object {
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+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
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+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
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+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
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+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
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+          },
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+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"list(1);\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 18,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 16,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 16,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 6,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "\\"list(1);\\"",
+                    "start": 6,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": "list(1);",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "callee": Node {
+                  "end": 5,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "parse",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "end": 17,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 17,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "CallExpression",
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 18,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"list(1);\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
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+        Array [
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+            null,
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+              Array [
+                1,
+                null,
+              ],
+            ],
+            null,
+          ],
+          null,
+        ],
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 13 1`] = `"Line 1: Export named declarations are not allowed"`;
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 13 2`] = `
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+      },
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+        "__access_export__",
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+          "math_pow" => "const",
+          "math_random" => "const",
+          "math_round" => "const",
+          "math_sign" => "const",
+          "math_sin" => "const",
+          "math_sinh" => "const",
+          "math_sqrt" => "const",
+          "math_tan" => "const",
+          "math_tanh" => "const",
+          "math_trunc" => "const",
+          "parse_int" => "const",
+          "prompt" => "const",
+          "get_time" => "const",
+          "stringify" => "const",
+          "display" => "const",
+          "error" => "const",
+          "-_1" => "const",
+          "!" => "const",
+          "&&" => "const",
+          "||" => "const",
+          "<" => "const",
+          "<=" => "const",
+          ">" => "const",
+          ">=" => "const",
+          "+" => "const",
+          "%" => "const",
+          "-" => "const",
+          "*" => "const",
+          "/" => "const",
+          "pair" => "const",
+          "head" => "const",
+          "tail" => "const",
+          "is_pair" => "const",
+          "is_null" => "const",
+          "is_list" => "const",
+          "list" => "const",
+          "===" => "const",
+          "!==" => "const",
+          "raw_display" => "const",
+          "char_at" => "const",
+          "arity" => "const",
+          "draw_data" => "const",
+          "display_list" => "const",
+        },
+        "typeAliasMap": Map {
+          "Pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "headType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "pair",
+              "tailType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "List" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "elementType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "list",
+              "typeAsPair": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+        },
+        "typeMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "export function f(x) {
+  return x;
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 2,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "f",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
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+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "export function f(x) {
+  return x;
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": 5,
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 13 3`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 55,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "end": 53,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 53,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 6,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "\\"export function f(x) {\\\\n  return x;\\\\n}\\\\nf(5);\\"",
+                  "start": 6,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": "export function f(x) {
+  return x;
+                },
+              ],
+              "callee": Node {
+                "end": 5,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 5,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "parse",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              "end": 54,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 54,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 55,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 55,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 55,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
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+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
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+              "value": undefined,
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+              "value": undefined,
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+              "value": undefined,
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+              "value": undefined,
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+              "value": undefined,
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"export function f(x) {\\\\n  return x;\\\\n}\\\\nf(5);\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
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+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"export function f(x) {\\\\n  return x;\\\\n}\\\\nf(5);\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "sequence",
+      Array [
+        Array [
+          Array [
+            "export_named_declaration",
+            Array [
+              Array [
+                "function_declaration",
+                Array [
+                  Array [
+                    "name",
+                    Array [
+                      "f",
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                  Array [
+                    Array [
+                      Array [
+                        "name",
+                        Array [
+                          "x",
+                          null,
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                    Array [
+                      Array [
+                        "return_statement",
+                        Array [
+                          Array [
+                            "name",
+                            Array [
+                              "x",
+                              null,
+                            ],
+                          ],
+                          null,
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                ],
+              ],
+              null,
+            ],
+          ],
+          Array [
+            Array [
+              "application",
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "name",
+                  Array [
+                    "f",
+                    null,
+                  ],
+                ],
+                Array [
+                  Array [
+                    Array [
+                      "literal",
+                      Array [
+                        5,
+                        null,
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                    null,
+                  ],
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+            ],
+            null,
+          ],
+        ],
+        null,
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 14 1`] = `"Line 1: Export named declarations are not allowed"`;
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 14 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 2,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "x",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "declarations": Array [
+              Node {
+                "end": 18,
+                "id": Node {
+                  "end": 14,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 14,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 13,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "x",
+                  "start": 13,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "init": Node {
+                  "end": 18,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 18,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 17,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "1",
+                  "start": 17,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 1,
+                },
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 18,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 13,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 13,
+                "type": "VariableDeclarator",
+              },
+            ],
+            "end": 19,
+            "kind": "const",
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 19,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 7,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 7,
+            "typability": "NotYetTyped",
+            "type": "VariableDeclaration",
+          },
+          Node {
+            "end": 22,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "end": 21,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 1,
+                  "line": 2,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 2,
+                },
+              },
+              "name": "x",
+              "start": 20,
+              "type": "Identifier",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 2,
+                "line": 2,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 2,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 20,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 22,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 2,
+            "line": 2,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
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+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
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+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
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+              "math_asinh": [Function],
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+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
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+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
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+              "math_min": [Function],
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+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
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+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
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+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
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+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "map": Map {
+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
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+              "display_list": [Function],
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+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
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+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
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+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          } => EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
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+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
+                "math_fround": [Function],
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+                "math_imul": [Function],
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+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
+                "math_max": [Function],
+                "math_min": [Function],
+                "math_pow": [Function],
+                "math_random": [Function],
+                "math_round": [Function],
+                "math_sign": [Function],
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+                "math_sinh": [Function],
+                "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
+                "math_trunc": [Function],
+                "pair": [Function],
+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
+                "raw_display": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            },
+            "parent": null,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+      "environments": Array [
+        Object {
+          "head": Object {
+            "Infinity": Infinity,
+            "NaN": NaN,
+            "arity": [Function],
+            "char_at": [Function],
+            "display": [Function],
+            "display_list": [Function],
+            "draw_data": [Function],
+            "error": [Function],
+            "get_time": [Function],
+            "head": [Function],
+            "is_boolean": [Function],
+            "is_function": [Function],
+            "is_list": [Function],
+            "is_null": [Function],
+            "is_number": [Function],
+            "is_pair": [Function],
+            "is_string": [Function],
+            "is_undefined": [Function],
+            "list": [Function],
+            "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+            "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+            "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+            "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+            "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+            "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
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+            "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+            "math_atanh": [Function],
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+            "math_tanh": [Function],
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+            "prompt": [Function],
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+            "stringify": [Function],
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+            "undefined": undefined,
+          },
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+            "storage": null,
+          },
+          "id": "-1",
+          "name": "global",
+          "tail": null,
+        },
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+      "nodes": Array [],
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+      "stash": null,
+      "transformers": Transformers {
+        "items": Map {},
+        "parent": null,
+      },
+      "value": undefined,
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+    "typeEnvironment": Array [
+      Object {
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+          "Infinity" => "const",
+          "NaN" => "const",
+          "undefined" => "const",
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+          "math_LN2" => "const",
+          "math_LN10" => "const",
+          "math_LOG2E" => "const",
+          "math_LOG10E" => "const",
+          "math_PI" => "const",
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => "const",
+          "math_SQRT2" => "const",
+          "is_boolean" => "const",
+          "is_number" => "const",
+          "is_string" => "const",
+          "is_undefined" => "const",
+          "is_function" => "const",
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+          "math_acos" => "const",
+          "math_acosh" => "const",
+          "math_asin" => "const",
+          "math_asinh" => "const",
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+          "math_atan2" => "const",
+          "math_atanh" => "const",
+          "math_cbrt" => "const",
+          "math_ceil" => "const",
+          "math_clz32" => "const",
+          "math_cos" => "const",
+          "math_cosh" => "const",
+          "math_exp" => "const",
+          "math_expm1" => "const",
+          "math_floor" => "const",
+          "math_fround" => "const",
+          "math_hypot" => "const",
+          "math_imul" => "const",
+          "math_log" => "const",
+          "math_log1p" => "const",
+          "math_log2" => "const",
+          "math_log10" => "const",
+          "math_max" => "const",
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+          "math_pow" => "const",
+          "math_random" => "const",
+          "math_round" => "const",
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+          "math_sin" => "const",
+          "math_sinh" => "const",
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+          "math_tanh" => "const",
+          "math_trunc" => "const",
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+          "prompt" => "const",
+          "get_time" => "const",
+          "stringify" => "const",
+          "display" => "const",
+          "error" => "const",
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+          "!" => "const",
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+          ">" => "const",
+          ">=" => "const",
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+          "%" => "const",
+          "-" => "const",
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+          "list" => "const",
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+          "!==" => "const",
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+          "char_at" => "const",
+          "arity" => "const",
+          "draw_data" => "const",
+          "display_list" => "const",
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+          "Pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "headType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "pair",
+              "tailType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "List" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "elementType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "list",
+              "typeAsPair": undefined,
+            },
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+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+        },
+        "typeMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
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+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "export const x = 1;
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 2,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
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+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "export const x = 1;
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": 1,
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 14 3`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 33,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "end": 31,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 31,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 6,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "\\"export const x = 1;\\\\nx;\\"",
+                  "start": 6,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": "export const x = 1;
+                },
+              ],
+              "callee": Node {
+                "end": 5,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 5,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "parse",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              "end": 32,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 32,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 33,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 33,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 33,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"export const x = 1;\\\\nx;\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
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+            "set_head" => "const",
+            "set_tail" => "const",
+            "is_array" => "const",
+            "array_length" => "const",
+            "raw_display" => "const",
+            "char_at" => "const",
+            "arity" => "const",
+            "draw_data" => "const",
+            "display_list" => "const",
+            "stream" => "const",
+            "parse" => "const",
+            "tokenize" => "const",
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => "const",
+            "call_cc" => "const",
+          },
+          "typeAliasMap": Map {
+            "Pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "List" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"export const x = 1;\\\\nx;\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "sequence",
+      Array [
+        Array [
+          Array [
+            "export_named_declaration",
+            Array [
+              Array [
+                "constant_declaration",
+                Array [
+                  Array [
+                    "name",
+                    Array [
+                      "x",
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                  Array [
+                    Array [
+                      "literal",
+                      Array [
+                        1,
+                        null,
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                    null,
+                  ],
+                ],
+              ],
+              null,
+            ],
+          ],
+          Array [
+            Array [
+              "name",
+              Array [
+                "x",
+                null,
+              ],
+            ],
+            null,
+          ],
+        ],
+        null,
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 15 1`] = `
+"Line 1: Mutable variable declaration using keyword 'let' is not allowed.
+Line 3: Assignment expressions are not allowed
+Line 2: While statements are not allowed"
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 15 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 3,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+        "i",
+        "startTime",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "declarations": Array [
+              Node {
+                "end": 9,
+                "id": Node {
+                  "end": 5,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 4,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "i",
+                  "start": 4,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "init": Node {
+                  "end": 9,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 9,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 8,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "1",
+                  "start": 8,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 1,
+                },
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 9,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 4,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 4,
+                "type": "VariableDeclarator",
+              },
+            ],
+            "end": 10,
+            "kind": "let",
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 10,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "typability": "NotYetTyped",
+            "type": "VariableDeclaration",
+          },
+          Node {
+            "body": Node {
+              "body": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "end": 39,
+                  "expression": Node {
+                    "end": 38,
+                    "left": Node {
+                      "end": 30,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 3,
+                          "line": 3,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 2,
+                          "line": 3,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "name": "i",
+                      "start": 29,
+                      "type": "Identifier",
+                    },
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 11,
+                        "line": 3,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 2,
+                        "line": 3,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "operator": "=",
+                    "right": Node {
+                      "end": 38,
+                      "left": Node {
+                        "end": 34,
+                        "loc": SourceLocation {
+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 7,
+                            "line": 3,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 6,
+                            "line": 3,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "name": "i",
+                        "start": 33,
+                        "type": "Identifier",
+                      },
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 11,
+                          "line": 3,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 6,
+                          "line": 3,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "operator": "+",
+                      "right": Node {
+                        "end": 38,
+                        "loc": SourceLocation {
+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 11,
+                            "line": 3,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 10,
+                            "line": 3,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "raw": "1",
+                        "start": 37,
+                        "type": "Literal",
+                        "value": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": 33,
+                      "type": "BinaryExpression",
+                    },
+                    "start": 29,
+                    "type": "AssignmentExpression",
+                  },
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 12,
+                      "line": 3,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 2,
+                      "line": 3,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "start": 29,
+                  "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+                },
+              ],
+              "end": 41,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 1,
+                  "line": 4,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 14,
+                  "line": 2,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 25,
+              "type": "BlockStatement",
+            },
+            "end": 41,
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 1,
+                "line": 4,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 2,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 11,
+            "test": Node {
+              "end": 23,
+              "left": Node {
+                "end": 19,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 8,
+                    "line": 2,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 7,
+                    "line": 2,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "i",
+                "start": 18,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 12,
+                  "line": 2,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 7,
+                  "line": 2,
+                },
+              },
+              "operator": "<",
+              "right": Node {
+                "end": 23,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 12,
+                    "line": 2,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 11,
+                    "line": 2,
+                  },
+                },
+                "raw": "5",
+                "start": 22,
+                "type": "Literal",
+                "value": 5,
+              },
+              "start": 18,
+              "type": "BinaryExpression",
+            },
+            "type": "WhileStatement",
+          },
+          Node {
+            "end": 44,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "end": 43,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 1,
+                  "line": 5,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 5,
+                },
+              },
+              "name": "i",
+              "start": 42,
+              "type": "Identifier",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 2,
+                "line": 5,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 5,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 42,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 44,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 2,
+            "line": 5,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
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+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
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+                "kind": "primitive",
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+              },
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+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+              },
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "let i = 1;
+while (i < 5) {
+  i = i + 1;
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 3,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+          "i",
+          "startTime",
+        },
+      },
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+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "List" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "let i = 1;
+while (i < 5) {
+  i = i + 1;
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": 5,
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 15 3`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
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+    "prelude": null,
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+      Object {
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+          Node {
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+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
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+                    "end": Position {
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+                      "line": 1,
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+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "\\"let i = 1;\\\\nwhile (i < 5) {\\\\n  i = i + 1;\\\\n}\\\\ni;\\"",
+                  "start": 6,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": "let i = 1;
+while (i < 5) {
+  i = i + 1;
+                },
+              ],
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+                "end": 5,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 5,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "parse",
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+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
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+                },
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+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
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+              },
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+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
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+              "end": Position {
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+                "line": 1,
+              },
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+                "column": 0,
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+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
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+          "end": Position {
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+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
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+              "is_undefined": [Function],
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+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+              "math_acosh": [Function],
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+              "math_asinh": [Function],
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+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
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+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
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+              "math_sign": [Function],
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+              "math_sinh": [Function],
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+              "math_tanh": [Function],
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+              "parse_int": [Function],
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+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
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+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
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+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
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+          Object {
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+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
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+              "arity": [Function],
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+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
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+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
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+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          } => EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
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+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
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+                "is_list": [Function],
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+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
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+                "is_undefined": [Function],
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+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
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+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
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+                "math_clz32": [Function],
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+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
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+                "math_floor": [Function],
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+                "math_hypot": [Function],
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+                "math_log": [Function],
+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
+                "math_max": [Function],
+                "math_min": [Function],
+                "math_pow": [Function],
+                "math_random": [Function],
+                "math_round": [Function],
+                "math_sign": [Function],
+                "math_sin": [Function],
+                "math_sinh": [Function],
+                "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
+                "math_trunc": [Function],
+                "pair": [Function],
+                "parse": [Function],
+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
+                "raw_display": [Function],
+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            },
+            "parent": null,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+      "environments": Array [
+        Object {
+          "head": Object {
+            "Infinity": Infinity,
+            "NaN": NaN,
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+            "arity": [Function],
+            "array_length": [Function],
+            "call_cc": [Function],
+            "char_at": [Function],
+            "display": [Function],
+            "display_list": [Function],
+            "draw_data": [Function],
+            "error": [Function],
+            "get_time": [Function],
+            "head": [Function],
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+            "is_boolean": [Function],
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+            "is_list": [Function],
+            "is_null": [Function],
+            "is_number": [Function],
+            "is_pair": [Function],
+            "is_string": [Function],
+            "is_undefined": [Function],
+            "list": [Function],
+            "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
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+            "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+            "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
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+            "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+            "undefined": undefined,
+          },
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+            "storage": null,
+          },
+          "id": "-1",
+          "name": "global",
+          "tail": null,
+        },
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+      "stash": null,
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+        "items": Map {},
+        "parent": null,
+      },
+      "value": undefined,
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+      Object {
+        "declKindMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => "const",
+          "NaN" => "const",
+          "undefined" => "const",
+          "math_E" => "const",
+          "math_LN2" => "const",
+          "math_LN10" => "const",
+          "math_LOG2E" => "const",
+          "math_LOG10E" => "const",
+          "math_PI" => "const",
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+          "math_SQRT2" => "const",
+          "is_boolean" => "const",
+          "is_number" => "const",
+          "is_string" => "const",
+          "is_undefined" => "const",
+          "is_function" => "const",
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+          "math_acosh" => "const",
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+          "math_asinh" => "const",
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+          "math_atan2" => "const",
+          "math_atanh" => "const",
+          "math_cbrt" => "const",
+          "math_ceil" => "const",
+          "math_clz32" => "const",
+          "math_cos" => "const",
+          "math_cosh" => "const",
+          "math_exp" => "const",
+          "math_expm1" => "const",
+          "math_floor" => "const",
+          "math_fround" => "const",
+          "math_hypot" => "const",
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+          "math_log2" => "const",
+          "math_log10" => "const",
+          "math_max" => "const",
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+          "math_pow" => "const",
+          "math_random" => "const",
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+          "math_tanh" => "const",
+          "math_trunc" => "const",
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+          "display" => "const",
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+          ">" => "const",
+          ">=" => "const",
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+          "%" => "const",
+          "-" => "const",
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+          "/" => "const",
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+          "is_list" => "const",
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+          "!==" => "const",
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+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => "const",
+          "call_cc" => "const",
+        },
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+          "Pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "headType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
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+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "List" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "elementType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "list",
+              "typeAsPair": undefined,
+            },
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+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "Stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "Stream",
+                  "typeArgs": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                },
+              },
+            },
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+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+        },
+        "typeMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"let i = 1;\\\\nwhile (i < 5) {\\\\n  i = i + 1;\\\\n}\\\\ni;\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 58,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 56,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 56,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 6,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "\\"let i = 1;\\\\nwhile (i < 5) {\\\\n  i = i + 1;\\\\n}\\\\ni;\\"",
+                    "start": 6,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": "let i = 1;
+while (i < 5) {
+  i = i + 1;
+                  },
+                ],
+                "callee": Node {
+                  "end": 5,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "parse",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "end": 57,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 57,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "CallExpression",
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 58,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
+          ],
+          "end": 58,
+          "loc": SourceLocation {
+            "end": Position {
+              "column": 58,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+            "start": Position {
+              "column": 0,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+          },
+          "sourceType": "module",
+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                "math_ceil": [Function],
+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
+                "math_fround": [Function],
+                "math_hypot": [Function],
+                "math_imul": [Function],
+                "math_log": [Function],
+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
+                "math_max": [Function],
+                "math_min": [Function],
+                "math_pow": [Function],
+                "math_random": [Function],
+                "math_round": [Function],
+                "math_sign": [Function],
+                "math_sin": [Function],
+                "math_sinh": [Function],
+                "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
+                "math_trunc": [Function],
+                "pair": [Function],
+                "parse": [Function],
+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
+                "raw_display": [Function],
+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
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+                "value": undefined,
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+                  "kind": "primitive",
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+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+                  "kind": "primitive",
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+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
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+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
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+                },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+                },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+                  "name": "number",
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+                },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"let i = 1;\\\\nwhile (i < 5) {\\\\n  i = i + 1;\\\\n}\\\\ni;\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "sequence",
+      Array [
+        Array [
+          Array [
+            "variable_declaration",
+            Array [
+              Array [
+                "name",
+                Array [
+                  "i",
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "literal",
+                  Array [
+                    1,
+                    null,
+                  ],
+                ],
+                null,
+              ],
+            ],
+          ],
+          Array [
+            Array [
+              "while_loop",
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "binary_operator_combination",
+                  Array [
+                    "<",
+                    Array [
+                      Array [
+                        "name",
+                        Array [
+                          "i",
+                          null,
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                      Array [
+                        Array [
+                          "literal",
+                          Array [
+                            5,
+                            null,
+                          ],
+                        ],
+                        null,
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                ],
+                Array [
+                  Array [
+                    "assignment",
+                    Array [
+                      Array [
+                        "name",
+                        Array [
+                          "i",
+                          null,
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                      Array [
+                        Array [
+                          "binary_operator_combination",
+                          Array [
+                            "+",
+                            Array [
+                              Array [
+                                "name",
+                                Array [
+                                  "i",
+                                  null,
+                                ],
+                              ],
+                              Array [
+                                Array [
+                                  "literal",
+                                  Array [
+                                    1,
+                                    null,
+                                  ],
+                                ],
+                                null,
+                              ],
+                            ],
+                          ],
+                        ],
+                        null,
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+            ],
+            Array [
+              Array [
+                "name",
+                Array [
+                  "i",
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+              null,
+            ],
+          ],
+        ],
+        null,
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 16 1`] = `
+"Line 1: Mutable variable declaration using keyword 'let' is not allowed.
+Line 2: Assignment expressions are not allowed
+Line 2: Assignment expressions are not allowed
+Line 2: For statements are not allowed"
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 16 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 3,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
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+        "math_log10" => [Function],
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+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
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+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
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+        "getProp" => [Function],
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+            "math_random": [Function],
+            "math_round": [Function],
+            "math_sign": [Function],
+            "math_sin": [Function],
+            "math_sinh": [Function],
+            "math_sqrt": [Function],
+            "math_tan": [Function],
+            "math_tanh": [Function],
+            "math_trunc": [Function],
+            "pair": [Function],
+            "parse_int": [Function],
+            "prompt": [Function],
+            "raw_display": [Function],
+            "set_head": [Function],
+            "set_tail": [Function],
+            "stream": [Function],
+            "stringify": [Function],
+            "tail": [Function],
+            "undefined": undefined,
+          },
+          "heap": Heap {
+            "storage": null,
+          },
+          "id": "-1",
+          "name": "global",
+          "tail": null,
+        },
+      ],
+      "isRunning": false,
+      "nodes": Array [],
+      "objectCount": 0,
+      "stash": null,
+      "transformers": Transformers {
+        "items": Map {},
+        "parent": null,
+      },
+      "value": undefined,
+    },
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+    "typeEnvironment": Array [
+      Object {
+        "declKindMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => "const",
+          "NaN" => "const",
+          "undefined" => "const",
+          "math_E" => "const",
+          "math_LN2" => "const",
+          "math_LN10" => "const",
+          "math_LOG2E" => "const",
+          "math_LOG10E" => "const",
+          "math_PI" => "const",
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => "const",
+          "math_SQRT2" => "const",
+          "is_boolean" => "const",
+          "is_number" => "const",
+          "is_string" => "const",
+          "is_undefined" => "const",
+          "is_function" => "const",
+          "math_abs" => "const",
+          "math_acos" => "const",
+          "math_acosh" => "const",
+          "math_asin" => "const",
+          "math_asinh" => "const",
+          "math_atan" => "const",
+          "math_atan2" => "const",
+          "math_atanh" => "const",
+          "math_cbrt" => "const",
+          "math_ceil" => "const",
+          "math_clz32" => "const",
+          "math_cos" => "const",
+          "math_cosh" => "const",
+          "math_exp" => "const",
+          "math_expm1" => "const",
+          "math_floor" => "const",
+          "math_fround" => "const",
+          "math_hypot" => "const",
+          "math_imul" => "const",
+          "math_log" => "const",
+          "math_log1p" => "const",
+          "math_log2" => "const",
+          "math_log10" => "const",
+          "math_max" => "const",
+          "math_min" => "const",
+          "math_pow" => "const",
+          "math_random" => "const",
+          "math_round" => "const",
+          "math_sign" => "const",
+          "math_sin" => "const",
+          "math_sinh" => "const",
+          "math_sqrt" => "const",
+          "math_tan" => "const",
+          "math_tanh" => "const",
+          "math_trunc" => "const",
+          "parse_int" => "const",
+          "prompt" => "const",
+          "get_time" => "const",
+          "stringify" => "const",
+          "display" => "const",
+          "error" => "const",
+          "-_1" => "const",
+          "!" => "const",
+          "&&" => "const",
+          "||" => "const",
+          "<" => "const",
+          "<=" => "const",
+          ">" => "const",
+          ">=" => "const",
+          "+" => "const",
+          "%" => "const",
+          "-" => "const",
+          "*" => "const",
+          "/" => "const",
+          "pair" => "const",
+          "head" => "const",
+          "tail" => "const",
+          "is_pair" => "const",
+          "is_null" => "const",
+          "is_list" => "const",
+          "list" => "const",
+          "===" => "const",
+          "!==" => "const",
+          "set_head" => "const",
+          "set_tail" => "const",
+          "is_array" => "const",
+          "array_length" => "const",
+          "raw_display" => "const",
+          "char_at" => "const",
+          "arity" => "const",
+          "draw_data" => "const",
+          "display_list" => "const",
+          "stream" => "const",
+        },
+        "typeAliasMap": Map {
+          "Pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "headType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "pair",
+              "tailType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "List" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "elementType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "list",
+              "typeAsPair": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "Stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "Stream",
+                  "typeArgs": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+        },
+        "typeMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "let i = 1;
+for (i = 1; i < 5; i = i + 1) {
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 3,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+          "i",
+          "startTime",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "declarations": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "end": 9,
+                  "id": Node {
+                    "end": 5,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 5,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 4,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "i",
+                    "start": 4,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
+                  "init": Node {
+                    "end": 9,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 9,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 8,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "1",
+                    "start": 8,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": 1,
+                  },
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 9,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 4,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "start": 4,
+                  "type": "VariableDeclarator",
+                },
+              ],
+              "end": 10,
+              "kind": "let",
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 10,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "typability": "NotYetTyped",
+              "type": "VariableDeclaration",
+            },
+            Node {
+              "body": Node {
+                "body": Array [],
+                "end": 44,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 1,
+                    "line": 3,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 30,
+                    "line": 2,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 41,
+                "type": "BlockStatement",
+              },
+              "end": 44,
+              "init": Node {
+                "end": 21,
+                "left": Node {
+                  "end": 17,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 6,
+                      "line": 2,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 2,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "i",
+                  "start": 16,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 10,
+                    "line": 2,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 5,
+                    "line": 2,
+                  },
+                },
+                "operator": "=",
+                "right": Node {
+                  "end": 21,
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+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 10,
+                      "line": 2,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 9,
+                      "line": 2,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "1",
+                  "start": 20,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 1,
+                },
+                "start": 16,
+                "type": "AssignmentExpression",
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 1,
+                  "line": 3,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 2,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 11,
+              "test": Node {
+                "end": 28,
+                "left": Node {
+                  "end": 24,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 13,
+                      "line": 2,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 12,
+                      "line": 2,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "i",
+                  "start": 23,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 17,
+                    "line": 2,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 12,
+                    "line": 2,
+                  },
+                },
+                "operator": "<",
+                "right": Node {
+                  "end": 28,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 17,
+                      "line": 2,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 16,
+                      "line": 2,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "5",
+                  "start": 27,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 5,
+                },
+                "start": 23,
+                "type": "BinaryExpression",
+              },
+              "type": "ForStatement",
+              "update": Node {
+                "end": 39,
+                "left": Node {
+                  "end": 31,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 20,
+                      "line": 2,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 19,
+                      "line": 2,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "i",
+                  "start": 30,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
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+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 28,
+                    "line": 2,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 19,
+                    "line": 2,
+                  },
+                },
+                "operator": "=",
+                "right": Node {
+                  "end": 39,
+                  "left": Node {
+                    "end": 35,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 24,
+                        "line": 2,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 23,
+                        "line": 2,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "i",
+                    "start": 34,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 28,
+                      "line": 2,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 23,
+                      "line": 2,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "operator": "+",
+                  "right": Node {
+                    "end": 39,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 28,
+                        "line": 2,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 27,
+                        "line": 2,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "1",
+                    "start": 38,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": 34,
+                  "type": "BinaryExpression",
+                },
+                "start": 30,
+                "type": "AssignmentExpression",
+              },
+            },
+            Node {
+              "end": 47,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "end": 46,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 1,
+                    "line": 4,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 4,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "i",
+                "start": 45,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 2,
+                  "line": 4,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 4,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 45,
+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
+          ],
+          "end": 47,
+          "loc": SourceLocation {
+            "end": Position {
+              "column": 2,
+              "line": 4,
+            },
+            "start": Position {
+              "column": 0,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+          },
+          "sourceType": "module",
+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
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+                },
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+                  "kind": "primitive",
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+                "value": undefined,
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+                  "kind": "primitive",
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+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
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+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
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+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
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+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
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+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "let i = 1;
+for (i = 1; i < 5; i = i + 1) {
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": 5,
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 16 3`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
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+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "Stream",
+                  "typeArgs": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+        },
+        "typeMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"let i = 1;\\\\nfor (i = 1; i < 5; i = i + 1) {\\\\n}\\\\ni;\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
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+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
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+            Node {
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+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 58,
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+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 58,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
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+                        "column": 6,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "\\"let i = 1;\\\\nfor (i = 1; i < 5; i = i + 1) {\\\\n}\\\\ni;\\"",
+                    "start": 6,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": "let i = 1;
+for (i = 1; i < 5; i = i + 1) {
+                  },
+                ],
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+                  "end": 5,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "parse",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
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+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 59,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
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+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
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+                "type": "CallExpression",
+              },
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+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 60,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
+          ],
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+            "end": Position {
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+              "line": 1,
+            },
+          },
+          "sourceType": "module",
+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
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+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
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+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+                "math_atanh": [Function],
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+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
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+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            },
+            "parent": null,
+          },
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+            Object {
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+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
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+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
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+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
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+                "math_clz32": [Function],
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+                "math_cosh": [Function],
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+                "math_floor": [Function],
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+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
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+                "math_min": [Function],
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+                "math_random": [Function],
+                "math_round": [Function],
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+                "math_sin": [Function],
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+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
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+                "parse_int": [Function],
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+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            } => EnvTreeNode {
+              "_children": Array [],
+              "environment": Object {
+                "head": Object {
+                  "Infinity": Infinity,
+                  "NaN": NaN,
+                  "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                  "arity": [Function],
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+                  "call_cc": [Function],
+                  "char_at": [Function],
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+                  "display_list": [Function],
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+                  "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
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+                  "math_asinh": [Function],
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+                  "math_atan2": [Function],
+                  "math_atanh": [Function],
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+                  "math_log2": [Function],
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+                  "math_sinh": [Function],
+                  "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                  "math_tan": [Function],
+                  "math_tanh": [Function],
+                  "math_trunc": [Function],
+                  "pair": [Function],
+                  "parse": [Function],
+                  "parse_int": [Function],
+                  "prompt": [Function],
+                  "raw_display": [Function],
+                  "set_head": [Function],
+                  "set_tail": [Function],
+                  "stream": [Function],
+                  "stringify": [Function],
+                  "tail": [Function],
+                  "tokenize": [Function],
+                  "undefined": undefined,
+                },
+                "heap": Heap {
+                  "storage": null,
+                },
+                "id": "-1",
+                "name": "global",
+                "tail": null,
+              },
+              "parent": null,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+        "environments": Array [
+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
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+              "is_boolean": [Function],
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+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
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+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+              "math_atanh": [Function],
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+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
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+              "math_sin": [Function],
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+              "math_tanh": [Function],
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+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
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+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
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+          "items": Map {},
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "value": undefined,
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+        Object {
+          "declKindMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => "const",
+            "NaN" => "const",
+            "undefined" => "const",
+            "math_E" => "const",
+            "math_LN2" => "const",
+            "math_LN10" => "const",
+            "math_LOG2E" => "const",
+            "math_LOG10E" => "const",
+            "math_PI" => "const",
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => "const",
+            "math_SQRT2" => "const",
+            "is_boolean" => "const",
+            "is_number" => "const",
+            "is_string" => "const",
+            "is_undefined" => "const",
+            "is_function" => "const",
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+            "math_acos" => "const",
+            "math_acosh" => "const",
+            "math_asin" => "const",
+            "math_asinh" => "const",
+            "math_atan" => "const",
+            "math_atan2" => "const",
+            "math_atanh" => "const",
+            "math_cbrt" => "const",
+            "math_ceil" => "const",
+            "math_clz32" => "const",
+            "math_cos" => "const",
+            "math_cosh" => "const",
+            "math_exp" => "const",
+            "math_expm1" => "const",
+            "math_floor" => "const",
+            "math_fround" => "const",
+            "math_hypot" => "const",
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+            "math_log" => "const",
+            "math_log1p" => "const",
+            "math_log2" => "const",
+            "math_log10" => "const",
+            "math_max" => "const",
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+            "math_pow" => "const",
+            "math_random" => "const",
+            "math_round" => "const",
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+            "math_sin" => "const",
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+            "math_sqrt" => "const",
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+            "math_tanh" => "const",
+            "math_trunc" => "const",
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+            "get_time" => "const",
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+            "display" => "const",
+            "error" => "const",
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+            ">" => "const",
+            ">=" => "const",
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+            "%" => "const",
+            "-" => "const",
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+            "/" => "const",
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+            "is_list" => "const",
+            "list" => "const",
+            "===" => "const",
+            "!==" => "const",
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+            "set_tail" => "const",
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+            "tokenize" => "const",
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => "const",
+            "call_cc" => "const",
+          },
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+            "Pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
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+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
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+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "List" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
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+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
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+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"let i = 1;\\\\nfor (i = 1; i < 5; i = i + 1) {\\\\n}\\\\ni;\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "sequence",
+      Array [
+        Array [
+          Array [
+            "variable_declaration",
+            Array [
+              Array [
+                "name",
+                Array [
+                  "i",
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "literal",
+                  Array [
+                    1,
+                    null,
+                  ],
+                ],
+                null,
+              ],
+            ],
+          ],
+          Array [
+            Array [
+              "for_loop",
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "assignment",
+                  Array [
+                    Array [
+                      "name",
+                      Array [
+                        "i",
+                        null,
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                    Array [
+                      Array [
+                        "literal",
+                        Array [
+                          1,
+                          null,
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                ],
+                Array [
+                  Array [
+                    "binary_operator_combination",
+                    Array [
+                      "<",
+                      Array [
+                        Array [
+                          "name",
+                          Array [
+                            "i",
+                            null,
+                          ],
+                        ],
+                        Array [
+                          Array [
+                            "literal",
+                            Array [
+                              5,
+                              null,
+                            ],
+                          ],
+                          null,
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                  Array [
+                    Array [
+                      "assignment",
+                      Array [
+                        Array [
+                          "name",
+                          Array [
+                            "i",
+                            null,
+                          ],
+                        ],
+                        Array [
+                          Array [
+                            "binary_operator_combination",
+                            Array [
+                              "+",
+                              Array [
+                                Array [
+                                  "name",
+                                  Array [
+                                    "i",
+                                    null,
+                                  ],
+                                ],
+                                Array [
+                                  Array [
+                                    "literal",
+                                    Array [
+                                      1,
+                                      null,
+                                    ],
+                                  ],
+                                  null,
+                                ],
+                              ],
+                            ],
+                          ],
+                          null,
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                    Array [
+                      Array [
+                        "sequence",
+                        Array [
+                          null,
+                          null,
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                ],
+              ],
+            ],
+            Array [
+              Array [
+                "name",
+                Array [
+                  "i",
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+              null,
+            ],
+          ],
+        ],
+        null,
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 17 1`] = `
+"Line 1: Mutable variable declaration using keyword 'let' is not allowed.
+Line 2: Mutable variable declaration using keyword 'let' is not allowed.
+Line 2: Assignment expressions are not allowed
+Line 4: Continue statements are not allowed
+Line 6: Assignment expressions are not allowed
+Line 8: Break statements are not allowed
+Line 7: Missing \\"else\\" in \\"if-else\\" statement.
+Line 2: For statements are not allowed"
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 17 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 3,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+        "i",
+        "startTime",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "declarations": Array [
+              Node {
+                "end": 9,
+                "id": Node {
+                  "end": 5,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 4,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "i",
+                  "start": 4,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "init": Node {
+                  "end": 9,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 9,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 8,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "1",
+                  "start": 8,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 1,
+                },
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 9,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 4,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 4,
+                "type": "VariableDeclarator",
+              },
+            ],
+            "end": 10,
+            "kind": "let",
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 10,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "typability": "NotYetTyped",
+            "type": "VariableDeclaration",
+          },
+          Node {
+            "body": Node {
+              "body": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "alternate": Node {
+                    "body": Array [
+                      Node {
+                        "end": 101,
+                        "expression": Node {
+                          "end": 100,
+                          "left": Node {
+                            "end": 92,
+                            "loc": SourceLocation {
+                              "end": Position {
+                                "column": 5,
+                                "line": 6,
+                              },
+                              "start": Position {
+                                "column": 4,
+                                "line": 6,
+                              },
+                            },
+                            "name": "i",
+                            "start": 91,
+                            "type": "Identifier",
+                          },
+                          "loc": SourceLocation {
+                            "end": Position {
+                              "column": 13,
+                              "line": 6,
+                            },
+                            "start": Position {
+                              "column": 4,
+                              "line": 6,
+                            },
+                          },
+                          "operator": "=",
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+            "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+            "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+            "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+            "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+            "math_atanh": [Function],
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+            "math_tanh": [Function],
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+            "set_tail": [Function],
+            "stream": [Function],
+            "stringify": [Function],
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+            "undefined": undefined,
+          },
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+            "storage": null,
+          },
+          "id": "-1",
+          "name": "global",
+          "tail": null,
+        },
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+      "stash": null,
+      "transformers": Transformers {
+        "items": Map {},
+        "parent": null,
+      },
+      "value": undefined,
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+    "typeEnvironment": Array [
+      Object {
+        "declKindMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => "const",
+          "NaN" => "const",
+          "undefined" => "const",
+          "math_E" => "const",
+          "math_LN2" => "const",
+          "math_LN10" => "const",
+          "math_LOG2E" => "const",
+          "math_LOG10E" => "const",
+          "math_PI" => "const",
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => "const",
+          "math_SQRT2" => "const",
+          "is_boolean" => "const",
+          "is_number" => "const",
+          "is_string" => "const",
+          "is_undefined" => "const",
+          "is_function" => "const",
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+          "math_acos" => "const",
+          "math_acosh" => "const",
+          "math_asin" => "const",
+          "math_asinh" => "const",
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+          "math_atan2" => "const",
+          "math_atanh" => "const",
+          "math_cbrt" => "const",
+          "math_ceil" => "const",
+          "math_clz32" => "const",
+          "math_cos" => "const",
+          "math_cosh" => "const",
+          "math_exp" => "const",
+          "math_expm1" => "const",
+          "math_floor" => "const",
+          "math_fround" => "const",
+          "math_hypot" => "const",
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+          "math_log" => "const",
+          "math_log1p" => "const",
+          "math_log2" => "const",
+          "math_log10" => "const",
+          "math_max" => "const",
+          "math_min" => "const",
+          "math_pow" => "const",
+          "math_random" => "const",
+          "math_round" => "const",
+          "math_sign" => "const",
+          "math_sin" => "const",
+          "math_sinh" => "const",
+          "math_sqrt" => "const",
+          "math_tan" => "const",
+          "math_tanh" => "const",
+          "math_trunc" => "const",
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+          "prompt" => "const",
+          "get_time" => "const",
+          "stringify" => "const",
+          "display" => "const",
+          "error" => "const",
+          "-_1" => "const",
+          "!" => "const",
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+          ">" => "const",
+          ">=" => "const",
+          "+" => "const",
+          "%" => "const",
+          "-" => "const",
+          "*" => "const",
+          "/" => "const",
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+          "is_list" => "const",
+          "list" => "const",
+          "===" => "const",
+          "!==" => "const",
+          "set_head" => "const",
+          "set_tail" => "const",
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+          "arity" => "const",
+          "draw_data" => "const",
+          "display_list" => "const",
+          "stream" => "const",
+        },
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+          "Pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "headType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "pair",
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+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "List" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "elementType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "list",
+              "typeAsPair": undefined,
+            },
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+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "Stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "Stream",
+                  "typeArgs": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+        },
+        "typeMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "let i = 1;
+for (let j = 0; j < 5; j = j + 1) {
+  if (j < 1) {
+    continue;
+  } else {
+    i = i + 1;
+    if (j > 2) {
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 3,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+          "i",
+          "startTime",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "declarations": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "end": 9,
+                  "id": Node {
+                    "end": 5,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 5,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 4,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "i",
+                    "start": 4,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
+                  "init": Node {
+                    "end": 9,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 9,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 8,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "1",
+                    "start": 8,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": 1,
+                  },
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 9,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 4,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "start": 4,
+                  "type": "VariableDeclarator",
+                },
+              ],
+              "end": 10,
+              "kind": "let",
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 10,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "typability": "NotYetTyped",
+              "type": "VariableDeclaration",
+            },
+            Node {
+              "body": Node {
+                "body": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "alternate": Node {
+                      "body": Array [
+                        Node {
+                          "end": 101,
+                          "expression": Node {
+                            "end": 100,
+                            "left": Node {
+                              "end": 92,
+                              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                                "end": Position {
+                                  "column": 5,
+                                  "line": 6,
+                                },
+                                "start": Position {
+                                  "column": 4,
+                                  "line": 6,
+                                },
+                              },
+                              "name": "i",
+                              "start": 91,
+                              "type": "Identifier",
+                            },
+                            "loc": SourceLocation {
+                              "end": Position {
+                                "column": 13,
+                                "line": 6,
+                              },
+                              "start": Position {
+                                "column": 4,
+                                "line": 6,
+                              },
+                            },
+                            "operator": "=",
+                            "right": Node {
+                              "end": 100,
+                              "left": Node {
+                                "end": 96,
+                                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                                  "end": Position {
+                                    "column": 9,
+                                    "line": 6,
+                                  },
+                                  "start": Position {
+                                    "column": 8,
+                                    "line": 6,
+                                  },
+                                },
+                                "name": "i",
+                                "start": 95,
+                                "type": "Identifier",
+                              },
+                              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                                "end": Position {
+                                  "column": 13,
+                                  "line": 6,
+                                },
+                                "start": Position {
+                                  "column": 8,
+                                  "line": 6,
+                                },
+                              },
+                              "operator": "+",
+                              "right": Node {
+                                "end": 100,
+                                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                                  "end": Position {
+                                    "column": 13,
+                                    "line": 6,
+                                  },
+                                  "start": Position {
+                                    "column": 12,
+                                    "line": 6,
+                                  },
+                                },
+                                "raw": "1",
+                                "start": 99,
+                                "type": "Literal",
+                                "value": 1,
+                              },
+                              "start": 95,
+                              "type": "BinaryExpression",
+                            },
+                            "start": 91,
+                            "type": "AssignmentExpression",
+                          },
+                          "loc": SourceLocation {
+                            "end": Position {
+                              "column": 14,
+                              "line": 6,
+                            },
+                            "start": Position {
+                              "column": 4,
+                              "line": 6,
+                            },
+                          },
+                          "start": 91,
+                          "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+                        },
+                        Node {
+                          "alternate": null,
+                          "consequent": Node {
+                            "body": Array [
+                              Node {
+                                "end": 131,
+                                "label": null,
+                                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                                  "end": Position {
+                                    "column": 12,
+                                    "line": 8,
+                                  },
+                                  "start": Position {
+                                    "column": 6,
+                                    "line": 8,
+                                  },
+                                },
+                                "start": 125,
+                                "type": "BreakStatement",
+                              },
+                            ],
+                            "end": 137,
+                            "loc": SourceLocation {
+                              "end": Position {
+                                "column": 5,
+                                "line": 9,
+                              },
+                              "start": Position {
+                                "column": 15,
+                                "line": 7,
+                              },
+                            },
+                            "start": 117,
+                            "type": "BlockStatement",
+                          },
+                          "end": 137,
+                          "loc": SourceLocation {
+                            "end": Position {
+                              "column": 5,
+                              "line": 9,
+                            },
+                            "start": Position {
+                              "column": 4,
+                              "line": 7,
+                            },
+                          },
+                          "start": 106,
+                          "test": Node {
+                            "end": 115,
+                            "left": Node {
+                              "end": 111,
+                              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                                "end": Position {
+                                  "column": 9,
+                                  "line": 7,
+                                },
+                                "start": Position {
+                                  "column": 8,
+                                  "line": 7,
+                                },
+                              },
+                              "name": "j",
+                              "start": 110,
+                              "type": "Identifier",
+                            },
+                            "loc": SourceLocation {
+                              "end": Position {
+                                "column": 13,
+                                "line": 7,
+                              },
+                              "start": Position {
+                                "column": 8,
+                                "line": 7,
+                              },
+                            },
+                            "operator": ">",
+                            "right": Node {
+                              "end": 115,
+                              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                                "end": Position {
+                                  "column": 13,
+                                  "line": 7,
+                                },
+                                "start": Position {
+                                  "column": 12,
+                                  "line": 7,
+                                },
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+            "math_imul" => "const",
+            "math_log" => "const",
+            "math_log1p" => "const",
+            "math_log2" => "const",
+            "math_log10" => "const",
+            "math_max" => "const",
+            "math_min" => "const",
+            "math_pow" => "const",
+            "math_random" => "const",
+            "math_round" => "const",
+            "math_sign" => "const",
+            "math_sin" => "const",
+            "math_sinh" => "const",
+            "math_sqrt" => "const",
+            "math_tan" => "const",
+            "math_tanh" => "const",
+            "math_trunc" => "const",
+            "parse_int" => "const",
+            "prompt" => "const",
+            "get_time" => "const",
+            "stringify" => "const",
+            "display" => "const",
+            "error" => "const",
+            "-_1" => "const",
+            "!" => "const",
+            "&&" => "const",
+            "||" => "const",
+            "<" => "const",
+            "<=" => "const",
+            ">" => "const",
+            ">=" => "const",
+            "+" => "const",
+            "%" => "const",
+            "-" => "const",
+            "*" => "const",
+            "/" => "const",
+            "pair" => "const",
+            "head" => "const",
+            "tail" => "const",
+            "is_pair" => "const",
+            "is_null" => "const",
+            "is_list" => "const",
+            "list" => "const",
+            "===" => "const",
+            "!==" => "const",
+            "set_head" => "const",
+            "set_tail" => "const",
+            "is_array" => "const",
+            "array_length" => "const",
+            "raw_display" => "const",
+            "char_at" => "const",
+            "arity" => "const",
+            "draw_data" => "const",
+            "display_list" => "const",
+            "stream" => "const",
+          },
+          "typeAliasMap": Map {
+            "Pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "List" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "let i = 1;
+for (let j = 0; j < 5; j = j + 1) {
+  if (j < 1) {
+    continue;
+  } else {
+    i = i + 1;
+    if (j > 2) {
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": 4,
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 17 3`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 167,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "end": 165,
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+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 165,
+                      "line": 1,
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+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "\\"let i = 1;\\\\nfor (let j = 0; j < 5; j = j + 1) {\\\\n  if (j < 1) {\\\\n    continue;\\\\n  } else {\\\\n    i = i + 1;\\\\n    if (j > 2) {\\\\n      break;\\\\n    }\\\\n  }\\\\n}\\\\ni;\\"",
+                  "start": 6,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": "let i = 1;
+for (let j = 0; j < 5; j = j + 1) {
+  if (j < 1) {
+    continue;
+  } else {
+    i = i + 1;
+    if (j > 2) {
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+                },
+              ],
+              "callee": Node {
+                "end": 5,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 5,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "parse",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              "end": 166,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 166,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 167,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
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+                "column": 0,
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+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
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+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 167,
+            "line": 1,
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+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
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+              "is_boolean": [Function],
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+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "map": Map {
+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          } => EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
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+                "kind": "variable",
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+              "kind": "function",
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+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
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+                      "kind": "variable",
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+                "typeArgs": undefined,
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+          "Infinity" => Object {
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+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
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+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
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+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+              "value": undefined,
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
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+            "kind": "predicate",
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+              "kind": "primitive",
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+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
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+                  },
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+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"let i = 1;\\\\nfor (let j = 0; j < 5; j = j + 1) {\\\\n  if (j < 1) {\\\\n    continue;\\\\n  } else {\\\\n    i = i + 1;\\\\n    if (j > 2) {\\\\n      break;\\\\n    }\\\\n  }\\\\n}\\\\ni;\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 167,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 165,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 165,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 6,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "\\"let i = 1;\\\\nfor (let j = 0; j < 5; j = j + 1) {\\\\n  if (j < 1) {\\\\n    continue;\\\\n  } else {\\\\n    i = i + 1;\\\\n    if (j > 2) {\\\\n      break;\\\\n    }\\\\n  }\\\\n}\\\\ni;\\"",
+                    "start": 6,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": "let i = 1;
+for (let j = 0; j < 5; j = j + 1) {
+  if (j < 1) {
+    continue;
+  } else {
+    i = i + 1;
+    if (j > 2) {
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+                  },
+                ],
+                "callee": Node {
+                  "end": 5,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "parse",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "end": 166,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 166,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "CallExpression",
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 167,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
+          ],
+          "end": 167,
+          "loc": SourceLocation {
+            "end": Position {
+              "column": 167,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+            "start": Position {
+              "column": 0,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+          },
+          "sourceType": "module",
+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
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+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
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+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"let i = 1;\\\\nfor (let j = 0; j < 5; j = j + 1) {\\\\n  if (j < 1) {\\\\n    continue;\\\\n  } else {\\\\n    i = i + 1;\\\\n    if (j > 2) {\\\\n      break;\\\\n    }\\\\n  }\\\\n}\\\\ni;\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "sequence",
+      Array [
+        Array [
+          Array [
+            "variable_declaration",
+            Array [
+              Array [
+                "name",
+                Array [
+                  "i",
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "literal",
+                  Array [
+                    1,
+                    null,
+                  ],
+                ],
+                null,
+              ],
+            ],
+          ],
+          Array [
+            Array [
+              "for_loop",
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "variable_declaration",
+                  Array [
+                    Array [
+                      "name",
+                      Array [
+                        "j",
+                        null,
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                    Array [
+                      Array [
+                        "literal",
+                        Array [
+                          0,
+                          null,
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                ],
+                Array [
+                  Array [
+                    "binary_operator_combination",
+                    Array [
+                      "<",
+                      Array [
+                        Array [
+                          "name",
+                          Array [
+                            "j",
+                            null,
+                          ],
+                        ],
+                        Array [
+                          Array [
+                            "literal",
+                            Array [
+                              5,
+                              null,
+                            ],
+                          ],
+                          null,
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                  Array [
+                    Array [
+                      "assignment",
+                      Array [
+                        Array [
+                          "name",
+                          Array [
+                            "j",
+                            null,
+                          ],
+                        ],
+                        Array [
+                          Array [
+                            "binary_operator_combination",
+                            Array [
+                              "+",
+                              Array [
+                                Array [
+                                  "name",
+                                  Array [
+                                    "j",
+                                    null,
+                                  ],
+                                ],
+                                Array [
+                                  Array [
+                                    "literal",
+                                    Array [
+                                      1,
+                                      null,
+                                    ],
+                                  ],
+                                  null,
+                                ],
+                              ],
+                            ],
+                          ],
+                          null,
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                    Array [
+                      Array [
+                        "conditional_statement",
+                        Array [
+                          Array [
+                            "binary_operator_combination",
+                            Array [
+                              "<",
+                              Array [
+                                Array [
+                                  "name",
+                                  Array [
+                                    "j",
+                                    null,
+                                  ],
+                                ],
+                                Array [
+                                  Array [
+                                    "literal",
+                                    Array [
+                                      1,
+                                      null,
+                                    ],
+                                  ],
+                                  null,
+                                ],
+                              ],
+                            ],
+                          ],
+                          Array [
+                            Array [
+                              "continue_statement",
+                              null,
+                            ],
+                            Array [
+                              Array [
+                                "sequence",
+                                Array [
+                                  Array [
+                                    Array [
+                                      "assignment",
+                                      Array [
+                                        Array [
+                                          "name",
                                           Array [
-                                            "===",
+                                            "i",
+                                            null,
+                                          ],
+                                        ],
+                                        Array [
+                                          Array [
+                                            "binary_operator_combination",
                                             Array [
-                                              Array [
-                                                "binary_operator_combination",
-                                                Array [
-                                                  "%",
-                                                  Array [
-                                                    Array [
-                                                      "name",
-                                                      Array [
-                                                        "a",
-                                                        null,
-                                                      ],
-                                                    ],
-                                                    Array [
-                                                      Array [
-                                                        "literal",
-                                                        Array [
-                                                          2,
-                                                          null,
-                                                        ],
-                                                      ],
-                                                      null,
-                                                    ],
-                                                  ],
-                                                ],
-                                              ],
+                                              "+",
                                               Array [
                                                 Array [
-                                                  "literal",
+                                                  "name",
                                                   Array [
-                                                    0,
+                                                    "i",
-                                                null,
-                                              ],
-                                            ],
-                                          ],
-                                        ],
-                                        Array [
-                                          Array [
-                                            "return_statement",
-                                            Array [
-                                              Array [
-                                                "unary_operator_combination",
                                                 Array [
-                                                  "-unary",
                                                   Array [
+                                                    "literal",
                                                     Array [
-                                                      "literal",
-                                                      Array [
-                                                        1,
-                                                        null,
-                                                      ],
+                                                      1,
+                                                      null,
-                                                    null,
+                                                  null,
-                                              null,
+                                          null,
+                                        ],
+                                      ],
+                                    ],
+                                    Array [
+                                      Array [
+                                        "conditional_statement",
+                                        Array [
                                           Array [
+                                            "binary_operator_combination",
                                             Array [
-                                              "conditional_statement",
+                                              ">",
                                               Array [
                                                 Array [
-                                                  "binary_operator_combination",
-                                                  Array [
-                                                    "===",
-                                                    Array [
-                                                      Array [
-                                                        "binary_operator_combination",
-                                                        Array [
-                                                          "%",
-                                                          Array [
-                                                            Array [
-                                                              "name",
-                                                              Array [
-                                                                "b",
-                                                                null,
-                                                              ],
-                                                            ],
-                                                            Array [
-                                                              Array [
-                                                                "literal",
-                                                                Array [
-                                                                  2,
-                                                                  null,
-                                                                ],
-                                                              ],
-                                                              null,
-                                                            ],
-                                                          ],
-                                                        ],
-                                                      ],
-                                                      Array [
-                                                        Array [
-                                                          "literal",
-                                                          Array [
-                                                            0,
-                                                            null,
-                                                          ],
-                                                        ],
-                                                        null,
-                                                      ],
-                                                    ],
+                                                  "name",
+                                                  Array [
+                                                    "j",
+                                                    null,
                                                 Array [
                                                   Array [
-                                                    "return_statement",
+                                                    "literal",
                                                     Array [
-                                                      Array [
-                                                        "literal",
-                                                        Array [
-                                                          1,
-                                                          null,
-                                                        ],
-                                                      ],
+                                                      2,
-                                                  Array [
-                                                    Array [
-                                                      "return_statement",
-                                                      Array [
-                                                        Array [
-                                                          "conditional_expression",
-                                                          Array [
-                                                            Array [
-                                                              "binary_operator_combination",
-                                                              Array [
-                                                                ">",
-                                                                Array [
-                                                                  Array [
-                                                                    "name",
-                                                                    Array [
-                                                                      "a",
-                                                                      null,
-                                                                    ],
-                                                                  ],
-                                                                  Array [
-                                                                    Array [
-                                                                      "name",
-                                                                      Array [
-                                                                        "b",
-                                                                        null,
-                                                                      ],
-                                                                    ],
-                                                                    null,
-                                                                  ],
-                                                                ],
-                                                              ],
-                                                            ],
-                                                            Array [
-                                                              Array [
-                                                                "literal",
-                                                                Array [
-                                                                  0,
-                                                                  null,
-                                                                ],
-                                                              ],
-                                                              Array [
-                                                                Array [
-                                                                  "unary_operator_combination",
-                                                                  Array [
-                                                                    "-unary",
-                                                                    Array [
-                                                                      Array [
-                                                                        "literal",
-                                                                        Array [
-                                                                          2,
-                                                                          null,
-                                                                        ],
-                                                                      ],
-                                                                      null,
-                                                                    ],
-                                                                  ],
-                                                                ],
-                                                                null,
-                                                              ],
-                                                            ],
-                                                          ],
-                                                        ],
-                                                        null,
-                                                      ],
-                                                    ],
-                                                    null,
-                                                  ],
+                                                  null,
-                                            null,
+                                          ],
+                                          Array [
+                                            Array [
+                                              "break_statement",
+                                              null,
+                                            ],
+                                            Array [
+                                              Array [
+                                                "sequence",
+                                                Array [
+                                                  null,
+                                                  null,
+                                                ],
+                                              ],
+                                              null,
+                                            ],
+                                      null,
+                                    ],
+                                  ],
+                                  null,
+                                ],
+                              ],
+                              null,
+                            ],
+                          ],
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                ],
+              ],
+            ],
+            Array [
+              Array [
+                "name",
+                Array [
+                  "i",
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+              null,
+            ],
+          ],
+        ],
+        null,
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 18 1`] = `"Line 1: Array expressions are not allowed"`;
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 18 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 3,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
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+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
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+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
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+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
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+        "math_imul" => [Function],
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+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
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+        "math_random" => [Function],
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+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
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+        "head" => [Function],
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+        "is_null" => [Function],
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+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
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+            "expression": Node {
+              "elements": Array [],
+              "end": 2,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 2,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "ArrayExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 3,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
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+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 3,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
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+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
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+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
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+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
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+          Object {
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+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
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+              "math_clz32": [Function],
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+              "math_cosh": [Function],
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+              "math_min": [Function],
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+              "math_tanh": [Function],
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+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          } => EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
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+                "display_list": [Function],
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+                "error": [Function],
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+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
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+                "math_cosh": [Function],
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+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
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+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
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+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
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+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
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+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "Stream",
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+                    Object {
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+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
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+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
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+          },
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+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
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+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
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+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "[];",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 3,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 3,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "elements": Array [],
+                "end": 2,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 2,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "ArrayExpression",
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 3,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
+          ],
+          "end": 3,
+          "loc": SourceLocation {
+            "end": Position {
+              "column": 3,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+            "start": Position {
+              "column": 0,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+          },
+          "sourceType": "module",
+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                "math_ceil": [Function],
+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
+                "math_fround": [Function],
+                "math_hypot": [Function],
+                "math_imul": [Function],
+                "math_log": [Function],
+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
+                "math_max": [Function],
+                "math_min": [Function],
+                "math_pow": [Function],
+                "math_random": [Function],
+                "math_round": [Function],
+                "math_sign": [Function],
+                "math_sin": [Function],
+                "math_sinh": [Function],
+                "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
+                "math_trunc": [Function],
+                "pair": [Function],
+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
+                "raw_display": [Function],
+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            },
+            "parent": null,
+          },
+          "map": Map {
+            Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
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+                "is_list": [Function],
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+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
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+                  "kind": "primitive",
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+                },
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+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+                },
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+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "[];",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 18 3`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 13,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "end": 11,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 11,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 6,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
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+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"[];\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
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+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
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+      "prelude": null,
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+        Object {
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+            Node {
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+                  Node {
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+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "\\"[];\\"",
+                    "start": 6,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": "[];",
+                  },
+                ],
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+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "parse",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
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+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
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+                  },
+                },
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+                "type": "CallExpression",
+              },
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+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 13,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
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+                },
+              },
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+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
+          ],
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+            "end": Position {
+              "column": 13,
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+            },
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+              "line": 1,
+            },
+          },
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+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
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+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
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+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
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+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
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+              },
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+                "storage": null,
+              },
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+                  "undefined": undefined,
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+                  "storage": null,
+                },
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+              },
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+            },
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+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
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+          },
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+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "value": undefined,
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+            "math_log2" => "const",
+            "math_log10" => "const",
+            "math_max" => "const",
+            "math_min" => "const",
+            "math_pow" => "const",
+            "math_random" => "const",
+            "math_round" => "const",
+            "math_sign" => "const",
+            "math_sin" => "const",
+            "math_sinh" => "const",
+            "math_sqrt" => "const",
+            "math_tan" => "const",
+            "math_tanh" => "const",
+            "math_trunc" => "const",
+            "parse_int" => "const",
+            "prompt" => "const",
+            "get_time" => "const",
+            "stringify" => "const",
+            "display" => "const",
+            "error" => "const",
+            "-_1" => "const",
+            "!" => "const",
+            "&&" => "const",
+            "||" => "const",
+            "<" => "const",
+            "<=" => "const",
+            ">" => "const",
+            ">=" => "const",
+            "+" => "const",
+            "%" => "const",
+            "-" => "const",
+            "*" => "const",
+            "/" => "const",
+            "pair" => "const",
+            "head" => "const",
+            "tail" => "const",
+            "is_pair" => "const",
+            "is_null" => "const",
+            "is_list" => "const",
+            "list" => "const",
+            "===" => "const",
+            "!==" => "const",
+            "set_head" => "const",
+            "set_tail" => "const",
+            "is_array" => "const",
+            "array_length" => "const",
+            "raw_display" => "const",
+            "char_at" => "const",
+            "arity" => "const",
+            "draw_data" => "const",
+            "display_list" => "const",
+            "stream" => "const",
+            "parse" => "const",
+            "tokenize" => "const",
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => "const",
+            "call_cc" => "const",
+          },
+          "typeAliasMap": Map {
+            "Pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "List" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"[];\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "array_expression",
+      Array [
+        null,
+        null,
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 19 1`] = `"Line 1: Array expressions are not allowed"`;
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 19 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 3,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 10,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "elements": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "end": 2,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 2,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 1,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "1",
+                  "start": 1,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 1,
+                },
+                Node {
+                  "end": 5,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 4,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "2",
+                  "start": 4,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 2,
+                },
+                Node {
+                  "end": 8,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 8,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 7,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "3",
+                  "start": 7,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 3,
+                },
+              ],
+              "end": 9,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 9,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "ArrayExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 10,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 10,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 10,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "map": Map {
+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          } => EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
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+                "name": "T",
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+            ],
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+              "kind": "function",
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+                  "constraint": "none",
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+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
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+                "typeArgs": undefined,
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+          "Infinity" => Object {
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+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
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+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+                  Object {
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+                  },
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+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "[1, 2, 3];",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 3,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 10,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "elements": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 2,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 2,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 1,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "1",
+                    "start": 1,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": 1,
+                  },
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 5,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 5,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 4,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "2",
+                    "start": 4,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": 2,
+                  },
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 8,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 8,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 7,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "3",
+                    "start": 7,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": 3,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "end": 9,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 9,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "ArrayExpression",
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 10,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
+          ],
+          "end": 10,
+          "loc": SourceLocation {
+            "end": Position {
+              "column": 10,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+            "start": Position {
+              "column": 0,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+          },
+          "sourceType": "module",
+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+                  },
+                },
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+                },
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+                "value": undefined,
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
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+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
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+                "value": undefined,
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+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
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+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
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+                  "value": undefined,
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
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+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "[1, 2, 3];",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      1,
+      2,
+      3,
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 19 3`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
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+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"[1, 2, 3];\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
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+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 20,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 18,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 18,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 6,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "\\"[1, 2, 3];\\"",
+                    "start": 6,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": "[1, 2, 3];",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "callee": Node {
+                  "end": 5,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "parse",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
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+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 19,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
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+                "type": "CallExpression",
+              },
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+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 20,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
+          ],
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+            "end": Position {
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+              "line": 1,
+            },
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+              "column": 0,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+          },
+          "sourceType": "module",
+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
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+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
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+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
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+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
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+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
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+            },
+            "parent": null,
+          },
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+            Object {
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+                "Infinity": Infinity,
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+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
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+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
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+                "math_cosh": [Function],
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+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            } => EnvTreeNode {
+              "_children": Array [],
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+                  "Infinity": Infinity,
+                  "NaN": NaN,
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+                  "math_tanh": [Function],
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+                  "parse_int": [Function],
+                  "prompt": [Function],
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+                  "set_head": [Function],
+                  "set_tail": [Function],
+                  "stream": [Function],
+                  "stringify": [Function],
+                  "tail": [Function],
+                  "tokenize": [Function],
+                  "undefined": undefined,
+                },
+                "heap": Heap {
+                  "storage": null,
+                },
+                "id": "-1",
+                "name": "global",
+                "tail": null,
+              },
+              "parent": null,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+        "environments": Array [
+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
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+              "list": [Function],
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+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
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+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
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+              "math_random": [Function],
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+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
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+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
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+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+        ],
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+        "nodes": Array [],
+        "objectCount": 0,
+        "stash": null,
+        "transformers": Transformers {
+          "items": Map {},
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "value": undefined,
+      },
+      "shouldIncreaseEvaluationTimeout": false,
+      "typeEnvironment": Array [
+        Object {
+          "declKindMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => "const",
+            "NaN" => "const",
+            "undefined" => "const",
+            "math_E" => "const",
+            "math_LN2" => "const",
+            "math_LN10" => "const",
+            "math_LOG2E" => "const",
+            "math_LOG10E" => "const",
+            "math_PI" => "const",
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => "const",
+            "math_SQRT2" => "const",
+            "is_boolean" => "const",
+            "is_number" => "const",
+            "is_string" => "const",
+            "is_undefined" => "const",
+            "is_function" => "const",
+            "math_abs" => "const",
+            "math_acos" => "const",
+            "math_acosh" => "const",
+            "math_asin" => "const",
+            "math_asinh" => "const",
+            "math_atan" => "const",
+            "math_atan2" => "const",
+            "math_atanh" => "const",
+            "math_cbrt" => "const",
+            "math_ceil" => "const",
+            "math_clz32" => "const",
+            "math_cos" => "const",
+            "math_cosh" => "const",
+            "math_exp" => "const",
+            "math_expm1" => "const",
+            "math_floor" => "const",
+            "math_fround" => "const",
+            "math_hypot" => "const",
+            "math_imul" => "const",
+            "math_log" => "const",
+            "math_log1p" => "const",
+            "math_log2" => "const",
+            "math_log10" => "const",
+            "math_max" => "const",
+            "math_min" => "const",
+            "math_pow" => "const",
+            "math_random" => "const",
+            "math_round" => "const",
+            "math_sign" => "const",
+            "math_sin" => "const",
+            "math_sinh" => "const",
+            "math_sqrt" => "const",
+            "math_tan" => "const",
+            "math_tanh" => "const",
+            "math_trunc" => "const",
+            "parse_int" => "const",
+            "prompt" => "const",
+            "get_time" => "const",
+            "stringify" => "const",
+            "display" => "const",
+            "error" => "const",
+            "-_1" => "const",
+            "!" => "const",
+            "&&" => "const",
+            "||" => "const",
+            "<" => "const",
+            "<=" => "const",
+            ">" => "const",
+            ">=" => "const",
+            "+" => "const",
+            "%" => "const",
+            "-" => "const",
+            "*" => "const",
+            "/" => "const",
+            "pair" => "const",
+            "head" => "const",
+            "tail" => "const",
+            "is_pair" => "const",
+            "is_null" => "const",
+            "is_list" => "const",
+            "list" => "const",
+            "===" => "const",
+            "!==" => "const",
+            "set_head" => "const",
+            "set_tail" => "const",
+            "is_array" => "const",
+            "array_length" => "const",
+            "raw_display" => "const",
+            "char_at" => "const",
+            "arity" => "const",
+            "draw_data" => "const",
+            "display_list" => "const",
+            "stream" => "const",
+            "parse" => "const",
+            "tokenize" => "const",
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => "const",
+            "call_cc" => "const",
+          },
+          "typeAliasMap": Map {
+            "Pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "List" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"[1, 2, 3];\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "array_expression",
+      Array [
+        Array [
+          Array [
+            "literal",
+            Array [
+              1,
+              null,
+            ],
+          ],
+          Array [
+            Array [
+              "literal",
+              Array [
+                2,
+                null,
+              ],
+            ],
+            Array [
+              Array [
+                "literal",
+                Array [
+                  3,
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+              null,
+            ],
+          ],
+        ],
+        null,
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 20 1`] = `
+"Line 1: Array expressions are not allowed
+Line 1: Member expressions are not allowed"
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 20 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 3,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 13,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "computed": true,
+              "end": 12,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 12,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "object": Node {
+                "elements": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 2,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 2,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 1,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "1",
+                    "start": 1,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": 1,
+                  },
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 5,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 5,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 4,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "2",
+                    "start": 4,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": 2,
+                  },
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 8,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 8,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 7,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "3",
+                    "start": 7,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": 3,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "end": 9,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 9,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "ArrayExpression",
+              },
+              "property": Node {
+                "end": 11,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 11,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 10,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "raw": "1",
+                "start": 10,
+                "type": "Literal",
+                "value": 1,
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "MemberExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 13,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 13,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 13,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
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+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
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+              },
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+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "[1, 2, 3][1];",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 3,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 13,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "computed": true,
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+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "[1, 2, 3][1];",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": 2,
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 20 3`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
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+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
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+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
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+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+      },
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+      "loadedModules": Object {},
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+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
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+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
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+        "$build_list",
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+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
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+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
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+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
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+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
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+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
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+        "stream_remove_all",
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+        "integers_from",
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+        "stream_ref",
+      },
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+                  "value": "[1, 2, 3][1];",
+                },
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+                "type": "Identifier",
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+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
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+          },
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+      },
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+          "math_min" => "const",
+          "math_pow" => "const",
+          "math_random" => "const",
+          "math_round" => "const",
+          "math_sign" => "const",
+          "math_sin" => "const",
+          "math_sinh" => "const",
+          "math_sqrt" => "const",
+          "math_tan" => "const",
+          "math_tanh" => "const",
+          "math_trunc" => "const",
+          "parse_int" => "const",
+          "prompt" => "const",
+          "get_time" => "const",
+          "stringify" => "const",
+          "display" => "const",
+          "error" => "const",
+          "-_1" => "const",
+          "!" => "const",
+          "&&" => "const",
+          "||" => "const",
+          "<" => "const",
+          "<=" => "const",
+          ">" => "const",
+          ">=" => "const",
+          "+" => "const",
+          "%" => "const",
+          "-" => "const",
+          "*" => "const",
+          "/" => "const",
+          "pair" => "const",
+          "head" => "const",
+          "tail" => "const",
+          "is_pair" => "const",
+          "is_null" => "const",
+          "is_list" => "const",
+          "list" => "const",
+          "===" => "const",
+          "!==" => "const",
+          "set_head" => "const",
+          "set_tail" => "const",
+          "is_array" => "const",
+          "array_length" => "const",
+          "raw_display" => "const",
+          "char_at" => "const",
+          "arity" => "const",
+          "draw_data" => "const",
+          "display_list" => "const",
+          "stream" => "const",
+          "parse" => "const",
+          "tokenize" => "const",
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => "const",
+          "call_cc" => "const",
+        },
+        "typeAliasMap": Map {
+          "Pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "headType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "pair",
+              "tailType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "List" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "elementType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "list",
+              "typeAsPair": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "Stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "Stream",
+                  "typeArgs": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+        },
+        "typeMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"[1, 2, 3][1];\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 23,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 21,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 21,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 6,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "\\"[1, 2, 3][1];\\"",
+                    "start": 6,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": "[1, 2, 3][1];",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "callee": Node {
+                  "end": 5,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "parse",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "end": 22,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 22,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "CallExpression",
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 23,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
+          ],
+          "end": 23,
+          "loc": SourceLocation {
+            "end": Position {
+              "column": 23,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+            "start": Position {
+              "column": 0,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+          },
+          "sourceType": "module",
+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                "math_ceil": [Function],
+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
+                "math_fround": [Function],
+                "math_hypot": [Function],
+                "math_imul": [Function],
+                "math_log": [Function],
+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
+                "math_max": [Function],
+                "math_min": [Function],
+                "math_pow": [Function],
+                "math_random": [Function],
+                "math_round": [Function],
+                "math_sign": [Function],
+                "math_sin": [Function],
+                "math_sinh": [Function],
+                "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
+                "math_trunc": [Function],
+                "pair": [Function],
+                "parse": [Function],
+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
+                "raw_display": [Function],
+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            },
+            "parent": null,
+          },
+          "map": Map {
+            Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                "math_ceil": [Function],
+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
+                "math_fround": [Function],
+                "math_hypot": [Function],
+                "math_imul": [Function],
+                "math_log": [Function],
+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
+                "math_max": [Function],
+                "math_min": [Function],
+                "math_pow": [Function],
+                "math_random": [Function],
+                "math_round": [Function],
+                "math_sign": [Function],
+                "math_sin": [Function],
+                "math_sinh": [Function],
+                "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
+                "math_trunc": [Function],
+                "pair": [Function],
+                "parse": [Function],
+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
+                "raw_display": [Function],
+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            } => EnvTreeNode {
+              "_children": Array [],
+              "environment": Object {
+                "head": Object {
+                  "Infinity": Infinity,
+                  "NaN": NaN,
+                  "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                  "arity": [Function],
+                  "array_length": [Function],
+                  "call_cc": [Function],
+                  "char_at": [Function],
+                  "display": [Function],
+                  "display_list": [Function],
+                  "draw_data": [Function],
+                  "error": [Function],
+                  "get_time": [Function],
+                  "head": [Function],
+                  "is_array": [Function],
+                  "is_boolean": [Function],
+                  "is_function": [Function],
+                  "is_list": [Function],
+                  "is_null": [Function],
+                  "is_number": [Function],
+                  "is_pair": [Function],
+                  "is_string": [Function],
+                  "is_undefined": [Function],
+                  "list": [Function],
+                  "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                  "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                  "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                  "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                  "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
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+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
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+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
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+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
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+                  "headType": Object {
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+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
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+                      Object {
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+                        "kind": "variable",
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+                      },
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+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
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+            "Infinity" => Object {
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
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+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
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+                    },
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+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"[1, 2, 3][1];\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "object_access",
+      Array [
+        Array [
+          "array_expression",
+          Array [
+            Array [
+              Array [
+                "literal",
+                Array [
+                  1,
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "literal",
+                  Array [
+                    2,
+                    null,
+                  ],
+                ],
+                Array [
+                  Array [
+                    "literal",
+                    Array [
+                      3,
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+            ],
+            null,
+          ],
+        ],
+        Array [
+          Array [
+            "literal",
+            Array [
+              1,
+              null,
+            ],
+          ],
+          null,
+        ],
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 21 1`] = `
+"Line 1: Array expressions are not allowed
+Line 1: Mutable variable declaration using keyword 'let' is not allowed.
+Line 2: Member expressions are not allowed"
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 21 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 3,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+        "x",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "declarations": Array [
+              Node {
+                "end": 17,
+                "id": Node {
+                  "end": 5,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 4,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "x",
+                  "start": 4,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "init": Node {
+                  "elements": Array [
+                    Node {
+                      "end": 10,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 10,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 9,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "raw": "1",
+                      "start": 9,
+                      "type": "Literal",
+                      "value": 1,
+                    },
+                    Node {
+                      "end": 13,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 13,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 12,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "raw": "2",
+                      "start": 12,
+                      "type": "Literal",
+                      "value": 2,
+                    },
+                    Node {
+                      "end": 16,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
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+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "let x = [1, 2, 3];
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 3,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+          "x",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
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+            Node {
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+                    "type": "Identifier",
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+                      },
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+                      },
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+          "type": "Program",
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+      ],
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+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
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+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
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+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
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+              },
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+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
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+                "storage": null,
+              },
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+              "name": "global",
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+            } => EnvTreeNode {
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+                  "undefined": undefined,
+                },
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+                  "storage": null,
+                },
+                "id": "-1",
+                "name": "global",
+                "tail": null,
+              },
+              "parent": null,
+            },
+          },
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+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
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+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+        ],
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+        "nodes": Array [],
+        "objectCount": 0,
+        "stash": null,
+        "transformers": Transformers {
+          "items": Map {},
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "value": undefined,
+      },
+      "shouldIncreaseEvaluationTimeout": false,
+      "typeEnvironment": Array [
+        Object {
+          "declKindMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => "const",
+            "NaN" => "const",
+            "undefined" => "const",
+            "math_E" => "const",
+            "math_LN2" => "const",
+            "math_LN10" => "const",
+            "math_LOG2E" => "const",
+            "math_LOG10E" => "const",
+            "math_PI" => "const",
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => "const",
+            "math_SQRT2" => "const",
+            "is_boolean" => "const",
+            "is_number" => "const",
+            "is_string" => "const",
+            "is_undefined" => "const",
+            "is_function" => "const",
+            "math_abs" => "const",
+            "math_acos" => "const",
+            "math_acosh" => "const",
+            "math_asin" => "const",
+            "math_asinh" => "const",
+            "math_atan" => "const",
+            "math_atan2" => "const",
+            "math_atanh" => "const",
+            "math_cbrt" => "const",
+            "math_ceil" => "const",
+            "math_clz32" => "const",
+            "math_cos" => "const",
+            "math_cosh" => "const",
+            "math_exp" => "const",
+            "math_expm1" => "const",
+            "math_floor" => "const",
+            "math_fround" => "const",
+            "math_hypot" => "const",
+            "math_imul" => "const",
+            "math_log" => "const",
+            "math_log1p" => "const",
+            "math_log2" => "const",
+            "math_log10" => "const",
+            "math_max" => "const",
+            "math_min" => "const",
+            "math_pow" => "const",
+            "math_random" => "const",
+            "math_round" => "const",
+            "math_sign" => "const",
+            "math_sin" => "const",
+            "math_sinh" => "const",
+            "math_sqrt" => "const",
+            "math_tan" => "const",
+            "math_tanh" => "const",
+            "math_trunc" => "const",
+            "parse_int" => "const",
+            "prompt" => "const",
+            "get_time" => "const",
+            "stringify" => "const",
+            "display" => "const",
+            "error" => "const",
+            "-_1" => "const",
+            "!" => "const",
+            "&&" => "const",
+            "||" => "const",
+            "<" => "const",
+            "<=" => "const",
+            ">" => "const",
+            ">=" => "const",
+            "+" => "const",
+            "%" => "const",
+            "-" => "const",
+            "*" => "const",
+            "/" => "const",
+            "pair" => "const",
+            "head" => "const",
+            "tail" => "const",
+            "is_pair" => "const",
+            "is_null" => "const",
+            "is_list" => "const",
+            "list" => "const",
+            "===" => "const",
+            "!==" => "const",
+            "set_head" => "const",
+            "set_tail" => "const",
+            "is_array" => "const",
+            "array_length" => "const",
+            "raw_display" => "const",
+            "char_at" => "const",
+            "arity" => "const",
+            "draw_data" => "const",
+            "display_list" => "const",
+            "stream" => "const",
+          },
+          "typeAliasMap": Map {
+            "Pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
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+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "List" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "let x = [1, 2, 3];
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": 2,
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 21 3`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 35,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "end": 33,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 33,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 6,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "\\"let x = [1, 2, 3];\\\\nx[1];\\"",
+                  "start": 6,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": "let x = [1, 2, 3];
+                },
+              ],
+              "callee": Node {
+                "end": 5,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 5,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "parse",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              "end": 34,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 34,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 35,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 35,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 35,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "map": Map {
+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          } => EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
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+          },
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+          },
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+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
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+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
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+          },
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+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+              Object {
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"let x = [1, 2, 3];\\\\nx[1];\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 35,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 33,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 33,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 6,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "\\"let x = [1, 2, 3];\\\\nx[1];\\"",
+                    "start": 6,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": "let x = [1, 2, 3];
+                  },
+                ],
+                "callee": Node {
+                  "end": 5,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "parse",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "end": 34,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 34,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "CallExpression",
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 35,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
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+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"let x = [1, 2, 3];\\\\nx[1];\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "sequence",
+      Array [
+        Array [
+          Array [
+            "variable_declaration",
+            Array [
+              Array [
+                "name",
+                Array [
+                  "x",
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "array_expression",
+                  Array [
+                    Array [
+                      Array [
+                        "literal",
+                        Array [
+                          1,
+                          null,
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                      Array [
+                        Array [
+                          "literal",
+                          Array [
+                            2,
+                            null,
+                          ],
+                        ],
+                        Array [
+                          Array [
+                            "literal",
+                            Array [
+                              3,
+                              null,
+                            ],
+                          ],
+                          null,
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                    null,
+                  ],
+                ],
+                null,
+              ],
+            ],
+          ],
+          Array [
+            Array [
+              "object_access",
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "name",
+                  Array [
+                    "x",
+                    null,
+                  ],
+                ],
+                Array [
+                  Array [
+                    "literal",
+                    Array [
+                      1,
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+            ],
+            null,
+          ],
+        ],
+        null,
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 22 1`] = `
+"Line 1: Array expressions are not allowed
+Line 1: Mutable variable declaration using keyword 'let' is not allowed.
+Line 2: Member expressions are not allowed
+Line 2: Assignment expressions are not allowed"
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 22 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 3,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+        "x",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "declarations": Array [
+              Node {
+                "end": 17,
+                "id": Node {
+                  "end": 5,
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+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 4,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "x",
+                  "start": 4,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "init": Node {
+                  "elements": Array [
+                    Node {
+                      "end": 10,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 10,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 9,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "raw": "1",
+                      "start": 9,
+                      "type": "Literal",
+                      "value": 1,
+                    },
+                    Node {
+                      "end": 13,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 13,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 12,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "raw": "2",
+                      "start": 12,
+                      "type": "Literal",
+                      "value": 2,
+                    },
+                    Node {
+                      "end": 16,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 16,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 15,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "raw": "3",
+                      "start": 15,
+                      "type": "Literal",
+                      "value": 3,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "end": 17,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 17,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 8,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "start": 8,
+                  "type": "ArrayExpression",
+                },
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 17,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 4,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 4,
+                "type": "VariableDeclarator",
+              },
+            ],
+            "end": 18,
+            "kind": "let",
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 18,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "typability": "NotYetTyped",
+            "type": "VariableDeclaration",
+          },
+          Node {
+            "end": 28,
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+              "end": 27,
+              "left": Node {
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+                "end": 23,
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+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
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+                      "column": 1,
+                      "line": 2,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 2,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "x",
+                  "start": 19,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "property": Node {
+                  "end": 22,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 3,
+                      "line": 2,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 2,
+                      "line": 2,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "1",
+                  "start": 21,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 1,
+                },
+                "start": 19,
+                "type": "MemberExpression",
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 8,
+                  "line": 2,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 2,
+                },
+              },
+              "operator": "=",
+              "right": Node {
+                "end": 27,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 8,
+                    "line": 2,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 7,
+                    "line": 2,
+                  },
+                },
+                "raw": "4",
+                "start": 26,
+                "type": "Literal",
+                "value": 4,
+              },
+              "start": 19,
+              "type": "AssignmentExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 9,
+                "line": 2,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 2,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 19,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 28,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 9,
+            "line": 2,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
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+              "char_at": [Function],
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+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
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+              "head": [Function],
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+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
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+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
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+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
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+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
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+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
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+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
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+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
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+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
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+          Object {
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+              "NaN": NaN,
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+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
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+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+              "math_cosh": [Function],
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+              "math_tanh": [Function],
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+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          } => EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "arity": [Function],
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+                "char_at": [Function],
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+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
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+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            },
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+          },
+        },
+      },
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+            "math_atan2": [Function],
+            "math_atanh": [Function],
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+            "math_clz32": [Function],
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+            "math_cosh": [Function],
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+            "math_log10": [Function],
+            "math_log1p": [Function],
+            "math_log2": [Function],
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+            "math_min": [Function],
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+            "math_sinh": [Function],
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+            "math_tanh": [Function],
+            "math_trunc": [Function],
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+            "set_tail": [Function],
+            "stream": [Function],
+            "stringify": [Function],
+            "tail": [Function],
+            "undefined": undefined,
+          },
+          "heap": Heap {
+            "storage": null,
+          },
+          "id": "-1",
+          "name": "global",
+          "tail": null,
+        },
+      ],
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+      "nodes": Array [],
+      "objectCount": 0,
+      "stash": null,
+      "transformers": Transformers {
+        "items": Map {},
+        "parent": null,
+      },
+      "value": undefined,
+    },
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+    "typeEnvironment": Array [
+      Object {
+        "declKindMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => "const",
+          "NaN" => "const",
+          "undefined" => "const",
+          "math_E" => "const",
+          "math_LN2" => "const",
+          "math_LN10" => "const",
+          "math_LOG2E" => "const",
+          "math_LOG10E" => "const",
+          "math_PI" => "const",
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => "const",
+          "math_SQRT2" => "const",
+          "is_boolean" => "const",
+          "is_number" => "const",
+          "is_string" => "const",
+          "is_undefined" => "const",
+          "is_function" => "const",
+          "math_abs" => "const",
+          "math_acos" => "const",
+          "math_acosh" => "const",
+          "math_asin" => "const",
+          "math_asinh" => "const",
+          "math_atan" => "const",
+          "math_atan2" => "const",
+          "math_atanh" => "const",
+          "math_cbrt" => "const",
+          "math_ceil" => "const",
+          "math_clz32" => "const",
+          "math_cos" => "const",
+          "math_cosh" => "const",
+          "math_exp" => "const",
+          "math_expm1" => "const",
+          "math_floor" => "const",
+          "math_fround" => "const",
+          "math_hypot" => "const",
+          "math_imul" => "const",
+          "math_log" => "const",
+          "math_log1p" => "const",
+          "math_log2" => "const",
+          "math_log10" => "const",
+          "math_max" => "const",
+          "math_min" => "const",
+          "math_pow" => "const",
+          "math_random" => "const",
+          "math_round" => "const",
+          "math_sign" => "const",
+          "math_sin" => "const",
+          "math_sinh" => "const",
+          "math_sqrt" => "const",
+          "math_tan" => "const",
+          "math_tanh" => "const",
+          "math_trunc" => "const",
+          "parse_int" => "const",
+          "prompt" => "const",
+          "get_time" => "const",
+          "stringify" => "const",
+          "display" => "const",
+          "error" => "const",
+          "-_1" => "const",
+          "!" => "const",
+          "&&" => "const",
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+          "<=" => "const",
+          ">" => "const",
+          ">=" => "const",
+          "+" => "const",
+          "%" => "const",
+          "-" => "const",
+          "*" => "const",
+          "/" => "const",
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+          "is_list" => "const",
+          "list" => "const",
+          "===" => "const",
+          "!==" => "const",
+          "set_head" => "const",
+          "set_tail" => "const",
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+          "char_at" => "const",
+          "arity" => "const",
+          "draw_data" => "const",
+          "display_list" => "const",
+          "stream" => "const",
+        },
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+          "Pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "headType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "pair",
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+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "List" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "elementType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "list",
+              "typeAsPair": undefined,
+            },
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+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "Stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "Stream",
+                  "typeArgs": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+        },
+        "typeMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "let x = [1, 2, 3];
+x[1] = 4;",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 3,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+          "x",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "declarations": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "end": 17,
+                  "id": Node {
+                    "end": 5,
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+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 5,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 4,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "x",
+                    "start": 4,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
+                  "init": Node {
+                    "elements": Array [
+                      Node {
+                        "end": 10,
+                        "loc": SourceLocation {
+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 10,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 9,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "raw": "1",
+                        "start": 9,
+                        "type": "Literal",
+                        "value": 1,
+                      },
+                      Node {
+                        "end": 13,
+                        "loc": SourceLocation {
+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 13,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 12,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "raw": "2",
+                        "start": 12,
+                        "type": "Literal",
+                        "value": 2,
+                      },
+                      Node {
+                        "end": 16,
+                        "loc": SourceLocation {
+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 16,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 15,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "raw": "3",
+                        "start": 15,
+                        "type": "Literal",
+                        "value": 3,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                    "end": 17,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 17,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 8,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "start": 8,
+                    "type": "ArrayExpression",
+                  },
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 17,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 4,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "start": 4,
+                  "type": "VariableDeclarator",
+                },
+              ],
+              "end": 18,
+              "kind": "let",
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 18,
+                  "line": 1,
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+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "typability": "NotYetTyped",
+              "type": "VariableDeclaration",
+            },
+            Node {
+              "end": 28,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "end": 27,
+                "left": Node {
+                  "computed": true,
+                  "end": 23,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 4,
+                      "line": 2,
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+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 2,
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+                  "object": Node {
+                    "end": 20,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 1,
+                        "line": 2,
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+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 0,
+                        "line": 2,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "x",
+                    "start": 19,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
+                  "property": Node {
+                    "end": 22,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 3,
+                        "line": 2,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 2,
+                        "line": 2,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "1",
+                    "start": 21,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": 19,
+                  "type": "MemberExpression",
+                },
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 8,
+                    "line": 2,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 2,
+                  },
+                },
+                "operator": "=",
+                "right": Node {
+                  "end": 27,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 8,
+                      "line": 2,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 7,
+                      "line": 2,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "4",
+                  "start": 26,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 4,
+                },
+                "start": 19,
+                "type": "AssignmentExpression",
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 9,
+                  "line": 2,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 2,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 19,
+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
+          ],
+          "end": 28,
+          "loc": SourceLocation {
+            "end": Position {
+              "column": 9,
+              "line": 2,
+            },
+            "start": Position {
+              "column": 0,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+          },
+          "sourceType": "module",
+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
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+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
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+                  "kind": "primitive",
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+                },
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
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+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
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+                "value": undefined,
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+                  "kind": "primitive",
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+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
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+                  "value": undefined,
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
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+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "let x = [1, 2, 3];
+x[1] = 4;",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": 4,
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 22 3`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
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+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"let x = [1, 2, 3];\\\\nx[1] = 4;\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
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+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 39,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 37,
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+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 37,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
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+                        "column": 6,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "\\"let x = [1, 2, 3];\\\\nx[1] = 4;\\"",
+                    "start": 6,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": "let x = [1, 2, 3];
+x[1] = 4;",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "callee": Node {
+                  "end": 5,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "parse",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
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+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 38,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
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+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
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+                "type": "CallExpression",
+              },
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+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 39,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
+          ],
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+            "end": Position {
+              "column": 39,
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+            },
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+              "line": 1,
+            },
+          },
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+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
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+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
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+                "undefined": undefined,
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+              },
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+            },
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+          },
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+            Object {
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+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
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+                "math_atan2": [Function],
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+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
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+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
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+            } => EnvTreeNode {
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+                  "Infinity": Infinity,
+                  "NaN": NaN,
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+                  "math_tanh": [Function],
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+                  "parse_int": [Function],
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+                  "set_head": [Function],
+                  "set_tail": [Function],
+                  "stream": [Function],
+                  "stringify": [Function],
+                  "tail": [Function],
+                  "tokenize": [Function],
+                  "undefined": undefined,
+                },
+                "heap": Heap {
+                  "storage": null,
+                },
+                "id": "-1",
+                "name": "global",
+                "tail": null,
+              },
+              "parent": null,
+            },
+          },
+        },
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+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
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+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
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+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+              "math_acosh": [Function],
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+              "math_asinh": [Function],
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+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
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+              "math_cosh": [Function],
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+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
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+              "math_log10": [Function],
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+              "math_log2": [Function],
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+              "math_random": [Function],
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+              "math_tanh": [Function],
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+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
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+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+        ],
+        "isRunning": false,
+        "nodes": Array [],
+        "objectCount": 0,
+        "stash": null,
+        "transformers": Transformers {
+          "items": Map {},
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "value": undefined,
+      },
+      "shouldIncreaseEvaluationTimeout": false,
+      "typeEnvironment": Array [
+        Object {
+          "declKindMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => "const",
+            "NaN" => "const",
+            "undefined" => "const",
+            "math_E" => "const",
+            "math_LN2" => "const",
+            "math_LN10" => "const",
+            "math_LOG2E" => "const",
+            "math_LOG10E" => "const",
+            "math_PI" => "const",
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => "const",
+            "math_SQRT2" => "const",
+            "is_boolean" => "const",
+            "is_number" => "const",
+            "is_string" => "const",
+            "is_undefined" => "const",
+            "is_function" => "const",
+            "math_abs" => "const",
+            "math_acos" => "const",
+            "math_acosh" => "const",
+            "math_asin" => "const",
+            "math_asinh" => "const",
+            "math_atan" => "const",
+            "math_atan2" => "const",
+            "math_atanh" => "const",
+            "math_cbrt" => "const",
+            "math_ceil" => "const",
+            "math_clz32" => "const",
+            "math_cos" => "const",
+            "math_cosh" => "const",
+            "math_exp" => "const",
+            "math_expm1" => "const",
+            "math_floor" => "const",
+            "math_fround" => "const",
+            "math_hypot" => "const",
+            "math_imul" => "const",
+            "math_log" => "const",
+            "math_log1p" => "const",
+            "math_log2" => "const",
+            "math_log10" => "const",
+            "math_max" => "const",
+            "math_min" => "const",
+            "math_pow" => "const",
+            "math_random" => "const",
+            "math_round" => "const",
+            "math_sign" => "const",
+            "math_sin" => "const",
+            "math_sinh" => "const",
+            "math_sqrt" => "const",
+            "math_tan" => "const",
+            "math_tanh" => "const",
+            "math_trunc" => "const",
+            "parse_int" => "const",
+            "prompt" => "const",
+            "get_time" => "const",
+            "stringify" => "const",
+            "display" => "const",
+            "error" => "const",
+            "-_1" => "const",
+            "!" => "const",
+            "&&" => "const",
+            "||" => "const",
+            "<" => "const",
+            "<=" => "const",
+            ">" => "const",
+            ">=" => "const",
+            "+" => "const",
+            "%" => "const",
+            "-" => "const",
+            "*" => "const",
+            "/" => "const",
+            "pair" => "const",
+            "head" => "const",
+            "tail" => "const",
+            "is_pair" => "const",
+            "is_null" => "const",
+            "is_list" => "const",
+            "list" => "const",
+            "===" => "const",
+            "!==" => "const",
+            "set_head" => "const",
+            "set_tail" => "const",
+            "is_array" => "const",
+            "array_length" => "const",
+            "raw_display" => "const",
+            "char_at" => "const",
+            "arity" => "const",
+            "draw_data" => "const",
+            "display_list" => "const",
+            "stream" => "const",
+            "parse" => "const",
+            "tokenize" => "const",
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => "const",
+            "call_cc" => "const",
+          },
+          "typeAliasMap": Map {
+            "Pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "List" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"let x = [1, 2, 3];\\\\nx[1] = 4;\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "sequence",
+      Array [
+        Array [
+          Array [
+            "variable_declaration",
+            Array [
+              Array [
+                "name",
+                Array [
+                  "x",
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "array_expression",
+                  Array [
+                    Array [
+                      Array [
+                        "literal",
+                        Array [
+                          1,
+                          null,
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                      Array [
+                        Array [
+                          "literal",
+                          Array [
+                            2,
+                            null,
+                          ],
+                        ],
+                        Array [
+                          Array [
+                            "literal",
+                            Array [
+                              3,
+                              null,
+                            ],
+                          ],
+                          null,
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                    null,
+                  ],
+                ],
+                null,
+              ],
+            ],
+          ],
+          Array [
+            Array [
+              "object_assignment",
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "object_access",
+                  Array [
+                    Array [
+                      "name",
+                      Array [
+                        "x",
+                        null,
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                    Array [
+                      Array [
+                        "literal",
+                        Array [
+                          1,
+                          null,
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                ],
+                Array [
+                  Array [
+                    "literal",
+                    Array [
+                      4,
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+            ],
+            null,
+          ],
+        ],
+        null,
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 23 1`] = `
+"Line 1: Mutable variable declaration using keyword 'let' is not allowed.
+Line 2: Mutable variable declaration using keyword 'let' is not allowed.
+Line 3: Mutable variable declaration using keyword 'let' is not allowed.
+Line 4: Assignment expressions are not allowed
+Line 4: Assignment expressions are not allowed
+Line 4: Assignment expressions are not allowed"
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 23 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 3,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+        "x",
+        "y",
+        "z",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "declarations": Array [
+              Node {
+                "end": 9,
+                "id": Node {
+                  "end": 5,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 4,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "x",
+                  "start": 4,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "init": Node {
+                  "end": 9,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 9,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 8,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "3",
+                  "start": 8,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 3,
+                },
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 9,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 4,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 4,
+                "type": "VariableDeclarator",
+              },
+            ],
+            "end": 10,
+            "kind": "let",
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 10,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "typability": "NotYetTyped",
+            "type": "VariableDeclaration",
+          },
+          Node {
+            "declarations": Array [
+              Node {
+                "end": 20,
+                "id": Node {
+                  "end": 16,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 2,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 4,
+                      "line": 2,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "y",
+                  "start": 15,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "init": Node {
+                  "end": 20,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 9,
+                      "line": 2,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 8,
+                      "line": 2,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "4",
+                  "start": 19,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 4,
+                },
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 9,
+                    "line": 2,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 4,
+                    "line": 2,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 15,
+                "type": "VariableDeclarator",
+              },
+            ],
+            "end": 21,
+            "kind": "let",
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 10,
+                "line": 2,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 2,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 11,
+            "typability": "NotYetTyped",
+            "type": "VariableDeclaration",
+          },
+          Node {
+            "declarations": Array [
+              Node {
+                "end": 31,
+                "id": Node {
+                  "end": 27,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 3,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 4,
+                      "line": 3,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "z",
+                  "start": 26,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "init": Node {
+                  "end": 31,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 9,
+                      "line": 3,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 8,
+                      "line": 3,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "5",
+                  "start": 30,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 5,
+                },
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 9,
+                    "line": 3,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 4,
+                    "line": 3,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 26,
+                "type": "VariableDeclarator",
+              },
+            ],
+            "end": 32,
+            "kind": "let",
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 10,
+                "line": 3,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 3,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 22,
+            "typability": "NotYetTyped",
+            "type": "VariableDeclaration",
+          },
+          Node {
+            "end": 47,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "end": 46,
+              "left": Node {
+                "end": 34,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 1,
+                    "line": 4,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 4,
+                  },
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+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "let x = 3;
+let y = 4;
+let z = 5;
+x = y = z = 6;
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 3,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+          "x",
+          "y",
+          "z",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
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+                Node {
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+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 4,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "x",
+                    "start": 4,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
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+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 9,
+                        "line": 1,
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+                        "column": 8,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
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+                    "start": 8,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": 3,
+                  },
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+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 9,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 4,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "start": 4,
+                  "type": "VariableDeclarator",
+                },
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+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 10,
+                  "line": 1,
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+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
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+              "typability": "NotYetTyped",
+              "type": "VariableDeclaration",
+            },
+            Node {
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+                Node {
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+                        "column": 5,
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+                    "type": "AssignmentExpression",
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+            },
+          },
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+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
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+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            },
+            "parent": null,
+          },
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+            Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
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+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+                "math_atan2": [Function],
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+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
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+                "math_cosh": [Function],
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+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            } => EnvTreeNode {
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+              "environment": Object {
+                "head": Object {
+                  "Infinity": Infinity,
+                  "NaN": NaN,
+                  "arity": [Function],
+                  "array_length": [Function],
+                  "char_at": [Function],
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+                  "display_list": [Function],
+                  "draw_data": [Function],
+                  "error": [Function],
+                  "get_time": [Function],
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+                  "is_undefined": [Function],
+                  "list": [Function],
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+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
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+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
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+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
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+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
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+                    "kind": "variable",
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+                      Object {
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+                        "kind": "variable",
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+                      },
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+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
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+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
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+                    },
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+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "let x = 3;
+let y = 4;
+let z = 5;
+x = y = z = 6;
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": 6,
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 23 3`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 64,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "end": 62,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 62,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 6,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "\\"let x = 3;\\\\nlet y = 4;\\\\nlet z = 5;\\\\nx = y = z = 6;\\\\nx;\\"",
+                  "start": 6,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": "let x = 3;
+let y = 4;
+let z = 5;
+x = y = z = 6;
+                },
+              ],
+              "callee": Node {
+                "end": 5,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 5,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "parse",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              "end": 63,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 63,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 64,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 64,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 64,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"let x = 3;\\\\nlet y = 4;\\\\nlet z = 5;\\\\nx = y = z = 6;\\\\nx;\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
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+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"let x = 3;\\\\nlet y = 4;\\\\nlet z = 5;\\\\nx = y = z = 6;\\\\nx;\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "sequence",
+      Array [
+        Array [
+          Array [
+            "variable_declaration",
+            Array [
+              Array [
+                "name",
+                Array [
+                  "x",
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "literal",
+                  Array [
+                    3,
+                    null,
+                  ],
+                ],
+                null,
+              ],
+            ],
+          ],
+          Array [
+            Array [
+              "variable_declaration",
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "name",
+                  Array [
+                    "y",
+                    null,
+                  ],
+                ],
+                Array [
+                  Array [
+                    "literal",
+                    Array [
+                      4,
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+            ],
+            Array [
+              Array [
+                "variable_declaration",
+                Array [
+                  Array [
+                    "name",
+                    Array [
+                      "z",
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                  Array [
+                    Array [
+                      "literal",
+                      Array [
+                        5,
+                        null,
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                    null,
+                  ],
+                ],
+              ],
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "assignment",
+                  Array [
+                    Array [
+                      "name",
+                      Array [
+                        "x",
+                        null,
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                    Array [
+                      Array [
+                        "assignment",
+                        Array [
+                          Array [
+                            "name",
+                            Array [
+                              "y",
+                              null,
+                            ],
+                          ],
+                          Array [
+                            Array [
+                              "assignment",
+                              Array [
+                                Array [
+                                  "name",
+                                  Array [
+                                    "z",
+                                    null,
+                                  ],
+                                ],
+                                Array [
+                                  Array [
+                                    "literal",
+                                    Array [
+                                      6,
+                                      null,
+                                  ],
+                                  null,
+                                ],
+                              ],
+                            ],
+                            null,
+                          ],
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                ],
+                Array [
+                  Array [
+                    "name",
+                    Array [
+                      "x",
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+            ],
+          ],
+        ],
+        null,
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 24 1`] = `
+"Line 1: Rest elements are not allowed
+Line 4: Array expressions are not allowed
+Line 4: Spread elements are not allowed"
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 24 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 3,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+        "f",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "body": Node {
+              "body": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "argument": Node {
+                    "end": 39,
+                    "left": Node {
+                      "end": 35,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 10,
+                          "line": 2,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 9,
+                          "line": 2,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "name": "x",
+                      "start": 34,
+                      "type": "Identifier",
+                    },
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 14,
+                        "line": 2,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 9,
+                        "line": 2,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "operator": "+",
+                    "right": Node {
+                      "end": 39,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 14,
+                          "line": 2,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 13,
+                          "line": 2,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "name": "y",
+                      "start": 38,
+                      "type": "Identifier",
+                    },
+                    "start": 34,
+                    "type": "BinaryExpression",
+                  },
+                  "end": 40,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 15,
+                      "line": 2,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 2,
+                      "line": 2,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "start": 27,
+                  "type": "ReturnStatement",
+                },
+              ],
+              "end": 42,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 1,
+                  "line": 3,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 23,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 23,
+              "type": "BlockStatement",
+            },
+            "end": 42,
+            "expression": false,
+            "generator": false,
+            "id": Node {
+              "end": 10,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 10,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 9,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "name": "f",
+              "start": 9,
+              "type": "Identifier",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 1,
+                "line": 3,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "params": Array [
+              Node {
+                "end": 12,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 12,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 11,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "x",
+                "start": 11,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              Node {
+                "end": 15,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 15,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 14,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "y",
+                "start": 14,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              Node {
+                "argument": Node {
+                  "end": 21,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 21,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 20,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "z",
+                  "start": 20,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "end": 21,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 21,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 17,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 17,
+                "type": "RestElement",
+              },
+            ],
+            "start": 0,
+            "typability": "NotYetTyped",
+            "type": "FunctionDeclaration",
+          },
+          Node {
+            "end": 56,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "argument": Node {
+                    "elements": Array [
+                      Node {
+                        "end": 50,
+                        "loc": SourceLocation {
+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 7,
+                            "line": 4,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 6,
+                            "line": 4,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "raw": "1",
+                        "start": 49,
+                        "type": "Literal",
+                        "value": 1,
+                      },
+                      Node {
+                        "end": 53,
+                        "loc": SourceLocation {
+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 10,
+                            "line": 4,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 9,
+                            "line": 4,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "raw": "2",
+                        "start": 52,
+                        "type": "Literal",
+                        "value": 2,
+                      },
+                    ],
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+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 11,
+                        "line": 4,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 5,
+                        "line": 4,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "start": 48,
+                    "type": "ArrayExpression",
+                  },
+                  "end": 54,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 11,
+                      "line": 4,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 2,
+                      "line": 4,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "start": 45,
+                  "type": "SpreadElement",
+                },
+              ],
+              "callee": Node {
+                "end": 44,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 1,
+                    "line": 4,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 4,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "f",
+                "start": 43,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              "end": 55,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 12,
+                  "line": 4,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 4,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 43,
+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 13,
+                "line": 4,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 4,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 43,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 56,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 13,
+            "line": 4,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
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+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
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+              },
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "function f(x, y, ...z) {
+  return x + y;
+f(...[1, 2]);",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 3,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
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+            "%" => "const",
+            "-" => "const",
+            "*" => "const",
+            "/" => "const",
+            "pair" => "const",
+            "head" => "const",
+            "tail" => "const",
+            "is_pair" => "const",
+            "is_null" => "const",
+            "is_list" => "const",
+            "list" => "const",
+            "===" => "const",
+            "!==" => "const",
+            "set_head" => "const",
+            "set_tail" => "const",
+            "is_array" => "const",
+            "array_length" => "const",
+            "raw_display" => "const",
+            "char_at" => "const",
+            "arity" => "const",
+            "draw_data" => "const",
+            "display_list" => "const",
+            "stream" => "const",
+          },
+          "typeAliasMap": Map {
+            "Pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "List" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "function f(x, y, ...z) {
+  return x + y;
+f(...[1, 2]);",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": 3,
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 24 3`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
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+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
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+              "arguments": Array [
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+                  },
+                  "raw": "\\"function f(x, y, ...z) {\\\\n  return x + y;\\\\n}\\\\nf(...[1, 2]);\\"",
+                  "start": 6,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": "function f(x, y, ...z) {
+  return x + y;
+f(...[1, 2]);",
+                },
+              ],
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+                "end": 5,
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+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 5,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
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+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
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+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
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+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
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+                "line": 1,
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+              },
+            },
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+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
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+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
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+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
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+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
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+              "is_undefined": [Function],
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+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+              "math_acos": [Function],
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+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
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+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
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+              "math_expm1": [Function],
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+              "math_fround": [Function],
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+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
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+              "math_sinh": [Function],
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+              "stream": [Function],
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+              "tail": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
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+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
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+              "arity": [Function],
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+              "display_list": [Function],
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+              "error": [Function],
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+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
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+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
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+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          } => EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
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+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
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+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                "math_ceil": [Function],
+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
+                "math_fround": [Function],
+                "math_hypot": [Function],
+                "math_imul": [Function],
+                "math_log": [Function],
+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
+                "math_max": [Function],
+                "math_min": [Function],
+                "math_pow": [Function],
+                "math_random": [Function],
+                "math_round": [Function],
+                "math_sign": [Function],
+                "math_sin": [Function],
+                "math_sinh": [Function],
+                "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
+                "math_trunc": [Function],
+                "pair": [Function],
+                "parse": [Function],
+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
+                "raw_display": [Function],
+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
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+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "elementType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
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+                "typeArgs": undefined,
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+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
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+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
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+                    Object {
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+                      "kind": "variable",
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+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
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+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
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+          },
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+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
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+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
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+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"function f(x, y, ...z) {\\\\n  return x + y;\\\\n}\\\\nf(...[1, 2]);\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 69,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 67,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 67,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 6,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "\\"function f(x, y, ...z) {\\\\n  return x + y;\\\\n}\\\\nf(...[1, 2]);\\"",
+                    "start": 6,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": "function f(x, y, ...z) {
+  return x + y;
+f(...[1, 2]);",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "callee": Node {
+                  "end": 5,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "parse",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "end": 68,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 68,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "CallExpression",
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 69,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
+          ],
+          "end": 69,
+          "loc": SourceLocation {
+            "end": Position {
+              "column": 69,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+            "start": Position {
+              "column": 0,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+          },
+          "sourceType": "module",
+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                "math_ceil": [Function],
+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
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+                  "kind": "primitive",
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+                },
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+                "value": undefined,
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+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
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+                "value": undefined,
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"function f(x, y, ...z) {\\\\n  return x + y;\\\\n}\\\\nf(...[1, 2]);\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "sequence",
+      Array [
+        Array [
+          Array [
+            "function_declaration",
+            Array [
+              Array [
+                "name",
+                Array [
+                  "f",
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  Array [
+                    "name",
+                    Array [
+                      "x",
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                  Array [
+                    Array [
+                      "name",
+                      Array [
+                        "y",
+                        null,
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                    Array [
+                      Array [
+                        "rest_element",
+                        Array [
+                          Array [
+                            "name",
+                            Array [
+                              "z",
+                              null,
+                            ],
+                          ],
+                          null,
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                ],
+                Array [
+                  Array [
+                    "return_statement",
+                    Array [
+                      Array [
+                        "binary_operator_combination",
+                        Array [
+                          "+",
+                          Array [
+                            Array [
+                              "name",
+                              Array [
+                                "x",
+                                null,
+                              ],
+                            ],
+                            Array [
+                              Array [
+                                "name",
+                                Array [
+                                  "y",
+                                  null,
+                                ],
+                              ],
+                              null,
+                            ],
+                          ],
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+            ],
+          ],
+          Array [
+            Array [
+              "application",
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "name",
+                  Array [
+                    "f",
+                    null,
+                  ],
+                ],
+                Array [
+                  Array [
+                    Array [
+                      "spread_element",
+                      Array [
+                        Array [
+                          "array_expression",
+                          Array [
+                            Array [
+                              Array [
+                                "literal",
+                                Array [
+                                  1,
+                                  null,
+                                ],
+                              ],
+                              Array [
+                                Array [
+                                  "literal",
+                                  Array [
+                                    2,
+                                null,
+                              ],
+                            ],
+                            null,
+                          ],
+                        ],
+                        null,
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                    null,
+                  ],
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+            ],
+            null,
+          ],
+        ],
+        null,
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 25 1`] = `"Line 1: Object expressions are not allowed"`;
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 25 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
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+      },
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+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
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+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
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+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
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+      "loadedModules": Object {},
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+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
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+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
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+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
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+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
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+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
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+                },
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+              },
+              "start": Position {
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+              },
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+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
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+          },
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+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
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+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
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+            },
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+              "storage": null,
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+          ">" => "const",
+          ">=" => "const",
+          "+" => "const",
+          "%" => "const",
+          "-" => "const",
+          "*" => "const",
+          "/" => "const",
+          "pair" => "const",
+          "head" => "const",
+          "tail" => "const",
+          "is_pair" => "const",
+          "is_null" => "const",
+          "is_list" => "const",
+          "list" => "const",
+          "===" => "const",
+          "!==" => "const",
+          "set_head" => "const",
+          "set_tail" => "const",
+          "is_array" => "const",
+          "array_length" => "const",
+          "raw_display" => "const",
+          "char_at" => "const",
+          "arity" => "const",
+          "draw_data" => "const",
+          "display_list" => "const",
+          "stream" => "const",
+          "parse" => "const",
+          "tokenize" => "const",
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => "const",
+          "call_cc" => "const",
+          "is_object" => "const",
+          "is_NaN" => "const",
+          "has_own_property" => "const",
+          "alert" => "const",
+          "timed" => "const",
+        },
+        "typeAliasMap": Map {
+          "Pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "headType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "pair",
+              "tailType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "List" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "elementType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "list",
+              "typeAsPair": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "Stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "Stream",
+                  "typeArgs": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+        },
+        "typeMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "({});",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+          "is_object" => [Function],
+          "is_NaN" => [Function],
+          "has_own_property" => [Function],
+          "alert" => [Function],
+          "timed" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 5,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "end": 3,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 3,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 1,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "properties": Array [],
+                "start": 1,
+                "type": "ObjectExpression",
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 5,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
+          ],
+          "end": 5,
+          "loc": SourceLocation {
+            "end": Position {
+              "column": 5,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+            "start": Position {
+              "column": 0,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+          },
+          "sourceType": "module",
+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "alert": [Function],
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "has_own_property": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_NaN": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_object": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                "math_ceil": [Function],
+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
+                "math_fround": [Function],
+                "math_hypot": [Function],
+                "math_imul": [Function],
+                "math_log": [Function],
+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
+                "math_max": [Function],
+                "math_min": [Function],
+                "math_pow": [Function],
+                "math_random": [Function],
+                "math_round": [Function],
+                "math_sign": [Function],
+                "math_sin": [Function],
+                "math_sinh": [Function],
+                "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
+                "math_trunc": [Function],
+                "pair": [Function],
+                "parse": [Function],
+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
+                "raw_display": [Function],
+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "timed": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            },
+            "parent": null,
+          },
+          "map": Map {
+            Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "alert": [Function],
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "has_own_property": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_NaN": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_object": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                "math_ceil": [Function],
+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
+                "math_fround": [Function],
+                "math_hypot": [Function],
+                "math_imul": [Function],
+                "math_log": [Function],
+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
+                "math_max": [Function],
+                "math_min": [Function],
+                "math_pow": [Function],
+                "math_random": [Function],
+                "math_round": [Function],
+                "math_sign": [Function],
+                "math_sin": [Function],
+                "math_sinh": [Function],
+                "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
+                "math_trunc": [Function],
+                "pair": [Function],
+                "parse": [Function],
+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
+                "raw_display": [Function],
+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "timed": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            } => EnvTreeNode {
+              "_children": Array [],
+              "environment": Object {
+                "head": Object {
+                  "Infinity": Infinity,
+                  "NaN": NaN,
+                  "alert": [Function],
+                  "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                  "arity": [Function],
+                  "array_length": [Function],
+                  "call_cc": [Function],
+                  "char_at": [Function],
+                  "display": [Function],
+                  "display_list": [Function],
+                  "draw_data": [Function],
+                  "error": [Function],
+                  "get_time": [Function],
+                  "has_own_property": [Function],
+                  "head": [Function],
+                  "is_NaN": [Function],
+                  "is_array": [Function],
+                  "is_boolean": [Function],
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+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
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+              "kind": "primitive",
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+            },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
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+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
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+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
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+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
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+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "({});",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Object {},
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 25 3`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+        "is_object" => [Function],
+        "is_NaN" => [Function],
+        "has_own_property" => [Function],
+        "alert" => [Function],
+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 15,
+            "expression": Node {
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+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"({});\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+          "is_object" => [Function],
+          "is_NaN" => [Function],
+          "has_own_property" => [Function],
+          "alert" => [Function],
+          "timed" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
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+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
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+              "expression": Node {
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+                  Node {
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+                        "column": 13,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
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+                        "column": 6,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "\\"({});\\"",
+                    "start": 6,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": "({});",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "callee": Node {
+                  "end": 5,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "parse",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
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+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 14,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "CallExpression",
+              },
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+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 15,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
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+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
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+            "end": Position {
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+            },
+          },
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+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
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+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
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+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
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+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
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+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
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+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
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+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
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+            },
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+            Object {
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+                "Infinity": Infinity,
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+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
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+                "math_tanh": [Function],
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+                "timed": [Function],
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+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
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+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
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+            } => EnvTreeNode {
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+                  "Infinity": Infinity,
+                  "NaN": NaN,
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+                  "math_hypot": [Function],
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+                  "math_log10": [Function],
+                  "math_log1p": [Function],
+                  "math_log2": [Function],
+                  "math_max": [Function],
+                  "math_min": [Function],
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+                  "math_random": [Function],
+                  "math_round": [Function],
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+                  "math_sin": [Function],
+                  "math_sinh": [Function],
+                  "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                  "math_tan": [Function],
+                  "math_tanh": [Function],
+                  "math_trunc": [Function],
+                  "pair": [Function],
+                  "parse": [Function],
+                  "parse_int": [Function],
+                  "prompt": [Function],
+                  "raw_display": [Function],
+                  "set_head": [Function],
+                  "set_tail": [Function],
+                  "stream": [Function],
+                  "stringify": [Function],
+                  "tail": [Function],
+                  "timed": [Function],
+                  "tokenize": [Function],
+                  "undefined": undefined,
+                },
+                "heap": Heap {
+                  "storage": null,
+                },
+                "id": "-1",
+                "name": "global",
+                "tail": null,
+              },
+              "parent": null,
+            },
+          },
+        },
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+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
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+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
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+              "math_cosh": [Function],
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+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
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+              "math_sinh": [Function],
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+              "math_tanh": [Function],
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+              "parse_int": [Function],
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+              "stringify": [Function],
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+              "timed": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
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+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+        ],
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+        "nodes": Array [],
+        "objectCount": 0,
+        "stash": null,
+        "transformers": Transformers {
+          "items": Map {},
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "value": undefined,
+      },
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+      "typeEnvironment": Array [
+        Object {
+          "declKindMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => "const",
+            "NaN" => "const",
+            "undefined" => "const",
+            "math_E" => "const",
+            "math_LN2" => "const",
+            "math_LN10" => "const",
+            "math_LOG2E" => "const",
+            "math_LOG10E" => "const",
+            "math_PI" => "const",
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => "const",
+            "math_SQRT2" => "const",
+            "is_boolean" => "const",
+            "is_number" => "const",
+            "is_string" => "const",
+            "is_undefined" => "const",
+            "is_function" => "const",
+            "math_abs" => "const",
+            "math_acos" => "const",
+            "math_acosh" => "const",
+            "math_asin" => "const",
+            "math_asinh" => "const",
+            "math_atan" => "const",
+            "math_atan2" => "const",
+            "math_atanh" => "const",
+            "math_cbrt" => "const",
+            "math_ceil" => "const",
+            "math_clz32" => "const",
+            "math_cos" => "const",
+            "math_cosh" => "const",
+            "math_exp" => "const",
+            "math_expm1" => "const",
+            "math_floor" => "const",
+            "math_fround" => "const",
+            "math_hypot" => "const",
+            "math_imul" => "const",
+            "math_log" => "const",
+            "math_log1p" => "const",
+            "math_log2" => "const",
+            "math_log10" => "const",
+            "math_max" => "const",
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+            "math_pow" => "const",
+            "math_random" => "const",
+            "math_round" => "const",
+            "math_sign" => "const",
+            "math_sin" => "const",
+            "math_sinh" => "const",
+            "math_sqrt" => "const",
+            "math_tan" => "const",
+            "math_tanh" => "const",
+            "math_trunc" => "const",
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+            "prompt" => "const",
+            "get_time" => "const",
+            "stringify" => "const",
+            "display" => "const",
+            "error" => "const",
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+            "!" => "const",
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+            ">" => "const",
+            ">=" => "const",
+            "+" => "const",
+            "%" => "const",
+            "-" => "const",
+            "*" => "const",
+            "/" => "const",
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+            "is_list" => "const",
+            "list" => "const",
+            "===" => "const",
+            "!==" => "const",
+            "set_head" => "const",
+            "set_tail" => "const",
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+            "stream" => "const",
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+            "call_cc" => "const",
+            "is_object" => "const",
+            "is_NaN" => "const",
+            "has_own_property" => "const",
+            "alert" => "const",
+            "timed" => "const",
+          },
+          "typeAliasMap": Map {
+            "Pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
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+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
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+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "List" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"({});\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "object_expression",
+      Array [
+        null,
+        null,
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 26 1`] = `"Line 1: Object expressions are not allowed"`;
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 26 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+        "is_object" => [Function],
+        "is_NaN" => [Function],
+        "has_own_property" => [Function],
+        "alert" => [Function],
+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 15,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "end": 13,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 13,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 1,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "properties": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "computed": false,
+                  "end": 6,
+                  "key": Node {
+                    "end": 3,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 3,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 2,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "a",
+                    "start": 2,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
+                  "kind": "init",
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 6,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 2,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "method": false,
+                  "shorthand": false,
+                  "start": 2,
+                  "type": "Property",
+                  "value": Node {
+                    "end": 6,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 6,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 5,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "1",
+                    "start": 5,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                Node {
+                  "computed": false,
+                  "end": 12,
+                  "key": Node {
+                    "end": 9,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 9,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 8,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "b",
+                    "start": 8,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
+                  "kind": "init",
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 12,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 8,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "method": false,
+                  "shorthand": false,
+                  "start": 8,
+                  "type": "Property",
+                  "value": Node {
+                    "end": 12,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 12,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 11,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "2",
+                    "start": 11,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": 2,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "start": 1,
+              "type": "ObjectExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 15,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 15,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 15,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "({a: 1, b: 2});",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+          "is_object" => [Function],
+          "is_NaN" => [Function],
+          "has_own_property" => [Function],
+          "alert" => [Function],
+          "timed" => [Function],
+        },
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+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
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+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
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+              },
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+                  "undefined": undefined,
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+                  "storage": null,
+                },
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+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
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+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
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+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "timed": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+        ],
+        "isRunning": false,
+        "nodes": Array [],
+        "objectCount": 0,
+        "stash": null,
+        "transformers": Transformers {
+          "items": Map {},
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "value": undefined,
+      },
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+      "typeEnvironment": Array [
+        Object {
+          "declKindMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => "const",
+            "NaN" => "const",
+            "undefined" => "const",
+            "math_E" => "const",
+            "math_LN2" => "const",
+            "math_LN10" => "const",
+            "math_LOG2E" => "const",
+            "math_LOG10E" => "const",
+            "math_PI" => "const",
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => "const",
+            "math_SQRT2" => "const",
+            "is_boolean" => "const",
+            "is_number" => "const",
+            "is_string" => "const",
+            "is_undefined" => "const",
+            "is_function" => "const",
+            "math_abs" => "const",
+            "math_acos" => "const",
+            "math_acosh" => "const",
+            "math_asin" => "const",
+            "math_asinh" => "const",
+            "math_atan" => "const",
+            "math_atan2" => "const",
+            "math_atanh" => "const",
+            "math_cbrt" => "const",
+            "math_ceil" => "const",
+            "math_clz32" => "const",
+            "math_cos" => "const",
+            "math_cosh" => "const",
+            "math_exp" => "const",
+            "math_expm1" => "const",
+            "math_floor" => "const",
+            "math_fround" => "const",
+            "math_hypot" => "const",
+            "math_imul" => "const",
+            "math_log" => "const",
+            "math_log1p" => "const",
+            "math_log2" => "const",
+            "math_log10" => "const",
+            "math_max" => "const",
+            "math_min" => "const",
+            "math_pow" => "const",
+            "math_random" => "const",
+            "math_round" => "const",
+            "math_sign" => "const",
+            "math_sin" => "const",
+            "math_sinh" => "const",
+            "math_sqrt" => "const",
+            "math_tan" => "const",
+            "math_tanh" => "const",
+            "math_trunc" => "const",
+            "parse_int" => "const",
+            "prompt" => "const",
+            "get_time" => "const",
+            "stringify" => "const",
+            "display" => "const",
+            "error" => "const",
+            "-_1" => "const",
+            "!" => "const",
+            "&&" => "const",
+            "||" => "const",
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+            "<=" => "const",
+            ">" => "const",
+            ">=" => "const",
+            "+" => "const",
+            "%" => "const",
+            "-" => "const",
+            "*" => "const",
+            "/" => "const",
+            "pair" => "const",
+            "head" => "const",
+            "tail" => "const",
+            "is_pair" => "const",
+            "is_null" => "const",
+            "is_list" => "const",
+            "list" => "const",
+            "===" => "const",
+            "!==" => "const",
+            "set_head" => "const",
+            "set_tail" => "const",
+            "is_array" => "const",
+            "array_length" => "const",
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+            "arity" => "const",
+            "draw_data" => "const",
+            "display_list" => "const",
+            "stream" => "const",
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+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => "const",
+            "call_cc" => "const",
+            "is_object" => "const",
+            "is_NaN" => "const",
+            "has_own_property" => "const",
+            "alert" => "const",
+            "timed" => "const",
+          },
+          "typeAliasMap": Map {
+            "Pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "List" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "({a: 1, b: 2});",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Object {
+      "a": 1,
+      "b": 2,
+    },
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 26 3`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+        "is_object" => [Function],
+        "is_NaN" => [Function],
+        "has_own_property" => [Function],
+        "alert" => [Function],
+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 25,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "end": 23,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 23,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 6,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "\\"({a: 1, b: 2});\\"",
+                  "start": 6,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": "({a: 1, b: 2});",
+                },
+              ],
+              "callee": Node {
+                "end": 5,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 5,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "parse",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              "end": 24,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 24,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 25,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 25,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 25,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "has_own_property": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_NaN": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_object": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
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+              "value": undefined,
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+              "value": undefined,
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+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"({a: 1, b: 2});\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
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+            "is_list" => "const",
+            "list" => "const",
+            "===" => "const",
+            "!==" => "const",
+            "set_head" => "const",
+            "set_tail" => "const",
+            "is_array" => "const",
+            "array_length" => "const",
+            "raw_display" => "const",
+            "char_at" => "const",
+            "arity" => "const",
+            "draw_data" => "const",
+            "display_list" => "const",
+            "stream" => "const",
+            "parse" => "const",
+            "tokenize" => "const",
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => "const",
+            "call_cc" => "const",
+            "is_object" => "const",
+            "is_NaN" => "const",
+            "has_own_property" => "const",
+            "alert" => "const",
+            "timed" => "const",
+          },
+          "typeAliasMap": Map {
+            "Pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "List" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"({a: 1, b: 2});\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "object_expression",
+      Array [
+        Array [
+          Array [
+            "key_value_pair",
+            Array [
+              Array [
+                "property",
+                Array [
+                  "a",
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "literal",
+                  Array [
+                    1,
+                    null,
+                  ],
+                ],
+                null,
+              ],
+            ],
+          ],
+          Array [
+            Array [
+              "key_value_pair",
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "property",
+                  Array [
+                    "b",
+                    null,
+                  ],
+                ],
+                Array [
+                  Array [
+                    "literal",
+                    Array [
+                      2,
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+            ],
+            null,
+          ],
+        ],
+        null,
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 27 1`] = `"Line 1: Object expressions are not allowed"`;
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 27 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+        "is_object" => [Function],
+        "is_NaN" => [Function],
+        "has_own_property" => [Function],
+        "alert" => [Function],
+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 20,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "computed": true,
+              "end": 19,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 19,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "object": Node {
+                "end": 13,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 13,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 1,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "properties": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "computed": false,
+                    "end": 6,
+                    "key": Node {
+                      "end": 3,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 3,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 2,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "name": "a",
+                      "start": 2,
+                      "type": "Identifier",
+                    },
+                    "kind": "init",
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 6,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 2,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "method": false,
+                    "shorthand": false,
+                    "start": 2,
+                    "type": "Property",
+                    "value": Node {
+                      "end": 6,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 6,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 5,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "raw": "1",
+                      "start": 5,
+                      "type": "Literal",
+                      "value": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Node {
+                    "computed": false,
+                    "end": 12,
+                    "key": Node {
+                      "end": 9,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 9,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 8,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "name": "b",
+                      "start": 8,
+                      "type": "Identifier",
+                    },
+                    "kind": "init",
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 12,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 8,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "method": false,
+                    "shorthand": false,
+                    "start": 8,
+                    "type": "Property",
+                    "value": Node {
+                      "end": 12,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 12,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 11,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "raw": "2",
+                      "start": 11,
+                      "type": "Literal",
+                      "value": 2,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "start": 1,
+                "type": "ObjectExpression",
+              },
+              "property": Node {
+                "end": 18,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 18,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 15,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "raw": "'a'",
+                "start": 15,
+                "type": "Literal",
+                "value": "a",
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "MemberExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 20,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 20,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 20,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "has_own_property": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_NaN": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_object": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "timed": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
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+              "value": undefined,
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+              },
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+              "value": undefined,
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
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+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+                "value": undefined,
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "({a: 1, b: 2})['a'];",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
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+            "math_atan2" => "const",
+            "math_atanh" => "const",
+            "math_cbrt" => "const",
+            "math_ceil" => "const",
+            "math_clz32" => "const",
+            "math_cos" => "const",
+            "math_cosh" => "const",
+            "math_exp" => "const",
+            "math_expm1" => "const",
+            "math_floor" => "const",
+            "math_fround" => "const",
+            "math_hypot" => "const",
+            "math_imul" => "const",
+            "math_log" => "const",
+            "math_log1p" => "const",
+            "math_log2" => "const",
+            "math_log10" => "const",
+            "math_max" => "const",
+            "math_min" => "const",
+            "math_pow" => "const",
+            "math_random" => "const",
+            "math_round" => "const",
+            "math_sign" => "const",
+            "math_sin" => "const",
+            "math_sinh" => "const",
+            "math_sqrt" => "const",
+            "math_tan" => "const",
+            "math_tanh" => "const",
+            "math_trunc" => "const",
+            "parse_int" => "const",
+            "prompt" => "const",
+            "get_time" => "const",
+            "stringify" => "const",
+            "display" => "const",
+            "error" => "const",
+            "-_1" => "const",
+            "!" => "const",
+            "&&" => "const",
+            "||" => "const",
+            "<" => "const",
+            "<=" => "const",
+            ">" => "const",
+            ">=" => "const",
+            "+" => "const",
+            "%" => "const",
+            "-" => "const",
+            "*" => "const",
+            "/" => "const",
+            "pair" => "const",
+            "head" => "const",
+            "tail" => "const",
+            "is_pair" => "const",
+            "is_null" => "const",
+            "is_list" => "const",
+            "list" => "const",
+            "===" => "const",
+            "!==" => "const",
+            "set_head" => "const",
+            "set_tail" => "const",
+            "is_array" => "const",
+            "array_length" => "const",
+            "raw_display" => "const",
+            "char_at" => "const",
+            "arity" => "const",
+            "draw_data" => "const",
+            "display_list" => "const",
+            "stream" => "const",
+            "parse" => "const",
+            "tokenize" => "const",
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => "const",
+            "call_cc" => "const",
+            "is_object" => "const",
+            "is_NaN" => "const",
+            "has_own_property" => "const",
+            "alert" => "const",
+            "timed" => "const",
+          },
+          "typeAliasMap": Map {
+            "Pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "List" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "({a: 1, b: 2})['a'];",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": 1,
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 27 3`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+        "is_object" => [Function],
+        "is_NaN" => [Function],
+        "has_own_property" => [Function],
+        "alert" => [Function],
+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 30,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "end": 28,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 28,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 6,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "\\"({a: 1, b: 2})['a'];\\"",
+                  "start": 6,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": "({a: 1, b: 2})['a'];",
+                },
+              ],
+              "callee": Node {
+                "end": 5,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 5,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "parse",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              "end": 29,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 29,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 30,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 30,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 30,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "has_own_property": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_NaN": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_object": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "timed": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "map": Map {
+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "has_own_property": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_NaN": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_object": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
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+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
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+              "value": undefined,
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
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+              Object {
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"({a: 1, b: 2})['a'];\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
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+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"({a: 1, b: 2})['a'];\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "object_access",
+      Array [
+        Array [
+          "object_expression",
+          Array [
+            Array [
+              Array [
+                "key_value_pair",
+                Array [
+                  Array [
+                    "property",
+                    Array [
+                      "a",
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                  Array [
+                    Array [
+                      "literal",
+                      Array [
+                        1,
+                        null,
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                    null,
+                  ],
+                ],
+              ],
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "key_value_pair",
+                  Array [
+                    Array [
+                      "property",
+                      Array [
+                        "b",
+                        null,
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                    Array [
+                      Array [
+                        "literal",
+                        Array [
+                          2,
+                          null,
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                ],
+                null,
+              ],
+            ],
+            null,
+          ],
+        ],
+        Array [
+          Array [
+            "literal",
+            Array [
+              "a",
+              null,
+            ],
+          ],
+          null,
+        ],
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 28 1`] = `
+"Line 1: Object expressions are not allowed
+Line 1: Dot abbreviations are not allowed."
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 28 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+        "is_object" => [Function],
+        "is_NaN" => [Function],
+        "has_own_property" => [Function],
+        "alert" => [Function],
+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 17,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "computed": false,
+              "end": 16,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 16,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
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+                "end": 13,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 13,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 1,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
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+                  Node {
+                    "computed": false,
+                    "end": 6,
+                    "key": Node {
+                      "end": 3,
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+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 3,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 2,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "name": "a",
+                      "start": 2,
+                      "type": "Identifier",
+                    },
+                    "kind": "init",
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 6,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 2,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "method": false,
+                    "shorthand": false,
+                    "start": 2,
+                    "type": "Property",
+                    "value": Node {
+                      "end": 6,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 6,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 5,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "raw": "1",
+                      "start": 5,
+                      "type": "Literal",
+                      "value": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Node {
+                    "computed": false,
+                    "end": 12,
+                    "key": Node {
+                      "end": 9,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 9,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 8,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "name": "b",
+                      "start": 8,
+                      "type": "Identifier",
+                    },
+                    "kind": "init",
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 12,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
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+                        "column": 8,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
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+                    "shorthand": false,
+                    "start": 8,
+                    "type": "Property",
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+                      "end": 12,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 12,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 11,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "raw": "2",
+                      "start": 11,
+                      "type": "Literal",
+                      "value": 2,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
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+                "type": "ObjectExpression",
+              },
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+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 16,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 15,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "a",
+                "start": 15,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "MemberExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 17,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
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+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 17,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
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+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "has_own_property": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_NaN": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_object": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "timed": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "map": Map {
+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "has_own_property": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_NaN": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_object": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
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+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
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+              },
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+              "value": undefined,
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "({a: 1, b: 2}).a;",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+          "is_object" => [Function],
+          "is_NaN" => [Function],
+          "has_own_property" => [Function],
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+            "!==" => "const",
+            "set_head" => "const",
+            "set_tail" => "const",
+            "is_array" => "const",
+            "array_length" => "const",
+            "raw_display" => "const",
+            "char_at" => "const",
+            "arity" => "const",
+            "draw_data" => "const",
+            "display_list" => "const",
+            "stream" => "const",
+            "parse" => "const",
+            "tokenize" => "const",
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => "const",
+            "call_cc" => "const",
+            "is_object" => "const",
+            "is_NaN" => "const",
+            "has_own_property" => "const",
+            "alert" => "const",
+            "timed" => "const",
+          },
+          "typeAliasMap": Map {
+            "Pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "List" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "({a: 1, b: 2}).a;",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": 1,
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 28 3`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+        "is_object" => [Function],
+        "is_NaN" => [Function],
+        "has_own_property" => [Function],
+        "alert" => [Function],
+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 27,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "end": 25,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 25,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 6,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "\\"({a: 1, b: 2}).a;\\"",
+                  "start": 6,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": "({a: 1, b: 2}).a;",
+                },
+              ],
+              "callee": Node {
+                "end": 5,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 5,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "parse",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              "end": 26,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 26,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 27,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 27,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 27,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "has_own_property": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_NaN": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_object": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "timed": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "map": Map {
+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "has_own_property": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_NaN": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_object": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "timed": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          } => EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
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+          },
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+          },
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+          },
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+          },
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+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"({a: 1, b: 2}).a;\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+          "is_object" => [Function],
+          "is_NaN" => [Function],
+          "has_own_property" => [Function],
+          "alert" => [Function],
+          "timed" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"({a: 1, b: 2}).a;\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "object_access",
+      Array [
+        Array [
+          "object_expression",
+          Array [
+            Array [
+              Array [
+                "key_value_pair",
+                Array [
+                  Array [
+                    "property",
+                    Array [
+                      "a",
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                  Array [
+                    Array [
+                      "literal",
+                      Array [
+                        1,
+                        null,
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                    null,
+                  ],
+                ],
+              ],
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "key_value_pair",
+                  Array [
+                    Array [
+                      "property",
+                      Array [
+                        "b",
+                        null,
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                    Array [
+                      Array [
+                        "literal",
+                        Array [
+                          2,
+                          null,
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                ],
+                null,
+              ],
+            ],
+            null,
+          ],
+        ],
+        Array [
+          Array [
+            "property",
+            Array [
+              "a",
+              null,
+            ],
+          ],
+          null,
+        ],
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 29 1`] = `
+"Line 1: Object expressions are not allowed
+Line 1: Dot abbreviations are not allowed."
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 29 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+        "is_object" => [Function],
+        "is_NaN" => [Function],
+        "has_own_property" => [Function],
+        "alert" => [Function],
+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 21,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "computed": false,
+              "end": 20,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 20,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "object": Node {
+                "end": 17,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 17,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 1,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
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+                  Node {
+                    "computed": false,
+                    "end": 8,
+                    "key": Node {
+                      "end": 5,
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+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 5,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 2,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "raw": "'a'",
+                      "start": 2,
+                      "type": "Literal",
+                      "value": "a",
+                    },
+                    "kind": "init",
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 8,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 2,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "method": false,
+                    "shorthand": false,
+                    "start": 2,
+                    "type": "Property",
+                    "value": Node {
+                      "end": 8,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 8,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 7,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "raw": "1",
+                      "start": 7,
+                      "type": "Literal",
+                      "value": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Node {
+                    "computed": false,
+                    "end": 16,
+                    "key": Node {
+                      "end": 13,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 13,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 10,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "raw": "'b'",
+                      "start": 10,
+                      "type": "Literal",
+                      "value": "b",
+                    },
+                    "kind": "init",
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 16,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
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+                    "start": 10,
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+                      "end": 16,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 16,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
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+                          "column": 15,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "raw": "2",
+                      "start": 15,
+                      "type": "Literal",
+                      "value": 2,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
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+                "type": "ObjectExpression",
+              },
+              "property": Node {
+                "end": 20,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 20,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 19,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "a",
+                "start": 19,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "MemberExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 21,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
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+          "end": Position {
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+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "has_own_property": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_NaN": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_object": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "timed": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "map": Map {
+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "has_own_property": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_NaN": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_object": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "timed": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          } => EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "alert": [Function],
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
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+          },
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+          },
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+          },
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+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
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+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
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+          },
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+                  },
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+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "({'a': 1, 'b': 2}).a;",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+          "is_object" => [Function],
+          "is_NaN" => [Function],
+          "has_own_property" => [Function],
+          "alert" => [Function],
+          "timed" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
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+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "({'a': 1, 'b': 2}).a;",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": 1,
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 29 3`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+        "is_object" => [Function],
+        "is_NaN" => [Function],
+        "has_own_property" => [Function],
+        "alert" => [Function],
+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
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+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "end": 29,
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+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 6,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "\\"({'a': 1, 'b': 2}).a;\\"",
+                  "start": 6,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": "({'a': 1, 'b': 2}).a;",
+                },
+              ],
+              "callee": Node {
+                "end": 5,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 5,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "parse",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
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+              "loc": SourceLocation {
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+                  "column": 30,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
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+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
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+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
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+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 31,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
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+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
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+          "end": Position {
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+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
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+              "arity": [Function],
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+              "is_list": [Function],
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+              "is_number": [Function],
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+              "is_pair": [Function],
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+              "is_undefined": [Function],
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+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
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+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
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+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
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+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
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+              "prompt": [Function],
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+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "timed": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
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+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
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+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
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+              "is_boolean": [Function],
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+              "is_null": [Function],
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+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "timed": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          } => EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "alert": [Function],
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
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+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_NaN": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
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+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
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+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                "math_ceil": [Function],
+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
+                "math_fround": [Function],
+                "math_hypot": [Function],
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+                "kind": "variable",
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+            ],
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+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
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+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
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+                  "name": "Stream",
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+                    Object {
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+                      "kind": "variable",
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+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
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+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
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+          "Infinity" => Object {
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+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
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+                    "constraint": "none",
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+                  },
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+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"({'a': 1, 'b': 2}).a;\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+          "is_object" => [Function],
+          "is_NaN" => [Function],
+          "has_own_property" => [Function],
+          "alert" => [Function],
+          "timed" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 31,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 29,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 29,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 6,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "\\"({'a': 1, 'b': 2}).a;\\"",
+                    "start": 6,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": "({'a': 1, 'b': 2}).a;",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "callee": Node {
+                  "end": 5,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "parse",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "end": 30,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 30,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "CallExpression",
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 31,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
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+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"({'a': 1, 'b': 2}).a;\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "object_access",
+      Array [
+        Array [
+          "object_expression",
+          Array [
+            Array [
+              Array [
+                "key_value_pair",
+                Array [
+                  Array [
+                    "literal",
+                    Array [
+                      "a",
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                  Array [
+                    Array [
+                      "literal",
+                      Array [
+                        1,
+                        null,
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                    null,
+                  ],
+                ],
+              ],
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "key_value_pair",
+                  Array [
+                    Array [
+                      "literal",
+                      Array [
+                        "b",
+                        null,
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                    Array [
+                      Array [
+                        "literal",
+                        Array [
+                          2,
+                          null,
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                ],
+                null,
+              ],
+            ],
+            null,
+          ],
+        ],
+        Array [
+          Array [
+            "property",
+            Array [
+              "a",
+              null,
+            ],
+          ],
+          null,
+        ],
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 30 1`] = `"Line 1: Object expressions are not allowed"`;
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 30 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+        "is_object" => [Function],
+        "is_NaN" => [Function],
+        "has_own_property" => [Function],
+        "alert" => [Function],
+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
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+          Node {
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+            "expression": Node {
+              "computed": true,
+              "end": 19,
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+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 19,
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+                },
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+                        "line": 1,
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+                          "column": 6,
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+                    },
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+                      "value": 2,
+                    },
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+              "type": "MemberExpression",
+            },
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+      },
+    ],
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+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
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+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
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+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
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+              "math_clz32": [Function],
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+              "math_cosh": [Function],
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+              "math_expm1": [Function],
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+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
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+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
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+              "stringify": [Function],
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+              "timed": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
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+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
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+          Object {
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+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
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+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
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+              "math_clz32": [Function],
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+              "math_cosh": [Function],
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+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
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+              "math_log2": [Function],
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+              "math_sinh": [Function],
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+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "timed": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          } => EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "alert": [Function],
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
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+                "display_list": [Function],
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+                "is_undefined": [Function],
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+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+                "math_atan2": [Function],
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+                "math_cosh": [Function],
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+                "math_hypot": [Function],
+                "math_imul": [Function],
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+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
+                "math_max": [Function],
+                "math_min": [Function],
+                "math_pow": [Function],
+                "math_random": [Function],
+                "math_round": [Function],
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+                "kind": "variable",
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+                "name": "T",
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+            ],
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+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
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+                  "constraint": "none",
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+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
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+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "Stream",
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+                    Object {
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+                      "kind": "variable",
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+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
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+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
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+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
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+                  },
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+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "({1: 1, 2: 2})['1'];",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+          "is_object" => [Function],
+          "is_NaN" => [Function],
+          "has_own_property" => [Function],
+          "alert" => [Function],
+          "timed" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 20,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "computed": true,
+                "end": 19,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 19,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "object": Node {
+                  "end": 13,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 13,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 1,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "properties": Array [
+                    Node {
+                      "computed": false,
+                      "end": 6,
+                      "key": Node {
+                        "end": 3,
+                        "loc": SourceLocation {
+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 3,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 2,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "raw": "1",
+                        "start": 2,
+                        "type": "Literal",
+                        "value": 1,
+                      },
+                      "kind": "init",
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 6,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 2,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "method": false,
+                      "shorthand": false,
+                      "start": 2,
+                      "type": "Property",
+                      "value": Node {
+                        "end": 6,
+                        "loc": SourceLocation {
+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 6,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 5,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "raw": "1",
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+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "({1: 1, 2: 2})['1'];",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": 1,
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 30 3`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+        "is_object" => [Function],
+        "is_NaN" => [Function],
+        "has_own_property" => [Function],
+        "alert" => [Function],
+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
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+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
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+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "\\"({1: 1, 2: 2})['1'];\\"",
+                  "start": 6,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": "({1: 1, 2: 2})['1'];",
+                },
+              ],
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+                "end": 5,
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+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 5,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "parse",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
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+                  "column": 29,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
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+                  "column": 0,
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+                },
+              },
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+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
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+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 30,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
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+              },
+            },
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+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
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+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
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+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
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+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
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+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+              "math_log10": [Function],
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+              "math_log2": [Function],
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+              "set_tail": [Function],
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+              "stringify": [Function],
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+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
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+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
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+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
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+          Object {
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+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
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+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
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+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
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+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
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+              "math_tanh": [Function],
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+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
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+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "timed": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          } => EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
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+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "alert": [Function],
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
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+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+                "math_asinh": [Function],
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+                "math_atan2": [Function],
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+                "math_cosh": [Function],
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+                "math_expm1": [Function],
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+                "math_hypot": [Function],
+                "math_imul": [Function],
+                "math_log": [Function],
+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
+                "math_max": [Function],
+                "math_min": [Function],
+                "math_pow": [Function],
+                "math_random": [Function],
+                "math_round": [Function],
+                "math_sign": [Function],
+                "math_sin": [Function],
+                "math_sinh": [Function],
+                "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
+                "math_trunc": [Function],
+                "pair": [Function],
+                "parse": [Function],
+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
+                "raw_display": [Function],
+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "timed": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            },
+            "parent": null,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+      "environments": Array [
+        Object {
+          "head": Object {
+            "Infinity": Infinity,
+            "NaN": NaN,
+            "alert": [Function],
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+            "arity": [Function],
+            "array_length": [Function],
+            "call_cc": [Function],
+            "char_at": [Function],
+            "display": [Function],
+            "display_list": [Function],
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+            "error": [Function],
+            "get_time": [Function],
+            "has_own_property": [Function],
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+            "is_NaN": [Function],
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+            "is_boolean": [Function],
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+            "undefined": undefined,
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+            "storage": null,
+          },
+          "id": "-1",
+          "name": "global",
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+        },
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+        "parent": null,
+      },
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+      Object {
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+          "math_LN10" => "const",
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+          "math_LOG10E" => "const",
+          "math_PI" => "const",
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+          "math_SQRT2" => "const",
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+          "math_atan2" => "const",
+          "math_atanh" => "const",
+          "math_cbrt" => "const",
+          "math_ceil" => "const",
+          "math_clz32" => "const",
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+          "math_cosh" => "const",
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+          "math_expm1" => "const",
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+          ">" => "const",
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+          "timed" => "const",
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+          "Pair" => Object {
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+                "name": "headType",
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+              },
+              "kind": "pair",
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+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
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+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
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+              "elementType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
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+              "typeAsPair": undefined,
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+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "Stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "Stream",
+                  "typeArgs": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                },
+              },
+            },
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+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+        },
+        "typeMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"({1: 1, 2: 2})['1'];\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+          "is_object" => [Function],
+          "is_NaN" => [Function],
+          "has_own_property" => [Function],
+          "alert" => [Function],
+          "timed" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 30,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 28,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 28,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 6,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "\\"({1: 1, 2: 2})['1'];\\"",
+                    "start": 6,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": "({1: 1, 2: 2})['1'];",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "callee": Node {
+                  "end": 5,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "parse",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "end": 29,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 29,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "CallExpression",
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 30,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
+          ],
+          "end": 30,
+          "loc": SourceLocation {
+            "end": Position {
+              "column": 30,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+            "start": Position {
+              "column": 0,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+          },
+          "sourceType": "module",
+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "alert": [Function],
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "has_own_property": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_NaN": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_object": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
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+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"({1: 1, 2: 2})['1'];\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "object_access",
+      Array [
+        Array [
+          "object_expression",
+          Array [
+            Array [
+              Array [
+                "key_value_pair",
+                Array [
+                  Array [
+                    "literal",
+                    Array [
+                      1,
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                  Array [
+                    Array [
+                      "literal",
+                      Array [
+                        1,
+                        null,
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                    null,
+                  ],
+                ],
+              ],
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "key_value_pair",
+                  Array [
+                    Array [
+                      "literal",
+                      Array [
+                        2,
+                        null,
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                    Array [
+                      Array [
+                        "literal",
+                        Array [
+                          2,
+                          null,
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                ],
+                null,
+              ],
+            ],
+            null,
+          ],
+        ],
+        Array [
+          Array [
+            "literal",
+            Array [
+              "1",
+              null,
+            ],
+          ],
+          null,
+        ],
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 31 1`] = `"Line 2: Object expressions are not allowed"`;
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 31 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+        "is_object" => [Function],
+        "is_NaN" => [Function],
+        "has_own_property" => [Function],
+        "alert" => [Function],
+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+        "key",
+      },
+    },
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+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
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+                  "type": "Identifier",
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+                "type": "VariableDeclarator",
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+            "type": "VariableDeclaration",
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+    ],
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+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
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+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
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+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
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+            },
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+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
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+              "storage": null,
+            },
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+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
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+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
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+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
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+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "Stream",
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+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                },
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+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
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+          },
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+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
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+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
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+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
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+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "const key = 'a';
+({a: 1, b: 2})[key];",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+          "is_object" => [Function],
+          "is_NaN" => [Function],
+          "has_own_property" => [Function],
+          "alert" => [Function],
+          "timed" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+          "key",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "declarations": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "end": 15,
+                  "id": Node {
+                    "end": 9,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 9,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 6,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "key",
+                    "start": 6,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
+                  "init": Node {
+                    "end": 15,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 15,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 12,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "'a'",
+                    "start": 12,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": "a",
+                  },
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 15,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 6,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "start": 6,
+                  "type": "VariableDeclarator",
+                },
+              ],
+              "end": 16,
+              "kind": "const",
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 16,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "typability": "NotYetTyped",
+              "type": "VariableDeclaration",
+            },
+            Node {
+              "end": 37,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "computed": true,
+                "end": 36,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 19,
+                    "line": 2,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 2,
+                  },
+                },
+                "object": Node {
+                  "end": 30,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 13,
+                      "line": 2,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 1,
+                      "line": 2,
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+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "const key = 'a';
+({a: 1, b: 2})[key];",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": 1,
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 31 3`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+        "is_object" => [Function],
+        "is_NaN" => [Function],
+        "has_own_property" => [Function],
+        "alert" => [Function],
+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
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+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
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+                      "column": 46,
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+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "\\"const key = 'a';\\\\n({a: 1, b: 2})[key];\\"",
+                  "start": 6,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": "const key = 'a';
+({a: 1, b: 2})[key];",
+                },
+              ],
+              "callee": Node {
+                "end": 5,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 5,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "parse",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
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+              "loc": SourceLocation {
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+                  "column": 47,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
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+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
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+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
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+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 48,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
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+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
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+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
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+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
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+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
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+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
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+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
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+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
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+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
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+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
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+              "math_min": [Function],
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+              "math_random": [Function],
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+              "math_tanh": [Function],
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+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
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+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "timed": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
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+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
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+              "char_at": [Function],
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+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
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+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
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+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "timed": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          } => EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "alert": [Function],
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
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+                "display_list": [Function],
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+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
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+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                "math_ceil": [Function],
+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
+                "math_fround": [Function],
+                "math_hypot": [Function],
+                "math_imul": [Function],
+                "math_log": [Function],
+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
+                "math_max": [Function],
+                "math_min": [Function],
+                "math_pow": [Function],
+                "math_random": [Function],
+                "math_round": [Function],
+                "math_sign": [Function],
+                "math_sin": [Function],
+                "math_sinh": [Function],
+                "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
+                "math_trunc": [Function],
+                "pair": [Function],
+                "parse": [Function],
+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
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+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
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+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
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+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
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+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
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+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "Stream",
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+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                },
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+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
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+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
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+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
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+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
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+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"const key = 'a';\\\\n({a: 1, b: 2})[key];\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+          "is_object" => [Function],
+          "is_NaN" => [Function],
+          "has_own_property" => [Function],
+          "alert" => [Function],
+          "timed" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 48,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 46,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 46,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 6,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "\\"const key = 'a';\\\\n({a: 1, b: 2})[key];\\"",
+                    "start": 6,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": "const key = 'a';
+({a: 1, b: 2})[key];",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "callee": Node {
+                  "end": 5,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "parse",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "end": 47,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 47,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "CallExpression",
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 48,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
+          ],
+          "end": 48,
+          "loc": SourceLocation {
+            "end": Position {
+              "column": 48,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+            "start": Position {
+              "column": 0,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+          },
+          "sourceType": "module",
+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
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+        "debuggerOn": true,
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+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"const key = 'a';\\\\n({a: 1, b: 2})[key];\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "sequence",
+      Array [
+        Array [
+          Array [
+            "constant_declaration",
+            Array [
+              Array [
+                "name",
+                Array [
+                  "key",
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "literal",
+                  Array [
+                    "a",
+                    null,
+                  ],
+                ],
+                null,
+              ],
+            ],
+          ],
+          Array [
+            Array [
+              "object_access",
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "object_expression",
+                  Array [
+                    Array [
+                      Array [
+                        "key_value_pair",
+                        Array [
+                          Array [
+                            "property",
+                            Array [
+                              "a",
+                              null,
+                            ],
+                          ],
+                          Array [
+                            Array [
+                              "literal",
+                              Array [
+                                1,
+                                null,
+                              ],
+                            ],
+                            null,
+                          ],
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                      Array [
+                        Array [
+                          "key_value_pair",
+                          Array [
+                            Array [
+                              "property",
+                              Array [
+                                "b",
+                                null,
+                              ],
+                            ],
+                            Array [
+                              Array [
+                                "literal",
+                                Array [
+                                  2,
+                                  null,
+                                ],
+                              ],
+                              null,
+                            ],
+                          ],
+                        ],
+                        null,
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                    null,
+                  ],
+                ],
+                Array [
+                  Array [
+                    "name",
+                    Array [
+                      "key",
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+            ],
+            null,
+          ],
+        ],
+        null,
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 32 1`] = `
+"Line 1: Object expressions are not allowed
+Line 2: Dot abbreviations are not allowed."
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 32 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+        "is_object" => [Function],
+        "is_NaN" => [Function],
+        "has_own_property" => [Function],
+        "alert" => [Function],
+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+        "x",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "declarations": Array [
+              Node {
+                "end": 20,
+                "id": Node {
+                  "end": 5,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 4,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "x",
+                  "start": 4,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "init": Node {
+                  "end": 20,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 20,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 8,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
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+                    Node {
+                      "computed": false,
+                      "end": 13,
+                      "key": Node {
+                        "end": 10,
+                        "loc": SourceLocation {
+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 10,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 9,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "name": "a",
+                        "start": 9,
+                        "type": "Identifier",
+                      },
+                      "kind": "init",
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 13,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 9,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "method": false,
+                      "shorthand": false,
+                      "start": 9,
+                      "type": "Property",
+                      "value": Node {
+                        "end": 13,
+                        "loc": SourceLocation {
+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 13,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 12,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "raw": "1",
+                        "start": 12,
+                        "type": "Literal",
+                        "value": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    Node {
+                      "computed": false,
+                      "end": 19,
+                      "key": Node {
+                        "end": 16,
+                        "loc": SourceLocation {
+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 16,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 15,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "name": "b",
+                        "start": 15,
+                        "type": "Identifier",
+                      },
+                      "kind": "init",
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 19,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 15,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
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+                      "start": 15,
+                      "type": "Property",
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+                        "end": 19,
+                        "loc": SourceLocation {
+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 19,
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+                          },
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+                            "column": 18,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "raw": "2",
+                        "start": 18,
+                        "type": "Literal",
+                        "value": 2,
+                      },
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "start": 8,
+                  "type": "ObjectExpression",
+                },
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 20,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 4,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 4,
+                "type": "VariableDeclarator",
+              },
+            ],
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+            "kind": "let",
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+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 21,
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+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "typability": "NotYetTyped",
+            "type": "VariableDeclaration",
+          },
+          Node {
+            "end": 30,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "end": 29,
+              "left": Node {
+                "computed": false,
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+                    },
+                  },
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+                  "start": 22,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
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+                      "column": 3,
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+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "a",
+                  "start": 24,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "start": 22,
+                "type": "MemberExpression",
+              },
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+                  "column": 7,
+                  "line": 2,
+                },
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+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 2,
+                },
+              },
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+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 7,
+                    "line": 2,
+                  },
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+                    "column": 6,
+                    "line": 2,
+                  },
+                },
+                "raw": "3",
+                "start": 28,
+                "type": "Literal",
+                "value": 3,
+              },
+              "start": 22,
+              "type": "AssignmentExpression",
+            },
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+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 8,
+                "line": 2,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
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+              },
+            },
+            "start": 22,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
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+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 8,
+            "line": 2,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "has_own_property": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_NaN": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_object": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
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+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "timed": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "map": Map {
+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "has_own_property": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_NaN": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_object": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "timed": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          } => EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
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+          },
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+          },
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+          },
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+                  "constraint": "none",
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+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
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+              Object {
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "let x = {a: 1, b: 2};
+x.a = 3;",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+          "is_object" => [Function],
+          "is_NaN" => [Function],
+          "has_own_property" => [Function],
+          "alert" => [Function],
+          "timed" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
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+            "stringify" => "const",
+            "display" => "const",
+            "error" => "const",
+            "-_1" => "const",
+            "!" => "const",
+            "&&" => "const",
+            "||" => "const",
+            "<" => "const",
+            "<=" => "const",
+            ">" => "const",
+            ">=" => "const",
+            "+" => "const",
+            "%" => "const",
+            "-" => "const",
+            "*" => "const",
+            "/" => "const",
+            "pair" => "const",
+            "head" => "const",
+            "tail" => "const",
+            "is_pair" => "const",
+            "is_null" => "const",
+            "is_list" => "const",
+            "list" => "const",
+            "===" => "const",
+            "!==" => "const",
+            "set_head" => "const",
+            "set_tail" => "const",
+            "is_array" => "const",
+            "array_length" => "const",
+            "raw_display" => "const",
+            "char_at" => "const",
+            "arity" => "const",
+            "draw_data" => "const",
+            "display_list" => "const",
+            "stream" => "const",
+            "parse" => "const",
+            "tokenize" => "const",
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => "const",
+            "call_cc" => "const",
+            "is_object" => "const",
+            "is_NaN" => "const",
+            "has_own_property" => "const",
+            "alert" => "const",
+            "timed" => "const",
+          },
+          "typeAliasMap": Map {
+            "Pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "List" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "let x = {a: 1, b: 2};
+x.a = 3;",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": 3,
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 32 3`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+        "is_object" => [Function],
+        "is_NaN" => [Function],
+        "has_own_property" => [Function],
+        "alert" => [Function],
+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 41,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "end": 39,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 39,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 6,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "\\"let x = {a: 1, b: 2};\\\\nx.a = 3;\\"",
+                  "start": 6,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": "let x = {a: 1, b: 2};
+x.a = 3;",
+                },
+              ],
+              "callee": Node {
+                "end": 5,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 5,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "parse",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              "end": 40,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 40,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 41,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 41,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 41,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "has_own_property": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_NaN": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_object": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "timed": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "map": Map {
+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "has_own_property": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_NaN": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_object": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
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+          },
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+          },
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+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"let x = {a: 1, b: 2};\\\\nx.a = 3;\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+          "is_object" => [Function],
+          "is_NaN" => [Function],
+          "has_own_property" => [Function],
+          "alert" => [Function],
+          "timed" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"let x = {a: 1, b: 2};\\\\nx.a = 3;\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "sequence",
+      Array [
+        Array [
+          Array [
+            "variable_declaration",
+            Array [
+              Array [
+                "name",
+                Array [
+                  "x",
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "object_expression",
+                  Array [
+                    Array [
+                      Array [
+                        "key_value_pair",
+                        Array [
+                          Array [
+                            "property",
+                            Array [
+                              "a",
+                              null,
+                            ],
+                          ],
+                          Array [
+                            Array [
+                              "literal",
+                              Array [
+                                1,
+                                null,
+                              ],
+                            ],
+                            null,
+                          ],
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                      Array [
+                        Array [
+                          "key_value_pair",
+                          Array [
+                            Array [
+                              "property",
+                              Array [
+                                "b",
+                                null,
+                              ],
+                            ],
+                            Array [
+                              Array [
+                                "literal",
+                                Array [
+                                  2,
+                                  null,
+                                ],
+                              ],
+                              null,
+                            ],
+                          ],
+                        ],
+                        null,
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                    null,
+                  ],
+                ],
+                null,
+              ],
+            ],
+          ],
+          Array [
+            Array [
+              "object_assignment",
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "object_access",
+                  Array [
+                    Array [
+                      "name",
+                      Array [
+                        "x",
+                        null,
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                    Array [
+                      Array [
+                        "property",
+                        Array [
+                          "a",
+                          null,
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                ],
+                Array [
+                  Array [
+                    "literal",
+                    Array [
+                      3,
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+            ],
+            null,
+          ],
+        ],
+        null,
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 33 1`] = `"Line 1: Object expressions are not allowed"`;
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 33 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+        "is_object" => [Function],
+        "is_NaN" => [Function],
+        "has_own_property" => [Function],
+        "alert" => [Function],
+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+        "x",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "declarations": Array [
+              Node {
+                "end": 20,
+                "id": Node {
+                  "end": 5,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 4,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "x",
+                  "start": 4,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "init": Node {
+                  "end": 20,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 20,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
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+                      "column": 8,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
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+                    Node {
+                      "computed": false,
+                      "end": 13,
+                      "key": Node {
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+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 10,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 9,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "name": "a",
+                        "start": 9,
+                        "type": "Identifier",
+                      },
+                      "kind": "init",
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 13,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
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+                          "column": 9,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
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+                      "shorthand": false,
+                      "start": 9,
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+                      "value": Node {
+                        "end": 13,
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+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 13,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 12,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "raw": "1",
+                        "start": 12,
+                        "type": "Literal",
+                        "value": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    Node {
+                      "computed": false,
+                      "end": 19,
+                      "key": Node {
+                        "end": 16,
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+                            "column": 16,
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+                          },
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+                            "column": 15,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "name": "b",
+                        "start": 15,
+                        "type": "Identifier",
+                      },
+                      "kind": "init",
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 19,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
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+                        },
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+                      "shorthand": false,
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+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 19,
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+                          },
+                        },
+                        "raw": "2",
+                        "start": 18,
+                        "type": "Literal",
+                        "value": 2,
+                      },
+                    },
+                  ],
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+                  "type": "ObjectExpression",
+                },
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+                    "column": 20,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 4,
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+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 4,
+                "type": "VariableDeclarator",
+              },
+            ],
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+            "kind": "let",
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+                "column": 0,
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+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "typability": "NotYetTyped",
+            "type": "VariableDeclaration",
+          },
+          Node {
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+            "expression": Node {
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+                  },
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+                  "start": 22,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
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+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
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+                      "column": 2,
+                      "line": 2,
+                    },
+                  },
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+                  "start": 24,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": "a",
+                },
+                "start": 22,
+                "type": "MemberExpression",
+              },
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+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 10,
+                  "line": 2,
+                },
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+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 2,
+                },
+              },
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+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 10,
+                    "line": 2,
+                  },
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+                    "column": 9,
+                    "line": 2,
+                  },
+                },
+                "raw": "3",
+                "start": 31,
+                "type": "Literal",
+                "value": 3,
+              },
+              "start": 22,
+              "type": "AssignmentExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 11,
+                "line": 2,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 2,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 22,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 33,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 11,
+            "line": 2,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "has_own_property": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_NaN": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_object": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
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+              "value": undefined,
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+                "kind": "primitive",
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "value": undefined,
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
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+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+              },
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+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "let x = {a: 1, b: 2};
+x['a'] = 3;",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
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+              "math_cosh": [Function],
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+              "math_log2": [Function],
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+              "math_sinh": [Function],
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+              "math_tanh": [Function],
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+              "parse_int": [Function],
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+              "stringify": [Function],
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+              "timed": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+        ],
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+        "nodes": Array [],
+        "objectCount": 0,
+        "stash": null,
+        "transformers": Transformers {
+          "items": Map {},
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "value": undefined,
+      },
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+      "typeEnvironment": Array [
+        Object {
+          "declKindMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => "const",
+            "NaN" => "const",
+            "undefined" => "const",
+            "math_E" => "const",
+            "math_LN2" => "const",
+            "math_LN10" => "const",
+            "math_LOG2E" => "const",
+            "math_LOG10E" => "const",
+            "math_PI" => "const",
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => "const",
+            "math_SQRT2" => "const",
+            "is_boolean" => "const",
+            "is_number" => "const",
+            "is_string" => "const",
+            "is_undefined" => "const",
+            "is_function" => "const",
+            "math_abs" => "const",
+            "math_acos" => "const",
+            "math_acosh" => "const",
+            "math_asin" => "const",
+            "math_asinh" => "const",
+            "math_atan" => "const",
+            "math_atan2" => "const",
+            "math_atanh" => "const",
+            "math_cbrt" => "const",
+            "math_ceil" => "const",
+            "math_clz32" => "const",
+            "math_cos" => "const",
+            "math_cosh" => "const",
+            "math_exp" => "const",
+            "math_expm1" => "const",
+            "math_floor" => "const",
+            "math_fround" => "const",
+            "math_hypot" => "const",
+            "math_imul" => "const",
+            "math_log" => "const",
+            "math_log1p" => "const",
+            "math_log2" => "const",
+            "math_log10" => "const",
+            "math_max" => "const",
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+            "math_pow" => "const",
+            "math_random" => "const",
+            "math_round" => "const",
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+            "math_sin" => "const",
+            "math_sinh" => "const",
+            "math_sqrt" => "const",
+            "math_tan" => "const",
+            "math_tanh" => "const",
+            "math_trunc" => "const",
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+            "prompt" => "const",
+            "get_time" => "const",
+            "stringify" => "const",
+            "display" => "const",
+            "error" => "const",
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+            "!" => "const",
+            "&&" => "const",
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+            "<=" => "const",
+            ">" => "const",
+            ">=" => "const",
+            "+" => "const",
+            "%" => "const",
+            "-" => "const",
+            "*" => "const",
+            "/" => "const",
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+            "is_list" => "const",
+            "list" => "const",
+            "===" => "const",
+            "!==" => "const",
+            "set_head" => "const",
+            "set_tail" => "const",
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+            "stream" => "const",
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+            "call_cc" => "const",
+            "is_object" => "const",
+            "is_NaN" => "const",
+            "has_own_property" => "const",
+            "alert" => "const",
+            "timed" => "const",
+          },
+          "typeAliasMap": Map {
+            "Pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
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+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "List" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "let x = {a: 1, b: 2};
+x['a'] = 3;",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": 3,
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 33 3`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+        "is_object" => [Function],
+        "is_NaN" => [Function],
+        "has_own_property" => [Function],
+        "alert" => [Function],
+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 44,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "end": 42,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 42,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 6,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "\\"let x = {a: 1, b: 2};\\\\nx['a'] = 3;\\"",
+                  "start": 6,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": "let x = {a: 1, b: 2};
+x['a'] = 3;",
+                },
+              ],
+              "callee": Node {
+                "end": 5,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 5,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "parse",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              "end": 43,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 43,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 44,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 44,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 44,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "has_own_property": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_NaN": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_object": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
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+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"let x = {a: 1, b: 2};\\\\nx['a'] = 3;\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
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+            "error" => "const",
+            "-_1" => "const",
+            "!" => "const",
+            "&&" => "const",
+            "||" => "const",
+            "<" => "const",
+            "<=" => "const",
+            ">" => "const",
+            ">=" => "const",
+            "+" => "const",
+            "%" => "const",
+            "-" => "const",
+            "*" => "const",
+            "/" => "const",
+            "pair" => "const",
+            "head" => "const",
+            "tail" => "const",
+            "is_pair" => "const",
+            "is_null" => "const",
+            "is_list" => "const",
+            "list" => "const",
+            "===" => "const",
+            "!==" => "const",
+            "set_head" => "const",
+            "set_tail" => "const",
+            "is_array" => "const",
+            "array_length" => "const",
+            "raw_display" => "const",
+            "char_at" => "const",
+            "arity" => "const",
+            "draw_data" => "const",
+            "display_list" => "const",
+            "stream" => "const",
+            "parse" => "const",
+            "tokenize" => "const",
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => "const",
+            "call_cc" => "const",
+            "is_object" => "const",
+            "is_NaN" => "const",
+            "has_own_property" => "const",
+            "alert" => "const",
+            "timed" => "const",
+          },
+          "typeAliasMap": Map {
+            "Pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "List" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"let x = {a: 1, b: 2};\\\\nx['a'] = 3;\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "sequence",
+      Array [
+        Array [
+          Array [
+            "variable_declaration",
+            Array [
+              Array [
+                "name",
+                Array [
+                  "x",
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "object_expression",
+                  Array [
+                    Array [
+                      Array [
+                        "key_value_pair",
+                        Array [
+                          Array [
+                            "property",
+                            Array [
+                              "a",
+                              null,
+                            ],
+                          ],
+                          Array [
+                            Array [
+                              "literal",
+                              Array [
+                                1,
+                                null,
+                              ],
+                            ],
+                            null,
+                          ],
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                      Array [
+                        Array [
+                          "key_value_pair",
+                          Array [
+                            Array [
+                              "property",
+                              Array [
+                                "b",
+                                null,
+                              ],
+                            ],
+                            Array [
+                              Array [
+                                "literal",
+                                Array [
+                                  2,
+                                  null,
+                                ],
+                              ],
+                              null,
+                            ],
+                          ],
+                        ],
+                        null,
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                    null,
+                  ],
+                ],
+                null,
+              ],
+            ],
+          ],
+          Array [
+            Array [
+              "object_assignment",
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "object_access",
+                  Array [
+                    Array [
+                      "name",
+                      Array [
+                        "x",
+                        null,
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                    Array [
+                      Array [
+                        "literal",
+                        Array [
+                          "a",
+                          null,
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                ],
+                Array [
+                  Array [
+                    "literal",
+                    Array [
+                      3,
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+            ],
+            null,
+          ],
+        ],
+        null,
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 34 1`] = `"Line 1: Object expressions are not allowed"`;
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 34 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+        "is_object" => [Function],
+        "is_NaN" => [Function],
+        "has_own_property" => [Function],
+        "alert" => [Function],
+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+        "x",
+        "key",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "declarations": Array [
+              Node {
+                "end": 20,
+                "id": Node {
+                  "end": 5,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 4,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "x",
+                  "start": 4,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "init": Node {
+                  "end": 20,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 20,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 8,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "properties": Array [
+                    Node {
+                      "computed": false,
+                      "end": 13,
+                      "key": Node {
+                        "end": 10,
+                        "loc": SourceLocation {
+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 10,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 9,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "name": "a",
+                        "start": 9,
+                        "type": "Identifier",
+                      },
+                      "kind": "init",
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 13,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 9,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "method": false,
+                      "shorthand": false,
+                      "start": 9,
+                      "type": "Property",
+                      "value": Node {
+                        "end": 13,
+                        "loc": SourceLocation {
+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 13,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 12,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "raw": "1",
+                        "start": 12,
+                        "type": "Literal",
+                        "value": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    Node {
+                      "computed": false,
+                      "end": 19,
+                      "key": Node {
+                        "end": 16,
+                        "loc": SourceLocation {
+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 16,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 15,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "name": "b",
+                        "start": 15,
+                        "type": "Identifier",
+                      },
+                      "kind": "init",
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 19,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 15,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "method": false,
+                      "shorthand": false,
+                      "start": 15,
+                      "type": "Property",
+                      "value": Node {
+                        "end": 19,
+                        "loc": SourceLocation {
+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 19,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 18,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "raw": "2",
+                        "start": 18,
+                        "type": "Literal",
+                        "value": 2,
+                      },
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "start": 8,
+                  "type": "ObjectExpression",
+                },
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 20,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 4,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 4,
+                "type": "VariableDeclarator",
+              },
+            ],
+            "end": 21,
+            "kind": "let",
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 21,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "typability": "NotYetTyped",
+            "type": "VariableDeclaration",
+          },
+          Node {
+            "declarations": Array [
+              Node {
+                "end": 37,
+                "id": Node {
+                  "end": 31,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 9,
+                      "line": 2,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 6,
+                      "line": 2,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "key",
+                  "start": 28,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "init": Node {
+                  "end": 37,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 15,
+                      "line": 2,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 12,
+                      "line": 2,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "'a'",
+                  "start": 34,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": "a",
+                },
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 15,
+                    "line": 2,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 6,
+                    "line": 2,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 28,
+                "type": "VariableDeclarator",
+              },
+            ],
+            "end": 38,
+            "kind": "const",
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 16,
+                "line": 2,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 2,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 22,
+            "typability": "NotYetTyped",
+            "type": "VariableDeclaration",
+          },
+          Node {
+            "end": 50,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "end": 49,
+              "left": Node {
+                "computed": true,
+                "end": 45,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 6,
+                    "line": 3,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
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+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "let x = {a: 1, b: 2};
+const key = 'a';
+x[key] = 3;",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+          "is_object" => [Function],
+          "is_NaN" => [Function],
+          "has_own_property" => [Function],
+          "alert" => [Function],
+          "timed" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+          "x",
+          "key",
+        },
+      },
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+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
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+                    "type": "Identifier",
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+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
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+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
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+                "set_tail": [Function],
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+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "timed": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            },
+            "parent": null,
+          },
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+            Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
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+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
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+                "char_at": [Function],
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+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
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+                "is_boolean": [Function],
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+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
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+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
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+                },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
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+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
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+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "let x = {a: 1, b: 2};
+const key = 'a';
+x[key] = 3;",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": 3,
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 34 3`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
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+x[key] = 3;",
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+              "elementType": Object {
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+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "list",
+              "typeAsPair": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "Stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "Stream",
+                  "typeArgs": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+        },
+        "typeMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"let x = {a: 1, b: 2};\\\\nconst key = 'a';\\\\nx[key] = 3;\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+          "is_object" => [Function],
+          "is_NaN" => [Function],
+          "has_own_property" => [Function],
+          "alert" => [Function],
+          "timed" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 62,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 60,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 60,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
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+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "\\"let x = {a: 1, b: 2};\\\\nconst key = 'a';\\\\nx[key] = 3;\\"",
+                    "start": 6,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": "let x = {a: 1, b: 2};
+const key = 'a';
+x[key] = 3;",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "callee": Node {
+                  "end": 5,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "parse",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
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+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 61,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "CallExpression",
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 62,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
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+            "end": Position {
+              "column": 62,
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+              "line": 1,
+            },
+          },
+          "sourceType": "module",
+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "alert": [Function],
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "has_own_property": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_NaN": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_object": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
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+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
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+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
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+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
+                "math_fround": [Function],
+                "math_hypot": [Function],
+                "math_imul": [Function],
+                "math_log": [Function],
+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
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+                "math_random": [Function],
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+                "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
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+                "parse": [Function],
+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
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+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "timed": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            },
+            "parent": null,
+          },
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+            Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "alert": [Function],
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
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+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
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+                "is_pair": [Function],
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+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                "math_ceil": [Function],
+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
+                "math_fround": [Function],
+                "math_hypot": [Function],
+                "math_imul": [Function],
+                "math_log": [Function],
+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
+                "math_max": [Function],
+                "math_min": [Function],
+                "math_pow": [Function],
+                "math_random": [Function],
+                "math_round": [Function],
+                "math_sign": [Function],
+                "math_sin": [Function],
+                "math_sinh": [Function],
+                "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
+                "math_trunc": [Function],
+                "pair": [Function],
+                "parse": [Function],
+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
+                "raw_display": [Function],
+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "timed": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            } => EnvTreeNode {
+              "_children": Array [],
+              "environment": Object {
+                "head": Object {
+                  "Infinity": Infinity,
+                  "NaN": NaN,
+                  "alert": [Function],
+                  "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                  "arity": [Function],
+                  "array_length": [Function],
+                  "call_cc": [Function],
+                  "char_at": [Function],
+                  "display": [Function],
+                  "display_list": [Function],
+                  "draw_data": [Function],
+                  "error": [Function],
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+                  "has_own_property": [Function],
+                  "head": [Function],
+                  "is_NaN": [Function],
+                  "is_array": [Function],
+                  "is_boolean": [Function],
+                  "is_function": [Function],
+                  "is_list": [Function],
+                  "is_null": [Function],
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+                  "is_object": [Function],
+                  "is_pair": [Function],
+                  "is_string": [Function],
+                  "is_undefined": [Function],
+                  "list": [Function],
+                  "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                  "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                  "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                  "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                  "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                  "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                  "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                  "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                  "math_abs": [Function],
+                  "math_acos": [Function],
+                  "math_acosh": [Function],
+                  "math_asin": [Function],
+                  "math_asinh": [Function],
+                  "math_atan": [Function],
+                  "math_atan2": [Function],
+                  "math_atanh": [Function],
+                  "math_cbrt": [Function],
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+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
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+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
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+              ],
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+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
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+                    "constraint": "none",
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+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
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+                    "name": "Stream",
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+                      Object {
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+                        "kind": "variable",
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+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
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+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
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+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
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+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
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+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
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+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"let x = {a: 1, b: 2};\\\\nconst key = 'a';\\\\nx[key] = 3;\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "sequence",
+      Array [
+        Array [
+          Array [
+            "variable_declaration",
+            Array [
+              Array [
+                "name",
+                Array [
+                  "x",
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "object_expression",
+                  Array [
+                    Array [
+                      Array [
+                        "key_value_pair",
+                        Array [
+                          Array [
+                            "property",
+                            Array [
+                              "a",
+                              null,
+                            ],
+                          ],
+                          Array [
+                            Array [
+                              "literal",
+                              Array [
+                                1,
+                                null,
+                              ],
+                            ],
+                            null,
+                          ],
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                      Array [
+                        Array [
+                          "key_value_pair",
+                          Array [
+                            Array [
+                              "property",
+                              Array [
+                                "b",
+                                null,
+                              ],
+                            ],
+                            Array [
+                              Array [
+                                "literal",
+                                Array [
+                                  2,
+                                  null,
+                                ],
+                              null,
+                          ],
+                        ],
+                        null,
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                    null,
+                  ],
+                ],
+                null,
+              ],
+            ],
+          ],
+          Array [
+            Array [
+              "constant_declaration",
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "name",
+                  Array [
+                    "key",
+                    null,
+                  ],
+                ],
+                Array [
+                  Array [
+                    "literal",
+                    Array [
+                      "a",
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
+            ],
+            Array [
+              Array [
+                "object_assignment",
+                Array [
+                  Array [
+                    "object_access",
+                    Array [
+                      Array [
+                        "name",
+                        Array [
+                          "x",
+                          null,
+                        ],
+                      ],
+                      Array [
+                        Array [
+                          "name",
+                          Array [
+                            "key",
-                    null,
+                  Array [
+                    Array [
+                      "literal",
+                      Array [
+                        3,
+                        null,
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                    null,
+                  ],
+                ],
+              ],
+              null,
+            ],
+          ],
+        ],
+        null,
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 35 1`] = `"Line 1: Import default specifiers are not allowed"`;
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 35 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+        "is_object" => [Function],
+        "is_NaN" => [Function],
+        "has_own_property" => [Function],
+        "alert" => [Function],
+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
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+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"import defaultExport from \\\\\\"one_module\\\\\\";\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+          "is_object" => [Function],
+          "is_NaN" => [Function],
+          "has_own_property" => [Function],
+          "alert" => [Function],
+          "timed" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
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+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 49,
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+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 6,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "\\"import defaultExport from \\\\\\"one_module\\\\\\";\\"",
+                    "start": 6,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": "import defaultExport from \\"one_module\\";",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "callee": Node {
+                  "end": 5,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "parse",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
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+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 50,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "CallExpression",
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 51,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
+          ],
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+            "end": Position {
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+            },
+          },
+          "sourceType": "module",
+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "alert": [Function],
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
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+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
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+                "is_list": [Function],
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+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+                "math_acosh": [Function],
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+                "math_asinh": [Function],
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+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
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+                "math_cosh": [Function],
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+                "math_expm1": [Function],
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+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
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+                "math_tanh": [Function],
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+                "set_tail": [Function],
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+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "timed": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
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+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            },
+            "parent": null,
+          },
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+            Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
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+                "char_at": [Function],
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+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
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+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
+                "math_fround": [Function],
+                "math_hypot": [Function],
+                "math_imul": [Function],
+                "math_log": [Function],
+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
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+                "math_sinh": [Function],
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+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
+                "math_trunc": [Function],
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+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
+                "raw_display": [Function],
+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "timed": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            } => EnvTreeNode {
+              "_children": Array [],
+              "environment": Object {
+                "head": Object {
+                  "Infinity": Infinity,
+                  "NaN": NaN,
+                  "alert": [Function],
+                  "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                  "arity": [Function],
+                  "array_length": [Function],
+                  "call_cc": [Function],
+                  "char_at": [Function],
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+                  "display_list": [Function],
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+                  "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
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+                  "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                  "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                  "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                  "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+                  "math_acos": [Function],
+                  "math_acosh": [Function],
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+                  "math_asinh": [Function],
+                  "math_atan": [Function],
+                  "math_atan2": [Function],
+                  "math_atanh": [Function],
+                  "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                  "math_ceil": [Function],
+                  "math_clz32": [Function],
+                  "math_cos": [Function],
+                  "math_cosh": [Function],
+                  "math_exp": [Function],
+                  "math_expm1": [Function],
+                  "math_floor": [Function],
+                  "math_fround": [Function],
+                  "math_hypot": [Function],
+                  "math_imul": [Function],
+                  "math_log": [Function],
+                  "math_log10": [Function],
+                  "math_log1p": [Function],
+                  "math_log2": [Function],
+                  "math_max": [Function],
+                  "math_min": [Function],
+                  "math_pow": [Function],
+                  "math_random": [Function],
+                  "math_round": [Function],
+                  "math_sign": [Function],
+                  "math_sin": [Function],
+                  "math_sinh": [Function],
+                  "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                  "math_tan": [Function],
+                  "math_tanh": [Function],
+                  "math_trunc": [Function],
+                  "pair": [Function],
+                  "parse": [Function],
+                  "parse_int": [Function],
+                  "prompt": [Function],
+                  "raw_display": [Function],
+                  "set_head": [Function],
+                  "set_tail": [Function],
+                  "stream": [Function],
+                  "stringify": [Function],
+                  "tail": [Function],
+                  "timed": [Function],
+                  "tokenize": [Function],
+                  "undefined": undefined,
+                },
+                "heap": Heap {
+                  "storage": null,
+                },
+                "id": "-1",
+                "name": "global",
+                "tail": null,
+              },
+              "parent": null,
+            },
+          },
+        },
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+          Object {
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+            "math_LOG10E" => "const",
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+            "has_own_property" => "const",
+            "alert" => "const",
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+            "Pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
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+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
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+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
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+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
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+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
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+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
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+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
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+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
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+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"import defaultExport from \\\\\\"one_module\\\\\\";\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "import_declaration",
+      Array [
+        Array [
+          Array [
+            "default",
+            null,
+          ],
+          null,
+        ],
+        Array [
+          "one_module",
+          null,
+        ],
+      ],
+    ],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 35 3`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {
+      "one_module": Object {
+        "state": null,
+        "tabs": Array [],
+      },
+    },
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+        "is_object" => [Function],
+        "is_NaN" => [Function],
+        "has_own_property" => [Function],
+        "alert" => [Function],
+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {
+        "one_module": Object {
+          "bar": [Function],
+          "default": [Function],
+          "foo": [Function],
+        },
+      },
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+        "defaultExport",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Object {
+            "loc": undefined,
+            "source": Object {
+              "loc": undefined,
+              "type": "Literal",
+              "value": "one_module",
+            },
+            "specifiers": Array [
+              Object {
+                "loc": undefined,
+                "local": Object {
+                  "loc": undefined,
+                  "name": "defaultExport",
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "type": "ImportDefaultSpecifier",
+              },
+            ],
+            "type": "ImportDeclaration",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 39,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 39,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "has_own_property": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_NaN": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "import defaultExport from \\"one_module\\";",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {
+        "one_module": Object {
+          "state": null,
+          "tabs": Array [],
+        },
+      },
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+          "is_object" => [Function],
+          "is_NaN" => [Function],
+          "has_own_property" => [Function],
+          "alert" => [Function],
+          "timed" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {
+          "one_module": Object {
+            "bar": [Function],
+            "default": [Function],
+            "foo": [Function],
+          },
+        },
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+          "defaultExport",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Object {
+              "loc": undefined,
+              "source": Object {
+                "loc": undefined,
+                "type": "Literal",
+                "value": "one_module",
+              },
+              "specifiers": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "loc": undefined,
+                  "local": Object {
+                    "loc": undefined,
+                    "name": "defaultExport",
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
+                  "type": "ImportDefaultSpecifier",
+                },
+              ],
+              "type": "ImportDeclaration",
+            },
+          ],
+          "end": 39,
+          "loc": SourceLocation {
+            "end": Position {
+              "column": 39,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+            "start": Position {
+              "column": 0,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+          },
+          "sourceType": "module",
+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
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+              "head": Object {
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+              },
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+                "storage": null,
+              },
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+              "name": "global",
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+            },
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+          },
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+              },
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+                },
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+              },
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+            },
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+        },
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+            "math_tan" => "const",
+            "math_tanh" => "const",
+            "math_trunc" => "const",
+            "parse_int" => "const",
+            "prompt" => "const",
+            "get_time" => "const",
+            "stringify" => "const",
+            "display" => "const",
+            "error" => "const",
+            "-_1" => "const",
+            "!" => "const",
+            "&&" => "const",
+            "||" => "const",
+            "<" => "const",
+            "<=" => "const",
+            ">" => "const",
+            ">=" => "const",
+            "+" => "const",
+            "%" => "const",
+            "-" => "const",
+            "*" => "const",
+            "/" => "const",
+            "pair" => "const",
+            "head" => "const",
+            "tail" => "const",
+            "is_pair" => "const",
+            "is_null" => "const",
+            "is_list" => "const",
+            "list" => "const",
+            "===" => "const",
+            "!==" => "const",
+            "set_head" => "const",
+            "set_tail" => "const",
+            "is_array" => "const",
+            "array_length" => "const",
+            "raw_display" => "const",
+            "char_at" => "const",
+            "arity" => "const",
+            "draw_data" => "const",
+            "display_list" => "const",
+            "stream" => "const",
+            "parse" => "const",
+            "tokenize" => "const",
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => "const",
+            "call_cc" => "const",
+            "is_object" => "const",
+            "is_NaN" => "const",
+            "has_own_property" => "const",
+            "alert" => "const",
+            "timed" => "const",
+          },
+          "typeAliasMap": Map {
+            "Pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "List" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "import defaultExport from \\"one_module\\";",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": undefined,
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 36 1`] = `"Line 1: Export default declarations are not allowed"`;
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 36 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+        "is_object" => [Function],
+        "is_NaN" => [Function],
+        "has_own_property" => [Function],
+        "alert" => [Function],
+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+        "f",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "body": Node {
+              "body": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "argument": Node {
+                    "end": 41,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 10,
+                        "line": 2,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 9,
+                        "line": 2,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "x",
+                    "start": 40,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
+                  "end": 42,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 11,
+                      "line": 2,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 2,
+                      "line": 2,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "start": 33,
+                  "type": "ReturnStatement",
+                },
+              ],
+              "end": 44,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 1,
+                  "line": 3,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 29,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 29,
+              "type": "BlockStatement",
+            },
+            "end": 44,
+            "expression": false,
+            "generator": false,
+            "id": Node {
+              "end": 25,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 25,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 24,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "name": "f",
+              "start": 24,
+              "type": "Identifier",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 1,
+                "line": 3,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 15,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "params": Array [
+              Node {
+                "end": 27,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 27,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 26,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "x",
+                "start": 26,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+            ],
+            "start": 15,
+            "typability": "NotYetTyped",
+            "type": "FunctionDeclaration",
+          },
+          Node {
+            "end": 50,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
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+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 3,
+                      "line": 4,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 2,
+                      "line": 4,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "5",
+                  "start": 47,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 5,
+                },
+              ],
+              "callee": Node {
+                "end": 46,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 1,
+                    "line": 4,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 4,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "f",
+                "start": 45,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              "end": 49,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 4,
+                  "line": 4,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 4,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 45,
+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 5,
+                "line": 4,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 4,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 45,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 50,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 5,
+            "line": 4,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "has_own_property": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_NaN": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_object": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "timed": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "map": Map {
+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "value": undefined,
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+              "value": undefined,
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "value": undefined,
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+                "value": undefined,
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+              "kind": "primitive",
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+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
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+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "export default function f(x) {
+  return x;
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
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+            "math_expm1" => "const",
+            "math_floor" => "const",
+            "math_fround" => "const",
+            "math_hypot" => "const",
+            "math_imul" => "const",
+            "math_log" => "const",
+            "math_log1p" => "const",
+            "math_log2" => "const",
+            "math_log10" => "const",
+            "math_max" => "const",
+            "math_min" => "const",
+            "math_pow" => "const",
+            "math_random" => "const",
+            "math_round" => "const",
+            "math_sign" => "const",
+            "math_sin" => "const",
+            "math_sinh" => "const",
+            "math_sqrt" => "const",
+            "math_tan" => "const",
+            "math_tanh" => "const",
+            "math_trunc" => "const",
+            "parse_int" => "const",
+            "prompt" => "const",
+            "get_time" => "const",
+            "stringify" => "const",
+            "display" => "const",
+            "error" => "const",
+            "-_1" => "const",
+            "!" => "const",
+            "&&" => "const",
+            "||" => "const",
+            "<" => "const",
+            "<=" => "const",
+            ">" => "const",
+            ">=" => "const",
+            "+" => "const",
+            "%" => "const",
+            "-" => "const",
+            "*" => "const",
+            "/" => "const",
+            "pair" => "const",
+            "head" => "const",
+            "tail" => "const",
+            "is_pair" => "const",
+            "is_null" => "const",
+            "is_list" => "const",
+            "list" => "const",
+            "===" => "const",
+            "!==" => "const",
+            "set_head" => "const",
+            "set_tail" => "const",
+            "is_array" => "const",
+            "array_length" => "const",
+            "raw_display" => "const",
+            "char_at" => "const",
+            "arity" => "const",
+            "draw_data" => "const",
+            "display_list" => "const",
+            "stream" => "const",
+            "parse" => "const",
+            "tokenize" => "const",
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => "const",
+            "call_cc" => "const",
+            "is_object" => "const",
+            "is_NaN" => "const",
+            "has_own_property" => "const",
+            "alert" => "const",
+            "timed" => "const",
+          },
+          "typeAliasMap": Map {
+            "Pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
-              Array [
-                Array [
-                  Array [
-                    "literal",
-                    Array [
-                      1,
-                      null,
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                  Array [
-                    Array [
-                      "literal",
-                      Array [
-                        2,
-                        null,
-                      ],
+            },
+            "List" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
-                    null,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
-                null,
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
-            ],
-          ],
-          null,
-        ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
-      null,
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "export default function f(x) {
+  return x;
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 1: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function name(a, b) {
-  const sum = a + b;
-  if (sum > 1) {
-    return sum;
-  } else {
-    if (a % 2 === 0) {
-      return -1;
-    } else if (b % 2 === 0) {
-      return 1;
-    } else {
-      return a > b ? 0 : -2;
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
-  }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
-name(1, 2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 3,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 2: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"(() => true)();\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "application",
-    Array [
-      Array [
-        "lambda_expression",
-        Array [
-          null,
-          Array [
-            Array [
-              "return_statement",
-              Array [
-                Array [
-                  "literal",
-                  Array [
-                    true,
-                    null,
-                  ],
-                ],
-                null,
-              ],
-            ],
-            null,
-          ],
-        ],
-      ],
-      Array [
-        null,
-        null,
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": 5,
+  },
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 2: passes 1`] = `
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 36 3`] = `
 Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "(() => true)();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+        "is_object" => [Function],
+        "is_NaN" => [Function],
+        "has_own_property" => [Function],
+        "alert" => [Function],
+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 63,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "end": 61,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 61,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 6,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "\\"export default function f(x) {\\\\n  return x;\\\\n}\\\\nf(5);\\"",
+                  "start": 6,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": "export default function f(x) {
+  return x;
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 3: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"((x, y) => { return x + y; })(1, 2);\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "application",
-    Array [
-      Array [
-        "lambda_expression",
-        Array [
-          Array [
-            Array [
-              "name",
-              Array [
-                "x",
-                null,
+                },
+              "callee": Node {
+                "end": 5,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 5,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "parse",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              "end": 62,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 62,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 63,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 63,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 63,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "has_own_property": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_NaN": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_object": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
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+              },
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
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+              "name": "number",
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+              },
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
-            null,
-          ],
-        ],
-      ],
-      Array [
-        Array [
-          Array [
-            "literal",
-            Array [
-              1,
-              null,
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
-          ],
-          Array [
-            Array [
-              "literal",
-              Array [
-                2,
-                null,
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
-            null,
-          ],
-        ],
-        null,
-      ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"export default function f(x) {\\\\n  return x;\\\\n}\\\\nf(5);\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 3: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "((x, y) => { return x + y; })(1, 2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 3,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 4: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"true;\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "literal",
-    Array [
-      true,
-      null,
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 4: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "true;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 5: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"false;\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "literal",
-    Array [
-      false,
-      null,
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 5: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "false;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 6: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"'a string \\\\\\"\\\\\\" \\\\\\\\'\\\\\\\\'';\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "literal",
-    Array [
-      "a string \\"\\" ''",
-      null,
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 6: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "'a string \\"\\" \\\\'\\\\'';",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "a string \\"\\" ''",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 7: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"31.4 + (-3.14e10) * -1 % 2 / 1.5;\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "binary_operator_combination",
-    Array [
-      "+",
-      Array [
-        Array [
-          "literal",
-          Array [
-            31.4,
-            null,
-          ],
-        ],
-        Array [
-          Array [
-            "binary_operator_combination",
-            Array [
-              "/",
-              Array [
-                Array [
-                  "binary_operator_combination",
-                  Array [
-                    "%",
-                    Array [
-                      Array [
-                        "binary_operator_combination",
-                        Array [
-                          "*",
-                          Array [
-                            Array [
-                              "unary_operator_combination",
-                              Array [
-                                "-unary",
-                                Array [
-                                  Array [
-                                    "literal",
-                                    Array [
-                                      31400000000,
-                                      null,
-                                    ],
-                                  ],
-                                  null,
-                                ],
-                              ],
-                            ],
-                            Array [
-                              Array [
-                                "unary_operator_combination",
-                                Array [
-                                  "-unary",
-                                  Array [
-                                    Array [
-                                      "literal",
-                                      Array [
-                                        1,
-                                        null,
-                                      ],
-                                    ],
-                                    null,
-                                  ],
-                                ],
-                              ],
-                              null,
-                            ],
-                          ],
-                        ],
-                      ],
-                      Array [
-                        Array [
-                          "literal",
-                          Array [
-                            2,
-                            null,
-                          ],
-                        ],
-                        null,
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                ],
-                Array [
-                  Array [
-                    "literal",
-                    Array [
-                      1.5,
-                      null,
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                  null,
-                ],
-              ],
-            ],
-          ],
-          null,
-        ],
-      ],
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 7: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "31.4 + (-3.14e10) * -1 % 2 / 1.5;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 31.4,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 8: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"1 === 1 && 1 < 2 && 1 <= 2 && 2 >= 1 && 2 > 1 || false;\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "logical_composition",
-    Array [
-      "||",
-      Array [
-        Array [
-          "logical_composition",
-          Array [
-            "&&",
-            Array [
-              Array [
-                "logical_composition",
-                Array [
-                  "&&",
-                  Array [
-                    Array [
-                      "logical_composition",
-                      Array [
-                        "&&",
-                        Array [
-                          Array [
-                            "logical_composition",
-                            Array [
-                              "&&",
-                              Array [
-                                Array [
-                                  "binary_operator_combination",
-                                  Array [
-                                    "===",
-                                    Array [
-                                      Array [
-                                        "literal",
-                                        Array [
-                                          1,
-                                          null,
-                                        ],
-                                      ],
-                                      Array [
-                                        Array [
-                                          "literal",
-                                          Array [
-                                            1,
-                                            null,
-                                          ],
-                                        ],
-                                        null,
-                                      ],
-                                    ],
-                                  ],
-                                ],
-                                Array [
-                                  Array [
-                                    "binary_operator_combination",
-                                    Array [
-                                      "<",
-                                      Array [
-                                        Array [
-                                          "literal",
-                                          Array [
-                                            1,
-                                            null,
-                                          ],
-                                        ],
-                                        Array [
-                                          Array [
-                                            "literal",
-                                            Array [
-                                              2,
-                                              null,
-                                            ],
-                                          ],
-                                          null,
-                                        ],
-                                      ],
-                                    ],
-                                  ],
-                                  null,
-                                ],
-                              ],
-                            ],
-                          ],
-                          Array [
-                            Array [
-                              "binary_operator_combination",
-                              Array [
-                                "<=",
-                                Array [
-                                  Array [
-                                    "literal",
-                                    Array [
-                                      1,
-                                      null,
-                                    ],
-                                  ],
-                                  Array [
-                                    Array [
-                                      "literal",
-                                      Array [
-                                        2,
-                                        null,
-                                      ],
-                                    ],
-                                    null,
-                                  ],
-                                ],
-                              ],
-                            ],
-                            null,
-                          ],
-                        ],
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                    Array [
-                      Array [
-                        "binary_operator_combination",
-                        Array [
-                          ">=",
-                          Array [
-                            Array [
-                              "literal",
-                              Array [
-                                2,
-                                null,
-                              ],
-                            ],
-                            Array [
-                              Array [
-                                "literal",
-                                Array [
-                                  1,
-                                  null,
-                                ],
-                              ],
-                              null,
-                            ],
-                          ],
-                        ],
-                      ],
-                      null,
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+          "is_object" => [Function],
+          "is_NaN" => [Function],
+          "has_own_property" => [Function],
+          "alert" => [Function],
+          "timed" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 63,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 61,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 61,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 6,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "\\"export default function f(x) {\\\\n  return x;\\\\n}\\\\nf(5);\\"",
+                    "start": 6,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": "export default function f(x) {
+  return x;
+                  },
+                ],
+                "callee": Node {
+                  "end": 5,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "parse",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "end": 62,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 62,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "CallExpression",
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 63,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
+          ],
+          "end": 63,
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+            "end": Position {
+              "column": 63,
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+            },
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+              "line": 1,
+            },
+          },
+          "sourceType": "module",
+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "alert": [Function],
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "has_own_property": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_NaN": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_object": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                "math_ceil": [Function],
+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
+                "math_fround": [Function],
+                "math_hypot": [Function],
+                "math_imul": [Function],
+                "math_log": [Function],
+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
+                "math_max": [Function],
+                "math_min": [Function],
+                "math_pow": [Function],
+                "math_random": [Function],
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+                "math_sin": [Function],
+                "math_sinh": [Function],
+                "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
+                "math_trunc": [Function],
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+                "parse": [Function],
+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
+                "raw_display": [Function],
+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "timed": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            },
+            "parent": null,
+          },
+          "map": Map {
+            Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "alert": [Function],
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "has_own_property": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_NaN": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_object": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                "math_ceil": [Function],
+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
+                "math_fround": [Function],
+                "math_hypot": [Function],
+                "math_imul": [Function],
+                "math_log": [Function],
+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
+                "math_max": [Function],
+                "math_min": [Function],
+                "math_pow": [Function],
+                "math_random": [Function],
+                "math_round": [Function],
+                "math_sign": [Function],
+                "math_sin": [Function],
+                "math_sinh": [Function],
+                "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
+                "math_trunc": [Function],
+                "pair": [Function],
+                "parse": [Function],
+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
+                "raw_display": [Function],
+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "timed": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            } => EnvTreeNode {
+              "_children": Array [],
+              "environment": Object {
+                "head": Object {
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+            "undefined" => Object {
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+              "kind": "primitive",
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+            },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
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+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
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+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
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+            },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
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+              "kind": "primitive",
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+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
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+                Object {
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+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
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+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
-              Array [
-                Array [
-                  "binary_operator_combination",
-                  Array [
-                    ">",
-                    Array [
-                      Array [
-                        "literal",
-                        Array [
-                          2,
-                          null,
-                        ],
-                      ],
-                      Array [
-                        Array [
-                          "literal",
-                          Array [
-                            1,
-                            null,
-                          ],
-                        ],
-                        null,
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                  ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
-                null,
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
-            ],
-          ],
-        ],
-        Array [
-          Array [
-            "literal",
-            Array [
-              false,
-              null,
-            ],
-          ],
-          null,
-        ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"export default function f(x) {\\\\n  return x;\\\\n}\\\\nf(5);\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 8: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "1 === 1 && 1 < 2 && 1 <= 2 && 2 >= 1 && 2 > 1 || false;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 9: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"true ? 1 : 2;\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "conditional_expression",
-    Array [
-      Array [
-        "literal",
-        Array [
-          true,
-          null,
-        ],
-      ],
-      Array [
-        Array [
-          "literal",
-          Array [
-            1,
-            null,
-          ],
-        ],
-        Array [
-          Array [
-            "literal",
-            Array [
-              2,
-              null,
-            ],
-          ],
-          null,
-        ],
-      ],
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 9: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "true ? 1 : 2;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 10: fails a chapter below 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "null;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: null literals are not allowed.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 10: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"null;\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "literal",
-    Array [
-      null,
-      null,
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 10: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "null;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": null,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 11: fails a chapter below 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "pair(1, null);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: null literals are not allowed.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 11: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"pair(1, null);\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "application",
-    Array [
-      Array [
-        "name",
-        Array [
-          "pair",
-          null,
-        ],
-      ],
-      Array [
-        Array [
-          Array [
-            "literal",
-            Array [
-              1,
-              null,
-            ],
-          ],
-          Array [
-            Array [
-              "literal",
-              Array [
-                null,
-                null,
-              ],
-            ],
-            null,
-          ],
-        ],
-        null,
-      ],
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 11: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "pair(1, null);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    1,
-    null,
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 12: fails a chapter below 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "list(1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Name list not declared.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 12: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"list(1);\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "application",
-    Array [
-      Array [
-        "name",
-        Array [
-          "list",
-          null,
-        ],
-      ],
-      Array [
-        Array [
-          Array [
-            "literal",
-            Array [
-              1,
-              null,
-            ],
-          ],
-          null,
-        ],
-        null,
-      ],
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 12: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "list(1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    1,
-    null,
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 13: fails a chapter below 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "export function f(x) {
-  return x;
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Export named declarations are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 13: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"export function f(x) {\\\\n  return x;\\\\n}\\\\nf(5);\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "sequence",
-    Array [
-      Array [
-        Array [
-          "export_named_declaration",
-          Array [
-            Array [
-              "function_declaration",
-              Array [
-                Array [
-                  "name",
-                  Array [
-                    "f",
-                    null,
-                  ],
-                ],
-                Array [
-                  Array [
-                    Array [
-                      "name",
-                      Array [
-                        "x",
-                        null,
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                    null,
-                  ],
-                  Array [
-                    Array [
-                      "return_statement",
-                      Array [
-                        Array [
-                          "name",
-                          Array [
-                            "x",
-                            null,
-                          ],
-                        ],
-                        null,
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                    null,
-                  ],
-                ],
-              ],
-            ],
-            null,
-          ],
-        ],
-        Array [
-          Array [
-            "application",
-            Array [
-              Array [
-                "name",
-                Array [
-                  "f",
-                  null,
-                ],
-              ],
-              Array [
-                Array [
-                  Array [
-                    "literal",
-                    Array [
-                      5,
-                      null,
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                  null,
-                ],
-                null,
-              ],
-            ],
-          ],
-          null,
-        ],
-      ],
-      null,
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 13: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "export function f(x) {
-  return x;
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 5,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 14: fails a chapter below 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "export const x = 1;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Export named declarations are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 14: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"export const x = 1;\\\\nx;\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "sequence",
-    Array [
-      Array [
-        Array [
-          "export_named_declaration",
-          Array [
-            Array [
-              "constant_declaration",
-              Array [
-                Array [
-                  "name",
-                  Array [
-                    "x",
-                    null,
-                  ],
-                ],
-                Array [
-                  Array [
-                    "literal",
-                    Array [
-                      1,
-                      null,
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                  null,
-                ],
-              ],
-            ],
-            null,
-          ],
-        ],
-        Array [
-          Array [
-            "name",
-            Array [
-              "x",
-              null,
-            ],
-          ],
-          null,
-        ],
-      ],
-      null,
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 14: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "export const x = 1;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 15: fails a chapter below 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let i = 1;
-while (i < 5) {
-  i = i + 1;
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 3,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Mutable variable declaration using keyword 'let' is not allowed.
-Line 3: Assignment expressions are not allowed
-Line 2: While statements are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 15: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"let i = 1;\\\\nwhile (i < 5) {\\\\n  i = i + 1;\\\\n}\\\\ni;\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "sequence",
-    Array [
-      Array [
-        Array [
-          "variable_declaration",
-          Array [
-            Array [
-              "name",
-              Array [
-                "i",
-                null,
-              ],
-            ],
-            Array [
-              Array [
-                "literal",
-                Array [
-                  1,
-                  null,
-                ],
-              ],
-              null,
-            ],
-          ],
-        ],
-        Array [
-          Array [
-            "while_loop",
-            Array [
-              Array [
-                "binary_operator_combination",
-                Array [
-                  "<",
-                  Array [
-                    Array [
-                      "name",
-                      Array [
-                        "i",
-                        null,
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                    Array [
-                      Array [
-                        "literal",
-                        Array [
-                          5,
-                          null,
-                        ],
-                      ],
-                      null,
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                ],
-              ],
-              Array [
-                Array [
-                  "assignment",
-                  Array [
-                    Array [
-                      "name",
-                      Array [
-                        "i",
-                        null,
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                    Array [
-                      Array [
-                        "binary_operator_combination",
-                        Array [
-                          "+",
-                          Array [
-                            Array [
-                              "name",
-                              Array [
-                                "i",
-                                null,
-                              ],
-                            ],
-                            Array [
-                              Array [
-                                "literal",
-                                Array [
-                                  1,
-                                  null,
-                                ],
-                              ],
-                              null,
-                            ],
-                          ],
-                        ],
-                      ],
-                      null,
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                ],
-                null,
-              ],
-            ],
-          ],
-          Array [
-            Array [
-              "name",
-              Array [
-                "i",
-                null,
-              ],
-            ],
-            null,
-          ],
-        ],
-      ],
-      null,
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 15: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let i = 1;
-while (i < 5) {
-  i = i + 1;
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 5,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 16: fails a chapter below 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let i = 1;
-for (i = 1; i < 5; i = i + 1) {
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 4,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Mutable variable declaration using keyword 'let' is not allowed.
-Line 2: Assignment expressions are not allowed
-Line 2: Assignment expressions are not allowed
-Line 2: For statements are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 16: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"let i = 1;\\\\nfor (i = 1; i < 5; i = i + 1) {\\\\n}\\\\ni;\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "sequence",
-    Array [
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "sequence",
       Array [
-        Array [
-          "variable_declaration",
-          Array [
-            Array [
-              "name",
-              Array [
-                "i",
-                null,
-              ],
-            ],
-            Array [
-              Array [
-                "literal",
-                Array [
-                  1,
-                  null,
-                ],
-              ],
-              null,
-            ],
-          ],
-        ],
         Array [
           Array [
-            "for_loop",
+            "export_default_declaration",
             Array [
               Array [
-                "assignment",
+                "function_declaration",
                 Array [
                   Array [
                     Array [
-                      "i",
+                      "f",
                   Array [
-                    Array [
-                      "literal",
-                      Array [
-                        1,
-                        null,
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                    null,
-                  ],
-                ],
-              ],
-              Array [
-                Array [
-                  "binary_operator_combination",
-                  Array [
-                    "<",
                     Array [
                       Array [
                         Array [
-                          "i",
+                          "x",
-                      Array [
-                        Array [
-                          "literal",
-                          Array [
-                            5,
-                            null,
-                          ],
-                        ],
-                        null,
-                      ],
+                      null,
-                  ],
-                ],
-                Array [
-                  Array [
-                    "assignment",
                     Array [
                       Array [
-                        "name",
-                        Array [
-                          "i",
-                          null,
-                        ],
-                      ],
-                      Array [
+                        "return_statement",
                         Array [
-                          "binary_operator_combination",
                           Array [
-                            "+",
+                            "name",
                             Array [
-                              Array [
-                                "name",
-                                Array [
-                                  "i",
-                                  null,
-                                ],
-                              ],
-                              Array [
-                                Array [
-                                  "literal",
-                                  Array [
-                                    1,
-                                    null,
-                                  ],
-                                ],
-                                null,
-                              ],
+                              "x",
+                              null,
+                          null,
-                        null,
+                      null,
+                ],
+              ],
+              null,
+            ],
+          ],
+          Array [
+            Array [
+              "application",
+              Array [
+                Array [
+                  "name",
+                  Array [
+                    "f",
+                    null,
+                  ],
+                ],
+                Array [
                   Array [
                     Array [
-                      "sequence",
+                      "literal",
                       Array [
-                        null,
+                        5,
+                  null,
-          ],
-          Array [
-            Array [
-              "name",
-              Array [
-                "i",
-                null,
-              ],
-            ],
+        null,
-      null,
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 37 1`] = `"Line 2: Export default declarations are not allowed"`;
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 37 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+        "is_object" => [Function],
+        "is_NaN" => [Function],
+        "has_own_property" => [Function],
+        "alert" => [Function],
+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+        "x",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "declarations": Array [
+              Node {
+                "end": 11,
+                "id": Node {
+                  "end": 7,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 7,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 6,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "x",
+                  "start": 6,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "init": Node {
+                  "end": 11,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 11,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 10,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "1",
+                  "start": 10,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 1,
+                },
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 11,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 6,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 6,
+                "type": "VariableDeclarator",
+              },
+            ],
+            "end": 12,
+            "kind": "const",
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 12,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "typability": "NotYetTyped",
+            "type": "VariableDeclaration",
+          },
+          Node {
+            "end": 33,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "end": 32,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 1,
+                  "line": 3,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 3,
+                },
+              },
+              "name": "x",
+              "start": 31,
+              "type": "Identifier",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 2,
+                "line": 3,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 3,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 31,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 33,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 2,
+            "line": 3,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "has_own_property": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_NaN": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_object": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
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+              "math_atan2": [Function],
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+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "const x = 1;
+export default x;
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 16: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let i = 1;
-for (i = 1; i < 5; i = i + 1) {
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 5,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 17: fails a chapter below 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let i = 1;
-for (let j = 0; j < 5; j = j + 1) {
-  if (j < 1) {
-    continue;
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
   } else {
-    i = i + 1;
-    if (j > 2) {
-      break;
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 8,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Mutable variable declaration using keyword 'let' is not allowed.
-Line 2: Mutable variable declaration using keyword 'let' is not allowed.
-Line 2: Assignment expressions are not allowed
-Line 4: Continue statements are not allowed
-Line 6: Assignment expressions are not allowed
-Line 8: Break statements are not allowed
-Line 7: Missing \\"else\\" in \\"if-else\\" statement.
-Line 2: For statements are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 17: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"let i = 1;\\\\nfor (let j = 0; j < 5; j = j + 1) {\\\\n  if (j < 1) {\\\\n    continue;\\\\n  } else {\\\\n    i = i + 1;\\\\n    if (j > 2) {\\\\n      break;\\\\n    }\\\\n  }\\\\n}\\\\ni;\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "sequence",
-    Array [
-      Array [
-        Array [
-          "variable_declaration",
-          Array [
-            Array [
-              "name",
-              Array [
-                "i",
-                null,
-              ],
-            ],
-            Array [
-              Array [
-                "literal",
-                Array [
-                  1,
-                  null,
-                ],
-              ],
-              null,
-            ],
-          ],
-        ],
-        Array [
-          Array [
-            "for_loop",
-            Array [
-              Array [
-                "variable_declaration",
-                Array [
-                  Array [
-                    "name",
-                    Array [
-                      "j",
-                      null,
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                  Array [
-                    Array [
-                      "literal",
-                      Array [
-                        0,
-                        null,
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                    null,
-                  ],
-                ],
-              ],
-              Array [
-                Array [
-                  "binary_operator_combination",
-                  Array [
-                    "<",
-                    Array [
-                      Array [
-                        "name",
-                        Array [
-                          "j",
-                          null,
-                        ],
-                      ],
-                      Array [
-                        Array [
-                          "literal",
-                          Array [
-                            5,
-                            null,
-                          ],
-                        ],
-                        null,
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                ],
-                Array [
-                  Array [
-                    "assignment",
-                    Array [
-                      Array [
-                        "name",
-                        Array [
-                          "j",
-                          null,
-                        ],
-                      ],
-                      Array [
-                        Array [
-                          "binary_operator_combination",
-                          Array [
-                            "+",
-                            Array [
-                              Array [
-                                "name",
-                                Array [
-                                  "j",
-                                  null,
-                                ],
-                              ],
-                              Array [
-                                Array [
-                                  "literal",
-                                  Array [
-                                    1,
-                                    null,
-                                  ],
-                                ],
-                                null,
-                              ],
-                            ],
-                          ],
-                        ],
-                        null,
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                  Array [
-                    Array [
-                      "conditional_statement",
-                      Array [
-                        Array [
-                          "binary_operator_combination",
-                          Array [
-                            "<",
-                            Array [
-                              Array [
-                                "name",
-                                Array [
-                                  "j",
-                                  null,
-                                ],
-                              ],
-                              Array [
-                                Array [
-                                  "literal",
-                                  Array [
-                                    1,
-                                    null,
-                                  ],
-                                ],
-                                null,
-                              ],
-                            ],
-                          ],
-                        ],
-                        Array [
-                          Array [
-                            "continue_statement",
-                            null,
-                          ],
-                          Array [
-                            Array [
-                              "sequence",
-                              Array [
-                                Array [
-                                  Array [
-                                    "assignment",
-                                    Array [
-                                      Array [
-                                        "name",
-                                        Array [
-                                          "i",
-                                          null,
-                                        ],
-                                      ],
-                                      Array [
-                                        Array [
-                                          "binary_operator_combination",
-                                          Array [
-                                            "+",
-                                            Array [
-                                              Array [
-                                                "name",
-                                                Array [
-                                                  "i",
-                                                  null,
-                                                ],
-                                              ],
-                                              Array [
-                                                Array [
-                                                  "literal",
-                                                  Array [
-                                                    1,
-                                                    null,
-                                                  ],
-                                                ],
-                                                null,
-                                              ],
-                                            ],
-                                          ],
-                                        ],
-                                        null,
-                                      ],
-                                    ],
-                                  ],
-                                  Array [
-                                    Array [
-                                      "conditional_statement",
-                                      Array [
-                                        Array [
-                                          "binary_operator_combination",
-                                          Array [
-                                            ">",
-                                            Array [
-                                              Array [
-                                                "name",
-                                                Array [
-                                                  "j",
-                                                  null,
-                                                ],
-                                              ],
-                                              Array [
-                                                Array [
-                                                  "literal",
-                                                  Array [
-                                                    2,
-                                                    null,
-                                                  ],
-                                                ],
-                                                null,
-                                              ],
-                                            ],
-                                          ],
-                                        ],
-                                        Array [
-                                          Array [
-                                            "break_statement",
-                                            null,
-                                          ],
-                                          Array [
-                                            Array [
-                                              "sequence",
-                                              Array [
-                                                null,
-                                                null,
-                                              ],
-                                            ],
-                                            null,
-                                          ],
-                                        ],
-                                      ],
-                                    ],
-                                    null,
-                                  ],
-                                ],
-                                null,
-                              ],
-                            ],
-                            null,
-                          ],
-                        ],
-                      ],
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+          "is_object" => [Function],
+          "is_NaN" => [Function],
+          "has_own_property" => [Function],
+          "alert" => [Function],
+          "timed" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+          "x",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
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+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "x",
+                    "start": 6,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
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+                    "end": 11,
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+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 11,
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+                    "value": 1,
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+                    },
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+                      "column": 6,
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+                  "type": "VariableDeclarator",
+                },
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+                  "column": 12,
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+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "typability": "NotYetTyped",
+              "type": "VariableDeclaration",
+            },
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+            },
+          },
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+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
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+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
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+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
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+                "is_list": [Function],
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+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
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+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
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+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
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+                "math_cosh": [Function],
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+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
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+                "math_tanh": [Function],
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+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "timed": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            },
+            "parent": null,
+          },
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+            Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "alert": [Function],
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
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+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
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+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
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+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                "math_ceil": [Function],
+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
+                "math_fround": [Function],
+                "math_hypot": [Function],
+                "math_imul": [Function],
+                "math_log": [Function],
+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
+                "math_max": [Function],
+                "math_min": [Function],
+                "math_pow": [Function],
+                "math_random": [Function],
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+                "math_sign": [Function],
+                "math_sin": [Function],
+                "math_sinh": [Function],
+                "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
+                "math_trunc": [Function],
+                "pair": [Function],
+                "parse": [Function],
+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
+                "raw_display": [Function],
+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "timed": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            } => EnvTreeNode {
+              "_children": Array [],
+              "environment": Object {
+                "head": Object {
+                  "Infinity": Infinity,
+                  "NaN": NaN,
+                  "alert": [Function],
+                  "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                  "arity": [Function],
+                  "array_length": [Function],
+                  "call_cc": [Function],
+                  "char_at": [Function],
+                  "display": [Function],
+                  "display_list": [Function],
+                  "draw_data": [Function],
+                  "error": [Function],
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+                  "head": [Function],
+                  "is_NaN": [Function],
+                  "is_array": [Function],
+                  "is_boolean": [Function],
+                  "is_function": [Function],
+                  "is_list": [Function],
+                  "is_null": [Function],
+                  "is_number": [Function],
+                  "is_object": [Function],
+                  "is_pair": [Function],
+                  "is_string": [Function],
+                  "is_undefined": [Function],
+                  "list": [Function],
+                  "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                  "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                  "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                  "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                  "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                  "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                  "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                  "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                  "math_abs": [Function],
+                  "math_acos": [Function],
+                  "math_acosh": [Function],
+                  "math_asin": [Function],
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+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
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+                  "name": "T",
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+              ],
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+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
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+                      Object {
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+                        "kind": "variable",
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+                      },
-                    null,
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+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
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+            "Infinity" => Object {
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
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+                "kind": "primitive",
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
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+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
-            ],
-          ],
-          Array [
-            Array [
-              "name",
-              Array [
-                "i",
-                null,
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
-            ],
-            null,
-          ],
-        ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
-      null,
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "const x = 1;
+export default x;
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 17: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let i = 1;
-for (let j = 0; j < 5; j = j + 1) {
-  if (j < 1) {
-    continue;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
   } else {
-    i = i + 1;
-    if (j > 2) {
-      break;
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 4,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 18: fails a chapter below 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "[];",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Array expressions are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 18: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"[];\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "array_expression",
-    Array [
-      null,
-      null,
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 18: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "[];",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 19: fails a chapter below 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "[1, 2, 3];",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Array expressions are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 19: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"[1, 2, 3];\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "array_expression",
-    Array [
-      Array [
-        Array [
-          "literal",
-          Array [
-            1,
-            null,
-          ],
-        ],
-        Array [
-          Array [
-            "literal",
-            Array [
-              2,
-              null,
-            ],
-          ],
-          Array [
-            Array [
-              "literal",
-              Array [
-                3,
-                null,
-              ],
-            ],
-            null,
-          ],
-        ],
-      ],
-      null,
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 19: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "[1, 2, 3];",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    1,
-    2,
-    3,
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 20: fails a chapter below 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "[1, 2, 3][1];",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 2,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Array expressions are not allowed
-Line 1: Member expressions are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 20: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"[1, 2, 3][1];\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "object_access",
-    Array [
-      Array [
-        "array_expression",
-        Array [
-          Array [
-            Array [
-              "literal",
-              Array [
-                1,
-                null,
-              ],
-            ],
-            Array [
-              Array [
-                "literal",
-                Array [
-                  2,
-                  null,
-                ],
-              ],
-              Array [
-                Array [
-                  "literal",
-                  Array [
-                    3,
-                    null,
-                  ],
-                ],
-                null,
-              ],
-            ],
-          ],
-          null,
-        ],
-      ],
-      Array [
-        Array [
-          "literal",
-          Array [
-            1,
-            null,
-          ],
-        ],
-        null,
-      ],
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 20: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "[1, 2, 3][1];",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 2,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 21: fails a chapter below 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let x = [1, 2, 3];
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 3,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Array expressions are not allowed
-Line 1: Mutable variable declaration using keyword 'let' is not allowed.
-Line 2: Member expressions are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 21: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"let x = [1, 2, 3];\\\\nx[1];\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "sequence",
-    Array [
-      Array [
-        Array [
-          "variable_declaration",
-          Array [
-            Array [
-              "name",
-              Array [
-                "x",
-                null,
-              ],
-            ],
-            Array [
-              Array [
-                "array_expression",
-                Array [
-                  Array [
-                    Array [
-                      "literal",
-                      Array [
-                        1,
-                        null,
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                    Array [
-                      Array [
-                        "literal",
-                        Array [
-                          2,
-                          null,
-                        ],
-                      ],
-                      Array [
-                        Array [
-                          "literal",
-                          Array [
-                            3,
-                            null,
-                          ],
-                        ],
-                        null,
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                  null,
-                ],
-              ],
-              null,
-            ],
-          ],
-        ],
-        Array [
-          Array [
-            "object_access",
-            Array [
-              Array [
-                "name",
-                Array [
-                  "x",
-                  null,
-                ],
-              ],
-              Array [
-                Array [
-                  "literal",
-                  Array [
-                    1,
-                    null,
-                  ],
-                ],
-                null,
-              ],
-            ],
-          ],
-          null,
-        ],
-      ],
-      null,
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 21: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let x = [1, 2, 3];
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 2,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 22: fails a chapter below 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let x = [1, 2, 3];
-x[1] = 4;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 4,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Array expressions are not allowed
-Line 1: Mutable variable declaration using keyword 'let' is not allowed.
-Line 2: Member expressions are not allowed
-Line 2: Assignment expressions are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 22: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"let x = [1, 2, 3];\\\\nx[1] = 4;\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "sequence",
-    Array [
-      Array [
-        Array [
-          "variable_declaration",
-          Array [
-            Array [
-              "name",
-              Array [
-                "x",
-                null,
-              ],
-            ],
-            Array [
-              Array [
-                "array_expression",
-                Array [
-                  Array [
-                    Array [
-                      "literal",
-                      Array [
-                        1,
-                        null,
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                    Array [
-                      Array [
-                        "literal",
-                        Array [
-                          2,
-                          null,
-                        ],
-                      ],
-                      Array [
-                        Array [
-                          "literal",
-                          Array [
-                            3,
-                            null,
-                          ],
-                        ],
-                        null,
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                  null,
-                ],
-              ],
-              null,
-            ],
-          ],
-        ],
-        Array [
-          Array [
-            "object_assignment",
-            Array [
-              Array [
-                "object_access",
-                Array [
-                  Array [
-                    "name",
-                    Array [
-                      "x",
-                      null,
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                  Array [
-                    Array [
-                      "literal",
-                      Array [
-                        1,
-                        null,
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                    null,
-                  ],
-                ],
-              ],
-              Array [
-                Array [
-                  "literal",
-                  Array [
-                    4,
-                    null,
-                  ],
-                ],
-                null,
-              ],
-            ],
-          ],
-          null,
-        ],
-      ],
-      null,
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 22: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let x = [1, 2, 3];
-x[1] = 4;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 4,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 23: fails a chapter below 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let x = 3;
-let y = 4;
-let z = 5;
-x = y = z = 6;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 6,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Mutable variable declaration using keyword 'let' is not allowed.
-Line 2: Mutable variable declaration using keyword 'let' is not allowed.
-Line 3: Mutable variable declaration using keyword 'let' is not allowed.
-Line 4: Assignment expressions are not allowed
-Line 4: Assignment expressions are not allowed
-Line 4: Assignment expressions are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 23: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"let x = 3;\\\\nlet y = 4;\\\\nlet z = 5;\\\\nx = y = z = 6;\\\\nx;\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "sequence",
-    Array [
-      Array [
-        Array [
-          "variable_declaration",
-          Array [
-            Array [
-              "name",
-              Array [
-                "x",
-                null,
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": 1,
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 37 3`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+        "is_object" => [Function],
+        "is_NaN" => [Function],
+        "has_own_property" => [Function],
+        "alert" => [Function],
+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 45,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "end": 43,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 43,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 6,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "\\"const x = 1;\\\\nexport default x;\\\\nx;\\"",
+                  "start": 6,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": "const x = 1;
+export default x;
+                },
+              "callee": Node {
+                "end": 5,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 5,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "parse",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              "end": 44,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 44,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 45,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 45,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 45,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "has_own_property": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_NaN": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_object": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "timed": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "map": Map {
+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "has_own_property": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_NaN": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_object": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "timed": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          } => EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "alert": [Function],
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "has_own_property": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_NaN": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_object": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                "math_ceil": [Function],
+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
+                "math_fround": [Function],
+                "math_hypot": [Function],
+                "math_imul": [Function],
+                "math_log": [Function],
+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
+                "math_max": [Function],
+                "math_min": [Function],
+                "math_pow": [Function],
+                "math_random": [Function],
+                "math_round": [Function],
+                "math_sign": [Function],
+                "math_sin": [Function],
+                "math_sinh": [Function],
+                "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
+                "math_trunc": [Function],
+                "pair": [Function],
+                "parse": [Function],
+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
+                "raw_display": [Function],
+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "timed": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
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-            Array [
-              Array [
-                "literal",
-                Array [
-                  3,
-                  null,
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-              null,
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-                  null,
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-              Array [
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-                  "literal",
-                  Array [
-                    4,
-                    null,
+          },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
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+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
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+                      "kind": "variable",
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+                    },
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-                null,
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-                    null,
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-                    Array [
-                      5,
-                      null,
-                    ],
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-                  null,
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+            "kind": "primitive",
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+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
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+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
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+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
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+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
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+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
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+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
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+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
-            Array [
-              Array [
-                "assignment",
-                Array [
-                  Array [
-                    "name",
-                    Array [
-                      "x",
-                      null,
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                  Array [
-                    Array [
-                      "assignment",
-                      Array [
-                        Array [
-                          "name",
-                          Array [
-                            "y",
-                            null,
-                          ],
-                        ],
-                        Array [
-                          Array [
-                            "assignment",
-                            Array [
-                              Array [
-                                "name",
-                                Array [
-                                  "z",
-                                  null,
-                                ],
-                              ],
-                              Array [
-                                Array [
-                                  "literal",
-                                  Array [
-                                    6,
-                                    null,
-                                  ],
-                                ],
-                                null,
-                              ],
-                            ],
-                          ],
-                          null,
-                        ],
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                    null,
-                  ],
-                ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
-              Array [
-                Array [
-                  "name",
-                  Array [
-                    "x",
-                    null,
-                  ],
-                ],
-                null,
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
-          ],
-        ],
-      ],
-      null,
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"const x = 1;\\\\nexport default x;\\\\nx;\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 23: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let x = 3;
-let y = 4;
-let z = 5;
-x = y = z = 6;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 6,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 24: fails a chapter below 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f(x, y, ...z) {
-  return x + y;
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
-f(...[1, 2]);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 3,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Rest elements are not allowed
-Line 4: Array expressions are not allowed
-Line 4: Spread elements are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 24: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"function f(x, y, ...z) {\\\\n  return x + y;\\\\n}\\\\nf(...[1, 2]);\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "sequence",
-    Array [
-      Array [
-        Array [
-          "function_declaration",
-          Array [
-            Array [
-              "name",
-              Array [
-                "f",
-                null,
-              ],
-            ],
-            Array [
-              Array [
-                Array [
-                  "name",
-                  Array [
-                    "x",
-                    null,
-                  ],
-                ],
-                Array [
-                  Array [
-                    "name",
-                    Array [
-                      "y",
-                      null,
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                  Array [
-                    Array [
-                      "rest_element",
-                      Array [
-                        Array [
-                          "name",
-                          Array [
-                            "z",
-                            null,
-                          ],
-                        ],
-                        null,
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                    null,
-                  ],
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+          "is_object" => [Function],
+          "is_NaN" => [Function],
+          "has_own_property" => [Function],
+          "alert" => [Function],
+          "timed" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
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+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
-                    null,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
-                ],
-                null,
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
-            ],
-          ],
-        ],
-        Array [
-          Array [
-            "application",
-            Array [
-              Array [
-                "name",
-                Array [
-                  "f",
-                  null,
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
-              Array [
-                Array [
-                  Array [
-                    "spread_element",
-                    Array [
-                      Array [
-                        "array_expression",
-                        Array [
-                          Array [
-                            Array [
-                              "literal",
-                              Array [
-                                1,
-                                null,
-                              ],
-                            ],
-                            Array [
-                              Array [
-                                "literal",
-                                Array [
-                                  2,
-                                  null,
-                                ],
-                              ],
-                              null,
-                            ],
-                          ],
-                          null,
-                        ],
-                      ],
-                      null,
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                  null,
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
-                null,
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
-            ],
-          ],
-          null,
-        ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
-      null,
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"const x = 1;\\\\nexport default x;\\\\nx;\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 24: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f(x, y, ...z) {
-  return x + y;
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
-f(...[1, 2]);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 3,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 25: fails a chapter below 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "({});",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Object expressions are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 25: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"({});\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "object_expression",
-    Array [
-      null,
-      null,
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 25: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "({});",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Object {},
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 26: fails a chapter below 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "({a: 1, b: 2});",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Object expressions are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 26: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"({a: 1, b: 2});\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "object_expression",
-    Array [
-      Array [
-        Array [
-          "key_value_pair",
-          Array [
-            Array [
-              "property",
-              Array [
-                "a",
-                null,
-              ],
-            ],
-            Array [
-              Array [
-                "literal",
-                Array [
-                  1,
-                  null,
-                ],
-              ],
-              null,
-            ],
-          ],
-        ],
-        Array [
-          Array [
-            "key_value_pair",
-            Array [
-              Array [
-                "property",
-                Array [
-                  "b",
-                  null,
-                ],
-              ],
-              Array [
-                Array [
-                  "literal",
-                  Array [
-                    2,
-                    null,
-                  ],
-                ],
-                null,
-              ],
-            ],
-          ],
-          null,
-        ],
-      ],
-      null,
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 26: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "({a: 1, b: 2});",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Object {
-    "a": 1,
-    "b": 2,
-  },
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 27: fails a chapter below 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "({a: 1, b: 2})['a'];",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Object expressions are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 27: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"({a: 1, b: 2})['a'];\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "object_access",
-    Array [
-      Array [
-        "object_expression",
-        Array [
-          Array [
-            Array [
-              "key_value_pair",
-              Array [
-                Array [
-                  "property",
-                  Array [
-                    "a",
-                    null,
-                  ],
-                ],
-                Array [
-                  Array [
-                    "literal",
-                    Array [
-                      1,
-                      null,
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                  null,
-                ],
-              ],
-            ],
-            Array [
-              Array [
-                "key_value_pair",
-                Array [
-                  Array [
-                    "property",
-                    Array [
-                      "b",
-                      null,
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                  Array [
-                    Array [
-                      "literal",
-                      Array [
-                        2,
-                        null,
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                    null,
-                  ],
-                ],
-              ],
-              null,
-            ],
-          ],
-          null,
-        ],
-      ],
-      Array [
-        Array [
-          "literal",
-          Array [
-            "a",
-            null,
-          ],
-        ],
-        null,
-      ],
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 27: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "({a: 1, b: 2})['a'];",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 28: fails a chapter below 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "({a: 1, b: 2}).a;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 2,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Object expressions are not allowed
-Line 1: Dot abbreviations are not allowed.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 28: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"({a: 1, b: 2}).a;\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "object_access",
-    Array [
-      Array [
-        "object_expression",
-        Array [
-          Array [
-            Array [
-              "key_value_pair",
-              Array [
-                Array [
-                  "property",
-                  Array [
-                    "a",
-                    null,
-                  ],
-                ],
-                Array [
-                  Array [
-                    "literal",
-                    Array [
-                      1,
-                      null,
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                  null,
-                ],
-              ],
-            ],
-            Array [
-              Array [
-                "key_value_pair",
-                Array [
-                  Array [
-                    "property",
-                    Array [
-                      "b",
-                      null,
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                  Array [
-                    Array [
-                      "literal",
-                      Array [
-                        2,
-                        null,
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                    null,
-                  ],
-                ],
-              ],
-              null,
-            ],
-          ],
-          null,
-        ],
-      ],
-      Array [
-        Array [
-          "property",
-          Array [
-            "a",
-            null,
-          ],
-        ],
-        null,
-      ],
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 28: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "({a: 1, b: 2}).a;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 29: fails a chapter below 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "({'a': 1, 'b': 2}).a;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 2,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Object expressions are not allowed
-Line 1: Dot abbreviations are not allowed.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 29: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"({'a': 1, 'b': 2}).a;\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "object_access",
-    Array [
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "sequence",
       Array [
-        "object_expression",
         Array [
           Array [
+            "constant_declaration",
             Array [
-              "key_value_pair",
+              Array [
+                "name",
+                Array [
+                  "x",
+                  null,
+                ],
+              ],
               Array [
                 Array [
                   Array [
-                    "a",
+                    1,
+                null,
+              ],
+            ],
+          ],
+          Array [
+            Array [
+              "export_default_declaration",
+              Array [
                 Array [
+                  "name",
                   Array [
-                    "literal",
-                    Array [
-                      1,
-                      null,
-                    ],
+                    "x",
+                    null,
-                  null,
+                null,
             Array [
               Array [
-                "key_value_pair",
+                "name",
                 Array [
-                  Array [
-                    "literal",
-                    Array [
-                      "b",
-                      null,
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                  Array [
-                    Array [
-                      "literal",
-                      Array [
-                        2,
-                        null,
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                    null,
-                  ],
+                  "x",
+                  null,
-          null,
-        ],
-      ],
-      Array [
-        Array [
-          "property",
-          Array [
-            "a",
-            null,
-          ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 29: passes 1`] = `
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 38 1`] = `"Line 4: Export default declarations are not allowed."`;
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 38 2`] = `
 Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "({'a': 1, 'b': 2}).a;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+        "is_object" => [Function],
+        "is_NaN" => [Function],
+        "has_own_property" => [Function],
+        "alert" => [Function],
+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+        "square",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
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+        "typeMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "function square(x) {
+  return x * x;
+export { square as default };",
+      "
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 30: fails a chapter below 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "({1: 1, 2: 2})['1'];",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Object expressions are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 30: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"({1: 1, 2: 2})['1'];\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "object_access",
-    Array [
-      Array [
-        "object_expression",
-        Array [
-          Array [
-            Array [
-              "key_value_pair",
-              Array [
-                Array [
-                  "literal",
-                  Array [
-                    1,
-                    null,
-                  ],
-                ],
-                Array [
-                  Array [
-                    "literal",
-                    Array [
-                      1,
-                      null,
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                  null,
-                ],
-              ],
-            ],
-            Array [
-              Array [
-                "key_value_pair",
-                Array [
-                  Array [
-                    "literal",
-                    Array [
-                      2,
-                      null,
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                  Array [
-                    Array [
-                      "literal",
-                      Array [
-                        2,
-                        null,
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                    null,
-                  ],
-                ],
-              ],
-              null,
-            ],
-          ],
-          null,
-        ],
-      ],
-      Array [
-        Array [
-          "literal",
-          Array [
-            "1",
-            null,
-          ],
-        ],
-        null,
-      ],
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 30: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "({1: 1, 2: 2})['1'];",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 31: fails a chapter below 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const key = 'a';
-({a: 1, b: 2})[key];",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: Object expressions are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 31: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"const key = 'a';\\\\n({a: 1, b: 2})[key];\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "sequence",
-    Array [
-      Array [
-        Array [
-          "constant_declaration",
-          Array [
-            Array [
-              "name",
-              Array [
-                "key",
-                null,
-              ],
-            ],
-            Array [
-              Array [
-                "literal",
-                Array [
-                  "a",
-                  null,
-                ],
-              ],
-              null,
-            ],
-          ],
-        ],
-        Array [
-          Array [
-            "object_access",
-            Array [
-              Array [
-                "object_expression",
-                Array [
-                  Array [
-                    Array [
-                      "key_value_pair",
-                      Array [
-                        Array [
-                          "property",
-                          Array [
-                            "a",
-                            null,
-                          ],
-                        ],
-                        Array [
-                          Array [
-                            "literal",
-                            Array [
-                              1,
-                              null,
-                            ],
-                          ],
-                          null,
-                        ],
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                    Array [
-                      Array [
-                        "key_value_pair",
-                        Array [
-                          Array [
-                            "property",
-                            Array [
-                              "b",
-                              null,
-                            ],
-                          ],
-                          Array [
-                            Array [
-                              "literal",
-                              Array [
-                                2,
-                                null,
-                              ],
-                            ],
-                            null,
-                          ],
-                        ],
-                      ],
-                      null,
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                  null,
-                ],
-              ],
-              Array [
-                Array [
-                  "name",
-                  Array [
-                    "key",
-                    null,
-                  ],
-                ],
-                null,
-              ],
-            ],
-          ],
-          null,
-        ],
-      ],
-      null,
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 31: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const key = 'a';
-({a: 1, b: 2})[key];",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 32: fails a chapter below 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let x = {a: 1, b: 2};
-x.a = 3;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 2,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Object expressions are not allowed
-Line 2: Dot abbreviations are not allowed.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 32: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"let x = {a: 1, b: 2};\\\\nx.a = 3;\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "sequence",
-    Array [
-      Array [
-        Array [
-          "variable_declaration",
-          Array [
-            Array [
-              "name",
-              Array [
-                "x",
-                null,
-              ],
-            ],
-            Array [
-              Array [
-                "object_expression",
-                Array [
-                  Array [
-                    Array [
-                      "key_value_pair",
-                      Array [
-                        Array [
-                          "property",
-                          Array [
-                            "a",
-                            null,
-                          ],
-                        ],
-                        Array [
-                          Array [
-                            "literal",
-                            Array [
-                              1,
-                              null,
-                            ],
-                          ],
-                          null,
-                        ],
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                    Array [
-                      Array [
-                        "key_value_pair",
-                        Array [
-                          Array [
-                            "property",
-                            Array [
-                              "b",
-                              null,
-                            ],
-                          ],
-                          Array [
-                            Array [
-                              "literal",
-                              Array [
-                                2,
-                                null,
-                              ],
-                            ],
-                            null,
-                          ],
-                        ],
-                      ],
-                      null,
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                  null,
-                ],
-              ],
-              null,
-            ],
-          ],
-        ],
-        Array [
-          Array [
-            "object_assignment",
-            Array [
-              Array [
-                "object_access",
-                Array [
-                  Array [
-                    "name",
-                    Array [
-                      "x",
-                      null,
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                  Array [
-                    Array [
-                      "property",
-                      Array [
-                        "a",
-                        null,
-                      ],
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+          "is_object" => [Function],
+          "is_NaN" => [Function],
+          "has_own_property" => [Function],
+          "alert" => [Function],
+          "timed" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+          "square",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "body": Node {
+                "body": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "argument": Node {
+                      "end": 35,
+                      "left": Node {
+                        "end": 31,
+                        "loc": SourceLocation {
+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 10,
+                            "line": 2,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 9,
+                            "line": 2,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "name": "x",
+                        "start": 30,
+                        "type": "Identifier",
+                      },
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 14,
+                          "line": 2,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 9,
+                          "line": 2,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "operator": "*",
+                      "right": Node {
+                        "end": 35,
+                        "loc": SourceLocation {
+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 14,
+                            "line": 2,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 13,
+                            "line": 2,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "name": "x",
+                        "start": 34,
+                        "type": "Identifier",
+                      },
+                      "start": 30,
+                      "type": "BinaryExpression",
+                    },
+                    "end": 36,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 15,
+                        "line": 2,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 2,
+                        "line": 2,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "start": 23,
+                    "type": "ReturnStatement",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "end": 38,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 1,
+                    "line": 3,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 19,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 19,
+                "type": "BlockStatement",
+              },
+              "end": 38,
+              "expression": false,
+              "generator": false,
+              "id": Node {
+                "end": 15,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 15,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 9,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "square",
+                "start": 9,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 1,
+                  "line": 3,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "params": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "end": 17,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 17,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 16,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "x",
+                  "start": 16,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+              ],
+              "start": 0,
+              "typability": "NotYetTyped",
+              "type": "FunctionDeclaration",
+            },
+          ],
+          "end": 68,
+          "loc": SourceLocation {
+            "end": Position {
+              "column": 29,
+              "line": 4,
+            },
+            "start": Position {
+              "column": 0,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+          },
+          "sourceType": "module",
+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "alert": [Function],
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
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+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
-              Array [
-                Array [
-                  "literal",
-                  Array [
-                    3,
-                    null,
-                  ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
-                null,
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
-            ],
-          ],
-          null,
-        ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
-      null,
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "function square(x) {
+  return x * x;
+export { square as default };",
+        "
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 32: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let x = {a: 1, b: 2};
-x.a = 3;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 3,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 33: fails a chapter below 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let x = {a: 1, b: 2};
-x['a'] = 3;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Object expressions are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 33: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"let x = {a: 1, b: 2};\\\\nx['a'] = 3;\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "sequence",
-    Array [
-      Array [
-        Array [
-          "variable_declaration",
-          Array [
-            Array [
-              "name",
-              Array [
-                "x",
-                null,
-              ],
-            ],
-            Array [
-              Array [
-                "object_expression",
-                Array [
-                  Array [
-                    Array [
-                      "key_value_pair",
-                      Array [
-                        Array [
-                          "property",
-                          Array [
-                            "a",
-                            null,
-                          ],
-                        ],
-                        Array [
-                          Array [
-                            "literal",
-                            Array [
-                              1,
-                              null,
-                            ],
-                          ],
-                          null,
-                        ],
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                    Array [
-                      Array [
-                        "key_value_pair",
-                        Array [
-                          Array [
-                            "property",
-                            Array [
-                              "b",
-                              null,
-                            ],
-                          ],
-                          Array [
-                            Array [
-                              "literal",
-                              Array [
-                                2,
-                                null,
-                              ],
-                            ],
-                            null,
-                          ],
-                        ],
-                      ],
-                      null,
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                  null,
-                ],
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": undefined,
+  },
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 38 3`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+        "is_object" => [Function],
+        "is_NaN" => [Function],
+        "has_own_property" => [Function],
+        "alert" => [Function],
+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
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+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
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+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
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+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "\\"function square(x) {\\\\n  return x * x;\\\\n}\\\\nexport { square as default };\\"",
+                  "start": 6,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": "function square(x) {
+  return x * x;
+export { square as default };",
+                },
-              null,
-            ],
-          ],
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+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
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+                  "column": 80,
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+                },
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+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
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+              },
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+                "column": 0,
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+            },
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+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
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-          Array [
-            "object_assignment",
-            Array [
-              Array [
-                "object_access",
-                Array [
-                  Array [
-                    "name",
-                    Array [
-                      "x",
-                      null,
-                    ],
-                  ],
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-                      "literal",
-                      Array [
-                        "a",
-                        null,
-                      ],
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+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
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+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
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+      "debuggerOn": true,
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+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
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+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
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+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
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+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
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+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
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+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
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+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
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+          Object {
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+              "Infinity": Infinity,
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+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
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+              "math_clz32": [Function],
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+              "math_cosh": [Function],
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+              "math_tanh": [Function],
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+              "parse_int": [Function],
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+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
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+              "timed": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          } => EnvTreeNode {
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+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
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+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+                "math_log10": [Function],
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+                "math_log2": [Function],
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+                "math_random": [Function],
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+                "math_sin": [Function],
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+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
+                "math_trunc": [Function],
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+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
+                "raw_display": [Function],
+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "timed": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            },
+            "parent": null,
+          },
+        },
+      },
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+        Object {
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+            "Infinity": Infinity,
+            "NaN": NaN,
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+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+            "arity": [Function],
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+            "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+            "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+            "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+            "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+            "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+            "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+            "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
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+            "math_atanh": [Function],
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+            "math_clz32": [Function],
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+            "math_sinh": [Function],
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+            "math_tanh": [Function],
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+            "undefined": undefined,
+          },
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+            "storage": null,
+          },
+          "id": "-1",
+          "name": "global",
+          "tail": null,
+        },
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+      "nodes": Array [],
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+      "stash": null,
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+        "items": Map {},
+        "parent": null,
+      },
+      "value": undefined,
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+      Object {
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+          "Infinity" => "const",
+          "NaN" => "const",
+          "undefined" => "const",
+          "math_E" => "const",
+          "math_LN2" => "const",
+          "math_LN10" => "const",
+          "math_LOG2E" => "const",
+          "math_LOG10E" => "const",
+          "math_PI" => "const",
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => "const",
+          "math_SQRT2" => "const",
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+          "is_number" => "const",
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+          "is_function" => "const",
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+          "math_acosh" => "const",
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+          "math_asinh" => "const",
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+          "math_atan2" => "const",
+          "math_atanh" => "const",
+          "math_cbrt" => "const",
+          "math_ceil" => "const",
+          "math_clz32" => "const",
+          "math_cos" => "const",
+          "math_cosh" => "const",
+          "math_exp" => "const",
+          "math_expm1" => "const",
+          "math_floor" => "const",
+          "math_fround" => "const",
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+          "math_log" => "const",
+          "math_log1p" => "const",
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+          "math_random" => "const",
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+          "math_tanh" => "const",
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+          "get_time" => "const",
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+          "display" => "const",
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+          ">" => "const",
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+          "/" => "const",
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+          "!==" => "const",
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+          "has_own_property" => "const",
+          "alert" => "const",
+          "timed" => "const",
+        },
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+          "Pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
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+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "pair",
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+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              Object {
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+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "List" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "elementType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "list",
+              "typeAsPair": undefined,
+            },
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+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "Stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "Stream",
+                  "typeArgs": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                },
+              },
+            },
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+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+        },
+        "typeMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
-              Array [
-                Array [
-                  "literal",
-                  Array [
-                    3,
-                    null,
-                  ],
-                ],
-                null,
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
-          ],
-          null,
-        ],
-      ],
-      null,
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "parse(\\"function square(x) {\\\\n  return x * x;\\\\n}\\\\nexport { square as default };\\");",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 33: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let x = {a: 1, b: 2};
-x['a'] = 3;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 3,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 34: fails a chapter below 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let x = {a: 1, b: 2};
-const key = 'a';
-x[key] = 3;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Object expressions are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 34: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"let x = {a: 1, b: 2};\\\\nconst key = 'a';\\\\nx[key] = 3;\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "sequence",
-    Array [
-      Array [
-        Array [
-          "variable_declaration",
-          Array [
-            Array [
-              "name",
-              Array [
-                "x",
-                null,
-              ],
-            ],
-            Array [
-              Array [
-                "object_expression",
-                Array [
-                  Array [
-                    Array [
-                      "key_value_pair",
-                      Array [
-                        Array [
-                          "property",
-                          Array [
-                            "a",
-                            null,
-                          ],
-                        ],
-                        Array [
-                          Array [
-                            "literal",
-                            Array [
-                              1,
-                              null,
-                            ],
-                          ],
-                          null,
-                        ],
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                    Array [
-                      Array [
-                        "key_value_pair",
-                        Array [
-                          Array [
-                            "property",
-                            Array [
-                              "b",
-                              null,
-                            ],
-                          ],
-                          Array [
-                            Array [
-                              "literal",
-                              Array [
-                                2,
-                                null,
-                              ],
-                            ],
-                            null,
-                          ],
-                        ],
-                      ],
-                      null,
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                  null,
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+          "is_object" => [Function],
+          "is_NaN" => [Function],
+          "has_own_property" => [Function],
+          "alert" => [Function],
+          "timed" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 81,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 79,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 79,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 6,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "\\"function square(x) {\\\\n  return x * x;\\\\n}\\\\nexport { square as default };\\"",
+                    "start": 6,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": "function square(x) {
+  return x * x;
+export { square as default };",
+                  },
-              ],
-              null,
-            ],
+                "callee": Node {
+                  "end": 5,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 5,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "parse",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "end": 80,
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+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
-                Array [
-                  Array [
-                    "literal",
-                    Array [
-                      3,
-                      null,
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                  null,
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
-            ],
-            null,
-          ],
-        ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
-      null,
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "parse(\\"function square(x) {\\\\n  return x * x;\\\\n}\\\\nexport { square as default };\\");",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 34: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let x = {a: 1, b: 2};
-const key = 'a';
-x[key] = 3;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 3,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 35: fails a chapter below 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "import defaultExport from \\"one_module\\";",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Import default specifiers are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 35: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"import defaultExport from \\\\\\"one_module\\\\\\";\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "import_declaration",
-    Array [
-      Array [
-        Array [
-          "default",
-          null,
-        ],
-        null,
-      ],
-      Array [
-        "one_module",
-        null,
-      ],
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 35: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "import defaultExport from \\"one_module\\";",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 36: fails a chapter below 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "export default function f(x) {
-  return x;
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Export default declarations are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 36: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"export default function f(x) {\\\\n  return x;\\\\n}\\\\nf(5);\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "sequence",
-    Array [
-      Array [
-        Array [
-          "export_default_declaration",
-          Array [
-            Array [
-              "function_declaration",
-              Array [
-                Array [
-                  "name",
-                  Array [
-                    "f",
-                    null,
-                  ],
-                ],
-                Array [
-                  Array [
-                    Array [
-                      "name",
-                      Array [
-                        "x",
-                        null,
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                    null,
-                  ],
-                  Array [
-                    Array [
-                      "return_statement",
-                      Array [
-                        Array [
-                          "name",
-                          Array [
-                            "x",
-                            null,
-                          ],
-                        ],
-                        null,
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                    null,
-                  ],
-                ],
-              ],
-            ],
-            null,
-          ],
-        ],
-        Array [
-          Array [
-            "application",
-            Array [
-              Array [
-                "name",
-                Array [
-                  "f",
-                  null,
-                ],
-              ],
-              Array [
-                Array [
-                  Array [
-                    "literal",
-                    Array [
-                      5,
-                      null,
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                  null,
-                ],
-                null,
-              ],
-            ],
-          ],
-          null,
-        ],
-      ],
-      null,
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 36: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "export default function f(x) {
-  return x;
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 5,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 37: fails a chapter below 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const x = 1;
-export default x;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: Export default declarations are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 37: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"const x = 1;\\\\nexport default x;\\\\nx;\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "sequence",
-    Array [
-      Array [
-        Array [
-          "constant_declaration",
-          Array [
-            Array [
-              "name",
-              Array [
-                "x",
-                null,
-              ],
-            ],
-            Array [
-              Array [
-                "literal",
-                Array [
-                  1,
-                  null,
-                ],
-              ],
-              null,
-            ],
-          ],
-        ],
-        Array [
-          Array [
-            "export_default_declaration",
-            Array [
-              Array [
-                "name",
-                Array [
-                  "x",
-                  null,
-                ],
-              ],
-              null,
-            ],
-          ],
-          Array [
-            Array [
-              "name",
-              Array [
-                "x",
-                null,
-              ],
-            ],
-            null,
-          ],
-        ],
-      ],
-      null,
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 37: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const x = 1;
-export default x;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 38: fails a chapter below 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function square(x) {
-  return x * x;
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
-export { square as default };",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 4: Export default declarations are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 38: parse passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse(\\"function square(x) {\\\\n  return x * x;\\\\n}\\\\nexport { square as default };\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "sequence",
-    Array [
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": Array [
+      "sequence",
       Array [
         Array [
-          "function_declaration",
           Array [
+            "function_declaration",
             Array [
-              "name",
               Array [
-                "square",
-                null,
+                "name",
+                Array [
+                  "square",
+                  null,
+                ],
-            ],
-            Array [
               Array [
                 Array [
-                  "name",
                   Array [
-                    "x",
-                    null,
+                    "name",
+                    Array [
+                      "x",
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                  null,
-                null,
-              ],
-              Array [
                 Array [
-                  "return_statement",
                   Array [
+                    "return_statement",
                     Array [
-                      "binary_operator_combination",
                       Array [
-                        "*",
+                        "binary_operator_combination",
                         Array [
-                          Array [
-                            "name",
-                            Array [
-                              "x",
-                              null,
-                            ],
-                          ],
+                          "*",
                           Array [
                             Array [
@@ -4636,84 +419402,53 @@ Object {
-                            null,
+                            Array [
+                              Array [
+                                "name",
+                                Array [
+                                  "x",
+                                  null,
+                                ],
+                              ],
+                              null,
+                            ],
+                      null,
-                    null,
+                  null,
-                null,
-        ],
-        Array [
           Array [
-            "export_named_declaration",
             Array [
+              "export_named_declaration",
               Array [
                 Array [
-                  "name",
                   Array [
-                    "default",
-                    null,
+                    "name",
+                    Array [
+                      "default",
+                      null,
+                    ],
+                null,
-              null,
+            null,
-          null,
+        null,
-      null,
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 38: passes 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function square(x) {
-  return x * x;
-export { square as default };",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 39: fails a chapter below 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "import { default as x } from './a.js';",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Import default specifiers are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 39 1`] = `"Line 1: Import default specifiers are not allowed."`;
-exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 40: fails a chapter below 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "import * as a from 'one_module';",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Namespace imports are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+exports[`Syntaxes are allowed in the chapter they are introduced 40 1`] = `"Line 1: Namespace imports are not allowed"`;
diff --git a/src/parser/__tests__/__snapshots__/disallowed-syntax.ts.snap b/src/parser/__tests__/__snapshots__/disallowed-syntax.ts.snap
deleted file mode 100644
index 2052f8406..000000000
--- a/src/parser/__tests__/__snapshots__/disallowed-syntax.ts.snap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1471 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`Cannot have if without else in chapter <= 2 - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-if (true) { 5; }",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 0: Missing \\"else\\" in \\"if-else\\" statement.
-This \\"if\\" block requires corresponding \\"else\\" block which will be
-evaluated when true expression evaluates to false.
-Later in the course we will lift this restriction and allow \\"if\\" without
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Cannot have if without else in chapter <= 2: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "if (true) { 5; }",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Missing \\"else\\" in \\"if-else\\" statement.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Cannot have incomplete statements - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 1: Missing semicolon at the end of statement
-Every statement must be terminated by a semicolon.
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Cannot have incomplete statements: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "5",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Missing semicolon at the end of statement",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Cannot leave blank expressions in for loop - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-for (;;) {
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 0: Missing init, test, update expressions in for statement.
-This for statement requires all three parts (initialiser, test, update) to be present.
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Cannot leave blank expressions in for loop: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "for (;;) {
-  break;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Missing init, test, update expressions in for statement.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Cannot leave blank init in for loop - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-for (; i < 3; i = i + 1) {
-  break;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 0: Missing init expression in for statement.
-This for statement requires all three parts (initialiser, test, update) to be present.
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Cannot leave blank init in for loop: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "for (; i < 3; i = i + 1) {
-  break;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Missing init expression in for statement.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Cannot leave blank test in for loop - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-for (let i = 0; ; i = i + 1) {
-  break;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 0: Missing test expression in for statement.
-This for statement requires all three parts (initialiser, test, update) to be present.
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Cannot leave blank test in for loop: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "for (let i = 0; ; i = i + 1) {
-  break;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Missing test expression in for statement.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Cannot leave blank update in for loop - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-for (let i = 0; i < 3;) {
-  break;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 0: Missing update expression in for statement.
-This for statement requires all three parts (initialiser, test, update) to be present.
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Cannot leave blank update in for loop: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "for (let i = 0; i < 3;) {
-  break;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Missing update expression in for statement.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Cannot leave while loop predicate blank - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-while () {
-  x;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 7: SyntaxError: Unexpected token (2:7)
-There is a syntax error in your program
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Cannot leave while loop predicate blank: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "while () {
-  x;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: SyntaxError: Unexpected token (1:7)",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Cannot use destructuring declarations - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-let x = [1, 2];
-let [a, b] = x;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3, Column 4: Array patterns are not allowed
-You are trying to use Array patterns, which is not allowed (yet).
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Cannot use destructuring declarations: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let x = [1, 2];
-let [a, b] = x;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: Array patterns are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Cannot use function expressions - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-(function fib(x) { return x <= 1 ? x : fib(x-1) + fib(x-2); })(4);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 1: Function expressions are not allowed
-You are trying to use Function expressions, which is not allowed (yet).
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Cannot use function expressions - verbose: expectParsedError 2`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-(function(x) { return x + 1; })(4);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 1: Function expressions are not allowed
-You are trying to use Function expressions, which is not allowed (yet).
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Cannot use function expressions: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "(function fib(x) { return x <= 1 ? x : fib(x-1) + fib(x-2); })(4);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Function expressions are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Cannot use function expressions: expectParsedError 2`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "(function(x) { return x + 1; })(4);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Function expressions are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Cannot use multiple declarations - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-let x = 3, y = 5;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 0: Multiple declaration in a single statement.
-Split the variable declaration into multiple lines as follows
-	let x = 3;
-	let y = 5;
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Cannot use multiple declarations: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let x = 3, y = 5;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Multiple declaration in a single statement.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Cannot use update expressions - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-let x = 3;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3, Column 0: Update expressions are not allowed
-You are trying to use Update expressions, which is not allowed (yet).
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Cannot use update expressions: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let x = 3;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: Update expressions are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Cannot use update statements - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-let x = 3;
-x += 5;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3, Column 0: The assignment operator += is not allowed. Use = instead.
-	x = x + 5;
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Cannot use update statements - verbose: expectParsedError 2`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-let x = 3;
-x <<= 5;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3, Column 0: The assignment operator <<= is not allowed. Use = instead.
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Cannot use update statements: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let x = 3;
-x += 5;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: The assignment operator += is not allowed. Use = instead.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Cannot use update statements: expectParsedError 2`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let x = 3;
-x <<= 5;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: The assignment operator <<= is not allowed. Use = instead.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`No array expressions in chapter 2 - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 0: Array expressions are not allowed
-You are trying to use Array expressions, which is not allowed (yet).
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`No array expressions in chapter 2: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "[];",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Array expressions are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`No empty statements - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 0: Empty statements are not allowed
-You are trying to use Empty statements, which is not allowed (yet).
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`No empty statements: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": ";",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Empty statements are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`No spread in array expressions: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "[...[]];",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Spread syntax is not allowed in arrays.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`No trailing commas in arrays - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 2: Trailing comma
-Please remove the trailing comma
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`No trailing commas in arrays: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "[1,];",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Trailing comma",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`No trailing commas in objects: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "({
-  a: 1,
-  b: 2,
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3: Trailing comma",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`for needs braces - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-for (let i = 0; i < 1; i = i + 1)
-  i;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 0: Missing curly braces around \\"for\\" block.
-Remember to enclose your \\"for\\" block with braces:
- 	for (let i = 0; i < 1; i = i + 1) {
-		//code goes here
-	}
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`for needs braces: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "for (let i = 0; i < 1; i = i + 1)
-  i;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Missing curly braces around \\"for\\" block.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`if needs braces - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-if (true)
-  true;
-  false;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 2,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 0: Missing curly braces around \\"if\\" block.
-if block need to be enclosed with a pair of curly braces.
-if (true) {
-  true;
-An exception is when you have an \\"if\\" followed by \\"else if\\", in this case
-\\"else if\\" block does not need to be surrounded by curly braces.
-if (someCondition) {
-  // ...
-} else /* notice missing { here */ if (someCondition) {
-  // ...
-} else {
-  // ...
-Rationale: Readability in dense packed code.
-In the snippet below, for instance, with poor indentation it is easy to
-mistaken hello() and world() to belong to the same branch of logic.
-if (someCondition) {
-  2;
-} else
-  hello();
-Line 2, Column 0: Missing curly braces around \\"else\\" block.
-else block need to be enclosed with a pair of curly braces.
-else {
-  false;
-An exception is when you have an \\"if\\" followed by \\"else if\\", in this case
-\\"else if\\" block does not need to be surrounded by curly braces.
-if (someCondition) {
-  // ...
-} else /* notice missing { here */ if (someCondition) {
-  // ...
-} else {
-  // ...
-Rationale: Readability in dense packed code.
-In the snippet below, for instance, with poor indentation it is easy to
-mistaken hello() and world() to belong to the same branch of logic.
-if (someCondition) {
-  2;
-} else
-  hello();
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`if needs braces: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "if (true)
-  true;
-  false;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 2,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Missing curly braces around \\"if\\" block.
-Line 1: Missing curly braces around \\"else\\" block.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no anonymous function declarations - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-export default function (x) {
-  return x * x;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 15: The 'function' keyword needs to be followed by a name.
-Function declarations without a name are similar to function expressions, which are banned.
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no anonymous function declarations: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "export default function (x) {
-  return x * x;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: The 'function' keyword needs to be followed by a name.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no assigning to reserved keywords - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-package = 5;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 0: SyntaxError: The keyword 'package' is reserved (2:0)
-There is a syntax error in your program
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no assigning to reserved keywords - verbose: expectParsedError 2`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-[1, , 3];",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 0: No holes are allowed in array literals.
-No holes (empty slots with no content inside) are allowed in array literals.
-You probably have an extra comma, which creates a hole.
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no assigning to reserved keywords: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "package = 5;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: SyntaxError: The keyword 'package' is reserved (1:0)",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no classes - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-class Box {
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 2,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 10: Class bodys are not allowed
-You are trying to use Class bodys, which is not allowed (yet).
-Line 2, Column 0: Class declarations are not allowed
-You are trying to use Class declarations, which is not allowed (yet).
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no classes: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "class Box {
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 2,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Class bodys are not allowed
-Line 1: Class declarations are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no declaration without assignment - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-let x;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 4: Missing value in variable declaration.
-A variable declaration assigns a value to a name.
-For instance, to assign 20 to x, you can write:
-  let x = 20;
-  x + x; // 40
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no declaration without assignment: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let x;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Missing value in variable declaration.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no declaring reserved keywords - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-let yield = 5;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 4: SyntaxError: The keyword 'yield' is reserved (2:4)
-There is a syntax error in your program
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no declaring reserved keywords: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let yield = 5;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: SyntaxError: The keyword 'yield' is reserved (1:4)",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no for in loops - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-for (let i in { a: 1, b: 2 }) {
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 2,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 9: Missing value in variable declaration.
-A variable declaration assigns a value to a name.
-For instance, to assign 20 to i, you can write:
-  let i = 20;
-  i + i; // 40
-Line 2, Column 0: For in statements are not allowed
-You are trying to use For in statements, which is not allowed (yet).
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no for in loops: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "for (let i in { a: 1, b: 2 }) {
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 2,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Missing value in variable declaration.
-Line 1: For in statements are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no for of loops - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-for (let i of list()) {
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 2,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 9: Missing value in variable declaration.
-A variable declaration assigns a value to a name.
-For instance, to assign 20 to i, you can write:
-  let i = 20;
-  i + i; // 40
-Line 2, Column 0: For of statements are not allowed
-You are trying to use For of statements, which is not allowed (yet).
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no for of loops: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "for (let i of list()) {
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 2,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Missing value in variable declaration.
-Line 1: For of statements are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no generator functions - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-function* gen() {
-  yield 2;
-  return 1;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3, Column 2: Yield expressions are not allowed
-You are trying to use Yield expressions, which is not allowed (yet).
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no generator functions: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function* gen() {
-  yield 2;
-  return 1;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: Yield expressions are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no holes in arrays: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "[1, , 3];",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: No holes are allowed in array literals.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no implicit undefined return - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-function f() {
-  return;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3, Column 2: Missing value in return statement.
-This return statement is missing a value.
-For instance, to return the value 42, you can write
-  return 42;
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no implicit undefined return: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f() {
-  return;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: Missing value in return statement.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no interface - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-interface Box {
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 0: SyntaxError: The keyword 'interface' is reserved (2:0)
-There is a syntax error in your program
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no interface: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "interface Box {
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: SyntaxError: The keyword 'interface' is reserved (1:0)",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no namespace imports - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-import * as x from \\"one_module\\";",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 7: Namespace imports are not allowed
-You are trying to use Namespace imports, which is not allowed (yet).
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no namespace imports: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "import * as x from \\"one_module\\";",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Namespace imports are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no regexp - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 2,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 9: Missing semicolon at the end of statement
-Every statement must be terminated by a semicolon.
-Line 2, Column 0: 'RegExp' literals are not allowed.
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no regexp: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "/pattern/",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 2,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Missing semicolon at the end of statement
-Line 1: 'RegExp' literals are not allowed.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no repeated params - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-function f(x, x) {
-  return x;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 14: SyntaxError: Argument name clash (2:14)
-There is a syntax error in your program
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no repeated params: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f(x, x) {
-  return x;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: SyntaxError: Argument name clash (1:14)",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no sequence expression - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-(1, 2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 1: Sequence expressions are not allowed
-You are trying to use Sequence expressions, which is not allowed (yet).
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no sequence expression: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "(1, 2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Sequence expressions are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no super - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-class BoxError extends Error {
-  constructor() {
-    super(1);
-  }
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 5,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 4, Column 4: Supers are not allowed
-You are trying to use Supers, which is not allowed (yet).
-Line 3, Column 13: Function expressions are not allowed
-You are trying to use Function expressions, which is not allowed (yet).
-Line 3, Column 2: Method definitions are not allowed
-You are trying to use Method definitions, which is not allowed (yet).
-Line 2, Column 29: Class bodys are not allowed
-You are trying to use Class bodys, which is not allowed (yet).
-Line 2, Column 0: Class declarations are not allowed
-You are trying to use Class declarations, which is not allowed (yet).
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no super: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "class BoxError extends Error {
-  constructor() {
-    super(1);
-  }
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 5,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3: Supers are not allowed
-Line 2: Function expressions are not allowed
-Line 2: Method definitions are not allowed
-Line 1: Class bodys are not allowed
-Line 1: Class declarations are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no template literals - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 4: Missing semicolon at the end of statement
-Every statement must be terminated by a semicolon.
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no this, no new - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-function Box() {
-  this[0] = 5;
-const box = new Box();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3, Column 2: Expected string as prop, got number.
-Expected string as prop, got number.
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no this, no new: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function Box() {
-  this[0] = 5;
-const box = new Box();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: Expected string as prop, got number.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no try statements - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-function f(x, y) {
-  return x + y;
-try {
-  f([1, 2]);
-} catch (e) {
-  display(e);
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 2,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 7, Column 2: Catch clauses are not allowed
-You are trying to use Catch clauses, which is not allowed (yet).
-Line 5, Column 0: Try statements are not allowed
-You are trying to use Try statements, which is not allowed (yet).
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no try statements: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f(x, y) {
-  return x + y;
-try {
-  f([1, 2]);
-} catch (e) {
-  display(e);
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 2,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 6: Catch clauses are not allowed
-Line 4: Try statements are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no unspecified operators - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-1 << 10;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 0: Operator '<<' is not allowed.
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no unspecified operators: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "1 << 10;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Operator '<<' is not allowed.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no unspecified unary operators - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-let x = 5;
-typeof x;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3, Column 0: Operator 'typeof' is not allowed.
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no unspecified unary operators: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let x = 5;
-typeof x;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: Operator 'typeof' is not allowed.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no var statements - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-var x = 1;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2, Column 0: Variable declaration using \\"var\\" is not allowed.
-Use keyword \\"let\\" instead, to declare a variable:
-	let x = 1;
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`no var statements: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "var x = 1;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Variable declaration using \\"var\\" is not allowed.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`while needs braces - verbose: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"enable verbose\\";
-let i = 0;
-while (i < 1)
-  i = i + 1;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3, Column 0: Missing curly braces around \\"while\\" block.
-Remember to enclose your \\"while\\" block with braces:
- 	while (i < 1) {
-		//code goes here
-	}
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`while needs braces: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let i = 0;
-while (i < 1)
-  i = i + 1;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: Missing curly braces around \\"while\\" block.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
diff --git a/src/parser/__tests__/__snapshots__/tokenize.ts.snap b/src/parser/__tests__/__snapshots__/tokenize.ts.snap
deleted file mode 100644
index ed8697f07..000000000
--- a/src/parser/__tests__/__snapshots__/tokenize.ts.snap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`tokenize prints suitable error when tokenization fails: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display_list(tokenize(\\"\\\\\\"\\"));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: SyntaxError: Unterminated string constant (1:0)",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`tokenize works even with parse errors: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display_list(tokenize(\\"function f(x) {\\\\n;;;;;;;\\"));",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "list(\\"function\\", \\"f\\", \\"(\\", \\"x\\", \\")\\", \\"{\\", \\";\\", \\";\\", \\";\\", \\";\\", \\";\\", \\";\\", \\";\\")",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "function",
-    Array [
-      "f",
-      Array [
-        "(",
-        Array [
-          "x",
-          Array [
-            ")",
-            Array [
-              "{",
-              Array [
-                ";",
-                Array [
-                  ";",
-                  Array [
-                    ";",
-                    Array [
-                      ";",
-                      Array [
-                        ";",
-                        Array [
-                          ";",
-                          Array [
-                            ";",
-                            null,
-                          ],
-                        ],
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                ],
-              ],
-            ],
-          ],
-        ],
-      ],
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`tokenize works for a good program: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display_list(tokenize(\\"function f(x) {\\\\n  const y = x + x + x + \\\\\\"123\\\\\\";\\\\n  return z => (a, b) => {\\\\n    let w = z + 1;\\\\n    return y;\\\\n  };\\\\n}\\\\nf(\\\\\\"55\\\\\\");\\"));",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "list(\\"function\\",
-     \\"f\\",
-     \\"(\\",
-     \\"x\\",
-     \\")\\",
-     \\"{\\",
-     \\"const\\",
-     \\"y\\",
-     \\"=\\",
-     \\"x\\",
-     \\"+\\",
-     \\"x\\",
-     \\"+\\",
-     \\"x\\",
-     \\"+\\",
-     \\"\\\\\\"123\\\\\\"\\",
-     \\";\\",
-     \\"return\\",
-     \\"z\\",
-     \\"=>\\",
-     \\"(\\",
-     \\"a\\",
-     \\",\\",
-     \\"b\\",
-     \\")\\",
-     \\"=>\\",
-     \\"{\\",
-     \\"let\\",
-     \\"w\\",
-     \\"=\\",
-     \\"z\\",
-     \\"+\\",
-     \\"1\\",
-     \\";\\",
-     \\"return\\",
-     \\"y\\",
-     \\";\\",
-     \\"}\\",
-     \\";\\",
-     \\"}\\",
-     \\"f\\",
-     \\"(\\",
-     \\"\\\\\\"55\\\\\\"\\",
-     \\")\\",
-     \\";\\")",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    "function",
-    Array [
-      "f",
-      Array [
-        "(",
-        Array [
-          "x",
-          Array [
-            ")",
-            Array [
-              "{",
-              Array [
-                "const",
-                Array [
-                  "y",
-                  Array [
-                    "=",
-                    Array [
-                      "x",
-                      Array [
-                        "+",
-                        Array [
-                          "x",
-                          Array [
-                            "+",
-                            Array [
-                              "x",
-                              Array [
-                                "+",
-                                Array [
-                                  "\\"123\\"",
-                                  Array [
-                                    ";",
-                                    Array [
-                                      "return",
-                                      Array [
-                                        "z",
-                                        Array [
-                                          "=>",
-                                          Array [
-                                            "(",
-                                            Array [
-                                              "a",
-                                              Array [
-                                                ",",
-                                                Array [
-                                                  "b",
-                                                  Array [
-                                                    ")",
-                                                    Array [
-                                                      "=>",
-                                                      Array [
-                                                        "{",
-                                                        Array [
-                                                          "let",
-                                                          Array [
-                                                            "w",
-                                                            Array [
-                                                              "=",
-                                                              Array [
-                                                                "z",
-                                                                Array [
-                                                                  "+",
-                                                                  Array [
-                                                                    "1",
-                                                                    Array [
-                                                                      ";",
-                                                                      Array [
-                                                                        "return",
-                                                                        Array [
-                                                                          "y",
-                                                                          Array [
-                                                                            ";",
-                                                                            Array [
-                                                                              "}",
-                                                                              Array [
-                                                                                ";",
-                                                                                Array [
-                                                                                  "}",
-                                                                                  Array [
-                                                                                    "f",
-                                                                                    Array [
-                                                                                      "(",
-                                                                                      Array [
-                                                                                        "\\"55\\"",
-                                                                                        Array [
-                                                                                          ")",
-                                                                                          Array [
-                                                                                            ";",
-                                                                                            null,
-                                                                                          ],
-                                                                                        ],
-                                                                                      ],
-                                                                                    ],
-                                                                                  ],
-                                                                                ],
-                                                                              ],
-                                                                            ],
-                                                                          ],
-                                                                        ],
-                                                                      ],
-                                                                    ],
-                                                                  ],
-                                                                ],
-                                                              ],
-                                                            ],
-                                                          ],
-                                                        ],
-                                                      ],
-                                                    ],
-                                                  ],
-                                                ],
-                                              ],
-                                            ],
-                                          ],
-                                        ],
-                                      ],
-                                    ],
-                                  ],
-                                ],
-                              ],
-                            ],
-                          ],
-                        ],
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                ],
-              ],
-            ],
-          ],
-        ],
-      ],
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
diff --git a/src/parser/__tests__/allowed-syntax.ts b/src/parser/__tests__/allowed-syntax.ts
index 07d913834..49d407c5f 100644
--- a/src/parser/__tests__/allowed-syntax.ts
+++ b/src/parser/__tests__/allowed-syntax.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-import { Chapter } from '../../types'
+import { Chapter, Variant } from '../../types'
 import { stripIndent } from '../../utils/formatters'
-import { snapshotFailure, snapshotSuccess } from '../../utils/testing'
+import { snapshotFailure, snapshotSuccess, testSuccess } from '../../utils/testing'
+import { expectFinishedResultValue } from '../../utils/testing/misc'
@@ -343,22 +344,19 @@ test.each([
   (chapter: Chapter, snippet: string, skipSuccessTests: boolean = false) => {
     snippet = stripIndent(snippet)
     const parseSnippet = `parse(${JSON.stringify(snippet)});`
-    const tests: ReturnType<typeof snapshotSuccess>[] = []
+    const tests: Promise<any>[] = []
     if (!skipSuccessTests) {
-      tests.push(
-        snapshotSuccess(snippet, { chapter, native: chapter !== Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER }, 'passes')
-      )
-      tests.push(
-        snapshotSuccess(
-          parseSnippet,
-          { chapter: Math.max(4, chapter), native: true },
-          'parse passes'
-        )
-      )
+      tests.push(snapshotSuccess(snippet, chapter))
+      tests.push(snapshotSuccess(parseSnippet, Math.max(4, chapter)))
     if (chapter > 1) {
-      tests.push(snapshotFailure(snippet, { chapter: chapter - 1 }, 'fails a chapter below'))
+      tests.push(snapshotFailure(snippet, chapter - 1))
     return Promise.all(tests)
+test('typeof operator is allowed in typed variant', async () => {
+  const { result } = await testSuccess(`typeof "0";`, { variant: Variant.TYPED })
+  expectFinishedResultValue(result, 'string')
diff --git a/src/parser/__tests__/disallowed-syntax.ts b/src/parser/__tests__/disallowed-syntax.ts
index 5f6487027..2f2c457f0 100644
--- a/src/parser/__tests__/disallowed-syntax.ts
+++ b/src/parser/__tests__/disallowed-syntax.ts
@@ -189,7 +189,15 @@ test('Cannot have incomplete statements - verbose', () => {
-test('no anonymous function declarations', () => {
+test('Equality operator has specific error', () => {
+  return expectParsedError('0 == 0;').toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Use === instead of ==."`)
+test('Inequality operator has specific error', () => {
+  return expectParsedError('0 != 0;').toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Use !== instead of !=."`)
+test('No anonymous function declarations', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     export default function (x) {
@@ -200,7 +208,7 @@ test('no anonymous function declarations', () => {
   ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: The 'function' keyword needs to be followed by a name."`)
-test('no anonymous function declarations - verbose', () => {
+test('No anonymous function declarations - verbose', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     "enable verbose";
@@ -243,33 +251,52 @@ test('Cannot have if without else in chapter <= 2 - verbose', () => {
-test('Cannot use multiple declarations', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    let x = 3, y = 5;
-    x;
-    `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Multiple declaration in a single statement."`)
+describe('Cannot use multiple declarations', () => {
+  test('let', () => {
+    return expectParsedError(
+      stripIndent`
+      let x = 3, y = 5;
+      x;
+      `,
+      Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER
+    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Multiple declarations in a single statement."`)
+  })
+  test('let - verbose', () => {
+    return expectParsedError(
+      stripIndent`
+      "enable verbose";
+      let x = 3, y = 5;
+      x;
+      `,
+      Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER
+    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
+      "Line 2, Column 0: Multiple declarations in a single statement.
+      Split the variable declaration into multiple lines as follows
-test('Cannot use multiple declarations - verbose', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    "enable verbose";
-    let x = 3, y = 5;
-    x;
-    `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 2, Column 0: Multiple declaration in a single statement.
-            Split the variable declaration into multiple lines as follows
+        let x = 3;
+        let y = 5;
-            	let x = 3;
-            	let y = 5;
+      "
+    `)
+  })
-            "
-          `)
+  test('const - verbose', () => {
+    return expectParsedError(
+      stripIndent`
+        "enable verbose";
+        const x = 3, y = 5;
+        `
+    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
+        "Line 2, Column 0: Multiple declarations in a single statement.
+        Split the variable declaration into multiple lines as follows
+          const x = 3;
+          const y = 5;
+        "
+    `)
+  })
 test('Cannot use destructuring declarations', () => {
@@ -299,7 +326,7 @@ test('Cannot use destructuring declarations - verbose', () => {
-test('no declaration without assignment', () => {
+test('No declaration without assignment', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     let x;
@@ -308,7 +335,7 @@ test('no declaration without assignment', () => {
   ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Missing value in variable declaration."`)
-test('no declaration without assignment - verbose', () => {
+test('No declaration without assignment - verbose', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     "enable verbose";
@@ -327,7 +354,7 @@ test('no declaration without assignment - verbose', () => {
-test('no var statements', () => {
+test('No var statements', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     var x = 1;
@@ -336,7 +363,7 @@ test('no var statements', () => {
   ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Variable declaration using \\"var\\" is not allowed."`)
-test('no var statements - verbose', () => {
+test('No var statements - verbose', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     "enable verbose";
@@ -380,6 +407,13 @@ test('Cannot use update statements - verbose', () => {
+test('No default exports', () => {
+  return expectParsedError(
+    'const a = 0; export { a as default };',
+    Chapter.SOURCE_4
+  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Export default declarations are not allowed."`)
 test('Cannot use update statements', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
@@ -690,7 +724,7 @@ test('No trailing commas in objects', () => {
   ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 3: Trailing comma"`)
-test('no try statements', () => {
+test('No try statements', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     function f(x, y) {
@@ -709,7 +743,7 @@ test('no try statements', () => {
-test('no try statements - verbose', () => {
+test('No try statements - verbose', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     "enable verbose";
@@ -733,20 +767,17 @@ test('no try statements - verbose', () => {
-test('no for of loops', () => {
+test('No for of loops', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     for (let i of list()) {
     { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 1: Missing value in variable declaration.
-            Line 1: For of statements are not allowed"
-          `)
+  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: For of statements are not allowed"`)
-test('no for of loops - verbose', () => {
+test('No for of loops - verbose', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     "enable verbose";
@@ -755,34 +786,23 @@ test('no for of loops - verbose', () => {
     { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER }
-            "Line 2, Column 9: Missing value in variable declaration.
-            A variable declaration assigns a value to a name.
-            For instance, to assign 20 to i, you can write:
-              let i = 20;
-              i + i; // 40
-            Line 2, Column 0: For of statements are not allowed
+            "Line 2, Column 0: For of statements are not allowed
             You are trying to use For of statements, which is not allowed (yet).
-test('no for in loops', () => {
+test('No for in loops', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     for (let i in { a: 1, b: 2 }) {
     { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 1: Missing value in variable declaration.
-            Line 1: For in statements are not allowed"
-          `)
+  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: For in statements are not allowed"`)
-test('no for in loops - verbose', () => {
+test('No for in loops - verbose', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     "enable verbose";
@@ -791,21 +811,13 @@ test('no for in loops - verbose', () => {
     { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER }
-            "Line 2, Column 9: Missing value in variable declaration.
-            A variable declaration assigns a value to a name.
-            For instance, to assign 20 to i, you can write:
-              let i = 20;
-              i + i; // 40
-            Line 2, Column 0: For in statements are not allowed
+            "Line 2, Column 0: For in statements are not allowed
             You are trying to use For in statements, which is not allowed (yet).
-test('no generator functions', () => {
+test('No generator functions', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     function* gen() {
@@ -817,7 +829,7 @@ test('no generator functions', () => {
   ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 2: Yield expressions are not allowed"`)
-test('no generator functions - verbose', () => {
+test('No generator functions - verbose', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     "enable verbose";
@@ -834,7 +846,7 @@ test('no generator functions - verbose', () => {
-test('no classes', () => {
+test('No classes', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     class Box {
@@ -847,7 +859,7 @@ test('no classes', () => {
-test('no classes - verbose', () => {
+test('No classes - verbose', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     "enable verbose";
@@ -865,7 +877,7 @@ test('no classes - verbose', () => {
-test('no super', () => {
+test('No super', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     class BoxError extends Error {
@@ -884,7 +896,7 @@ test('no super', () => {
-test('no super - verbose', () => {
+test('No super - verbose', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     "enable verbose";
@@ -914,7 +926,7 @@ test('no super - verbose', () => {
-test('no sequence expression', () => {
+test('No sequence expression', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     (1, 2);
@@ -923,7 +935,7 @@ test('no sequence expression', () => {
   ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Sequence expressions are not allowed"`)
-test('no sequence expression - verbose', () => {
+test('No sequence expression - verbose', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     "enable verbose";
@@ -937,7 +949,7 @@ test('no sequence expression - verbose', () => {
-test('no interface', () => {
+test('No interface', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     interface Box {
@@ -947,7 +959,7 @@ test('no interface', () => {
   ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: SyntaxError: The keyword 'interface' is reserved (1:0)"`)
-test('no interface - verbose', () => {
+test('No interface - verbose', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     "enable verbose";
@@ -962,21 +974,13 @@ test('no interface - verbose', () => {
-test('no template literals - verbose', () => {
-  return expectParsedError(
-    stripIndent`
-    "enable verbose";
-    'hi'
-    `,
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 2, Column 4: Missing semicolon at the end of statement
-            Every statement must be terminated by a semicolon.
-            "
-          `)
+test('No expressions in template literals', () => {
+  return expectParsedError(stripIndent('`hi${0}`;')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
+    `"Line 1: Expressions are not allowed in template literals (\`multiline strings\`)"`
+  )
-test('no regexp', () => {
+test('No regexp', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
@@ -988,7 +992,7 @@ test('no regexp', () => {
-test('no regexp - verbose', () => {
+test('No regexp - verbose', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     "enable verbose";
@@ -1005,7 +1009,7 @@ test('no regexp - verbose', () => {
-test('no this, no new', () => {
+test('No this, no new', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     function Box() {
@@ -1014,10 +1018,10 @@ test('no this, no new', () => {
     const box = new Box();
     { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 2: Expected string as prop, got number."`)
+  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 4: TypeError: Box is not a constructor"`)
-test('no this, no new - verbose', () => {
+test('No this, no new - verbose', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     "enable verbose";
@@ -1027,14 +1031,10 @@ test('no this, no new - verbose', () => {
     const box = new Box();
     { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            "Line 3, Column 2: Expected string as prop, got number.
-            Expected string as prop, got number.
-            "
-          `)
+  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`""`)
-test('no unspecified operators', () => {
+test('No unspecified operators', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     1 << 10;
@@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@ test('no unspecified operators', () => {
   ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Operator '<<' is not allowed."`)
-test('no unspecified operators - verbose', () => {
+test('No unspecified operators - verbose', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     "enable verbose";
@@ -1057,7 +1057,7 @@ test('no unspecified operators - verbose', () => {
-test('no unspecified unary operators', () => {
+test('No unspecified unary operators', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     let x = 5;
@@ -1067,7 +1067,7 @@ test('no unspecified unary operators', () => {
   ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 2: Operator 'typeof' is not allowed."`)
-test('no unspecified unary operators - verbose', () => {
+test('No unspecified unary operators - verbose', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     "enable verbose";
@@ -1082,7 +1082,7 @@ test('no unspecified unary operators - verbose', () => {
-test('no implicit undefined return', () => {
+test('No implicit undefined return', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     function f() {
@@ -1092,7 +1092,7 @@ test('no implicit undefined return', () => {
     { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER }
   ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 2: Missing value in return statement."`)
-test('no implicit undefined return - verbose', () => {
+test('No implicit undefined return - verbose', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     "enable verbose";
@@ -1111,7 +1111,7 @@ test('no implicit undefined return - verbose', () => {
-test('no repeated params', () => {
+test('No repeated params', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     function f(x, x) {
@@ -1122,7 +1122,7 @@ test('no repeated params', () => {
   ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: SyntaxError: Argument name clash (1:14)"`)
-test('no repeated params - verbose', () => {
+test('No repeated params - verbose', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     "enable verbose";
@@ -1138,7 +1138,7 @@ test('no repeated params - verbose', () => {
-test('no declaring reserved keywords', () => {
+test('No declaring reserved keywords', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     let yield = 5;
@@ -1147,7 +1147,7 @@ test('no declaring reserved keywords', () => {
   ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: SyntaxError: The keyword 'yield' is reserved (1:4)"`)
-test('no declaring reserved keywords - verbose', () => {
+test('No declaring reserved keywords - verbose', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     "enable verbose";
@@ -1161,7 +1161,7 @@ test('no declaring reserved keywords - verbose', () => {
-test('no assigning to reserved keywords', () => {
+test('No assigning to reserved keywords', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     package = 5;
@@ -1170,7 +1170,7 @@ test('no assigning to reserved keywords', () => {
   ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: SyntaxError: The keyword 'package' is reserved (1:0)"`)
-test('no assigning to reserved keywords - verbose', () => {
+test('No assigning to reserved keywords - verbose', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     "enable verbose";
@@ -1184,7 +1184,7 @@ test('no assigning to reserved keywords - verbose', () => {
-test('no holes in arrays', () => {
+test('No holes in arrays', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     [1, , 3];
@@ -1193,7 +1193,7 @@ test('no holes in arrays', () => {
   ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: No holes are allowed in array literals."`)
-test('no assigning to reserved keywords - verbose', () => {
+test('No assigning to reserved keywords - verbose', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     "enable verbose";
@@ -1208,7 +1208,7 @@ test('no assigning to reserved keywords - verbose', () => {
-test('no namespace imports', () => {
+test('No namespace imports', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     import * as x from "one_module";
@@ -1217,7 +1217,7 @@ test('no namespace imports', () => {
   ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Namespace imports are not allowed"`)
-test('no namespace imports - verbose', () => {
+test('No namespace imports - verbose', () => {
   return expectParsedError(
     "enable verbose";
@@ -1230,3 +1230,62 @@ test('no namespace imports - verbose', () => {
+test('No reexports', () =>
+  expectParsedError('export { a } from "./hi.js";').toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
+    "Line 1: Export named declarations are not allowed
+    Line 1: exports of the form \`export { a } from \\"./file.js\\";\` are not allowed."
+  `))
+describe('No reexports - verbose', () => {
+  test('single export', () =>
+    expectParsedError(
+      stripIndent`
+    "enable verbose";
+    export { a } from "./hi.js";
+  `
+    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
+    "Line 2, Column 0: Export named declarations are not allowed
+    You are trying to use Export named declarations, which is not allowed (yet).
+    Line 2, Column 0: exports of the form \`export { a } from \\"./file.js\\";\` are not allowed.
+    Import what you are trying to export, then export it again, like this:
+    import { a } from \\"./hi.js\\";
+    export { a };
+    "
+  `))
+  test('multiple exports', () =>
+    expectParsedError(
+      stripIndent`
+      "enable verbose";
+      export { a, b } from "./hi.js";
+    `
+    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
+    "Line 2, Column 0: Export named declarations are not allowed
+    You are trying to use Export named declarations, which is not allowed (yet).
+    Line 2, Column 0: exports of the form \`export { a } from \\"./file.js\\";\` are not allowed.
+    Import what you are trying to export, then export it again, like this:
+    import { a, b } from \\"./hi.js\\";
+    export { a, b };
+    "
+  `))
+  test('aliased exports', () =>
+    expectParsedError(
+      stripIndent`
+      "enable verbose";
+      export { a as x, b } from "./hi.js";
+      `
+    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
+    "Line 2, Column 0: Export named declarations are not allowed
+    You are trying to use Export named declarations, which is not allowed (yet).
+    Line 2, Column 0: exports of the form \`export { a } from \\"./file.js\\";\` are not allowed.
+    Import what you are trying to export, then export it again, like this:
+    import { a, b } from \\"./hi.js\\";
+    export { a as x, b };
+    "
+  `))
diff --git a/src/parser/__tests__/fullTS.ts b/src/parser/__tests__/fullTS.ts
index 776a06cd7..f2f6922c1 100644
--- a/src/parser/__tests__/fullTS.ts
+++ b/src/parser/__tests__/fullTS.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import { parseError } from '../..'
-import { mockContext } from '../../mocks/context'
+import { mockContext } from '../../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { Chapter } from '../../types'
 import { FullTSParser } from '../fullTS'
diff --git a/src/parser/__tests__/python.ts b/src/parser/__tests__/python.ts
index 4b2ee5aa7..d0c09195b 100644
--- a/src/parser/__tests__/python.ts
+++ b/src/parser/__tests__/python.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import { parseError } from '../..'
-import { mockContext } from '../../mocks/context'
+import { mockContext } from '../../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { Chapter } from '../../types'
 import { FatalSyntaxError } from '../errors'
 import { parse } from '../parser'
diff --git a/src/parser/__tests__/tokenize.ts b/src/parser/__tests__/tokenize.ts
index d67eadc77..80cedcd1f 100644
--- a/src/parser/__tests__/tokenize.ts
+++ b/src/parser/__tests__/tokenize.ts
@@ -17,55 +17,7 @@ test('tokenize works for a good program', () => {
       `) +
     { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            Array [
-              "list(\\"function\\",
-                 \\"f\\",
-                 \\"(\\",
-                 \\"x\\",
-                 \\")\\",
-                 \\"{\\",
-                 \\"const\\",
-                 \\"y\\",
-                 \\"=\\",
-                 \\"x\\",
-                 \\"+\\",
-                 \\"x\\",
-                 \\"+\\",
-                 \\"x\\",
-                 \\"+\\",
-                 \\"\\\\\\"123\\\\\\"\\",
-                 \\";\\",
-                 \\"return\\",
-                 \\"z\\",
-                 \\"=>\\",
-                 \\"(\\",
-                 \\"a\\",
-                 \\",\\",
-                 \\"b\\",
-                 \\")\\",
-                 \\"=>\\",
-                 \\"{\\",
-                 \\"let\\",
-                 \\"w\\",
-                 \\"=\\",
-                 \\"z\\",
-                 \\"+\\",
-                 \\"1\\",
-                 \\";\\",
-                 \\"return\\",
-                 \\"y\\",
-                 \\";\\",
-                 \\"}\\",
-                 \\";\\",
-                 \\"}\\",
-                 \\"f\\",
-                 \\"(\\",
-                 \\"\\\\\\"55\\\\\\"\\",
-                 \\")\\",
-                 \\";\\")",
-            ]
-          `)
+  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`Array []`)
 test('tokenize works even with parse errors', () => {
@@ -77,11 +29,7 @@ test('tokenize works even with parse errors', () => {
       `) +
     { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
-  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-            Array [
-              "list(\\"function\\", \\"f\\", \\"(\\", \\"x\\", \\")\\", \\"{\\", \\";\\", \\";\\", \\";\\", \\";\\", \\";\\", \\";\\", \\";\\")",
-            ]
-          `)
+  ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`Array []`)
 test('tokenize prints suitable error when tokenization fails', () => {
diff --git a/src/parser/errors.ts b/src/parser/errors.ts
index 4bd761451..035e6c8f7 100644
--- a/src/parser/errors.ts
+++ b/src/parser/errors.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-import { SourceLocation } from 'estree'
+import type { SourceLocation } from 'estree'
 import { UNKNOWN_LOCATION } from '../constants'
-import { ErrorSeverity, ErrorType, Node, SourceError } from '../types'
+import { ErrorSeverity, ErrorType, type Node, type SourceError } from '../types'
 import { stripIndent } from '../utils/formatters'
 export class MissingSemicolonError implements SourceError {
@@ -93,3 +93,17 @@ export class DisallowedConstructError implements SourceError {
+export abstract class RuleError<T extends Node> implements SourceError {
+  public type = ErrorType.SYNTAX
+  public severity = ErrorSeverity.ERROR
+  constructor(public readonly node: T) {}
+  get location() {
+    return this.node.loc ?? UNKNOWN_LOCATION
+  }
+  public abstract explain(): string
+  public abstract elaborate(): string
diff --git a/src/parser/parser.ts b/src/parser/parser.ts
index 7d7602297..8d10f4bc1 100644
--- a/src/parser/parser.ts
+++ b/src/parser/parser.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-import { Program } from 'estree'
+import type { Program } from 'estree'
-import { Context } from '..'
+import type { Context } from '..'
 import { Chapter, Variant } from '../types'
 import { FullJSParser } from './fullJS'
 import { FullTSParser } from './fullTS'
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import { PythonParser } from './python'
 import { SchemeParser } from './scheme'
 import { SourceParser } from './source'
 import { SourceTypedParser } from './source/typed'
-import { AcornOptions, Parser } from './types'
+import type { AcornOptions, Parser } from './types'
 export function parse<TOptions extends AcornOptions>(
   programStr: string,
diff --git a/src/parser/source/index.ts b/src/parser/source/index.ts
index 733bea392..0e1e1857e 100644
--- a/src/parser/source/index.ts
+++ b/src/parser/source/index.ts
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-import { parse as acornParse, Token, tokenizer } from 'acorn'
-import * as es from 'estree'
+import { parse as acornParse, type Token, tokenizer } from 'acorn'
+import type es from 'estree'
 import { DEFAULT_ECMA_VERSION } from '../../constants'
-import { Chapter, Context, Node, Rule, SourceError, Variant } from '../../types'
+import { Chapter, type Context, type Node, type SourceError, Variant } from '../../types'
 import { ancestor, AncestorWalkerFn } from '../../utils/walkers'
 import { DisallowedConstructError, FatalSyntaxError } from '../errors'
-import { AcornOptions, Parser } from '../types'
+import type { AcornOptions, Rule, Parser } from '../types'
 import { createAcornParserOptions, positionToSourceLocation } from '../utils'
 import defaultRules from './rules'
 import syntaxBlacklist from './syntax'
diff --git a/src/parser/source/rules/bracesAroundFor.ts b/src/parser/source/rules/bracesAroundFor.ts
index 51cb34816..a3c0fc1bf 100644
--- a/src/parser/source/rules/bracesAroundFor.ts
+++ b/src/parser/source/rules/bracesAroundFor.ts
@@ -1,19 +1,9 @@
 import { generate } from 'astring'
-import * as es from 'estree'
-import { UNKNOWN_LOCATION } from '../../../constants'
-import { ErrorSeverity, ErrorType, Node, Rule, SourceError } from '../../../types'
-export class BracesAroundForError implements SourceError {
-  public type = ErrorType.SYNTAX
-  public severity = ErrorSeverity.ERROR
-  constructor(public node: es.ForStatement) {}
-  get location() {
-    return this.node.loc ?? UNKNOWN_LOCATION
-  }
+import type { ForStatement } from 'estree'
+import type { Rule } from '../../types'
+import { RuleError } from '../../errors'
+export class BracesAroundForError extends RuleError<ForStatement> {
   public explain() {
     return 'Missing curly braces around "for" block.'
@@ -29,11 +19,11 @@ export class BracesAroundForError implements SourceError {
-const bracesAroundFor: Rule<es.ForStatement> = {
+const bracesAroundFor: Rule<ForStatement> = {
   name: 'braces-around-for',
   checkers: {
-    ForStatement(node: es.ForStatement, _ancestors: [Node]) {
+    ForStatement(node) {
       if (node.body.type !== 'BlockStatement') {
         return [new BracesAroundForError(node)]
       } else {
diff --git a/src/parser/source/rules/bracesAroundIfElse.ts b/src/parser/source/rules/bracesAroundIfElse.ts
index 1d2475732..28309a359 100644
--- a/src/parser/source/rules/bracesAroundIfElse.ts
+++ b/src/parser/source/rules/bracesAroundIfElse.ts
@@ -1,21 +1,15 @@
 import { generate } from 'astring'
-import * as es from 'estree'
-import { UNKNOWN_LOCATION } from '../../../constants'
-import { ErrorSeverity, ErrorType, Node, Rule, SourceError } from '../../../types'
+import type { IfStatement } from 'estree'
+import type { Rule } from '../../types'
 import { stripIndent } from '../../../utils/formatters'
+import { RuleError } from '../../errors'
-export class BracesAroundIfElseError implements SourceError {
-  public type = ErrorType.SYNTAX
-  public severity = ErrorSeverity.ERROR
+export class BracesAroundIfElseError extends RuleError<IfStatement> {
-    public node: es.IfStatement,
-    private branch: 'consequent' | 'alternate'
-  ) {}
-  get location() {
-    return this.node.loc ?? UNKNOWN_LOCATION
+    node: IfStatement,
+    private readonly branch: 'consequent' | 'alternate'
+  ) {
+    super(node)
   public explain() {
@@ -72,12 +66,12 @@ export class BracesAroundIfElseError implements SourceError {
-const bracesAroundIfElse: Rule<es.IfStatement> = {
+const bracesAroundIfElse: Rule<IfStatement> = {
   name: 'braces-around-if-else',
   checkers: {
-    IfStatement(node: es.IfStatement, _ancestors: [Node]) {
-      const errors: SourceError[] = []
+    IfStatement(node) {
+      const errors: BracesAroundIfElseError[] = []
       if (node.consequent && node.consequent.type !== 'BlockStatement') {
         errors.push(new BracesAroundIfElseError(node, 'consequent'))
diff --git a/src/parser/source/rules/bracesAroundWhile.ts b/src/parser/source/rules/bracesAroundWhile.ts
index 62bda7356..fcee41164 100644
--- a/src/parser/source/rules/bracesAroundWhile.ts
+++ b/src/parser/source/rules/bracesAroundWhile.ts
@@ -1,19 +1,9 @@
 import { generate } from 'astring'
-import * as es from 'estree'
-import { UNKNOWN_LOCATION } from '../../../constants'
-import { ErrorSeverity, ErrorType, Node, Rule, SourceError } from '../../../types'
-export class BracesAroundWhileError implements SourceError {
-  public type = ErrorType.SYNTAX
-  public severity = ErrorSeverity.ERROR
-  constructor(public node: es.WhileStatement) {}
-  get location() {
-    return this.node.loc ?? UNKNOWN_LOCATION
-  }
+import type { WhileStatement } from 'estree'
+import type { Rule } from '../../types'
+import { RuleError } from '../../errors'
+export class BracesAroundWhileError extends RuleError<WhileStatement> {
   public explain() {
     return 'Missing curly braces around "while" block.'
@@ -26,11 +16,11 @@ export class BracesAroundWhileError implements SourceError {
-const bracesAroundWhile: Rule<es.WhileStatement> = {
+const bracesAroundWhile: Rule<WhileStatement> = {
   name: 'braces-around-while',
   checkers: {
-    WhileStatement(node: es.WhileStatement, _ancestors: [Node]) {
+    WhileStatement(node) {
       if (node.body.type !== 'BlockStatement') {
         return [new BracesAroundWhileError(node)]
       } else {
diff --git a/src/parser/source/rules/forStatementMustHaveAllParts.ts b/src/parser/source/rules/forStatementMustHaveAllParts.ts
index 81d2a9fb1..9a6ff921e 100644
--- a/src/parser/source/rules/forStatementMustHaveAllParts.ts
+++ b/src/parser/source/rules/forStatementMustHaveAllParts.ts
@@ -1,20 +1,17 @@
-import * as es from 'estree'
-import { UNKNOWN_LOCATION } from '../../../constants'
-import { ErrorSeverity, ErrorType, Rule, SourceError } from '../../../types'
+import type { ForStatement } from 'estree'
+import type { Rule } from '../../types'
 import { stripIndent } from '../../../utils/formatters'
+import { RuleError } from '../../errors'
-export class ForStatmentMustHaveAllParts implements SourceError {
-  public type = ErrorType.SYNTAX
-  public severity = ErrorSeverity.ERROR
+type ForStatementParts = keyof ForStatement
+const forStatementParts: ForStatementParts[] = ['init', 'test', 'update']
+export class ForStatmentMustHaveAllParts extends RuleError<ForStatement> {
-    public node: es.ForStatement,
-    private missingParts: string[]
-  ) {}
-  get location() {
-    return this.node.loc ?? UNKNOWN_LOCATION
+    node: ForStatement,
+    private readonly missingParts: ForStatementParts[]
+  ) {
+    super(node)
   public explain() {
@@ -30,12 +27,12 @@ export class ForStatmentMustHaveAllParts implements SourceError {
-const forStatementMustHaveAllParts: Rule<es.ForStatement> = {
+const forStatementMustHaveAllParts: Rule<ForStatement> = {
   name: 'for-statement-must-have-all-parts',
   checkers: {
-    ForStatement(node: es.ForStatement) {
-      const missingParts = ['init', 'test', 'update'].filter(part => node[part] === null)
+    ForStatement(node) {
+      const missingParts = forStatementParts.filter(part => node[part] === null)
       if (missingParts.length > 0) {
         return [new ForStatmentMustHaveAllParts(node, missingParts)]
       } else {
diff --git a/src/parser/source/rules/index.ts b/src/parser/source/rules/index.ts
index 241307b9f..b60540b82 100644
--- a/src/parser/source/rules/index.ts
+++ b/src/parser/source/rules/index.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-import { Node, Rule } from '../../../types'
+import { Node } from '../../../types'
+import { Rule } from '../../types'
 import bracesAroundFor from './bracesAroundFor'
 import bracesAroundIfElse from './bracesAroundIfElse'
 import bracesAroundWhile from './bracesAroundWhile'
@@ -7,6 +8,7 @@ import noDeclareMutable from './noDeclareMutable'
 import noDotAbbreviation from './noDotAbbreviation'
 import noEval from './noEval'
 import noExportNamedDeclarationWithDefault from './noExportNamedDeclarationWithDefault'
+import noExportNamedDeclarationWithSource from './noExportNamedDeclarationWithSource'
 import noFunctionDeclarationWithoutIdentifier from './noFunctionDeclarationWithoutIdentifier'
 import noHolesInArrays from './noHolesInArrays'
 import noIfWithoutElse from './noIfWithoutElse'
@@ -31,6 +33,7 @@ const rules: Rule<Node>[] = [
+  noExportNamedDeclarationWithSource,
diff --git a/src/parser/source/rules/noDeclareMutable.ts b/src/parser/source/rules/noDeclareMutable.ts
index af0d45b12..c37c1dda2 100644
--- a/src/parser/source/rules/noDeclareMutable.ts
+++ b/src/parser/source/rules/noDeclareMutable.ts
@@ -1,41 +1,34 @@
 import { generate } from 'astring'
-import * as es from 'estree'
+import type { VariableDeclaration } from 'estree'
+import type { Rule } from '../../types'
+import { RuleError } from '../../errors'
+import { Chapter } from '../../../types'
+import { getSourceVariableDeclaration } from '../../../utils/ast/helpers'
-import { UNKNOWN_LOCATION } from '../../../constants'
-import { Chapter, ErrorSeverity, ErrorType, Node, Rule, SourceError } from '../../../types'
-const mutableDeclarators = ['let', 'var']
-export class NoDeclareMutableError implements SourceError {
-  public type = ErrorType.SYNTAX
-  public severity = ErrorSeverity.ERROR
-  constructor(public node: es.VariableDeclaration) {}
-  get location() {
-    return this.node.loc ?? UNKNOWN_LOCATION
-  }
+const mutableDeclarators: VariableDeclaration['kind'][] = ['let', 'var']
+export class NoDeclareMutableError extends RuleError<VariableDeclaration> {
   public explain() {
-    return (
-      'Mutable variable declaration using keyword ' + `'${this.node.kind}'` + ' is not allowed.'
-    )
+    return `Mutable variable declaration using keyword '${this.node.kind}' is not allowed.`
   public elaborate() {
-    const name = (this.node.declarations[0].id as es.Identifier).name
-    const value = generate(this.node.declarations[0].init)
+    const {
+      id: { name },
+      init
+    } = getSourceVariableDeclaration(this.node)
+    const value = generate(init)
     return `Use keyword "const" instead, to declare a constant:\n\n\tconst ${name} = ${value};`
-const noDeclareMutable: Rule<es.VariableDeclaration> = {
+const noDeclareMutable: Rule<VariableDeclaration> = {
   name: 'no-declare-mutable',
   disableFromChapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
   checkers: {
-    VariableDeclaration(node: es.VariableDeclaration, _ancestors: [Node]) {
+    VariableDeclaration(node) {
       if (mutableDeclarators.includes(node.kind)) {
         return [new NoDeclareMutableError(node)]
       } else {
diff --git a/src/parser/source/rules/noDotAbbreviation.ts b/src/parser/source/rules/noDotAbbreviation.ts
index 52a536871..ab7ad9c02 100644
--- a/src/parser/source/rules/noDotAbbreviation.ts
+++ b/src/parser/source/rules/noDotAbbreviation.ts
@@ -1,18 +1,9 @@
-import * as es from 'estree'
-import { UNKNOWN_LOCATION } from '../../../constants'
-import { Chapter, ErrorSeverity, ErrorType, Node, Rule, SourceError } from '../../../types'
-export class NoDotAbbreviationError implements SourceError {
-  public type = ErrorType.SYNTAX
-  public severity = ErrorSeverity.ERROR
-  constructor(public node: es.MemberExpression) {}
-  get location() {
-    return this.node.loc ?? UNKNOWN_LOCATION
-  }
+import type { MemberExpression } from 'estree'
+import type { Rule } from '../../types'
+import { RuleError } from '../../errors'
+import { Chapter } from '../../../types'
+export class NoDotAbbreviationError extends RuleError<MemberExpression> {
   public explain() {
     return 'Dot abbreviations are not allowed.'
@@ -23,13 +14,13 @@ export class NoDotAbbreviationError implements SourceError {
-const noDotAbbreviation: Rule<es.MemberExpression> = {
+const noDotAbbreviation: Rule<MemberExpression> = {
   name: 'no-dot-abbreviation',
   disableFromChapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER,
   checkers: {
-    MemberExpression(node: es.MemberExpression, _ancestors: [Node]) {
+    MemberExpression(node) {
       if (!node.computed) {
         return [new NoDotAbbreviationError(node)]
       } else {
diff --git a/src/parser/source/rules/noEval.ts b/src/parser/source/rules/noEval.ts
index 848748486..1761444d1 100644
--- a/src/parser/source/rules/noEval.ts
+++ b/src/parser/source/rules/noEval.ts
@@ -1,18 +1,8 @@
-import * as es from 'estree'
-import { UNKNOWN_LOCATION } from '../../../constants'
-import { ErrorSeverity, ErrorType, Node, Rule, SourceError } from '../../../types'
-export class NoEval implements SourceError {
-  public type = ErrorType.SYNTAX
-  public severity = ErrorSeverity.ERROR
-  constructor(public node: es.Identifier) {}
-  get location() {
-    return this.node.loc ?? UNKNOWN_LOCATION
-  }
+import type { Identifier } from 'estree'
+import { RuleError } from '../../errors'
+import type { Rule } from '../../types'
+export class NoEval extends RuleError<Identifier> {
   public explain() {
     return `eval is not allowed.`
@@ -22,11 +12,11 @@ export class NoEval implements SourceError {
-const noEval: Rule<es.Identifier> = {
+const noEval: Rule<Identifier> = {
   name: 'no-eval',
   checkers: {
-    Identifier(node: es.Identifier, _ancestors: [Node]) {
+    Identifier(node) {
       if (node.name === 'eval') {
         return [new NoEval(node)]
       } else {
diff --git a/src/parser/source/rules/noExportNamedDeclarationWithDefault.ts b/src/parser/source/rules/noExportNamedDeclarationWithDefault.ts
index f38be0681..d1003ec0d 100644
--- a/src/parser/source/rules/noExportNamedDeclarationWithDefault.ts
+++ b/src/parser/source/rules/noExportNamedDeclarationWithDefault.ts
@@ -1,22 +1,13 @@
-import * as es from 'estree'
-import { UNKNOWN_LOCATION } from '../../../constants'
+import type { ExportNamedDeclaration } from 'estree'
 import { defaultExportLookupName } from '../../../stdlib/localImport.prelude'
-import { ErrorSeverity, ErrorType, Node, Rule, SourceError } from '../../../types'
+import type { Rule } from '../../types'
 import syntaxBlacklist from '../syntax'
+import { RuleError } from '../../errors'
+import { mapAndFilter } from '../../../utils/misc'
-export class NoExportNamedDeclarationWithDefaultError implements SourceError {
-  public type = ErrorType.SYNTAX
-  public severity = ErrorSeverity.ERROR
-  constructor(public node: es.ExportNamedDeclaration) {}
-  get location() {
-    return this.node.loc ?? UNKNOWN_LOCATION
-  }
+export class NoExportNamedDeclarationWithDefaultError extends RuleError<ExportNamedDeclaration> {
   public explain() {
-    return 'Export default declarations are not allowed'
+    return 'Export default declarations are not allowed.'
   public elaborate() {
@@ -24,19 +15,17 @@ export class NoExportNamedDeclarationWithDefaultError implements SourceError {
-const noExportNamedDeclarationWithDefault: Rule<es.ExportNamedDeclaration> = {
+const noExportNamedDeclarationWithDefault: Rule<ExportNamedDeclaration> = {
   name: 'no-declare-mutable',
   disableFromChapter: syntaxBlacklist['ExportDefaultDeclaration'],
   checkers: {
-    ExportNamedDeclaration(node: es.ExportNamedDeclaration, _ancestors: [Node]) {
-      const errors: NoExportNamedDeclarationWithDefaultError[] = []
-      node.specifiers.forEach((specifier: es.ExportSpecifier) => {
-        if (specifier.exported.name === defaultExportLookupName) {
-          errors.push(new NoExportNamedDeclarationWithDefaultError(node))
-        }
-      })
-      return errors
+    ExportNamedDeclaration(node) {
+      return mapAndFilter(node.specifiers, specifier =>
+        specifier.exported.name === defaultExportLookupName
+          ? new NoExportNamedDeclarationWithDefaultError(node)
+          : undefined
+      )
diff --git a/src/parser/source/rules/noExportNamedDeclarationWithSource.ts b/src/parser/source/rules/noExportNamedDeclarationWithSource.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..05a0f8140
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/parser/source/rules/noExportNamedDeclarationWithSource.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+import type { ExportNamedDeclaration } from 'estree'
+import type { Rule } from '../../types'
+import { RuleError } from '../../errors'
+import { speciferToString } from '../../../utils/ast/helpers'
+export class NoExportNamedDeclarationWithSourceError extends RuleError<ExportNamedDeclaration> {
+  public explain() {
+    return 'exports of the form `export { a } from "./file.js";` are not allowed.'
+  }
+  public elaborate() {
+    const [imports, exps] = this.node.specifiers.reduce(
+      ([ins, outs], spec) => [
+        [...ins, spec.local.name],
+        [...outs, speciferToString(spec)]
+      ],
+      [[], []] as [string[], string[]]
+    )
+    const importStr = `import { ${imports.join(', ')} } from "${this.node.source!.value}";`
+    const exportStr = `export { ${exps.join(', ')} };`
+    return `Import what you are trying to export, then export it again, like this:\n${importStr}\n${exportStr}`
+  }
+const noExportNamedDeclarationWithSource: Rule<ExportNamedDeclaration> = {
+  name: 'no-export-named-declaration-with-source',
+  checkers: {
+    ExportNamedDeclaration(node) {
+      if (node.source !== null) {
+        return [new NoExportNamedDeclarationWithSourceError(node)]
+      }
+      return []
+    }
+  }
+export default noExportNamedDeclarationWithSource
diff --git a/src/parser/source/rules/noFunctionDeclarationWithoutIdentifier.ts b/src/parser/source/rules/noFunctionDeclarationWithoutIdentifier.ts
index 4278140b7..7a55795ca 100644
--- a/src/parser/source/rules/noFunctionDeclarationWithoutIdentifier.ts
+++ b/src/parser/source/rules/noFunctionDeclarationWithoutIdentifier.ts
@@ -1,18 +1,8 @@
-import * as es from 'estree'
-import { UNKNOWN_LOCATION } from '../../../constants'
-import { ErrorSeverity, ErrorType, Node, Rule, SourceError } from '../../../types'
-export class NoFunctionDeclarationWithoutIdentifierError implements SourceError {
-  public type = ErrorType.SYNTAX
-  public severity = ErrorSeverity.ERROR
-  constructor(public node: es.FunctionDeclaration) {}
-  get location() {
-    return this.node.loc ?? UNKNOWN_LOCATION
-  }
+import type { FunctionDeclaration } from 'estree'
+import type { Rule } from '../../types'
+import { RuleError } from '../../errors'
+export class NoFunctionDeclarationWithoutIdentifierError extends RuleError<FunctionDeclaration> {
   public explain() {
     return `The 'function' keyword needs to be followed by a name.`
@@ -22,11 +12,11 @@ export class NoFunctionDeclarationWithoutIdentifierError implements SourceError
-const noFunctionDeclarationWithoutIdentifier: Rule<es.FunctionDeclaration> = {
+const noFunctionDeclarationWithoutIdentifier: Rule<FunctionDeclaration> = {
   name: 'no-function-declaration-without-identifier',
   checkers: {
-    FunctionDeclaration(node: es.FunctionDeclaration, _ancestors: Node[]): SourceError[] {
+    FunctionDeclaration(node) {
       if (node.id === null) {
         return [new NoFunctionDeclarationWithoutIdentifierError(node)]
diff --git a/src/parser/source/rules/noHolesInArrays.ts b/src/parser/source/rules/noHolesInArrays.ts
index c9f3649a7..94a4d7d16 100644
--- a/src/parser/source/rules/noHolesInArrays.ts
+++ b/src/parser/source/rules/noHolesInArrays.ts
@@ -1,19 +1,9 @@
-import * as es from 'estree'
-import { UNKNOWN_LOCATION } from '../../../constants'
-import { ErrorSeverity, ErrorType, Rule, SourceError } from '../../../types'
+import type { ArrayExpression } from 'estree'
+import type { Rule } from '../../types'
 import { stripIndent } from '../../../utils/formatters'
+import { RuleError } from '../../errors'
-export class NoHolesInArrays implements SourceError {
-  public type = ErrorType.SYNTAX
-  public severity = ErrorSeverity.ERROR
-  constructor(public node: es.ArrayExpression) {}
-  get location() {
-    return this.node.loc ?? UNKNOWN_LOCATION
-  }
+export class NoHolesInArrays extends RuleError<ArrayExpression> {
   public explain() {
     return `No holes are allowed in array literals.`
@@ -26,11 +16,11 @@ export class NoHolesInArrays implements SourceError {
-const noHolesInArrays: Rule<es.ArrayExpression> = {
+const noHolesInArrays: Rule<ArrayExpression> = {
   name: 'no-holes-in-arrays',
   checkers: {
-    ArrayExpression(node: es.ArrayExpression) {
+    ArrayExpression(node) {
       return node.elements.some(x => x === null) ? [new NoHolesInArrays(node)] : []
diff --git a/src/parser/source/rules/noIfWithoutElse.ts b/src/parser/source/rules/noIfWithoutElse.ts
index f233f94dc..65e066cfd 100644
--- a/src/parser/source/rules/noIfWithoutElse.ts
+++ b/src/parser/source/rules/noIfWithoutElse.ts
@@ -1,20 +1,11 @@
 import { generate } from 'astring'
-import * as es from 'estree'
-import { UNKNOWN_LOCATION } from '../../../constants'
-import { Chapter, ErrorSeverity, ErrorType, Node, Rule, SourceError } from '../../../types'
+import type { IfStatement } from 'estree'
+import type { Rule } from '../../types'
 import { stripIndent } from '../../../utils/formatters'
+import { RuleError } from '../../errors'
+import { Chapter } from '../../../types'
-export class NoIfWithoutElseError implements SourceError {
-  public type = ErrorType.SYNTAX
-  public severity = ErrorSeverity.ERROR
-  constructor(public node: es.IfStatement) {}
-  get location() {
-    return this.node.loc ?? UNKNOWN_LOCATION
-  }
+export class NoIfWithoutElseError extends RuleError<IfStatement> {
   public explain() {
     return 'Missing "else" in "if-else" statement.'
@@ -30,11 +21,11 @@ export class NoIfWithoutElseError implements SourceError {
-const noIfWithoutElse: Rule<es.IfStatement> = {
+const noIfWithoutElse: Rule<IfStatement> = {
   name: 'no-if-without-else',
   disableFromChapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
   checkers: {
-    IfStatement(node: es.IfStatement, _ancestors: [Node]) {
+    IfStatement(node) {
       if (!node.alternate) {
         return [new NoIfWithoutElseError(node)]
       } else {
diff --git a/src/parser/source/rules/noImplicitDeclareUndefined.ts b/src/parser/source/rules/noImplicitDeclareUndefined.ts
index e6404ae47..57d277d31 100644
--- a/src/parser/source/rules/noImplicitDeclareUndefined.ts
+++ b/src/parser/source/rules/noImplicitDeclareUndefined.ts
@@ -1,19 +1,10 @@
-import * as es from 'estree'
-import { UNKNOWN_LOCATION } from '../../../constants'
-import { ErrorSeverity, ErrorType, Node, Rule, SourceError } from '../../../types'
+import type { Identifier, VariableDeclaration } from 'estree'
+import type { Rule } from '../../types'
 import { stripIndent } from '../../../utils/formatters'
+import { RuleError } from '../../errors'
+import { mapAndFilter } from '../../../utils/misc'
-export class NoImplicitDeclareUndefinedError implements SourceError {
-  public type = ErrorType.SYNTAX
-  public severity = ErrorSeverity.ERROR
-  constructor(public node: es.Identifier) {}
-  get location() {
-    return this.node.loc ?? UNKNOWN_LOCATION
-  }
+export class NoImplicitDeclareUndefinedError extends RuleError<Identifier> {
   public explain() {
     return 'Missing value in variable declaration.'
@@ -30,18 +21,22 @@ export class NoImplicitDeclareUndefinedError implements SourceError {
-const noImplicitDeclareUndefined: Rule<es.VariableDeclaration> = {
+const noImplicitDeclareUndefined: Rule<VariableDeclaration> = {
   name: 'no-implicit-declare-undefined',
   checkers: {
-    VariableDeclaration(node: es.VariableDeclaration, _ancestors: [Node]) {
-      const errors: SourceError[] = []
-      for (const decl of node.declarations) {
-        if (!decl.init) {
-          errors.push(new NoImplicitDeclareUndefinedError(decl.id as es.Identifier))
+    VariableDeclaration(node, ancestors) {
+      if (ancestors.length > 1) {
+        switch (ancestors[ancestors.length - 2].type) {
+          case 'ForOfStatement':
+          case 'ForInStatement':
+            return []
-      return errors
+      return mapAndFilter(node.declarations, decl =>
+        decl.init ? undefined : new NoImplicitDeclareUndefinedError(decl.id as Identifier)
+      )
diff --git a/src/parser/source/rules/noImplicitReturnUndefined.ts b/src/parser/source/rules/noImplicitReturnUndefined.ts
index bddc2f1ab..bb78a0f69 100644
--- a/src/parser/source/rules/noImplicitReturnUndefined.ts
+++ b/src/parser/source/rules/noImplicitReturnUndefined.ts
@@ -1,19 +1,9 @@
-import * as es from 'estree'
-import { UNKNOWN_LOCATION } from '../../../constants'
-import { ErrorSeverity, ErrorType, Node, Rule, SourceError } from '../../../types'
+import type { ReturnStatement } from 'estree'
+import type { Rule } from '../../types'
 import { stripIndent } from '../../../utils/formatters'
+import { RuleError } from '../../errors'
-export class NoImplicitReturnUndefinedError implements SourceError {
-  public type = ErrorType.SYNTAX
-  public severity = ErrorSeverity.ERROR
-  constructor(public node: es.ReturnStatement) {}
-  get location() {
-    return this.node.loc ?? UNKNOWN_LOCATION
-  }
+export class NoImplicitReturnUndefinedError extends RuleError<ReturnStatement> {
   public explain() {
     return 'Missing value in return statement.'
@@ -28,11 +18,11 @@ export class NoImplicitReturnUndefinedError implements SourceError {
-const noImplicitReturnUndefined: Rule<es.ReturnStatement> = {
+const noImplicitReturnUndefined: Rule<ReturnStatement> = {
   name: 'no-implicit-return-undefined',
   checkers: {
-    ReturnStatement(node: es.ReturnStatement, _ancestors: [Node]) {
+    ReturnStatement(node) {
       if (!node.argument) {
         return [new NoImplicitReturnUndefinedError(node)]
       } else {
diff --git a/src/parser/source/rules/noImportSpecifierWithDefault.ts b/src/parser/source/rules/noImportSpecifierWithDefault.ts
index 2afe088b8..8612c44b8 100644
--- a/src/parser/source/rules/noImportSpecifierWithDefault.ts
+++ b/src/parser/source/rules/noImportSpecifierWithDefault.ts
@@ -1,22 +1,12 @@
-import * as es from 'estree'
-import { UNKNOWN_LOCATION } from '../../../constants'
+import type { ImportSpecifier } from 'estree'
 import { defaultExportLookupName } from '../../../stdlib/localImport.prelude'
-import { ErrorSeverity, ErrorType, Node, Rule, SourceError } from '../../../types'
+import type { Rule } from '../../types'
 import syntaxBlacklist from '../syntax'
+import { RuleError } from '../../errors'
-export class NoImportSpecifierWithDefaultError implements SourceError {
-  public type = ErrorType.SYNTAX
-  public severity = ErrorSeverity.ERROR
-  constructor(public node: es.ImportSpecifier) {}
-  get location() {
-    return this.node.loc ?? UNKNOWN_LOCATION
-  }
+export class NoImportSpecifierWithDefaultError extends RuleError<ImportSpecifier> {
   public explain() {
-    return 'Import default specifiers are not allowed'
+    return 'Import default specifiers are not allowed.'
   public elaborate() {
@@ -24,12 +14,12 @@ export class NoImportSpecifierWithDefaultError implements SourceError {
-const noImportSpecifierWithDefault: Rule<es.ImportSpecifier> = {
+const noImportSpecifierWithDefault: Rule<ImportSpecifier> = {
   name: 'no-declare-mutable',
   disableFromChapter: syntaxBlacklist['ImportDefaultSpecifier'],
   checkers: {
-    ImportSpecifier(node: es.ImportSpecifier, _ancestors: [Node]) {
+    ImportSpecifier(node) {
       if (node.imported.name === defaultExportLookupName) {
         return [new NoImportSpecifierWithDefaultError(node)]
diff --git a/src/parser/source/rules/noNull.ts b/src/parser/source/rules/noNull.ts
index e2cf63c04..209588b5b 100644
--- a/src/parser/source/rules/noNull.ts
+++ b/src/parser/source/rules/noNull.ts
@@ -1,18 +1,9 @@
-import * as es from 'estree'
-import { UNKNOWN_LOCATION } from '../../../constants'
-import { Chapter, ErrorSeverity, ErrorType, Node, Rule, SourceError } from '../../../types'
-export class NoNullError implements SourceError {
-  public type = ErrorType.SYNTAX
-  public severity = ErrorSeverity.ERROR
-  constructor(public node: es.Literal) {}
-  get location() {
-    return this.node.loc ?? UNKNOWN_LOCATION
-  }
+import type { Literal } from 'estree'
+import { RuleError } from '../../errors'
+import type { Rule } from '../../types'
+import { Chapter } from '../../../types'
+export class NoNullError extends RuleError<Literal> {
   public explain() {
     return `null literals are not allowed.`
@@ -22,11 +13,11 @@ export class NoNullError implements SourceError {
-const noNull: Rule<es.Literal> = {
+const noNull: Rule<Literal> = {
   name: 'no-null',
   disableFromChapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2,
   checkers: {
-    Literal(node: es.Literal, _ancestors: [Node]) {
+    Literal(node) {
       if (node.value === null) {
         return [new NoNullError(node)]
       } else {
diff --git a/src/parser/source/rules/noSpreadInArray.ts b/src/parser/source/rules/noSpreadInArray.ts
index a7883ff35..d4271efb1 100644
--- a/src/parser/source/rules/noSpreadInArray.ts
+++ b/src/parser/source/rules/noSpreadInArray.ts
@@ -1,18 +1,8 @@
-import * as es from 'estree'
-import { UNKNOWN_LOCATION } from '../../../constants'
-import { ErrorSeverity, ErrorType, Node, Rule, SourceError } from '../../../types'
-export class NoSpreadInArray implements SourceError {
-  public type = ErrorType.SYNTAX
-  public severity = ErrorSeverity.ERROR
-  constructor(public node: es.SpreadElement) {}
-  get location() {
-    return this.node.loc ?? UNKNOWN_LOCATION
-  }
+import type { SpreadElement } from 'estree'
+import { RuleError } from '../../errors'
+import type { Rule } from '../../types'
+export class NoSpreadInArray extends RuleError<SpreadElement> {
   public explain() {
     return 'Spread syntax is not allowed in arrays.'
@@ -22,11 +12,11 @@ export class NoSpreadInArray implements SourceError {
-const noSpreadInArray: Rule<es.SpreadElement> = {
+const noSpreadInArray: Rule<SpreadElement> = {
   name: 'no-assignment-expression',
   checkers: {
-    SpreadElement(node: es.SpreadElement, ancestors: [Node]) {
+    SpreadElement(node, ancestors) {
       const parent = ancestors[ancestors.length - 2]
       if (parent.type === 'CallExpression') {
diff --git a/src/parser/source/rules/noTemplateExpression.ts b/src/parser/source/rules/noTemplateExpression.ts
index dd870fe6c..d64645e23 100644
--- a/src/parser/source/rules/noTemplateExpression.ts
+++ b/src/parser/source/rules/noTemplateExpression.ts
@@ -1,18 +1,8 @@
-import * as es from 'estree'
-import { UNKNOWN_LOCATION } from '../../../constants'
-import { ErrorSeverity, ErrorType, Node, Rule, SourceError } from '../../../types'
-export class NoTemplateExpressionError implements SourceError {
-  public type = ErrorType.SYNTAX
-  public severity = ErrorSeverity.ERROR
-  constructor(public node: es.TemplateLiteral) {}
-  get location() {
-    return this.node.loc ?? UNKNOWN_LOCATION
-  }
+import type { TemplateLiteral } from 'estree'
+import { RuleError } from '../../errors'
+import type { Rule } from '../../types'
+export class NoTemplateExpressionError extends RuleError<TemplateLiteral> {
   public explain() {
     return 'Expressions are not allowed in template literals (`multiline strings`)'
@@ -22,11 +12,11 @@ export class NoTemplateExpressionError implements SourceError {
-const noTemplateExpression: Rule<es.TemplateLiteral> = {
+const noTemplateExpression: Rule<TemplateLiteral> = {
   name: 'no-template-expression',
   checkers: {
-    TemplateLiteral(node: es.TemplateLiteral, _ancestors: [Node]) {
+    TemplateLiteral(node) {
       if (node.expressions.length > 0) {
         return [new NoTemplateExpressionError(node)]
       } else {
diff --git a/src/parser/source/rules/noTypeofOperator.ts b/src/parser/source/rules/noTypeofOperator.ts
index 7a9a11bd7..b72e35dfe 100644
--- a/src/parser/source/rules/noTypeofOperator.ts
+++ b/src/parser/source/rules/noTypeofOperator.ts
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-import * as es from 'estree'
-import { Rule, Variant } from '../../../types'
+import type { UnaryExpression } from 'estree'
+import { Variant } from '../../../types'
+import type { Rule } from '../../types'
 import { NoUnspecifiedOperatorError } from './noUnspecifiedOperator'
-const noTypeofOperator: Rule<es.UnaryExpression> = {
+const noTypeofOperator: Rule<UnaryExpression> = {
   name: 'no-typeof-operator',
   disableForVariants: [Variant.TYPED],
   checkers: {
-    UnaryExpression(node: es.UnaryExpression) {
+    UnaryExpression(node) {
       if (node.operator === 'typeof') {
         return [new NoUnspecifiedOperatorError(node)]
       } else {
diff --git a/src/parser/source/rules/noUnspecifiedLiteral.ts b/src/parser/source/rules/noUnspecifiedLiteral.ts
index 29dc16c4c..657bfb92b 100644
--- a/src/parser/source/rules/noUnspecifiedLiteral.ts
+++ b/src/parser/source/rules/noUnspecifiedLiteral.ts
@@ -1,20 +1,10 @@
-import * as es from 'estree'
-import { UNKNOWN_LOCATION } from '../../../constants'
-import { ErrorSeverity, ErrorType, Node, Rule, SourceError } from '../../../types'
+import type { Literal } from 'estree'
+import { RuleError } from '../../errors'
+import type { Rule } from '../../types'
 const specifiedLiterals = ['boolean', 'string', 'number']
-export class NoUnspecifiedLiteral implements SourceError {
-  public type = ErrorType.SYNTAX
-  public severity = ErrorSeverity.ERROR
-  constructor(public node: es.Literal) {}
-  get location() {
-    return this.node.loc ?? UNKNOWN_LOCATION
-  }
+export class NoUnspecifiedLiteral extends RuleError<Literal> {
   public explain() {
      * A check is used for RegExp to ensure that only RegExp are caught.
@@ -29,10 +19,10 @@ export class NoUnspecifiedLiteral implements SourceError {
-const noUnspecifiedLiteral: Rule<es.Literal> = {
+const noUnspecifiedLiteral: Rule<Literal> = {
   name: 'no-unspecified-literal',
   checkers: {
-    Literal(node: es.Literal, _ancestors: [Node]) {
+    Literal(node) {
       if (node.value !== null && !specifiedLiterals.includes(typeof node.value)) {
         return [new NoUnspecifiedLiteral(node)]
       } else {
diff --git a/src/parser/source/rules/noUnspecifiedOperator.ts b/src/parser/source/rules/noUnspecifiedOperator.ts
index 2768936df..00433c427 100644
--- a/src/parser/source/rules/noUnspecifiedOperator.ts
+++ b/src/parser/source/rules/noUnspecifiedOperator.ts
@@ -1,21 +1,17 @@
-import * as es from 'estree'
+import type { AssignmentExpression, BinaryExpression, UnaryExpression } from 'estree'
+import type { Rule } from '../../types'
+import { RuleError } from '../../errors'
-import { UNKNOWN_LOCATION } from '../../../constants'
-import { ErrorSeverity, ErrorType, Node, Rule, SourceError } from '../../../types'
+type ExpressionNodeType = AssignmentExpression | BinaryExpression | UnaryExpression
-export class NoUnspecifiedOperatorError implements SourceError {
-  public type = ErrorType.SYNTAX
-  public severity = ErrorSeverity.ERROR
-  public unspecifiedOperator: string
+export class NoUnspecifiedOperatorError<T extends ExpressionNodeType> extends RuleError<T> {
+  public readonly unspecifiedOperator: T['operator']
-  constructor(public node: es.BinaryExpression | es.UnaryExpression) {
+  constructor(node: T) {
+    super(node)
     this.unspecifiedOperator = node.operator
-  get location() {
-    return this.node.loc ?? UNKNOWN_LOCATION
-  }
   public explain() {
     return `Operator '${this.unspecifiedOperator}' is not allowed.`
@@ -25,11 +21,25 @@ export class NoUnspecifiedOperatorError implements SourceError {
-const noUnspecifiedOperator: Rule<es.BinaryExpression | es.UnaryExpression> = {
+export class StrictEqualityError extends NoUnspecifiedOperatorError<BinaryExpression> {
+  public override explain() {
+    if (this.node.operator === '==') {
+      return 'Use === instead of ==.'
+    } else {
+      return 'Use !== instead of !=.'
+    }
+  }
+  public override elaborate() {
+    return '== and != are not valid operators.'
+  }
+const noUnspecifiedOperator: Rule<BinaryExpression | UnaryExpression> = {
   name: 'no-unspecified-operator',
   checkers: {
-    BinaryExpression(node: es.BinaryExpression, _ancestors: [Node]) {
+    BinaryExpression(node) {
       const permittedOperators = [
@@ -45,13 +55,16 @@ const noUnspecifiedOperator: Rule<es.BinaryExpression | es.UnaryExpression> = {
-      if (!permittedOperators.includes(node.operator)) {
+      if (node.operator === '!=' || node.operator === '==') {
+        return [new StrictEqualityError(node)]
+      } else if (!permittedOperators.includes(node.operator)) {
         return [new NoUnspecifiedOperatorError(node)]
       } else {
         return []
-    UnaryExpression(node: es.UnaryExpression) {
+    UnaryExpression(node) {
       const permittedOperators = ['-', '!', 'typeof']
       if (!permittedOperators.includes(node.operator)) {
         return [new NoUnspecifiedOperatorError(node)]
diff --git a/src/parser/source/rules/noUpdateAssignment.ts b/src/parser/source/rules/noUpdateAssignment.ts
index 5429fc82d..278f91039 100644
--- a/src/parser/source/rules/noUpdateAssignment.ts
+++ b/src/parser/source/rules/noUpdateAssignment.ts
@@ -1,24 +1,14 @@
 import { generate } from 'astring'
-import * as es from 'estree'
+import type { AssignmentExpression } from 'estree'
+import type { Rule } from '../../types'
+import { NoUnspecifiedOperatorError } from './noUnspecifiedOperator'
-import { UNKNOWN_LOCATION } from '../../../constants'
-import { ErrorSeverity, ErrorType, Node, Rule, SourceError } from '../../../types'
-export class NoUpdateAssignment implements SourceError {
-  public type = ErrorType.SYNTAX
-  public severity = ErrorSeverity.ERROR
-  constructor(public node: es.AssignmentExpression) {}
-  get location() {
-    return this.node.loc ?? UNKNOWN_LOCATION
-  }
-  public explain() {
-    return 'The assignment operator ' + this.node.operator + ' is not allowed. Use = instead.'
+export class NoUpdateAssignment extends NoUnspecifiedOperatorError<AssignmentExpression> {
+  public override explain() {
+    return `The assignment operator ${this.node.operator} is not allowed. Use = instead.`
-  public elaborate() {
+  public override elaborate() {
     const leftStr = generate(this.node.left)
     const rightStr = generate(this.node.right)
     const newOpStr = this.node.operator.slice(0, -1)
@@ -33,11 +23,11 @@ export class NoUpdateAssignment implements SourceError {
-const noUpdateAssignment: Rule<es.AssignmentExpression> = {
+const noUpdateAssignment: Rule<AssignmentExpression> = {
   name: 'no-update-assignment',
   checkers: {
-    AssignmentExpression(node: es.AssignmentExpression, _ancestors: [Node]) {
+    AssignmentExpression(node) {
       if (node.operator !== '=') {
         return [new NoUpdateAssignment(node)]
       } else {
diff --git a/src/parser/source/rules/noVar.ts b/src/parser/source/rules/noVar.ts
index e7c591e5f..18b05f94f 100644
--- a/src/parser/source/rules/noVar.ts
+++ b/src/parser/source/rules/noVar.ts
@@ -1,36 +1,30 @@
+import type { VariableDeclaration } from 'estree'
 import { generate } from 'astring'
-import * as es from 'estree'
-import { UNKNOWN_LOCATION } from '../../../constants'
-import { ErrorSeverity, ErrorType, Node, Rule, SourceError } from '../../../types'
-export class NoVarError implements SourceError {
-  public type = ErrorType.SYNTAX
-  public severity = ErrorSeverity.ERROR
-  constructor(public node: es.VariableDeclaration) {}
-  get location() {
-    return this.node.loc ?? UNKNOWN_LOCATION
-  }
+import type { Rule } from '../../types'
+import { RuleError } from '../../errors'
+import { getSourceVariableDeclaration } from '../../../utils/ast/helpers'
+export class NoVarError extends RuleError<VariableDeclaration> {
   public explain() {
     return 'Variable declaration using "var" is not allowed.'
   public elaborate() {
-    const name = (this.node.declarations[0].id as es.Identifier).name
-    const value = generate(this.node.declarations[0].init)
+    const {
+      id: { name },
+      init
+    } = getSourceVariableDeclaration(this.node)
+    const value = generate(init)
     return `Use keyword "let" instead, to declare a variable:\n\n\tlet ${name} = ${value};`
-const noVar: Rule<es.VariableDeclaration> = {
+const noVar: Rule<VariableDeclaration> = {
   name: 'no-var',
   checkers: {
-    VariableDeclaration(node: es.VariableDeclaration, _ancestors: [Node]) {
+    VariableDeclaration(node) {
       if (node.kind === 'var') {
         return [new NoVarError(node)]
       } else {
diff --git a/src/parser/source/rules/singleVariableDeclaration.ts b/src/parser/source/rules/singleVariableDeclaration.ts
index 0f59c3fa4..3ac411c76 100644
--- a/src/parser/source/rules/singleVariableDeclaration.ts
+++ b/src/parser/source/rules/singleVariableDeclaration.ts
@@ -1,42 +1,36 @@
 import { generate } from 'astring'
-import * as es from 'estree'
+import type { VariableDeclaration } from 'estree'
+import type { Rule } from '../../types'
+import { RuleError } from '../../errors'
-import { UNKNOWN_LOCATION } from '../../../constants'
-import { ErrorSeverity, ErrorType, Node, Rule, SourceError } from '../../../types'
+export class MultipleDeclarationsError extends RuleError<VariableDeclaration> {
+  private readonly fixs: VariableDeclaration[]
-export class MultipleDeclarationsError implements SourceError {
-  public type = ErrorType.SYNTAX
-  public severity = ErrorSeverity.ERROR
-  private fixs: es.VariableDeclaration[]
-  constructor(public node: es.VariableDeclaration) {
+  constructor(node: VariableDeclaration) {
+    super(node)
     this.fixs = node.declarations.map(declaration => ({
-      type: 'VariableDeclaration' as const,
-      kind: 'let' as const,
+      type: 'VariableDeclaration',
+      kind: node.kind,
       loc: declaration.loc,
       declarations: [declaration]
-  get location() {
-    return this.node.loc ?? UNKNOWN_LOCATION
-  }
   public explain() {
-    return 'Multiple declaration in a single statement.'
+    return 'Multiple declarations in a single statement.'
   public elaborate() {
-    const fixs = this.fixs.map(n => '\t' + generate(n)).join('\n')
+    const fixs = this.fixs.map(n => '  ' + generate(n)).join('\n')
     return 'Split the variable declaration into multiple lines as follows\n\n' + fixs + '\n'
-const singleVariableDeclaration: Rule<es.VariableDeclaration> = {
+const singleVariableDeclaration: Rule<VariableDeclaration> = {
   name: 'single-variable-declaration',
   checkers: {
-    VariableDeclaration(node: es.VariableDeclaration, _ancestors: [Node]) {
+    VariableDeclaration(node) {
       if (node.declarations.length > 1) {
         return [new MultipleDeclarationsError(node)]
       } else {
diff --git a/src/parser/source/rules/strictEquality.ts b/src/parser/source/rules/strictEquality.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 61e3b29c0..000000000
--- a/src/parser/source/rules/strictEquality.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-import * as es from 'estree'
-import { UNKNOWN_LOCATION } from '../../../constants'
-import { ErrorSeverity, ErrorType, Node, Rule, SourceError } from '../../../types'
-export class StrictEqualityError implements SourceError {
-  public type = ErrorType.SYNTAX
-  public severity = ErrorSeverity.ERROR
-  constructor(public node: es.BinaryExpression) {}
-  get location() {
-    return this.node.loc ?? UNKNOWN_LOCATION
-  }
-  public explain() {
-    if (this.node.operator === '==') {
-      return 'Use === instead of =='
-    } else {
-      return 'Use !== instead of !='
-    }
-  }
-  public elaborate() {
-    return '== and != is not a valid operator'
-  }
-const strictEquality: Rule<es.BinaryExpression> = {
-  name: 'strict-equality',
-  checkers: {
-    BinaryExpression(node: es.BinaryExpression, _ancestors: [Node]) {
-      if (node.operator === '==' || node.operator === '!=') {
-        return [new StrictEqualityError(node)]
-      } else {
-        return []
-      }
-    }
-  }
-export default strictEquality
diff --git a/src/parser/types.ts b/src/parser/types.ts
index 33a1eac35..c925fd351 100644
--- a/src/parser/types.ts
+++ b/src/parser/types.ts
@@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
-import { ParserOptions } from '@babel/parser'
-import { Options } from 'acorn'
-import { Program } from 'estree'
+import type { Program } from 'estree'
-import { Context } from '../types'
+import type { Context, Chapter, Node, SourceError, Variant } from '../types'
-export type AcornOptions = Options
-export type BabelOptions = ParserOptions
+export type { Options as AcornOptions } from 'acorn'
+export type { ParserOptions as BabelOptions } from '@babel/parser'
 export interface Parser<TOptions> {
@@ -16,3 +14,12 @@ export interface Parser<TOptions> {
   ): Program | null
   validate(ast: Program, context: Context, throwOnError?: boolean): boolean
+export interface Rule<T extends Node> {
+  name: string
+  disableFromChapter?: Chapter
+  disableForVariants?: Variant[]
+  checkers: {
+    [name: string]: (node: T, ancestors: Node[]) => SourceError[]
+  }
diff --git a/src/parser/utils.ts b/src/parser/utils.ts
index e281cd074..9db98a521 100644
--- a/src/parser/utils.ts
+++ b/src/parser/utils.ts
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
 import {
-  Comment,
+  type Comment,
-  Node,
+  type Node,
   parse as acornParse,
   parseExpressionAt as acornParseAt,
-  Position
+  type Position
 } from 'acorn'
 import { parse as acornLooseParse } from 'acorn-loose'
-import { Program, SourceLocation } from 'estree'
+import type { Program, SourceLocation } from 'estree'
-import { Context } from '..'
+import type { Context } from '..'
 import { DEFAULT_ECMA_VERSION } from '../constants'
-import { SourceError } from '../types'
+import type { SourceError } from '../types'
 import { validateAndAnnotate } from '../validator/validator'
 import { MissingSemicolonError, TrailingCommaError } from './errors'
-import { AcornOptions, BabelOptions } from './types'
+import type { AcornOptions, BabelOptions } from './types'
  * Generates options object for acorn parser
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ export function parseAt(
 ): Node | null {
   try {
     return acornParseAt(programStr, offset, { ecmaVersion })
-  } catch (_error) {
+  } catch {
     return null
diff --git a/src/repl/__tests__/__snapshots__/svmc.ts.snap b/src/repl/__tests__/__snapshots__/svmc.ts.snap
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5819b1c48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/repl/__tests__/__snapshots__/svmc.ts.snap
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
+exports[`Test output options ast 1`] = `
+  \\"type\\": \\"Program\\",
+  \\"start\\": 0,
+  \\"end\\": 4,
+  \\"loc\\": {
+    \\"start\\": {
+      \\"line\\": 1,
+      \\"column\\": 0
+    },
+    \\"end\\": {
+      \\"line\\": 1,
+      \\"column\\": 4
+    }
+  },
+  \\"body\\": [
+    {
+      \\"type\\": \\"ExpressionStatement\\",
+      \\"start\\": 0,
+      \\"end\\": 4,
+      \\"loc\\": {
+        \\"start\\": {
+          \\"line\\": 1,
+          \\"column\\": 0
+        },
+        \\"end\\": {
+          \\"line\\": 1,
+          \\"column\\": 4
+        }
+      },
+      \\"expression\\": {
+        \\"type\\": \\"BinaryExpression\\",
+        \\"start\\": 0,
+        \\"end\\": 3,
+        \\"loc\\": {
+          \\"start\\": {
+            \\"line\\": 1,
+            \\"column\\": 0
+          },
+          \\"end\\": {
+            \\"line\\": 1,
+            \\"column\\": 3
+          }
+        },
+        \\"left\\": {
+          \\"type\\": \\"Literal\\",
+          \\"start\\": 0,
+          \\"end\\": 1,
+          \\"loc\\": {
+            \\"start\\": {
+              \\"line\\": 1,
+              \\"column\\": 0
+            },
+            \\"end\\": {
+              \\"line\\": 1,
+              \\"column\\": 1
+            }
+          },
+          \\"value\\": 1,
+          \\"raw\\": \\"1\\"
+        },
+        \\"operator\\": \\"+\\",
+        \\"right\\": {
+          \\"type\\": \\"Literal\\",
+          \\"start\\": 2,
+          \\"end\\": 3,
+          \\"loc\\": {
+            \\"start\\": {
+              \\"line\\": 1,
+              \\"column\\": 2
+            },
+            \\"end\\": {
+              \\"line\\": 1,
+              \\"column\\": 3
+            }
+          },
+          \\"value\\": 1,
+          \\"raw\\": \\"1\\"
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  ],
+  \\"sourceType\\": \\"module\\"
+exports[`Test output options binary 1`] = `
+Uint8Array [
+  173,
+  172,
+  5,
+  80,
+  0,
+  0,
+  0,
+  0,
+  16,
+  0,
+  0,
+  0,
+  0,
+  0,
+  0,
+  0,
+  2,
+  0,
+  0,
+  0,
+  2,
+  1,
+  0,
+  0,
+  0,
+  2,
+  1,
+  0,
+  0,
+  0,
+  17,
+  70,
+exports[`Test output options debug 1`] = `
+"Entry function: 0
+Stack Size: 2
+Env Size: 0
+Num Args: 0
+0: LGCI   1
+1: LGCI   1
+2: ADDG  
+3: RETG"
+exports[`Test output options json 1`] = `"[0,[[2,0,0,[[2,1],[2,1],[17],[70]]]]]"`;
diff --git a/src/repl/__tests__/__snapshots__/transpiler.ts.snap b/src/repl/__tests__/__snapshots__/transpiler.ts.snap
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aef62a919
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/repl/__tests__/__snapshots__/transpiler.ts.snap
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
+exports[`Nothing should be written to disk if no output file was specified 1`] = `
+  const get_time = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"get_time\\");
+  const display = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"display\\");
+  const raw_display = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"raw_display\\");
+  const stringify = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"stringify\\");
+  const error = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"error\\");
+  const prompt = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"prompt\\");
+  const is_number = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"is_number\\");
+  const is_string = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"is_string\\");
+  const is_function = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"is_function\\");
+  const is_boolean = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"is_boolean\\");
+  const is_undefined = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"is_undefined\\");
+  const parse_int = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"parse_int\\");
+  const char_at = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"char_at\\");
+  const arity = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"arity\\");
+  const undefined = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"undefined\\");
+  const NaN = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"NaN\\");
+  const Infinity = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"Infinity\\");
+  const math_abs = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_abs\\");
+  const math_acos = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_acos\\");
+  const math_acosh = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_acosh\\");
+  const math_asin = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_asin\\");
+  const math_asinh = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_asinh\\");
+  const math_atan = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_atan\\");
+  const math_atanh = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_atanh\\");
+  const math_atan2 = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_atan2\\");
+  const math_ceil = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_ceil\\");
+  const math_cbrt = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_cbrt\\");
+  const math_expm1 = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_expm1\\");
+  const math_clz32 = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_clz32\\");
+  const math_cos = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_cos\\");
+  const math_cosh = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_cosh\\");
+  const math_exp = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_exp\\");
+  const math_floor = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_floor\\");
+  const math_fround = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_fround\\");
+  const math_hypot = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_hypot\\");
+  const math_imul = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_imul\\");
+  const math_log = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_log\\");
+  const math_log1p = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_log1p\\");
+  const math_log2 = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_log2\\");
+  const math_log10 = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_log10\\");
+  const math_max = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_max\\");
+  const math_min = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_min\\");
+  const math_pow = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_pow\\");
+  const math_random = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_random\\");
+  const math_round = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_round\\");
+  const math_sign = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_sign\\");
+  const math_sin = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_sin\\");
+  const math_sinh = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_sinh\\");
+  const math_sqrt = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_sqrt\\");
+  const math_tan = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_tan\\");
+  const math_tanh = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_tanh\\");
+  const math_trunc = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_trunc\\");
+  const math_E = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_E\\");
+  const math_LN10 = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_LN10\\");
+  const math_LN2 = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_LN2\\");
+  const math_LOG10E = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_LOG10E\\");
+  const math_LOG2E = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_LOG2E\\");
+  const math_PI = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_PI\\");
+  const math_SQRT1_2 = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_SQRT1_2\\");
+  const math_SQRT2 = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_SQRT2\\");
+  const pair = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"pair\\");
+  const is_pair = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"is_pair\\");
+  const head = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"head\\");
+  const tail = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"tail\\");
+  const is_null = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"is_null\\");
+  const list = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"list\\");
+  const draw_data = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"draw_data\\");
+  const display_list = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"display_list\\");
+  const is_list = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"is_list\\");
+  const set_head = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"set_head\\");
+  const set_tail = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"set_tail\\");
+  const array_length = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"array_length\\");
+  const is_array = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"is_array\\");
+  const stream = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"stream\\");
+  const parse = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"parse\\");
+  const tokenize = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"tokenize\\");
+  const apply_in_underlying_javascript = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"apply_in_underlying_javascript\\");
+  const call_cc = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"call_cc\\");
+  {
+    const native = nativeStorage;
+    const callIfFuncAndRightArgs = native.operators.get(\\"callIfFuncAndRightArgs\\");
+    const boolOrErr = native.operators.get(\\"boolOrErr\\");
+    const wrap = native.operators.get(\\"wrap\\");
+    const unaryOp = native.operators.get(\\"unaryOp\\");
+    const binaryOp = native.operators.get(\\"binaryOp\\");
+    const throwIfTimeout = native.operators.get(\\"throwIfTimeout\\");
+    const setProp = native.operators.get(\\"setProp\\");
+    const getProp = native.operators.get(\\"getProp\\");
+    const builtins = native.operators.get(\\"builtins\\");
+    native.evaller = program => eval(program);
+    undefined;
+    binaryOp(\\"+\\", 4, 1, 1, 1, 0, \\"/test.js\\");
+  }
+exports[`Writing to file 1`] = `
+  const get_time = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"get_time\\");
+  const display = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"display\\");
+  const raw_display = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"raw_display\\");
+  const stringify = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"stringify\\");
+  const error = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"error\\");
+  const prompt = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"prompt\\");
+  const is_number = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"is_number\\");
+  const is_string = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"is_string\\");
+  const is_function = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"is_function\\");
+  const is_boolean = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"is_boolean\\");
+  const is_undefined = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"is_undefined\\");
+  const parse_int = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"parse_int\\");
+  const char_at = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"char_at\\");
+  const arity = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"arity\\");
+  const undefined = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"undefined\\");
+  const NaN = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"NaN\\");
+  const Infinity = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"Infinity\\");
+  const math_abs = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_abs\\");
+  const math_acos = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_acos\\");
+  const math_acosh = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_acosh\\");
+  const math_asin = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_asin\\");
+  const math_asinh = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_asinh\\");
+  const math_atan = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_atan\\");
+  const math_atanh = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_atanh\\");
+  const math_atan2 = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_atan2\\");
+  const math_ceil = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_ceil\\");
+  const math_cbrt = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_cbrt\\");
+  const math_expm1 = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_expm1\\");
+  const math_clz32 = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_clz32\\");
+  const math_cos = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_cos\\");
+  const math_cosh = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_cosh\\");
+  const math_exp = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_exp\\");
+  const math_floor = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_floor\\");
+  const math_fround = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_fround\\");
+  const math_hypot = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_hypot\\");
+  const math_imul = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_imul\\");
+  const math_log = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_log\\");
+  const math_log1p = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_log1p\\");
+  const math_log2 = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_log2\\");
+  const math_log10 = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_log10\\");
+  const math_max = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_max\\");
+  const math_min = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_min\\");
+  const math_pow = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_pow\\");
+  const math_random = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_random\\");
+  const math_round = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_round\\");
+  const math_sign = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_sign\\");
+  const math_sin = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_sin\\");
+  const math_sinh = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_sinh\\");
+  const math_sqrt = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_sqrt\\");
+  const math_tan = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_tan\\");
+  const math_tanh = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_tanh\\");
+  const math_trunc = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_trunc\\");
+  const math_E = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_E\\");
+  const math_LN10 = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_LN10\\");
+  const math_LN2 = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_LN2\\");
+  const math_LOG10E = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_LOG10E\\");
+  const math_LOG2E = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_LOG2E\\");
+  const math_PI = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_PI\\");
+  const math_SQRT1_2 = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_SQRT1_2\\");
+  const math_SQRT2 = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"math_SQRT2\\");
+  const pair = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"pair\\");
+  const is_pair = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"is_pair\\");
+  const head = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"head\\");
+  const tail = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"tail\\");
+  const is_null = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"is_null\\");
+  const list = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"list\\");
+  const draw_data = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"draw_data\\");
+  const display_list = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"display_list\\");
+  const is_list = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"is_list\\");
+  const set_head = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"set_head\\");
+  const set_tail = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"set_tail\\");
+  const array_length = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"array_length\\");
+  const is_array = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"is_array\\");
+  const stream = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"stream\\");
+  const parse = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"parse\\");
+  const tokenize = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"tokenize\\");
+  const apply_in_underlying_javascript = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"apply_in_underlying_javascript\\");
+  const call_cc = nativeStorage.builtins.get(\\"call_cc\\");
+  {
+    const native = nativeStorage;
+    const callIfFuncAndRightArgs = native.operators.get(\\"callIfFuncAndRightArgs\\");
+    const boolOrErr = native.operators.get(\\"boolOrErr\\");
+    const wrap = native.operators.get(\\"wrap\\");
+    const unaryOp = native.operators.get(\\"unaryOp\\");
+    const binaryOp = native.operators.get(\\"binaryOp\\");
+    const throwIfTimeout = native.operators.get(\\"throwIfTimeout\\");
+    const setProp = native.operators.get(\\"setProp\\");
+    const getProp = native.operators.get(\\"getProp\\");
+    const builtins = native.operators.get(\\"builtins\\");
+    native.evaller = program => eval(program);
+    undefined;
+    binaryOp(\\"+\\", 4, 1, 1, 1, 0, \\"/test.js\\");
+  }
diff --git a/src/repl/__tests__/main.ts b/src/repl/__tests__/main.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..421e136e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/repl/__tests__/main.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import type { Command } from 'commander'
+import { getMainCommand } from '../main'
+jest.spyOn(process, 'exit').mockImplementation(code => {
+  throw new Error(`process.exit called with ${code}`)
+jest.spyOn(process.stdout, 'write').mockImplementation(() => true)
+describe('Make sure each subcommand can be run', () => {
+  const mainCommand = getMainCommand()
+  test.each(mainCommand.commands.map(cmd => [cmd.name(), cmd] as [string, Command]))(
+    'Testing %s command',
+    (_, cmd) => {
+      return expect(cmd.parseAsync(['-h'], { from: 'user' })).rejects.toMatchInlineSnapshot(
+        '[Error: process.exit called with 0]'
+      )
+    }
+  )
diff --git a/src/repl/__tests__/repl.ts b/src/repl/__tests__/repl.ts
index b3276464d..3b1bf04b4 100644
--- a/src/repl/__tests__/repl.ts
+++ b/src/repl/__tests__/repl.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import * as repl from 'repl'
 import type { SourceFiles } from '../../modules/moduleTypes'
 import { Chapter } from '../../types'
-import { asMockedFunc } from '../../utils/testing'
+import { asMockedFunc } from '../../utils/testing/misc'
 import { getReplCommand } from '../repl'
 import { chapterParser } from '../utils'
diff --git a/src/repl/__tests__/svmc.ts b/src/repl/__tests__/svmc.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a248f6a50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/repl/__tests__/svmc.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+import * as fs from 'fs/promises'
+import { asMockedFunc } from '../../utils/testing/misc'
+import { compileToChoices, getSVMCCommand } from '../svmc'
+import * as vm from '../../vm/svml-compiler'
+import { expectWritten, getCommandRunner } from './utils'
+jest.mock('fs/promises', () => ({
+  writeFile: jest.fn(),
+  readFile: jest.fn()
+const mockedReadFile = asMockedFunc(fs.readFile)
+const mockedWriteFile = asMockedFunc(fs.writeFile)
+jest.spyOn(vm, 'compileToIns')
+beforeEach(() => {
+  jest.clearAllMocks()
+const { expectError: rawExpectError, expectSuccess: rawExpectSuccess } =
+  getCommandRunner(getSVMCCommand)
+async function expectSuccess(code: string, ...args: string[]) {
+  mockedReadFile.mockResolvedValueOnce(code)
+  await rawExpectSuccess(...args)
+  expect(fs.readFile).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1)
+  expect(fs.writeFile).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1)
+function expectError(code: string, ...args: string[]) {
+  mockedReadFile.mockResolvedValueOnce(code)
+  return rawExpectError(...args)
+test('Running with defaults', async () => {
+  await expectSuccess('1+1;', 'test.js')
+  const [[fileName]] = mockedWriteFile.mock.calls
+  expect(fileName).toEqual('test.svm')
+it("won't run if the program has parsing errors", async () => {
+  await expectError('1 + 1', '/test.js')
+  expect(vm.compileToIns).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0)
+  expectWritten(process.stderr.write).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
+    `"Line 1: Missing semicolon at the end of statement"`
+  )
+it("won't perform compilation if the output type is 'ast'", async () => {
+  await expectSuccess('1+1;', 'test.js', '-t', 'ast')
+  expect(vm.compileToIns).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0)
+describe('--internals option', () => {
+  test('with valid values', async () => {
+    await expectSuccess('1+1;', 'test.js', '--internals', '["func1", "func2"]')
+    expect(vm.compileToIns).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1)
+    const [[, , internals]] = asMockedFunc(vm.compileToIns).mock.calls
+    expect(internals).toEqual(['func1', 'func2'])
+  })
+  test('with non-string values in array', async () => {
+    await expectError('1+1;', 'test.js', '--internals', '[1, 2]')
+    expectWritten(process.stderr.write).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
+      "error: option '-i, --internals <names>' argument '[1, 2]' is invalid. Expected a JSON array of strings!
+      "
+    `)
+  })
+  test('with a non-array', async () => {
+    await expectError('1+1;', 'test.js', '--internals', '{ "a": 1, "b": 2}')
+    expectWritten(process.stderr.write).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
+      "error: option '-i, --internals <names>' argument '{ \\"a\\": 1, \\"b\\": 2}' is invalid. Expected a JSON array of strings!
+      "
+    `)
+  })
+describe('Test output options', () => {
+  compileToChoices.forEach(choice => {
+    test(choice, async () => {
+      await expectSuccess('1 + 1;', 'test.js', '-t', choice)
+      const [[fileName, contents]] = mockedWriteFile.mock.calls
+      expect((fileName as string).startsWith('test')).toEqual(true)
+      expect(contents).toMatchSnapshot()
+    })
+  })
diff --git a/src/repl/__tests__/transpiler.ts b/src/repl/__tests__/transpiler.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..06cd864e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/repl/__tests__/transpiler.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+import * as fs from 'fs/promises'
+import type pathlib from 'path'
+import { asMockedFunc } from '../../utils/testing/misc'
+import { getTranspilerCommand } from '../transpiler'
+import { expectWritten, getCommandRunner } from './utils'
+jest.mock('fs/promises', () => ({
+  readFile: jest.fn(),
+  writeFile: jest.fn()
+jest.mock('path', () => {
+  const actualPath: typeof pathlib = jest.requireActual('path/posix')
+  return {
+    ...actualPath,
+    resolve: (...args: string[]) => actualPath.resolve('/', ...args)
+  }
+beforeEach(() => {
+  jest.clearAllMocks()
+const mockedWriteFile = asMockedFunc(fs.writeFile)
+const mockedReadFile = asMockedFunc(fs.readFile)
+const { expectError, expectSuccess } = getCommandRunner(getTranspilerCommand)
+test('Nothing should be written if the program has parser errors', async () => {
+  mockedReadFile.mockResolvedValueOnce('1+1')
+  await expectError('/test.js')
+  expect(fs.writeFile).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0)
+  expectWritten(process.stderr.write).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
+    `"[/test.js] Line 1: Missing semicolon at the end of statement"`
+  )
+test('Nothing should be written if the program has transpiler errors', async () => {
+  mockedReadFile.mockResolvedValueOnce('a;')
+  await expectError('/test.js')
+  expect(fs.writeFile).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0)
+  expectWritten(process.stderr.write).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
+    `"[/test.js] Line 1: Name a not declared."`
+  )
+test('Nothing should be written to disk if no output file was specified', async () => {
+  mockedReadFile.mockResolvedValueOnce('1+1;')
+  await expectSuccess('test.js')
+  expect(fs.writeFile).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0)
+  // Code should have been written to stdout
+  expectWritten(process.stdout.write).toMatchSnapshot()
+test('Writing to file', async () => {
+  mockedReadFile.mockResolvedValueOnce('1+1;')
+  await expectSuccess('test.js', '-o', 'out.js')
+  expect(fs.writeFile).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1)
+  const [[fileName, contents]] = mockedWriteFile.mock.calls
+  expect(fileName).toEqual('out.js')
+  expect(contents).toMatchSnapshot()
+test('pretranspile option', async () => {
+  mockedReadFile.mockResolvedValueOnce('1+1;')
+  await expectSuccess('test.js', '-o', 'out.js', '-p')
+  expect(fs.writeFile).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1)
+  const [[fileName, contents]] = mockedWriteFile.mock.calls
+  expect(fileName).toEqual('out.js')
+  expect(contents).toEqual('1 + 1;\n')
diff --git a/src/repl/__tests__/utils.ts b/src/repl/__tests__/utils.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb944018e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/repl/__tests__/utils.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+import type { Command } from '@commander-js/extra-typings'
+import { asMockedFunc } from '../../utils/testing/misc'
+ * Set up the environment for testing the given command. Returns
+ * `expectSuccess` and `expectError` for use with making assertions
+ * about the behaviour of the command
+ */
+export function getCommandRunner<T extends Command<any, any>>(getter: () => T) {
+  jest.spyOn(process.stdout, 'write').mockImplementation(() => true)
+  jest.spyOn(process.stderr, 'write').mockImplementation(() => true)
+  jest.spyOn(process, 'exit').mockImplementation(code => {
+    throw new Error(`process.exit called with ${code}`)
+  })
+  async function runner(...args: string[]) {
+    await getter().parseAsync(args, { from: 'user' })
+  }
+  return {
+    expectError(...args: string[]) {
+      // Error conditions should always cause commands to call
+      // process.exit(1)
+      return expect(runner(...args)).rejects.toMatchInlineSnapshot(
+        `[Error: process.exit called with 1]`
+      )
+    },
+    expectSuccess(...args: string[]) {
+      return expect(runner(...args)).resolves.toBeUndefined()
+    }
+  }
+export function expectWritten(f: (contents: string) => any) {
+  expect(f).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1)
+  const [[contents]] = asMockedFunc(f).mock.calls
+  return expect(contents)
diff --git a/src/repl/index.ts b/src/repl/index.ts
index 72065bc95..a1c7aefd7 100644
--- a/src/repl/index.ts
+++ b/src/repl/index.ts
@@ -1,11 +1,4 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
+import { getMainCommand } from './main'
-import { Command } from '@commander-js/extra-typings'
-import { getReplCommand } from './repl'
-import { transpilerCommand } from './transpiler'
-new Command()
-  .addCommand(transpilerCommand)
-  .addCommand(getReplCommand(), { isDefault: true })
-  .parseAsync()
diff --git a/src/repl/main.ts b/src/repl/main.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ca6834ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/repl/main.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Command } from '@commander-js/extra-typings'
+import { getSVMCCommand } from './svmc'
+import { getReplCommand } from './repl'
+import { getTranspilerCommand } from './transpiler'
+export const getMainCommand = () =>
+  new Command()
+    .addCommand(getSVMCCommand())
+    .addCommand(getTranspilerCommand())
+    .addCommand(getReplCommand(), { isDefault: true })
diff --git a/src/repl/svmc.ts b/src/repl/svmc.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5cba0dd37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/repl/svmc.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+import type pathlib from 'path'
+import type fslib from 'fs/promises'
+import { Command, InvalidArgumentError, Option } from '@commander-js/extra-typings'
+import { createEmptyContext } from '../createContext'
+import { parse } from '../parser/parser'
+import { Chapter, Variant } from '../types'
+import { stripIndent } from '../utils/formatters'
+import { parseError } from '..'
+import { assemble } from '../vm/svml-assembler'
+import { compileToIns } from '../vm/svml-compiler'
+import { stringifyProgram } from '../vm/util'
+import { chapterParser, getChapterOption } from './utils'
+export const compileToChoices = ['ast', 'binary', 'debug', 'json'] as const
+export const getSVMCCommand = () =>
+  new Command('svmc')
+    .argument('<inputFile>', 'File to read code from')
+    .addOption(getChapterOption(Chapter.SOURCE_3, chapterParser))
+    .addOption(
+      new Option(
+        '-t, --compileTo <compileOption>',
+        stripIndent`
+      json: Compile only, but don't assemble.
+      binary: Compile and assemble.
+      debug: Compile and pretty-print the compiler output. For debugging the compiler.
+      ast: Parse and pretty-print the AST. For debugging the parser.`
+      )
+        .choices(compileToChoices)
+        .default('binary' as (typeof compileToChoices)[number])
+    )
+    .option(
+      '-o, --out <outFile>',
+      stripIndent`
+      Sets the output filename.
+      Defaults to the input filename, minus any file extension, plus '.svm'.
+    `
+    )
+    .addOption(
+      new Option(
+        '-i, --internals <names>',
+        `Sets the list of VM-internal functions. The argument should be a JSON array of
+strings containing the names of the VM-internal functions.`
+      )
+        .argParser(value => {
+          const parsed = JSON.parse(value)
+          if (!Array.isArray(parsed)) {
+            throw new InvalidArgumentError('Expected a JSON array of strings!')
+          }
+          for (const each of parsed) {
+            if (typeof each !== 'string') {
+              throw new InvalidArgumentError('Expected a JSON array of strings!')
+            }
+          }
+          return parsed as string[]
+        })
+        .default([] as string[])
+    )
+    .action(async (inputFile, opts) => {
+      const fs: typeof fslib = require('fs/promises')
+      const vmInternalFunctions = opts.internals || []
+      const source = await fs.readFile(inputFile, 'utf-8')
+      const context = createEmptyContext(opts.chapter, Variant.DEFAULT, [], null)
+      const program = parse(source, context)
+      if (program === null) {
+        process.stderr.write(parseError(context.errors))
+        process.exit(1)
+      }
+      let output: string | Uint8Array
+      let ext: string
+      if (opts.compileTo === 'ast') {
+        output = JSON.stringify(program, undefined, 2)
+        ext = '.json'
+      } else {
+        const compiled = compileToIns(program, undefined, vmInternalFunctions)
+        switch (opts.compileTo) {
+          case 'debug': {
+            output = stringifyProgram(compiled).trimEnd()
+            ext = '.svm'
+            break
+          }
+          case 'json': {
+            output = JSON.stringify(compiled)
+            ext = '.json'
+            break
+          }
+          case 'binary': {
+            output = assemble(compiled)
+            ext = '.svm'
+            break
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      const { extname, basename }: typeof pathlib = require('path')
+      const extToRemove = extname(inputFile)
+      const outputFileName = opts.out ?? `${basename(inputFile, extToRemove)}${ext}`
+      await fs.writeFile(outputFileName, output)
+      console.log(`Output written to ${outputFileName}`)
+    })
diff --git a/src/repl/transpiler.ts b/src/repl/transpiler.ts
index 0f4884d1c..a65edfc30 100644
--- a/src/repl/transpiler.ts
+++ b/src/repl/transpiler.ts
@@ -16,63 +16,60 @@ import {
 } from './utils'
-export const transpilerCommand = new Command('transpiler')
-  .addOption(getVariantOption(Variant.DEFAULT, [Variant.DEFAULT, Variant.NATIVE]))
-  .addOption(getChapterOption(Chapter.SOURCE_4, chapterParser))
-  .option(
-    '-p, --pretranspile',
-    "only pretranspile (e.g. GPU -> Source) and don't perform Source -> JS transpilation"
-  )
-  .option('-o, --out <outFile>', 'Specify a file to write to')
-  .argument('<filename>')
-  .action(async (fileName, opts) => {
-    if (!validateChapterAndVariantCombo(opts)) {
-      console.log('Invalid language combination!')
-      return
-    }
+export const getTranspilerCommand = () =>
+  new Command('transpiler')
+    .addOption(getVariantOption(Variant.DEFAULT, [Variant.DEFAULT, Variant.NATIVE]))
+    .addOption(getChapterOption(Chapter.SOURCE_4, chapterParser))
+    .option('-p, --pretranspile', "only pretranspile and don't perform Source -> JS transpilation")
+    .option('-o, --out <outFile>', 'Specify a file to write to')
+    .argument('<filename>')
+    .action(async (fileName, opts) => {
+      if (!validateChapterAndVariantCombo(opts)) {
+        console.log('Invalid language combination!')
+        return
+      }
-    const fs: typeof fslib = require('fs/promises')
-    const context = createContext(opts.chapter, opts.variant)
-    const entrypointFilePath = resolve(fileName)
+      const fs: typeof fslib = require('fs/promises')
+      const context = createContext(opts.chapter, opts.variant)
+      const entrypointFilePath = resolve(fileName)
-    const linkerResult = await parseProgramsAndConstructImportGraph(
-      async p => {
-        try {
-          const text = await fs.readFile(p, 'utf-8')
-          return text
-        } catch (error) {
-          if (error.code === 'ENOENT') return undefined
-          throw error
-        }
-      },
-      entrypointFilePath,
-      context,
-      {},
-      true
-    )
-    if (!linkerResult.ok) {
-      console.log(parseError(context.errors, linkerResult.verboseErrors))
-      return
-    }
+      const linkerResult = await parseProgramsAndConstructImportGraph(
+        async p => {
+          try {
+            const text = await fs.readFile(p, 'utf-8')
+            return text
+          } catch (error) {
+            if (error.code === 'ENOENT') return undefined
+            throw error
+          }
+        },
+        entrypointFilePath,
+        context,
+        {},
+        true
+      )
-    const { programs, topoOrder } = linkerResult
-    const bundledProgram = defaultBundler(programs, entrypointFilePath, topoOrder, context)
+      if (!linkerResult.ok) {
+        process.stderr.write(parseError(context.errors, linkerResult.verboseErrors))
+        process.exit(1)
+      }
-    const transpiled = opts.pretranspile
-      ? generate(bundledProgram)
-      : transpile(bundledProgram, context).transpiled
+      const { programs, topoOrder } = linkerResult
+      const bundledProgram = defaultBundler(programs, entrypointFilePath, topoOrder, context)
-    if (context.errors.length > 0) {
-      console.log(parseError(context.errors, linkerResult.verboseErrors))
-      return
-    }
+      try {
+        const transpiled = opts.pretranspile
+          ? generate(bundledProgram)
+          : transpile(bundledProgram, context).transpiled
-    if (opts.out) {
-      const resolvedOut = resolve(opts.out)
-      await fs.writeFile(resolvedOut, transpiled)
-      console.log(`Code written to ${resolvedOut}`)
-    } else {
-      console.log(transpiled)
-    }
-  })
+        if (opts.out) {
+          await fs.writeFile(opts.out, transpiled)
+          console.log(`Code written to ${opts.out}`)
+        } else {
+          process.stdout.write(transpiled)
+        }
+      } catch (error) {
+        process.stderr.write(parseError([error], linkerResult.verboseErrors))
+        process.exit(1)
+      }
+    })
diff --git a/src/repl/utils.ts b/src/repl/utils.ts
index aed3ab3e3..adeccf846 100644
--- a/src/repl/utils.ts
+++ b/src/repl/utils.ts
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import { Chapter, type Language, Variant, type Result } from '../types'
 import { stringify } from '../utils/stringify'
 import Closure from '../cse-machine/closure'
 import { parseError, type Context } from '..'
+import { objectKeys } from '../utils/misc'
 export function chapterParser(str: string): Chapter {
   let foundChapter: string | undefined
@@ -12,7 +13,7 @@ export function chapterParser(str: string): Chapter {
   if (/^-?[0-9]+$/.test(str)) {
     // Chapter is fully numeric
     const value = parseInt(str)
-    foundChapter = Object.keys(Chapter).find(chapterName => Chapter[chapterName] === value)
+    foundChapter = objectKeys(Chapter).find(chapterName => Chapter[chapterName] === value)
     if (foundChapter === undefined) {
       throw new Error(`Invalid chapter value: ${str}`)
diff --git a/src/runner/__tests__/execMethod.ts b/src/runner/__tests__/execMethod.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8c2db489a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/runner/__tests__/execMethod.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+import runners, { type RunnerTypes } from '../sourceRunner'
+import { Chapter, type ExecutionMethod, Variant } from '../../types'
+import type { Runner } from '../types'
+import { runCodeInSource } from '..'
+import { mockContext } from '../../utils/testing/mocks'
+import { getChapterName, objectKeys, objectValues } from '../../utils/misc'
+import { asMockedFunc } from '../../utils/testing/misc'
+import { parseError } from '../..'
+jest.mock('../sourceRunner', () => ({
+  default: new Proxy({} as Record<string, Runner>, {
+    get: (obj, prop: string) => {
+      if (!(prop in obj)) {
+        const mockRunner: Runner = (_, context) =>
+          Promise.resolve({
+            status: 'finished',
+            value: '',
+            context
+          })
+        obj[prop] = jest.fn(mockRunner)
+      }
+      return obj[prop]
+    }
+  })
+// Required since Typed variant tries to load modules
+beforeEach(() => {
+  jest.clearAllMocks()
+interface TestCase {
+  chapter?: Chapter
+  variant?: Variant
+  code?: string
+  /**
+   * Set this to simulate the options having
+   * a specific execution method set
+   */
+  optionMethod?: ExecutionMethod
+  /**
+   * Set this to simulate the context having a specific
+   * execution method set
+   */
+  contextMethod?: ExecutionMethod
+interface FullTestCase extends TestCase {
+  /**
+   * Which runner was expected to be called
+   */
+  expectedRunner: RunnerTypes
+  /**
+   * Should the runner have evaluated the prelude?
+   */
+  expectedPrelude: boolean
+  verboseErrors?: boolean
+const sourceCases: FullTestCase[] = [
+  {
+    chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_1,
+    variant: Variant.DEFAULT,
+    expectedRunner: 'native',
+    expectedPrelude: true
+  },
+  {
+    chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2,
+    variant: Variant.DEFAULT,
+    expectedRunner: 'native',
+    expectedPrelude: true
+  },
+  {
+    chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
+    variant: Variant.DEFAULT,
+    expectedRunner: 'native',
+    expectedPrelude: true
+  },
+  {
+    chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4,
+    variant: Variant.DEFAULT,
+    expectedRunner: 'native',
+    expectedPrelude: true
+  },
+  {
+    contextMethod: 'native',
+    variant: Variant.NATIVE,
+    expectedRunner: 'fulljs',
+    expectedPrelude: false
+  }
+// These JS cases never evaluate a prelude,
+// nor ever have verbose errors enabled
+const fullJSCases: TestCase[] = [{ chapter: Chapter.FULL_JS }, { chapter: Chapter.FULL_TS }]
+// The alt langs never evaluate a prelude,
+// always use fullJS regardless of variant,
+// but we don't need to check for verbose errors
+const altLangCases: Chapter[] = [Chapter.PYTHON_1]
+type TestObject = {
+  code: string
+  chapter: Chapter
+  variant: Variant
+  expectedPrelude: boolean
+  expectedRunner: RunnerTypes
+  optionMethod?: ExecutionMethod
+  contextMethod?: ExecutionMethod
+function expectCalls(count: number, expected: RunnerTypes) {
+  const unexpectedRunner = objectKeys(runners).find(runner => {
+    const { calls } = asMockedFunc(runners[runner]).mock
+    return calls.length > 0
+  })
+  switch (unexpectedRunner) {
+    case undefined:
+      throw new Error(
+        `Expected ${expected} to be called ${count} times, but no runners were called`
+      )
+    case expected: {
+      expect(runners[expected]).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(count)
+      return asMockedFunc(runners[expected]).mock.calls
+    }
+    default: {
+      const callCount = asMockedFunc(runners[unexpectedRunner]).mock.calls.length
+      throw new Error(
+        `Expected ${expected} to be called ${count} times, but ${unexpectedRunner} was called ${callCount} times`
+      )
+    }
+  }
+async function testCase({
+  code,
+  chapter,
+  variant,
+  contextMethod,
+  optionMethod,
+  expectedPrelude,
+  expectedRunner
+}: TestObject) {
+  const context = mockContext(chapter, variant)
+  if (contextMethod !== undefined) {
+    context.executionMethod = contextMethod
+  }
+  // Check if the prelude is null before execution
+  // because the prelude gets set to null if it wasn't before
+  const shouldPrelude = expectedPrelude && context.prelude !== null
+  const options =
+    optionMethod === undefined
+      ? undefined
+      : {
+          executionMethod: optionMethod
+        }
+  await runCodeInSource(code, context, options)
+  if (context.errors.length > 0) {
+    console.log(parseError(context.errors))
+  }
+  expect(context.errors.length).toEqual(0)
+  if (shouldPrelude) {
+    // If the prelude was to be evaluated and the prelude is not null,
+    // the runner should be called twice
+    const [call0, call1] = expectCalls(2, expectedRunner)
+    // First with isPrelude true
+    expect(call0[2].isPrelude).toEqual(true)
+    // and then with isPrelude false
+    expect(call1[2].isPrelude).toEqual(false)
+  } else {
+    // If not, the runner should only have been called once
+    const [call0] = expectCalls(1, expectedRunner)
+    // with isPrelude false
+    expect(call0[2].isPrelude).toEqual(false)
+  }
+function testCases(desc: string, cases: FullTestCase[]) {
+  describe(desc, () =>
+    test.each(
+      cases.map(({ code, verboseErrors, contextMethod, chapter, variant, ...tc }, i) => {
+        chapter = chapter ?? Chapter.SOURCE_1
+        variant = variant ?? Variant.DEFAULT
+        const context = mockContext(chapter, variant)
+        if (contextMethod !== undefined) {
+          context.executionMethod = contextMethod
+        }
+        const chapterName = getChapterName(chapter)
+        let desc = `${i + 1}. Testing ${chapterName}, Variant: ${variant}, expected ${tc.expectedRunner} runner`
+        code = code ?? ''
+        if (verboseErrors) {
+          code = `"enable verbose";\n${code}`
+          desc += ' (verbose errors)'
+        }
+        return [desc, { code, chapter, variant, ...tc }]
+      })
+    )('%s', async (_, to) => testCase(to))
+  )
+describe('Ensure that the correct runner is used for the given evaluation context and settings', () => {
+  testCases('Test regular source cases', sourceCases)
+  testCases(
+    'Test source verbose error cases',
+    sourceCases.map(tc => ({
+      ...tc,
+      verboseErrors: true,
+      expectedRunner: 'cse-machine'
+    }))
+  )
+  testCases(
+    'Test source cases with debugger statements',
+    sourceCases.map(tc => ({
+      ...tc,
+      code: 'debugger;\n' + (tc.code ?? ''),
+      expectedRunner: 'cse-machine'
+    }))
+  )
+  testCases(
+    'Test explicit control variant',
+    sourceCases.map(tc => ({
+      ...tc,
+      variant: Variant.EXPLICIT_CONTROL,
+      expectedRunner: 'cse-machine'
+    }))
+  )
+  testCases(
+    'Test FullJS cases',
+    fullJSCases.flatMap((tc): FullTestCase[] => {
+      const fullCase: FullTestCase = {
+        ...tc,
+        verboseErrors: false,
+        expectedPrelude: false,
+        expectedRunner: 'fulljs'
+      }
+      const verboseErrorCase: FullTestCase = {
+        ...fullCase,
+        verboseErrors: true
+      }
+      return [fullCase, verboseErrorCase]
+    })
+  )
+  testCases(
+    'Test alt-langs',
+    altLangCases.flatMap(chapter =>
+      objectValues(Variant).map(
+        (variant): FullTestCase => ({
+          code: '',
+          variant,
+          chapter,
+          expectedPrelude: false,
+          expectedRunner: 'fulljs',
+          verboseErrors: false
+        })
+      )
+    )
+  )
+  test('if optionMethod is specified, verbose errors is ignored', () =>
+    testCase({
+      code: '"enable verbose"; 0;',
+      optionMethod: 'native',
+      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4,
+      variant: Variant.DEFAULT,
+      expectedPrelude: true,
+      expectedRunner: 'native'
+    }))
+  // testCases('runner correctly respects optionMethod', objectKeys(runners).map(runner => ({
+  //   code: '"enable verbose"; 0;',
+  //   optionMethod: runner,
+  //   chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4,
+  //   variant: Variant.DEFAULT,
+  //   expectedPrelude: true,
+  //   expectedRunner: runner
+  // })))
+  test('if optionMethod is specified, debubger statements are ignored', () =>
+    testCase({
+      code: 'debugger; 0;',
+      optionMethod: 'native',
+      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4,
+      variant: Variant.DEFAULT,
+      expectedPrelude: true,
+      expectedRunner: 'native'
+    }))
+  test('if contextMethod is specified, verbose errors is ignored', () =>
+    testCase({
+      code: '"enable verbose"; 0;',
+      contextMethod: 'native',
+      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4,
+      variant: Variant.DEFAULT,
+      expectedPrelude: true,
+      expectedRunner: 'native'
+    }))
+  test('if contextMethod is specified, debugger statements are ignored', () =>
+    testCase({
+      code: 'debugger; 0;',
+      contextMethod: 'native',
+      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4,
+      variant: Variant.DEFAULT,
+      expectedPrelude: true,
+      expectedRunner: 'native'
+    }))
+  test('optionMethod takes precedence over contextMethod', () =>
+    testCase({
+      code: '0;',
+      contextMethod: 'native',
+      optionMethod: 'cse-machine',
+      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4,
+      variant: Variant.DEFAULT,
+      expectedPrelude: true,
+      expectedRunner: 'cse-machine'
+    }))
+  test('debugger statements require cse-machine', () =>
+    testCase({
+      code: 'debugger; 0;',
+      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4,
+      variant: Variant.DEFAULT,
+      expectedPrelude: true,
+      expectedRunner: 'cse-machine'
+    }))
diff --git a/src/runner/__tests__/files.ts b/src/runner/__tests__/files.ts
index 4a355cd6a..cf275cd1d 100644
--- a/src/runner/__tests__/files.ts
+++ b/src/runner/__tests__/files.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import { compileFiles, parseError, runFilesInContext } from '../../index'
-import { mockContext } from '../../mocks/context'
+import { mockContext } from '../../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { Chapter } from '../../types'
 describe('runFilesInContext', () => {
diff --git a/src/runner/__tests__/modules.ts b/src/runner/__tests__/modules.ts
index 552b21e99..73cd0d72c 100644
--- a/src/runner/__tests__/modules.ts
+++ b/src/runner/__tests__/modules.ts
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-import { mockContext } from '../../mocks/context'
+import { mockContext } from '../../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { Chapter, Variant } from '../../types'
 import { stripIndent } from '../../utils/formatters'
-import { expectFinishedResult } from '../../utils/testing'
-import { runCodeInSource } from '../sourceRunner'
+import { expectFinishedResultValue } from '../../utils/testing/misc'
+import { runCodeInSource } from '..'
+import { getChapterName } from '../../utils/misc'
@@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ describe.each(describeCases)(
   'Ensuring that %s chapters are able to load modules',
   (_, chapters, variants, code) => {
     const chapterCases = chapters.map(chapterVal => {
-      const [chapterName] = Object.entries(Chapter).find(([, value]) => value === chapterVal)!
+      const chapterName = getChapterName(chapterVal)
       const index = chapters.indexOf(chapterVal)
       const variant = variants[index]
       return [`Testing ${chapterName}`, chapterVal, variant] as [string, Chapter, Variant]
@@ -67,8 +68,7 @@ describe.each(describeCases)(
       const context = mockContext(chapter, variant)
       const { result } = await runCodeInSource(code, context)
-      expectFinishedResult(result)
-      expect(result.value).toEqual('foo')
+      expectFinishedResultValue(result, 'foo')
diff --git a/src/runner/__tests__/runners.ts b/src/runner/__tests__/runners.ts
index 05c2a6deb..b7d3a637f 100644
--- a/src/runner/__tests__/runners.ts
+++ b/src/runner/__tests__/runners.ts
@@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
-import { Context, Result, runInContext } from '../..'
+import { type Context, type Result, runInContext } from '../..'
 import { UndefinedVariable } from '../../errors/errors'
-import { mockContext } from '../../mocks/context'
+import { mockContext } from '../../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { FatalSyntaxError } from '../../parser/errors'
-import { Chapter, Finished, Variant } from '../../types'
+import { Chapter, type Finished, type SourceError, Variant } from '../../types'
 import { locationDummyNode } from '../../utils/ast/astCreator'
-import { CodeSnippetTestCase } from '../../utils/testing'
 import { htmlErrorHandlingScript } from '../htmlRunner'
+interface CodeSnippetTestCase {
+  name: string
+  snippet: string
+  value: any
+  errors: SourceError[]
 const JAVASCRIPT_CODE_SNIPPETS_NO_ERRORS: CodeSnippetTestCase[] = [
     name: 'LITERAL OBJECT',
diff --git a/src/runner/errors.ts b/src/runner/errors.ts
index b983c5a39..559ad3688 100644
--- a/src/runner/errors.ts
+++ b/src/runner/errors.ts
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-import { NullableMappedPosition, RawSourceMap, SourceMapConsumer } from 'source-map'
+import { type NullableMappedPosition, type RawSourceMap, SourceMapConsumer } from 'source-map'
 import { UNKNOWN_LOCATION } from '../constants'
 import { ConstAssignment, ExceptionError, UndefinedVariable } from '../errors/errors'
-import { SourceError } from '../types'
+import type { SourceError } from '../types'
 import { locationDummyNode } from '../utils/ast/astCreator'
 enum BrowserType {
diff --git a/src/runner/fullJSRunner.ts b/src/runner/fullJSRunner.ts
index ceedf567e..a81039249 100644
--- a/src/runner/fullJSRunner.ts
+++ b/src/runner/fullJSRunner.ts
@@ -3,10 +3,8 @@ import { generate } from 'astring'
 import type es from 'estree'
 import { RawSourceMap } from 'source-map'
-import type { Result } from '..'
 import { NATIVE_STORAGE_ID } from '../constants'
 import { RuntimeSourceError } from '../errors/runtimeSourceError'
-import type { ImportOptions } from '../modules/moduleTypes'
 import { parse } from '../parser/parser'
 import {
@@ -19,6 +17,7 @@ import * as create from '../utils/ast/astCreator'
 import { getFunctionDeclarationNamesInProgram } from '../utils/uniqueIds'
 import { toSourceError } from './errors'
 import { resolvedErrorPromise } from './utils'
+import { Runner } from './types'
 function fullJSEval(code: string, nativeStorage: NativeStorage): any {
   if (nativeStorage.evaller) {
@@ -46,11 +45,7 @@ function containsPrevEval(context: Context): boolean {
   return context.nativeStorage.evaller != null
-export async function fullJSRunner(
-  program: es.Program,
-  context: Context,
-  importOptions: ImportOptions
-): Promise<Result> {
+const fullJSRunner: Runner = async (program, context) => {
   // prelude & builtins
   // only process builtins and preludes if it is a fresh eval context
   const prelude = preparePrelude(context)
@@ -91,3 +86,5 @@ export async function fullJSRunner(
     return resolvedErrorPromise
+export default fullJSRunner
diff --git a/src/runner/htmlRunner.ts b/src/runner/htmlRunner.ts
index ba17dd062..62c2fee7a 100644
--- a/src/runner/htmlRunner.ts
+++ b/src/runner/htmlRunner.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-import { IOptions, Result } from '..'
-import { Context, RecursivePartial } from '../types'
+import type { IOptions, Result } from '..'
+import type { Context, RecursivePartial } from '../types'
   window.onerror = (msg, url, lineNum) => {
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ export const htmlErrorHandlingScript = HTML_ERROR_HANDLING_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE.repla
 export async function htmlRunner(
   code: string,
   context: Context,
-  options: RecursivePartial<IOptions> = {}
+  _options: RecursivePartial<IOptions> = {}
 ): Promise<Result> {
   return Promise.resolve({
     status: 'finished',
diff --git a/src/runner/index.ts b/src/runner/index.ts
index 032b938cb..68a4bdca6 100644
--- a/src/runner/index.ts
+++ b/src/runner/index.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,185 @@
-export * from './fullJSRunner'
-export * from './htmlRunner'
-export * from './sourceRunner'
-export * from './utils'
+import * as _ from 'lodash'
+import type { Program } from 'estree'
+import type { Context, IOptions, Result } from '..'
+import { mapResult } from '../alt-langs/mapper'
+import type { FileGetter } from '../modules/moduleTypes'
+import preprocessFileImports from '../modules/preprocessor'
+import { Chapter, Variant, type RecursivePartial } from '../types'
+import { validateAndAnnotate } from '../validator/validator'
+import { parse } from '../parser/parser'
+import assert from '../utils/assert'
+import { defaultAnalysisOptions } from '../modules/preprocessor/analyzer'
+import { defaultLinkerOptions } from '../modules/preprocessor/linker'
+import { determineExecutionMethod, determineVariant, resolvedErrorPromise } from './utils'
+import runners from './sourceRunner'
+let previousCode: {
+  files: Partial<Record<string, string>>
+  entrypointFilePath: string
+} | null = null
+export const DEFAULT_SOURCE_OPTIONS: Readonly<IOptions> = {
+  steps: 1000,
+  stepLimit: -1,
+  executionMethod: 'auto',
+  variant: Variant.DEFAULT,
+  originalMaxExecTime: 1000,
+  useSubst: false,
+  isPrelude: false,
+  throwInfiniteLoops: true,
+  envSteps: -1,
+  importOptions: {
+    ...defaultAnalysisOptions,
+    ...defaultLinkerOptions,
+    loadTabs: true
+  },
+  shouldAddFileName: null
+async function sourceRunner(
+  program: Program,
+  context: Context,
+  isVerboseErrorsEnabled: boolean,
+  options: RecursivePartial<IOptions> = {}
+): Promise<Result> {
+  // It is necessary to make a copy of the DEFAULT_SOURCE_OPTIONS object because merge()
+  // will modify it rather than create a new object
+  const theOptions = _.merge({ ...DEFAULT_SOURCE_OPTIONS }, options)
+  context.variant = determineVariant(context, options)
+  if (
+    context.chapter === Chapter.FULL_JS ||
+    context.chapter === Chapter.FULL_TS ||
+    context.chapter === Chapter.PYTHON_1
+  ) {
+    return runners.fulljs(program, context, theOptions)
+  }
+  validateAndAnnotate(program, context)
+  if (context.errors.length > 0) {
+    return resolvedErrorPromise
+  }
+  if (theOptions.useSubst) {
+    return runners.substitution(program, context, theOptions)
+  }
+  determineExecutionMethod(theOptions, context, program, isVerboseErrorsEnabled)
+  // native, don't evaluate prelude
+  if (context.executionMethod === 'native' && context.variant === Variant.NATIVE) {
+    return runners.fulljs(program, context, theOptions)
+  }
+  // All runners after this point evaluate the prelude.
+  if (context.prelude !== null) {
+    context.unTypecheckedCode.push(context.prelude)
+    const prelude = parse(context.prelude, context)
+    if (prelude === null) {
+      return resolvedErrorPromise
+    }
+    context.prelude = null
+    await sourceRunner(prelude, context, isVerboseErrorsEnabled, { ...options, isPrelude: true })
+    return sourceRunner(program, context, isVerboseErrorsEnabled, options)
+  }
+  if (context.variant === Variant.EXPLICIT_CONTROL || context.executionMethod === 'cse-machine') {
+    if (options.isPrelude) {
+      const preludeContext = { ...context, runtime: { ...context.runtime, debuggerOn: false } }
+      const result = await runners['cse-machine'](program, preludeContext, theOptions)
+      // Update object count in main program context after prelude is run
+      context.runtime.objectCount = preludeContext.runtime.objectCount
+      return result
+    }
+    return runners['cse-machine'](program, context, theOptions)
+  }
+  assert(
+    context.executionMethod !== 'auto',
+    'Execution method should have been properly determined!'
+  )
+  return runners.native(program, context, theOptions)
+ * Returns both the Result of the evaluated program, as well as
+ * `verboseErrors`.
+ */
+export async function sourceFilesRunner(
+  filesInput: FileGetter,
+  entrypointFilePath: string,
+  context: Context,
+  options: RecursivePartial<IOptions> = {}
+): Promise<{
+  result: Result
+  verboseErrors: boolean
+}> {
+  const preprocessResult = await preprocessFileImports(
+    filesInput,
+    entrypointFilePath,
+    context,
+    options
+  )
+  if (!preprocessResult.ok) {
+    return {
+      result: { status: 'error' },
+      verboseErrors: preprocessResult.verboseErrors
+    }
+  }
+  const { files, verboseErrors, program: preprocessedProgram } = preprocessResult
+  context.variant = determineVariant(context, options)
+  // FIXME: The type checker does not support the typing of multiple files, so
+  //        we only push the code in the entrypoint file. Ideally, all files
+  //        involved in the program evaluation should be type-checked. Either way,
+  //        the type checker is currently not used at all so this is not very
+  //        urgent.
+  context.unTypecheckedCode.push(files[entrypointFilePath])
+  const currentCode = {
+    files,
+    entrypointFilePath
+  }
+  context.shouldIncreaseEvaluationTimeout = _.isEqual(previousCode, currentCode)
+  previousCode = currentCode
+  context.previousPrograms.unshift(preprocessedProgram)
+  const result = await sourceRunner(preprocessedProgram, context, verboseErrors, options)
+  const resultMapper = mapResult(context)
+  return {
+    result: resultMapper(result),
+    verboseErrors
+  }
+ * Useful for just running a single line of code with the given context
+ * However, if this single line of code is an import statement,
+ * then the FileGetter is necessary, otherwise all local imports will
+ * fail with ModuleNotFoundError
+ */
+export function runCodeInSource(
+  code: string,
+  context: Context,
+  options: RecursivePartial<IOptions> = {},
+  defaultFilePath: string = '/default.js',
+  fileGetter?: FileGetter
+) {
+  return sourceFilesRunner(
+    path => {
+      if (path === defaultFilePath) return Promise.resolve(code)
+      if (!fileGetter) return Promise.resolve(undefined)
+      return fileGetter(path)
+    },
+    defaultFilePath,
+    context,
+    options
+  )
+export { htmlRunner } from './htmlRunner'
+export { resolvedErrorPromise }
diff --git a/src/runner/sourceRunner.ts b/src/runner/sourceRunner.ts
index e2e91befe..33d87e525 100644
--- a/src/runner/sourceRunner.ts
+++ b/src/runner/sourceRunner.ts
@@ -1,21 +1,13 @@
-import type es from 'estree'
 import * as _ from 'lodash'
 import type { RawSourceMap } from 'source-map'
-import { type IOptions, type Result } from '..'
-import { JSSLANG_PROPERTIES, UNKNOWN_LOCATION } from '../constants'
+import { JSSLANG_PROPERTIES } from '../constants'
 import { CSEResultPromise, evaluate as CSEvaluate } from '../cse-machine/interpreter'
 import { ExceptionError } from '../errors/errors'
 import { RuntimeSourceError } from '../errors/runtimeSourceError'
 import { TimeoutError } from '../errors/timeoutErrors'
 import { isPotentialInfiniteLoop } from '../infiniteLoops/errors'
 import { testForInfiniteLoop } from '../infiniteLoops/runtime'
-import { evaluateProgram as evaluate } from '../interpreter/interpreter'
-import preprocessFileImports from '../modules/preprocessor'
-import { defaultAnalysisOptions } from '../modules/preprocessor/analyzer'
-import { defaultLinkerOptions } from '../modules/preprocessor/linker'
-import { parse } from '../parser/parser'
-import { AsyncScheduler, PreemptiveScheduler } from '../schedulers'
 import {
@@ -25,328 +17,114 @@ import {
 } from '../stepper/stepper'
 import { sandboxedEval } from '../transpiler/evalContainer'
 import { transpile } from '../transpiler/transpiler'
-import { Chapter, type Context, type RecursivePartial, type Scheduler, Variant } from '../types'
-import { validateAndAnnotate } from '../validator/validator'
-import { compileForConcurrent } from '../vm/svml-compiler'
-import { runWithProgram } from '../vm/svml-machine'
-import type { FileGetter } from '../modules/moduleTypes'
-import { mapResult } from '../alt-langs/mapper'
+import { Variant } from '../types'
 import { toSourceError } from './errors'
-import { fullJSRunner } from './fullJSRunner'
-import { determineExecutionMethod, determineVariant, resolvedErrorPromise } from './utils'
+import { resolvedErrorPromise } from './utils'
+import type { Runner } from './types'
+import fullJSRunner from './fullJSRunner'
-const DEFAULT_SOURCE_OPTIONS: Readonly<IOptions> = {
-  scheduler: 'async',
-  steps: 1000,
-  stepLimit: -1,
-  executionMethod: 'auto',
-  variant: Variant.DEFAULT,
-  originalMaxExecTime: 1000,
-  useSubst: false,
-  isPrelude: false,
-  throwInfiniteLoops: true,
-  envSteps: -1,
-  importOptions: {
-    ...defaultAnalysisOptions,
-    ...defaultLinkerOptions,
-    loadTabs: true
-  },
-  shouldAddFileName: null
-let previousCode: {
-  files: Partial<Record<string, string>>
-  entrypointFilePath: string
-} | null = null
 let isPreviousCodeTimeoutError = false
-function runConcurrent(program: es.Program, context: Context, options: IOptions): Promise<Result> {
-  if (context.shouldIncreaseEvaluationTimeout) {
-    context.nativeStorage.maxExecTime *= JSSLANG_PROPERTIES.factorToIncreaseBy
-  } else {
-    context.nativeStorage.maxExecTime = options.originalMaxExecTime
-  }
-  try {
+const runners = {
+  fulljs: fullJSRunner,
+  'cse-machine': (program, context, options) => {
+    const value = CSEvaluate(program, context, options)
+    return CSEResultPromise(context, value)
+  },
+  substitution: (program, context, options) => {
+    const steps = getEvaluationSteps(program, context, options)
+    if (context.errors.length > 0) {
+      return resolvedErrorPromise
+    }
+    const redexedSteps: IStepperPropContents[] = []
+    for (const step of steps) {
+      const redex = getRedex(step[0], step[1])
+      const redexed = redexify(step[0], step[1])
+      redexedSteps.push({
+        code: redexed[0],
+        redex: redexed[1],
+        explanation: step[2],
+        function: callee(redex, context)
+      })
+    }
     return Promise.resolve({
       status: 'finished',
-      value: runWithProgram(compileForConcurrent(program, context), context)
-    })
-  } catch (error) {
-    if (error instanceof RuntimeSourceError || error instanceof ExceptionError) {
-      context.errors.push(error) // use ExceptionErrors for non Source Errors
-      return resolvedErrorPromise
-    }
-    context.errors.push(new ExceptionError(error, UNKNOWN_LOCATION))
-    return resolvedErrorPromise
-  }
-function runSubstitution(
-  program: es.Program,
-  context: Context,
-  options: IOptions
-): Promise<Result> {
-  const steps = getEvaluationSteps(program, context, options)
-  if (context.errors.length > 0) {
-    return resolvedErrorPromise
-  }
-  const redexedSteps: IStepperPropContents[] = []
-  for (const step of steps) {
-    const redex = getRedex(step[0], step[1])
-    const redexed = redexify(step[0], step[1])
-    redexedSteps.push({
-      code: redexed[0],
-      redex: redexed[1],
-      explanation: step[2],
-      function: callee(redex, context)
+      value: redexedSteps
-  }
-  return Promise.resolve({
-    status: 'finished',
-    context,
-    value: redexedSteps
-  })
-function runInterpreter(program: es.Program, context: Context, options: IOptions): Promise<Result> {
-  let it = evaluate(program, context)
-  let scheduler: Scheduler
-  if (options.scheduler === 'async') {
-    scheduler = new AsyncScheduler()
-  } else {
-    scheduler = new PreemptiveScheduler(options.steps)
-  }
-  return scheduler.run(it, context)
-async function runNative(
-  program: es.Program,
-  context: Context,
-  options: IOptions
-): Promise<Result> {
-  if (!options.isPrelude) {
-    if (context.shouldIncreaseEvaluationTimeout && isPreviousCodeTimeoutError) {
-      context.nativeStorage.maxExecTime *= JSSLANG_PROPERTIES.factorToIncreaseBy
-    } else {
-      context.nativeStorage.maxExecTime = options.originalMaxExecTime
-    }
-  }
-  // For whatever reason, the transpiler mutates the state of the AST as it is transpiling and inserts
-  // a bunch of global identifiers to it. Once that happens, the infinite loop detection instrumentation
-  // ends up generating code that has syntax errors. As such, we need to make a deep copy here to preserve
-  // the original AST for future use, such as with the infinite loop detector.
-  const transpiledProgram = _.cloneDeep(program)
-  let transpiled
-  let sourceMapJson: RawSourceMap | undefined
-  try {
-    ;({ transpiled, sourceMapJson } = transpile(transpiledProgram, context))
-    let value = sandboxedEval(transpiled, context.nativeStorage)
+  },
+  native: async (program, context, options) => {
     if (!options.isPrelude) {
-      isPreviousCodeTimeoutError = false
+      if (context.shouldIncreaseEvaluationTimeout && isPreviousCodeTimeoutError) {
+        context.nativeStorage.maxExecTime *= JSSLANG_PROPERTIES.factorToIncreaseBy
+      } else {
+        context.nativeStorage.maxExecTime = options.originalMaxExecTime
+      }
-    return {
-      status: 'finished',
-      context,
-      value
-    }
-  } catch (error) {
-    const isDefaultVariant = options.variant === undefined || options.variant === Variant.DEFAULT
-    if (isDefaultVariant && isPotentialInfiniteLoop(error)) {
-      const detectedInfiniteLoop = testForInfiniteLoop(
-        program,
-        context.previousPrograms.slice(1),
-        context.nativeStorage.loadedModules
-      )
-      if (detectedInfiniteLoop !== undefined) {
-        if (options.throwInfiniteLoops) {
-          context.errors.push(detectedInfiniteLoop)
-          return resolvedErrorPromise
-        } else {
-          error.infiniteLoopError = detectedInfiniteLoop
-          if (error instanceof ExceptionError) {
-            ;(error.error as any).infiniteLoopError = detectedInfiniteLoop
+    // For whatever reason, the transpiler mutates the state of the AST as it is transpiling and inserts
+    // a bunch of global identifiers to it. Once that happens, the infinite loop detection instrumentation
+    // ends up generating code that has syntax errors. As such, we need to make a deep copy here to preserve
+    // the original AST for future use, such as with the infinite loop detector.
+    const transpiledProgram = _.cloneDeep(program)
+    let transpiled
+    let sourceMapJson: RawSourceMap | undefined
+    try {
+      ;({ transpiled, sourceMapJson } = transpile(transpiledProgram, context))
+      let value = sandboxedEval(transpiled, context.nativeStorage)
+      if (!options.isPrelude) {
+        isPreviousCodeTimeoutError = false
+      }
+      return {
+        status: 'finished',
+        context,
+        value
+      }
+    } catch (error) {
+      const isDefaultVariant = options.variant === undefined || options.variant === Variant.DEFAULT
+      if (isDefaultVariant && isPotentialInfiniteLoop(error)) {
+        const detectedInfiniteLoop = testForInfiniteLoop(
+          program,
+          context.previousPrograms.slice(1),
+          context.nativeStorage.loadedModules
+        )
+        if (detectedInfiniteLoop !== undefined) {
+          if (options.throwInfiniteLoops) {
+            context.errors.push(detectedInfiniteLoop)
+            return resolvedErrorPromise
+          } else {
+            error.infiniteLoopError = detectedInfiniteLoop
+            if (error instanceof ExceptionError) {
+              ;(error.error as any).infiniteLoopError = detectedInfiniteLoop
+            }
-    }
-    if (error instanceof RuntimeSourceError) {
-      context.errors.push(error)
-      if (error instanceof TimeoutError) {
-        isPreviousCodeTimeoutError = true
-      }
-      return resolvedErrorPromise
-    }
-    if (error instanceof ExceptionError) {
-      // if we know the location of the error, just throw it
-      if (error.location.start.line !== -1) {
+      if (error instanceof RuntimeSourceError) {
+        if (error instanceof TimeoutError) {
+          isPreviousCodeTimeoutError = true
+        }
         return resolvedErrorPromise
-      } else {
-        error = error.error // else we try to get the location from source map
-    }
-    const sourceError = await toSourceError(error, sourceMapJson)
-    context.errors.push(sourceError)
-    return resolvedErrorPromise
-  }
-function runCSEMachine(program: es.Program, context: Context, options: IOptions): Promise<Result> {
-  const value = CSEvaluate(program, context, options)
-  return CSEResultPromise(context, value)
-async function sourceRunner(
-  program: es.Program,
-  context: Context,
-  isVerboseErrorsEnabled: boolean,
-  options: RecursivePartial<IOptions> = {}
-): Promise<Result> {
-  // It is necessary to make a copy of the DEFAULT_SOURCE_OPTIONS object because merge()
-  // will modify it rather than create a new object
-  const theOptions = _.merge({ ...DEFAULT_SOURCE_OPTIONS }, options)
-  context.variant = determineVariant(context, options)
-  if (
-    context.chapter === Chapter.FULL_JS ||
-    context.chapter === Chapter.FULL_TS ||
-    context.chapter === Chapter.PYTHON_1
-  ) {
-    return fullJSRunner(program, context, theOptions.importOptions)
-  }
-  validateAndAnnotate(program, context)
-  if (context.errors.length > 0) {
-    return resolvedErrorPromise
-  }
-  if (context.variant === Variant.CONCURRENT) {
-    return runConcurrent(program, context, theOptions)
-  }
-  if (theOptions.useSubst) {
-    return runSubstitution(program, context, theOptions)
-  }
-  determineExecutionMethod(theOptions, context, program, isVerboseErrorsEnabled)
-  // native, don't evaluate prelude
-  if (context.executionMethod === 'native' && context.variant === Variant.NATIVE) {
-    return await fullJSRunner(program, context, theOptions.importOptions)
-  }
+      if (error instanceof ExceptionError) {
+        // if we know the location of the error, just throw it
+        if (error.location.start.line !== -1) {
+          context.errors.push(error)
+          return resolvedErrorPromise
+        } else {
+          error = error.error // else we try to get the location from source map
+        }
+      }
-  // All runners after this point evaluate the prelude.
-  if (context.prelude !== null) {
-    context.unTypecheckedCode.push(context.prelude)
-    const prelude = parse(context.prelude, context)
-    if (prelude === null) {
+      const sourceError = await toSourceError(error, sourceMapJson)
+      context.errors.push(sourceError)
       return resolvedErrorPromise
-    context.prelude = null
-    await sourceRunner(prelude, context, isVerboseErrorsEnabled, { ...options, isPrelude: true })
-    return sourceRunner(program, context, isVerboseErrorsEnabled, options)
-  }
-  if (context.variant === Variant.EXPLICIT_CONTROL || context.executionMethod === 'cse-machine') {
-    if (options.isPrelude) {
-      const preludeContext = { ...context, runtime: { ...context.runtime, debuggerOn: false } }
-      const result = await runCSEMachine(program, preludeContext, theOptions)
-      // Update object count in main program context after prelude is run
-      context.runtime.objectCount = preludeContext.runtime.objectCount
-      return result
-    }
-    return runCSEMachine(program, context, theOptions)
+} satisfies Record<string, Runner>
-  if (context.executionMethod === 'native') {
-    return runNative(program, context, theOptions)
-  }
-  return runInterpreter(program, context, theOptions)
- * Returns both the Result of the evaluated program, as well as
- * `verboseErrors`.
- */
-export async function sourceFilesRunner(
-  filesInput: FileGetter,
-  entrypointFilePath: string,
-  context: Context,
-  options: RecursivePartial<IOptions> = {}
-): Promise<{
-  result: Result
-  verboseErrors: boolean
-}> {
-  const preprocessResult = await preprocessFileImports(
-    filesInput,
-    entrypointFilePath,
-    context,
-    options
-  )
-  if (!preprocessResult.ok) {
-    return {
-      result: { status: 'error' },
-      verboseErrors: preprocessResult.verboseErrors
-    }
-  }
-  const { files, verboseErrors, program: preprocessedProgram } = preprocessResult
-  context.variant = determineVariant(context, options)
-  // FIXME: The type checker does not support the typing of multiple files, so
-  //        we only push the code in the entrypoint file. Ideally, all files
-  //        involved in the program evaluation should be type-checked. Either way,
-  //        the type checker is currently not used at all so this is not very
-  //        urgent.
-  context.unTypecheckedCode.push(files[entrypointFilePath])
-  const currentCode = {
-    files,
-    entrypointFilePath
-  }
-  context.shouldIncreaseEvaluationTimeout = _.isEqual(previousCode, currentCode)
-  previousCode = currentCode
-  context.previousPrograms.unshift(preprocessedProgram)
-  const result = await sourceRunner(preprocessedProgram, context, verboseErrors, options)
-  const resultMapper = mapResult(context)
-  return {
-    result: resultMapper(result),
-    verboseErrors
-  }
+export default runners
- * Useful for just running a single line of code with the given context
- * However, if this single line of code is an import statement,
- * then the FileGetter is necessary, otherwise all local imports will
- * fail with ModuleNotFoundError
- */
-export function runCodeInSource(
-  code: string,
-  context: Context,
-  options: RecursivePartial<IOptions> = {},
-  defaultFilePath: string = '/default.js',
-  fileGetter?: FileGetter
-) {
-  return sourceFilesRunner(
-    path => {
-      if (path === defaultFilePath) return Promise.resolve(code)
-      if (!fileGetter) return Promise.resolve(undefined)
-      return fileGetter(path)
-    },
-    defaultFilePath,
-    context,
-    options
-  )
+export type RunnerTypes = keyof typeof runners
diff --git a/src/runner/types.ts b/src/runner/types.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e797e1464
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/runner/types.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+import type { Program } from 'estree'
+import type { Context, IOptions, Result } from '..'
+export type Runner = (program: Program, context: Context, options: IOptions) => Promise<Result>
diff --git a/src/runner/utils.ts b/src/runner/utils.ts
index 4b6cad602..849dd24a4 100644
--- a/src/runner/utils.ts
+++ b/src/runner/utils.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
-import type { DebuggerStatement, Program } from 'estree'
+import type { Program } from 'estree'
 import type { IOptions, Result } from '..'
 import { areBreakpointsSet } from '../stdlib/inspector'
@@ -44,33 +43,12 @@ export function determineExecutionMethod(
   let isNativeRunnable
-  if (verboseErrors) {
+  if (verboseErrors || areBreakpointsSet()) {
     isNativeRunnable = false
-  } else if (areBreakpointsSet()) {
-    isNativeRunnable = false
-  } else if (theOptions.executionMethod === 'auto') {
-    if (context.executionMethod === 'auto') {
-      if (verboseErrors) {
-        isNativeRunnable = false
-      } else if (areBreakpointsSet()) {
-        isNativeRunnable = false
-      } else {
-        let hasDebuggerStatement = false
-        simple(program, {
-          DebuggerStatement(node: DebuggerStatement) {
-            hasDebuggerStatement = true
-          }
-        })
-        isNativeRunnable = !hasDebuggerStatement
-      }
-      context.executionMethod = isNativeRunnable ? 'native' : 'cse-machine'
-    } else {
-      isNativeRunnable = context.executionMethod === 'native'
-    }
   } else {
     let hasDebuggerStatement = false
     simple(program, {
-      DebuggerStatement(_node: DebuggerStatement) {
+      DebuggerStatement() {
         hasDebuggerStatement = true
diff --git a/src/schedulers.ts b/src/schedulers.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 94a521f7c..000000000
--- a/src/schedulers.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-/* tslint:disable:max-classes-per-file */
-import { MaximumStackLimitExceeded } from './errors/errors'
-import { saveState } from './stdlib/inspector'
-import { Context, Result, Scheduler, Value } from './types'
-export class AsyncScheduler implements Scheduler {
-  public run(it: IterableIterator<Value>, context: Context): Promise<Result> {
-    return new Promise((resolve, _reject) => {
-      context.runtime.isRunning = true
-      let itValue = it.next()
-      try {
-        while (!itValue.done) {
-          itValue = it.next()
-          if (context.runtime.break) {
-            saveState(context, it, this)
-            itValue.done = true
-          }
-        }
-      } catch (e) {
-        resolve({ status: 'error' })
-      } finally {
-        context.runtime.isRunning = false
-      }
-      if (context.runtime.break) {
-        resolve({
-          status: 'suspended',
-          it,
-          scheduler: this,
-          context
-        })
-      } else {
-        resolve({ status: 'finished', context, value: itValue.value })
-      }
-    })
-  }
-export class PreemptiveScheduler implements Scheduler {
-  constructor(public steps: number) {}
-  public run(it: IterableIterator<Value>, context: Context): Promise<Result> {
-    return new Promise((resolve, _reject) => {
-      context.runtime.isRunning = true
-      // This is used in the evaluation of the REPL during a paused state.
-      // The debugger is turned off while the code evaluates just above the debugger statement.
-      let actuallyBreak: boolean = false
-      let itValue = it.next()
-      const interval = setInterval(() => {
-        let step = 0
-        try {
-          while (!itValue.done && step < this.steps) {
-            step++
-            itValue = it.next()
-            actuallyBreak = context.runtime.break && context.runtime.debuggerOn
-            if (actuallyBreak) {
-              itValue.done = true
-            }
-          }
-          saveState(context, it, this)
-        } catch (e) {
-          checkForStackOverflow(e, context)
-          context.runtime.isRunning = false
-          clearInterval(interval)
-          resolve({ status: 'error' })
-        }
-        if (itValue.done) {
-          context.runtime.isRunning = false
-          clearInterval(interval)
-          if (actuallyBreak) {
-            resolve({
-              status: 'suspended',
-              it,
-              scheduler: this,
-              context
-            })
-          } else {
-            resolve({ status: 'finished', context, value: itValue.value })
-          }
-        }
-      })
-    })
-  }
-/* Checks if the error is a stackoverflow error, and captures it in the
-   context if this is the case */
-function checkForStackOverflow(error: any, context: Context) {
-  if (/Maximum call stack/.test(error.toString())) {
-    const environments = context.runtime.environments
-    const stacks: any = []
-    let counter = 0
-    for (
-      let i = 0;
-      counter < MaximumStackLimitExceeded.MAX_CALLS_TO_SHOW && i < environments.length;
-      i++
-    ) {
-      if (environments[i].callExpression) {
-        stacks.unshift(environments[i].callExpression)
-        counter++
-      }
-    }
-    context.errors.push(new MaximumStackLimitExceeded(context.runtime.nodes[0], stacks))
-  }
diff --git a/src/stdlib/__tests__/__snapshots__/list.ts.snap b/src/stdlib/__tests__/__snapshots__/list.ts.snap
deleted file mode 100644
index e0d1de59a..000000000
--- a/src/stdlib/__tests__/__snapshots__/list.ts.snap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1098 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are now implemented in Source. bad index error list_ref: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "list_ref(list(1, 2, 3), 3);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 216: Error: head(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered null",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are now implemented in Source. bad index error list_ref: expectParsedError 2`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "list_ref(list(1, 2, 3), -1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 217: Error: tail(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered null",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are now implemented in Source. bad index error list_ref: expectParsedError 3`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "list_ref(list(1, 2, 3), 1.5);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 217: Error: tail(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered null",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are now implemented in Source. bad index error list_ref: expectParsedError 4`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "list_ref(list(1, 2, 3), '1');",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 215: Expected string on right hand side of operation, got number.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are now implemented in Source. bad number error build_list: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "build_list(x => x, '1');",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 63: Expected number on left hand side of operation, got string.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are now implemented in Source. bad number error enum_list: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "enum_list('1', '5');",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 203: Expected string on right hand side of operation, got number.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are now implemented in Source. bad number error enum_list: expectParsedError 2`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "enum_list('1', 5);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 201: Expected string on right hand side of operation, got number.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are now implemented in Source. bad number error enum_list: expectParsedError 3`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "enum_list(1, '5');",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 201: Expected number on right hand side of operation, got string.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are now implemented in Source. non-list error accumulate: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "accumulate((x, y) => x + y, [1, 2, 3]);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Expected 3 arguments, but got 2.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are now implemented in Source. non-list error accumulate: expectParsedError 2`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "accumulate((x, y) => x + y, [1, 2, 3]);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Expected 3 arguments, but got 2.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are now implemented in Source. non-list error append: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "append([1, 2, 3], list(1, 2, 3));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 121: Error: tail(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered [1, 2, 3]",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are now implemented in Source. non-list error assoc: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "assoc(1, [1, 2, 3]);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Name assoc not declared.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are now implemented in Source. non-list error filter: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "filter(x => true, [1, 2, 3]);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 185: Error: head(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered [1, 2, 3]",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are now implemented in Source. non-list error for_each: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "for_each(x=>x, [1, 2, 3]);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 76: Error: head(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered [1, 2, 3]",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are now implemented in Source. non-list error length: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "length([1, 2, 3]);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 33: Error: tail(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered [1, 2, 3]",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are now implemented in Source. non-list error map: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "map(x=>x, [1, 2, 3]);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 47: Error: tail(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered [1, 2, 3]",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are now implemented in Source. non-list error member: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "member(1, [1, 2, 3]);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 136: Error: head(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered [1, 2, 3]",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are now implemented in Source. non-list error remove: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "remove(1, [1, 2, 3]);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 151: Error: head(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered [1, 2, 3]",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are now implemented in Source. non-list error remove_all: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "remove_all(1, [1, 2, 3]);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 169: Error: head(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered [1, 2, 3]",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are now implemented in Source. non-list error reverse: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "reverse([1, 2, 3]);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 106: Error: tail(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered [1, 2, 3]",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are now implemented in Source. non-list error set_head: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "set_head([1, 2, 3], 4);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Error: set_head(xs,x) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered [1, 2, 3]",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are now implemented in Source. non-list error set_tail: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "set_tail([1, 2, 3], 4);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Error: set_tail(xs,x) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered [1, 2, 3]",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`accumulate works from right to left: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "accumulate((curr, acc) => curr + acc, '1', list('4','3','2'));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "4321",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`accumulate works properly: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "accumulate((curr, acc) => curr + acc, 0, list(2, 3, 4, 1));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 10,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`accumulate: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "accumulate((curr, acc) => curr + acc, 0, list(2, 3, 4, 1));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 10,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`append: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "equal(append(list(123, 123), list(456, 456, 456)), list(123, 123, 456, 456, 456));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`build_list: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "equal(build_list(x => x * x, 5), list(0, 1, 4, 9, 16));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`display_list MCE fuzz test: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display_list(parse('const twice = f => x => {const result = f(f(x)); return two;};'));
-0; // suppress long result in snapshot",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "list(\\"constant_declaration\\",
-     list(\\"name\\", \\"twice\\"),
-     list(\\"lambda_expression\\",
-          list(list(\\"name\\", \\"f\\")),
-          list(\\"return_statement\\",
-               list(\\"lambda_expression\\",
-                    list(list(\\"name\\", \\"x\\")),
-                    list(\\"block\\",
-                         list(\\"sequence\\",
-                              list(list(\\"constant_declaration\\",
-                                        list(\\"name\\", \\"result\\"),
-                                        list(\\"application\\",
-                                             list(\\"name\\", \\"f\\"),
-                                             list(list(\\"application\\", list(\\"name\\", \\"f\\"), list(list(\\"name\\", \\"x\\")))))),
-                                   list(\\"return_statement\\", list(\\"name\\", \\"two\\")))))))))",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 0,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`display_list checks prepend type: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display_list(build_list(i => i, 5), true);
-0; // suppress long result in snapshot",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: TypeError: display_list expects the second argument to be a string",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`display_list infinite list 2: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const p = list(1, 2, 3);
-set_tail(tail(tail(p)), p);
-0; // suppress long result in snapshot",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "[1, [2, [3, ...<circular>]]]",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 0,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`display_list infinite list of list of infinite list: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const build_inf = (i, f) => {
-  const t = list(f(i));
-  let p = t;
-  for (let n = i - 1; n >= 0; n = n - 1) {
-    p = pair(f(n), p);
-  }
-  set_tail(t, p);
-  return p;
-display_list(build_inf(3, i => build_list(i => build_inf(i, i=>i), i)));
-0; // suppress long result in snapshot",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "[ null,
-[ list([0, ...<circular>]),
-[ list([0, ...<circular>], [0, [1, ...<circular>]]),
-[ list([0, ...<circular>], [0, [1, ...<circular>]], [0, [1, [2, ...<circular>]]]),
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 0,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`display_list infinite list: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const p = list(1);
-set_tail(p, p);
-0; // suppress long result in snapshot",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "[1, ...<circular>]",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 0,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`display_list list of infinite list of list: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const build_inf = (i, f) => {
-  const t = list(f(i));
-  let p = t;
-  for (let n = i - 1; n >= 0; n = n - 1) {
-    p = pair(f(n), p);
-  }
-  set_tail(t, p);
-  return p;
-display_list(build_list(i => build_inf(i, i => build_list(i => i, i)), 3));
-0; // suppress long result in snapshot",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "list([null, ...<circular>],
-     [null, [list(0), ...<circular>]],
-     [null, [list(0), [list(0, 1), ...<circular>]]])",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 0,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`display_list list of infinite list: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const build_inf = i => {
-  const t = list(i);
-  let p = t;
-  for (let n = i - 1; n >= 0; n = n - 1) {
-    p = pair(n, p);
-  }
-  set_tail(t, p);
-  return p;
-display_list(build_list(build_inf, 5));
-0; // suppress long result in snapshot",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "list([0, ...<circular>],
-     [0, [1, ...<circular>]],
-     [0, [1, [2, ...<circular>]]],
-     [0, [1, [2, [3, ...<circular>]]]],
-     [0, [1, [2, [3, [4, ...<circular>]]]]])",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 0,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`display_list returns argument: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const xs = build_list(i => i, 5);
-xs === display_list(xs);
-// Note reference equality",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`display_list returns cyclic argument: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const build_inf = (i, f) => {
-  const t = list(f(i));
-  let p = t;
-  for (let n = i - 1; n >= 0; n = n - 1) {
-    p = pair(f(n), p);
-  }
-  set_tail(t, p);
-  return p;
-const xs = build_inf(5, i=>i);
-xs === display_list(xs);
-// Note reference equality",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "[0, [1, [2, [3, [4, [5, ...<circular>]]]]]]",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`display_list reusing lists 2: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const p1 = pair(1, null);
-const p2 = pair(2, p1);
-const p3 = list(p1, p2);
-0; // suppress long result in snapshot",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "list(list(1), list(2, 1))",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 0,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`display_list reusing lists: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const p = list(1);
-const p2 = pair(p, p);
-const p3 = list(p, p2);
-0; // suppress long result in snapshot",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "list(list(1), list(list(1), 1))",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 0,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`display_list standard acyclic 2: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display_list(build_list(i => build_list(j => j, i), 5));
-0; // suppress long result in snapshot",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "list(null, list(0), list(0, 1), list(0, 1, 2), list(0, 1, 2, 3))",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 0,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`display_list standard acyclic multiline: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display_list(build_list(i => build_list(j => j, i), 20));
-0; // suppress long result in snapshot",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "list(null,
-     list(0),
-     list(0, 1),
-     list(0, 1, 2),
-     list(0, 1, 2, 3),
-     list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4),
-     list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
-     list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
-     list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7),
-     list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8),
-     list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9),
-     list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10),
-     list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11),
-     list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12),
-     list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13),
-     list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14),
-     list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15),
-     list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16),
-     list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17),
-     list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18))",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 0,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`display_list standard acyclic with pairs 2: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display_list(build_list(i => build_list(j => pair(build_list(k => k, j), j), i), 5));
-0; // suppress long result in snapshot",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "list(null,
-     list([null, 0]),
-     list([null, 0], [list(0), 1]),
-     list([null, 0], [list(0), 1], [list(0, 1), 2]),
-     list([null, 0], [list(0), 1], [list(0, 1), 2], [list(0, 1, 2), 3]))",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 0,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`display_list standard acyclic with pairs: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display_list(build_list(i => build_list(j => pair(j, j), i), 5));
-0; // suppress long result in snapshot",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "list(null,
-     list([0, 0]),
-     list([0, 0], [1, 1]),
-     list([0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2]),
-     list([0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3]))",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 0,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`display_list standard acyclic: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display_list(build_list(i => i, 5));
-0; // suppress long result in snapshot",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 0,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`display_list supports prepend string: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display_list(build_list(i => i, 5), \\"build_list:\\");
-0; // suppress long result in snapshot",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "build_list: list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 0,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`empty list is null: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "list();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": null,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`enum_list with floats: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "equal(enum_list(1.5, 5), list(1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`enum_list: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "equal(enum_list(1, 5), list(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`equal: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "!equal(1, x => x) && !equal(x => x, 1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`filter: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "equal(filter(x => x <= 4, list(2, 10, 1000, 1, 3, 100, 4, 5, 2, 1000)), list(2, 1, 3, 4, 2));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`for_each: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let sum = 0;
-for_each(x => {
-  sum = sum + x;
-}, list(1, 2, 3));
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 6,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`head works: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "head(pair(1, 'a string \\"\\"'));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`length works with empty lists: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const xs = list();
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 0,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`length works with populated lists: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const xs = list(1,2,3,4);
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 4,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`list creates list: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f() { return 1; }
-list(1, 'a string \\"\\"', () => f, f, true, 3.14);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    1,
-    Array [
-      "a string \\"\\"",
-      Array [
-        [Function],
-        Array [
-          [Function],
-          Array [
-            true,
-            Array [
-              3.14,
-              null,
-            ],
-          ],
-        ],
-      ],
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`list_ref: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "list_ref(list(1, 2, 3, \\"4\\", 4), 4);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 4,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`list_to_string: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "list_to_string(list(1, 2, 3));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "[1,[2,[3,null]]]",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`map: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "equal(map(x => 2 * x, list(12, 11, 3)), list(24, 22, 6));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`member: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "equal(
-  member(4, list(1, 2, 3, 4, 123, 456, 789)),
-  list(4, 123, 456, 789));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`non-list error head: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "head([1, 2, 3]);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Error: head(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered [1, 2, 3]",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`non-list error tail: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "tail([1, 2, 3]);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Error: tail(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered [1, 2, 3]",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`pair creates pair: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "pair(1, 'a string \\"\\"');",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    1,
-    "a string \\"\\"",
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`remove not found: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "remove(2, list(1));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    1,
-    null,
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`remove: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "remove(1, list(1));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": null,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`remove_all not found: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "equal(remove_all(1, list(2, 3, 4)), list(2, 3, 4));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`remove_all: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "equal(remove_all(1, list(1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 6)), list(2, 3, 4, 5, 6));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`reverse: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "equal(reverse(list(\\"string\\", \\"null\\", \\"undefined\\", \\"null\\", 123)), list(123, \\"null\\", \\"undefined\\", \\"null\\", \\"string\\"));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`set_head: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let p = pair(1, 2);
-const q = p;
-set_head(p, 3);
-p === q && equal(p, pair(3, 2));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`set_tail: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let p = pair(1, 2);
-const q = p;
-set_tail(p, 3);
-p === q && equal(p, pair(1, 3));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`tail of a 1 element list is null: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "tail(list(1));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": null,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`tail works: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "tail(pair(1, 'a string \\"\\"'));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "a string \\"\\"",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
diff --git a/src/stdlib/__tests__/__snapshots__/localImport.ts.snap b/src/stdlib/__tests__/__snapshots__/localImport.ts.snap
deleted file mode 100644
index aa22047ce..000000000
--- a/src/stdlib/__tests__/__snapshots__/localImport.ts.snap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`__access_export__ returns default export if it exists: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function importedFile() {
-  const square = x => x * x;
-  const cube = x => x * x * x;
-  return pair(cube, list(pair(\\"square\\", square)));
-// When 'null' is passed in as the name of the export,
-// '__access_export__' returns the default export.
-const square = __access_export__(importedFile(), \\"default\\");
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 125,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`__access_export__ returns named export if it exists: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function importedFile() {
-  const square = x => x * x;
-  const cube = x => x * x * x;
-  return pair(1 + 2, list(pair(\\"square\\", square), pair(\\"cube\\", cube)));
-const square = __access_export__(importedFile(), \\"square\\");
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 25,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`__access_named_export__ returns first identifier if name exists multiple times in list of exported names: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function importedFile() {
-  const square = x => x * x;
-  const cube = x => x * x * x;
-  // The second instance of the name 'square' actually refers to the function 'cube'.
-  return list(pair(\\"square\\", square), pair(\\"square\\", cube), pair(\\"cube\\", cube));
-const square = __access_named_export__(importedFile(), \\"square\\");
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 25,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`__access_named_export__ returns identifier if name exists in list of exported names: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function importedFile() {
-  const square = x => x * x;
-  const cube = x => x * x * x;
-  return list(pair(\\"square\\", square), pair(\\"cube\\", cube));
-const square = __access_named_export__(importedFile(), \\"square\\");
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 25,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`__access_named_export__ returns undefined if list of exported names is empty: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function importedFile() {
-  const square = x => x * x;
-  const cube = x => x * x * x;
-  return list();
-__access_named_export__(importedFile(), \\"identity\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`__access_named_export__ returns undefined if name does not exist in list of exported names: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function importedFile() {
-  const square = x => x * x;
-  const cube = x => x * x * x;
-  return list(pair(\\"square\\", square), pair(\\"cube\\", cube));
-__access_named_export__(importedFile(), \\"identity\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
diff --git a/src/stdlib/__tests__/__snapshots__/misc.ts.snap b/src/stdlib/__tests__/__snapshots__/misc.ts.snap
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e93053b8..000000000
--- a/src/stdlib/__tests__/__snapshots__/misc.ts.snap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`arity ignores the rest parameter: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "arity(display);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`arity with function with parameters is ok: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "arity(arity);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`arity with non-function arg f throws error: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "arity('function');",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Error: arity expects a function as argument",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`arity with nullary function is ok: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "arity(math_random);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 0,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`arity with user-made function is ok: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function test(x, y) {
-  return x + y;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 2,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`arity with user-made function with rest parameter is ok: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function test(...xs) {
-  return xs;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 0,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`arity with user-made lambda function is ok: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "arity(x => x);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`arity with user-made nullary function is ok: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "arity(() => undefined);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 0,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`char_at with non nonnegative integer second argument errors: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "char_at('', -1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Error: char_at expects the second argument to be a nonnegative integer.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`char_at with non nonnegative integer second argument errors: expectParsedError 2`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "char_at('', \\"\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Error: char_at expects the second argument to be a nonnegative integer.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`char_at with non string first argument errors: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "char_at(42, 123);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Error: char_at expects the first argument to be a string.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`char_at with valid args (but index out of bounds) returns undefined: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "char_at(\\"123\\", 3);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`char_at with valid args is ok: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "char_at(\\"123\\", 0);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "1",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`parse_int with non-integer arg radix throws error: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse_int(42, 2.1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Error: parse_int expects two arguments a string s, and a positive integer i between 2 and 36, inclusive.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`parse_int with non-string arg str throws error: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse_int(42, 2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Error: parse_int expects two arguments a string s, and a positive integer i between 2 and 36, inclusive.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`parse_int with radix outside [2, 36] throws error, radix=1: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse_int('10', 1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Error: parse_int expects two arguments a string s, and a positive integer i between 2 and 36, inclusive.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`parse_int with radix outside [2, 36] throws error, radix=37: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse_int('10', 37);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Error: parse_int expects two arguments a string s, and a positive integer i between 2 and 36, inclusive.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`parse_int with string arg radix throws error: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse_int(42, '2');",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Error: parse_int expects two arguments a string s, and a positive integer i between 2 and 36, inclusive.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`parse_int with valid args is ok, but invalid str for radix: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse_int('uu1', 2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": NaN,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`parse_int with valid args is ok, radix 2: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse_int('1100101010101', 2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 6485,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`parse_int with valid args is ok, radix 36: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "parse_int('uu1', 36);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 39961,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
diff --git a/src/stdlib/__tests__/__snapshots__/parser-errors.ts.snap b/src/stdlib/__tests__/__snapshots__/parser-errors.ts.snap
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e0dc6769..000000000
--- a/src/stdlib/__tests__/__snapshots__/parser-errors.ts.snap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`Blacklisted syntax: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "stringify(parse(\\"function* f() { yield 1; } f();\\"), undefined, 2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: ParseError: Yield expressions are not allowed",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`Blatant syntax error: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "stringify(parse(\\"'\\"), undefined, 2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: ParseError: SyntaxError: Unterminated string constant (1:0)",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
diff --git a/src/stdlib/__tests__/__snapshots__/parser.ts.snap b/src/stdlib/__tests__/__snapshots__/parser.ts.snap
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..779bee969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/stdlib/__tests__/__snapshots__/parser.ts.snap
@@ -0,0 +1,131804 @@
+// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
+exports[`Parses arrow function assignments properly 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 56,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "arguments": Array [
+                    Node {
+                      "end": 39,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 39,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 16,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "raw": "\\"const y = x => x + 1;\\"",
+                      "start": 16,
+                      "type": "Literal",
+                      "value": "const y = x => x + 1;",
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "callee": Node {
+                    "end": 15,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 15,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 10,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "parse",
+                    "start": 10,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
+                  "end": 40,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 40,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 10,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "start": 10,
+                  "type": "CallExpression",
+                },
+                Node {
+                  "end": 51,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 51,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 42,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "start": 42,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                Node {
+                  "end": 54,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 54,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 53,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "2",
+                  "start": 53,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 2,
+                },
+              ],
+              "callee": Node {
+                "end": 9,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 9,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "stringify(parse(\\"const y = x => x + 1;\\"), undefined, 2);",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
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+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
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+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
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+                          },
+                        },
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+                        "start": 16,
+                        "type": "Literal",
+                        "value": "const y = x => x + 1;",
+                      },
+                    ],
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+                        },
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+                        },
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+                      "type": "Identifier",
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+                      },
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+                    "type": "Identifier",
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+                  },
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+                    },
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+      ],
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+              },
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+                },
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+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
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+          },
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+        },
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+            "math_LN2" => "const",
+            "math_LN10" => "const",
+            "math_LOG2E" => "const",
+            "math_LOG10E" => "const",
+            "math_PI" => "const",
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => "const",
+            "math_SQRT2" => "const",
+            "is_boolean" => "const",
+            "is_number" => "const",
+            "is_string" => "const",
+            "is_undefined" => "const",
+            "is_function" => "const",
+            "math_abs" => "const",
+            "math_acos" => "const",
+            "math_acosh" => "const",
+            "math_asin" => "const",
+            "math_asinh" => "const",
+            "math_atan" => "const",
+            "math_atan2" => "const",
+            "math_atanh" => "const",
+            "math_cbrt" => "const",
+            "math_ceil" => "const",
+            "math_clz32" => "const",
+            "math_cos" => "const",
+            "math_cosh" => "const",
+            "math_exp" => "const",
+            "math_expm1" => "const",
+            "math_floor" => "const",
+            "math_fround" => "const",
+            "math_hypot" => "const",
+            "math_imul" => "const",
+            "math_log" => "const",
+            "math_log1p" => "const",
+            "math_log2" => "const",
+            "math_log10" => "const",
+            "math_max" => "const",
+            "math_min" => "const",
+            "math_pow" => "const",
+            "math_random" => "const",
+            "math_round" => "const",
+            "math_sign" => "const",
+            "math_sin" => "const",
+            "math_sinh" => "const",
+            "math_sqrt" => "const",
+            "math_tan" => "const",
+            "math_tanh" => "const",
+            "math_trunc" => "const",
+            "parse_int" => "const",
+            "prompt" => "const",
+            "get_time" => "const",
+            "stringify" => "const",
+            "display" => "const",
+            "error" => "const",
+            "-_1" => "const",
+            "!" => "const",
+            "&&" => "const",
+            "||" => "const",
+            "<" => "const",
+            "<=" => "const",
+            ">" => "const",
+            ">=" => "const",
+            "+" => "const",
+            "%" => "const",
+            "-" => "const",
+            "*" => "const",
+            "/" => "const",
+            "pair" => "const",
+            "head" => "const",
+            "tail" => "const",
+            "is_pair" => "const",
+            "is_null" => "const",
+            "is_list" => "const",
+            "list" => "const",
+            "===" => "const",
+            "!==" => "const",
+            "set_head" => "const",
+            "set_tail" => "const",
+            "is_array" => "const",
+            "array_length" => "const",
+            "raw_display" => "const",
+            "char_at" => "const",
+            "arity" => "const",
+            "draw_data" => "const",
+            "display_list" => "const",
+            "stream" => "const",
+            "parse" => "const",
+            "tokenize" => "const",
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => "const",
+            "call_cc" => "const",
+          },
+          "typeAliasMap": Map {
+            "Pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "List" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "stringify(parse(\\"const y = x => x + 1;\\"), undefined, 2);",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": "[ \\"constant_declaration\\",
+[ [ \\"name\\",
+  [ \\"y\\",
+  null]],
+[ [ \\"lambda_expression\\",
+  [ [ [ \\"name\\",
+      [ \\"x\\",
+      null]],
+    null],
+  [ [ \\"return_statement\\",
+    [ [ \\"binary_operator_combination\\",
+      [ \\"+\\",
+      [ [ \\"name\\",
+        [ \\"x\\",
+        null]],
+      [ [ \\"literal\\",
+        [ 1,
+        null]],
+      null]]]],
+    null]],
+  null]]],
+  },
+exports[`Parses arrow function expressions properly 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 46,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "arguments": Array [
+                    Node {
+                      "end": 29,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 29,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 16,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "raw": "\\"x => x + 1;\\"",
+                      "start": 16,
+                      "type": "Literal",
+                      "value": "x => x + 1;",
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "callee": Node {
+                    "end": 15,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 15,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 10,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "parse",
+                    "start": 10,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
+                  "end": 30,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 30,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 10,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "start": 10,
+                  "type": "CallExpression",
+                },
+                Node {
+                  "end": 41,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 41,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 32,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "start": 32,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                Node {
+                  "end": 44,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 44,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 43,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "2",
+                  "start": 43,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 2,
+                },
+              ],
+              "callee": Node {
+                "end": 9,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 9,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "stringify",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              "end": 45,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 45,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 46,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 46,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 46,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "map": Map {
+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
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+              "is_function": [Function],
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+              },
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+              "value": undefined,
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+                "kind": "primitive",
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
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+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "stringify(parse(\\"x => x + 1;\\"), undefined, 2);",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
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+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "stringify(parse(\\"x => x + 1;\\"), undefined, 2);",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": "[ \\"lambda_expression\\",
+[ [ [ \\"name\\",
+    [ \\"x\\",
+    null]],
+  null],
+[ [ \\"return_statement\\",
+  [ [ \\"binary_operator_combination\\",
+    [ \\"+\\",
+    [ [ \\"name\\",
+      [ \\"x\\",
+      null]],
+    [ [ \\"literal\\",
+      [ 1,
+      null]],
+    null]]]],
+  null]],
+  },
+exports[`Parses assignment expressions 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 45,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "arguments": Array [
+                    Node {
+                      "end": 28,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 28,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 16,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "raw": "\\"x = y = x;\\"",
+                      "start": 16,
+                      "type": "Literal",
+                      "value": "x = y = x;",
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "callee": Node {
+                    "end": 15,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 15,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 10,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "parse",
+                    "start": 10,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
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+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 29,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
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+                      "column": 10,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "start": 10,
+                  "type": "CallExpression",
+                },
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+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 40,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
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+                      "column": 31,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "start": 31,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                Node {
+                  "end": 43,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
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+                    },
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+                      "column": 42,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "2",
+                  "start": 42,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 2,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "end": 9,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 9,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "stringify",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
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+                  "column": 44,
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+                },
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+              },
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+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
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+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 45,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
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+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
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+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 45,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
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+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
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+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "map": Map {
+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
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+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          } => EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                "math_ceil": [Function],
+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
+                "math_fround": [Function],
+                "math_hypot": [Function],
+                "math_imul": [Function],
+                "math_log": [Function],
+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
+                "math_max": [Function],
+                "math_min": [Function],
+                "math_pow": [Function],
+                "math_random": [Function],
+                "math_round": [Function],
+                "math_sign": [Function],
+                "math_sin": [Function],
+                "math_sinh": [Function],
+                "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
+                "math_trunc": [Function],
+                "pair": [Function],
+                "parse": [Function],
+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
+                "raw_display": [Function],
+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
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+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "elementType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
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+                "typeArgs": undefined,
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+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "Stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
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+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
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+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+        },
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+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
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+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
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+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "stringify(parse(\\"x = y = x;\\"), undefined, 2);",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 45,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "arguments": Array [
+                      Node {
+                        "end": 28,
+                        "loc": SourceLocation {
+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 28,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 16,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "raw": "\\"x = y = x;\\"",
+                        "start": 16,
+                        "type": "Literal",
+                        "value": "x = y = x;",
+                      },
+                    ],
+                    "callee": Node {
+                      "end": 15,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 15,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 10,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "name": "parse",
+                      "start": 10,
+                      "type": "Identifier",
+                    },
+                    "end": 29,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 29,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 10,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "start": 10,
+                    "type": "CallExpression",
+                  },
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 40,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 40,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 31,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "undefined",
+                    "start": 31,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 43,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 43,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 42,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "2",
+                    "start": 42,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": 2,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "callee": Node {
+                  "end": 9,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 9,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "stringify",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "end": 44,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 44,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "CallExpression",
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 45,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
+          ],
+          "end": 45,
+          "loc": SourceLocation {
+            "end": Position {
+              "column": 45,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+            "start": Position {
+              "column": 0,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+          },
+          "sourceType": "module",
+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
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+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "stringify(parse(\\"x = y = x;\\"), undefined, 2);",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": "[ \\"assignment\\",
+[ [ \\"name\\",
+  [ \\"x\\",
+  null]],
+[ [ \\"assignment\\",
+  [ [ \\"name\\",
+    [ \\"y\\",
+    null]],
+  [ [ \\"name\\",
+    [ \\"x\\",
+    null]],
+  null]]],
+  },
+exports[`Parses assignment statements 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
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+          "math_round" => "const",
+          "math_sign" => "const",
+          "math_sin" => "const",
+          "math_sinh" => "const",
+          "math_sqrt" => "const",
+          "math_tan" => "const",
+          "math_tanh" => "const",
+          "math_trunc" => "const",
+          "parse_int" => "const",
+          "prompt" => "const",
+          "get_time" => "const",
+          "stringify" => "const",
+          "display" => "const",
+          "error" => "const",
+          "-_1" => "const",
+          "!" => "const",
+          "&&" => "const",
+          "||" => "const",
+          "<" => "const",
+          "<=" => "const",
+          ">" => "const",
+          ">=" => "const",
+          "+" => "const",
+          "%" => "const",
+          "-" => "const",
+          "*" => "const",
+          "/" => "const",
+          "pair" => "const",
+          "head" => "const",
+          "tail" => "const",
+          "is_pair" => "const",
+          "is_null" => "const",
+          "is_list" => "const",
+          "list" => "const",
+          "===" => "const",
+          "!==" => "const",
+          "set_head" => "const",
+          "set_tail" => "const",
+          "is_array" => "const",
+          "array_length" => "const",
+          "raw_display" => "const",
+          "char_at" => "const",
+          "arity" => "const",
+          "draw_data" => "const",
+          "display_list" => "const",
+          "stream" => "const",
+          "parse" => "const",
+          "tokenize" => "const",
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => "const",
+          "call_cc" => "const",
+        },
+        "typeAliasMap": Map {
+          "Pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "headType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "pair",
+              "tailType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "List" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "elementType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "list",
+              "typeAsPair": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "Stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "Stream",
+                  "typeArgs": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+        },
+        "typeMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "stringify(parse(\\"x = 5; x = x; if (true) { x = 5; } else {}\\"), undefined, 2);",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 77,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "arguments": Array [
+                      Node {
+                        "end": 60,
+                        "loc": SourceLocation {
+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 60,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 16,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "raw": "\\"x = 5; x = x; if (true) { x = 5; } else {}\\"",
+                        "start": 16,
+                        "type": "Literal",
+                        "value": "x = 5; x = x; if (true) { x = 5; } else {}",
+                      },
+                    ],
+                    "callee": Node {
+                      "end": 15,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 15,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 10,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "name": "parse",
+                      "start": 10,
+                      "type": "Identifier",
+                    },
+                    "end": 61,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 61,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 10,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "start": 10,
+                    "type": "CallExpression",
+                  },
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 72,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 72,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 63,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "undefined",
+                    "start": 63,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 75,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 75,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 74,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "2",
+                    "start": 74,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": 2,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "callee": Node {
+                  "end": 9,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 9,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "stringify",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "end": 76,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 76,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "CallExpression",
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 77,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
+          ],
+          "end": 77,
+          "loc": SourceLocation {
+            "end": Position {
+              "column": 77,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+            "start": Position {
+              "column": 0,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+          },
+          "sourceType": "module",
+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                "math_ceil": [Function],
+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
+                "math_fround": [Function],
+                "math_hypot": [Function],
+                "math_imul": [Function],
+                "math_log": [Function],
+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
+                "math_max": [Function],
+                "math_min": [Function],
+                "math_pow": [Function],
+                "math_random": [Function],
+                "math_round": [Function],
+                "math_sign": [Function],
+                "math_sin": [Function],
+                "math_sinh": [Function],
+                "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
+                "math_trunc": [Function],
+                "pair": [Function],
+                "parse": [Function],
+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
+                "raw_display": [Function],
+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            },
+            "parent": null,
+          },
+          "map": Map {
+            Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                "math_ceil": [Function],
+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
+                "math_fround": [Function],
+                "math_hypot": [Function],
+                "math_imul": [Function],
+                "math_log": [Function],
+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
+                "math_max": [Function],
+                "math_min": [Function],
+                "math_pow": [Function],
+                "math_random": [Function],
+                "math_round": [Function],
+                "math_sign": [Function],
+                "math_sin": [Function],
+                "math_sinh": [Function],
+                "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
+                "math_trunc": [Function],
+                "pair": [Function],
+                "parse": [Function],
+                "parse_int": [Function],
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+            "undefined" => Object {
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+              "kind": "primitive",
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+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
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+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
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+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
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+                    "name": "U",
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+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
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+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
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+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+                Object {
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+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "stringify(parse(\\"x = 5; x = x; if (true) { x = 5; } else {}\\"), undefined, 2);",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": "[ \\"sequence\\",
+[ [ [ \\"assignment\\",
+    [ [ \\"name\\",
+      [ \\"x\\",
+      null]],
+    [ [ \\"literal\\",
+      [ 5,
+      null]],
+    null]]],
+  [ [ \\"assignment\\",
+    [ [ \\"name\\",
+      [ \\"x\\",
+      null]],
+    [ [ \\"name\\",
+      [ \\"x\\",
+      null]],
+    null]]],
+  [ [ \\"conditional_statement\\",
+    [ [ \\"literal\\",
+      [ true,
+      null]],
+    [ [ \\"assignment\\",
+      [ [ \\"name\\",
+        [ \\"x\\",
+        null]],
+      [ [ \\"literal\\",
+        [ 5,
+        null]],
+      null]]],
+    [ [ \\"sequence\\",
+      [ null,
+      null]],
+    null]]]],
+  null]]],
+  },
+exports[`Parses declaration statements 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
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+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "stringify(parse(\\"const x = 5; let y = x;\\"), undefined, 2);",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 58,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "arguments": Array [
+                      Node {
+                        "end": 41,
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+                          },
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+                            "column": 16,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "raw": "\\"const x = 5; let y = x;\\"",
+                        "start": 16,
+                        "type": "Literal",
+                        "value": "const x = 5; let y = x;",
+                      },
+                    ],
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+                      "end": 15,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 15,
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+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 10,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
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+                      "start": 10,
+                      "type": "Identifier",
+                    },
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+                      },
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+                    "start": 44,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
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+                      },
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+                    "value": 2,
+                  },
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+              "line": 1,
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+          },
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+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
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+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
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+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
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+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
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+            },
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+          },
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+            Object {
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+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+                "math_acosh": [Function],
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+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
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+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            } => EnvTreeNode {
+              "_children": Array [],
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+                  "Infinity": Infinity,
+                  "NaN": NaN,
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+                  "math_tanh": [Function],
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+                  "parse_int": [Function],
+                  "prompt": [Function],
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+                  "set_head": [Function],
+                  "set_tail": [Function],
+                  "stream": [Function],
+                  "stringify": [Function],
+                  "tail": [Function],
+                  "tokenize": [Function],
+                  "undefined": undefined,
+                },
+                "heap": Heap {
+                  "storage": null,
+                },
+                "id": "-1",
+                "name": "global",
+                "tail": null,
+              },
+              "parent": null,
+            },
+          },
+        },
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+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
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+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
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+              "draw_data": [Function],
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+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
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+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+              "math_atanh": [Function],
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+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
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+              "math_sin": [Function],
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+              "math_tanh": [Function],
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+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
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+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
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+          "items": Map {},
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "value": undefined,
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+        Object {
+          "declKindMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => "const",
+            "NaN" => "const",
+            "undefined" => "const",
+            "math_E" => "const",
+            "math_LN2" => "const",
+            "math_LN10" => "const",
+            "math_LOG2E" => "const",
+            "math_LOG10E" => "const",
+            "math_PI" => "const",
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => "const",
+            "math_SQRT2" => "const",
+            "is_boolean" => "const",
+            "is_number" => "const",
+            "is_string" => "const",
+            "is_undefined" => "const",
+            "is_function" => "const",
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+            "math_acos" => "const",
+            "math_acosh" => "const",
+            "math_asin" => "const",
+            "math_asinh" => "const",
+            "math_atan" => "const",
+            "math_atan2" => "const",
+            "math_atanh" => "const",
+            "math_cbrt" => "const",
+            "math_ceil" => "const",
+            "math_clz32" => "const",
+            "math_cos" => "const",
+            "math_cosh" => "const",
+            "math_exp" => "const",
+            "math_expm1" => "const",
+            "math_floor" => "const",
+            "math_fround" => "const",
+            "math_hypot" => "const",
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+            "math_log" => "const",
+            "math_log1p" => "const",
+            "math_log2" => "const",
+            "math_log10" => "const",
+            "math_max" => "const",
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+            "math_pow" => "const",
+            "math_random" => "const",
+            "math_round" => "const",
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+            "math_sin" => "const",
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+            "math_sqrt" => "const",
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+            "math_tanh" => "const",
+            "math_trunc" => "const",
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+            "get_time" => "const",
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+            "display" => "const",
+            "error" => "const",
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+            ">" => "const",
+            ">=" => "const",
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+            "%" => "const",
+            "-" => "const",
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+            "/" => "const",
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+            "is_list" => "const",
+            "list" => "const",
+            "===" => "const",
+            "!==" => "const",
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+            "set_tail" => "const",
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+            "tokenize" => "const",
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => "const",
+            "call_cc" => "const",
+          },
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+            "Pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
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+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
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+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "List" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
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+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
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+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "stringify(parse(\\"const x = 5; let y = x;\\"), undefined, 2);",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": "[ \\"sequence\\",
+[ [ [ \\"constant_declaration\\",
+    [ [ \\"name\\",
+      [ \\"x\\",
+      null]],
+    [ [ \\"literal\\",
+      [ 5,
+      null]],
+    null]]],
+  [ [ \\"variable_declaration\\",
+    [ [ \\"name\\",
+      [ \\"y\\",
+      null]],
+    [ [ \\"name\\",
+      [ \\"x\\",
+      null]],
+    null]]],
+  null]],
+  },
+exports[`Parses default export declarations 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+        "is_object" => [Function],
+        "is_NaN" => [Function],
+        "has_own_property" => [Function],
+        "alert" => [Function],
+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 74,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "arguments": Array [
+                    Node {
+                      "end": 57,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 57,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 17,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "raw": "\\"export const x = 42; export default x;\\"",
+                      "start": 17,
+                      "type": "Literal",
+                      "value": "export const x = 42; export default x;",
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "callee": Node {
+                    "end": 15,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 15,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 10,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "parse",
+                    "start": 10,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
+                  "end": 58,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 58,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 10,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "start": 10,
+                  "type": "CallExpression",
+                },
+                Node {
+                  "end": 69,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 69,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 60,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "start": 60,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                Node {
+                  "end": 72,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 72,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 71,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "2",
+                  "start": 71,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 2,
+                },
+              ],
+              "callee": Node {
+                "end": 9,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 9,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "stringify",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              "end": 73,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 73,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 74,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+          Node {
+            "end": 162,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "arguments": Array [
+                    Node {
+                      "end": 145,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 145,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 92,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "raw": "\\"export default function square(x) { return x * x; }\\"",
+                      "start": 92,
+                      "type": "Literal",
+                      "value": "export default function square(x) { return x * x; }",
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "callee": Node {
+                    "end": 90,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 90,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 85,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "parse",
+                    "start": 85,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
+                  "end": 146,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 146,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 85,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "start": 85,
+                  "type": "CallExpression",
+                },
+                Node {
+                  "end": 157,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 157,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 148,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "start": 148,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                Node {
+                  "end": 160,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
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+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "stringify(parse( \\"export const x = 42; export default x;\\"), undefined, 2); stringify(parse( \\"export default function square(x) { return x * x; }\\"), undefined, 2);",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+          "is_object" => [Function],
+          "is_NaN" => [Function],
+          "has_own_property" => [Function],
+          "alert" => [Function],
+          "timed" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
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+                        },
+                        "raw": "\\"export const x = 42; export default x;\\"",
+                        "start": 17,
+                        "type": "Literal",
+                        "value": "export const x = 42; export default x;",
+                      },
+                    ],
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+                          },
+                        },
+                        "raw": "\\"export default function square(x) { return x * x; }\\"",
+                        "start": 92,
+                        "type": "Literal",
+                        "value": "export default function square(x) { return x * x; }",
+                      },
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+        },
+      ],
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+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
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+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
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+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
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+            },
+            "parent": null,
+          },
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+            Object {
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+                "Infinity": Infinity,
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+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
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+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
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+                "math_asinh": [Function],
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+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
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+                "math_log2": [Function],
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+                "math_tanh": [Function],
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+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
+                "raw_display": [Function],
+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "timed": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            } => EnvTreeNode {
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+              "environment": Object {
+                "head": Object {
+                  "Infinity": Infinity,
+                  "NaN": NaN,
+                  "alert": [Function],
+                  "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                  "arity": [Function],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
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+            },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
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+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
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+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
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+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
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+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
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+            },
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+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "stringify(parse( \\"export const x = 42; export default x;\\"), undefined, 2); stringify(parse( \\"export default function square(x) { return x * x; }\\"), undefined, 2);",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": "[ \\"export_default_declaration\\",
+[ [ \\"function_declaration\\",
+  [ [ \\"name\\",
+    [ \\"square\\",
+    null]],
+  [ [ [ \\"name\\",
+      [ \\"x\\",
+      null]],
+    null],
+  [ [ \\"return_statement\\",
+    [ [ \\"binary_operator_combination\\",
+      [ \\"*\\",
+      [ [ \\"name\\",
+        [ \\"x\\",
+        null]],
+      [ [ \\"name\\",
+        [ \\"x\\",
+        null]],
+      null]]]],
+    null]],
+  null]]]],
+  },
+exports[`Parses default import specifiers 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+        "is_object" => [Function],
+        "is_NaN" => [Function],
+        "has_own_property" => [Function],
+        "alert" => [Function],
+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "Stream",
+                  "typeArgs": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+        },
+        "typeMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "stringify(parse( \\"import defaultExport from 'module-name';\\"), undefined, 2);",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+          "is_object" => [Function],
+          "is_NaN" => [Function],
+          "has_own_property" => [Function],
+          "alert" => [Function],
+          "timed" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 76,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "arguments": Array [
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+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
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+                            "column": 17,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "raw": "\\"import defaultExport from 'module-name';\\"",
+                        "start": 17,
+                        "type": "Literal",
+                        "value": "import defaultExport from 'module-name';",
+                      },
+                    ],
+                    "callee": Node {
+                      "end": 15,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 15,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 10,
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+                        },
+                      },
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+                      "start": 10,
+                      "type": "Identifier",
+                    },
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+                      "end": Position {
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+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
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+                        "column": 10,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "start": 10,
+                    "type": "CallExpression",
+                  },
+                  Node {
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+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 71,
+                        "line": 1,
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+                    "start": 62,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
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+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "2",
+                    "start": 73,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": 2,
+                  },
+                ],
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+                  "end": 9,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 9,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
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+                    },
+                  },
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+                  "type": "Identifier",
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+                },
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+              },
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+              "line": 1,
+            },
+          },
+          "sourceType": "module",
+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "alert": [Function],
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "has_own_property": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
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+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
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+                "is_pair": [Function],
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+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
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+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
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+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
+                "math_fround": [Function],
+                "math_hypot": [Function],
+                "math_imul": [Function],
+                "math_log": [Function],
+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
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+                "math_min": [Function],
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+                "math_random": [Function],
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+                "math_sinh": [Function],
+                "math_sqrt": [Function],
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+                "math_tanh": [Function],
+                "math_trunc": [Function],
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+                "parse": [Function],
+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
+                "raw_display": [Function],
+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "timed": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            },
+            "parent": null,
+          },
+          "map": Map {
+            Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "alert": [Function],
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
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+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_NaN": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_object": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                "math_ceil": [Function],
+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
+                "math_fround": [Function],
+                "math_hypot": [Function],
+                "math_imul": [Function],
+                "math_log": [Function],
+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
+                "math_max": [Function],
+                "math_min": [Function],
+                "math_pow": [Function],
+                "math_random": [Function],
+                "math_round": [Function],
+                "math_sign": [Function],
+                "math_sin": [Function],
+                "math_sinh": [Function],
+                "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
+                "math_trunc": [Function],
+                "pair": [Function],
+                "parse": [Function],
+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
+                "raw_display": [Function],
+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "timed": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            } => EnvTreeNode {
+              "_children": Array [],
+              "environment": Object {
+                "head": Object {
+                  "Infinity": Infinity,
+                  "NaN": NaN,
+                  "alert": [Function],
+                  "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                  "arity": [Function],
+                  "array_length": [Function],
+                  "call_cc": [Function],
+                  "char_at": [Function],
+                  "display": [Function],
+                  "display_list": [Function],
+                  "draw_data": [Function],
+                  "error": [Function],
+                  "get_time": [Function],
+                  "has_own_property": [Function],
+                  "head": [Function],
+                  "is_NaN": [Function],
+                  "is_array": [Function],
+                  "is_boolean": [Function],
+                  "is_function": [Function],
+                  "is_list": [Function],
+                  "is_null": [Function],
+                  "is_number": [Function],
+                  "is_object": [Function],
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+            "undefined" => Object {
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+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
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+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
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+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
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+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
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+            },
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+                    },
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+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "stringify(parse( \\"import defaultExport from 'module-name';\\"), undefined, 2);",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": "[ \\"import_declaration\\",
+[ [ [ \\"default\\",
+    null],
+  null],
+[ \\"module-name\\",
+  },
+exports[`Parses empty program 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 35,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "arguments": Array [
+                    Node {
+                      "end": 18,
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+                        "end": Position {
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+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "stringify(parse(\\"\\"), undefined, 2);",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 35,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "arguments": Array [
+                      Node {
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+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 18,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
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+                            "column": 16,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "raw": "\\"\\"",
+                        "start": 16,
+                        "type": "Literal",
+                        "value": "",
+                      },
+                    ],
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+                      "end": 15,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
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+                          "column": 15,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 10,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "name": "parse",
+                      "start": 10,
+                      "type": "Identifier",
+                    },
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+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 19,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
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+                      },
+                    },
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+                    "type": "CallExpression",
+                  },
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+                        "line": 1,
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+                      },
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+                    "start": 21,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
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+                      "end": Position {
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+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": 2,
+                  },
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+                    },
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+                  "type": "Identifier",
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+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
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+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
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+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
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+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
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+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
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+            },
+            "parent": null,
+          },
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+            Object {
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+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
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+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            } => EnvTreeNode {
+              "_children": Array [],
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+                  "Infinity": Infinity,
+                  "NaN": NaN,
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+                  "math_tanh": [Function],
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+                  "parse_int": [Function],
+                  "prompt": [Function],
+                  "raw_display": [Function],
+                  "set_head": [Function],
+                  "set_tail": [Function],
+                  "stream": [Function],
+                  "stringify": [Function],
+                  "tail": [Function],
+                  "tokenize": [Function],
+                  "undefined": undefined,
+                },
+                "heap": Heap {
+                  "storage": null,
+                },
+                "id": "-1",
+                "name": "global",
+                "tail": null,
+              },
+              "parent": null,
+            },
+          },
+        },
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+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
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+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
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+              "draw_data": [Function],
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+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
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+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
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+              "math_asinh": [Function],
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+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
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+              "math_clz32": [Function],
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+              "math_cosh": [Function],
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+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
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+              "math_imul": [Function],
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+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
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+              "math_min": [Function],
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+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
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+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
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+              "parse_int": [Function],
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+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+        ],
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+        "nodes": Array [],
+        "objectCount": 0,
+        "stash": null,
+        "transformers": Transformers {
+          "items": Map {},
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "value": undefined,
+      },
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+      "typeEnvironment": Array [
+        Object {
+          "declKindMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => "const",
+            "NaN" => "const",
+            "undefined" => "const",
+            "math_E" => "const",
+            "math_LN2" => "const",
+            "math_LN10" => "const",
+            "math_LOG2E" => "const",
+            "math_LOG10E" => "const",
+            "math_PI" => "const",
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => "const",
+            "math_SQRT2" => "const",
+            "is_boolean" => "const",
+            "is_number" => "const",
+            "is_string" => "const",
+            "is_undefined" => "const",
+            "is_function" => "const",
+            "math_abs" => "const",
+            "math_acos" => "const",
+            "math_acosh" => "const",
+            "math_asin" => "const",
+            "math_asinh" => "const",
+            "math_atan" => "const",
+            "math_atan2" => "const",
+            "math_atanh" => "const",
+            "math_cbrt" => "const",
+            "math_ceil" => "const",
+            "math_clz32" => "const",
+            "math_cos" => "const",
+            "math_cosh" => "const",
+            "math_exp" => "const",
+            "math_expm1" => "const",
+            "math_floor" => "const",
+            "math_fround" => "const",
+            "math_hypot" => "const",
+            "math_imul" => "const",
+            "math_log" => "const",
+            "math_log1p" => "const",
+            "math_log2" => "const",
+            "math_log10" => "const",
+            "math_max" => "const",
+            "math_min" => "const",
+            "math_pow" => "const",
+            "math_random" => "const",
+            "math_round" => "const",
+            "math_sign" => "const",
+            "math_sin" => "const",
+            "math_sinh" => "const",
+            "math_sqrt" => "const",
+            "math_tan" => "const",
+            "math_tanh" => "const",
+            "math_trunc" => "const",
+            "parse_int" => "const",
+            "prompt" => "const",
+            "get_time" => "const",
+            "stringify" => "const",
+            "display" => "const",
+            "error" => "const",
+            "-_1" => "const",
+            "!" => "const",
+            "&&" => "const",
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+            "<=" => "const",
+            ">" => "const",
+            ">=" => "const",
+            "+" => "const",
+            "%" => "const",
+            "-" => "const",
+            "*" => "const",
+            "/" => "const",
+            "pair" => "const",
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+            "tail" => "const",
+            "is_pair" => "const",
+            "is_null" => "const",
+            "is_list" => "const",
+            "list" => "const",
+            "===" => "const",
+            "!==" => "const",
+            "set_head" => "const",
+            "set_tail" => "const",
+            "is_array" => "const",
+            "array_length" => "const",
+            "raw_display" => "const",
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+            "draw_data" => "const",
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+            "stream" => "const",
+            "parse" => "const",
+            "tokenize" => "const",
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => "const",
+            "call_cc" => "const",
+          },
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+            "Pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
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+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "List" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "stringify(parse(\\"\\"), undefined, 2);",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": "[ \\"sequence\\",
+[ null,
+  },
+exports[`Parses fibonacci 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 103,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "arguments": Array [
+                    Node {
+                      "end": 86,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 86,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 16,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "raw": "\\"function fib(x) { return x <= 1 ? x : fib(x-1) + fib(x-2); } fib(4);\\"",
+                      "start": 16,
+                      "type": "Literal",
+                      "value": "function fib(x) { return x <= 1 ? x : fib(x-1) + fib(x-2); } fib(4);",
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "callee": Node {
+                    "end": 15,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 15,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 10,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "parse",
+                    "start": 10,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
+                  "end": 87,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 87,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 10,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "start": 10,
+                  "type": "CallExpression",
+                },
+                Node {
+                  "end": 98,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 98,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 89,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "start": 89,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                Node {
+                  "end": 101,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 101,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 100,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "2",
+                  "start": 100,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 2,
+                },
+              ],
+              "callee": Node {
+                "end": 9,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 9,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "stringify",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              "end": 102,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 102,
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+                },
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+                  "column": 0,
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+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 103,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 103,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 103,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
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+              "value": undefined,
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+              "value": undefined,
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+              "value": undefined,
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+              "kind": "primitive",
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+              "value": undefined,
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+              },
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
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+              "value": undefined,
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+              "value": undefined,
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+                "value": undefined,
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+              "value": undefined,
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
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+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "stringify(parse(\\"function fib(x) { return x <= 1 ? x : fib(x-1) + fib(x-2); } fib(4);\\"), undefined, 2);",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
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+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "List" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "stringify(parse(\\"function fib(x) { return x <= 1 ? x : fib(x-1) + fib(x-2); } fib(4);\\"), undefined, 2);",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": "[ \\"sequence\\",
+[ [ [ \\"function_declaration\\",
+    [ [ \\"name\\",
+      [ \\"fib\\",
+      null]],
+    [ [ [ \\"name\\",
+        [ \\"x\\",
+        null]],
+      null],
+    [ [ \\"return_statement\\",
+      [ [ \\"conditional_expression\\",
+        [ [ \\"binary_operator_combination\\",
+          [ \\"<=\\",
+          [ [ \\"name\\",
+            [ \\"x\\",
+            null]],
+          [ [ \\"literal\\",
+            [ 1,
+            null]],
+          null]]]],
+        [ [ \\"name\\",
+          [ \\"x\\",
+          null]],
+        [ [ \\"binary_operator_combination\\",
+          [ \\"+\\",
+          [ [ \\"application\\",
+            [ [ \\"name\\",
+              [ \\"fib\\",
+              null]],
+            [ [ [ \\"binary_operator_combination\\",
+                [ \\"-\\",
+                [ [ \\"name\\",
+                  [ \\"x\\",
+                  null]],
+                [ [ \\"literal\\",
+                  [ 1,
+                  null]],
+                null]]]],
+              null],
+            null]]],
+          [ [ \\"application\\",
+            [ [ \\"name\\",
+              [ \\"fib\\",
+              null]],
+            [ [ [ \\"binary_operator_combination\\",
+                [ \\"-\\",
+                [ [ \\"name\\",
+                  [ \\"x\\",
+                  null]],
+                [ [ \\"literal\\",
+                  [ 2,
+                  null]],
+                null]]]],
+              null],
+            null]]],
+          null]]]],
+        null]]]],
+      null]],
+    null]]]],
+  [ [ \\"application\\",
+    [ [ \\"name\\",
+      [ \\"fib\\",
+      null]],
+    [ [ [ \\"literal\\",
+        [ 4,
+        null]],
+      null],
+    null]]],
+  null]],
+  },
+exports[`Parses function calls 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 69,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "arguments": Array [
+                    Node {
+                      "end": 52,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 52,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 16,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "raw": "\\"f(x); thrice(thrice)(plus_one)(0);\\"",
+                      "start": 16,
+                      "type": "Literal",
+                      "value": "f(x); thrice(thrice)(plus_one)(0);",
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "callee": Node {
+                    "end": 15,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 15,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 10,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "parse",
+                    "start": 10,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
+                  "end": 53,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 53,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 10,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "start": 10,
+                  "type": "CallExpression",
+                },
+                Node {
+                  "end": 64,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 64,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 55,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "start": 55,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                Node {
+                  "end": 67,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 67,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 66,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "2",
+                  "start": 66,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 2,
+                },
+              ],
+              "callee": Node {
+                "end": 9,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 9,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "stringify",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              "end": 68,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 68,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 69,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 69,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 69,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "map": Map {
+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
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+          },
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+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "stringify(parse(\\"f(x); thrice(thrice)(plus_one)(0);\\"), undefined, 2);",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 69,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "arguments": Array [
+                      Node {
+                        "end": 52,
+                        "loc": SourceLocation {
+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 52,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 16,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "raw": "\\"f(x); thrice(thrice)(plus_one)(0);\\"",
+                        "start": 16,
+                        "type": "Literal",
+                        "value": "f(x); thrice(thrice)(plus_one)(0);",
+                      },
+                    ],
+                    "callee": Node {
+                      "end": 15,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 15,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 10,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "name": "parse",
+                      "start": 10,
+                      "type": "Identifier",
+                    },
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+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "stringify(parse(\\"f(x); thrice(thrice)(plus_one)(0);\\"), undefined, 2);",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": "[ \\"sequence\\",
+[ [ [ \\"application\\",
+    [ [ \\"name\\",
+      [ \\"f\\",
+      null]],
+    [ [ [ \\"name\\",
+        [ \\"x\\",
+        null]],
+      null],
+    null]]],
+  [ [ \\"application\\",
+    [ [ \\"application\\",
+      [ [ \\"application\\",
+        [ [ \\"name\\",
+          [ \\"thrice\\",
+          null]],
+        [ [ [ \\"name\\",
+            [ \\"thrice\\",
+            null]],
+          null],
+        null]]],
+      [ [ [ \\"name\\",
+          [ \\"plus_one\\",
+          null]],
+        null],
+      null]]],
+    [ [ [ \\"literal\\",
+        [ 0,
+        null]],
+      null],
+    null]]],
+  null]],
+  },
+exports[`Parses if statements 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
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+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "arguments": Array [
+                    Node {
+                      "end": 72,
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+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 72,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 16,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "raw": "\\"if (true) { hi; } else { haha; } if (false) {} else {}\\"",
+                      "start": 16,
+                      "type": "Literal",
+                      "value": "if (true) { hi; } else { haha; } if (false) {} else {}",
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "callee": Node {
+                    "end": 15,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 15,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 10,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
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+                    "start": 10,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
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+                    },
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+                    },
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+                  "type": "CallExpression",
+                },
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+                  "type": "Identifier",
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+                    "end": Position {
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+                  },
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+                  "start": 86,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 2,
+                },
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+                    "column": 9,
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+                  },
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+                "type": "Identifier",
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+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
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+          },
+        },
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+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
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+              "display_list": [Function],
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+              "error": [Function],
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+              "is_number": [Function],
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+              "is_undefined": [Function],
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+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+              "math_atanh": [Function],
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+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
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+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
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+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
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+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
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+              "display_list": [Function],
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+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
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+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
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+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
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+              "math_clz32": [Function],
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+              "math_cosh": [Function],
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+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
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+              "parse_int": [Function],
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+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          } => EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
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+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
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+                "display_list": [Function],
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+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
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+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+                "math_asinh": [Function],
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+                "math_atanh": [Function],
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+                "math_clz32": [Function],
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+                "math_tanh": [Function],
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+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
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+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            },
+            "parent": null,
+          },
+        },
+      },
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+        Object {
+          "head": Object {
+            "Infinity": Infinity,
+            "NaN": NaN,
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+            "arity": [Function],
+            "array_length": [Function],
+            "call_cc": [Function],
+            "char_at": [Function],
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+            "display_list": [Function],
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+            "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+            "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+            "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+            "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+            "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+            "math_abs": [Function],
+            "math_acos": [Function],
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+            "math_asin": [Function],
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+            "math_atanh": [Function],
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+            "stream": [Function],
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+            "tail": [Function],
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+            "undefined": undefined,
+          },
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+            "storage": null,
+          },
+          "id": "-1",
+          "name": "global",
+          "tail": null,
+        },
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+      "nodes": Array [],
+      "objectCount": 0,
+      "stash": null,
+      "transformers": Transformers {
+        "items": Map {},
+        "parent": null,
+      },
+      "value": undefined,
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+      Object {
+        "declKindMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => "const",
+          "NaN" => "const",
+          "undefined" => "const",
+          "math_E" => "const",
+          "math_LN2" => "const",
+          "math_LN10" => "const",
+          "math_LOG2E" => "const",
+          "math_LOG10E" => "const",
+          "math_PI" => "const",
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => "const",
+          "math_SQRT2" => "const",
+          "is_boolean" => "const",
+          "is_number" => "const",
+          "is_string" => "const",
+          "is_undefined" => "const",
+          "is_function" => "const",
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+          "math_acos" => "const",
+          "math_acosh" => "const",
+          "math_asin" => "const",
+          "math_asinh" => "const",
+          "math_atan" => "const",
+          "math_atan2" => "const",
+          "math_atanh" => "const",
+          "math_cbrt" => "const",
+          "math_ceil" => "const",
+          "math_clz32" => "const",
+          "math_cos" => "const",
+          "math_cosh" => "const",
+          "math_exp" => "const",
+          "math_expm1" => "const",
+          "math_floor" => "const",
+          "math_fround" => "const",
+          "math_hypot" => "const",
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+          "math_log" => "const",
+          "math_log1p" => "const",
+          "math_log2" => "const",
+          "math_log10" => "const",
+          "math_max" => "const",
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+          "math_pow" => "const",
+          "math_random" => "const",
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+          "math_tan" => "const",
+          "math_tanh" => "const",
+          "math_trunc" => "const",
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+          "prompt" => "const",
+          "get_time" => "const",
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+          "display" => "const",
+          "error" => "const",
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+          ">" => "const",
+          ">=" => "const",
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+          "%" => "const",
+          "-" => "const",
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+          "/" => "const",
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+          "is_list" => "const",
+          "list" => "const",
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+          "!==" => "const",
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+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => "const",
+          "call_cc" => "const",
+        },
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+          "Pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "headType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
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+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "List" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "elementType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
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+              "typeAsPair": undefined,
+            },
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+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "Stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "Stream",
+                  "typeArgs": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                },
+              },
+            },
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+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+        },
+        "typeMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "stringify(parse(\\"if (true) { hi; } else { haha; } if (false) {} else {}\\"), undefined, 2);",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 89,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "arguments": Array [
+                      Node {
+                        "end": 72,
+                        "loc": SourceLocation {
+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 72,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 16,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "raw": "\\"if (true) { hi; } else { haha; } if (false) {} else {}\\"",
+                        "start": 16,
+                        "type": "Literal",
+                        "value": "if (true) { hi; } else { haha; } if (false) {} else {}",
+                      },
+                    ],
+                    "callee": Node {
+                      "end": 15,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 15,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 10,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "name": "parse",
+                      "start": 10,
+                      "type": "Identifier",
+                    },
+                    "end": 73,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 73,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 10,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "start": 10,
+                    "type": "CallExpression",
+                  },
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 84,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 84,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 75,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "undefined",
+                    "start": 75,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 87,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 87,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 86,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "2",
+                    "start": 86,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": 2,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "callee": Node {
+                  "end": 9,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 9,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "stringify",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "end": 88,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 88,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "CallExpression",
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 89,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
+          ],
+          "end": 89,
+          "loc": SourceLocation {
+            "end": Position {
+              "column": 89,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+            "start": Position {
+              "column": 0,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+          },
+          "sourceType": "module",
+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                "math_ceil": [Function],
+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
+                "math_fround": [Function],
+                "math_hypot": [Function],
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+                  "kind": "primitive",
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+                "value": undefined,
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+                },
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+                "value": undefined,
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+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "stringify(parse(\\"if (true) { hi; } else { haha; } if (false) {} else {}\\"), undefined, 2);",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": "[ \\"sequence\\",
+[ [ [ \\"conditional_statement\\",
+    [ [ \\"literal\\",
+      [ true,
+      null]],
+    [ [ \\"name\\",
+      [ \\"hi\\",
+      null]],
+    [ [ \\"name\\",
+      [ \\"haha\\",
+      null]],
+    null]]]],
+  [ [ \\"conditional_statement\\",
+    [ [ \\"literal\\",
+      [ false,
+      null]],
+    [ [ \\"sequence\\",
+      [ null,
+      null]],
+    [ [ \\"sequence\\",
+      [ null,
+      null]],
+    null]]]],
+  null]],
+  },
+exports[`Parses infix expressions 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
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+          "is_array" => "const",
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+          "raw_display" => "const",
+          "char_at" => "const",
+          "arity" => "const",
+          "draw_data" => "const",
+          "display_list" => "const",
+          "stream" => "const",
+          "parse" => "const",
+          "tokenize" => "const",
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => "const",
+          "call_cc" => "const",
+        },
+        "typeAliasMap": Map {
+          "Pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "headType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "pair",
+              "tailType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "List" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "elementType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "list",
+              "typeAsPair": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "Stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "Stream",
+                  "typeArgs": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+        },
+        "typeMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "stringify(parse(\\"3 + 5 === 8 || !true && false;\\"), undefined, 2);",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 65,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "arguments": Array [
+                      Node {
+                        "end": 48,
+                        "loc": SourceLocation {
+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 48,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 16,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "raw": "\\"3 + 5 === 8 || !true && false;\\"",
+                        "start": 16,
+                        "type": "Literal",
+                        "value": "3 + 5 === 8 || !true && false;",
+                      },
+                    ],
+                    "callee": Node {
+                      "end": 15,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 15,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 10,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "name": "parse",
+                      "start": 10,
+                      "type": "Identifier",
+                    },
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+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 49,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
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+                        "column": 10,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
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+                    "type": "CallExpression",
+                  },
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+                      "end": Position {
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+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
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+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "undefined",
+                    "start": 51,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 63,
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+                      "end": Position {
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+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "2",
+                    "start": 62,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": 2,
+                  },
+                ],
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+                  "end": 9,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 9,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
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+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "stringify",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
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+                  "end": Position {
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+                "type": "CallExpression",
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+                  "column": 65,
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+              },
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+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
+          ],
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+            "end": Position {
+              "column": 65,
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+            },
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+              "line": 1,
+            },
+          },
+          "sourceType": "module",
+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
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+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
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+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
+                "math_fround": [Function],
+                "math_hypot": [Function],
+                "math_imul": [Function],
+                "math_log": [Function],
+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
+                "math_max": [Function],
+                "math_min": [Function],
+                "math_pow": [Function],
+                "math_random": [Function],
+                "math_round": [Function],
+                "math_sign": [Function],
+                "math_sin": [Function],
+                "math_sinh": [Function],
+                "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
+                "math_trunc": [Function],
+                "pair": [Function],
+                "parse": [Function],
+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
+                "raw_display": [Function],
+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            },
+            "parent": null,
+          },
+          "map": Map {
+            Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                "math_ceil": [Function],
+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
+                "math_fround": [Function],
+                "math_hypot": [Function],
+                "math_imul": [Function],
+                "math_log": [Function],
+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
+                "math_max": [Function],
+                "math_min": [Function],
+                "math_pow": [Function],
+                "math_random": [Function],
+                "math_round": [Function],
+                "math_sign": [Function],
+                "math_sin": [Function],
+                "math_sinh": [Function],
+                "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
+                "math_trunc": [Function],
+                "pair": [Function],
+                "parse": [Function],
+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
+                "raw_display": [Function],
+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            } => EnvTreeNode {
+              "_children": Array [],
+              "environment": Object {
+                "head": Object {
+                  "Infinity": Infinity,
+                  "NaN": NaN,
+                  "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                  "arity": [Function],
+                  "array_length": [Function],
+                  "call_cc": [Function],
+                  "char_at": [Function],
+                  "display": [Function],
+                  "display_list": [Function],
+                  "draw_data": [Function],
+                  "error": [Function],
+                  "get_time": [Function],
+                  "head": [Function],
+                  "is_array": [Function],
+                  "is_boolean": [Function],
+                  "is_function": [Function],
+                  "is_list": [Function],
+                  "is_null": [Function],
+                  "is_number": [Function],
+                  "is_pair": [Function],
+                  "is_string": [Function],
+                  "is_undefined": [Function],
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+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
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+                  "name": "T",
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+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
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+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
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+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
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+            "Infinity" => Object {
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+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
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+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
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+                "name": "string",
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+              "kind": "predicate",
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+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
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+                    },
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+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "stringify(parse(\\"3 + 5 === 8 || !true && false;\\"), undefined, 2);",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": "[ \\"logical_composition\\",
+[ \\"||\\",
+[ [ \\"binary_operator_combination\\",
+  [ \\"===\\",
+  [ [ \\"binary_operator_combination\\",
+    [ \\"+\\",
+    [ [ \\"literal\\",
+      [ 3,
+      null]],
+    [ [ \\"literal\\",
+      [ 5,
+      null]],
+    null]]]],
+  [ [ \\"literal\\",
+    [ 8,
+    null]],
+  null]]]],
+[ [ \\"logical_composition\\",
+  [ \\"&&\\",
+  [ [ \\"unary_operator_combination\\",
+    [ \\"!\\",
+    [ [ \\"literal\\",
+      [ true,
+      null]],
+    null]]],
+  [ [ \\"literal\\",
+    [ false,
+    null]],
+  null]]]],
+  },
+exports[`Parses literals 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 74,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "arguments": Array [
+                    Node {
+                      "end": 57,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 57,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 16,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "raw": "\\"3; true; false; ''; \\\\\\"\\\\\\"; 'bob'; 1; 20;\\"",
+                      "start": 16,
+                      "type": "Literal",
+                      "value": "3; true; false; ''; \\"\\"; 'bob'; 1; 20;",
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "callee": Node {
+                    "end": 15,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 15,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 10,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "parse",
+                    "start": 10,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
+                  "end": 58,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 58,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 10,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "start": 10,
+                  "type": "CallExpression",
+                },
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+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "stringify(parse(\\"3; true; false; ''; \\\\\\"\\\\\\"; 'bob'; 1; 20;\\"), undefined, 2);",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
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+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "arguments": Array [
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+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "raw": "\\"3; true; false; ''; \\\\\\"\\\\\\"; 'bob'; 1; 20;\\"",
+                        "start": 16,
+                        "type": "Literal",
+                        "value": "3; true; false; ''; \\"\\"; 'bob'; 1; 20;",
+                      },
+                    ],
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+                      "end": 15,
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+                          "column": 15,
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+                        },
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+                          "column": 10,
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+                        },
+                      },
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+                      "start": 10,
+                      "type": "Identifier",
+                    },
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+                      },
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+                    "type": "CallExpression",
+                  },
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+                    "type": "Identifier",
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+                  },
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+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
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+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
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+              "head": Object {
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+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
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+                "storage": null,
+              },
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+          },
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+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
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+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
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+                  "stream": [Function],
+                  "stringify": [Function],
+                  "tail": [Function],
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+                  "undefined": undefined,
+                },
+                "heap": Heap {
+                  "storage": null,
+                },
+                "id": "-1",
+                "name": "global",
+                "tail": null,
+              },
+              "parent": null,
+            },
+          },
+        },
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+              "math_tanh": [Function],
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+              "parse_int": [Function],
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+              "raw_display": [Function],
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+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+        ],
+        "isRunning": false,
+        "nodes": Array [],
+        "objectCount": 0,
+        "stash": null,
+        "transformers": Transformers {
+          "items": Map {},
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "value": undefined,
+      },
+      "shouldIncreaseEvaluationTimeout": false,
+      "typeEnvironment": Array [
+        Object {
+          "declKindMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => "const",
+            "NaN" => "const",
+            "undefined" => "const",
+            "math_E" => "const",
+            "math_LN2" => "const",
+            "math_LN10" => "const",
+            "math_LOG2E" => "const",
+            "math_LOG10E" => "const",
+            "math_PI" => "const",
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => "const",
+            "math_SQRT2" => "const",
+            "is_boolean" => "const",
+            "is_number" => "const",
+            "is_string" => "const",
+            "is_undefined" => "const",
+            "is_function" => "const",
+            "math_abs" => "const",
+            "math_acos" => "const",
+            "math_acosh" => "const",
+            "math_asin" => "const",
+            "math_asinh" => "const",
+            "math_atan" => "const",
+            "math_atan2" => "const",
+            "math_atanh" => "const",
+            "math_cbrt" => "const",
+            "math_ceil" => "const",
+            "math_clz32" => "const",
+            "math_cos" => "const",
+            "math_cosh" => "const",
+            "math_exp" => "const",
+            "math_expm1" => "const",
+            "math_floor" => "const",
+            "math_fround" => "const",
+            "math_hypot" => "const",
+            "math_imul" => "const",
+            "math_log" => "const",
+            "math_log1p" => "const",
+            "math_log2" => "const",
+            "math_log10" => "const",
+            "math_max" => "const",
+            "math_min" => "const",
+            "math_pow" => "const",
+            "math_random" => "const",
+            "math_round" => "const",
+            "math_sign" => "const",
+            "math_sin" => "const",
+            "math_sinh" => "const",
+            "math_sqrt" => "const",
+            "math_tan" => "const",
+            "math_tanh" => "const",
+            "math_trunc" => "const",
+            "parse_int" => "const",
+            "prompt" => "const",
+            "get_time" => "const",
+            "stringify" => "const",
+            "display" => "const",
+            "error" => "const",
+            "-_1" => "const",
+            "!" => "const",
+            "&&" => "const",
+            "||" => "const",
+            "<" => "const",
+            "<=" => "const",
+            ">" => "const",
+            ">=" => "const",
+            "+" => "const",
+            "%" => "const",
+            "-" => "const",
+            "*" => "const",
+            "/" => "const",
+            "pair" => "const",
+            "head" => "const",
+            "tail" => "const",
+            "is_pair" => "const",
+            "is_null" => "const",
+            "is_list" => "const",
+            "list" => "const",
+            "===" => "const",
+            "!==" => "const",
+            "set_head" => "const",
+            "set_tail" => "const",
+            "is_array" => "const",
+            "array_length" => "const",
+            "raw_display" => "const",
+            "char_at" => "const",
+            "arity" => "const",
+            "draw_data" => "const",
+            "display_list" => "const",
+            "stream" => "const",
+            "parse" => "const",
+            "tokenize" => "const",
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => "const",
+            "call_cc" => "const",
+          },
+          "typeAliasMap": Map {
+            "Pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "List" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "stringify(parse(\\"3; true; false; ''; \\\\\\"\\\\\\"; 'bob'; 1; 20;\\"), undefined, 2);",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": "[ \\"sequence\\",
+[ [ [ \\"literal\\",
+    [ 3,
+    null]],
+  [ [ \\"literal\\",
+    [ true,
+    null]],
+  [ [ \\"literal\\",
+    [ false,
+    null]],
+  [ [ \\"literal\\",
+    [ \\"\\",
+    null]],
+  [ [ \\"literal\\",
+    [ \\"\\",
+    null]],
+  [ [ \\"literal\\",
+    [ \\"bob\\",
+    null]],
+  [ [ \\"literal\\",
+    [ 1,
+    null]],
+  [ [ \\"literal\\",
+    [ 20,
+    null]],
+  null]]]]]]]],
+  },
+exports[`Parses loops 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 175,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "arguments": Array [
+                    Node {
+                      "end": 158,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 158,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 17,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "raw": "\\"while (true) { continue; break; } for (let i = 0; i < 1; i = i + 1) { continue; break; } for (i = 0; i < 1; i = i + 1) { continue; break; }\\"",
+                      "start": 17,
+                      "type": "Literal",
+                      "value": "while (true) { continue; break; } for (let i = 0; i < 1; i = i + 1) { continue; break; } for (i = 0; i < 1; i = i + 1) { continue; break; }",
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "callee": Node {
+                    "end": 15,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 15,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 10,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "parse",
+                    "start": 10,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
+                  "end": 159,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 159,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 10,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "start": 10,
+                  "type": "CallExpression",
+                },
+                Node {
+                  "end": 170,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 170,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 161,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "start": 161,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                Node {
+                  "end": 173,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 173,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 172,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "2",
+                  "start": 172,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 2,
+                },
+              ],
+              "callee": Node {
+                "end": 9,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 9,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "stringify",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              "end": 174,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 174,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 175,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 175,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 175,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
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+              "math_sin": [Function],
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+              "value": undefined,
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+              "value": undefined,
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+              "value": undefined,
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
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+              "value": undefined,
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+              "value": undefined,
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+                "value": undefined,
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+              "value": undefined,
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+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "stringify(parse( \\"while (true) { continue; break; } for (let i = 0; i < 1; i = i + 1) { continue; break; } for (i = 0; i < 1; i = i + 1) { continue; break; }\\"), undefined, 2);",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
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+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "List" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "stringify(parse( \\"while (true) { continue; break; } for (let i = 0; i < 1; i = i + 1) { continue; break; } for (i = 0; i < 1; i = i + 1) { continue; break; }\\"), undefined, 2);",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": "[ \\"sequence\\",
+[ [ [ \\"while_loop\\",
+    [ [ \\"literal\\",
+      [ true,
+      null]],
+    [ [ \\"sequence\\",
+      [ [ [ \\"continue_statement\\",
+          null],
+        [ [ \\"break_statement\\",
+          null],
+        null]],
+      null]],
+    null]]],
+  [ [ \\"for_loop\\",
+    [ [ \\"variable_declaration\\",
+      [ [ \\"name\\",
+        [ \\"i\\",
+        null]],
+      [ [ \\"literal\\",
+        [ 0,
+        null]],
+      null]]],
+    [ [ \\"binary_operator_combination\\",
+      [ \\"<\\",
+      [ [ \\"name\\",
+        [ \\"i\\",
+        null]],
+      [ [ \\"literal\\",
+        [ 1,
+        null]],
+      null]]]],
+    [ [ \\"assignment\\",
+      [ [ \\"name\\",
+        [ \\"i\\",
+        null]],
+      [ [ \\"binary_operator_combination\\",
+        [ \\"+\\",
+        [ [ \\"name\\",
+          [ \\"i\\",
+          null]],
+        [ [ \\"literal\\",
+          [ 1,
+          null]],
+        null]]]],
+      null]]],
+    [ [ \\"sequence\\",
+      [ [ [ \\"continue_statement\\",
+          null],
+        [ [ \\"break_statement\\",
+          null],
+        null]],
+      null]],
+    null]]]]],
+  [ [ \\"for_loop\\",
+    [ [ \\"assignment\\",
+      [ [ \\"name\\",
+        [ \\"i\\",
+        null]],
+      [ [ \\"literal\\",
+        [ 0,
+        null]],
+      null]]],
+    [ [ \\"binary_operator_combination\\",
+      [ \\"<\\",
+      [ [ \\"name\\",
+        [ \\"i\\",
+        null]],
+      [ [ \\"literal\\",
+        [ 1,
+        null]],
+      null]]]],
+    [ [ \\"assignment\\",
+      [ [ \\"name\\",
+        [ \\"i\\",
+        null]],
+      [ [ \\"binary_operator_combination\\",
+        [ \\"+\\",
+        [ [ \\"name\\",
+          [ \\"i\\",
+          null]],
+        [ [ \\"literal\\",
+          [ 1,
+          null]],
+        null]]]],
+      null]]],
+    [ [ \\"sequence\\",
+      [ [ [ \\"continue_statement\\",
+          null],
+        [ [ \\"break_statement\\",
+          null],
+        null]],
+      null]],
+    null]]]]],
+  null]]],
+  },
+exports[`Parses multi-argument arrow function assignments properly 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 61,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "arguments": Array [
+                    Node {
+                      "end": 44,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 44,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 16,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "raw": "\\"const y = (x, y) => x + 1;\\"",
+                      "start": 16,
+                      "type": "Literal",
+                      "value": "const y = (x, y) => x + 1;",
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "callee": Node {
+                    "end": 15,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 15,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 10,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "parse",
+                    "start": 10,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
+                  "end": 45,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 45,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 10,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "start": 10,
+                  "type": "CallExpression",
+                },
+                Node {
+                  "end": 56,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 56,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
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+                      "column": 47,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "start": 47,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                Node {
+                  "end": 59,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 59,
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+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "2",
+                  "start": 58,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 2,
+                },
+              ],
+              "callee": Node {
+                "end": 9,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 9,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "stringify",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
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+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 60,
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+                },
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+                  "column": 0,
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+                },
+              },
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+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 61,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
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+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 61,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
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+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "map": Map {
+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
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+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
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+              },
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+              "value": undefined,
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+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "stringify(parse(\\"const y = (x, y) => x + 1;\\"), undefined, 2);",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 61,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "arguments": Array [
+                      Node {
+                        "end": 44,
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+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "stringify(parse(\\"const y = (x, y) => x + 1;\\"), undefined, 2);",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": "[ \\"constant_declaration\\",
+[ [ \\"name\\",
+  [ \\"y\\",
+  null]],
+[ [ \\"lambda_expression\\",
+  [ [ [ \\"name\\",
+      [ \\"x\\",
+      null]],
+    [ [ \\"name\\",
+      [ \\"y\\",
+      null]],
+    null]],
+  [ [ \\"return_statement\\",
+    [ [ \\"binary_operator_combination\\",
+      [ \\"+\\",
+      [ [ \\"name\\",
+        [ \\"x\\",
+        null]],
+      [ [ \\"literal\\",
+        [ 1,
+        null]],
+      null]]]],
+    null]],
+  null]]],
+  },
+exports[`Parses multi-argument arrow function expressions properly 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
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+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 51,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "arguments": Array [
+                    Node {
+                      "end": 34,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 34,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 16,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "raw": "\\"(x, y) => x + 1;\\"",
+                      "start": 16,
+                      "type": "Literal",
+                      "value": "(x, y) => x + 1;",
+                    },
+                  ],
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+                    "end": 15,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 15,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 10,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
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+                    "start": 10,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
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+                    "end": Position {
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+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
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+                    },
+                  },
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+                  "type": "CallExpression",
+                },
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+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
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+                    },
+                  },
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+                  "start": 37,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
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+                  "start": 48,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 2,
+                },
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+                "type": "Identifier",
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+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
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+          },
+        },
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+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
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+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
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+              "arity": [Function],
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+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
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+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
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+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
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+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
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+          Object {
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+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
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+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
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+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
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+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
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+              "math_cosh": [Function],
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+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
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+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          } => EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
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+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
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+                "math_tanh": [Function],
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+                "pair": [Function],
+                "parse": [Function],
+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
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+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            },
+            "parent": null,
+          },
+        },
+      },
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+        Object {
+          "head": Object {
+            "Infinity": Infinity,
+            "NaN": NaN,
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+            "arity": [Function],
+            "array_length": [Function],
+            "call_cc": [Function],
+            "char_at": [Function],
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+            "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+            "undefined": undefined,
+          },
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+            "storage": null,
+          },
+          "id": "-1",
+          "name": "global",
+          "tail": null,
+        },
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+      "stash": null,
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+        "items": Map {},
+        "parent": null,
+      },
+      "value": undefined,
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+      Object {
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+          "NaN" => "const",
+          "undefined" => "const",
+          "math_E" => "const",
+          "math_LN2" => "const",
+          "math_LN10" => "const",
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+          "math_LOG10E" => "const",
+          "math_PI" => "const",
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+          "math_SQRT2" => "const",
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+          "is_number" => "const",
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+          "is_function" => "const",
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+          "math_acosh" => "const",
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+          "math_atan2" => "const",
+          "math_atanh" => "const",
+          "math_cbrt" => "const",
+          "math_ceil" => "const",
+          "math_clz32" => "const",
+          "math_cos" => "const",
+          "math_cosh" => "const",
+          "math_exp" => "const",
+          "math_expm1" => "const",
+          "math_floor" => "const",
+          "math_fround" => "const",
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+          "math_log" => "const",
+          "math_log1p" => "const",
+          "math_log2" => "const",
+          "math_log10" => "const",
+          "math_max" => "const",
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+          "math_pow" => "const",
+          "math_random" => "const",
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+          "math_tanh" => "const",
+          "math_trunc" => "const",
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+          "display" => "const",
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+          ">" => "const",
+          ">=" => "const",
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+          "%" => "const",
+          "-" => "const",
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+          "/" => "const",
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+          "is_list" => "const",
+          "list" => "const",
+          "===" => "const",
+          "!==" => "const",
+          "set_head" => "const",
+          "set_tail" => "const",
+          "is_array" => "const",
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+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => "const",
+          "call_cc" => "const",
+        },
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+          "Pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "headType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
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+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
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+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "List" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "elementType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "list",
+              "typeAsPair": undefined,
+            },
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+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "Stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "Stream",
+                  "typeArgs": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                },
+              },
+            },
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+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+        },
+        "typeMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "stringify(parse(\\"(x, y) => x + 1;\\"), undefined, 2);",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 51,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "arguments": Array [
+                      Node {
+                        "end": 34,
+                        "loc": SourceLocation {
+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 34,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 16,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "raw": "\\"(x, y) => x + 1;\\"",
+                        "start": 16,
+                        "type": "Literal",
+                        "value": "(x, y) => x + 1;",
+                      },
+                    ],
+                    "callee": Node {
+                      "end": 15,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 15,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 10,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "name": "parse",
+                      "start": 10,
+                      "type": "Identifier",
+                    },
+                    "end": 35,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 35,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 10,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "start": 10,
+                    "type": "CallExpression",
+                  },
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 46,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 46,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 37,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "undefined",
+                    "start": 37,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 49,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 49,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 48,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "2",
+                    "start": 48,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": 2,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "callee": Node {
+                  "end": 9,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 9,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "stringify",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "end": 50,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 50,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "CallExpression",
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 51,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
+          ],
+          "end": 51,
+          "loc": SourceLocation {
+            "end": Position {
+              "column": 51,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+            "start": Position {
+              "column": 0,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+          },
+          "sourceType": "module",
+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
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+                "math_asin": [Function],
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "stringify(parse(\\"(x, y) => x + 1;\\"), undefined, 2);",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": "[ \\"lambda_expression\\",
+[ [ [ \\"name\\",
+    [ \\"x\\",
+    null]],
+  [ [ \\"name\\",
+    [ \\"y\\",
+    null]],
+  null]],
+[ [ \\"return_statement\\",
+  [ [ \\"binary_operator_combination\\",
+    [ \\"+\\",
+    [ [ \\"name\\",
+      [ \\"x\\",
+      null]],
+    [ [ \\"literal\\",
+      [ 1,
+      null]],
+    null]]]],
+  null]],
+  },
+exports[`Parses multi-argument arrow function expressions properly 2`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
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+          "/" => "const",
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+          "head" => "const",
+          "tail" => "const",
+          "is_pair" => "const",
+          "is_null" => "const",
+          "is_list" => "const",
+          "list" => "const",
+          "===" => "const",
+          "!==" => "const",
+          "set_head" => "const",
+          "set_tail" => "const",
+          "is_array" => "const",
+          "array_length" => "const",
+          "raw_display" => "const",
+          "char_at" => "const",
+          "arity" => "const",
+          "draw_data" => "const",
+          "display_list" => "const",
+          "stream" => "const",
+          "parse" => "const",
+          "tokenize" => "const",
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => "const",
+          "call_cc" => "const",
+        },
+        "typeAliasMap": Map {
+          "Pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "headType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "pair",
+              "tailType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "List" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "elementType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "list",
+              "typeAsPair": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+          "Stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "Stream",
+                  "typeArgs": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": Array [
+              Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+          },
+        },
+        "typeMap": Map {
+          "Infinity" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
+          "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
+          "is_boolean" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_number" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_string" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "stringify(parse(\\"(x, y) => x + 1;\\"), undefined, 2);",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 51,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "arguments": Array [
+                      Node {
+                        "end": 34,
+                        "loc": SourceLocation {
+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 34,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 16,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "raw": "\\"(x, y) => x + 1;\\"",
+                        "start": 16,
+                        "type": "Literal",
+                        "value": "(x, y) => x + 1;",
+                      },
+                    ],
+                    "callee": Node {
+                      "end": 15,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 15,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 10,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "name": "parse",
+                      "start": 10,
+                      "type": "Identifier",
+                    },
+                    "end": 35,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 35,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 10,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "start": 10,
+                    "type": "CallExpression",
+                  },
+                  Node {
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+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 46,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
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+                        "column": 37,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "undefined",
+                    "start": 37,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 49,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 49,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
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+                        "column": 48,
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+                      },
+                    },
+                    "raw": "2",
+                    "start": 48,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": 2,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "callee": Node {
+                  "end": 9,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 9,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 0,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "stringify",
+                  "start": 0,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                "end": 50,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 50,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
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+                "type": "CallExpression",
+              },
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 51,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+            },
+          ],
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+          "loc": SourceLocation {
+            "end": Position {
+              "column": 51,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+            "start": Position {
+              "column": 0,
+              "line": 1,
+            },
+          },
+          "sourceType": "module",
+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
+      "promptResult": Array [],
+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                "math_ceil": [Function],
+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
+                "math_fround": [Function],
+                "math_hypot": [Function],
+                "math_imul": [Function],
+                "math_log": [Function],
+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
+                "math_max": [Function],
+                "math_min": [Function],
+                "math_pow": [Function],
+                "math_random": [Function],
+                "math_round": [Function],
+                "math_sign": [Function],
+                "math_sin": [Function],
+                "math_sinh": [Function],
+                "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
+                "math_trunc": [Function],
+                "pair": [Function],
+                "parse": [Function],
+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
+                "raw_display": [Function],
+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            },
+            "parent": null,
+          },
+          "map": Map {
+            Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                "math_ceil": [Function],
+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
+                "math_fround": [Function],
+                "math_hypot": [Function],
+                "math_imul": [Function],
+                "math_log": [Function],
+                "math_log10": [Function],
+                "math_log1p": [Function],
+                "math_log2": [Function],
+                "math_max": [Function],
+                "math_min": [Function],
+                "math_pow": [Function],
+                "math_random": [Function],
+                "math_round": [Function],
+                "math_sign": [Function],
+                "math_sin": [Function],
+                "math_sinh": [Function],
+                "math_sqrt": [Function],
+                "math_tan": [Function],
+                "math_tanh": [Function],
+                "math_trunc": [Function],
+                "pair": [Function],
+                "parse": [Function],
+                "parse_int": [Function],
+                "prompt": [Function],
+                "raw_display": [Function],
+                "set_head": [Function],
+                "set_tail": [Function],
+                "stream": [Function],
+                "stringify": [Function],
+                "tail": [Function],
+                "tokenize": [Function],
+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
+              "heap": Heap {
+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
+              "tail": null,
+            } => EnvTreeNode {
+              "_children": Array [],
+              "environment": Object {
+                "head": Object {
+                  "Infinity": Infinity,
+                  "NaN": NaN,
+                  "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                  "arity": [Function],
+                  "array_length": [Function],
+                  "call_cc": [Function],
+                  "char_at": [Function],
+                  "display": [Function],
+                  "display_list": [Function],
+                  "draw_data": [Function],
+                  "error": [Function],
+                  "get_time": [Function],
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+                  "kind": "variable",
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+                  "headType": Object {
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+            "Infinity" => Object {
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+              "value": Infinity,
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
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+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
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+              "name": "undefined",
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+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
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+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
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+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
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+                "value": undefined,
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+              "kind": "predicate",
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+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
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+                    },
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+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
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+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "stringify(parse(\\"(x, y) => x + 1;\\"), undefined, 2);",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": "[ \\"lambda_expression\\",
+[ [ [ \\"name\\",
+    [ \\"x\\",
+    null]],
+  [ [ \\"name\\",
+    [ \\"y\\",
+    null]],
+  null]],
+[ [ \\"return_statement\\",
+  [ [ \\"binary_operator_combination\\",
+    [ \\"+\\",
+    [ [ \\"name\\",
+      [ \\"x\\",
+      null]],
+    [ [ \\"literal\\",
+      [ 1,
+      null]],
+    null]]]],
+  null]],
+  },
+exports[`Parses name expression 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 37,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "arguments": Array [
+                    Node {
+                      "end": 20,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 20,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 16,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "raw": "\\"x;\\"",
+                      "start": 16,
+                      "type": "Literal",
+                      "value": "x;",
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "callee": Node {
+                    "end": 15,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 15,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 10,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "parse",
+                    "start": 10,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
+                  "end": 21,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 21,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 10,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "start": 10,
+                  "type": "CallExpression",
+                },
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+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_undefined" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_function" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "math_abs" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "stringify(parse(\\"x;\\"), undefined, 2);",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 37,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "arguments": Array [
+                      Node {
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+                            "column": 20,
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+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 16,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "raw": "\\"x;\\"",
+                        "start": 16,
+                        "type": "Literal",
+                        "value": "x;",
+                      },
+                    ],
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+                      "end": 15,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 15,
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+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 10,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "name": "parse",
+                      "start": 10,
+                      "type": "Identifier",
+                    },
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+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 21,
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+                      },
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+                      },
+                    },
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+                    "type": "CallExpression",
+                  },
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+                      "end": Position {
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+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
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+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "undefined",
+                    "start": 23,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
+                  Node {
+                    "end": 35,
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+                      "end": Position {
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+                      },
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+                    "start": 34,
+                    "type": "Literal",
+                    "value": 2,
+                  },
+                ],
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+                    },
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+                  "type": "Identifier",
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+            },
+          },
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+          "start": 0,
+          "type": "Program",
+        },
+      ],
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+      "runtime": Object {
+        "break": false,
+        "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+        "changepointSteps": Array [],
+        "control": null,
+        "debuggerOn": true,
+        "envSteps": -1,
+        "envStepsTotal": 0,
+        "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+          "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
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+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
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+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
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+            },
+            "parent": null,
+          },
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+            Object {
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+                "Infinity": Infinity,
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+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+                "undefined": undefined,
+              },
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+                "storage": null,
+              },
+              "id": "-1",
+              "name": "global",
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+            } => EnvTreeNode {
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+                  "parse_int": [Function],
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+                  "set_tail": [Function],
+                  "stream": [Function],
+                  "stringify": [Function],
+                  "tail": [Function],
+                  "tokenize": [Function],
+                  "undefined": undefined,
+                },
+                "heap": Heap {
+                  "storage": null,
+                },
+                "id": "-1",
+                "name": "global",
+                "tail": null,
+              },
+              "parent": null,
+            },
+          },
+        },
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+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
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+              "math_tanh": [Function],
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+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+        ],
+        "isRunning": false,
+        "nodes": Array [],
+        "objectCount": 0,
+        "stash": null,
+        "transformers": Transformers {
+          "items": Map {},
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "value": undefined,
+      },
+      "shouldIncreaseEvaluationTimeout": false,
+      "typeEnvironment": Array [
+        Object {
+          "declKindMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => "const",
+            "NaN" => "const",
+            "undefined" => "const",
+            "math_E" => "const",
+            "math_LN2" => "const",
+            "math_LN10" => "const",
+            "math_LOG2E" => "const",
+            "math_LOG10E" => "const",
+            "math_PI" => "const",
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => "const",
+            "math_SQRT2" => "const",
+            "is_boolean" => "const",
+            "is_number" => "const",
+            "is_string" => "const",
+            "is_undefined" => "const",
+            "is_function" => "const",
+            "math_abs" => "const",
+            "math_acos" => "const",
+            "math_acosh" => "const",
+            "math_asin" => "const",
+            "math_asinh" => "const",
+            "math_atan" => "const",
+            "math_atan2" => "const",
+            "math_atanh" => "const",
+            "math_cbrt" => "const",
+            "math_ceil" => "const",
+            "math_clz32" => "const",
+            "math_cos" => "const",
+            "math_cosh" => "const",
+            "math_exp" => "const",
+            "math_expm1" => "const",
+            "math_floor" => "const",
+            "math_fround" => "const",
+            "math_hypot" => "const",
+            "math_imul" => "const",
+            "math_log" => "const",
+            "math_log1p" => "const",
+            "math_log2" => "const",
+            "math_log10" => "const",
+            "math_max" => "const",
+            "math_min" => "const",
+            "math_pow" => "const",
+            "math_random" => "const",
+            "math_round" => "const",
+            "math_sign" => "const",
+            "math_sin" => "const",
+            "math_sinh" => "const",
+            "math_sqrt" => "const",
+            "math_tan" => "const",
+            "math_tanh" => "const",
+            "math_trunc" => "const",
+            "parse_int" => "const",
+            "prompt" => "const",
+            "get_time" => "const",
+            "stringify" => "const",
+            "display" => "const",
+            "error" => "const",
+            "-_1" => "const",
+            "!" => "const",
+            "&&" => "const",
+            "||" => "const",
+            "<" => "const",
+            "<=" => "const",
+            ">" => "const",
+            ">=" => "const",
+            "+" => "const",
+            "%" => "const",
+            "-" => "const",
+            "*" => "const",
+            "/" => "const",
+            "pair" => "const",
+            "head" => "const",
+            "tail" => "const",
+            "is_pair" => "const",
+            "is_null" => "const",
+            "is_list" => "const",
+            "list" => "const",
+            "===" => "const",
+            "!==" => "const",
+            "set_head" => "const",
+            "set_tail" => "const",
+            "is_array" => "const",
+            "array_length" => "const",
+            "raw_display" => "const",
+            "char_at" => "const",
+            "arity" => "const",
+            "draw_data" => "const",
+            "display_list" => "const",
+            "stream" => "const",
+            "parse" => "const",
+            "tokenize" => "const",
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => "const",
+            "call_cc" => "const",
+          },
+          "typeAliasMap": Map {
+            "Pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "List" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+            "Stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "stringify(parse(\\"x;\\"), undefined, 2);",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": "[ \\"name\\",
+[ \\"x\\",
+  },
+exports[`Parses name expressions 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 4,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 59,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "arguments": Array [
+                    Node {
+                      "end": 42,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 42,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 16,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "raw": "\\"x; moreNames; undefined;\\"",
+                      "start": 16,
+                      "type": "Literal",
+                      "value": "x; moreNames; undefined;",
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "callee": Node {
+                    "end": 15,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 15,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 10,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "parse",
+                    "start": 10,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
+                  "end": 43,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 43,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 10,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "start": 10,
+                  "type": "CallExpression",
+                },
+                Node {
+                  "end": 54,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 54,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 45,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "start": 45,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                Node {
+                  "end": 57,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 57,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 56,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "2",
+                  "start": 56,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 2,
+                },
+              ],
+              "callee": Node {
+                "end": 9,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 9,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "stringify",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              "end": 58,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 58,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+                "start": Position {
+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 59,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 59,
+        "loc": SourceLocation {
+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 59,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "map": Map {
+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
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+              },
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+              "value": undefined,
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+                "kind": "primitive",
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+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "value": undefined,
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
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+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
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+              "value": undefined,
+            },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "stringify(parse(\\"x; moreNames; undefined;\\"), undefined, 2);",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 4,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
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+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "Stream",
+                    "typeArgs": Array [
+                      Object {
+                        "constraint": "none",
+                        "kind": "variable",
+                        "name": "T",
+                        "typeArgs": undefined,
+                      },
+                    ],
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+          "typeMap": Map {
+            "Infinity" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": Infinity,
+            },
+            "NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": NaN,
+            },
+            "undefined" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.718281828459045,
+            },
+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "stringify(parse(\\"x; moreNames; undefined;\\"), undefined, 2);",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": "[ \\"sequence\\",
+[ [ [ \\"name\\",
+    [ \\"x\\",
+    null]],
+  [ [ \\"name\\",
+    [ \\"moreNames\\",
+    null]],
+  [ [ \\"name\\",
+    [ \\"undefined\\",
+    null]],
+  null]]],
+  },
+exports[`Parses named export declarations 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+        "is_object" => [Function],
+        "is_NaN" => [Function],
+        "has_own_property" => [Function],
+        "alert" => [Function],
+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 145,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "arguments": Array [
+                    Node {
+                      "end": 128,
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+                          "column": 128,
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+                        },
+                      },
+                      "raw": "\\"export const x = 42; export const square = x => x * x; export function id(x) { return x; } export { x as y };\\"",
+                      "start": 17,
+                      "type": "Literal",
+                      "value": "export const x = 42; export const square = x => x * x; export function id(x) { return x; } export { x as y };",
+                    },
+                  ],
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+                    "end": 15,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 15,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
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+                        "column": 10,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "parse",
+                    "start": 10,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
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+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 129,
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+                    },
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+                      "column": 10,
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+                    },
+                  },
+                  "start": 10,
+                  "type": "CallExpression",
+                },
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+                  "start": 131,
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+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "2",
+                  "start": 142,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 2,
+                },
+              ],
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+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 9,
+                    "line": 1,
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+                  "start": Position {
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+                  },
+                },
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+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
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+              },
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+                "column": 0,
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+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
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+          "end": Position {
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+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "has_own_property": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_NaN": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_object": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
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+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "timed": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "map": Map {
+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "has_own_property": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_NaN": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_object": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "timed": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          } => EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "alert": [Function],
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "has_own_property": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_NaN": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_object": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+                "math_abs": [Function],
+                "math_acos": [Function],
+                "math_acosh": [Function],
+                "math_asin": [Function],
+                "math_asinh": [Function],
+                "math_atan": [Function],
+                "math_atan2": [Function],
+                "math_atanh": [Function],
+                "math_cbrt": [Function],
+                "math_ceil": [Function],
+                "math_clz32": [Function],
+                "math_cos": [Function],
+                "math_cosh": [Function],
+                "math_exp": [Function],
+                "math_expm1": [Function],
+                "math_floor": [Function],
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+                "kind": "variable",
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+            ],
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+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
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+                    Object {
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+                      "kind": "variable",
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+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
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+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
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+          "Infinity" => Object {
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+            "value": Infinity,
+          },
+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "undefined",
+            "value": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "undefined",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
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+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
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+                  },
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+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "stringify(parse( \\"export const x = 42; export const square = x => x * x; export function id(x) { return x; } export { x as y };\\"), undefined, 2);",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+          "is_object" => [Function],
+          "is_NaN" => [Function],
+          "has_own_property" => [Function],
+          "alert" => [Function],
+          "timed" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 145,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "arguments": Array [
+                      Node {
+                        "end": 128,
+                        "loc": SourceLocation {
+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 128,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 17,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "raw": "\\"export const x = 42; export const square = x => x * x; export function id(x) { return x; } export { x as y };\\"",
+                        "start": 17,
+                        "type": "Literal",
+                        "value": "export const x = 42; export const square = x => x * x; export function id(x) { return x; } export { x as y };",
+                      },
+                    ],
+                    "callee": Node {
+                      "end": 15,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 15,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 10,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "name": "parse",
+                      "start": 10,
+                      "type": "Identifier",
+                    },
+                    "end": 129,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 129,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "stringify(parse( \\"export const x = 42; export const square = x => x * x; export function id(x) { return x; } export { x as y };\\"), undefined, 2);",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": "[ \\"sequence\\",
+[ [ [ \\"export_named_declaration\\",
+    [ [ \\"constant_declaration\\",
+      [ [ \\"name\\",
+        [ \\"x\\",
+        null]],
+      [ [ \\"literal\\",
+        [ 42,
+        null]],
+      null]]],
+    null]],
+  [ [ \\"export_named_declaration\\",
+    [ [ \\"constant_declaration\\",
+      [ [ \\"name\\",
+        [ \\"square\\",
+        null]],
+      [ [ \\"lambda_expression\\",
+        [ [ [ \\"name\\",
+            [ \\"x\\",
+            null]],
+          null],
+        [ [ \\"return_statement\\",
+          [ [ \\"binary_operator_combination\\",
+            [ \\"*\\",
+            [ [ \\"name\\",
+              [ \\"x\\",
+              null]],
+            [ [ \\"name\\",
+              [ \\"x\\",
+              null]],
+            null]]]],
+          null]],
+        null]]],
+      null]]],
+    null]],
+  [ [ \\"export_named_declaration\\",
+    [ [ \\"function_declaration\\",
+      [ [ \\"name\\",
+        [ \\"id\\",
+        null]],
+      [ [ [ \\"name\\",
+          [ \\"x\\",
+          null]],
+        null],
+      [ [ \\"return_statement\\",
+        [ [ \\"name\\",
+          [ \\"x\\",
+          null]],
+        null]],
+      null]]]],
+    null]],
+  [ [ \\"export_named_declaration\\",
+    [ [ [ \\"name\\",
+        [ \\"y\\",
+        null]]],
+    null]],
+  null]]]],
+  },
+exports[`Parses object notation 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+        "is_object" => [Function],
+        "is_NaN" => [Function],
+        "has_own_property" => [Function],
+        "alert" => [Function],
+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 71,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "arguments": Array [
+                    Node {
+                      "end": 54,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 54,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 16,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "raw": "\\"let x = {a: 5, b: 10, 'key': value};\\"",
+                      "start": 16,
+                      "type": "Literal",
+                      "value": "let x = {a: 5, b: 10, 'key': value};",
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "callee": Node {
+                    "end": 15,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 15,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 10,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "parse",
+                    "start": 10,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
+                  "end": 55,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 55,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 10,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "start": 10,
+                  "type": "CallExpression",
+                },
+                Node {
+                  "end": 66,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 66,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 57,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "start": 57,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
+                Node {
+                  "end": 69,
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+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 69,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
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+                      "column": 68,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "2",
+                  "start": 68,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 2,
+                },
+              ],
+              "callee": Node {
+                "end": 9,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 9,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "stringify",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
+              "end": 70,
+              "loc": SourceLocation {
+                "end": Position {
+                  "column": 70,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
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+                  "column": 0,
+                  "line": 1,
+                },
+              },
+              "start": 0,
+              "type": "CallExpression",
+            },
+            "loc": SourceLocation {
+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 71,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+              "start": Position {
+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
+        ],
+        "end": 71,
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+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 71,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+          "start": Position {
+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "has_own_property": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_NaN": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_object": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "timed": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "map": Map {
+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "has_own_property": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_NaN": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_object": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "timed": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          } => EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "alert": [Function],
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "has_own_property": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_NaN": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_object": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
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+            ],
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+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
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+                "typeArgs": undefined,
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+          "Infinity" => Object {
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+            "kind": "primitive",
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+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
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+            "name": "undefined",
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+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
+          "math_LN2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
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+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
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+              "value": undefined,
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
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+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
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+                  },
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+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "stringify(parse(\\"let x = {a: 5, b: 10, 'key': value};\\"), undefined, 2);",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+          "is_object" => [Function],
+          "is_NaN" => [Function],
+          "has_own_property" => [Function],
+          "alert" => [Function],
+          "timed" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 71,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "arguments": Array [
+                      Node {
+                        "end": 54,
+                        "loc": SourceLocation {
+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 54,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 16,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "raw": "\\"let x = {a: 5, b: 10, 'key': value};\\"",
+                        "start": 16,
+                        "type": "Literal",
+                        "value": "let x = {a: 5, b: 10, 'key': value};",
+                      },
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+            "math_LN2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "stringify(parse(\\"let x = {a: 5, b: 10, 'key': value};\\"), undefined, 2);",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": "[ \\"variable_declaration\\",
+[ [ \\"name\\",
+  [ \\"x\\",
+  null]],
+[ [ \\"object_expression\\",
+  [ [ [ \\"key_value_pair\\",
+      [ [ \\"property\\",
+        [ \\"a\\",
+        null]],
+      [ [ \\"literal\\",
+        [ 5,
+        null]],
+      null]]],
+    [ [ \\"key_value_pair\\",
+      [ [ \\"property\\",
+        [ \\"b\\",
+        null]],
+      [ [ \\"literal\\",
+        [ 10,
+        null]],
+      null]]],
+    [ [ \\"key_value_pair\\",
+      [ [ \\"literal\\",
+        [ \\"key\\",
+        null]],
+      [ [ \\"name\\",
+        [ \\"value\\",
+        null]],
+      null]]],
+    null]]],
+  null]],
+  },
+exports[`Parses property access 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+        "is_object" => [Function],
+        "is_NaN" => [Function],
+        "has_own_property" => [Function],
+        "alert" => [Function],
+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 59,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "arguments": Array [
+                    Node {
+                      "end": 42,
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+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 42,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                        "start": Position {
+                          "column": 16,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "raw": "\\"a[b]; a.b; a[5]; a['b'];\\"",
+                      "start": 16,
+                      "type": "Literal",
+                      "value": "a[b]; a.b; a[5]; a['b'];",
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "callee": Node {
+                    "end": 15,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 15,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 10,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "parse",
+                    "start": 10,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
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+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 43,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 10,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "start": 10,
+                  "type": "CallExpression",
+                },
+                Node {
+                  "end": 54,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 54,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
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+                      "column": 45,
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+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "start": 45,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
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+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "2",
+                  "start": 56,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 2,
+                },
+              ],
+              "callee": Node {
+                "end": 9,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 9,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "stringify",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
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+                  "column": 58,
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+            },
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+              "end": Position {
+                "column": 59,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
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+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
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+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
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+          "end": Position {
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+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "has_own_property": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_NaN": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_object": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "timed": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "map": Map {
+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "has_own_property": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_NaN": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_object": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "timed": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          } => EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "alert": [Function],
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "has_own_property": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_NaN": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_object": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+            ],
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+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
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+                      "kind": "variable",
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+                "typeArgs": undefined,
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+          "Infinity" => Object {
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+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
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+            "name": "undefined",
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+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
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+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
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+              "value": undefined,
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+            "kind": "predicate",
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
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+              "kind": "primitive",
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+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
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+                  },
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+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "stringify(parse(\\"a[b]; a.b; a[5]; a['b'];\\"), undefined, 2);",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+          "is_object" => [Function],
+          "is_NaN" => [Function],
+          "has_own_property" => [Function],
+          "alert" => [Function],
+          "timed" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 59,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "arguments": Array [
+                      Node {
+                        "end": 42,
+                        "loc": SourceLocation {
+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 42,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 16,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "raw": "\\"a[b]; a.b; a[5]; a['b'];\\"",
+                        "start": 16,
+                        "type": "Literal",
+                        "value": "a[b]; a.b; a[5]; a['b'];",
+                      },
+                    ],
+                    "callee": Node {
+                      "end": 15,
+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 15,
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+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "stringify(parse(\\"a[b]; a.b; a[5]; a['b'];\\"), undefined, 2);",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": "[ \\"sequence\\",
+[ [ [ \\"object_access\\",
+    [ [ \\"name\\",
+      [ \\"a\\",
+      null]],
+    [ [ \\"name\\",
+      [ \\"b\\",
+      null]],
+    null]]],
+  [ [ \\"object_access\\",
+    [ [ \\"name\\",
+      [ \\"a\\",
+      null]],
+    [ [ \\"property\\",
+      [ \\"b\\",
+      null]],
+    null]]],
+  [ [ \\"object_access\\",
+    [ [ \\"name\\",
+      [ \\"a\\",
+      null]],
+    [ [ \\"literal\\",
+      [ 5,
+      null]],
+    null]]],
+  [ [ \\"object_access\\",
+    [ [ \\"name\\",
+      [ \\"a\\",
+      null]],
+    [ [ \\"literal\\",
+      [ \\"b\\",
+      null]],
+    null]]],
+  null]]]],
+  },
+exports[`Parses property assignment 1`] = `
+Object {
+  "context": Object {
+    "alertResult": Array [],
+    "chapter": 100,
+    "debugger": Object {
+      "observers": Object {
+        "callbacks": Array [],
+      },
+      "state": Object {
+        "it": Object {},
+      },
+      "status": false,
+    },
+    "displayResult": Array [],
+    "errors": Array [],
+    "executionMethod": "native",
+    "externalContext": undefined,
+    "externalSymbols": Array [],
+    "moduleContexts": Object {},
+    "nativeStorage": Object {
+      "builtins": Map {
+        "get_time" => [Function],
+        "display" => [Function],
+        "raw_display" => [Function],
+        "stringify" => [Function],
+        "error" => [Function],
+        "prompt" => [Function],
+        "is_number" => [Function],
+        "is_string" => [Function],
+        "is_function" => [Function],
+        "is_boolean" => [Function],
+        "is_undefined" => [Function],
+        "parse_int" => [Function],
+        "char_at" => [Function],
+        "arity" => [Function],
+        "undefined" => undefined,
+        "NaN" => NaN,
+        "Infinity" => Infinity,
+        "math_abs" => [Function],
+        "math_acos" => [Function],
+        "math_acosh" => [Function],
+        "math_asin" => [Function],
+        "math_asinh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan" => [Function],
+        "math_atanh" => [Function],
+        "math_atan2" => [Function],
+        "math_ceil" => [Function],
+        "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+        "math_expm1" => [Function],
+        "math_clz32" => [Function],
+        "math_cos" => [Function],
+        "math_cosh" => [Function],
+        "math_exp" => [Function],
+        "math_floor" => [Function],
+        "math_fround" => [Function],
+        "math_hypot" => [Function],
+        "math_imul" => [Function],
+        "math_log" => [Function],
+        "math_log1p" => [Function],
+        "math_log2" => [Function],
+        "math_log10" => [Function],
+        "math_max" => [Function],
+        "math_min" => [Function],
+        "math_pow" => [Function],
+        "math_random" => [Function],
+        "math_round" => [Function],
+        "math_sign" => [Function],
+        "math_sin" => [Function],
+        "math_sinh" => [Function],
+        "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+        "math_tan" => [Function],
+        "math_tanh" => [Function],
+        "math_trunc" => [Function],
+        "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+        "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+        "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+        "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+        "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+        "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+        "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+        "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+        "pair" => [Function],
+        "is_pair" => [Function],
+        "head" => [Function],
+        "tail" => [Function],
+        "is_null" => [Function],
+        "list" => [Function],
+        "draw_data" => [Function],
+        "display_list" => [Function],
+        "is_list" => [Function],
+        "set_head" => [Function],
+        "set_tail" => [Function],
+        "array_length" => [Function],
+        "is_array" => [Function],
+        "stream" => [Function],
+        "parse" => [Function],
+        "tokenize" => [Function],
+        "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+        "call_cc" => [Function],
+        "is_object" => [Function],
+        "is_NaN" => [Function],
+        "has_own_property" => [Function],
+        "alert" => [Function],
+        "timed" => [Function],
+      },
+      "evaller": [Function],
+      "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+      "loadedModules": Object {},
+      "maxExecTime": 1000,
+      "operators": Map {
+        "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+        "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+        "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+        "unaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "binaryOp" => [Function],
+        "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+        "callIteratively" => [Function],
+        "wrap" => [Function],
+        "setProp" => [Function],
+        "getProp" => [Function],
+      },
+      "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+        "equal",
+        "$length",
+        "length",
+        "$map",
+        "map",
+        "$build_list",
+        "build_list",
+        "for_each",
+        "$list_to_string",
+        "list_to_string",
+        "$reverse",
+        "reverse",
+        "$append",
+        "append",
+        "member",
+        "$remove",
+        "remove",
+        "$remove_all",
+        "remove_all",
+        "$filter",
+        "filter",
+        "$enum_list",
+        "enum_list",
+        "list_ref",
+        "$accumulate",
+        "accumulate",
+        "__access_named_export__",
+        "__access_export__",
+        "stream_tail",
+        "is_stream",
+        "list_to_stream",
+        "stream_to_list",
+        "stream_length",
+        "stream_map",
+        "build_stream",
+        "stream_for_each",
+        "stream_reverse",
+        "stream_append",
+        "stream_member",
+        "stream_remove",
+        "stream_remove_all",
+        "stream_filter",
+        "enum_stream",
+        "integers_from",
+        "eval_stream",
+        "stream_ref",
+      },
+    },
+    "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+    "prelude": null,
+    "previousPrograms": Array [
+      Object {
+        "body": Array [
+          Node {
+            "end": 86,
+            "expression": Node {
+              "arguments": Array [
+                Node {
+                  "arguments": Array [
+                    Node {
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+                        "end": Position {
+                          "column": 69,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
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+                          "column": 16,
+                          "line": 1,
+                        },
+                      },
+                      "raw": "\\"a[b] = 5; a.b = value; a[5] = 'value'; a['b'] = 42;\\"",
+                      "start": 16,
+                      "type": "Literal",
+                      "value": "a[b] = 5; a.b = value; a[5] = 'value'; a['b'] = 42;",
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "callee": Node {
+                    "end": 15,
+                    "loc": SourceLocation {
+                      "end": Position {
+                        "column": 15,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                      "start": Position {
+                        "column": 10,
+                        "line": 1,
+                      },
+                    },
+                    "name": "parse",
+                    "start": 10,
+                    "type": "Identifier",
+                  },
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+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 70,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                    "start": Position {
+                      "column": 10,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "start": 10,
+                  "type": "CallExpression",
+                },
+                Node {
+                  "end": 81,
+                  "loc": SourceLocation {
+                    "end": Position {
+                      "column": 81,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
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+                    },
+                  },
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "start": 72,
+                  "type": "Identifier",
+                },
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+                      "column": 83,
+                      "line": 1,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  "raw": "2",
+                  "start": 83,
+                  "type": "Literal",
+                  "value": 2,
+                },
+              ],
+              "callee": Node {
+                "end": 9,
+                "loc": SourceLocation {
+                  "end": Position {
+                    "column": 9,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                  "start": Position {
+                    "column": 0,
+                    "line": 1,
+                  },
+                },
+                "name": "stringify",
+                "start": 0,
+                "type": "Identifier",
+              },
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+            },
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+              "end": Position {
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+                "line": 1,
+              },
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+                "column": 0,
+                "line": 1,
+              },
+            },
+            "start": 0,
+            "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+          },
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+          "end": Position {
+            "column": 86,
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+            "column": 0,
+            "line": 1,
+          },
+        },
+        "sourceType": "module",
+        "start": 0,
+        "type": "Program",
+      },
+    ],
+    "promptResult": Array [],
+    "runtime": Object {
+      "break": false,
+      "breakpointSteps": Array [],
+      "changepointSteps": Array [],
+      "control": null,
+      "debuggerOn": true,
+      "envSteps": -1,
+      "envStepsTotal": 0,
+      "environmentTree": EnvTree {
+        "_root": EnvTreeNode {
+          "_children": Array [],
+          "environment": Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "has_own_property": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_NaN": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_object": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
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+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
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+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "timed": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          },
+          "parent": null,
+        },
+        "map": Map {
+          Object {
+            "head": Object {
+              "Infinity": Infinity,
+              "NaN": NaN,
+              "alert": [Function],
+              "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+              "arity": [Function],
+              "array_length": [Function],
+              "call_cc": [Function],
+              "char_at": [Function],
+              "display": [Function],
+              "display_list": [Function],
+              "draw_data": [Function],
+              "error": [Function],
+              "get_time": [Function],
+              "has_own_property": [Function],
+              "head": [Function],
+              "is_NaN": [Function],
+              "is_array": [Function],
+              "is_boolean": [Function],
+              "is_function": [Function],
+              "is_list": [Function],
+              "is_null": [Function],
+              "is_number": [Function],
+              "is_object": [Function],
+              "is_pair": [Function],
+              "is_string": [Function],
+              "is_undefined": [Function],
+              "list": [Function],
+              "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+              "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+              "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+              "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+              "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+              "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+              "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+              "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
+              "math_abs": [Function],
+              "math_acos": [Function],
+              "math_acosh": [Function],
+              "math_asin": [Function],
+              "math_asinh": [Function],
+              "math_atan": [Function],
+              "math_atan2": [Function],
+              "math_atanh": [Function],
+              "math_cbrt": [Function],
+              "math_ceil": [Function],
+              "math_clz32": [Function],
+              "math_cos": [Function],
+              "math_cosh": [Function],
+              "math_exp": [Function],
+              "math_expm1": [Function],
+              "math_floor": [Function],
+              "math_fround": [Function],
+              "math_hypot": [Function],
+              "math_imul": [Function],
+              "math_log": [Function],
+              "math_log10": [Function],
+              "math_log1p": [Function],
+              "math_log2": [Function],
+              "math_max": [Function],
+              "math_min": [Function],
+              "math_pow": [Function],
+              "math_random": [Function],
+              "math_round": [Function],
+              "math_sign": [Function],
+              "math_sin": [Function],
+              "math_sinh": [Function],
+              "math_sqrt": [Function],
+              "math_tan": [Function],
+              "math_tanh": [Function],
+              "math_trunc": [Function],
+              "pair": [Function],
+              "parse": [Function],
+              "parse_int": [Function],
+              "prompt": [Function],
+              "raw_display": [Function],
+              "set_head": [Function],
+              "set_tail": [Function],
+              "stream": [Function],
+              "stringify": [Function],
+              "tail": [Function],
+              "timed": [Function],
+              "tokenize": [Function],
+              "undefined": undefined,
+            },
+            "heap": Heap {
+              "storage": null,
+            },
+            "id": "-1",
+            "name": "global",
+            "tail": null,
+          } => EnvTreeNode {
+            "_children": Array [],
+            "environment": Object {
+              "head": Object {
+                "Infinity": Infinity,
+                "NaN": NaN,
+                "alert": [Function],
+                "apply_in_underlying_javascript": [Function],
+                "arity": [Function],
+                "array_length": [Function],
+                "call_cc": [Function],
+                "char_at": [Function],
+                "display": [Function],
+                "display_list": [Function],
+                "draw_data": [Function],
+                "error": [Function],
+                "get_time": [Function],
+                "has_own_property": [Function],
+                "head": [Function],
+                "is_NaN": [Function],
+                "is_array": [Function],
+                "is_boolean": [Function],
+                "is_function": [Function],
+                "is_list": [Function],
+                "is_null": [Function],
+                "is_number": [Function],
+                "is_object": [Function],
+                "is_pair": [Function],
+                "is_string": [Function],
+                "is_undefined": [Function],
+                "list": [Function],
+                "math_E": 2.718281828459045,
+                "math_LN10": 2.302585092994046,
+                "math_LN2": 0.6931471805599453,
+                "math_LOG10E": 0.4342944819032518,
+                "math_LOG2E": 1.4426950408889634,
+                "math_PI": 3.141592653589793,
+                "math_SQRT1_2": 0.7071067811865476,
+                "math_SQRT2": 1.4142135623730951,
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+            ],
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+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
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+                      "kind": "variable",
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+                "typeArgs": undefined,
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+          "Infinity" => Object {
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+          "NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": NaN,
+          },
+          "undefined" => Object {
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+            "name": "undefined",
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+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.718281828459045,
+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.6931471805599453,
+          },
+          "math_LN10" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 2.302585092994046,
+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
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+            "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+          },
+          "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+          },
+          "math_PI" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 3.141592653589793,
+          },
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+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+          },
+          "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+            "kind": "primitive",
+            "name": "number",
+            "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+          },
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
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+              "value": undefined,
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+            "kind": "predicate",
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
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+              "kind": "primitive",
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+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
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+                  },
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+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "U",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
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+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
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+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_acosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_asinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
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+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atan2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_atanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cbrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_ceil" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_clz32" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cos" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_cosh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_exp" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_expm1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_floor" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_fround" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_hypot" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_imul" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log1p" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log2" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_log10" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_max" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_min" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "math_pow" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_random" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_round" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sign" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sin" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sinh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_sqrt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tan" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_tanh" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "math_trunc" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "parse_int" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "prompt" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "string",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "get_time" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "stringify" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "error" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "-_1" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "!" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "boolean",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "&&" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "||" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "<=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          ">=" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "+" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "addable",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "A",
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "%" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "-" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "*" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "/" => Object {
+            "kind": "function",
+            "parameterTypes": Array [
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            ],
+            "returnType": Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+          "pair" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "headType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "tailType",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_pair" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "headType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "pair",
+                "tailType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_null" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "is_list" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "list",
+                "typeAsPair": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "===" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "!==" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T1",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T2",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_head" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "set_tail" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_array" => Object {
+            "ifTrueType": Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "elementType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+                "kind": "array",
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "kind": "predicate",
+          },
+          "array_length" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "raw_display" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "char_at" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "arity" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "draw_data" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "display_list" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "stream" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "parse" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "tokenize" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "call_cc" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_object" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "is_NaN" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "has_own_property" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "alert" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+          "timed" => Object {
+            "kind": "forall",
+            "polyType": Object {
+              "constraint": "none",
+              "kind": "variable",
+              "name": "T1",
+              "typeArgs": undefined,
+            },
+            "typeParams": undefined,
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+      "stringify(parse(\\"a[b] = 5; a.b = value; a[5] = 'value'; a['b'] = 42;\\"), undefined, 2);",
+      "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+    ],
+    "variant": "default",
+    "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+  },
+  "result": Object {
+    "context": Object {
+      "alertResult": Array [],
+      "chapter": 100,
+      "debugger": Object {
+        "observers": Object {
+          "callbacks": Array [],
+        },
+        "state": Object {
+          "it": Object {},
+        },
+        "status": false,
+      },
+      "displayResult": Array [],
+      "errors": Array [],
+      "executionMethod": "native",
+      "externalContext": undefined,
+      "externalSymbols": Array [],
+      "moduleContexts": Object {},
+      "nativeStorage": Object {
+        "builtins": Map {
+          "get_time" => [Function],
+          "display" => [Function],
+          "raw_display" => [Function],
+          "stringify" => [Function],
+          "error" => [Function],
+          "prompt" => [Function],
+          "is_number" => [Function],
+          "is_string" => [Function],
+          "is_function" => [Function],
+          "is_boolean" => [Function],
+          "is_undefined" => [Function],
+          "parse_int" => [Function],
+          "char_at" => [Function],
+          "arity" => [Function],
+          "undefined" => undefined,
+          "NaN" => NaN,
+          "Infinity" => Infinity,
+          "math_abs" => [Function],
+          "math_acos" => [Function],
+          "math_acosh" => [Function],
+          "math_asin" => [Function],
+          "math_asinh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan" => [Function],
+          "math_atanh" => [Function],
+          "math_atan2" => [Function],
+          "math_ceil" => [Function],
+          "math_cbrt" => [Function],
+          "math_expm1" => [Function],
+          "math_clz32" => [Function],
+          "math_cos" => [Function],
+          "math_cosh" => [Function],
+          "math_exp" => [Function],
+          "math_floor" => [Function],
+          "math_fround" => [Function],
+          "math_hypot" => [Function],
+          "math_imul" => [Function],
+          "math_log" => [Function],
+          "math_log1p" => [Function],
+          "math_log2" => [Function],
+          "math_log10" => [Function],
+          "math_max" => [Function],
+          "math_min" => [Function],
+          "math_pow" => [Function],
+          "math_random" => [Function],
+          "math_round" => [Function],
+          "math_sign" => [Function],
+          "math_sin" => [Function],
+          "math_sinh" => [Function],
+          "math_sqrt" => [Function],
+          "math_tan" => [Function],
+          "math_tanh" => [Function],
+          "math_trunc" => [Function],
+          "math_E" => 2.718281828459045,
+          "math_LN10" => 2.302585092994046,
+          "math_LN2" => 0.6931471805599453,
+          "math_LOG10E" => 0.4342944819032518,
+          "math_LOG2E" => 1.4426950408889634,
+          "math_PI" => 3.141592653589793,
+          "math_SQRT1_2" => 0.7071067811865476,
+          "math_SQRT2" => 1.4142135623730951,
+          "pair" => [Function],
+          "is_pair" => [Function],
+          "head" => [Function],
+          "tail" => [Function],
+          "is_null" => [Function],
+          "list" => [Function],
+          "draw_data" => [Function],
+          "display_list" => [Function],
+          "is_list" => [Function],
+          "set_head" => [Function],
+          "set_tail" => [Function],
+          "array_length" => [Function],
+          "is_array" => [Function],
+          "stream" => [Function],
+          "parse" => [Function],
+          "tokenize" => [Function],
+          "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => [Function],
+          "call_cc" => [Function],
+          "is_object" => [Function],
+          "is_NaN" => [Function],
+          "has_own_property" => [Function],
+          "alert" => [Function],
+          "timed" => [Function],
+        },
+        "evaller": [Function],
+        "loadedModuleTypes": Object {},
+        "loadedModules": Object {},
+        "maxExecTime": 1000,
+        "operators": Map {
+          "throwIfTimeout" => [Function],
+          "callIfFuncAndRightArgs" => [Function],
+          "boolOrErr" => [Function],
+          "unaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateUnaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "binaryOp" => [Function],
+          "evaluateBinaryExpression" => [Function],
+          "callIteratively" => [Function],
+          "wrap" => [Function],
+          "setProp" => [Function],
+          "getProp" => [Function],
+        },
+        "previousProgramsIdentifiers": Set {
+          "equal",
+          "$length",
+          "length",
+          "$map",
+          "map",
+          "$build_list",
+          "build_list",
+          "for_each",
+          "$list_to_string",
+          "list_to_string",
+          "$reverse",
+          "reverse",
+          "$append",
+          "append",
+          "member",
+          "$remove",
+          "remove",
+          "$remove_all",
+          "remove_all",
+          "$filter",
+          "filter",
+          "$enum_list",
+          "enum_list",
+          "list_ref",
+          "$accumulate",
+          "accumulate",
+          "__access_named_export__",
+          "__access_export__",
+          "stream_tail",
+          "is_stream",
+          "list_to_stream",
+          "stream_to_list",
+          "stream_length",
+          "stream_map",
+          "build_stream",
+          "stream_for_each",
+          "stream_reverse",
+          "stream_append",
+          "stream_member",
+          "stream_remove",
+          "stream_remove_all",
+          "stream_filter",
+          "enum_stream",
+          "integers_from",
+          "eval_stream",
+          "stream_ref",
+        },
+      },
+      "numberOfOuterEnvironments": 1,
+      "prelude": null,
+      "previousPrograms": Array [
+        Object {
+          "body": Array [
+            Node {
+              "end": 86,
+              "expression": Node {
+                "arguments": Array [
+                  Node {
+                    "arguments": Array [
+                      Node {
+                        "end": 69,
+                        "loc": SourceLocation {
+                          "end": Position {
+                            "column": 69,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                          "start": Position {
+                            "column": 16,
+                            "line": 1,
+                          },
+                        },
+                        "raw": "\\"a[b] = 5; a.b = value; a[5] = 'value'; a['b'] = 42;\\"",
+                        "start": 16,
+                        "type": "Literal",
+                        "value": "a[b] = 5; a.b = value; a[5] = 'value'; a['b'] = 42;",
+                      },
+                    ],
+                    "callee": Node {
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+                      "loc": SourceLocation {
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+            },
+            "math_LN10" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 2.302585092994046,
+            },
+            "math_LOG2E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4426950408889634,
+            },
+            "math_LOG10E" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.4342944819032518,
+            },
+            "math_PI" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 3.141592653589793,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT1_2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 0.7071067811865476,
+            },
+            "math_SQRT2" => Object {
+              "kind": "primitive",
+              "name": "number",
+              "value": 1.4142135623730951,
+            },
+            "is_boolean" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_number" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_string" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_undefined" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "undefined",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_function" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "kind": "function",
+                  "parameterTypes": Array [
+                    Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  "returnType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "U",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "math_abs" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_acosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_asinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atan2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_atanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cbrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_ceil" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_clz32" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cos" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_cosh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_exp" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_expm1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_floor" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_fround" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_hypot" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_imul" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log1p" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log2" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_log10" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_max" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_min" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "math_pow" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_random" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_round" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sign" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sin" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sinh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_sqrt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tan" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_tanh" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "math_trunc" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "parse_int" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "prompt" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "string",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "get_time" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "stringify" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "string",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "error" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "-_1" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "!" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "boolean",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "&&" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "||" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "kind": "primitive",
+                    "name": "boolean",
+                    "value": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "T",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "<=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            ">=" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "+" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "addable",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "A",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "addable",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "A",
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "%" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "-" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "*" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "/" => Object {
+              "kind": "function",
+              "parameterTypes": Array [
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+                Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              ],
+              "returnType": Object {
+                "kind": "primitive",
+                "name": "number",
+                "value": undefined,
+              },
+            },
+            "pair" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "headType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "constraint": "none",
+                  "kind": "variable",
+                  "name": "tailType",
+                  "typeArgs": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_pair" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "headType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "pair",
+                  "tailType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_null" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "is_list" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "list",
+                  "typeAsPair": undefined,
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "===" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "!==" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T1",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T2",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "boolean",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_head" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "headType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "set_tail" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "headType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "headType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "pair",
+                    "tailType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "tailType",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                  },
+                  Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "tailType",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "undefined",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_array" => Object {
+              "ifTrueType": Object {
+                "kind": "forall",
+                "polyType": Object {
+                  "elementType": Object {
+                    "constraint": "none",
+                    "kind": "variable",
+                    "name": "T",
+                    "typeArgs": undefined,
+                  },
+                  "kind": "array",
+                },
+                "typeParams": undefined,
+              },
+              "kind": "predicate",
+            },
+            "array_length" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "kind": "function",
+                "parameterTypes": Array [
+                  Object {
+                    "elementType": Object {
+                      "constraint": "none",
+                      "kind": "variable",
+                      "name": "T",
+                      "typeArgs": undefined,
+                    },
+                    "kind": "array",
+                  },
+                ],
+                "returnType": Object {
+                  "kind": "primitive",
+                  "name": "number",
+                  "value": undefined,
+                },
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "raw_display" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "char_at" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "arity" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "draw_data" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "display_list" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "stream" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "parse" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "tokenize" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "apply_in_underlying_javascript" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "call_cc" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_object" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "is_NaN" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "has_own_property" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "alert" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+            "timed" => Object {
+              "kind": "forall",
+              "polyType": Object {
+                "constraint": "none",
+                "kind": "variable",
+                "name": "T1",
+                "typeArgs": undefined,
+              },
+              "typeParams": undefined,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+      "unTypecheckedCode": Array [
+        "stringify(parse(\\"a[b] = 5; a.b = value; a[5] = 'value'; a['b'] = 42;\\"), undefined, 2);",
+        "
+// equal computes the structural equality
+// over its arguments
+function equal(xs, ys) {
+  return is_pair(xs)
+  ? (is_pair(ys) &&
+    equal(head(xs), head(ys)) &&
+    equal(tail(xs), tail(ys)))
+  : is_null(xs)
+  ? is_null(ys)
+  : is_number(xs)
+  ? (is_number(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_boolean(xs)
+  ? (is_boolean(ys) && ((xs && ys) || (!xs && !ys)))
+  : is_string(xs)
+  ? (is_string(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : is_undefined(xs)
+  ? is_undefined(ys)
+  : is_function(xs)
+    // we know now that xs is a function,
+    // but we use an if check anyway to make use of the type predicate
+  ? (is_function(ys) && xs === ys)
+  : false;
+// returns the length of a given argument list
+// assumes that the argument is a list
+function $length(xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs) ? acc : $length(tail(xs), acc + 1);
+function length(xs) {
+  return $length(xs, 0);
+// map applies first arg f, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// map(f, list(1, 2)) results in list(f(1), f(2))
+function $map(f, xs, acc) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? reverse(acc)
+           : $map(f, tail(xs), pair(f(head(xs)), acc));
+function map(f, xs) {
+    return $map(f, xs, null);
+// build_list takes a a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_list returns a list of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+function $build_list(i, fun, already_built) {
+    return i < 0 ? already_built : $build_list(i - 1, fun, pair(fun(i), already_built));
+function build_list(fun, n) {
+  return $build_list(n - 1, fun, null);
+// for_each applies first arg fun, assumed to be a unary function,
+// to the elements of the second argument, assumed to be a list.
+// fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun, list(1, 2)) results in the calls fun(1) and fun(2).
+// for_each returns true.
+function for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return for_each(fun, tail(xs));
+  }
+// list_to_string returns a string that represents the argument list.
+// It applies itself recursively on the elements of the given list.
+// When it encounters a non-list, it applies to_string to it.
+function $list_to_string(xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+        ? cont(\\"null\\")
+        : is_pair(xs)
+        ? $list_to_string(
+              head(xs),
+              x => $list_to_string(
+                       tail(xs),
+                       y => cont(\\"[\\" + x + \\",\\" + y + \\"]\\")))
+        : cont(stringify(xs));
+function list_to_string(xs) {
+    return $list_to_string(xs, x => x);
+// reverse reverses the argument, assumed to be a list
+function $reverse(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+           ? reversed
+           : $reverse(tail(original), pair(head(original), reversed));
+function reverse(xs) {
+    return $reverse(xs, null);
+// append first argument, assumed to be a list, to the second argument.
+// In the result null at the end of the first argument list
+// is replaced by the second argument, regardless what the second
+// argument consists of.
+function $append(xs, ys, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(ys)
+           : $append(tail(xs), ys, zs => cont(pair(head(xs), zs)));
+function append(xs, ys) {
+    return $append(xs, ys, xs => xs);
+// member looks for a given first-argument element in the
+// second argument, assumed to be a list. It returns the first
+// postfix sublist that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the list
+function member(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? null
+	 : v === head(xs)
+	 ? xs
+	 : member(v, tail(xs));
+// removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in second-argument, assmed to be a list. Returns the original
+// list if there is no occurrence.
+function $remove(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), tail(xs))
+         : $remove(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove(v, xs) {
+    return $remove(v, xs, null);
+// Similar to remove, but removes all instances of v
+// instead of just the first
+function $remove_all(v, xs, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of append and reverse are done independently
+  const app = append;
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return is_null(xs)
+         ? app(rev(acc), xs)
+         : v === head(xs)
+         ? $remove_all(v, tail(xs), acc)
+         : $remove_all(v, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc));
+function remove_all(v, xs) {
+    return $remove_all(v, xs, null);
+// filter returns the sublist of elements of the second argument
+// (assumed to be a list), for which the given predicate function
+// returns true.
+function $filter(pred, xs, acc) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? reverse(acc)
+    : pred(head(xs))
+    ? $filter(pred, tail(xs), pair(head(xs), acc))
+    : $filter(pred, tail(xs), acc);
+function filter(pred, xs) {
+    return $filter(pred, xs, null);
+// enumerates numbers starting from start, assumed to be a number,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number exceeds end, assumed
+// to be a number
+function $enum_list(start, end, acc) {
+  // Ensure that typechecking of reverse are done independently
+  const rev = reverse;
+  return start > end
+         ? rev(acc)
+         : $enum_list(start + 1, end, pair(start, acc));
+function enum_list(start, end) {
+    return $enum_list(start, end, null);
+// Returns the item in xs (assumed to be a list) at index n,
+// assumed to be a nonnegative integer.
+// Note: the first item is at position 0
+function list_ref(xs, n) {
+  return n === 0
+         ? head(xs)
+         : list_ref(tail(xs), n - 1);
+// accumulate applies an operation op (assumed to be a binary function)
+// to elements of sequence (assumed to be a list) in a right-to-left order.
+// first apply op to the last element and initial, resulting in r1, then to
+// the  second-last element and r1, resulting in r2, etc, and finally
+// to the first element and r_n-1, where n is the length of the
+// list.
+// accumulate(op, zero, list(1, 2, 3)) results in
+// op(1, op(2, op(3, zero)))
+function $accumulate(f, initial, xs, cont) {
+    return is_null(xs)
+           ? cont(initial)
+           : $accumulate(f, initial, tail(xs), x => cont(f(head(xs), x)));
+function accumulate(f, initial, xs) {
+  return $accumulate(f, initial, xs, x => x);
+function __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (is_null(named_exports)) {
+    return undefined;
+  } else {
+    const name = head(head(named_exports));
+    const identifier = tail(head(named_exports));
+    if (name === lookup_name) {
+      return identifier;
+    } else {
+      return __access_named_export__(tail(named_exports), lookup_name);
+    }
+  }
+function __access_export__(exports, lookup_name) {
+  if (lookup_name === \\"default\\") {
+    return head(exports);
+  } else {
+    const named_exports = tail(exports);
+    return __access_named_export__(named_exports, lookup_name);
+  }
+// Supporting streams in the Scheme style, following
+// \\"stream discipline\\"
+// stream_tail returns the second component of the given pair
+// throws an error if the argument is not a pair
+function stream_tail(xs) {
+  if (is_pair(xs)) {
+    const the_tail = tail(xs);
+    if (is_function(the_tail)) {
+      return the_tail();
+    } else {
+      error(the_tail,
+        'stream_tail(xs) expects a function as ' +
+        'the tail of the argument pair xs, ' +
+        'but encountered ');
+    }
+  } else {
+    error(xs, 'stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as ' +
+      'argument xs, but encountered ');
+  }
+// is_stream recurses down the stream and checks that it ends with the
+// empty list null
+function is_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs) ||
+    (is_pair(xs) &&
+    is_function(tail(xs)) &&
+    arity(tail(xs)) === 0 &&
+    is_stream(stream_tail(xs)));
+// A stream is either null or a pair whose tail is
+// a nullary function that returns a stream.
+function list_to_stream(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => list_to_stream(tail(xs)));
+// stream_to_list transforms a given stream to a list
+// Lazy? No: stream_to_list needs to force the whole stream
+function stream_to_list(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : pair(head(xs), stream_to_list(stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_length returns the length of a given argument stream
+// throws an exception if the argument is not a stream
+// Lazy? No: The function needs to explore the whole stream
+function stream_length(xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? 0
+    : 1 + stream_length(stream_tail(xs));
+// stream_map applies first arg f to the elements of the second
+// argument, assumed to be a stream.
+// f is applied element-by-element:
+// stream_map(f,list_to_stream(list(1,2)) results in
+// the same as list_to_stream(list(f(1),f(2)))
+// stream_map throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? Yes: The argument stream is only explored as forced by
+//            the result stream.
+function stream_map(f, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : pair(f(head(s)),
+      () => stream_map(f, stream_tail(s)));
+// build_stream takes a function fun as first argument, 
+// and a nonnegative integer n as second argument,
+// build_stream returns a stream of n elements, that results from
+// applying fun to the numbers from 0 to n-1.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the applications of fun
+//            for the next element
+function build_stream(fun, n) {
+  function build(i) {
+    return i >= n
+      ? null
+      : pair(fun(i),
+        () => build(i + 1));
+  }
+  return build(0);
+// stream_for_each applies first arg fun to the elements of the stream
+// passed as second argument. fun is applied element-by-element:
+// for_each(fun,list_to_stream(list(1, 2,null))) results in the calls fun(1)
+// and fun(2).
+// stream_for_each returns true.
+// stream_for_each throws an exception if the second argument is not a
+// stream, and if the second argument is a nonempty stream and the
+// first argument is not a function.
+// Lazy? No: stream_for_each forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_for_each(fun, xs) {
+  if (is_null(xs)) {
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    fun(head(xs));
+    return stream_for_each(fun, stream_tail(xs));
+  }
+// stream_reverse reverses the argument stream
+// stream_reverse throws an exception if the argument is not a stream.
+// Lazy? No: stream_reverse forces the exploration of the entire stream
+function stream_reverse(xs) {
+  function rev(original, reversed) {
+    return is_null(original)
+      ? reversed
+      : rev(stream_tail(original),
+        pair(head(original), () => reversed));
+  }
+  return rev(xs, null);
+// stream_append appends first argument stream and second argument stream.
+// In the result, null at the end of the first argument stream
+// is replaced by the second argument stream
+// stream_append throws an exception if the first argument is not a
+// stream.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the actual append operation
+function stream_append(xs, ys) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? ys
+    : pair(head(xs),
+      () => stream_append(stream_tail(xs), ys));
+// stream_member looks for a given first-argument element in a given
+// second argument stream. It returns the first postfix substream
+// that starts with the given element. It returns null if the
+// element does not occur in the stream
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_member forces the stream only until the element is found.
+function stream_member(x, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : head(s) === x
+      ? s
+      : stream_member(x, stream_tail(s));
+// stream_remove removes the first occurrence of a given first-argument element
+// in a given second-argument list. Returns the original list
+// if there is no occurrence.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_tail(xs)
+      : pair(head(xs),
+        () => stream_remove(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// stream_remove_all removes all instances of v instead of just the first.
+// Lazy? Yes: the result stream forces the construction of each next element
+function stream_remove_all(v, xs) {
+  return is_null(xs)
+    ? null
+    : v === head(xs)
+      ? stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs))
+      : pair(head(xs), () => stream_remove_all(v, stream_tail(xs)));
+// filter returns the substream of elements of given stream s
+// for which the given predicate function p returns true.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element. Of course, the construction
+//            of the next element needs to go down the stream
+//            until an element is found for which p holds.
+function stream_filter(p, s) {
+  return is_null(s)
+    ? null
+    : p(head(s))
+      ? pair(head(s),
+        () => stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s)))
+      : stream_filter(p, stream_tail(s));
+// enumerates numbers starting from start,
+// using a step size of 1, until the number
+// exceeds end.
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function enum_stream(start, end) {
+  return start > end
+    ? null
+    : pair(start,
+      () => enum_stream(start + 1, end));
+// integers_from constructs an infinite stream of integers
+// starting at a given number n
+// Lazy? Yes: The result stream forces the construction of
+//            each next element
+function integers_from(n) {
+  return pair(n,
+    () => integers_from(n + 1));
+// eval_stream constructs the list of the first n elements
+// of a given stream s
+// Lazy? Sort-of: eval_stream only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function eval_stream(s, n) {
+    function es(s, n) {
+        return n === 1 
+               ? list(head(s))
+               : pair(head(s), 
+                      es(stream_tail(s), n - 1));
+    }
+    return n === 0 
+           ? null
+           : es(s, n);
+// Returns the item in stream s at index n (the first item is at position 0)
+// Lazy? Sort-of: stream_ref only forces the computation of
+//                the first n elements, and leaves the rest of
+//                the stream untouched.
+function stream_ref(s, n) {
+  return n === 0
+    ? head(s)
+    : stream_ref(stream_tail(s), n - 1);
+      ],
+      "variant": "default",
+      "visualiseListResult": Array [],
+    },
+    "status": "finished",
+    "value": "[ \\"sequence\\",
+[ [ [ \\"object_assignment\\",
+    [ [ \\"object_access\\",
+      [ [ \\"name\\",
+        [ \\"a\\",
+        null]],
+      [ [ \\"name\\",
+        [ \\"b\\",
+        null]],
+      null]]],
+    [ [ \\"literal\\",
+      [ 5,
+      null]],
+    null]]],
+  [ [ \\"object_assignment\\",
+    [ [ \\"object_access\\",
+      [ [ \\"name\\",
+        [ \\"a\\",
+        null]],
+      [ [ \\"property\\",
+        [ \\"b\\",
+        null]],
+      null]]],
+    [ [ \\"name\\",
+      [ \\"value\\",
+      null]],
+    null]]],
+  [ [ \\"object_assignment\\",
+    [ [ \\"object_access\\",
+      [ [ \\"name\\",
+        [ \\"a\\",
+        null]],
+      [ [ \\"literal\\",
+        [ 5,
+        null]],
+      null]]],
+    [ [ \\"literal\\",
+      [ \\"value\\",
+      null]],
+    null]]],
+  [ [ \\"object_assignment\\",
+    [ [ \\"object_access\\",
+      [ [ \\"name\\",
+        [ \\"a\\",
+        null]],
+      [ [ \\"literal\\",
+        [ \\"b\\",
+        null]],
+      null]]],
+    [ [ \\"literal\\",
+      [ 42,
+      null]],
+    null]]],
+  null]]]],
+  },
diff --git a/src/stdlib/__tests__/__snapshots__/pylib.ts.snap b/src/stdlib/__tests__/__snapshots__/pylib.ts.snap
deleted file mode 100644
index ed7d150a6..000000000
--- a/src/stdlib/__tests__/__snapshots__/pylib.ts.snap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`adding a string and an integer is ok: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"a\\" + 1",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "a1",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`adding an integer and a float is ok: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "1.0 + 2",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 3,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`adding two floats is ok: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "1.0 + 2.0",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 3,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`adding two integers is ok: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "1 + 2",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 3n,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`cannot divide non-number values: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"a\\" / 2",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Error: Expected number on left hand side of operation, got string.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`cannot floor non-number values: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"a\\" // 2",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Error: Expected number on left hand side of operation, got string.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`cannot mod non-number values: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"a\\" % 2",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Error: Expected number on left hand side of operation, got string.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`cannot multiply non-number values: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "True * 2",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Error: Invalid types for multiply operation: boolean, bigint",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`cannot power non-number values: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "\\"a\\" ** 2",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 1: Error: Expected number on left hand side of operation, got string.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`dividing float and float is ok: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "1.0 / 2.0",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 0.5,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`dividing integer and float is ok: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "2 / 1.0",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 2,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`dividing integer and integer is ok: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "1 / 2",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 0.5,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`flooring float and float is ok: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "1.0 // 2.0",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 0n,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`flooring integer and float is ok: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "2 // 1.0",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 2n,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`flooring integer and integer is ok: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "2 // 1",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 2n,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`minusing an integer from a float is ok: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "1.0 - 2",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": -1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`minusing two floats is ok: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "1.0 - 2.0",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": -1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`minusing two integers is ok: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "1 - 2",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": -1n,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`modding float and float is ok: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "1.0 % 2.0",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`modding integer and float is ok: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "2 % 1.0",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 0,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`modding integer and integer is ok: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "2 % 1",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 0n,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`multiplying float and float is ok: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "1.0 * 2.0",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 2,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`multiplying integer and float is ok: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "1.0 * 2",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 2,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`multiplying integer and integer is ok: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "1 * 2",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 2n,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`powering float and float is ok: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "1.0 ** 2.0",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 1,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`powering integer and float is ok: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "2 ** 1.0",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 2,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`powering integer and integer is ok: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "2 ** 1",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 2n,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
diff --git a/src/stdlib/__tests__/__snapshots__/stream.ts.snap b/src/stdlib/__tests__/__snapshots__/stream.ts.snap
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ab231de7..000000000
--- a/src/stdlib/__tests__/__snapshots__/stream.ts.snap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`append: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "equal(stream_to_list(stream_append(stream(\\"string\\", 123), stream(456, null, undefined)))
-  , list(\\"string\\", 123, 456, null, undefined));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`build_list: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "equal(stream_to_list(build_stream(x => x * x, 5)), list(0, 1, 4, 9, 16));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`enum_list with floats: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "equal(stream_to_list(enum_stream(1.5, 5)), list(1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`enum_list: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "equal(stream_to_list(enum_stream(1, 5)), list(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`filter: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "equal(
-  stream_to_list(
-    stream_filter(x => x <= 4, stream(2, 10, 1000, 1, 3, 100, 4, 5, 2, 1000))
-  )
-, list(2, 1, 3, 4, 2));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`for_each: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let sum = 0;
-stream_for_each(x => {
-  sum = sum + x;
-}, stream(1, 2, 3));
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 6,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`list_ref: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "stream_ref(stream(1, 2, 3, \\"4\\", 4), 4);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 4,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`map: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "equal(stream_to_list(stream_map(x => 2 * x, stream(12, 11, 3))), list(24, 22, 6));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`member: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "equal(
-  stream_to_list(stream_member(\\"string\\", stream(1, 2, 3, \\"string\\", 123, 456, null, undefined))),
-  list(\\"string\\", 123, 456, null, undefined));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitive stream functions empty stream is null: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "stream();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": null,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitive stream functions stream is properly created: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const s = stream(true, false, undefined, 1, x=>x, null, -123, head);
-const result = [];
-stream_for_each(item => {result[array_length(result)] = item;}, s);
-stream_ref(s,4)(22) === 22 && stream_ref(s,7)(pair('', '1')) === '1' && result;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": false,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitive stream functions stream_tail is lazy: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "stream_tail(integers_from(0));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    1,
-    [Function],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitive stream functions stream_tail works: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "head(stream_tail(stream(1, 2)));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": 2,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitive stream functions stream_to_list works for null: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "stream_to_list(null);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": null,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitive stream functions stream_to_list works: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "stream_to_list(stream(1, true, 3, 4.4, [1, 2]));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    1,
-    Array [
-      true,
-      Array [
-        3,
-        Array [
-          4.4,
-          Array [
-            Array [
-              1,
-              2,
-            ],
-            null,
-          ],
-        ],
-      ],
-    ],
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`remove not found: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "stream_to_list(stream_remove(2, stream(1)));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": Array [
-    1,
-    null,
-  ],
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`remove: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "stream_remove(1, stream(1));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": null,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`remove_all not found: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "equal(stream_to_list(stream_remove_all(1, stream(2, 3, \\"1\\"))), list(2, 3, \\"1\\"));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`remove_all: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "equal(stream_to_list(stream_remove_all(1, stream(1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, \\"1\\", 5, 1, 1, 6))),
-  list(2, 3, 4, \\"1\\", 5, 6));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`reverse: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "equal(stream_to_list(
-  stream_reverse(
-    stream(\\"string\\", null, undefined, null, 123))),
-list(123, null, undefined, null, \\"string\\"));",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": true,
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
diff --git a/src/stdlib/__tests__/list-benchmark.ts b/src/stdlib/__tests__/list-benchmark.ts
index 2190f4e55..78e3bd3cd 100644
--- a/src/stdlib/__tests__/list-benchmark.ts
+++ b/src/stdlib/__tests__/list-benchmark.ts
@@ -105,7 +105,6 @@ test('display_list is linear runtime', () => {
         chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-        native: false, // we're measuring a builtin, no need for native
         testBuiltins: {
           no_display_list: noDisplayList
diff --git a/src/stdlib/__tests__/list.ts b/src/stdlib/__tests__/list.ts
index e915b3678..81bf28f41 100644
--- a/src/stdlib/__tests__/list.ts
+++ b/src/stdlib/__tests__/list.ts
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ test('list creates list', () => {
     function f() { return 1; }
     list(1, 'a string ""', () => f, f, true, 3.14);
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
             Array [
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ test('pair creates pair', () => {
     pair(1, 'a string ""');
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
             Array [
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ test('head works', () => {
     head(pair(1, 'a string ""'));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ test('tail works', () => {
     tail(pair(1, 'a string ""'));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
   ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"a string \\"\\""`)
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ test('tail of a 1 element list is null', () => {
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ test('empty list is null', () => {
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ test('for_each', () => {
     }, list(1, 2, 3));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ test('map', () => {
     equal(map(x => 2 * x, list(12, 11, 3)), list(24, 22, 6));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ test('filter', () => {
     equal(filter(x => x <= 4, list(2, 10, 1000, 1, 3, 100, 4, 5, 2, 1000)), list(2, 1, 3, 4, 2));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ test('build_list', () => {
     equal(build_list(x => x * x, 5), list(0, 1, 4, 9, 16));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ test('reverse', () => {
     equal(reverse(list("string", "null", "undefined", "null", 123)), list(123, "null", "undefined", "null", "string"));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ test('append', () => {
     equal(append(list(123, 123), list(456, 456, 456)), list(123, 123, 456, 456, 456));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ test('member', () => {
       member(4, list(1, 2, 3, 4, 123, 456, 789)),
       list(4, 123, 456, 789));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ test('remove', () => {
     remove(1, list(1));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ test('remove not found', () => {
     remove(2, list(1));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
             Array [
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ test('remove_all', () => {
     equal(remove_all(1, list(1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 6)), list(2, 3, 4, 5, 6));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ test('remove_all not found', () => {
     equal(remove_all(1, list(2, 3, 4)), list(2, 3, 4));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ test('enum_list', () => {
     equal(enum_list(1, 5), list(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ test('enum_list with floats', () => {
     equal(enum_list(1.5, 5), list(1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ test('list_ref', () => {
     list_ref(list(1, 2, 3, "4", 4), 4);
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ test('accumulate', () => {
     accumulate((curr, acc) => curr + acc, 0, list(2, 3, 4, 1));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ test('list_to_string', () => {
     list_to_string(list(1, 2, 3));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ describe('accumulate', () => {
       accumulate((curr, acc) => curr + acc, 0, list(2, 3, 4, 1));
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ describe('accumulate', () => {
     return expectResult(
       accumulate((curr, acc) => curr + acc, '1', list('4','3','2'));`,
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ describe('length', () => {
       const xs = list(1,2,3,4);
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ describe('length', () => {
       const xs = list();
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ test.skip('assoc', () => {
     equal(assoc(3, list(pair(1, 2), pair(3, 4))), pair(3, 4));
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER }
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ test.skip('assoc not found', () => {
     equal(assoc(2, list(pair(1, 2), pair(3, 4))), false);
-    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.LIBRARY_PARSER }
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ test('set_head', () => {
     set_head(p, 3);
     p === q && equal(p, pair(3, 2));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ test('set_tail', () => {
     set_tail(p, 3);
     p === q && equal(p, pair(1, 3));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ test('non-list error head', () => {
     head([1, 2, 3]);
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
     `"Line 1: Error: head(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered [1, 2, 3]"`
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ test('non-list error tail', () => {
     tail([1, 2, 3]);
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
     `"Line 1: Error: tail(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered [1, 2, 3]"`
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ describe('These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are no
     length([1, 2, 3]);
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
       `"Line 33: Error: tail(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered [1, 2, 3]"`
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ describe('These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are no
     map(x=>x, [1, 2, 3]);
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
       `"Line 47: Error: tail(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered [1, 2, 3]"`
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ describe('These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are no
     for_each(x=>x, [1, 2, 3]);
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
       `"Line 76: Error: head(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered [1, 2, 3]"`
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ describe('These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are no
     reverse([1, 2, 3]);
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
       `"Line 106: Error: tail(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered [1, 2, 3]"`
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ describe('These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are no
     append([1, 2, 3], list(1, 2, 3));
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
       `"Line 121: Error: tail(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered [1, 2, 3]"`
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ describe('These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are no
     member(1, [1, 2, 3]);
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
       `"Line 136: Error: head(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered [1, 2, 3]"`
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ describe('These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are no
     remove(1, [1, 2, 3]);
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
       `"Line 151: Error: head(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered [1, 2, 3]"`
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ describe('These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are no
     remove_all(1, [1, 2, 3]);
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
       `"Line 169: Error: head(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered [1, 2, 3]"`
@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ describe('These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are no
     filter(x => true, [1, 2, 3]);
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
       `"Line 185: Error: head(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered [1, 2, 3]"`
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ describe('These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are no
     accumulate((x, y) => x + y, [1, 2, 3]);
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
     ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Expected 3 arguments, but got 2."`)
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ describe('These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are no
     accumulate((x, y) => x + y, [1, 2, 3]);
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
     ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Expected 3 arguments, but got 2."`)
@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ describe('These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are no
     set_head([1, 2, 3], 4);
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
       `"Line 1: Error: set_head(xs,x) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered [1, 2, 3]"`
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ describe('These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are no
     set_tail([1, 2, 3], 4);
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
       `"Line 1: Error: set_tail(xs,x) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered [1, 2, 3]"`
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ describe('These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are no
     build_list(x => x, -1);
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
       `"Line 1: Error: build_list(fun, n) expects a positive integer as argument n, but encountered -1"`
@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ describe('These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are no
     build_list(x => x, 1.5);
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
       `"Line 1: Error: build_list(fun, n) expects a positive integer as argument n, but encountered 1.5"`
@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ describe('These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are no
     build_list(x => x, '1');
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
       `"Line 63: Expected number on left hand side of operation, got string."`
@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ describe('These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are no
     enum_list('1', '5');
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
       `"Line 203: Expected string on right hand side of operation, got number."`
@@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ describe('These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are no
     enum_list('1', 5);
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
       `"Line 201: Expected string on right hand side of operation, got number."`
@@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ describe('These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are no
     enum_list(1, '5');
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
       `"Line 201: Expected number on right hand side of operation, got string."`
@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ describe('These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are no
     list_ref(list(1, 2, 3), 3);
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
       `"Line 216: Error: head(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered null"`
@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ describe('These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are no
     list_ref(list(1, 2, 3), -1);
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
       `"Line 217: Error: tail(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered null"`
@@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ describe('These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are no
     list_ref(list(1, 2, 3), 1.5);
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
       `"Line 217: Error: tail(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered null"`
@@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ describe('These tests are reporting weird line numbers, as list functions are no
     list_ref(list(1, 2, 3), '1');
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
       `"Line 215: Expected string on right hand side of operation, got number."`
@@ -621,12 +621,8 @@ describe('display_list', () => {
         display_list(build_list(i => i, 5));
         0; // suppress long result in snapshot
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)",
-              ]
-            `)
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
+    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`Array []`)
   test('standard acyclic 2', () => {
@@ -635,12 +631,8 @@ describe('display_list', () => {
         display_list(build_list(i => build_list(j => j, i), 5));
         0; // suppress long result in snapshot
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "list(null, list(0), list(0, 1), list(0, 1, 2), list(0, 1, 2, 3))",
-              ]
-            `)
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
+    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`Array []`)
   test('standard acyclic with pairs', () => {
@@ -649,16 +641,8 @@ describe('display_list', () => {
         display_list(build_list(i => build_list(j => pair(j, j), i), 5));
         0; // suppress long result in snapshot
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "list(null,
-                   list([0, 0]),
-                   list([0, 0], [1, 1]),
-                   list([0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2]),
-                   list([0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3]))",
-              ]
-            `)
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
+    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`Array []`)
   test('standard acyclic with pairs 2', () => {
@@ -667,16 +651,8 @@ describe('display_list', () => {
         display_list(build_list(i => build_list(j => pair(build_list(k => k, j), j), i), 5));
         0; // suppress long result in snapshot
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "list(null,
-                   list([null, 0]),
-                   list([null, 0], [list(0), 1]),
-                   list([null, 0], [list(0), 1], [list(0, 1), 2]),
-                   list([null, 0], [list(0), 1], [list(0, 1), 2], [list(0, 1, 2), 3]))",
-              ]
-            `)
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
+    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`Array []`)
   test('returns argument', () => {
@@ -686,7 +662,7 @@ describe('display_list', () => {
         xs === display_list(xs);
         // Note reference equality
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
@@ -706,7 +682,7 @@ describe('display_list', () => {
         xs === display_list(xs);
         // Note reference equality
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
@@ -716,12 +692,8 @@ describe('display_list', () => {
         display_list(build_list(i => i, 5), "build_list:");
         0; // suppress long result in snapshot
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "build_list: list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)",
-              ]
-            `)
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
+    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`Array []`)
   test('checks prepend type', () => {
@@ -730,7 +702,7 @@ describe('display_list', () => {
         display_list(build_list(i => i, 5), true);
         0; // suppress long result in snapshot
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
       `"Line 1: TypeError: display_list expects the second argument to be a string"`
@@ -746,26 +718,8 @@ describe('display_list', () => {
         display_list(parse('const twice = f => x => {const result = f(f(x)); return two;};'));
         0; // suppress long result in snapshot
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4, native: true }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "list(\\"constant_declaration\\",
-                   list(\\"name\\", \\"twice\\"),
-                   list(\\"lambda_expression\\",
-                        list(list(\\"name\\", \\"f\\")),
-                        list(\\"return_statement\\",
-                             list(\\"lambda_expression\\",
-                                  list(list(\\"name\\", \\"x\\")),
-                                  list(\\"block\\",
-                                       list(\\"sequence\\",
-                                            list(list(\\"constant_declaration\\",
-                                                      list(\\"name\\", \\"result\\"),
-                                                      list(\\"application\\",
-                                                           list(\\"name\\", \\"f\\"),
-                                                           list(list(\\"application\\", list(\\"name\\", \\"f\\"), list(list(\\"name\\", \\"x\\")))))),
-                                                 list(\\"return_statement\\", list(\\"name\\", \\"two\\")))))))))",
-              ]
-            `)
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
+    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`Array []`)
   test('standard acyclic multiline', () => {
@@ -774,31 +728,8 @@ describe('display_list', () => {
         display_list(build_list(i => build_list(j => j, i), 20));
         0; // suppress long result in snapshot
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "list(null,
-                   list(0),
-                   list(0, 1),
-                   list(0, 1, 2),
-                   list(0, 1, 2, 3),
-                   list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4),
-                   list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
-                   list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
-                   list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7),
-                   list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8),
-                   list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9),
-                   list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10),
-                   list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11),
-                   list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12),
-                   list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13),
-                   list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14),
-                   list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15),
-                   list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16),
-                   list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17),
-                   list(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18))",
-              ]
-            `)
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
+    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`Array []`)
   test('infinite list', () => {
@@ -809,12 +740,8 @@ describe('display_list', () => {
         0; // suppress long result in snapshot
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "[1, ...<circular>]",
-              ]
-            `)
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
+    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`Array []`)
   test('infinite list 2', () => {
@@ -825,12 +752,8 @@ describe('display_list', () => {
         0; // suppress long result in snapshot
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "[1, [2, [3, ...<circular>]]]",
-              ]
-            `)
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
+    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`Array []`)
   test('reusing lists', () => {
@@ -842,12 +765,8 @@ describe('display_list', () => {
         0; // suppress long result in snapshot
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "list(list(1), list(list(1), 1))",
-              ]
-            `)
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
+    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`Array []`)
   test('reusing lists 2', () => {
@@ -859,12 +778,8 @@ describe('display_list', () => {
         0; // suppress long result in snapshot
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "list(list(1), list(2, 1))",
-              ]
-            `)
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
+    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`Array []`)
   test('list of infinite list', () => {
     return expectDisplayResult(
@@ -881,16 +796,8 @@ describe('display_list', () => {
         display_list(build_list(build_inf, 5));
         0; // suppress long result in snapshot
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "list([0, ...<circular>],
-                   [0, [1, ...<circular>]],
-                   [0, [1, [2, ...<circular>]]],
-                   [0, [1, [2, [3, ...<circular>]]]],
-                   [0, [1, [2, [3, [4, ...<circular>]]]]])",
-              ]
-            `)
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
+    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`Array []`)
   test('list of infinite list of list', () => {
@@ -908,14 +815,8 @@ describe('display_list', () => {
         display_list(build_list(i => build_inf(i, i => build_list(i => i, i)), 3));
         0; // suppress long result in snapshot
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "list([null, ...<circular>],
-                   [null, [list(0), ...<circular>]],
-                   [null, [list(0), [list(0, 1), ...<circular>]]])",
-              ]
-            `)
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
+    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`Array []`)
   test('infinite list of list of infinite list', () => {
@@ -933,15 +834,7 @@ describe('display_list', () => {
         display_list(build_inf(3, i => build_list(i => build_inf(i, i=>i), i)));
         0; // suppress long result in snapshot
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "[ null,
-              [ list([0, ...<circular>]),
-              [ list([0, ...<circular>], [0, [1, ...<circular>]]),
-              [ list([0, ...<circular>], [0, [1, ...<circular>]], [0, [1, [2, ...<circular>]]]),
-              ...<circular>]]]]",
-              ]
-            `)
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
+    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`Array []`)
diff --git a/src/stdlib/__tests__/localImport.ts b/src/stdlib/__tests__/localImport.ts
index 59658e031..f9826c9d3 100644
--- a/src/stdlib/__tests__/localImport.ts
+++ b/src/stdlib/__tests__/localImport.ts
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ describe('__access_named_export__', () => {
       const square = __access_named_export__(importedFile(), "square");
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ describe('__access_named_export__', () => {
       const square = __access_named_export__(importedFile(), "square");
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ describe('__access_named_export__', () => {
       __access_named_export__(importedFile(), "identity");
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ describe('__access_named_export__', () => {
       __access_named_export__(importedFile(), "identity");
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ describe('__access_export__', () => {
       const square = __access_export__(importedFile(), "square");
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ describe('__access_export__', () => {
       const square = __access_export__(importedFile(), "${defaultExportLookupName}");
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_2 }
diff --git a/src/stdlib/__tests__/misc.ts b/src/stdlib/__tests__/misc.ts
index e0011efee..782e951ac 100644
--- a/src/stdlib/__tests__/misc.ts
+++ b/src/stdlib/__tests__/misc.ts
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ test('parse_int with valid args is ok, radix 2', () => {
     parse_int('1100101010101', 2);
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_1 }
   ).toBe(parseInt('1100101010101', 2))
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ test('parse_int with valid args is ok, radix 36', () => {
     parse_int('uu1', 36);
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_1 }
   ).toBe(parseInt('uu1', 36))
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ test('parse_int with valid args is ok, but invalid str for radix', () => {
     parse_int('uu1', 2);
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_1 }
   ).toBe(parseInt('uu1', 2))
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ test('arity with nullary function is ok', () => {
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_1 }
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ test('arity with function with parameters is ok', () => {
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_1 }
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ test('arity ignores the rest parameter', () => {
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_1 }
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ test('arity with user-made function is ok', () => {
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_1 }
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ test('arity with user-made lambda function is ok', () => {
     arity(x => x);
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_1 }
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ test('arity with user-made nullary function is ok', () => {
     arity(() => undefined);
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_1 }
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ test('arity with user-made function with rest parameter is ok', () => {
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
@@ -181,6 +181,6 @@ test('arity with non-function arg f throws error', () => {
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_1 }
   ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Error: arity expects a function as argument"`)
diff --git a/src/stdlib/__tests__/parser.ts b/src/stdlib/__tests__/parser.ts
index 800819ace..2b74c7263 100644
--- a/src/stdlib/__tests__/parser.ts
+++ b/src/stdlib/__tests__/parser.ts
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ test('Parses empty program', () => {
     stringify(parse(""), undefined, 2);
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ test('Parses literals', () => {
     stringify(parse("3; true; false; ''; \\"\\"; 'bob'; 1; 20;"), undefined, 2);
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ test('Parses name expression', () => {
     stringify(parse("x;"), undefined, 2);
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ test('Parses name expressions', () => {
     stringify(parse("x; moreNames; undefined;"), undefined, 2);
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ test('Parses infix expressions', () => {
     stringify(parse("3 + 5 === 8 || !true && false;"), undefined, 2);
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ test('Parses declaration statements', () => {
     stringify(parse("const x = 5; let y = x;"), undefined, 2);
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ test('Parses assignment statements', () => {
     stringify(parse("x = 5; x = x; if (true) { x = 5; } else {}"), undefined, 2);
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ test('Parses if statements', () => {
     stringify(parse("if (true) { hi; } else { haha; } if (false) {} else {}"), undefined, 2);
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ test('Parses multi-argument arrow function expressions properly', () => {
     stringify(parse("(x, y) => x + 1;"), undefined, 2);
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ test('Parses multi-argument arrow function expressions properly', () => {
     stringify(parse("(x, y) => x + 1;"), undefined, 2);
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ test('Parses multi-argument arrow function assignments properly', () => {
     stringify(parse("const y = (x, y) => x + 1;"), undefined, 2);
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ test('Parses arrow function expressions properly', () => {
     stringify(parse("x => x + 1;"), undefined, 2);
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ test('Parses arrow function assignments properly', () => {
     stringify(parse("const y = x => x + 1;"), undefined, 2);
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ test('Parses function calls', () => {
     stringify(parse("f(x); thrice(thrice)(plus_one)(0);"), undefined, 2);
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ test('Parses fibonacci', () => {
     stringify(parse("function fib(x) { return x <= 1 ? x : fib(x-1) + fib(x-2); } fib(4);"), undefined, 2);
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ test('Parses loops', () => {
       }"), undefined, 2);
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
diff --git a/src/stdlib/__tests__/pylib.ts b/src/stdlib/__tests__/pylib.ts
index 43d2e1299..22cee8780 100644
--- a/src/stdlib/__tests__/pylib.ts
+++ b/src/stdlib/__tests__/pylib.ts
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ test('adding two integers is ok', () => {
     1 + 2
-    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1 }
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ test('adding two floats is ok', () => {
     1.0 + 2.0
-    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1 }
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ test('adding an integer and a float is ok', () => {
     1.0 + 2
-    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1 }
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ test('adding a string and an integer is ok', () => {
     "a" + 1
-    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1 }
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ test('minusing two integers is ok', () => {
     1 - 2
-    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1 }
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ test('minusing two floats is ok', () => {
     1.0 - 2.0
-    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1 }
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ test('minusing an integer from a float is ok', () => {
     1.0 - 2
-    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1 }
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ test('multiplying integer and float is ok', () => {
     1.0 * 2
-    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1 }
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ test('multiplying integer and integer is ok', () => {
     1 * 2
-    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1 }
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ test('multiplying float and float is ok', () => {
     1.0 * 2.0
-    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1 }
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ test('cannot multiply non-number values', () => {
     True * 2
-    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1 }
   ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 1: Error: Invalid types for multiply operation: boolean, bigint"`)
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ test('dividing integer and float is ok', () => {
     2 / 1.0
-    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1 }
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ test('dividing integer and integer is ok', () => {
     1 / 2
-    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1 }
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ test('dividing float and float is ok', () => {
     1.0 / 2.0
-    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1 }
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ test('cannot divide non-number values', () => {
     "a" / 2
-    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1 }
     `"Line 1: Error: Expected number on left hand side of operation, got string."`
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ test('modding integer and float is ok', () => {
     2 % 1.0
-    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1 }
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ test('modding integer and integer is ok', () => {
     2 % 1
-    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1 }
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ test('modding float and float is ok', () => {
     1.0 % 2.0
-    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1 }
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ test('cannot mod non-number values', () => {
     "a" % 2
-    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1 }
     `"Line 1: Error: Expected number on left hand side of operation, got string."`
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ test('powering integer and float is ok', () => {
     2 ** 1.0
-    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1 }
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ test('powering integer and integer is ok', () => {
     2 ** 1
-    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1 }
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ test('powering float and float is ok', () => {
     1.0 ** 2.0
-    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1 }
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ test('cannot power non-number values', () => {
     "a" ** 2
-    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1 }
     `"Line 1: Error: Expected number on left hand side of operation, got string."`
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ test('flooring integer and float is ok', () => {
     2 // 1.0
-    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1 }
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ test('flooring integer and integer is ok', () => {
     2 // 1
-    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1 }
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ test('flooring float and float is ok', () => {
     1.0 // 2.0
-    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1 }
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ test('cannot floor non-number values', () => {
     "a" // 2
-    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.PYTHON_1 }
     `"Line 1: Error: Expected number on left hand side of operation, got string."`
diff --git a/src/stdlib/__tests__/stream.ts b/src/stdlib/__tests__/stream.ts
index c3e55ff7b..673962cd1 100644
--- a/src/stdlib/__tests__/stream.ts
+++ b/src/stdlib/__tests__/stream.ts
@@ -1,16 +1,15 @@
 import { Chapter } from '../../types'
 import { stripIndent } from '../../utils/formatters'
-import { expectParsedErrorNoSnapshot, expectResult } from '../../utils/testing'
+import { expectParsedError, expectResult } from '../../utils/testing'
 describe('primitive stream functions', () => {
   test('empty stream is null', () => {
-    return expectResult('stream();', { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }).toBe(null)
+    return expectResult('stream();', { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }).toBe(null)
   test('stream_tail works', () => {
     return expectResult(`head(stream_tail(stream(1, 2)));`, {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      native: true
+      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3
@@ -19,22 +18,24 @@ describe('primitive stream functions', () => {
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
-Array [
-  1,
-  [Function],
+              Array [
+                1,
+                [Function],
+              ]
+            `)
   test('infinite stream is infinite', () => {
-    return expectParsedErrorNoSnapshot(
+    return expectParsedError(
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
-    ).toMatch(/(Maximum call stack size exceeded){1,2}/)
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
+    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
+      `"Line 1: The error may have arisen from forcing the infinite stream: function integers_from."`
+    )
   }, 15000)
   test('stream is properly created', () => {
@@ -45,42 +46,40 @@ Array [
     stream_for_each(item => {result[array_length(result)] = item;}, s);
     stream_ref(s,4)(22) === 22 && stream_ref(s,7)(pair('', '1')) === '1' && result;
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
   test('stream_to_list works for null', () => {
     return expectResult(`stream_to_list(null);`, {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      native: true
+      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3
   test('stream_to_list works', () => {
     return expectResult(`stream_to_list(stream(1, true, 3, 4.4, [1, 2]));`, {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      native: true
+      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3
-Array [
-  1,
-  Array [
-    true,
-    Array [
-      3,
-      Array [
-        4.4,
-        Array [
-          Array [
-            1,
-            2,
-          ],
-          null,
-        ],
-      ],
-    ],
-  ],
+              Array [
+                1,
+                Array [
+                  true,
+                  Array [
+                    3,
+                    Array [
+                      4.4,
+                      Array [
+                        Array [
+                          1,
+                          2,
+                        ],
+                        null,
+                      ],
+                    ],
+                  ],
+                ],
+              ]
+            `)
@@ -93,7 +92,7 @@ test('for_each', () => {
     }, stream(1, 2, 3));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
@@ -102,7 +101,7 @@ test('map', () => {
     equal(stream_to_list(stream_map(x => 2 * x, stream(12, 11, 3))), list(24, 22, 6));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
@@ -115,7 +114,7 @@ test('filter', () => {
     , list(2, 1, 3, 4, 2));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
@@ -124,7 +123,7 @@ test('build_list', () => {
     equal(stream_to_list(build_stream(x => x * x, 5)), list(0, 1, 4, 9, 16));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
@@ -136,7 +135,7 @@ test('reverse', () => {
         stream("string", null, undefined, null, 123))),
     list(123, null, undefined, null, "string"));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
@@ -146,7 +145,7 @@ test('append', () => {
     equal(stream_to_list(stream_append(stream("string", 123), stream(456, null, undefined)))
       , list("string", 123, 456, null, undefined));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
@@ -157,7 +156,7 @@ test('member', () => {
       stream_to_list(stream_member("string", stream(1, 2, 3, "string", 123, 456, null, undefined))),
       list("string", 123, 456, null, undefined));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
@@ -166,7 +165,7 @@ test('remove', () => {
     stream_remove(1, stream(1));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
@@ -175,13 +174,13 @@ test('remove not found', () => {
     stream_to_list(stream_remove(2, stream(1)));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
-Array [
-  1,
-  null,
+            Array [
+              1,
+              null,
+            ]
+          `)
 test('remove_all', () => {
@@ -190,7 +189,7 @@ test('remove_all', () => {
     equal(stream_to_list(stream_remove_all(1, stream(1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, "1", 5, 1, 1, 6))),
       list(2, 3, 4, "1", 5, 6));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
@@ -199,7 +198,7 @@ test('remove_all not found', () => {
     equal(stream_to_list(stream_remove_all(1, stream(2, 3, "1"))), list(2, 3, "1"));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
@@ -208,7 +207,7 @@ test('enum_list', () => {
     equal(stream_to_list(enum_stream(1, 5)), list(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
@@ -217,7 +216,7 @@ test('enum_list with floats', () => {
     equal(stream_to_list(enum_stream(1.5, 5)), list(1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5));
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
@@ -226,6 +225,6 @@ test('list_ref', () => {
     stream_ref(stream(1, 2, 3, "4", 4), 4);
-    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, native: true }
+    { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3 }
diff --git a/src/stdlib/inspector.ts b/src/stdlib/inspector.ts
index 85a6fecb3..8eeeea12f 100644
--- a/src/stdlib/inspector.ts
+++ b/src/stdlib/inspector.ts
@@ -1,29 +1,9 @@
-import { Context, Result } from '..'
-import { Node, Scheduler, Value } from '../types'
-export const saveState = (
-  context: Context,
-  it: IterableIterator<Value>,
-  scheduler: Scheduler
-): void => {
-  context.debugger.state.it = it
-  context.debugger.state.scheduler = scheduler
+import type { Context, Node } from '../types'
 export const setBreakpointAtLine = (lines: string[]): void => {
   breakpoints = lines
-export const manualToggleDebugger = (context: Context): Result => {
-  context.runtime.break = true
-  return {
-    status: 'suspended',
-    scheduler: context.debugger.state.scheduler,
-    it: context.debugger.state.it,
-    context
-  }
 let breakpoints: string[] = []
 let moved: boolean = true
 let prevStoppedLine: number = -1
diff --git a/src/stdlib/misc.ts b/src/stdlib/misc.ts
index bff859425..312c08070 100644
--- a/src/stdlib/misc.ts
+++ b/src/stdlib/misc.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import Closure from '../interpreter/closure'
+import Closure from '../cse-machine/closure'
 import { Context, Value } from '../types'
 import { stringify } from '../utils/stringify'
diff --git a/src/stepper/__tests__/stepper.ts b/src/stepper/__tests__/stepper.ts
index 0e6f6a3dd..b4f843897 100644
--- a/src/stepper/__tests__/stepper.ts
+++ b/src/stepper/__tests__/stepper.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 import type es from 'estree'
-import { mockContext } from '../../mocks/context'
+import { mockContext } from '../../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { parse } from '../../parser/parser'
 import { Chapter, Context, substituterNodes } from '../../types'
 import { codify, getEvaluationSteps } from '../stepper'
diff --git a/src/stepper/converter.ts b/src/stepper/converter.ts
index 055f2085b..6fc77d310 100644
--- a/src/stepper/converter.ts
+++ b/src/stepper/converter.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-import * as es from 'estree'
+import type es from 'estree'
-import { mockContext, mockImportDeclaration } from '../mocks/context'
+import { mockContext, mockImportDeclaration } from '../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { parse } from '../parser/parser'
 import { Chapter, Context, substituterNodes } from '../types'
 import * as builtin from './lib'
diff --git a/src/transpiler/__tests__/native.ts b/src/transpiler/__tests__/native.ts
index 9a4e23427..2acdffd28 100644
--- a/src/transpiler/__tests__/native.ts
+++ b/src/transpiler/__tests__/native.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import { runInContext } from '../../index'
-import { mockContext } from '../../mocks/context'
+import { mockContext } from '../../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { Chapter, Finished } from '../../types'
 import { stripIndent } from '../../utils/formatters'
 import { expectNativeToTimeoutAndError } from '../../utils/testing'
diff --git a/src/transpiler/__tests__/transpiled-code.ts b/src/transpiler/__tests__/transpiled-code.ts
index 5b54c21cb..01359dafe 100644
--- a/src/transpiler/__tests__/transpiled-code.ts
+++ b/src/transpiler/__tests__/transpiled-code.ts
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-import { mockContext } from '../../mocks/context'
+import { mockContext } from '../../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { parse } from '../../parser/parser'
 import { Chapter } from '../../types'
 import * as ast from '../../utils/ast/astCreator'
-import { sanitizeAST } from '../../utils/ast/sanitizer'
+import { sanitizeAST } from '../../utils/testing/sanitizer'
 import { stripIndent } from '../../utils/formatters'
 import { transformImportDeclarations, transpile } from '../transpiler'
diff --git a/src/typeChecker/__tests__/source1Typed.test.ts b/src/typeChecker/__tests__/source1Typed.test.ts
index d682d554d..07827fb12 100644
--- a/src/typeChecker/__tests__/source1Typed.test.ts
+++ b/src/typeChecker/__tests__/source1Typed.test.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import { parseError } from '../..'
-import { mockContext } from '../../mocks/context'
+import { mockContext } from '../../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { parse } from '../../parser/parser'
 import { Chapter, Variant } from '../../types'
diff --git a/src/typeChecker/__tests__/source2Typed.test.ts b/src/typeChecker/__tests__/source2Typed.test.ts
index f46a26192..d537417b3 100644
--- a/src/typeChecker/__tests__/source2Typed.test.ts
+++ b/src/typeChecker/__tests__/source2Typed.test.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import { parseError } from '../..'
-import { mockContext } from '../../mocks/context'
+import { mockContext } from '../../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { parse } from '../../parser/parser'
 import { Chapter, Variant } from '../../types'
diff --git a/src/typeChecker/__tests__/source3Typed.test.ts b/src/typeChecker/__tests__/source3Typed.test.ts
index c90798083..05330e3fe 100644
--- a/src/typeChecker/__tests__/source3Typed.test.ts
+++ b/src/typeChecker/__tests__/source3Typed.test.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import { parseError } from '../..'
-import { mockContext } from '../../mocks/context'
+import { mockContext } from '../../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { parse } from '../../parser/parser'
 import { Chapter, Variant } from '../../types'
diff --git a/src/typeChecker/__tests__/source4Typed.test.ts b/src/typeChecker/__tests__/source4Typed.test.ts
index 979e6dd89..19a4a175b 100644
--- a/src/typeChecker/__tests__/source4Typed.test.ts
+++ b/src/typeChecker/__tests__/source4Typed.test.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import { parseError } from '../..'
-import { mockContext } from '../../mocks/context'
+import { mockContext } from '../../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { parse } from '../../parser/parser'
 import { Chapter, Variant } from '../../types'
diff --git a/src/typeChecker/__tests__/source4TypedModules.test.ts b/src/typeChecker/__tests__/source4TypedModules.test.ts
index f2449a0a2..d546cb29f 100644
--- a/src/typeChecker/__tests__/source4TypedModules.test.ts
+++ b/src/typeChecker/__tests__/source4TypedModules.test.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { mockContext } from '../../mocks/context'
+import { mockContext } from '../../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { Chapter, Variant } from '../../types'
 import { parse } from '../../parser/parser'
 import { parseError } from '../../index'
diff --git a/src/types.ts b/src/types.ts
index 58c2eb2b5..5fd3b4d35 100644
--- a/src/types.ts
+++ b/src/types.ts
@@ -47,15 +47,6 @@ export interface SourceError {
   elaborate(): string
-export interface Rule<T extends Node> {
-  name: string
-  disableFromChapter?: Chapter
-  disableForVariants?: Variant[]
-  checkers: {
-    [name: string]: (node: T, ancestors: Node[]) => SourceError[]
-  }
 export interface Comment {
   type: 'Line' | 'Block'
   value: string
@@ -64,7 +55,7 @@ export interface Comment {
   loc: SourceLocation | undefined
-export type ExecutionMethod = 'native' | 'interpreter' | 'auto' | 'cse-machine'
+export type ExecutionMethod = 'native' | 'auto' | 'cse-machine'
 export enum Chapter {
   SOURCE_1 = 1,
@@ -94,7 +85,6 @@ export enum Variant {
   TYPED = 'typed',
   NATIVE = 'native',
   WASM = 'wasm',
-  CONCURRENT = 'concurrent',
   EXPLICIT_CONTROL = 'explicit-control'
@@ -168,7 +158,6 @@ export interface Context<T = any> {
     status: boolean
     state: {
       it: IterableIterator<T>
-      scheduler: Scheduler
@@ -274,23 +263,12 @@ export interface Finished {
   // field instead
-export interface Suspended {
-  status: 'suspended'
-  it: IterableIterator<Value>
-  scheduler: Scheduler
-  context: Context
 export interface SuspendedCseEval {
   status: 'suspended-cse-eval'
   context: Context
-export type Result = Suspended | Finished | Error | SuspendedCseEval
-export interface Scheduler {
-  run(it: IterableIterator<Value>, context: Context): Promise<Result>
+export type Result = Finished | Error | SuspendedCseEval
  * StatementSequence : A sequence of statements not surrounded by braces.
@@ -511,3 +489,5 @@ export type RecursivePartial<T> =
           [K in keyof T]: RecursivePartial<T[K]>
       : T
+export type NodeTypeToNode<T extends Node['type']> = Extract<Node, { type: T }>
diff --git a/src/utils/__tests__/rttc.ts b/src/utils/__tests__/rttc.ts
index 7a2a39a3f..1f42fdacd 100644
--- a/src/utils/__tests__/rttc.ts
+++ b/src/utils/__tests__/rttc.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 import { BinaryOperator, UnaryOperator } from 'estree'
-import { mockClosure, mockRuntimeContext } from '../../mocks/context'
+import { mockClosure, mockRuntimeContext } from '../testing/mocks'
 import { Chapter, Value } from '../../types'
 import * as rttc from '../rttc'
diff --git a/src/utils/ast/astCreator.ts b/src/utils/ast/astCreator.ts
index 6e7318cae..b61e8a50f 100644
--- a/src/utils/ast/astCreator.ts
+++ b/src/utils/ast/astCreator.ts
@@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ import {
   type StatementSequence
 } from '../../types'
-export const getVariableDeclarationName = (decl: es.VariableDeclaration) =>
-  (decl.declarations[0].id as es.Identifier).name
 export const locationDummyNode = (line: number, column: number, source: string | null) =>
   literal('Dummy', { start: { line, column }, end: { line, column }, source })
@@ -85,18 +82,18 @@ export const declaration = (
   kind: AllowedDeclarations,
   init: es.Expression,
   loc?: es.SourceLocation | null
-): es.VariableDeclaration => ({
-  type: 'VariableDeclaration',
-  declarations: [
-    {
-      type: 'VariableDeclarator',
-      id: identifier(name),
-      init
-    }
-  ],
-  kind,
-  loc
+) =>
+  variableDeclaration(
+    [
+      {
+        type: 'VariableDeclarator',
+        id: identifier(name),
+        init
+      }
+    ],
+    kind,
+    loc
+  )
 export const constantDeclaration = (
   name: string,
@@ -376,10 +373,11 @@ export const arrowFunctionExpression = (
 export const variableDeclaration = (
   declarations: es.VariableDeclarator[],
+  kind: es.VariableDeclaration['kind'] = 'const',
   loc?: es.SourceLocation | null
 ): es.VariableDeclaration => ({
   type: 'VariableDeclaration',
-  kind: 'const',
+  kind,
diff --git a/src/utils/ast/helpers.ts b/src/utils/ast/helpers.ts
index 59b085bc0..662c69dcb 100644
--- a/src/utils/ast/helpers.ts
+++ b/src/utils/ast/helpers.ts
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import type es from 'estree'
 import assert from '../assert'
 import { simple } from '../walkers'
 import { ArrayMap } from '../dict'
-import { isImportDeclaration, isVariableDeclaration } from './typeGuards'
+import { isIdentifier, isImportDeclaration, isVariableDeclaration } from './typeGuards'
 export function getModuleDeclarationSource(
   node: Exclude<es.ModuleDeclaration, es.ExportDefaultDeclaration>
@@ -71,10 +71,29 @@ export function getIdsFromDeclaration(decl: es.Declaration, allowNull?: boolean)
   return rawIds
+export function getSourceVariableDeclaration(decl: es.VariableDeclaration) {
+  assert(
+    decl.declarations.length === 1,
+    'Variable Declarations in Source should only have 1 declarator!'
+  )
+  const [declaration] = decl.declarations
+  assert(
+    isIdentifier(declaration.id),
+    'Variable Declarations in Source should be declared using an Identifier!'
+  )
+  assert(!!declaration.init, 'Variable declarations in Source must be initialized!')
+  return {
+    id: declaration.id,
+    init: declaration.init,
+    loc: declaration.loc
+  }
 export const getImportedName = (
-  spec:
-    | Exclude<es.ImportDeclaration['specifiers'][number], es.ImportNamespaceSpecifier>
-    | es.ExportSpecifier
+  spec: es.ImportSpecifier | es.ImportDefaultSpecifier | es.ExportSpecifier
 ) => {
   switch (spec.type) {
     case 'ImportDefaultSpecifier':
@@ -85,3 +104,24 @@ export const getImportedName = (
       return spec.local.name
+export const speciferToString = (
+  spec: es.ImportSpecifier | es.ImportDefaultSpecifier | es.ExportSpecifier
+) => {
+  switch (spec.type) {
+    case 'ImportSpecifier': {
+      if (spec.imported.name === spec.local.name) {
+        return spec.imported.name
+      }
+      return `${spec.imported.name} as ${spec.local.name}`
+    }
+    case 'ImportDefaultSpecifier':
+      return `default as ${spec.local.name}`
+    case 'ExportSpecifier': {
+      if (spec.local.name === spec.exported.name) {
+        return spec.local.name
+      }
+      return `${spec.local.name} as ${spec.exported.name}`
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/src/utils/misc.ts b/src/utils/misc.ts
index 57d362366..8c553ceba 100644
--- a/src/utils/misc.ts
+++ b/src/utils/misc.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 import { RuntimeSourceError } from '../errors/runtimeSourceError'
+import { Chapter } from '../types'
 export class PromiseTimeoutError extends RuntimeSourceError {}
@@ -42,3 +43,7 @@ export function objectKeys<T extends string | number | symbol>(obj: Record<T, an
 export function objectValues<T>(obj: Record<any, T>) {
   return Object.values(obj) as T[]
+export function getChapterName(chapter: Chapter) {
+  return objectKeys(Chapter).find(name => Chapter[name] === chapter)!
diff --git a/src/utils/stringify.ts b/src/utils/stringify.ts
index b8e7f6aed..f5007c4b8 100644
--- a/src/utils/stringify.ts
+++ b/src/utils/stringify.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import { MAX_LIST_DISPLAY_LENGTH } from '../constants'
-import Closure from '../interpreter/closure'
+import Closure from '../cse-machine/closure'
 import { Type, Value } from '../types'
 export interface ArrayLike {
diff --git a/src/utils/testing.ts b/src/utils/testing.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index f26de4bdc..000000000
--- a/src/utils/testing.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
-import type { MockedFunction } from 'jest-mock'
-import createContext, { defineBuiltin } from '../createContext'
-import { parseError, Result, runInContext } from '../index'
-import { mockContext } from '../mocks/context'
-import { ImportOptions } from '../modules/moduleTypes'
-import { parse } from '../parser/parser'
-import { transpile } from '../transpiler/transpiler'
-import {
-  Chapter,
-  Context,
-  CustomBuiltIns,
-  SourceError,
-  Value,
-  Variant,
-  type Finished
-} from '../types'
-import { stringify } from './stringify'
-export interface CodeSnippetTestCase {
-  name: string
-  snippet: string
-  value: any
-  errors: SourceError[]
-export interface TestContext extends Context {
-  displayResult: string[]
-  promptResult: string[]
-  alertResult: string[]
-  visualiseListResult: Value[]
-interface TestBuiltins {
-  [builtinName: string]: any
-interface TestResult {
-  code: string
-  displayResult: string[]
-  alertResult: string[]
-  visualiseListResult: any[]
-  errors?: SourceError[]
-  numErrors: number
-  parsedErrors: string
-  resultStatus: string
-  result: Value
-interface TestOptions {
-  context?: TestContext
-  chapter?: Chapter
-  variant?: Variant
-  testBuiltins?: TestBuiltins
-  native?: boolean
-  showTranspiledCode?: boolean
-  showErrorJSON?: boolean
-  importOptions?: Partial<ImportOptions>
-export function createTestContext({
-  context,
-  chapter = Chapter.SOURCE_1,
-  variant = Variant.DEFAULT,
-  testBuiltins = {}
-}: {
-  context?: TestContext
-  chapter?: Chapter
-  variant?: Variant
-  testBuiltins?: TestBuiltins
-} = {}): TestContext {
-  if (context !== undefined) {
-    return context
-  } else {
-    const testContext: TestContext = {
-      ...createContext(chapter, variant, [], undefined, {
-        rawDisplay: (str1, str2, _externalContext) => {
-          testContext.displayResult.push((str2 === undefined ? '' : str2 + ' ') + str1)
-          return str1
-        },
-        prompt: (str, _externalContext) => {
-          testContext.promptResult.push(str)
-          return null
-        },
-        alert: (str, _externalContext) => {
-          testContext.alertResult.push(str)
-        },
-        visualiseList: value => {
-          testContext.visualiseListResult.push(value)
-        }
-      } as CustomBuiltIns),
-      displayResult: [],
-      promptResult: [],
-      alertResult: [],
-      visualiseListResult: []
-    }
-    Object.entries(testBuiltins).forEach(([key, value]) => defineBuiltin(testContext, key, value))
-    return testContext
-  }
-async function testInContext(code: string, options: TestOptions): Promise<TestResult> {
-  const interpretedTestContext = createTestContext(options)
-  const scheduler = 'preemptive'
-  const getTestResult = (context: TestContext, result: Result) => {
-    const testResult = {
-      code,
-      displayResult: context.displayResult,
-      alertResult: context.alertResult,
-      visualiseListResult: context.visualiseListResult,
-      numErrors: context.errors.length,
-      parsedErrors: parseError(context.errors),
-      resultStatus: result.status,
-      result: result.status === 'finished' ? result.value : undefined
-    }
-    if (options.showErrorJSON) {
-      testResult['errors'] = context.errors
-    }
-    return testResult
-  }
-  const interpretedResult = getTestResult(
-    interpretedTestContext,
-    await runInContext(code, interpretedTestContext, {
-      scheduler,
-      executionMethod: 'interpreter',
-      variant: options.variant
-    })
-  )
-  if (options.native) {
-    const nativeTestContext = createTestContext(options)
-    let pretranspiled: string = ''
-    let transpiled: string = ''
-    const parsed = parse(code, nativeTestContext)!
-    // Reset errors in context so as not to interfere with actual run.
-    nativeTestContext.errors = []
-    if (parsed === undefined) {
-      pretranspiled = 'parseError'
-    } else {
-      try {
-        ;({ transpiled } = transpile(parsed, nativeTestContext))
-        // replace declaration of builtins since they're repetitive
-        transpiled = transpiled.replace(/\n  const \w+ = nativeStorage\..*;/g, '')
-        transpiled = transpiled.replace(/\n\s*const \w+ = .*\.operators\..*;/g, '')
-      } catch {
-        transpiled = 'parseError'
-      }
-    }
-    const nativeResult = getTestResult(
-      nativeTestContext,
-      await runInContext(code, nativeTestContext, {
-        scheduler,
-        executionMethod: 'native',
-        variant: options.variant
-      })
-    )
-    const propertiesThatShouldBeEqual = [
-      'code',
-      'displayResult',
-      'alertResult',
-      'parsedErrors',
-      'result'
-    ]
-    const diff = {}
-    for (const property of propertiesThatShouldBeEqual) {
-      const nativeValue = stringify(nativeResult[property])
-      const interpretedValue = stringify(interpretedResult[property])
-      if (nativeValue !== interpretedValue) {
-        diff[property] = `native:${nativeValue}\ninterpreted:${interpretedValue}`
-      }
-    }
-    if (options.showTranspiledCode) {
-      return { ...interpretedResult, ...diff, pretranspiled, transpiled } as TestResult
-    } else {
-      return { ...interpretedResult, ...diff } as TestResult
-    }
-  } else {
-    return interpretedResult
-  }
-export async function testSuccess(code: string, options: TestOptions = { native: false }) {
-  const testResult = await testInContext(code, options)
-  expect(testResult.parsedErrors).toBe('')
-  expect(testResult.resultStatus).toBe('finished')
-  return testResult
-export async function testSuccessWithErrors(
-  code: string,
-  options: TestOptions = { native: false }
-) {
-  const testResult = await testInContext(code, options)
-  expect(testResult.numErrors).not.toEqual(0)
-  expect(testResult.resultStatus).toBe('finished')
-  return testResult
-export async function testFailure(code: string, options: TestOptions = { native: false }) {
-  const testResult = await testInContext(code, options)
-  expect(testResult.numErrors).not.toEqual(0)
-  expect(testResult.resultStatus).toBe('error')
-  return testResult
-export function snapshot<T extends { [P in keyof TestResult]: any }>(
-  propertyMatchers: Partial<T>,
-  snapshotName?: string
-): (testResult: TestResult) => TestResult
-export function snapshot(
-  snapshotName?: string,
-  arg2?: string
-): (testResult: TestResult) => TestResult
-export function snapshot(arg1?: any, arg2?: any): (testResult: TestResult) => TestResult {
-  if (arg2) {
-    return testResult => {
-      expect(testResult).toMatchSnapshot(arg1!, arg2)
-      return testResult
-    }
-  } else if (arg1) {
-    return testResult => {
-      expect(testResult).toMatchSnapshot(arg1!)
-      return testResult
-    }
-  } else {
-    return testResult => {
-      return testResult
-    }
-  }
-export function snapshotSuccess(code: string, options: TestOptions, snapshotName?: string) {
-  return testSuccess(code, options).then(snapshot(snapshotName))
-export function snapshotWarning(code: string, options: TestOptions, snapshotName: string) {
-  return testSuccessWithErrors(code, options).then(snapshot(snapshotName))
-export function snapshotFailure(code: string, options: TestOptions, snapshotName: string) {
-  return testFailure(code, options).then(snapshot(snapshotName))
-export function expectDisplayResult(code: string, options: TestOptions = {}) {
-  return expect(
-    testSuccess(code, options)
-      .then(snapshot('expectDisplayResult'))
-      .then(testResult => testResult.displayResult!)
-      .catch(e => console.log(e))
-  ).resolves
-export function expectVisualiseListResult(code: string, options: TestOptions = {}) {
-  return expect(
-    testSuccess(code, options)
-      .then(snapshot('expectVisualiseListResult'))
-      .then(testResult => testResult.visualiseListResult)
-      .catch(e => console.log(e))
-  ).resolves
-// for use in concurrent testing
-export async function getDisplayResult(code: string, options: TestOptions = {}) {
-  return await testSuccess(code, options).then(testResult => testResult.displayResult!)
-export function expectResult(code: string, options: TestOptions = {}) {
-  return expect(
-    testSuccess(code, options)
-      .then(snapshot('expectResult'))
-      .then(testResult => testResult.result)
-  ).resolves
-export function expectParsedErrorNoErrorSnapshot(code: string, options: TestOptions = {}) {
-  options.showErrorJSON = false
-  return expect(
-    testFailure(code, options)
-      .then(snapshot('expectParsedErrorNoErrorSnapshot'))
-      .then(testResult => testResult.parsedErrors)
-  ).resolves
-export function expectParsedError(code: string, options: TestOptions = {}) {
-  return expect(
-    testFailure(code, options)
-      .then(snapshot('expectParsedError'))
-      .then(testResult => testResult.parsedErrors)
-  ).resolves
-export function expectDifferentParsedErrors(
-  code1: string,
-  code2: string,
-  options: TestOptions = {}
-) {
-  return expect(
-    testFailure(code1, options).then(error1 => {
-      expect(
-        testFailure(code2, options).then(error2 => {
-          return expect(error1).not.toEqual(error2)
-        })
-      )
-    })
-  ).resolves
-export function expectWarning(code: string, options: TestOptions = {}) {
-  return expect(
-    testSuccessWithErrors(code, options)
-      .then(snapshot('expectWarning'))
-      .then(testResult => testResult.parsedErrors)
-  ).resolves
-export function expectParsedErrorNoSnapshot(code: string, options: TestOptions = {}) {
-  return expect(testFailure(code, options).then(testResult => testResult.parsedErrors)).resolves
-function evalWithBuiltins(code: string, testBuiltins: TestBuiltins = {}) {
-  // Ugly, but if you know how to `eval` code with some builtins attached, please change this.
-  let evalstring = ''
-  for (const key in testBuiltins) {
-    if (testBuiltins.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
-      evalstring = evalstring + 'const ' + key + ' = testBuiltins.' + key + '; '
-    }
-  }
-  // tslint:disable-next-line:no-eval
-  return eval(evalstring + code)
-export function expectToMatchJS(code: string, options: TestOptions = {}) {
-  return testSuccess(code, options)
-    .then(snapshot('expect to match JS'))
-    .then(testResult =>
-      expect(testResult.result).toEqual(evalWithBuiltins(code, options.testBuiltins))
-    )
-export function expectToLooselyMatchJS(code: string, options: TestOptions = {}) {
-  return testSuccess(code, options)
-    .then(snapshot('expect to loosely match JS'))
-    .then(testResult =>
-      expect(testResult.result.replace(/ /g, '')).toEqual(
-        evalWithBuiltins(code, options.testBuiltins).replace(/ /g, '')
-      )
-    )
-export async function expectNativeToTimeoutAndError(code: string, timeout: number) {
-  const start = Date.now()
-  const context = mockContext(Chapter.SOURCE_4)
-  const promise = runInContext(code, context, {
-    scheduler: 'preemptive',
-    executionMethod: 'native',
-    throwInfiniteLoops: false
-  })
-  await promise
-  const timeTaken = Date.now() - start
-  expect(timeTaken).toBeLessThan(timeout * 5)
-  expect(timeTaken).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(timeout)
-  return parseError(context.errors)
-export function asMockedFunc<T extends (...args: any[]) => any>(func: T) {
-  return func as MockedFunction<T>
-export function expectFinishedResult(result: Result): asserts result is Finished {
-  expect(result.status).toEqual('finished')
diff --git a/src/utils/testing/__tests__/testing.ts b/src/utils/testing/__tests__/testing.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..752dc5f2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/testing/__tests__/testing.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+import { createTestContext } from '..'
+import { Chapter, Variant } from '../../../types'
+import { processTestOptions } from '../misc'
+import type { TestOptions } from '../types'
+describe('Test processRawOptions', () => {
+  const options: [string, TestOptions, TestOptions][] = [
+    ['Chapter Number is a valid TestOption', Chapter.SOURCE_4, { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }],
+    [
+      'Specifying chapter number in options object',
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 },
+      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4 }
+    ]
+  ]
+  test.each(options)('%s', (_, value, expected) => {
+    expect(processTestOptions(value)).toEqual(expected)
+  })
+describe('Testing createTestContext', () => {
+  test('Providing no test options runs default variant and Source 1', () => {
+    const context = createTestContext()
+    expect(context.chapter).toEqual(Chapter.SOURCE_1)
+    expect(context.variant).toEqual(Variant.DEFAULT)
+  })
+  test('Providing a chapter runs default variant and that chapter', () => {
+    const context = createTestContext(Chapter.SOURCE_3)
+    expect(context.chapter).toEqual(Chapter.SOURCE_3)
+    expect(context.variant).toEqual(Variant.DEFAULT)
+  })
+  test('Specifying variant but not chapter should use Source 1', () => {
+    const context = createTestContext({ variant: Variant.EXPLICIT_CONTROL })
+    expect(context.chapter).toEqual(Chapter.SOURCE_1)
+    expect(context.variant).toEqual(Variant.EXPLICIT_CONTROL)
+  })
+  test('If both chapter and variant are specified, both are used', () => {
+    const context = createTestContext({
+      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_4,
+      variant: Variant.DEFAULT
+    })
+    expect(context.chapter).toEqual(Chapter.SOURCE_4)
+    expect(context.variant).toEqual(Variant.DEFAULT)
+  })
diff --git a/src/utils/testing/index.ts b/src/utils/testing/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a146e701d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/testing/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+import { Chapter, type CustomBuiltIns } from '../../types'
+import { parseError, runInContext } from '../..'
+import createContext, { defineBuiltin } from '../../createContext'
+import { expectFinishedResult, processTestOptions } from './misc'
+import { mockContext } from './mocks'
+import type { TestContext, TestOptions, TestResults } from './types'
+export function createTestContext(rawOptions: TestOptions = {}): TestContext {
+  const { chapter, variant, testBuiltins }: Exclude<TestOptions, Chapter> =
+    typeof rawOptions === 'number'
+      ? {
+          chapter: rawOptions
+        }
+      : rawOptions
+  const testContext: TestResults = {
+    displayResult: [],
+    promptResult: [],
+    alertResult: [],
+    visualiseListResult: []
+  }
+  const customBuiltIns: CustomBuiltIns = {
+    rawDisplay(str1, str2, _externalContext) {
+      testContext.displayResult.push((str2 === undefined ? '' : str2 + ' ') + str1)
+      return str1
+    },
+    prompt(str, _externalContext) {
+      testContext.promptResult.push(str)
+      return null
+    },
+    alert(str, _externalContext) {
+      testContext.alertResult.push(str)
+    },
+    visualiseList(value) {
+      testContext.visualiseListResult.push(value)
+    }
+  }
+  const evalContext = createContext(chapter, variant, [], undefined, customBuiltIns)
+  Object.entries(testBuiltins ?? {}).forEach(([key, value]) =>
+    defineBuiltin(evalContext, key, value)
+  )
+  return {
+    ...evalContext,
+    displayResult: [],
+    promptResult: [],
+    alertResult: [],
+    visualiseListResult: []
+  }
+ * Convenience wrapper for testing multiple cases with the same
+ * test function
+ */
+export function testMultipleCases<T extends Array<any>>(
+  cases: [string, ...T][],
+  tester: (args: T, i: number) => void | Promise<void>,
+  includeIndex?: boolean,
+  timeout?: number
+) {
+  const withIndex = cases.map(([desc, ...c], i) => {
+    const newDesc = includeIndex ? `${i + 1}. ${desc}` : desc
+    return [newDesc, i, ...c] as [string, number, ...T]
+  })
+  test.each(withIndex)('%s', (_, i, ...args) => tester(args, i), timeout)
+async function testInContext(code: string, rawOptions: TestOptions) {
+  const options = processTestOptions(rawOptions)
+  const context = createTestContext(options)
+  const result = await runInContext(code, context)
+  return {
+    context,
+    result
+  }
+ * Run the given code and expect it to finish without errors
+ * @returns Context and result of test
+ */
+export async function testSuccess(code: string, options: TestOptions = {}) {
+  const { context, result } = await testInContext(code, options)
+  if (result.status !== 'finished') {
+    console.log(context.errors)
+  }
+  expectFinishedResult(result)
+  return {
+    context,
+    result
+  }
+ * Run the given code and expect it to finish with errors
+ * @returns String value of parsed errors
+ */
+export async function testFailure(code: string, options: TestOptions = {}) {
+  const res = await testInContext(code, options)
+  expect(res.result.status).toEqual('error')
+  return parseError(res.context.errors)
+ * Run the given code and expect it to finish without errors. Use
+ * as if using `expect()`
+ */
+export function expectResult(code: string, options: TestOptions = {}) {
+  return expect(
+    testInContext(code, options).then(({ result, context }) => {
+      if (result.status === 'error') {
+        console.log(context.errors)
+      }
+      expectFinishedResult(result)
+      return result.value
+    })
+  ).resolves
+ * Expect the code to error, then test the parsed error value. Use as if using
+ * `expect`
+ */
+export function expectParsedError(code: string, options: TestOptions = {}, verbose?: boolean) {
+  return expect(
+    testInContext(code, options).then(({ result, context }) => {
+      expect(result.status).toEqual('error')
+      return parseError(context.errors, verbose)
+    })
+  ).resolves
+export async function expectNativeToTimeoutAndError(code: string, timeout: number) {
+  const start = Date.now()
+  const context = mockContext(Chapter.SOURCE_4)
+  const promise = runInContext(code, context, {
+    executionMethod: 'native',
+    throwInfiniteLoops: false
+  })
+  await promise
+  const timeTaken = Date.now() - start
+  expect(timeTaken).toBeLessThan(timeout * 5)
+  expect(timeTaken).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(timeout)
+  return parseError(context.errors)
+ * Run the given code, expect it to finish without errors and also match a snapshot
+ */
+export async function snapshotSuccess(code: string, options: TestOptions = {}) {
+  const results = await testSuccess(code, options)
+  expect(results).toMatchSnapshot()
+  return results
+ * Run the given code, expect it to finish with errors and that those errors match a snapshot
+ */
+export async function snapshotFailure(code: string, options: TestOptions = {}) {
+  const results = await testFailure(code, options)
+  expect(results).toMatchSnapshot()
+  return results
+export function expectDisplayResult(code: string, options: TestOptions = {}) {
+  return expect(testSuccess(code, options).then(({ context: { displayResult } }) => displayResult))
+    .resolves
diff --git a/src/utils/testing/misc.ts b/src/utils/testing/misc.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a6e3aed2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/testing/misc.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+import type { MockedFunction } from 'jest-mock'
+import type { Result } from '../..'
+import type { Finished, Value, Node, NodeTypeToNode, Chapter } from '../../types'
+import type { TestBuiltins, TestOptions } from './types'
+ * Convert the options provided by the user for each test into the full options
+ * used by the testing system
+ */
+export function processTestOptions(rawOptions: TestOptions = {}): Exclude<TestOptions, Chapter> {
+  return typeof rawOptions === 'number'
+    ? {
+        chapter: rawOptions
+      }
+    : rawOptions
+ * Wrapper around the MockedFunction type to provide type checking
+ * for mocked functions
+ */
+export function asMockedFunc<T extends (...args: any[]) => any>(func: T) {
+  return func as MockedFunction<T>
+export function expectTrue(cond: boolean): asserts cond {
+  expect(cond).toEqual(true)
+ * Asserts that the provided result is a `Finished`
+ */
+export function expectFinishedResult(result: Result): asserts result is Finished {
+  expect(result.status).toEqual('finished')
+ * Assers that the provided result is both `Finished` and is equal to the given value
+ */
+export function expectFinishedResultValue(result: Result, value: Value) {
+  expectFinishedResult(result)
+  expect(result.value).toEqual(value)
+ * Type safe assertion. Expects the given Node to have the provided type
+ */
+export function expectNodeType<T extends Node['type']>(
+  typeStr: T,
+  node: Node
+): asserts node is NodeTypeToNode<T> {
+  expect(node.type).toEqual(typeStr)
+ * Calls `eval` on the provided code with the provided builtins
+ */
+export function evalWithBuiltins(code: string, testBuiltins: TestBuiltins = {}) {
+  // Ugly, but if you know how to `eval` code with some builtins attached, please change this.
+  const builtins = Object.keys(testBuiltins).map(key => `const ${key} = testBuiltins.${key};`)
+  const evalstring = builtins.join('\n') + code
+  // tslint:disable-next-line:no-eval
+  return eval(evalstring + code)
diff --git a/src/mocks/context.ts b/src/utils/testing/mocks.ts
similarity index 64%
rename from src/mocks/context.ts
rename to src/utils/testing/mocks.ts
index 32bfcda21..75bdd2867 100644
--- a/src/mocks/context.ts
+++ b/src/utils/testing/mocks.ts
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
 import * as es from 'estree'
-import createContext, { EnvTree } from '../createContext'
-import OldClosure from '../interpreter/closure'
-import Closure from '../cse-machine/closure'
-import { createBlockEnvironment } from '../interpreter/interpreter'
-import { Chapter, Context, Environment, Variant } from '../types'
-import { Transformers } from '../cse-machine/interpreter'
+import createContext, { EnvTree } from '../../createContext'
+import Closure from '../../cse-machine/closure'
+import { Chapter, Context, Environment, Variant } from '../../types'
+import { Transformers } from '../../cse-machine/interpreter'
+import { createBlockEnvironment } from '../../cse-machine/utils'
 export function mockContext(
   chapter: Chapter = Chapter.SOURCE_1,
@@ -65,28 +64,9 @@ export function mockRuntimeContext(): Context {
   return context
-export function mockClosure(cseMachineClosure: true): Closure
-export function mockClosure(cseMachineClosure?: false): OldClosure
-export function mockClosure(cseMachineClosure?: boolean): Closure | OldClosure {
+export function mockClosure(): Closure {
   const context = createContext()
-  if (cseMachineClosure) {
-    return new Closure(
-      {
-        type: 'ArrowFunctionExpression',
-        expression: true,
-        loc: null,
-        params: [],
-        body: {
-          type: 'BlockStatement',
-          body: []
-        }
-      } as es.ArrowFunctionExpression,
-      mockEnvironment(context),
-      mockTransformers(),
-      context
-    )
-  }
-  return new OldClosure(
+  return new Closure(
       type: 'ArrowFunctionExpression',
       expression: true,
@@ -98,6 +78,7 @@ export function mockClosure(cseMachineClosure?: boolean): Closure | OldClosure {
     } as es.ArrowFunctionExpression,
+    mockTransformers(),
diff --git a/src/utils/ast/sanitizer.ts b/src/utils/testing/sanitizer.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from src/utils/ast/sanitizer.ts
rename to src/utils/testing/sanitizer.ts
diff --git a/src/utils/testing/types.ts b/src/utils/testing/types.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0278344a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/testing/types.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import type { Context } from '../..'
+import { Chapter, Variant, type Value } from '../../types'
+export type TestOptions =
+  | {
+      chapter?: Chapter
+      variant?: Variant
+      testBuiltins?: TestBuiltins
+    }
+  | Chapter
+export interface TestResults {
+  displayResult: string[]
+  promptResult: string[]
+  alertResult: string[]
+  visualiseListResult: Value[]
+export type TestContext = Context<any> & TestResults
+export interface TestBuiltins {
+  [builtinName: string]: any
diff --git a/src/validator/__tests__/__snapshots__/validator.ts.snap b/src/validator/__tests__/__snapshots__/validator.ts.snap
index 8c007e639..2e943df29 100644
--- a/src/validator/__tests__/__snapshots__/validator.ts.snap
+++ b/src/validator/__tests__/__snapshots__/validator.ts.snap
@@ -1,37 +1,5 @@
 // Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`for loop variable cannot be reassigned in closure: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "for (let i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1) {
-  function f() {
-    i = 10;
-  }
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 3: Assignment to a for loop variable in the for loop is not allowed.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`for loop variable cannot be reassigned: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "for (let i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1) {
-  i = 10;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: Assignment to a for loop variable in the for loop is not allowed.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
 exports[`testing typability 1`] = `
 Node {
   "body": Array [
diff --git a/src/validator/__tests__/validator.ts b/src/validator/__tests__/validator.ts
index b7bee3154..5439a3e78 100644
--- a/src/validator/__tests__/validator.ts
+++ b/src/validator/__tests__/validator.ts
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-import * as es from 'estree'
+import type es from 'estree'
-import { mockContext } from '../../mocks/context'
+import { mockContext } from '../../utils/testing/mocks'
 import { parse } from '../../parser/parser'
 import { Chapter, NodeWithInferredType } from '../../types'
-import { getVariableDeclarationName } from '../../utils/ast/astCreator'
 import { stripIndent } from '../../utils/formatters'
 import { expectParsedError } from '../../utils/testing'
 import { simple } from '../../utils/walkers'
 import { validateAndAnnotate } from '../validator'
+import { getSourceVariableDeclaration } from '../../utils/ast/helpers'
 export function toValidatedAst(code: string) {
   const context = mockContext(Chapter.SOURCE_1)
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ test('testing typability', () => {
   simple(ast, {
     VariableDeclaration(node: NodeWithInferredType<es.VariableDeclaration>) {
       let expectedTypability = ''
-      switch (getVariableDeclarationName(node)) {
+      switch (getSourceVariableDeclaration(node).id.name) {
         case 'a':
         case 'b':
           expectedTypability = 'NotYetTyped'
diff --git a/src/validator/validator.ts b/src/validator/validator.ts
index 88b88e587..6fe950c44 100644
--- a/src/validator/validator.ts
+++ b/src/validator/validator.ts
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-import * as es from 'estree'
+import type es from 'estree'
 import { ConstAssignment, UndefinedVariable } from '../errors/errors'
 import { NoAssignmentToForVariable } from '../errors/validityErrors'
 import { parse } from '../parser/parser'
-import { Context, Node, NodeWithInferredType } from '../types'
-import { getVariableDeclarationName } from '../utils/ast/astCreator'
+import type { Context, Node, NodeWithInferredType } from '../types'
 import {
-  NativeIds
+  type NativeIds
 } from '../utils/uniqueIds'
-import { ancestor, base, FullWalkerCallback } from '../utils/walkers'
+import { ancestor, base, type FullWalkerCallback } from '../utils/walkers'
+import { getSourceVariableDeclaration } from '../utils/ast/helpers'
 class Declaration {
   public accessedBeforeDeclaration: boolean = false
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ export function validateAndAnnotate(
     for (const statement of node.body) {
       if (statement.type === 'VariableDeclaration') {
-          getVariableDeclarationName(statement),
+          getSourceVariableDeclaration(statement).id.name,
           new Declaration(statement.kind === 'const')
       } else if (statement.type === 'FunctionDeclaration') {
@@ -64,7 +64,9 @@ export function validateAndAnnotate(
       if (init.type === 'VariableDeclaration') {
-          new Map([[getVariableDeclarationName(init), new Declaration(init.kind === 'const')]])
+          new Map([
+            [getSourceVariableDeclaration(init).id.name, new Declaration(init.kind === 'const')]
+          ])
         scopeHasCallExpressionMap.set(forStatement, false)
@@ -105,7 +107,7 @@ export function validateAndAnnotate(
       VariableDeclaration(node: NodeWithInferredType<es.VariableDeclaration>, ancestors: Node[]) {
         const lastAncestor = ancestors[ancestors.length - 2]
-        const name = getVariableDeclarationName(node)
+        const { name } = getSourceVariableDeclaration(node).id
         const accessedBeforeDeclaration = accessedBeforeDeclarationMap
@@ -180,7 +182,10 @@ export function checkForUndefinedVariables(
     const identifiers = new Set<string>()
     for (const statement of node.body) {
       if (statement.type === 'VariableDeclaration') {
-        identifiers.add((statement.declarations[0].id as es.Identifier).name)
+        const {
+          id: { name }
+        } = getSourceVariableDeclaration(statement)
+        identifiers.add(name)
       } else if (statement.type === 'FunctionDeclaration') {
         if (statement.id === null) {
           throw new Error(
@@ -217,13 +222,13 @@ export function checkForUndefinedVariables(
     BlockStatement: processBlock,
     FunctionDeclaration: processFunction,
     ArrowFunctionExpression: processFunction,
-    ForStatement(forStatement: es.ForStatement, ancestors: es.Node[]) {
+    ForStatement(forStatement: es.ForStatement) {
       const init = forStatement.init!
       if (init.type === 'VariableDeclaration') {
-        identifiersIntroducedByNode.set(
-          forStatement,
-          new Set([(init.declarations[0].id as es.Identifier).name])
-        )
+        const {
+          id: { name }
+        } = getSourceVariableDeclaration(init)
+        identifiersIntroducedByNode.set(forStatement, new Set([name]))
     Identifier(identifier: es.Identifier, ancestors: es.Node[]) {
diff --git a/src/vm/__tests__/__snapshots__/svml-machine.ts.snap b/src/vm/__tests__/__snapshots__/svml-machine.ts.snap
deleted file mode 100644
index 811090fcb..000000000
--- a/src/vm/__tests__/__snapshots__/svml-machine.ts.snap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1735 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`primitive opcodes binary handler: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(math_pow(2,3));",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "8",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitive opcodes concurrent CLEAR fails for ill-typed arguments: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "clear(1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: execution aborted: Expected array, got number for clear.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitive opcodes concurrent CLEAR works: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const x = list(true);
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "true",
-    "false",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitive opcodes concurrent TEST_AND_SET fails for ill-typed arguments: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "test_and_set(1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: execution aborted: Expected array, got number for test_and_set.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitive opcodes concurrent TEST_AND_SET works: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const x = list(false);
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "false",
-    "true",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitive opcodes math constants: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(Infinity);
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "Infinity",
-    "NaN",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitive opcodes self-implemented ARITY fails for ill-typed argument: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "arity(1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: execution aborted: Expected closure, got number for arity.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitive opcodes self-implemented ARITY works: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(arity(math_random));
-display(arity((x, y) => x));
-function f() {}
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "0",
-    "3",
-    "0",
-    "2",
-    "0",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitive opcodes self-implemented ARRAY_LEN fails for ill-typed argument: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "array_length(1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: execution aborted: Expected array, got number for array_length.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitive opcodes self-implemented ARRAY_LEN works: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const arr = [];
-const arr1 = [1,2,3];
-const p = pair(1,2);
-arr[100] = 100;
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "0",
-    "3",
-    "101",
-    "2",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitive opcodes self-implemented CHAR_AT works: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(char_at(\\"test\\", 1));",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "\\"e\\"",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitive opcodes self-implemented DISPLAY throws error if no arguments: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: \\"Expected 1 or more arguments, but got 0.\\"",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitive opcodes self-implemented DISPLAY works for circular references: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const p = pair(1,2);
-const q = pair(3,4);
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "[1, [...<circular>, 4]]",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitive opcodes self-implemented DISPLAY_LIST works: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display_list(pair(1, null));
-display_list(pair(1, pair(2, null)), \\"test\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "list(1)",
-    "test list(1, 2)",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitive opcodes self-implemented DRAW_DATA returns correct values: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(draw_data(pair(true, [1])));
-display(draw_data(null, list(undefined, 2), \\"3\\"));",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "[true, [1]]",
-    "null",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [
-    Array [
-      Array [
-        true,
-        Array [
-          1,
-        ],
-      ],
-    ],
-    Array [
-      null,
-      Array [
-        undefined,
-        Array [
-          2,
-          null,
-        ],
-      ],
-      "3",
-    ],
-  ],
-exports[`primitive opcodes self-implemented DRAW_DATA throws error if no arguments: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "draw_data();",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: \\"Expected 1 or more arguments, but got 0.\\"",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitive opcodes self-implemented DRAW_DATA works: expectVisualiseListResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "draw_data(pair(true, [1]));
-draw_data(null, list(undefined, 2), \\"3\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [
-    Array [
-      Array [
-        true,
-        Array [
-          1,
-        ],
-      ],
-    ],
-    Array [
-      null,
-      Array [
-        undefined,
-        Array [
-          2,
-          null,
-        ],
-      ],
-      "3",
-    ],
-  ],
-exports[`primitive opcodes self-implemented ERROR works: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "error(123);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: 123",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitive opcodes self-implemented IS_ARRAY works: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(is_array([1,2]));
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "true",
-    "false",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitive opcodes self-implemented IS_BOOL works: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(is_boolean(true));
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "true",
-    "false",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitive opcodes self-implemented IS_FUNC works: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(is_function(() => {}));
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "true",
-    "false",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitive opcodes self-implemented IS_NULL works: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(is_null(null));
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "true",
-    "false",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitive opcodes self-implemented IS_NUMBER works: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(is_number(1));
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "true",
-    "false",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitive opcodes self-implemented IS_STRING works: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(is_string(\\"string\\"));
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "true",
-    "false",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitive opcodes self-implemented IS_UNDEFINED works: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(is_undefined(undefined));
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "true",
-    "false",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitive opcodes self-implemented MATH_HYPOT works: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(math_hypot(3,4));",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "5",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitive opcodes self-implemented list works: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(list(1,2,3,4));",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "[1, [2, [3, [4, null]]]]",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitive opcodes self-implemented stream_tail fails for ill-typed arguments: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "stream_tail(1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: \\"stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered 1\\"",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`primitive opcodes unary handler: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(math_abs(-1));",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "1",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes ADDG fails for ill-typed operands: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "1+undefined;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: execution aborted: Expected string and string or number and number, got number and undefined for +.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes ADDG works for numbers: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(-1+1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "0",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes ADDG works for strings: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(\\"first\\"+\\"second\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "\\"firstsecond\\"",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes BRF works, no else 2: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "if (false) {
-  display(\\"should not show\\");
-display(\\"should show\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "\\"should show\\"",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes BRF works, no else: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "if (true) {
-  display('did not BRF');
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "\\"did not BRF\\"",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes BRF works: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "if (true) {
-  display('did not BRF');
-} else {}
-if (false) {} else {
-  display('BRF');
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "\\"did not BRF\\"",
-    "\\"BRF\\"",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes DIVG fails for division by 0: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "128/0;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: execution aborted: division by 0",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes DIVG fails for ill-typed operands: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "1/undefined;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: execution aborted: Expected number and number, got number and undefined for /.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes DIVG works for numbers: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(128/32);",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "4",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes EQG works: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const x = [1,2];
-const f = () => {};
-const y = test_and_set;
-const z = list;
-display(undefined === undefined &&
-null === null &&
-null !== undefined &&
-true === true &&
-false === false &&
-false !== true &&
-1 === 1 &&
--1 === -1 &&
-x !== [1,2] &&
-x === x &&
-f === f &&
-f !== (() => {}) &&
-'stringa' === 'stringa' &&
-'stringa' !== 'stringb' &&
-true !== null &&
-y !== z &&
-z === list &&
-y === test_and_set &&
-0 !== \\"0\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "true",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes GEG fails for ill-typed operands: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "1>=undefined;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: execution aborted: Expected string and string or number and number, got number and undefined for >=.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes GEG works for numbers: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(5 >= 10);
-display(5 >= 5);
-display(10 >= 5);",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "false",
-    "true",
-    "true",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes GEG works for numbers: expectDisplayResult 2`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display('abc' >= 'bcd');
-display('abc' >= 'abc');
-display('bcd' >= 'abc');",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "false",
-    "true",
-    "true",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes GTG fails for ill-typed operands: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "1>undefined;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: execution aborted: Expected string and string or number and number, got number and undefined for >.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes GTG works for numbers: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(5 > 10); display(10 > 5);",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "false",
-    "true",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes GTG works for strings: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(\\"abc\\" > \\"bcd\\"); display(\\"bcd\\" > \\"abc\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "false",
-    "true",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes LDAG fails for ill-typed argument: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const arr = []; arr[\\"hi\\"];",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: execution aborted: Expected number, got string for array index.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes LDAG fails for non-array: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "1[0];",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: execution aborted: Expected array, got number for array access.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes LDPG and STPG work: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let x = 1;
-function f() {
-  x = 3;
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "1",
-    "3",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes LEG fails for ill-typed operands: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "1<=undefined;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: execution aborted: Expected string and string or number and number, got number and undefined for <=.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes LEG works for numbers: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(5 <= 10);
-display(5 <= 5);
-display(10 <= 5);",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "true",
-    "true",
-    "false",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes LEG works for strings: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display('abc' <= 'bcd');
-display('abc' <= 'abc');
-display('bcd' <= 'abc');",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "true",
-    "true",
-    "false",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes LGCB0 works: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(false);",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "false",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes LGCB1 works: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(true);",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "true",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes LGCF64 works: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(1.5);",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "1.5",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes LGCI works: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(123);",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "123",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes LGCN works: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(null);",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "null",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes LGCS works: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(\\"test string\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "\\"test string\\"",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes LGCU works: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(undefined);",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "undefined",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes LTG fails for ill-typed operands: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "1<undefined;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: execution aborted: Expected string and string or number and number, got number and undefined for <.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes LTG works for numbers: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(5 < 10); display(10 < 5);",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "true",
-    "false",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes LTG works for strings: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(\\"abc\\" < \\"bcd\\"); display(\\"bcd\\" < \\"abc\\");",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "true",
-    "false",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes MODG fails for ill-typed operands: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "1%undefined;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: execution aborted: Expected undefined, got undefined for undefined.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes MODG works for numbers: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(128%31);",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "4",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes MULG fails for ill-typed operands: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "1*undefined;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: execution aborted: Expected number and number, got number and undefined for *.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes MULG works for numbers: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(123*2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "246",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes NEGG fails for ill-typed operands: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "-\\"hi\\";",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: execution aborted: Expected number, got string for -.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes NEGG works: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(-1);display(-(-1));",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "-1",
-    "1",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes NOTG fails for ill-typed operands: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "!1;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: execution aborted: Expected boolean, got number for !.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes NOTG works: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(!false);display(!true);",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "true",
-    "false",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes STAG fails for ill-typed argument: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const arr = []; arr[\\"hi\\"] = 1;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: execution aborted: Expected number, got string for array index.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes STAG fails for non-array: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "0[1] = 1;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: execution aborted: Expected array, got number for array access.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes STLG and LDLG works: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const x = 1; display(x);",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "1",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes SUBG fails for ill-typed operands: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "1-undefined;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: execution aborted: Expected number and number, got number and undefined for -.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes SUBG works for numbers: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(123-124);",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "-1",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes array opcodes work: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const x = [1,2,3,1]; display(x[1]); display(x[8]);",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "2",
-    "undefined",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes function and function calls work: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f(x) {
-  display(x);
-  return 1;
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "3",
-    "1",
-    "\\"<Function>\\"",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard opcodes while loops works: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let x = 0;
-const y = 'before NEWENV';
-while (x < 1) {
-  const y = 'after NEWENV';
-  display(y);
-  x = x + 1;
-  display('before BR');
-display('after POPENV');
-display('after BR');",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "\\"before NEWENV\\"",
-    "\\"after NEWENV\\"",
-    "\\"before BR\\"",
-    "\\"after POPENV\\"",
-    "\\"after BR\\"",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard program execution arrow function definitions work: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const f = x => {
-  display(x);
-  return 1;
-const g = x => display(x);
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "3",
-    "true",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard program execution block scoping works, part 2: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "{
-  let i = 5;
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 4: Name i not declared.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard program execution block scoping works: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const x = 1;
-function f(y) {
-  display(-x);
-  const x = 2;
-  function f(y) {
-    display(-x);
-  }
-  {
-    const x = 3;
-    if (true) {
-      display(x);
-    } else {
-      error('should not reach here');
-    }
-    display(x);
-    f(1);
-  }
-  display(x);
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "3",
-    "3",
-    "-2",
-    "2",
-    "1",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard program execution call non function value throws error: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let x = 0; x(1,2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: execution aborted: calling non-function value 0.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard program execution closures declared in for loops work: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let f = null;
-f = () => { display(-1); };
-for(let i = 0; i < 5; i = i + 1) {
-  if (i === 3) {
-    f = () => { display(i); };
-  } else {}
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "3",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard program execution const assignment throws error: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const x = 1;
-x = 2;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Line 2: Cannot assign new value to constant x.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard program execution continue and break works: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "while(true) {
-  break;
-  display(1);
-let i = 0;
-for (i; i < 2; i = i + 1) {
-  if (i === 1) {
-    continue;
-  } else {
-    display(i);
-  }
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "0",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard program execution continue in while loops works: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "let x = false;
-while (true) {
-  if (x) {
-    break;
-  } else {
-    x = true;
-  }
-  continue;
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "0",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard program execution list functions work: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function permutations(xs) {
-    return is_null(xs)
-           ? list(null)
-           : accumulate(append,
-                        null,
-                        map(x => map(p => pair(x, p),
-                                     permutations(remove(x,xs))),
-                            xs));
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "[ [1, [2, [3, null]]],
-[ [1, [3, [2, null]]],
-[ [2, [1, [3, null]]],
-[[2, [3, [1, null]]], [[3, [1, [2, null]]], [[3, [2, [1, null]]], null]]]]]]",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard program execution logical operators work: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "display(!(true && (false || (true && !false))));",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "false",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard program execution nested for loops with same identifier work: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "for (let i = 0; i < 3; i = i + 1) {
-  for (let i = 0; i < 3; i = i + 1) {
-    display(i, \\"inner\\");
-  }
-  display(i, \\"outer\\");
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "inner 0",
-    "inner 1",
-    "inner 2",
-    "outer 0",
-    "inner 0",
-    "inner 1",
-    "inner 2",
-    "outer 1",
-    "inner 0",
-    "inner 1",
-    "inner 2",
-    "outer 2",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard program execution nested for loops work: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "for (let i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1) {
-  for (let j = 0; j < 10; j = j + 1) {}
-  display(i);
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "0",
-    "1",
-    "2",
-    "3",
-    "4",
-    "5",
-    "6",
-    "7",
-    "8",
-    "9",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard program execution program always returns all threads terminated: expectResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "1 + 1;",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard program execution program times out: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "while(true) {}",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Potential infinite loop detected.
-    If you are certain your program is correct, press run again without editing your program.
-      The time limit will be increased from 1 to 10 seconds.
-      This page may be unresponsive for up to 10 seconds if you do so.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard program execution return in loop throws error: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f() {
-  while(true) {
-    return 1;
-  }
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: return not allowed in loops",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard program execution stream functions work: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function interleave_stream_append(s1,s2) {
-  return is_null(s1)
-         ? s2
-         : pair(head(s1), () => interleave_stream_append(s2,
-                                  stream_tail(s1)));
-function stream_pairs(s) {
-    return (is_null(s) || is_null(stream_tail(s)))
-           ? null
-           : pair(pair(head(s), head(stream_tail(s))),
-                  () => interleave_stream_append(
-                            stream_map(x => pair(head(s), x),
-                                       stream_tail(stream_tail(s))),
-                        stream_pairs(stream_tail(s))));
-const ints = integers_from(1);
-const s = stream_pairs(ints);
-display(eval_stream(s, 10));",
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "[ [1, 2],
-[ [1, 3],
-[ [2, 3],
-[[1, 4], [[2, 4], [[1, 5], [[3, 4], [[1, 6], [[2, 5], [[1, 7], null]]]]]]]]]]",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard program execution tail call for internal functions work: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "function f() {
-  return test_and_set(list(true));
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "true",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard program execution treat internal functions as first-class: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const x = test_and_set;
-const xs = list(false);
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "false",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard program execution treat primitive functions as first-class: expectDisplayResult 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const x = list;
-  "displayResult": Array [
-    "[1, [2, null]]",
-  ],
-  "numErrors": 0,
-  "parsedErrors": "",
-  "result": "all threads terminated",
-  "resultStatus": "finished",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard program execution wrong number of arguments for internal functions throws error: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "const x = list(false);
-test_and_set(x, 1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: execution aborted: Expected 1 arguments, but got 2.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard program execution wrong number of arguments for normal functions throws error: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "((x, y) => 1)(1);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: execution aborted: Expected 2 arguments, but got 1.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
-exports[`standard program execution wrong number of arguments for primitive functions throws error: expectParsedError 1`] = `
-Object {
-  "alertResult": Array [],
-  "code": "math_sin(1,2);",
-  "displayResult": Array [],
-  "numErrors": 1,
-  "parsedErrors": "Error: execution aborted: Expected 1 arguments, but got 2.",
-  "result": undefined,
-  "resultStatus": "error",
-  "visualiseListResult": Array [],
diff --git a/src/vm/__tests__/svml-machine.ts b/src/vm/__tests__/svml-machine.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d94829b9..000000000
--- a/src/vm/__tests__/svml-machine.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1577 +0,0 @@
-import { Chapter, Variant } from '../../types'
-import { stripIndent } from '../../utils/formatters'
-import {
-  expectDisplayResult,
-  expectParsedError,
-  expectResult,
-  expectVisualiseListResult,
-  getDisplayResult,
-  snapshotSuccess
-} from '../../utils/testing'
-// concurrent programs return undefined so use display
-// for tests instead
-// all tests assumes display works
-// comments mention additional opcodes tested by test code
-describe('standard opcodes', () => {
-  test('LGCI works', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(`display(123);`, {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "123",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('LGCF64 works', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(`display(1.5);`, {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "1.5",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('LGCB0 works', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(`display(false);`, {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "false",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('LGCB1 works', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(`display(true);`, {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "true",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('LGCU works', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(`display(undefined);`, {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "undefined",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('LGCN works', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(`display(null);`, {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "null",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('LGCS works', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(`display("test string");`, {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "\\"test string\\"",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('ADDG works for numbers', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult('display(-1+1);', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "0",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('ADDG works for strings', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult('display("first"+"second");', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "\\"firstsecond\\"",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('ADDG fails for ill-typed operands', () => {
-    return expectParsedError('1+undefined;', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
-      `"Error: execution aborted: Expected string and string or number and number, got number and undefined for +."`
-    )
-  })
-  test('SUBG works for numbers', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult('display(123-124);', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "-1",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('SUBG fails for ill-typed operands', () => {
-    return expectParsedError('1-undefined;', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
-      `"Error: execution aborted: Expected number and number, got number and undefined for -."`
-    )
-  })
-  test('MULG works for numbers', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult('display(123*2);', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "246",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('MULG fails for ill-typed operands', () => {
-    return expectParsedError('1*undefined;', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
-      `"Error: execution aborted: Expected number and number, got number and undefined for *."`
-    )
-  })
-  test('DIVG works for numbers', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult('display(128/32);', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "4",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('DIVG fails for division by 0', () => {
-    return expectParsedError('128/0;', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Error: execution aborted: division by 0"`)
-  })
-  test('DIVG fails for ill-typed operands', () => {
-    return expectParsedError('1/undefined;', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
-      `"Error: execution aborted: Expected number and number, got number and undefined for /."`
-    )
-  })
-  test('MODG works for numbers', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult('display(128%31);', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "4",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('MODG fails for ill-typed operands', () => {
-    return expectParsedError('1%undefined;', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
-      `"Error: execution aborted: Expected undefined, got undefined for undefined."`
-    )
-  })
-  test('NEGG works', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult('display(-1);display(-(-1));', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "-1",
-                "1",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('NEGG fails for ill-typed operands', () => {
-    return expectParsedError('-"hi";', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Error: execution aborted: Expected number, got string for -."`)
-  })
-  test('NOTG works', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult('display(!false);display(!true);', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "true",
-                "false",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('NOTG fails for ill-typed operands', () => {
-    return expectParsedError('!1;', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Error: execution aborted: Expected boolean, got number for !."`)
-  })
-  test('LTG works for numbers', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult('display(5 < 10); display(10 < 5);', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "true",
-                "false",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('LTG works for strings', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult('display("abc" < "bcd"); display("bcd" < "abc");', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "true",
-                "false",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('LTG fails for ill-typed operands', () => {
-    return expectParsedError('1<undefined;', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
-      `"Error: execution aborted: Expected string and string or number and number, got number and undefined for <."`
-    )
-  })
-  test('GTG works for numbers', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult('display(5 > 10); display(10 > 5);', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "false",
-                "true",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('GTG works for strings', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult('display("abc" > "bcd"); display("bcd" > "abc");', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "false",
-                "true",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('GTG fails for ill-typed operands', () => {
-    return expectParsedError('1>undefined;', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
-      `"Error: execution aborted: Expected string and string or number and number, got number and undefined for >."`
-    )
-  })
-  test('LEG works for numbers', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(
-      stripIndent`
-        display(5 <= 10);
-        display(5 <= 5);
-        display(10 <= 5);
-        `,
-      {
-        chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-        variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-      }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "true",
-                "true",
-                "false",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('LEG works for strings', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(
-      stripIndent`
-        display('abc' <= 'bcd');
-        display('abc' <= 'abc');
-        display('bcd' <= 'abc');
-        `,
-      {
-        chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-        variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-      }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "true",
-                "true",
-                "false",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('LEG fails for ill-typed operands', () => {
-    return expectParsedError('1<=undefined;', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
-      `"Error: execution aborted: Expected string and string or number and number, got number and undefined for <=."`
-    )
-  })
-  test('GEG works for numbers', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(
-      stripIndent`
-        display(5 >= 10);
-        display(5 >= 5);
-        display(10 >= 5);
-        `,
-      {
-        chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-        variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-      }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "false",
-                "true",
-                "true",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('GEG works for numbers', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(
-      stripIndent`
-        display('abc' >= 'bcd');
-        display('abc' >= 'abc');
-        display('bcd' >= 'abc');
-        `,
-      {
-        chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-        variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-      }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "false",
-                "true",
-                "true",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('GEG fails for ill-typed operands', () => {
-    return expectParsedError('1>=undefined;', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
-      `"Error: execution aborted: Expected string and string or number and number, got number and undefined for >=."`
-    )
-  })
-  test('function and function calls work', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(
-      stripIndent`
-        function f(x) {
-          display(x);
-          return 1;
-        }
-        display(f(3));
-        display(f);
-        `,
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "3",
-                "1",
-                "\\"<Function>\\"",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('STLG and LDLG works', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(`const x = 1; display(x);`, {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "1",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('array opcodes work', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(`const x = [1,2,3,1]; display(x[1]); display(x[8]);`, {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "2",
-                "undefined",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('LDAG fails for non-array', () => {
-    return expectParsedError('1[0];', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
-      `"Error: execution aborted: Expected array, got number for array access."`
-    )
-  })
-  test('LDAG fails for ill-typed argument', () => {
-    return expectParsedError('const arr = []; arr["hi"];', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
-      `"Error: execution aborted: Expected number, got string for array index."`
-    )
-  })
-  test('STAG fails for non-array', () => {
-    return expectParsedError('0[1] = 1;', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
-      `"Error: execution aborted: Expected array, got number for array access."`
-    )
-  })
-  test('STAG fails for ill-typed argument', () => {
-    return expectParsedError('const arr = []; arr["hi"] = 1;', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
-      `"Error: execution aborted: Expected number, got string for array index."`
-    )
-  })
-  test('EQG works', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(
-      stripIndent`
-          const x = [1,2];
-          const f = () => {};
-          const y = test_and_set;
-          const z = list;
-          display(undefined === undefined &&
-          null === null &&
-          null !== undefined &&
-          true === true &&
-          false === false &&
-          false !== true &&
-          1 === 1 &&
-          -1 === -1 &&
-          x !== [1,2] &&
-          x === x &&
-          f === f &&
-          f !== (() => {}) &&
-          'stringa' === 'stringa' &&
-          'stringa' !== 'stringb' &&
-          true !== null &&
-          y !== z &&
-          z === list &&
-          y === test_and_set &&
-          0 !== "0");
-          `,
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "true",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('LDPG and STPG work', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(
-      stripIndent`
-        let x = 1;
-        display(x);
-        function f() {
-          x = 3;
-        }
-        f();
-        display(x);
-      `,
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "1",
-                "3",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('BRF works', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(
-      stripIndent`
-        if (true) {
-          display('did not BRF');
-        } else {}
-        if (false) {} else {
-          display('BRF');
-        }
-      `,
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "\\"did not BRF\\"",
-                "\\"BRF\\"",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('BRF works, no else', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(
-      stripIndent`
-        if (true) {
-          display('did not BRF');
-        }
-      `,
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "\\"did not BRF\\"",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('BRF works, no else 2', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(
-      stripIndent`
-        if (false) {
-          display("should not show");
-        }
-        display("should show");
-      `,
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "\\"should show\\"",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('while loops works', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(
-      stripIndent`
-        let x = 0;
-        const y = 'before NEWENV';
-        display(y);
-        while (x < 1) {
-          const y = 'after NEWENV';
-          display(y);
-          x = x + 1;
-          display('before BR');
-        }
-        display('after POPENV');
-        display('after BR');
-      `,
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "\\"before NEWENV\\"",
-                "\\"after NEWENV\\"",
-                "\\"before BR\\"",
-                "\\"after POPENV\\"",
-                "\\"after BR\\"",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-describe('primitive opcodes', () => {
-  describe('self-implemented', () => {
-    test('DISPLAY works for circular references', () => {
-      return expectDisplayResult(
-        stripIndent`
-          const p = pair(1,2);
-          const q = pair(3,4);
-          set_head(q,p);
-          set_tail(p,q);
-          display(p);
-        `,
-        { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-      ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-                Array [
-                  "[1, [...<circular>, 4]]",
-                ]
-              `)
-    })
-    test('DISPLAY throws error if no arguments', () => {
-      return expectParsedError(
-        stripIndent`
-          display();
-        `,
-        {
-          chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-          variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-        }
-      ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Error: \\"Expected 1 or more arguments, but got 0.\\""`)
-    })
-    test('ARRAY_LEN works', () => {
-      return expectDisplayResult(
-        stripIndent`
-          const arr = [];
-          const arr1 = [1,2,3];
-          const p = pair(1,2);
-          display(array_length(arr));
-          display(array_length(arr1));
-          arr[100] = 100;
-          display(array_length(arr));
-          display(array_length(p));
-        `,
-        { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-      ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-                Array [
-                  "0",
-                  "3",
-                  "101",
-                  "2",
-                ]
-              `)
-    })
-    test('ARRAY_LEN fails for ill-typed argument', () => {
-      return expectParsedError('array_length(1);', {
-        chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-        variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-      }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
-        `"Error: execution aborted: Expected array, got number for array_length."`
-      )
-    })
-    test('DRAW_DATA works', () => {
-      return expectVisualiseListResult(
-        stripIndent`
-          draw_data(pair(true, [1]));
-          draw_data(null, list(undefined, 2), "3");
-        `,
-        {
-          chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-          variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-        }
-      ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-                Array [
-                  Array [
-                    Array [
-                      true,
-                      Array [
-                        1,
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                  ],
-                  Array [
-                    null,
-                    Array [
-                      undefined,
-                      Array [
-                        2,
-                        null,
-                      ],
-                    ],
-                    "3",
-                  ],
-                ]
-              `)
-    })
-    test('DRAW_DATA returns correct values', () => {
-      return expectDisplayResult(
-        stripIndent`
-          display(draw_data(pair(true, [1])));
-          display(draw_data(null, list(undefined, 2), "3"));
-        `,
-        {
-          chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-          variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-        }
-      ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-                Array [
-                  "[true, [1]]",
-                  "null",
-                ]
-              `)
-    })
-    test('DRAW_DATA throws error if no arguments', () => {
-      return expectParsedError(
-        stripIndent`
-          draw_data();
-        `,
-        {
-          chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-          variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-        }
-      ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Error: \\"Expected 1 or more arguments, but got 0.\\""`)
-    })
-    test('ERROR works', () => {
-      return expectParsedError('error(123);', {
-        chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-        variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-      }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Error: 123"`)
-    })
-    test('IS_ARRAY works', () => {
-      return expectDisplayResult(
-        stripIndent`
-          display(is_array([1,2]));
-          display(is_array(1));
-        `,
-        {
-          chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-          variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-        }
-      ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-                Array [
-                  "true",
-                  "false",
-                ]
-              `)
-    })
-    test('IS_BOOL works', () => {
-      return expectDisplayResult(
-        stripIndent`
-          display(is_boolean(true));
-          display(is_boolean(1));
-        `,
-        {
-          chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-          variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-        }
-      ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-                Array [
-                  "true",
-                  "false",
-                ]
-              `)
-    })
-    test('IS_FUNC works', () => {
-      return expectDisplayResult(
-        stripIndent`
-          display(is_function(() => {}));
-          display(is_function(1));
-        `,
-        { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-      ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-                Array [
-                  "true",
-                  "false",
-                ]
-              `)
-    })
-    test('IS_NULL works', () => {
-      return expectDisplayResult(
-        stripIndent`
-          display(is_null(null));
-          display(is_null(1));
-        `,
-        { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-      ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-                Array [
-                  "true",
-                  "false",
-                ]
-              `)
-    })
-    test('IS_NUMBER works', () => {
-      return expectDisplayResult(
-        stripIndent`
-          display(is_number(1));
-          display(is_number(false));
-        `,
-        { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-      ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-                Array [
-                  "true",
-                  "false",
-                ]
-              `)
-    })
-    test('IS_STRING works', () => {
-      return expectDisplayResult(
-        stripIndent`
-          display(is_string("string"));
-          display(is_string(1));
-        `,
-        { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-      ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-                Array [
-                  "true",
-                  "false",
-                ]
-              `)
-    })
-    test('IS_UNDEFINED works', () => {
-      return expectDisplayResult(
-        stripIndent`
-          display(is_undefined(undefined));
-          display(is_undefined(1));
-        `,
-        { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-      ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-                Array [
-                  "true",
-                  "false",
-                ]
-              `)
-    })
-    // variadic test as well
-    test('MATH_HYPOT works', () => {
-      return expectDisplayResult(
-        stripIndent`
-          display(math_hypot(3,4));
-        `,
-        { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-      ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-                Array [
-                  "5",
-                ]
-              `)
-    })
-    test('DISPLAY_LIST works', () => {
-      return expectDisplayResult(
-        stripIndent`
-          display_list(pair(1, null));
-          display_list(pair(1, pair(2, null)), "test");
-        `,
-        { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-      ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-                Array [
-                  "list(1)",
-                  "test list(1, 2)",
-                ]
-              `)
-    })
-    test('CHAR_AT works', () => {
-      return expectDisplayResult(
-        stripIndent`
-          display(char_at("test", 1));
-        `,
-        { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-      ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-                Array [
-                  "\\"e\\"",
-                ]
-              `)
-    })
-    test('ARITY works', () => {
-      return expectDisplayResult(
-        stripIndent`
-          display(arity(math_random));
-          display(arity(accumulate));
-          display(arity(display));
-          display(arity((x, y) => x));
-          function f() {}
-          display(arity(f));
-        `,
-        { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-      ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-                Array [
-                  "0",
-                  "3",
-                  "0",
-                  "2",
-                  "0",
-                ]
-              `)
-    })
-    test('ARITY fails for ill-typed argument', () => {
-      return expectParsedError('arity(1);', {
-        chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-        variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-      }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
-        `"Error: execution aborted: Expected closure, got number for arity."`
-      )
-    })
-    // variadic test
-    test('list works', () => {
-      return expectDisplayResult(
-        stripIndent`
-          display(list(1,2,3,4));
-        `,
-        { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-      ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-                Array [
-                  "[1, [2, [3, [4, null]]]]",
-                ]
-              `)
-    })
-    test('stream_tail fails for ill-typed arguments', () => {
-      return expectParsedError(
-        stripIndent`
-        stream_tail(1);
-      `,
-        { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-      ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
-        `"Error: \\"stream_tail(xs) expects a pair as argument xs, but encountered 1\\""`
-      )
-    })
-  })
-  test('nullary handler', () => {
-    return snapshotSuccess('get_time();', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    })
-  })
-  test('unary handler', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(
-      stripIndent`
-          display(math_abs(-1));
-        `,
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "1",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('binary handler', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(
-      stripIndent`
-          display(math_pow(2,3));
-        `,
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "8",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('math constants', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(
-      stripIndent`
-          display(Infinity);
-          display(NaN);
-        `,
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "Infinity",
-                "NaN",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  describe(Variant.CONCURRENT, () => {
-    test('TEST_AND_SET works', () => {
-      return expectDisplayResult(
-        stripIndent`
-          const x = list(false);
-          display(head(x));
-          test_and_set(x);
-          display(head(x));
-        `,
-        { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-      ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-                Array [
-                  "false",
-                  "true",
-                ]
-              `)
-    })
-    test('TEST_AND_SET fails for ill-typed arguments', () => {
-      return expectParsedError(
-        stripIndent`
-        test_and_set(1);
-      `,
-        { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-      ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
-        `"Error: execution aborted: Expected array, got number for test_and_set."`
-      )
-    })
-    test('CLEAR works', () => {
-      return expectDisplayResult(
-        stripIndent`
-          const x = list(true);
-          display(head(x));
-          clear(x);
-          display(head(x));
-        `,
-        { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-      ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-                Array [
-                  "true",
-                  "false",
-                ]
-              `)
-    })
-    test('CLEAR fails for ill-typed arguments', () => {
-      return expectParsedError(
-        stripIndent`
-        clear(1);
-      `,
-        { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-      ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Error: execution aborted: Expected array, got number for clear."`)
-    })
-  })
-describe('standard program execution', () => {
-  test('program always returns all threads terminated', () => {
-    return expectResult('1 + 1;', { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }).toBe(
-      'all threads terminated'
-    )
-  })
-  test('arrow function definitions work', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(
-      stripIndent`
-        const f = x => {
-          display(x);
-          return 1;
-        };
-        const g = x => display(x);
-        f(3);
-        g(true);
-        `,
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "3",
-                "true",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('logical operators work', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult('display(!(true && (false || (true && !false))));', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "false",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('&& operator shortcircuit works', () => {
-    return snapshotSuccess(
-      stripIndent`
-        function f() {
-          f();
-        }
-        false && f();
-      `,
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-    )
-  })
-  test('|| operator shortcircuit works', () => {
-    return snapshotSuccess(
-      stripIndent`
-        function f() {
-          f();
-        }
-        true || f();
-      `,
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-    )
-  })
-  test('list functions work', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(
-      stripIndent`
-        function permutations(xs) {
-          return is_null(xs)
-                 ? list(null)
-                 : accumulate(append,
-                              null,
-                              map(x => map(p => pair(x, p),
-                                           permutations(remove(x,xs))),
-                                  xs));
-      }
-      display(permutations(list(1,2,3)));
-    `,
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "[ [1, [2, [3, null]]],
-              [ [1, [3, [2, null]]],
-              [ [2, [1, [3, null]]],
-              [[2, [3, [1, null]]], [[3, [1, [2, null]]], [[3, [2, [1, null]]], null]]]]]]",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  // taken from Studio 11
-  test('stream functions work', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(
-      stripIndent`
-        function interleave_stream_append(s1,s2) {
-          return is_null(s1)
-                 ? s2
-                 : pair(head(s1), () => interleave_stream_append(s2,
-                                          stream_tail(s1)));
-        }
-        function stream_pairs(s) {
-            return (is_null(s) || is_null(stream_tail(s)))
-                   ? null
-                   : pair(pair(head(s), head(stream_tail(s))),
-                          () => interleave_stream_append(
-                                    stream_map(x => pair(head(s), x),
-                                               stream_tail(stream_tail(s))),
-                                stream_pairs(stream_tail(s))));
-        }
-        const ints = integers_from(1);
-        const s = stream_pairs(ints);
-        display(eval_stream(s, 10));
-        `,
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "[ [1, 2],
-              [ [1, 3],
-              [ [2, 3],
-              [[1, 4], [[2, 4], [[1, 5], [[3, 4], [[1, 6], [[2, 5], [[1, 7], null]]]]]]]]]]",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('program times out', () => {
-    return expectParsedError('while(true) {}', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              "Potential infinite loop detected.
-                  If you are certain your program is correct, press run again without editing your program.
-                    The time limit will be increased from 1 to 10 seconds.
-                    This page may be unresponsive for up to 10 seconds if you do so."
-            `)
-  })
-  test('block scoping works', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(
-      stripIndent`
-        const x = 1;
-        function f(y) {
-          display(-x);
-        }
-        {
-          const x = 2;
-          function f(y) {
-            display(-x);
-          }
-          {
-            const x = 3;
-            if (true) {
-              display(x);
-            } else {
-              error('should not reach here');
-            }
-            display(x);
-            f(1);
-          }
-          display(x);
-        }
-        display(x);
-      `,
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "3",
-                "3",
-                "-2",
-                "2",
-                "1",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('block scoping works, part 2', () => {
-    return expectParsedError(
-      stripIndent`
-        {
-          let i = 5;
-        }
-        display(i);
-      `,
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 4: Name i not declared."`)
-  })
-  test('return in loop throws error', () => {
-    return expectParsedError(
-      stripIndent`
-          function f() {
-            while(true) {
-              return 1;
-            }
-          }
-          f();
-        `,
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Error: return not allowed in loops"`)
-  })
-  test('continue and break works', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(
-      stripIndent`
-        while(true) {
-          break;
-          display(1);
-        }
-        let i = 0;
-        for (i; i < 2; i = i + 1) {
-          if (i === 1) {
-            continue;
-          } else {
-            display(i);
-          }
-        }
-      `,
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "0",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('const assignment throws error', () => {
-    return expectParsedError(
-      stripIndent`
-        const x = 1;
-        x = 2;
-      `,
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Line 2: Cannot assign new value to constant x."`)
-  })
-  test('treat primitive functions as first-class', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(
-      stripIndent`
-        const x = list;
-        display(x(1,2));
-      `,
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "[1, [2, null]]",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('treat internal functions as first-class', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(
-      stripIndent`
-        const x = test_and_set;
-        const xs = list(false);
-        display(x(xs));
-      `,
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "false",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('wrong number of arguments for internal functions throws error', () => {
-    return expectParsedError(
-      stripIndent`
-        const x = list(false);
-        test_and_set(x, 1);
-      `,
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Error: execution aborted: Expected 1 arguments, but got 2."`)
-  })
-  test('wrong number of arguments for normal functions throws error', () => {
-    return expectParsedError('((x, y) => 1)(1);', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Error: execution aborted: Expected 2 arguments, but got 1."`)
-  })
-  test('wrong number of arguments for primitive functions throws error', () => {
-    return expectParsedError('math_sin(1,2);', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Error: execution aborted: Expected 1 arguments, but got 2."`)
-  })
-  test('call non function value throws error', () => {
-    return expectParsedError('let x = 0; x(1,2);', {
-      chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-      variant: Variant.CONCURRENT
-    }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Error: execution aborted: calling non-function value 0."`)
-  })
-  test('tail call for internal functions work', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(
-      stripIndent`
-        function f() {
-          return test_and_set(list(true));
-        }
-        display(f());
-      `,
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "true",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('closures declared in for loops work', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(
-      stripIndent`
-        let f = null;
-        f = () => { display(-1); };
-        for(let i = 0; i < 5; i = i + 1) {
-          if (i === 3) {
-            f = () => { display(i); };
-          } else {}
-        }
-        f();
-      `,
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "3",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('nested for loops work', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(
-      stripIndent`
-        for (let i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1) {
-          for (let j = 0; j < 10; j = j + 1) {}
-          display(i);
-        }
-      `,
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "0",
-                "1",
-                "2",
-                "3",
-                "4",
-                "5",
-                "6",
-                "7",
-                "8",
-                "9",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('nested for loops with same identifier work', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(
-      stripIndent`
-        for (let i = 0; i < 3; i = i + 1) {
-          for (let i = 0; i < 3; i = i + 1) {
-            display(i, "inner");
-          }
-          display(i, "outer");
-        }
-      `,
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "inner 0",
-                "inner 1",
-                "inner 2",
-                "outer 0",
-                "inner 0",
-                "inner 1",
-                "inner 2",
-                "outer 1",
-                "inner 0",
-                "inner 1",
-                "inner 2",
-                "outer 2",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-  test('continue in while loops works', () => {
-    return expectDisplayResult(
-      stripIndent`
-        let x = false;
-        while (true) {
-          if (x) {
-            break;
-          } else {
-            x = true;
-          }
-          continue;
-        }
-        display(0);
-      `,
-      { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }
-    ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
-              Array [
-                "0",
-              ]
-            `)
-  })
-// fails with a large enough TO
-test('concurrent program execution interleaves', () => {
-  const code = stripIndent`
-    const t1 = () => {
-      for(let i = 0; i < 50; i = i + 1) {
-        display('t1');
-      }
-    };
-    const t2 = () => {
-      for(let i = 0; i < 50; i = i + 1) {
-        display('t2');
-      }
-    };
-    concurrent_execute(t1, t2);
-    for(let i = 0; i < 50; i = i + 1) {
-      display('main');
-    }
-  `
-  return getDisplayResult(code, { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT }).then(
-    displayResult => {
-      // check for interleaving displays of main, t1 and t2
-      // done by looking for 't1' and 't2' somewhere between two 'main' displays
-      let firstMain = -1
-      let foundT1 = false
-      let foundT2 = false
-      for (let i = 0; i < displayResult.length; i++) {
-        const currentResult = displayResult[i]
-        switch (currentResult) {
-          case '"main"': {
-            if (firstMain === -1) {
-              firstMain = i
-              continue
-            }
-            if (foundT1 && foundT2) {
-              return
-            }
-            continue
-          }
-          case '"t1"': {
-            if (firstMain === -1) {
-              continue
-            }
-            foundT1 = true
-            continue
-          }
-          case '"t2"': {
-            if (firstMain === -1) {
-              continue
-            }
-            foundT2 = true
-            continue
-          }
-          default: {
-            fail('Did not expect "' + currentResult + '" in output')
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      fail('Did not interleave')
-    }
-  )
-// Still fails when TO is so large that this program takes more than a second to run
-test('concurrent program execution interleaves (busy wait)', () => {
-  const code = stripIndent`
-    let state = 0;
-    const t1 = () => {
-      while (state < 10) {
-        if (state % 3 === 0) {
-          state = state + 1;
-        } else {}
-        display('t1');
-      }
-    };
-    const t2 = () => {
-      while (state < 10) {
-        if (state % 3 === 1) {
-          state = state + 1;
-        } else {}
-        display('t2');
-      }
-    };
-    concurrent_execute(t1, t2);
-    while (state < 10) {
-      if (state % 3 === 2) {
-        state = state + 1;
-      } else {}
-      display('main');
-    }
-  `
-  return getDisplayResult(code, { chapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3, variant: Variant.CONCURRENT })
diff --git a/src/vm/svmc.ts b/src/vm/svmc.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fe160ce1..000000000
--- a/src/vm/svmc.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-import * as fs from 'fs'
-import * as util from 'util'
-import { createEmptyContext } from '../createContext'
-import { parse } from '../parser/parser'
-import { INTERNAL_FUNCTIONS as concurrentInternalFunctions } from '../stdlib/vm.prelude'
-import { Chapter, Variant } from '../types'
-import { assemble } from './svml-assembler'
-import { compileToIns } from './svml-compiler'
-import { stringifyProgram } from './util'
-interface CliOptions {
-  compileTo: 'debug' | 'json' | 'binary' | 'ast'
-  sourceChapter: Chapter.SOURCE_1 | Chapter.SOURCE_2 | Chapter.SOURCE_3
-  sourceVariant: Variant.DEFAULT | Variant.CONCURRENT // does not support other variants
-  inputFilename: string
-  outputFilename: string | null
-  vmInternalFunctions: string[] | null
-const readFileAsync = util.promisify(fs.readFile)
-const writeFileAsync = util.promisify(fs.writeFile)
-// This is a console program. We're going to print.
-/* tslint:disable:no-console */
-function parseOptions(): CliOptions | null {
-  const ret: CliOptions = {
-    compileTo: 'binary',
-    sourceChapter: Chapter.SOURCE_3,
-    sourceVariant: Variant.DEFAULT,
-    inputFilename: '',
-    outputFilename: null,
-    vmInternalFunctions: null
-  }
-  let endOfOptions = false
-  let error = false
-  const args = process.argv.slice(2)
-  while (args.length > 0) {
-    let option = args[0]
-    let argument = args[1]
-    let argShiftNumber = 2
-    if (!endOfOptions && option.startsWith('--') && option.includes('=')) {
-      ;[option, argument] = option.split('=')
-      argShiftNumber = 1
-    }
-    if (!endOfOptions && option.startsWith('-')) {
-      switch (option) {
-        case '--compile-to':
-        case '-t':
-          switch (argument) {
-            case 'debug':
-            case 'json':
-            case 'binary':
-            case 'ast':
-              ret.compileTo = argument
-              break
-            default:
-              console.error('Invalid argument to --compile-to: %s', argument)
-              error = true
-              break
-          }
-          args.splice(0, argShiftNumber)
-          break
-        case '--chapter':
-        case '-c':
-          const argInt = parseInt(argument, 10)
-          if (argInt === 1 || argInt === 2 || argInt === 3) {
-            ret.sourceChapter = argInt
-          } else {
-            console.error('Invalid Source chapter: %d', argInt)
-            error = true
-          }
-          args.splice(0, argShiftNumber)
-          break
-        case '--variant':
-        case '-v':
-          switch (argument) {
-            case Variant.DEFAULT:
-            case Variant.CONCURRENT:
-              ret.sourceVariant = argument
-              break
-            default:
-              console.error('Invalid/Unsupported Source Variant: %s', argument)
-              error = true
-              break
-          }
-          args.splice(0, argShiftNumber)
-          break
-        case '--out':
-        case '-o':
-          ret.outputFilename = argument
-          args.splice(0, argShiftNumber)
-          break
-        case '--internals':
-        case '-i':
-          ret.vmInternalFunctions = JSON.parse(argument)
-          args.splice(0, argShiftNumber)
-          break
-        case '--':
-          endOfOptions = true
-          args.shift()
-          break
-        default:
-          console.error('Unknown option %s', option)
-          args.shift()
-          error = true
-          break
-      }
-    } else {
-      if (ret.inputFilename === '') {
-        ret.inputFilename = args[0]
-      } else {
-        console.error('Excess non-option argument: %s', args[0])
-        error = true
-      }
-      args.shift()
-    }
-  }
-  if (ret.inputFilename === '') {
-    console.error('No input file specified')
-    error = true
-  }
-  return error ? null : ret
-async function main() {
-  const options = parseOptions()
-  if (options == null) {
-    console.error(`Usage: svmc [options...] <input file>
--t, --compile-to <option>: [binary]
-  json: Compile only, but don't assemble.
-  binary: Compile and assemble.
-  debug: Compile and pretty-print the compiler output. For debugging the compiler.
-  ast: Parse and pretty-print the AST. For debugging the parser.
--c, --chapter <chapter>: [3]
-  1, 2, 3. Sets the Source chapter.
--v, --variant <variant>: [default]
-  default: Normal Source
-  concurrent: Concurrent Source (Assumes and overwrites chosen chapter with 3)
--o, --out <filename>: [see below]
-  Sets the output filename.
-  Defaults to the input filename, minus any '.js' extension, plus '.svm'.
--i, --internals <JSON array of internal names>: ["[]"]
-  Sets the list of VM-internal functions. The argument should be a JSON array of
-  strings containing the names of the VM-internal functions.
-  Signifies the end of arguments, in case your input filename starts with -.`)
-    process.exitCode = 1
-    return
-  }
-  const source = await readFileAsync(options.inputFilename, 'utf8')
-  const context = createEmptyContext(options.sourceChapter, options.sourceVariant, [], null)
-  const program = parse(source, context)
-  let numWarnings = 0
-  let numErrors = 0
-  for (const error of context.errors) {
-    console.error(
-      '[%s] (%d:%d) %s',
-      error.severity,
-      error.location.start.line,
-      error.location.start.column,
-      error.explain()
-    )
-    switch (error.severity) {
-      case 'Warning':
-        ++numWarnings
-        break
-      case 'Error':
-        ++numErrors
-        break
-    }
-  }
-  if (numWarnings > 0 || numErrors > 0) {
-    console.error('%d warning(s) and %d error(s) produced.', numWarnings, numErrors)
-  }
-  if (program === null) {
-    process.exitCode = 1
-    return
-  }
-  if (options.compileTo === 'ast') {
-    console.log(JSON.stringify(program, undefined, 2))
-    return
-  }
-  if (options.sourceVariant === Variant.CONCURRENT && options.vmInternalFunctions) {
-    console.warn('Warning: ignoring internal functions specified on command line for concurrent VM')
-  }
-  const vmInternalFunctions =
-    options.sourceVariant === Variant.CONCURRENT
-      ? concurrentInternalFunctions.map(([name]) => name)
-      : options.vmInternalFunctions || []
-  // the current compiler does not differentiate between chapters 1, 2 or 3
-  const compiled = compileToIns(program, undefined, vmInternalFunctions)
-  if (options.compileTo === 'debug') {
-    console.log(stringifyProgram(compiled).trimRight())
-    return
-  } else if (options.compileTo === 'json') {
-    console.log(JSON.stringify(compiled))
-    return
-  }
-  const binary = assemble(compiled)
-  switch (options.outputFilename) {
-    case '-':
-      process.stdout.write(binary)
-      break
-    case null:
-      options.outputFilename = options.inputFilename.replace(/\.js$/i, '') + '.svm'
-    default:
-      return writeFileAsync(options.outputFilename, binary)
-  }
-main().catch(err => {
-  console.error(err)
diff --git a/src/vm/svml-machine.ts b/src/vm/svml-machine.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index f5e5ce7d0..000000000
--- a/src/vm/svml-machine.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1872 +0,0 @@
-import { JSSLANG_PROPERTIES } from '../constants'
-import { PotentialInfiniteLoopError } from '../errors/timeoutErrors'
-import {
-} from '../stdlib/vm.prelude'
-import { Context } from '../types'
-import { locationDummyNode } from '../utils/ast/astCreator'
-import { stringify } from '../utils/stringify'
-import OpCodes from './opcodes'
-import { Address, Instruction, Program, SVMFunction } from './svml-compiler'
-import { RoundRobinScheduler, Scheduler, ThreadId } from './svml-scheduler'
-import { getName } from './util'
-const LDCF32_VALUE_OFFSET = 1
-const LDCF64_VALUE_OFFSET = 1
-const BR_OFFSET = 1
-const LD_ST_ENV_OFFSET = 2
-const CALLP_ID_OFFSET = 1
-const CALLV_ID_OFFSET = 1
-const NEWCP_ID_OFFSET = 1
-const NEWCV_ID_OFFSET = 1
-// "registers" are the global variables of our machine.
-// These contain primitive values (numbers or boolean
-// values) or arrays of primitive values
-// PROG contains the entire SVML JSON formatted program
-let PROG: Program
-// FUNC contains the function array, for easier access
-let FUNC: SVMFunction[]
-// INTERNAL is the function array for internal functions
-const INTERNAL: [string, OpCodes, number, boolean][] = INTERNAL_FUNCTIONS
-// GLOBAL_ENV is the env that contains all the primitive functions
-let GLOBAL_ENV = -1
-// HEAP is array containing all dynamically allocated data structures
-let HEAP: any[] = []
-// next free slot in heap
-let FREE = 0
-// temporary value, used by PUSH and POP; initially a dummy value
-let RES = -Infinity
-// P contains the instructions to be executed in the current function call
-let P: Instruction[]
-// PC is program counter: index of the next instruction in P
-let PC = 0
-// ENV is address of current environment in HEAP; initially a dummy value
-let ENV = -1
-// OS is address of current operand stack in HEAP; initially a dummy value
-let OS = -Infinity
-// RTS contains the call stack
-let RTS: any[] = []
-// top index of RTS stack
-let TOP_RTS = -1
- * when executing concurrent code
- */
-// TO is timeout counter: how many instructions are left for a thread to run
-let TO = 0
-// some general-purpose registers
-let A: any = 0
-let B: any = 0
-let C: any = 0
-let D: any = 0
-let E: any = 0
-let F: any = 0
-let G: any = 0
-let H: any = 0
-let I: any = 0
-let J: any = 0
-let K: any = 0
-function show_executing(s: string) {
-  let str = ''
-  str += '--- RUN ---' + s + '\n'
-  str += 'PC :' + PC + '\n'
-  str += 'instr:' + getName(P[PC][INS_OPCODE_OFFSET])
-  return str
-// for debugging: show all registers
-export function show_registers(s: string, isShowExecuting = true) {
-  let str = ''
-  if (isShowExecuting) {
-    str = show_executing(s) + '\n'
-  }
-  str += '--- REGISTERS ---' + s + '\n'
-  str += 'RES:' + RES + '\n'
-  str += 'A  :' + A + '\n'
-  str += 'B  :' + B + '\n'
-  str += 'C  :' + C + '\n'
-  str += 'D  :' + D + '\n'
-  str += 'E  :' + E + '\n'
-  str += 'F  :' + F + '\n'
-  str += 'G  :' + G + '\n'
-  str += 'H  :' + H + '\n'
-  str += 'I  :' + I + '\n'
-  str += 'OS :' + OS + '\n'
-  str += 'ENV:' + ENV + '\n'
-  str += 'RTS:' + RTS + '\n'
-  str += 'TOP_RTS:' + TOP_RTS + '\n'
-  str += 'TO:' + TO + '\n'
-  str += 'scheduler_state:' + scheduler_state_string() + '\n'
-  return str
-// register that says if machine is running
-let RUNNING = true
-const NORMAL = 0
-const DIV_ERROR = 1
-const TYPE_ERROR = 2
-const NUM_ARGS_ERROR = 3
-let ERROR_MSG_ARGS: any[] = []
-// general node layout
-const TAG_SLOT = 0
-const SIZE_SLOT = 1
-const LAST_CHILD_SLOT = 3
-// NEW expects tag in A and size in B
-function NEW() {
-  FREE = FREE + B
-// boxed nodes
-// number nodes layout
-// 0: tag  = -100
-// 1: size = 5
-// 2: offset of first child from the tag: 6 (no children)
-// 3: offset of last child from the tag: 5 (must be less than first)
-// 4: value
-const NUMBER_TAG = -100
-const NUMBER_SIZE = 5
-// changes A, B, C, expects number in A
-function NEW_NUMBER() {
-  C = A
-  NEW()
-  HEAP[RES + LAST_CHILD_SLOT] = 5 // no children
-// bool nodes layout
-// 0: tag  = -101
-// 1: size = 5
-// 2: offset of first child from the tag: 6 (no children)
-// 3: offset of last child from the tag: 5 (must be less than first)
-// 4: value
-const BOOL_TAG = -101
-const BOOL_SIZE = 5
-const BOOL_VALUE_SLOT = 4
-// changes A, B, C, expects boolean value in A
-function NEW_BOOL() {
-  C = A
-  NEW()
-  HEAP[RES + LAST_CHILD_SLOT] = 5 // no children
-// string nodes layout
-// 0: tag  = -107
-// 1: size = 5
-// 2: offset of first child from the tag: 6 (no children)
-// 3: offset of last child from the tag: 5 (must be less than first)
-// 4: value
-const STRING_TAG = -107
-const STRING_SIZE = 5
-// changes A, B, C, expects string literal in A
-function NEW_STRING() {
-  C = A
-  NEW()
-  HEAP[RES + LAST_CHILD_SLOT] = 5 // no children
-// array nodes layout
-// 0: tag  = -108
-// 1: size = 5
-// 2: offset of first child from the tag: 6 (no children)
-// 3: offset of last child from the tag: 5 (must be less than first)
-// 4: value (JS array, each element is the address of the element's node in the heap)
-// 5: current size of array (largest index assigned)
-const ARRAY_TAG = -108
-const ARRAY_SIZE = 6
-const ARRAY_SIZE_SLOT = 5
-// changes A, B
-function NEW_ARRAY() {
-  NEW()
-  HEAP[RES + LAST_CHILD_SLOT] = 5 // no children
-// undefined nodes layout
-// 0: tag  = -106
-// 1: size = 4
-// 2: offset of first child from the tag: 5 (no children)
-// 3: offset of last child from the tag: 4 (must be less than first)
-const UNDEFINED_TAG = -106
-function NEW_UNDEFINED() {
-  NEW()
-  HEAP[RES + LAST_CHILD_SLOT] = 4 // no children
-// null nodes layout
-// 0: tag  = -109
-// 1: size = 4
-// 2: offset of first child from the tag: 5 (no children)
-// 3: offset of last child from the tag: 4 (must be less than first)
-const NULL_TAG = -109
-const NULL_SIZE = 4
-// changes A, B.
-function NEW_NULL() {
-  NEW()
-  HEAP[RES + LAST_CHILD_SLOT] = 4 // no children
-// operandstack nodes layout
-// 0: tag  = -105
-// 1: size = maximal number of entries + 4
-// 2: first child slot = 4
-// 3: last child slot = current top of stack; initially 3 (empty stack)
-// 4: first entry
-// 5: second entry
-// ...
-const OS_TAG = -105
-// changes A, B, C, expects max size in A
-function NEW_OS() {
-  C = A
-  A = OS_TAG
-  B = C + 4
-  NEW()
-  // operand stack initially empty
-// PUSH and POP are convenient subroutines that operate on
-// the operand stack OS
-// PUSH expects its argument in A
-// changes B
-function PUSH_OS() {
-  B = HEAP[OS + LAST_CHILD_SLOT] // address of current top of OS
-  B = B + 1
-  HEAP[OS + LAST_CHILD_SLOT] = B // update address of current top of OS
-  HEAP[OS + B] = A
-// POP puts the top-most value into RES
-// changes B
-function POP_OS() {
-  B = HEAP[OS + LAST_CHILD_SLOT] // address of current top of OS
-  HEAP[OS + LAST_CHILD_SLOT] = B - 1 // update address of current top of OS
-  RES = HEAP[OS + B]
-// closure nodes layout
-// 0: tag  = -103
-// 1: size = 7
-// 2: offset of first child from the tag: 6 (only environment)
-// 3: offset of last child from the tag: 6
-// 4: type of function (normal, primitive, internal)
-// 5: index = index of function in program function array
-// 6: environment
-const CLOSURE_TAG = -103
-const CLOSURE_SIZE = 7
-// not necessary right now due to the way primitives are handled
-// changes A, B, E, F
-// expects index of function in FUNC / INTERNAL in A
-// expects type of function in B
-export function NEW_FUNCTION() {
-  E = A
-  F = B
-  NEW()
-// stackframe nodes layout
-// 0: tag  = -104
-// 1: size = 7
-// 2: offset of first child from the tag: 5 (environment)
-// 3: offset of last child from the tag: 6 (operand stack)
-// 4: program counter = return address
-// 5: environment
-// 6: operand stack
-// 7: current function code array
-const RTS_FRAME_TAG = -104
-const RTS_FRAME_SIZE = 8
-const RTS_FRAME_PC_SLOT = 4
-const RTS_FRAME_OS_SLOT = 6
-// changes A, B, expects current PC, ENV, OS, P, TOP_RTS in their registers
-function NEW_RTS_FRAME() {
-  NEW()
-  HEAP[RES + RTS_FRAME_PC_SLOT] = PC + 1 // next instruction!
-// expects stack frame in A
-function PUSH_RTS() {
-  TOP_RTS = TOP_RTS + 1
-// places stack frame into RES
-function POP_RTS() {
-  TOP_RTS = TOP_RTS - 1
-// environment nodes layout
-// 0: tag  = -102
-// 1: size = number of entries + 5
-// 2: first child = 5
-// 3: last child
-// 4: previous env
-// 5: first entry
-// 6: second entry
-// ...
-const ENV_TAG = -102
-// Indicates previous environment
-const NIL = -1
-// expects number of env entries in A, previous env in B
-// changes A, B, C
-function NEW_ENVIRONMENT() {
-  C = A
-  D = B
-  A = ENV_TAG
-  B = C + 5
-  NEW()
-// expect operands to check equality for in C and D
-// return result as boolean literal in A
-function CHECK_EQUAL() {
-  A = C === D // same reference (for arrays and normal functions)
-  B = HEAP[C + TAG_SLOT] === HEAP[D + TAG_SLOT] // check same type
-  A = A || (B && E) // check undefined
-  A = A || (B && E) // check null
-  E = HEAP[C + TAG_SLOT] === CLOSURE_TAG // check functions
-  if (B && E) {
-    // if internal, compare index
-    A = A || E
-  }
-  E = E || HEAP[C + TAG_SLOT] === BOOL_TAG
-  E = E && B // check same type and has boxed value
-  E = E && C === D
-  A = A || E
-const NORMAL_CALL = 0
-const TAIL_CALL = 1
-const INTERNAL_CALL = 4
-// expect number of arguments in G, closure (index for internal) in F,
-// type of call in J
-// currently only checks number of arguments for variadic functions
-// uses A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K
-function FUNCTION_CALL() {
-  if (
-    J === INTERNAL_CALL ||
-    ((J === NORMAL_CALL || J === TAIL_CALL) &&
-  ) {
-    if (J === NORMAL_CALL || J === TAIL_CALL) {
-    }
-  } else {
-    // prep for new environment
-    // A is now env to be extended
-    H = FUNC[H]
-    // H is now the function header of the function to call
-    // A is now the environment extension count
-    NEW_ENVIRONMENT() // after this, RES is new env
-    E = RES
-    // for varargs (-1), put all elements into an array. hacky implementation
-    if (I === VARARGS_NUM_ARGS) {
-      NEW_ARRAY()
-      I = RES
-      for (C = G - 1; C >= 0; C = C - 1) {
-        POP_OS()
-      }
-      HEAP[I + ARRAY_SIZE_SLOT] = G // manually update array length
-      HEAP[D] = I
-    } else if (I === G) {
-      D = E + HEAP[E + FIRST_CHILD_SLOT] + G - 1
-      // D is now address where last argument goes in new env
-      for (C = D; C > D - G; C = C - 1) {
-        POP_OS() // now RES has the address of the next arg
-        HEAP[C] = RES // copy argument into new env
-      }
-    } else {
-      ERROR_MSG_ARGS[0] = I
-      ERROR_MSG_ARGS[1] = G
-      RUNNING = false
-    }
-    if (J === NORMAL_CALL || J === TAIL_CALL) {
-      POP_OS() // closure is on top of OS; pop it as not needed
-    }
-    if (J === NORMAL_CALL || J === PRIMITIVE_CALL) {
-      // normal calls need to push to RTS
-      NEW_RTS_FRAME() // saves PC+1, ENV, OS, P
-      A = RES
-      PUSH_RTS()
-    }
-    PC = 0
-    NEW_OS()
-    OS = RES
-    ENV = E
-  }
-// expects type of call in J, internal function id in F
-// number of arguments in G
-// actually no difference between tail and normal
-  K = F // save the internal function
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[1] = G
-    RUNNING = false
-  } else {
-    M[K[INTERNAL_OPCODE_SLOT]]() // call subroutine directly
-      // pop return value if present
-      POP_OS()
-      D = RES
-    } else {
-      D = RES
-    }
-    if (J === NORMAL_CALL || J === TAIL_CALL) {
-      POP_OS() // pop closure
-    }
-    A = D
-    PUSH_OS() // push return value back
-    PC = PC + 1
-  }
-type Thread = [
-  number, // OS
-  number, // ENV
-  number, // PC
-  Instruction[], // P
-  any[], // RTS
-  number // TOP_RTS
-let scheduler: Scheduler = new RoundRobinScheduler()
-const threads: Map<ThreadId, Thread> = new Map()
-let currentThreadId: ThreadId = -1
-// Initialize the scheduler (do this before running code)
-function INIT_SCHEDULER() {
-  scheduler = new RoundRobinScheduler()
-  threads.clear()
-// Schedule new thread for later execution using the thread state currently in VM
-// You will want to pop another thread, restore thread state, etc.
-// after calling this, as the current thread state should not be running
-function NEW_THREAD() {
-  const newId = scheduler.newThread()
-  threads.set(newId, [OS, ENV, PC, P, RTS, TOP_RTS])
-// Schedule current thread for later execution
-// You will want to pop another thread, restore thread state, etc.
-// after calling this, as the current thread state should not be running
-function PAUSE_THREAD() {
-  // Save state to threads map
-  threads.set(currentThreadId, [OS, ENV, PC, P, RTS, TOP_RTS])
-  // Pause thread in scheduler
-  scheduler.pauseThread(currentThreadId)
-  // Clear state from threads map
-  threads.delete(currentThreadId)
-  // Delete thread from scheduler
-  scheduler.deleteCurrentThread(currentThreadId)
-  currentThreadId = -1
-// Get thread from scheduler and run it
-function RUN_THREAD() {
-  ;[currentThreadId, TO] = scheduler.runThread()!
-  // Load thread state
-  ;[OS, ENV, PC, P, RTS, TOP_RTS] = threads.get(currentThreadId)!
-// Returns the number of threads in the scheduler
-function GET_NUM_IDLE_THREADS() {
-  RES = scheduler.numIdle()
-function scheduler_state_string() {
-  return new Array(scheduler.idleThreads).toString()
-// debugging: show current heap
-function is_node_tag(x: number) {
-  return x !== undefined && x <= -100 && x >= -110
-function node_kind(x: number) {
-  return x === NUMBER_TAG
-    ? 'number'
-    : x === BOOL_TAG
-      ? 'boolean'
-      : x === CLOSURE_TAG
-        ? 'closure'
-        : x === RTS_FRAME_TAG
-          ? 'RTS frame'
-          : x === OS_TAG
-            ? 'OS'
-            : x === ENV_TAG
-              ? 'environment'
-              : x === UNDEFINED_TAG
-                ? 'undefined'
-                : x === NULL_TAG
-                  ? 'null'
-                  : x === STRING_TAG
-                    ? 'string'
-                    : x === ARRAY_TAG
-                      ? 'array'
-                      : ' (unknown node kind)'
-export function show_heap(s: string) {
-  const len = HEAP.length
-  let i = 0
-  let str = ''
-  str += '--- HEAP --- ' + s + '\n'
-  while (i < len) {
-    str +=
-      i +
-      ': ' +
-      HEAP[i] + // TODO is_number(HEAP[i]) &&
-      (is_node_tag(HEAP[i]) ? ' (' + node_kind(HEAP[i]) + ')' : '') +
-      '\n'
-    i = i + 1
-  }
-  return str
-export function show_heap_value(address: number) {
-  return (
-    'result: heap node of type = ' +
-    node_kind(HEAP[address]) +
-    ', value = ' +
-    HEAP[address + NUMBER_VALUE_SLOT]
-  )
-// SVML implementation
-// We implement our machine with an array M that
-// contains subroutines. Each subroutine implements
-// a machine instruction, using a nullary function.
-// The machine can then index into M using the op-codes
-// of the machine instructions. To be implementable on
-// common hardware, the subroutines have the
-// following structure:
-// * they have no parameters
-// * they do not return any results
-// * they do not have local variables
-// * they do not call other functions except the
-//   subroutines PUSH and POP
-// * each line is very simple, for example an array access
-// Ideally, each line can be implemented directly with a
-// machine instruction of a real computer. In that case,
-// the subroutines could become machine language macros,
-// and the compiler could generate real machine code.
-// There are some exceptions due to the need to support
-// primitive functions or certain behavior
-const M: (() => void)[] = []
-M[OpCodes.NOP] = () => {
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.LGCI] = () => {
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.LGCF32] = () => {
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.LGCF64] = () => {
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.LGCB0] = () => {
-  A = false
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.LGCB1] = () => {
-  A = true
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.LGCU] = () => {
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.LGCN] = () => {
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.LGCS] = () => {
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.POPG] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-// type check here as we need to know whether number or string
-M[OpCodes.ADDG] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  I = RES
-  POP_OS()
-  G = RES
-  F = H && D
-  if (F) {
-  }
-  F = H && E
-  if (F) {
-  }
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-  J = D || E
-  J = !(J && H)
-  if (J) {
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[0] = 'string and string or number and number'
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[1] = `${node_kind(HEAP[G + TAG_SLOT])} and ${node_kind(HEAP[I + TAG_SLOT])}`
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[2] = '+'
-    RUNNING = false
-  }
-M[OpCodes.SUBG] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  D = RES
-  POP_OS()
-  E = RES
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-  if (!G) {
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[0] = 'number and number'
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[1] = `${node_kind(HEAP[E + TAG_SLOT])} and ${node_kind(HEAP[D + TAG_SLOT])}`
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[2] = '-'
-    RUNNING = false
-  }
-M[OpCodes.MULG] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  D = RES
-  POP_OS()
-  E = RES
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-  if (!G) {
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[0] = 'number and number'
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[1] = `${node_kind(HEAP[E + TAG_SLOT])} and ${node_kind(HEAP[D + TAG_SLOT])}`
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[2] = '*'
-    RUNNING = false
-  }
-M[OpCodes.DIVG] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  D = RES
-  POP_OS()
-  E = RES
-  F = A
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-  if (!G) {
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[0] = 'number and number'
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[1] = `${node_kind(HEAP[E + TAG_SLOT])} and ${node_kind(HEAP[D + TAG_SLOT])}`
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[2] = '/'
-    RUNNING = false
-  }
-  F = G && F === 0
-  if (F) {
-    RUNNING = false
-  }
-M[OpCodes.MODG] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  D = RES
-  POP_OS()
-  E = RES
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-  if (!G) {
-    RUNNING = false
-  }
-M[OpCodes.NEGG] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  D = RES
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-  if (!G) {
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[0] = 'number'
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[1] = `${node_kind(HEAP[D + TAG_SLOT])}`
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[2] = '-'
-    RUNNING = false
-  }
-M[OpCodes.NOTG] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  D = RES
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-  if (!G) {
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[0] = 'boolean'
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[1] = `${node_kind(HEAP[D + TAG_SLOT])}`
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[2] = '!'
-    RUNNING = false
-  }
-// for comparisons, assume both string or both nums
-M[OpCodes.LTG] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  D = RES
-  POP_OS()
-  E = RES
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-  if (!G) {
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[0] = 'string and string or number and number'
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[1] = `${node_kind(HEAP[E + TAG_SLOT])} and ${node_kind(HEAP[D + TAG_SLOT])}`
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[2] = '<'
-    RUNNING = false
-  }
-M[OpCodes.GTG] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  D = RES
-  POP_OS()
-  E = RES
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-  if (!G) {
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[0] = 'string and string or number and number'
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[1] = `${node_kind(HEAP[E + TAG_SLOT])} and ${node_kind(HEAP[D + TAG_SLOT])}`
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[2] = '>'
-    RUNNING = false
-  }
-M[OpCodes.LEG] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  D = RES
-  POP_OS()
-  E = RES
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-  if (!G) {
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[0] = 'string and string or number and number'
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[1] = `${node_kind(HEAP[E + TAG_SLOT])} and ${node_kind(HEAP[D + TAG_SLOT])}`
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[2] = '<='
-    RUNNING = false
-  }
-M[OpCodes.GEG] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  D = RES
-  POP_OS()
-  E = RES
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-  if (!G) {
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[0] = 'string and string or number and number'
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[1] = `${node_kind(HEAP[E + TAG_SLOT])} and ${node_kind(HEAP[D + TAG_SLOT])}`
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[2] = '>='
-    RUNNING = false
-  }
-// check type here as undefined and null need to be differentiated by nodes
-// unless if we add one more slot to undefined and null
-M[OpCodes.EQG] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  C = RES
-  POP_OS()
-  D = RES
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.NEQG] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  C = RES
-  POP_OS()
-  D = RES
-  A = !A
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.NEWC] = () => {
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.NEWA] = () => {
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.LDLG] = () => {
-  C = ENV
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.STLG] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  C = ENV
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.LDPG] = () => {
-  B = P[PC][LD_ST_ENV_OFFSET] // index of env to lookup
-  C = ENV
-  for (; B > 0; B = B - 1) {
-  }
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.STPG] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  B = P[PC][LD_ST_ENV_OFFSET] // index of env to lookup
-  C = ENV
-  for (; B > 0; B = B - 1) {
-  }
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.LDAG] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  D = RES
-  POP_OS()
-  E = RES
-  if (!G) {
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[0] = 'array'
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[1] = `${node_kind(HEAP[E + TAG_SLOT])}`
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[2] = 'array access'
-    RUNNING = false
-    return
-  }
-  if (A === undefined) {
-    A = RES
-  }
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-  if (!G) {
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[0] = 'number'
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[1] = `${node_kind(HEAP[D + TAG_SLOT])}`
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[2] = 'array index'
-    RUNNING = false
-  }
-M[OpCodes.STAG] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  D = RES
-  POP_OS()
-  E = RES
-  A = HEAP[E + NUMBER_VALUE_SLOT] // index
-  POP_OS()
-  F = RES
-  if (!G) {
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[0] = 'array'
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[1] = `${node_kind(HEAP[F + TAG_SLOT])}`
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[2] = 'array access'
-    RUNNING = false
-    return
-  }
-  // update array size
-  if (D < A + 1) {
-    D = A + 1
-  }
-  PC = PC + 1
-  if (!G) {
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[0] = 'number'
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[1] = `${node_kind(HEAP[E + TAG_SLOT])}`
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[2] = 'array index'
-    RUNNING = false
-  }
-M[OpCodes.BRT] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  if (A) {
-    PC = PC + (P[PC][BR_OFFSET] as number)
-  } else {
-    PC = PC + 1
-  }
-M[OpCodes.BRF] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  if (!A) {
-    PC = PC + (P[PC][BR_OFFSET] as number)
-  } else {
-    PC = PC + 1
-  }
-M[OpCodes.BR] = () => {
-  PC = PC + (P[PC][BR_OFFSET] as number)
-M[OpCodes.CALL] = () => {
-  G = P[PC][CALL_NUM_ARGS_OFFSET] // lets keep number of arguments in G
-  // we peek down OS to get the closure
-  if (E) {
-  } else {
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[0] = convertToJsFormat(F)
-    RUNNING = false
-  }
-M[OpCodes.CALLT] = () => {
-  G = P[PC][CALLT_NUM_ARGS_OFFSET] // lets keep number of arguments in G
-  // we peek down OS to get the closure
-  if (E) {
-    J = TAIL_CALL
-  } else {
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[0] = convertToJsFormat(F)
-    RUNNING = false
-  }
-M[OpCodes.CALLP] = () => {
-  G = P[PC][CALLP_NUM_ARGS_OFFSET] // lets keep number of arguments in G
-  F = P[PC][CALLP_ID_OFFSET] // lets keep primitiveCall Id in F
-  if (E) {
-  } else {
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[0] = convertToJsFormat(F)
-    RUNNING = false
-  }
-M[OpCodes.CALLTP] = () => {
-  G = P[PC][CALLTP_NUM_ARGS_OFFSET] // lets keep number of arguments in G
-  F = P[PC][CALLTP_ID_OFFSET] // lets keep primitiveCall Id in F
-  if (E) {
-  } else {
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[0] = convertToJsFormat(F)
-    RUNNING = false
-  }
-M[OpCodes.CALLV] = () => {
-  if (E) {
-  } else {
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[0] = convertToJsFormat(F)
-    RUNNING = false
-  }
-M[OpCodes.CALLTV] = () => {
-  if (E) {
-  } else {
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[0] = convertToJsFormat(F)
-    RUNNING = false
-  }
-M[OpCodes.RETG] = () => {
-  POP_RTS()
-  H = RES
-  POP_OS()
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-M[OpCodes.DUP] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.NEWENV] = () => {
-  B = ENV
-  A = P[PC][NEWENV_NUM_ARGS_OFFSET] // lets keep number of arguments in A
-  NEW_ENVIRONMENT() // after this, RES is new env
-  ENV = RES
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.POPENV] = () => {
-  ENV = HEAP[ENV + PREVIOUS_ENV_SLOT] // restore to parent env
-  PC = PC + 1
-// for now, we treat all primitive functions as normal functions
-// until we find a way to deal with streams.
-// problem with streams is that they create nullary functions, which
-// will be called using CALL, and are considered normal functions by
-// the compiler and machine
-M[OpCodes.NEWCP] = () => {
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.NEWCV] = () => {
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-// all opcodes from here onwards are custom to this implementation (3 Concurrent)
-M[OpCodes.ARRAY_LEN] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  D = RES
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-  if (!G) {
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[0] = 'array'
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[1] = `${node_kind(HEAP[D + TAG_SLOT])}`
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[2] = 'array_length'
-    RUNNING = false
-  }
-M[OpCodes.DISPLAY] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  C = RES
-  POP_OS()
-  D = RES
-  externalFunctions.get(OpCodes.DISPLAY)(convertToJsFormat(D), convertToJsFormat(C))
-  A = D
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.DRAW_DATA] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  externalFunctions.get(OpCodes.DRAW_DATA)(...convertToJsFormat(RES))
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.ERROR] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  C = RES
-  POP_OS()
-  D = RES
-  externalFunctions.get(OpCodes.ERROR)(convertToJsFormat(D), convertToJsFormat(C))
-  // terminates so don't do anything else
-  // A = D
-  // PUSH_OS()
-  // PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.IS_ARRAY] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.IS_BOOL] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.IS_FUNC] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.IS_NULL] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.IS_NUMBER] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.IS_STRING] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.IS_UNDEFINED] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.MATH_HYPOT] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  A = Math.hypot(...convertToJsFormat(RES))
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.STRINGIFY] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  A = stringify(convertToJsFormat(RES))
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.PROMPT] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  A = externalFunctions.get(OpCodes.PROMPT)(convertToJsFormat(RES))
-  A = RES
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.DISPLAY_LIST] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  C = RES
-  POP_OS()
-  D = RES
-  externalFunctions.get(OpCodes.DISPLAY_LIST)(convertToJsFormat(D), convertToJsFormat(C))
-  A = D
-  PUSH_OS()
-  PC = PC + 1
-M[OpCodes.ARITY] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  D = RES
-  if (G) {
-    H = FUNC[H]
-    if (A === VARARGS_NUM_ARGS) {
-      A = 0
-    }
-    A = RES
-    PUSH_OS()
-    PC = PC + 1
-  } else {
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[0] = 'closure'
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[1] = `${node_kind(HEAP[D + TAG_SLOT])}`
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[2] = 'arity'
-    RUNNING = false
-  }
-// Internal functions. They are called directly in internal function calls
-// All internal functions should not use register J or K, and can find
-// the number of arguments in G. They should also not increment PC.
-// expects num args in G
-M[OpCodes.EXECUTE] = () => {
-  I = G
-  E = OS // we need the values in OS, so store in E first
-  G = [OS, ENV, PC, P, RTS, TOP_RTS] // store current state first
-  // Keep track of registers first to restore present state after saving threads
-  for (; I > 0; I = I - 1) {
-    RTS = []
-    TOP_RTS = -1
-    OS = E
-    POP_OS()
-    H = RES // store closure in H
-    F = FUNC[F] // store function header in F
-    NEW_OS()
-    OS = RES
-    ENV = RES
-    // enqueue to thread queue
-    PC = 0
-  }
-  ;[OS, ENV, PC, P, RTS, TOP_RTS] = G // restore state
-M[OpCodes.TEST_AND_SET] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  D = RES // array
-  if (!E) {
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[0] = 'array'
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[1] = `${node_kind(HEAP[D + TAG_SLOT])}`
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[2] = 'test_and_set'
-    RUNNING = false
-  } else {
-    E = HEAP[D + ARRAY_VALUE_SLOT][0] // get old boolean value
-    A = true
-    NEW_BOOL()
-    A = E
-    PUSH_OS() // push old value to os
-  }
-M[OpCodes.CLEAR] = () => {
-  POP_OS()
-  D = RES // array
-  if (!E) {
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[0] = 'array'
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[1] = `${node_kind(HEAP[D + TAG_SLOT])}`
-    ERROR_MSG_ARGS[2] = 'clear'
-    RUNNING = false
-  } else {
-    A = false
-    NEW_BOOL()
-  }
-// called whenever the machine is first run
-function INITIALIZE() {
-  D = FUNC[PROG[0]] // put function header in D
-  NEW_OS()
-  OS = RES
-  B = NIL
-  ENV = RES
-  PC = 0
-// called during concurrent execution
-function RUN_INSTRUCTION() {
-  if (TOP_RTS > -1 || P[PC][INS_OPCODE_OFFSET] !== OpCodes.RETG) {
-    // execute normally
-    if (M[P[PC][INS_OPCODE_OFFSET]] === undefined) {
-      throw Error('unknown op-code: ' + P[PC][INS_OPCODE_OFFSET])
-    }
-    TO = TO - 1
-  } else {
-    // end of current thread, try to setup another thread
-    if (RES === 0) {
-      // end if no more threads
-      RUNNING = false
-    } else {
-      // setup next thread
-      RUN_THREAD()
-    }
-  }
-function TIMEOUT_THREAD() {
-  // enqueue to thread queue
-function run(): any {
-  const startTime = Date.now()
-  // startup
-  while (RUNNING) {
-    // infinite loop protection
-    if (Date.now() - startTime > MAX_TIME) {
-      throw new PotentialInfiniteLoopError(locationDummyNode(-1, -1, null), MAX_TIME)
-    }
-    if (TO > 0) {
-      // show_registers("run loop");
-      // show_heap("run loop");
-      // show_executing('')
-    } else if (TO === 0) {
-      // when exhausted time quanta
-    } else {
-      throw Error('TO cannot be negative')
-    }
-  }
-  // handle errors
-  if (STATE !== NORMAL) {
-    throw Error('execution aborted: ' + getErrorType())
-  }
-  POP_OS()
-  // show_heap_value(RES)
-  // return convertToJsFormat(RES)
-  // Source 3 Concurrent programs do not return anything.
-  return 'all threads terminated'
-function getErrorType(): string {
-  switch (STATE) {
-    case DIV_ERROR:
-      return 'division by 0'
-    case TYPE_ERROR:
-      // 0: expected types
-      // 1: received types
-      // 2: operator
-      return `Expected ${ERROR_MSG_ARGS[0]}, got ${ERROR_MSG_ARGS[1]} for ${ERROR_MSG_ARGS[2]}.`
-    case NUM_ARGS_ERROR:
-      return `Expected ${ERROR_MSG_ARGS[0]} arguments, but got ${ERROR_MSG_ARGS[1]}.`
-      return `calling non-function value ${ERROR_MSG_ARGS[0]}.`
-    default:
-      throw Error('invalid error type')
-  }
-function convertToJsFormat(node: number, refs?: Map<number, any>): any {
-  if (refs !== undefined && refs.has(node)) {
-    return refs.get(node)
-  }
-  const kind = node_kind(HEAP[node + TAG_SLOT])
-  switch (kind) {
-    case 'undefined':
-      return undefined
-    case 'null':
-      return null
-    case 'number':
-    case 'string':
-    case 'boolean':
-      return HEAP[node + BOXED_VALUE_SLOT]
-    case 'array': {
-      if (refs === undefined) {
-        refs = new Map<number, any>()
-      }
-      const arr: number[] = HEAP[node + BOXED_VALUE_SLOT]
-      const res: any[] = []
-      refs.set(node, res)
-      for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
-        res[i] = convertToJsFormat(arr[i], refs)
-      }
-      return res
-    }
-    case 'closure':
-      return '<Function>'
-    default:
-      throw Error('Encountered unexpressible type: ' + kind)
-  }
-// if program has primitive calls, prelude must be included.
-// this implementation also assumes a correct program, and does not
-// currently check for type correctness
-// an incorrect program will have undefined behaviors
-export function runWithProgram(p: Program, context: Context): any {
-  PROG = p
-  FUNC = PROG[1] // list of SVMFunctions
-  P = []
-  PC = -1
-  HEAP = []
-  FREE = 0
-  ENV = NIL
-  OS = -Infinity
-  RES = -Infinity
-  RTS = []
-  TO = 0
-  TOP_RTS = -1
-  RUNNING = true
-  A = 0
-  B = 0
-  C = 0
-  D = 0
-  E = 0
-  F = 0
-  G = 0
-  H = 0
-  I = 0
-  J = 0
-  K = 0
-  // setup externalBuiltins
-  // certain functions are imported from cadet-frontend
-  // so import them first every time
-  const externals = context.nativeStorage.builtins
-  if (externals.size > 0) {
-    EXTERNAL_PRIMITIVES.forEach(func => extractExternalBuiltin(func, externals))
-  }
-  return run()
-function addPrimitiveOpCodeHandlers() {
-  function addNullaryHandler(opcode: number, f: () => number) {
-    M[opcode] = () => {
-      A = f()
-      NEW_NUMBER()
-      A = RES
-      PUSH_OS()
-      PC = PC + 1
-    }
-  }
-  function addUnaryHandler(opcode: number, f: (x: number) => number) {
-    M[opcode] = () => {
-      POP_OS()
-      A = f(A)
-      NEW_NUMBER()
-      A = RES
-      PUSH_OS()
-      PC = PC + 1
-    }
-  }
-  // string as well due to parseInt. Only works due to current
-  // representation of strings. Must change if the machine changes
-  // to a more authentic representation of strings
-  function addBinaryHandler(opcode: number, f: (x: number | string, y: number) => number) {
-    M[opcode] = () => {
-      POP_OS()
-      POP_OS()
-      A = f(D, C)
-      NEW_NUMBER()
-      A = RES
-      PUSH_OS()
-      PC = PC + 1
-    }
-  }
-  NULLARY_PRIMITIVES.forEach(func => {
-    if (func[2]) addNullaryHandler(func[1], func[2])
-  })
-  UNARY_PRIMITIVES.forEach(func => {
-    if (func[2]) addUnaryHandler(func[1], func[2])
-  })
-    ['', OpCodes.MATH_MAX, Math.max], // only want the handler
-    ['', OpCodes.MATH_MIN, Math.min]
-  ]).forEach(func => {
-    if (func[2]) addBinaryHandler(func[1], func[2])
-  })
-const externalFunctions = new Map<number, any>()
-function extractExternalBuiltin(func: [string, number], externals: Map<string, any>) {
-  const name = func[0]
-  const opcode = func[1]
-  externalFunctions.set(opcode, externals.get(name))
diff --git a/tsconfig.prod.json b/tsconfig.prod.json
index 35361500d..08e1b0b8a 100644
--- a/tsconfig.prod.json
+++ b/tsconfig.prod.json
@@ -14,6 +14,6 @@
-    "src/testing"
+    "src/utils/testing"